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=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: bellenseb on November 01, 2006, 03:13:00 pm

Title: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: bellenseb on November 01, 2006, 03:13:00 pm
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on November 01, 2006, 03:20:00 pm
Wow, toughie. I'll vote Sufjan.
 Good topic, btw.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Vas Deferens on November 01, 2006, 03:41:00 pm
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: crevers on November 01, 2006, 03:42:00 pm
Decemberists.  Multiple individuals--whose musical tastes I respect--recommended them.  I listened repeatedly to the first two albums.  I tried not paying attention to the lyrics.  I tried analyzing the lyrics.  I tried lowering my expectations.  Ultimately, nothing.  The only song of theirs I like is the cover of The Outfield's "Your Love."  I haven't hated what I've heard from the new album, but all in all, vastly overrated.
 I don't think Sufjan is over- or underrated.  I appreciated the ridiculous bravado of his 50 states / 50 albums ambition.  "Illinois" was worthy of the album-of-year consideration it received.  And along with Brian Wilson, he's given me some updated Christmas listening.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: you be betty on November 01, 2006, 03:45:00 pm
Decemberists (though i do like them)
 i also don't think Sufjan is over or underrated
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Vas Deferens on November 01, 2006, 03:51:00 pm
Sufjan's music is unlistenable after a few listens. I got tired of Illinoise very quickly.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: distance on November 01, 2006, 03:57:00 pm
i haven't seen sufjan, but i suffered through the decemberists for seeing tortoise again and i absolutely despised every minute i was standing there.  i wish there were some justification for throwing things because then i would feel good about chucking some stuff at them.  though i suppose if throwing stuff at the stage were ok, they'd be selling aerodynamic projectiles just inside the doors at some inflated price.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: chokeychicken on November 01, 2006, 04:03:00 pm
i do not believe either of these bands are overrated.  i believe both of them are talented and are worlds better than most bands in underground music right now.
 but if i had to pick one or the other, i'd have to say the decemberists.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: bellenseb on November 01, 2006, 04:20:00 pm
Sufjan for me. The Decemberists have recorded some good tunes; they're just becoming increasingly smarmy, distant, insular and overdone as time goes on.
 Sufjan, on the other hand, has no soul.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: beetsnotbeats on November 01, 2006, 04:21:00 pm
I'm not familiar enough with The Decemberists to have formed an opinion about them.
 I really like Illinoise but Sufjan's influences are often pretty obvious. For example (and without refering to song titles), I sometimes hear straight up Zappa and Reich (especially the last track). He wears his influences well but to grow as an artist he needs to absorb them more and imitate them less.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: madgypsy on November 01, 2006, 05:05:00 pm
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: chaz on November 01, 2006, 05:13:00 pm
Never heard either.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Relaxer on November 01, 2006, 05:45:00 pm
Originally posted by bellenseb:
  Sufjan, on the other hand, has no soul.
I disagree. John Wayne Gacy Jr. from the Illinois album really gets me in that it gives seemingly trivial details about the boys he killed, and he sings it in a moving way. And I think the Seven Swans album is just gorgeous.
 I do think he's a little overly clever -- as evidenced by this whole 50 states/albums plan, as well as some of his song titles -- but he's so musically talented and interesting that he's among my favorites. I like the fact that someone like him is successful.
 The Decemberists, on the other hand, do absolutely nothing for me.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Jaguar on November 01, 2006, 06:44:00 pm
Without a doubt, The Decemberists.
 Can't call myself much of a Sufjan fan but I can appreciate a few songs in small doses and in the right mood. Other than that, the worst that would happen is that I would get bored and do something or fall asleep.
 With The Decemberists, it's the opposite side of the coin. They make me want to kill or be killed as they irritate me that much! They are at the bottom of my barrel next to Erase Errata who put me in the same mood. My world would be a much happier place without either of these bands.
 In all fairness to the band, it's mostly Colin Meloy's musical stylings, especially his vocals. I cringe whenever I hear that man sing. If I was ever to bitch slap anyone, it would be him. Just keep him away from me. Especially away from my ears!
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Bags on November 01, 2006, 06:47:00 pm
Conor Oberst
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Jaguar on November 01, 2006, 06:54:00 pm
Originally posted by Bags:
  Conor Oberst
Oh God, yes!
 But I don't have to worry about him as there are already plenty of people waiting in line to bitch slap that little whinny twit!
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: imaginarycolors on November 01, 2006, 07:41:00 pm
Count me in on that bitchslap fest although my gf will not like me saying this
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: kookiemnstr8 on November 01, 2006, 08:16:00 pm
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: andyrichter on November 01, 2006, 08:49:00 pm
Decemberists.  That was easy.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Vas Deferens on November 01, 2006, 09:03:00 pm
Really? I have no problem with Erase Errata. Their music reminds me of Wire and they are way better than all the local DC bands combined.  :)
Originally posted by Jaguar:
   They are at the bottom of my barrel next to Erase Errata who put me in the same mood. My world would be a much happier place without either of these bands.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: alex on November 02, 2006, 08:48:00 am
Definitely Sufjan.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Chip Chanko on November 02, 2006, 09:48:00 am
Decemberists are the only band I've ever walked out on.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: kevhender on November 02, 2006, 10:02:00 am
Originally posted by bellenseb:
Belle & Sebastian
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: smakawhat on November 02, 2006, 05:17:00 pm
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Reod Dai on November 02, 2006, 11:47:00 pm
Choosing between two of my favorite artists is too difficult. >_>
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: J'Mal on November 03, 2006, 07:32:00 pm
 The Decemberists are brilliant.  I can see where the vocals can irritate people, not unlike Morrissey in that sense, or even Dylan.  But being polarizing is not the same thing as overrated.  The acclaim for this band is legit.  Walking out on them?  Bizarre. One of the more solid shows I've seen.  Same for seeing Meloy solo acoustic at Iota a while back.
 Sufjan Stevens... boring. Just boring.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: I Dare on November 04, 2006, 11:35:00 am
 cant get through a full album much less half of one.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: throatneedle on November 04, 2006, 12:08:00 pm
they're both absolutely terrible and overrated
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: Nietzsche on November 05, 2006, 09:49:00 pm
The score stands at 7 votes for Sufijan and 9 votes for the Decemberists. I'm adding my vote to make it 10 for the Decemberists. I like Morrissey and I think I should like the Decemberists, but their lyrics are so damn affected that I want to feed the entire band into the wood chipper.
Title: Re: Who's more overrated: Sufjan Stevens or The Decemberist
Post by: SPARX on November 05, 2006, 11:50:00 pm
They'll both be irrelevent inside 5 years. I certainly won't be wasting  precious minutes of my life listening to them again of my own acccord. Too many way better things out there goin on.
 Sufjan is way more over rated IMHO. I tired of that whole  genre revival quite quickly.