Author Topic: Barkitechture  (Read 14476 times)


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #30 on: July 13, 2007, 07:19:00 pm »
Originally posted by snailhook:
 also, i might be considered biased because i am friends with barkitecture and even collaborate with one of them musically. they are great kids who are very conscientious pacifists and activists.
 immediately following the incident, i heard from both sides. i used to book at the red and the black, so i know how they operate inside and out. i don't know what truly happened since i wasn't there, but i heard both sides of the story. it is my belief that barkitecture were unfairly harassed and provoked into fighting.
 this is just the tip of the iceberg and just a few of many reasons why dc9, the red and the black, and the rock and roll hotel should all die a slow, miserable death. dc needs venues, but not these. they are hard rock cafes and house of blues masquerading as independent clubs.
First of all, I am corinne meier, and not only was i there that fateful night, but i was the manager on duty.  After reading all of this complete trash I invite anyone who has an issue or a question about that night to come and ask me.  I will tell you how the singers girlfriend called me a crazy bitch after i asked her to leave, i will tell you about the singer then raising his fist to me and getting in my face and i will tell you what my friend looked like and how much blood there was after they threw him through the window.
 second, scott, you are so off base it is ridiculous.  you are bitter and angry that we stopped letting you book shows that made ZERO dollars.  you have not a clue as to what you are talking about.  You didnt seem to have any problems with the red and the black until we stopped letting you book shows.  get over yourself and grow up.  stop talking about shit that you dont know anything about.  oh - and the barkitechture guys admitted to throwing my friend through the window, so you might want to look up the word pacifist in the dictionary.  you want to spout lies and bitter feelings - come talk to me.  i can talk all night.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #31 on: July 13, 2007, 07:23:00 pm »
[subtext]Grabs a High Life, leans back in the recliner...[/subtext]
 [wondering]What the hell is going on in DC these days that has everybody so riled up.  It must be the weather....[/wondering]


