Author Topic: DC9 Big Yawn question  (Read 13848 times)


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DC9 Big Yawn question
« on: July 01, 2005, 02:33:00 pm »
I just heard that DC9 does not sell advanced tix.If somebody is coming from 100's of miles  away,is their any chance of getting listed ahead of time in case of a sellout,ie:BJM?Thanks in advance.It would be a real drag to drive all that way and be turned away at the door.If this is indeed the case,and I need to get on the horn and pull a few strings,I'd appreciate the notice.

Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2005, 02:41:00 pm »
I'd be more worried about the band showing up than I would too many people showing, as I've been told like 8 million times, it is taboo to mention Bigyawn on this board. You must email them directly.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2005, 03:04:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  I'd be more worried about the band showing up than I would too many people showing, as I've been told like 8 million times, it is taboo to mention Bigyawn on this board. You must email them directly.
The bands will be there. I can get listed but friends who want to go may not be able to.Taboo means nothing to me.I've went against the grain all my life.That said,I doubt they'll be all that upset.Welcome back Rhett,your lack of help has been sorely missed  ;)


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2005, 05:00:00 pm »
just as a point of reference ... the recent architecture in helsinki show was the most packed i've ever seen DC9, but we were there by 9ish and didnt have a problem getting in ... i could see BJM getting a little more attention, and i'd hope they open up the upstairs earlier than they did for AIH, but if you get there by 7 or 8, you should be fine


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2005, 05:16:00 pm »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  just as a point of reference ... the recent architecture in helsinki show was the most packed i've ever seen DC9, but we were there by 9ish and didnt have a problem getting in ... i could see BJM getting a little more attention, and i'd hope they open up the upstairs earlier than they did for AIH, but if you get there by 7 or 8, you should be fine
That would be cutting it close,being a weekday,but can be done.I am interested in catching the opener though   Should  be a fun and interesting evening.Always enjoy seeing a new(to me) venue for the first time.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 06:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  I'd be more worried about the band showing up than I would too many people showing, as I've been told like 8 million times, it is taboo to mention Bigyawn on this board. You must email them directly.
It's not Taboo Rhett, in fact, we like the publicity. It's you we have sometimes have a problem with.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #6 on: July 01, 2005, 06:53:00 pm »
As for the crowd, I'm working with DC9 to try to make things as easy as possible. I was stuck in the Architecture in Helsinki line myself, and it wasn't cool. So, I can't promise anything. But the reason folks weren't let upstairs earlier was cause of soundcheck. It just went on too long. Once that's done they let folks up. Keep in mind that show had a ton of folks and instruments. This one should be wasier, unless Anton gets pissed off of course. Obviously, DC9 is expecting a big turnout.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #7 on: July 03, 2005, 01:53:00 am »
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  I'd be more worried about the band showing up than I would too many people showing up...
just finished watching 'dig', and jesus, that's a fucked up guy/band
 this is coming from someone who has 3 of their albums, but didn't have a huge understanding of their history ... i'm guessing things were sensationalized for the flick, but i'll be there for the same reason they say people showed up to BJM shows in the movie, to see if he'll self-destruct ... oh, and i guess it doesn't hurt that i like his music, too =)


