Author Topic: Libertines at BC  (Read 7022 times)


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Libertines at BC
« on: August 14, 2003, 02:45:00 am »
Anyone else going? I'm crazy excited about this show, but sadly, all of my friends listen to nothing but american shite.  I don't post much, but have been reading this board for months.  As a last ditch effort I figured I'd see if I'd meet some of the Britphiles I know are on this messageboard.

bungle bud

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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2003, 07:38:00 am »
yes a few brits are going, look for a shandy drinker,thats mark.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2003, 09:46:00 am »
Originally posted by bungle bud:
  yes a few brits are going, look for a shandy drinker,thats mark.
If you don't know what shandy is, just listen out for the one with the big yap trying to be funny by heckling.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2003, 10:13:00 am »
Oh thats rich coming from the two of you..........
 I have never seen bungle drink more than one, I think it causes his fur to fall out.
 Mankie has the biggest mouth in the whole of christendom and he thinks he is funny. You oughta go to the Libertines though Mankie.
 I cant think of a good libertines heckle, "which one is Pete" could be interesting..... I have been looking forward to seeing the libertines for ages.
 Oh and if you like the libertines you should like the high strung at the velvet lounge on Monday.........


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2003, 10:23:00 am »
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
 Mankie has the biggest mouth in the whole of christendom and he thinks he is funny. You oughta go to the Libertines though Mankie.
When have you heard me heckle? ...and I am funny..I'm dead funny I am, calm down, calm down now!


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2003, 10:26:00 am »
Originally posted by mankie:
When have you heard me heckle? ...and I am funny..I'm dead funny I am, calm down, calm down now!
    :D  [/QB][/QUOTE]
 Did I say you heckled? You are quite loud though. Normally I can tell you are in a club before seeing you, or even smelling you, poo.
 So will ya come to the libertines?


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #6 on: August 16, 2003, 04:31:00 am »
Anyone up for some authorised stealing?


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #7 on: August 16, 2003, 09:17:00 am »
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
When have you heard me heckle? ...and I am funny..I'm dead funny I am, calm down, calm down now!
     :D   [/b]
Did I say you heckled? You are quite loud though. Normally I can tell you are in a club before seeing you, or even smelling you, poo.
 So will ya come to the libertines? [/QB][/QUOTE]
 Will I like them?? I trust yours and Jag's judgement on this you know that.
 I will bring the missus if we go, I've had a couple of nights out while she stayed home which isn't fair, so we need babysitter and all that crap. We have to be selective on nights out these days because they're few and far between so can't waste them...if you know what I mean.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #8 on: August 16, 2003, 01:27:00 pm »
Honestly Mankie, I'm not too sure what you would think. I want to say they are both great and that you'd love them just to get you out with us. But thinking of your taste, I tend to think that you really won't be all that thrilled with either band but won't be all that disgusted either. If you go just to have a fun night out, that, you will probably have.
 If I am perceiving this properly, British Sea Power will be kind of visual and put on a good rocking show with okay tunes. Some a little irritating, most okay, and some good. I've heard their live show is very good. I'm really hoping they play Spirit of St. Louis. I love that song! It's not on the album though, only on an EP or single. In fact, this is the band that I personally am going for.
 The Libertines are good but not great. They are a bunch of rocking Cockneys. Have only heard very good reports about their recent live shows so I'm getting more psyched about seeing them than I had been. The only people I've heard really tearing them apart are my Northern English friends, and I think that's more a zenophobic thing against those from the Sarf. You understand, I'm sure.
 Neither are a very serious band though they are both serious about rocking out and doing their part about helping everyone have a good time. And don't let reports scare you of one of the main guys not being with them because of his heroin addiction. He's a character and from what I can tell, the band are doing just fine without him. For all I know, maybe even better as their recent reviews are better than ever.
 Yeah, come on out and play with us. Just go with the idea of having a good time with people you like and bands you couldn't care less about and you may end up having a much better time than you anticipate. Let it make up for your lost weekend, last week and the Mrs lost Radiohead gig.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #9 on: August 16, 2003, 01:48:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  Honestly Mankie, I'm not too sure what you would think. I want to say they are both great and that you'd love them just to get you out with us. But thinking of your taste, I tend to think that you really won't be all that thrilled with either band but won't be all that disgusted either. If you go just to have a fun night out, that, you will probably have.
 If I am perceiving this properly, British Sea Power will be kind of visual and put on a good rocking show with okay tunes. Some a little irritating, most okay, and some good. I've heard their live show is very good. I'm really hoping they play Spirit of St. Louis. I love that song! It's not on the album though, only on an EP or single. In fact, this is the band that I personally am going for.
 The Libertines are good but not great. They are a bunch of rocking Cockneys. Have only heard very good reports about their recent live shows so I'm getting more psyched about seeing them than I had been. The only people I've heard really tearing them apart are my Northern English friends, and I think that's more a zenophobic thing against those from the Sarf. You understand, I'm sure.
 Neither are a very serious band though they are both serious about rocking out and doing their part about helping everyone have a good time. And don't let reports scare you of one of the main guys not being with them because of his heroin addiction. He's a character and from what I can tell, the band are doing just fine without him. For all I know, maybe even better as their recent reviews are better than ever.
 Yeah, come on out and play with us. Just go with the idea of having a good time with people you like and bands you couldn't care less about and you may end up having a much better time than you anticipate. Let it make up for your lost weekend, last week and the Mrs lost Radiohead gig.
You had me until the cockney comment, fuckum! I'm not going!