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #32 on: July 14, 2007, 09:06:00 pm »
"You weren't there, so you don't know what happened, and the City Paper didn't do a good job of defining what happened.  First of all there was no "bouncer" and no girl was "pushed"."  
 ...nor was anyone apart from the band and club staffers, so when you get down to it it's really just the word of the club vs. the word of the band.  
 And since both parties involved have presented their versions of events, the rest of us who care about the various musical communities of this town are quite free to discuss it all and present our points of view, especially in light of this City Paper article.  
 A couple of points to clarify- I use the word 'bouncer' as a synonym for a person working for a club- perhaps this was an inadvertantly misleading terms on my part- so I'll use the word 'staffer'- although it should be said that I don't have any negative connotations with the word 'bouncer', or with any other word that describes a job that's intended to ensure the safety and comfort of people in a live music environment.
 And the 'unecesarily strict policy that excludes anyone under the age of 21' was in reference to guests/friends of the bands, et cetera.  Obviously I don't expect that a 21+ club will let in any random underaged person- the club would lose its license and face other serious consequences.  My point is that there will be always be cases in which it's excessive to keep an 19 or 20 year old person from coming into a club- Britton's girlfriend, for example.
 I agree with you on this- "the reality is, there will always be a few people who cause a scene and ruin things for everyone else"- I just don't see how that would apply to a handful of friends of a band.  Obviously the band isn't going to come into a show wanting trouble, and so it would seem obvious that their personal friends would make an extra effort to wear their X's and behave.  
 According to your post, the trouble began when these friends in question caused a fuss about not being let in- well, I would have done the same thing.  In my youth, I spent a lot of time going to see shows, but there were always ones that I couldn't see because of my age- the most memorable age-related misfortune I had was being unable to see Jerry Lee Lewis play at a biker bar on a Colorado interstate, three months shy of my twenty-first birthday.  
 Now that we're older and remain involved in music, do we not owe it to young people who are passionate about it- just as we all were in our teenage years- to make a bit of an effort to expose them to great live music?
 So going back to this 'no girl was pushed' part, although no one can ever be certain of this one way or another (again, it's the word of the staffer(s) vs. the word of the band), I find it almost impossible to believe that a simple verbal altercation would possess Mr. Powell to throw the staffer through the window.  It just doesn't make any sense.  Perhaps I'm more inclined to believe his version of events because he's been to my house so many times and has never caused any kind of trouble- but that past precedent of character seems to be as good a reason as any.  The staff's version of events seems to be that people were argueing, and then all of a sudden this kid went apeshit and wrecked house.  It doesn't add up.      
 One would only hope that the recipients of the phone calls that went out around town would at least hear Barkitecture's side of the story, and that each would then make up his or her own mind as to whether or not to book the band in the future.  I'm no booker, but I'd certainly have no qualms about booking them if I were.  
 And pela, I agree with you that they're a really good band- I've heard their new record and it's stunning.
 By the way, I appreciate your post.  Obviously you and I are not going to agree on a lot of what's being talked about here, but for what it's worth I think this is an important and healthy discussion to be having.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #33 on: July 14, 2007, 09:09:00 pm »
Originally posted by Jaguar:
  G, glad to have you here! Always great to have another one of our side of the DC area music scene around.      :D  
...and glad to be here.  I didn't realize that you posted here too.  Always good to hear your point of view.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2007, 01:05:00 pm »
Originally posted by don't drop bombs:
 And the 'unecesarily strict policy that excludes anyone under the age of 21' was in reference to guests/friends of the bands, et cetera.  Obviously I don't expect that a 21+ club will let in any random underaged person- the club would lose its license and face other serious consequences.  My point is that there will be always be cases in which it's excessive to keep an 19 or 20 year old person from coming into a club- Britton's girlfriend, for example.
  Obviously the band isn't going to come into a show wanting trouble, and so it would seem obvious that their personal friends would make an extra effort to wear their X's and behave.  
The problem is, if you let one "special friend" of the band in, all of a sudden there is a list of ten people who are "friends" and want in.  It's a 21 and over bar/club, they are under 21.  One would think that friends of the band would make an extra effort to behave and listen to the rules in support of their friends, but there have been more times than I care to mention in several of the clubs that I have worked at, where exceptions have been made, and friends or band members themselves tried to drink or sneak alcohol in. "Friends of the band" are just as likely to cause the bar to lose its license as any other "random underage person".  As I had said in my last post, the Red and the Black has hosted many bands with under 21 members who were there for the music, and have behaved professionally, but for every one of them, there is one batch that ruins it for the rest by trying to drink.  If I won't go to jail or lose my job for my own friends, I most certainly won't for strangers.
 I was the person who initially turned Britton's girlfriend away, and I politely explained to her the policy of the club and why she could not come in.  She demanded to speak to the manager who told her the same thing.  She was asked politely to leave and became angry and verbally abusive towards the staff.  She then also tried to re-enter the club with another friend who was also under 21. Had this been a case where the band showed up from California and had a under 21 friend who was touring with them, an exception might have been made. But this was a band from Arlington, they were playing an all ages show the next day, it was hardly like this was the only time these friends were going to get a chance to see them.  We all understand the frustrations of being under 21 and not getting to see a show that we'd like to see, but again, Barkitecture were performing an all ages show the next day which their friends could have attended.  There was no reason to start arguing with the bar over a policy that is pretty standard.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2007, 01:09:00 pm »
Also, the band was playing when much of this drama was going on, so I wouldn't count on their "word", as they were not first hand observers of the initial interaction that we had with their friends.  Though they were the ones responsible for the violent act of throwing someone through a glass window.

Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2007, 01:27:00 pm »
My new band name...
 Jerry Lee Lewis at a biker bar on a Colorado interstate


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #37 on: July 16, 2007, 02:02:00 pm »
I read this article and have been following this thread with particular interest ... since I know, sadly, first-hand how hard it is for local underage bands to secure any kind of consistent club gigs, especially as more and more clubs that used to be all-ages have shifted to 21-and-over (gazes sadly at Galaxy Hut).
 Having served as basically the "point person" for such a band, I understand both sides of it pretty well, I think. I understand the club's end of things for legal reasons, since I guess the alcohol bureau has been cracking down bigtime and will keep a closer eye on a venue if they know the band members are barely (or not) legal.
 On the very rare occasion that the band has been allowed to play at a 21+ (or even 18+) venue, they have made it VERY clear on their website or e-mails that said show is limited to ONLY their "legal" fans and friends ... they don't want to get the reputation of being "problem children." It's hard enough to get gigs as it is.
 And I don't think there has been a behavior issue to date, either by the band members themselves or their fans/friends, but on the other hand I suspect there are some 21+ clubs where they might otherwise have been able to secure bookings and have not been able to do so because of the age issue.
 That said, having the opportunity to play all-ages clubs like 9:30 and Black Cat have more than made up for it ... quality vs. quantity, I guess (but hey, both would be nice).
 Interestingly enough, this reporter had contacted the band a few weeks ago to set up an interview which never actually came to pass. I'm guessing now in retrospect it would have been related to this article.

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #38 on: July 16, 2007, 05:48:00 pm »
it's pretty inexcusable to throw someone through a window, even if someone was supposedly shoved.  Regardless of whose version of events you accept, that is an objective fact that stands out for me.  Throwing a person through a window is not an acceptable reaction to any kind of scenario.  It can and should get you jail time, not just banned from a club.

Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #39 on: July 16, 2007, 05:50:00 pm »
Originally posted by pela123:
  Also, the band was playing when much of this drama was going on, so I wouldn't count on their "word", as they were not first hand observers of the initial interaction that we had with their friends.  Though they were the ones responsible for the violent act of throwing someone through a glass window.
 People seem to want to jump all over the venue owners and clearly they have some douche-ish tendancies, but these really seems like stupid ass kids. Stupid ass kids tried to sneak into a club they were already thrown out of. When the bouncer/staff member escorted them out (no doubt, in my mind, with a "friendly" hand on the back of the shoulders) the stupid girl freaked out and overreacted and said she was pushed. Then more stupid kids reacted by throwing a bouncer threw a window.
 Perhaps this club shouldn't have blacklisted 25 bands, but they certainly should have blacklisted this one.

Sage 703

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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #40 on: July 16, 2007, 05:57:00 pm »
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
  it's pretty inexcusable to throw someone through a window, even if someone was supposedly shoved.  Regardless of whose version of events you accept, that is an objective fact that stands out for me.  Throwing a person through a window is not an acceptable reaction to any kind of scenario.  It can and should get you jail time, not just banned from a club.
I think this is probably the most universally acceptable point made in this thread.


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #41 on: July 17, 2007, 03:29:00 pm »
Originally posted by callat703:
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
  it's pretty inexcusable to throw someone through a window, even if someone was supposedly shoved.  Regardless of whose version of events you accept, that is an objective fact that stands out for me.  Throwing a person through a window is not an acceptable reaction to any kind of scenario.  It can and should get you jail time, not just banned from a club.
I think this is probably the most universally acceptable point made in this thread. [/b]


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #42 on: April 24, 2011, 11:58:37 pm »
So, umm...

Parts & Labor

with: Hume, Meta (members of Laughing Man)
4/28 at Red Palace

(Hume is Britt's (dude who this thread was about) current band for anybody wondering what the connection is)

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 12:01:59 am by azaghal1981 »


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #43 on: April 25, 2011, 03:27:39 pm »
this was a great thread, thanks for resurrecting it ... i think his new band should have "defenestration" in the band's name somewhere


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Re: Barkitechture
« Reply #44 on: April 25, 2011, 04:33:05 pm »
He better be getting a hell of a paycheck to play that gig.

Guess it will depend on the polling results.