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2005, 02:43:00 am »
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  I'd be more worried about the band showing up than I would too many people showing up...
just finished watching 'dig', and jesus, that's a fucked up guy/band
 this is coming from someone who has 3 of their albums, but didn't have a huge understanding of their history ... i'm guessing things were sensationalized for the flick, but i'll be there for the same reason they say people showed up to BJM shows in the movie, to see if he'll self-destruct ... oh, and i guess it doesn't hurt that i like his music, too =)
He's already self-destructing...again. If you've read his very latest rantings or interviews, you'd see that he's ready to blow very, very soon (if he hasn't already). Let's just hope that he hurries up and gets it out and straightens up again by the time he makes it to DC.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #9 on: July 03, 2005, 03:11:00 pm »
Here's an interview he did on Friday.Sounds like the same Anton as always...                                                                                                                                                                                               > 1) How has your life changed after "Dig!"? For
 > better or worse?
 the shit has hit the fan in the uk and europe and it
 would seem our original master plan infact
 see,my medium is indeed communication and not rock and
 roll.i never wanted to play guitar as to become a
 bloated hunter
 of blowjobs and free cocain rockstardom.i became what
 i am to
 destroy this twisted world of mind-fucking brian-dead
 regaurdless of the motives of the film makers and
 marketers of this project and the bull-shit-pedestrian
 market angle press releases preporting to hearald the
 dandys achievment and my downfall,we are infact in
 better shape than this point we have had
 upwards of 19,000,000 downloads off of our website's
 mp3 section.we are running a spywhare program that
 captures vital stats including e-mail/isp info and the
 sorce of the link used to visit.
 that is not underground,it is forward thinking.none of
 this has effected our album sales to the negative
 ,but rather has sent a terrifing chill down certain
 homosexual bean counters in the main stream slave
 market...erm..industry.we infact have had our
 revolution and as promissed,we have show how to do.
 "sucker's" ...
 "i use everything....even the enemy"...
 "cannot be defeated,will not be stoped."
 > 2) Everyone ever filmed for a documentary or reality
 > show says the same
 > thing, that all the good and/or positive footage of
 > them was left on the
 > cutting-room floor. Do you feel you were accurately
 > portrayed?
 no,i was ripped off and lied is public
 record.ondi got busted for drugs,i did not.check the
 facts but listen,that's fucking plain wrong and she
 will pay in civil court,and i'm putting you on
 notice,i will infact come after you if you contribute
 to this grave offence aswell.i'm including this whole
 e-mail in a forward to my what thou will
 shall be the whole of the law.
 le't also take a moment to call a spade a spade here:
 the dandys were miss treated and done a major
 dis-service aswell.
 > 3) Looking back on it, did you discover anything new
 > about yourself? Have you
 > worked to change anything, or simply accepted
 > yourself as you are?
 you have no idea who the fuck i am.
 > 4) You do seem to be quite a visionary, maybe just
 > born into the wrong time
 > period. When you would rather have lived? Why?
 i am here now to do my work.i wish someone with
 fucking balls from another time would step up to the
 plate and take control of our government.that's needed
 but let's get real here:i write love songs for a
 living.think about it.
 > 5) You've gotta sit down sometimes and wonder 'Why
 > in holy hell do I DO
 > this?' Ever figure it all out?
 i do this because i applyed for an office of
 possesion.i am doing my work.a vessel.what do you do
 for a living?exccept payola to write about fucking
 movies?give me a break.
 > 6) You also seem to be a rather spiritual guy. What
 > do you believe? And
 > what's your take on death -- are you curious,
 > oblivious or afraid?
 i believe there is no god but god and i am his loyal
 i'm affraid that kind of power is saddly lacking in
 people like you.
 > 7) What books, films have you found most
 > influential? (Art, of course,
 > doesn't simply revolve around music alone.)
 parsival (not a film,but rather a massonic rite by
 wagner) etc,etc,etc.
 > 8) The film talks about you 'sabotaging' the Viper
 > Room showcase. Do you
 > think you did, consciously or subconsciously? Have
 > you got a self-destructive
 > streak that's finally under control?
 no,that's a fucking lie.i don't want to be on some
 stupid fucking product pushing one fucking
 major lable band of my peers that has created and
 released 15 albums.think about it.there's something
 greater at work here.i'm not selling pickup
 windows 2005 or trying to get fucked by super models.
 well,maybe i am going for the sweet-shit.
 i'm not like you.never have been and never will be.
 > 9) When we first met, you said 'Fuck the press,' and
 > I totally understood
 > where you were coming from. Especially now, in the
 > sleazy Fox-news era. Do you
 > understand, maybe even accept, the trappings of the
 > music business more now? I
 > don't think you have to necessarily be 'For sale' in
 > order to utilize such
 > existing machinery to get your music into the hands
 > of potential fans who'll
 > appreciate it.
 > a search in france or england about our major lable involved in the breaking of
 this band.we did this.i am the are a
 wage-slave.we are humble yourself.
 my ideas are infact a temple of god.your paper
 is pablum.the truth is incontrivertable.
 > 10) The drug thing was kinda overaccented, I
 > thought. Because I always
 > believed that drugs were simply a part of an
 > artist's visionquest, or
 > pleasure-seeking 20s. I don't trust anyone who
 > hasn't stared into the abyss, so to speak.
 > What did you see/discover on your look into the
 > abyss?
 your face and life scared the shit out of me
 so i turned to jesus and now teach sunday school to
 prision convicts.
 > 11) Where DID you get that funky furry hat? And your
 > peasant shirts and
 > panchos? You developed your own totally cool style
 > over the years, almost
 > unconsciously.
 i have allways had my own unique sense of style.
 the best looking women in the world give me the best
 for instance...smell this (motions to crotch)
 > 12) Were you ever able to see your son? (I hope so.)
 > And where are you
 > headed, musically speaking, right now?
 yes i see my son and you would do well to remeber you
 have been you watch spiderman and wonder
 how he can do what he does?it's a god damn film.i am
 not a fucking film you cheese-eating-fucking ape.
 it's none of your buisness about my son or my personal
 > Thanks for taking the time to do this. And best
 > wishes -- I think
 > everything's gonna work out for you just fine, and
 > your genius will definitely be
 > appreciated within your own lifetime. A luxury not
 > afforded many artists,
 > historically....
 the pleasure was all mine.
 best wishes,
 anton alfred newcombe
 For more information about the Brian Jonestown
 Massacre or the
 Committee to Keep Music Evil please feel free to visit
 :   -   . or to
 sample our music (free mp3's stupid):


