930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: markie on October 31, 2003, 01:53:00 pm
Normally I find their reviews really annoying.......http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/ But todays comments on jet made me giggle. Who would own an album like that?
as explained before, I have it, I read the pitchfork review before work and it was spot on, especially the bit about Bon Jovi, it made me laugh as well, and then I listened to parts on the way to work to laugh again, then i got to work, and the crying started
Can I borrow your Roy Orbison (http://www.trellis.net/users/gstarcher/royorb.htm) CDs?
Now that I've seen Jet, I like them even less.
Originally posted by Jaguär:
Now that I've seen Jet, I like them even less.
agreed. they stink.
they should tour with the Vines and called it "The Rotten Kiwi Tour"
hate 'em
the bosses are gone and a couple people are creaming over them at work right now...
very weak - even worse, they think they are really something special- they got all pissy when I saw them when the crowd wasn't very into them.
I guess I'm the only one here who likes them. Yes, it can be said that most of the songs on the album sound like someone elses music, but at the same time it's catchy and fun.
When The Stokes came out all I heard was people talking about how they sounded so much like The Velvet Underground, yet they still seem to be the darlings of the industry. Don't get me wrong I like them too.
I guess what I'm saying is who cares who the magazines, MTV, radio or the so called hipsters are telling you is cool. Like what you want to like.
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I guess I'm the only one here who likes them. Yes, it can be said that most of the songs on the album sound like someone elses music, but at the same time it's catchy and fun.
When The Stokes came out all I heard was people talking about how they sounded so much like The Velvet Underground, yet they still seem to be the darlings of the industry. Don't get me wrong I like them too.
I guess what I'm saying is who cares who the magazines, MTV, radio or the so called hipsters are telling you is cool. Like what you want to like.
well I listened to them before reading the hype, I just picked it up used because it was cheap, I just find the second half of the album to be awful, the 1st track and the single are ok by me
Originally posted by Shadrach:
I guess I'm the only one here who likes them. Yes, it can be said that most of the songs on the album sound like someone elses music, but at the same time it's catchy and fun.
When The Stokes came out all I heard was people talking about how they sounded so much like The Velvet Underground, yet they still seem to be the darlings of the industry. Don't get me wrong I like them too.
I guess what I'm saying is who cares who the magazines, MTV, radio or the so called hipsters are telling you is cool. Like what you want to like.
I can only speak for myself here but personally, I couldn't care less that they sound like someone else's music. It just so happens that they sound like bands that I never liked in the first place. Competent muscians but just not my style.
The Strokes. HAHAHAHAHA. Enough said.
That's the way to do it. Like what you like. Not what anyone else tells you to.
I picked it up at Best Buy for seven bucks. It's fine enough, though awfully simplistic. It's good as driving music (though too many ballads) and the songs are really easy to play.
Jets sucks...
both bands should tour together and hopefully all the gay sex will lead to them dying somehow.and why would you buy a 7 dollar cd if you dont know the band...save it and get a good cd next week. or go see a different pussy band that everyone seems to like. but why should i be listened to i just bought the new superjoint cd which no one here would probaly like.
Originally posted by flawd101:
Jets sucks...
both bands should tour together and hopefully all the gay sex will lead to them dying somehow.and why would you buy a 7 dollar cd if you dont know the band...save it and get a good cd next week. or go see a different pussy band that everyone seems to like. but why should i be listened to i just bought the new superjoint cd which no one here would probaly like.
Superjoint are good but I do miss Pantera.
As far as Jet are concerned, I liked their earlier EP's which reminded me of AC/DC, but their latest long player is absolute garbage.
Originally posted by Jaguär:
but personally, I couldn't care less that they sound like someone else's music.
i love you.
yay someone else likes good music!!!
Originally posted by flawd101:
Jets sucks...
both bands should tour together and hopefully all the gay sex will lead to them dying somehow.and why would you buy a 7 dollar cd if you dont know the band...save it and get a good cd next week. or go see a different pussy band that everyone seems to like. but why should i be listened to i just bought the new superjoint cd which no one here would probaly like.
It's always nice to hear a well thought out and articulate opinion.
On a side note; as someone who has seen Pantera, Down and Superjoint all live, I've got to say that Phil is not what he used to be. He should try doing a show sober, I know it doesn't work for everyone, but he's just God awful on stage.
i saw superjoint and down live...missed pantera...
yes he should not be wasted and mess up some songs and titles but that is who he is and you have to expect that. if the crowd and you really knows the music you can kinda fill it in. and he doesnt always fuck up every show...