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #10 on: August 16, 2003, 01:53:00 pm »
Originally posted by mankie:
  You had me until the cockney comment, fuckum! I'm not going!
Damn! (Hit myself in the head.) I should have known better too.   :roll:


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2003, 06:37:00 am »
Originally posted by Jaguär:
Originally posted by mankie:
  You had me until the cockney comment, fuckum! I'm not going!
Damn! (Hit myself in the head.) I should have known better too.    :roll:  [/b]
Yeah Jag, you should have know that those Greater Mancunians only like the miserable tw*t bands!  "A loaded gun won't set you you say."


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2003, 10:33:00 am »
So I have been trying to rationalise my views on last night. But all the words I have sound far to effusive. But if I try and be nonchalant I am sure I will be castigated for being old and jaded.......
 The first band: The living things...... Wow they were loud. Their enthusiastic brand of Jesus and Marychain tunes with the vocal skills of the guy from the sisters of mercy really annoyed me no end.
 The second band: British sea power....... Well I was talking to Bumgle, sorry Bungle, before the show and he said "at their British shows they have been playing with lots of foliage onstage". I just kept thinking, " it 'aint half hot mum ". He forgot to mention the great heron and the hawk. How the fuck could someone in the audience mistake the hawk for an owl? Do kids really learn nothing in schools today. (Jaguar you are forbidden from answering that). So they come on stage all without shoes all with their trousers tucked in their socks. For full effect the casio player had a 2nd world war steel helmet and when the casio wasnt needed marched up and down the stage with a drum, or towards the end marched into the crowd. The singer mimics Ian Curtis whilst sounding like the only other half decent Ian I know, McCulloch.
 At this point you should be asking, why all this about the band without a mention of the music..... Well it sounded pretty good, but with all the distractions the music became less important. But I am sure it was pretty good. It certainly got my toes tapping and head a bobbing. I even bought 3 of the four CDs..... hands up the geeks who bought all 4 even though there were two versions of a single and only one track different? (Bob your outed).
 The headliners: The libertines. Wow, I mean, huh, they were allright. They really tore into their albums worth of songs with an energy and swagger that in my opinion left most of the other shows I have ever seen looking and sounding a bit limp. There was no reply to any heckling, just the occasional smile. The audience did seam like they might have spent the whole day in the sun though. As one guy says to his friend " wow this band are better than the other two" Surprise dipshit, thats why they play last. Then people started calling out spacehog, why? Still at least the audience did manage to dance, or mosh or nod its head. Why cant you Americans learn to dance by jumping up and down, not by running side to side with your arms flailing?
 Anyway the libertines played most of the album, went offstage for about five minutes and came back for a three song encore. Finishing with my favourite song of theirs.....
 I get along singing my song,
 People tell me I'm wrong..
 Fuck 'em!
 Thanks to everyone for coming out. It was sad saying bu-bye to Rose. I also felt bad for forgetting GGWs Cd and for losing Bungle so early in the night. But what a night.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2003, 12:51:00 pm »
Had a great time last night! I enjoyed all 3 bands but each on different levels. Met a girl who was at the NYC show, think she said Monday night, and said that the DC show was way better!   :D   Actually, cute guys abound all night long!)
 Set lists......
 British Sea Power
 Fear Of Drowning
 Spirit Of St. Louis
 Rememeber Me
 Bass Rock
 Rock In A
 The Libertines
 Horror Show
 Up The Bracket
 Tell The King
 Death On The Stairs
 Good Ole Days
 Boys In The Band
 May Day
 Time For Heroes
 Don't Look Back Into The Sun
 Boy Looked At Johnny
 Skag And Boneman
 What A Waster
 I Get Along
 BTW, this was only a very, very limited US tour this time around for British Sea Power. I was told that they will be back in October headlining (which surprised me) for a full tour. As much as I like them, I don't know why they are headlining here yet because almost no one knows who they are. Good show!
 Can't go without mentioning how good the canned music was last night both up and downstairs. Almost all 70s and early 80s Punk. The softer Punk, not the thrash LA type. Off hand, The Jam, X-Ray Spex, The Undertones, The Only Ones, and Richard Hell And The Voidoids.


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Re: Libertines at BC
« Reply #14 on: August 17, 2003, 12:56:00 pm »
that was a f@cking great show.......the crowd was fairly fun too.........
 i really enjoyed british sea power..........couldn't help but think of ian curtis the whole way through though...
 and the libertines were fantastic how hot is that guy?
 talk about rock n'roll.........
 although it's a bit sad to see regular board members obssessing with socks and shoes.......what's wrong it all too much for you?