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #10 on: July 03, 2005, 03:59:00 pm »
Barf. What a wanker.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #11 on: July 03, 2005, 04:08:00 pm »
This one is from Saturday (yesterday). The man is clearly ready for another self-inflicted fall on his ass.
 As far as I'm concerned, I'll be happy to see the Quarter After and especially Innaway, whom I've been wanting to see. The Brian Jonestown Massacre will be a bonus...if their part of the show comes off as planned.
 Anton is a man whom I enjoy observing from a healthy distance.
 > Will you ever be comfortable on a record label that
 > isn't your own?
 it's not like that.i will retain the rights of the copyright.i am into a license/lease.i am the land lord.think about.
 > Everyone always talks in the same breath about what
 > a
 > great genius you are but how you can't keep it
 > together (punchups, breakups or whatever) long
 > enough
 > to achieve the mainstream success and(you forgot to add the word "the" you fucking tit.) following your
 > music deserves. Do you think they're missing the
 > point? It seems you are consciously trying to do
 > something with your music that artistically and
 > spiritually transcends that. Is that true?
 the truest things are done in silence.
 > Do you think your window of time in which you were
 > to
 > make your biggest impression has passed?
 i make time.i did it for you,and i am doing it well.i did it for you't you tell?
 > Would you say that the unwritten rules you use to
 > guide your music and life are the ultimate ??indie
 > rock? principles that others only claim to hold
 > themselves and their music to?
 i suggest you read your words and think about a life worth living.
 > Do you feel the flood of inspirations of your youth
 > (four amazing albums in one year, etc..) has faded,
 > leaving you with a certain amount of good material
 > left in you. Or do is the work flowing as creatively
 > into classics as it ever was?
 that was six albums in a twelve moth should get your fucking lazy ass in gear and reserch the facts.
 > Did you record with Charles Manson, or get
 > permission
 > to do a song? If so, what was that like?
 like a fucking rocket.the real question that would have interested me have i done what has been begged to be done?you are a fucking illeterate novice and way out of your field of you understand?
 > Are there a certain number of bands you see as
 > having
 > built on your music inspirational-wise? If so, why
 > has
 > the credit not been given where it is due?
 i don't give a shit about your thoughts or your questions.they walk...while my son does that feel?i mean i am basically saying my three-year-old has a greater grasp on the power and intent of thought.i will get you fired for this.
 > Your website makes a brief case against your
 > approval
 > of the film DIG! Is there anything there that you do
 > look back on as being truthful or important about
 > DIG!, as far as band interaction or outsiders views
 > of
 > your music and persona?
 i don't lie.what do you do?
 > There's an amazing extra on the film's DVD part 2,
 > which was cut from the original film DIG! In it, you
 > are on a NYC rooftop explaining your mission, your
 > music and your nature, and saying some rather
 > poignant
 > and weighty things. Can you recall that
 fuck you.i'll bet i can dig up so much shit on you it will die your skin red as a warning to others to not employ you to pick the fleas of of dogs.come on us what you can do smarty-pants....
 , and if so,
 > is
 > that (..1) still a statement that best describes your
 > outlook and feelings on your music and life
 you are a fucking cunt.what did you ask?indicate precisely what you mean to say...remeber...iforwarded this to your boss and everyone eles i could think dare you waste...fuck dare you through away what little we have.idiot.
 , and
 > (..2)
 > is the cutting of that scene from the film an
 > example
 > of the director's lousing up of the final cut
 > version
 > of the film (as she seems to show you in a shady
 > light
 > in the actual film, cutting out the scenes that show
 > what those years of BJM were truly all about)?
 george bush is not an olympiad.fuck you and your ilk.
 > What are your feelings about the Dandys, as far as
 > the
 > memories you have of the ??good old days? and your
 > relationship with them now? And, what does it mean
 > to
 > you for them to have always seen you as this
 > unparalleled musical genius?
 i am not a are being piad to try(fail) to harass me.fuck you and the horse that drove you ass to myspace.
 > What is the most innovative portion of your music:
 the fact that i create all of suck ass for cash.
 > lyrics, instrumentation, the feel of the cohesion,
 > or
 > something else?
 i could explain the facts of life to you but you....fuck it.
 i have what you do not.fill in the blanks everytime you masterbate.
 > Do you ever miss the original members of the BJM,
 > i.e.
 > nostalgia and all that?
 i am the are a simpelton.i bet you ain't your father's son....
 > What is your driving force now? Still musical
 > revolution, love, what?
 revolution means one cycle.
 > Explain what it's like (if you can) to get into
 > album
 > mode, being the uber-creator that you do when making
 > these great records.
 what i do is secret.thing is,i've just show you the fact that you are out-moded.obsolete.
 good night.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #12 on: July 03, 2005, 04:49:00 pm »
"the truest things are done in silence."
 Too bad he doesn't believe his own bullshit.


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2005, 01:52:00 am »
Another recent one:                                                                                                 1. How do you stay so creative? How do you work
 > yourself into writing?
 > Do you need a stimulus at this point in your career?
 > When/where do you
 > get inspired?
 i don't feel a need to explain the process.i know it
 works.i believe people underestimate just how hard it
 is to be a civic minded individual in these times.i
 take deep pitty on these people,and feel they need
 more than ultimate turnip 3 by sega vission and the
 like as resipite from this fucked up world.i seek to
 inform and to entertain.all of this comes easy to
 me.think of it as a gift.
 > 2. Do you feel like your career's starting anew? The
 > response to the
 > movie had to have done a lot of good. Or was it bad?
 > You initially were
 > very against the movie. When I talked to Ondi, she
 > said that you told
 > her that she fucked it up, that she didn't get the
 > movie done soon
 > enough and that your career was over now.
 > Essentially, you said it was
 > too late. Did you feel that at the time? Have you
 > had a change of heart
 > about the movie?
 i will use that evil bitch and take everything she
 will ever make from this project for lieing about my
 drug use and other things.who the fuck do you think
 you are talking to?i don't have a career.i am an
 artist and have allways been very sir
 can eat my shit aswell.
 > 3. Does it bother you that people tend to consider
 > you, at least
 > slightly, unstable or insane?
 what have people done except wreck this planet?the
 terminater is the govenor of my bush is
 the president of my tell me who is insane
 > 4. When did you first get obsessed by sound? That's
 > what it is, really,
 > isn't it...your obsession with sound? When you
 > listen to other records,
 > do you deconstruct them and think about all the
 > things you'd have done
 > differently?
 what i do is secret.i will remind you about infact wrote me and i not you.when did
 you become obsessed?
 > 5. In the liner notes to Tepid Peppermint
 > Wonderland, you mentioned a
 > long-running love for Simon and Garfunkel. What
 > started that? Who else
 > have you had a strong adoration for?
 i discoverd it through my moms collection.i love the
 beatles,stones,morning after girls,ravonettes,able
 tasmins,high dials,a place to bury
 strangers,dimmer,the chills,primal scream,rick
 > 6. For you, what was the hardest thing about going
 > largely unnoticed by
 > the public when it was younger? Did it feel like
 > that? Maybe I have it
 > wrong. How did you stay motivated to keep making
 > records -- so many
 > records? Are you ever amazed at the sheer number of
 > songs you've
 > written?
 i make my art for me and my lord....that has allways
 been the easy part.
 > 7. How would you like to be remembered?
 as the person that said "george bush jr. is a fucking
 cun't and if america is so fucking great...why can't
 we find one man or woman in a nation of three hundred
 million people to lead us that can speak in a sentance
 with more than three words that actually makes
 > 8. What kind of person are you in private? A lot
 > different from the one
 > people think they know or have seen?
 it's none of your buisness...but,look up the boy scout
 motto and should give you some
 > 9. When are you happiest?
 in my lovers arms/being in service.
 > 10. Have you ever felt like you lost control of your
 > life?
 no.i am free.
 > 11. What's a typical day like for you? Did you
 > really go through a
 > period where you were writing four songs a day for
 > months? How many were
 > trash and how many were keepers? When do you
 > consider a song a bad one?
 what i do is secret.
 > Thanks so much Anton! I look forward to hearing from
 > you. Sean
 anton alfred newcombe


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Re: DC9 Big Yawn question
« Reply #14 on: July 04, 2005, 02:01:00 am »
LOLOL. I just read that one a few minutes ago. Sounds like he's a bit calmer but found his comfort zone up his own ass. Based on one line in there, I bet he got laid. Let's hope he brings her with him on the road!