930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: manrilla14 on October 10, 2003, 02:50:00 pm
so just went out and picked up my tickets to the hot hot heat get together tonight and was fearin for my life out there...and that was around noon. honestly, will i be cool getting off the metro and walking to the concert?? guess i'm gonna have to pack my nine...
Pack your street smarts and you should be fine.
It is scary in DC sometimes. I'm sure you'll be fine. I'm always with other people. Are you going by yourself? If you are then there will probably be other people walking there too, you can just walk right behind them....stalk them! just to make sure you're safe! :)
yeah, i'm going with a friend, but he's a lot faster than me and would probably just runaway somewhere leaving me to fend for myself. that aside, thanks for the reassurance, and yes i'll try and be safe...
ha ha...from my experience, there is more danger AT the show, i.e. getting thrown off the stage by club staff, than in the neighborhood around the club...ha ha
If any of the deadbeats around the club hassle you for money just walk right up to them and say, "Fuck you, you lazy bastard, go get a fucking job to support you're stinking crack habit...now fuck off and leave me alone"...it works well for me!
mankie, for some reason that doesnt seem like the right thing to do, although i'd love to watch someone do that...i usually like to walk right up to people like that and ask them for some money, either that or when they ask me for money tell them i'm saving up for braces. usually gets a laugh out of them, which is nice cause life is funny...
I go to the club by myself a lot. You'll be absolutely fine. AND it's a Fri. night, so there will be lots of people around.
please send me a private message or email me, i can send you some info that thatguy posted in the thread you started about the pietasters show. the thread got deleted due to the public airing of some dirty laundry that should have remained private...
Originally posted by duIcinea:
ha ha...from my experience, there is more danger AT the show, i.e. getting thrown off the stage by club staff, than in the neighborhood around the club...ha ha
"That guy" responded to this allegation at the time and requested you to e-mail him directly about it.
We take your concern seriously. If you have not gotten in touch with him, please do so. thanks.
well great, it sounds like it's settled...i will make it there alive. now i just need to find a hot girl to take me home...
Originally posted by mankie:
If any of the deadbeats around the club hassle you for money just walk right up to them and say, "Fuck you, you lazy bastard, go get a fucking job to support you're stinking crack habit...now fuck off and leave me alone"...it works well for me!
Especially if Pierre comes up to you! LOL You'll know it him. He's the smelly black guy that says he's white that sounds like he's smoked 5 packs of cigs in a hour. He tells me I hate white people...
Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com)
Originally posted by manrilla14:
so just went out and picked up my tickets to the hot hot heat get together tonight and was fearin for my life out there...and that was around noon. honestly, will i be cool getting off the metro and walking to the concert?? guess i'm gonna have to pack my nine...
are you serious? you'll be fine. do what jag says. if you don't act like you're freaking out, people won't sense it. don't wander into any dark alleys, take a cab, or do whatever will make you feel better. you'll be fine. :D
Originally posted by manrilla14:
well great, it sounds like it's settled...i will make it there alive. now i just need to find a hot girl to take me home...
Christ, and here I thought that you were a girl with all that scaredy cat whining. :D
........except that you're probably under age.
Originally posted by Jaguär:
........except that you're probably under age. [/b]
like that has stopped you in the past...
i ain't scared...i just don't like getting shot. but i guess if that's what it takes to go home with upstanding young ladies like yourself in this city...
Originally posted by mankie:
Originally posted by Jaguär:
........except that you're probably under age. [/b]
like that has stopped you in the past... [/b]
I do have my limits.
If they aren't old enough to be served alcohol in all 50 states by themselves, then they are too young for me.
wow, you must be old then...
Originally posted by MindCage:
Originally posted by mankie:
If any of the deadbeats around the club hassle you for money just walk right up to them and say, "Fuck you, you lazy bastard, go get a fucking job to support you're stinking crack habit...now fuck off and leave me alone"...it works well for me!
Especially if Pierre comes up to you! LOL You'll know it him. He's the smelly black guy that says he's white that sounds like he's smoked 5 packs of cigs in a hour. He tells me I hate white people...
Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com) [/b]
Pierre hugged me one time...and told me I was a brotha! That was a kodak moment I can tell you.
Originally posted by mankie:
Pierre hugged me one time...and told me I was a brotha! That was a kodak moment I can tell you. [/b]
Wow that's just nasty actually! I hope you burned your clothes.
Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com)
it sounds like this pierre guy is pretty cool. it also sounds like i'd definitely beat him with a stick if he touched me though.
Originally posted by manrilla14:
wow, you must be old then...
Watch it, little pip squeak. :mad:
I don't need a gun to shoot you down. :eek:
I get drunk as shit w/my friends...we've been taking the metro since we were 15 from bethesda, it's a pleasent walk.
i kid, i kid....in fact i don't even know why i wrote that, i like you ;) . in fact we're probably about the same age and please dont shoot me :cool: .
Originally posted by MindCage:
Originally posted by mankie:
Pierre hugged me one time...and told me I was a brotha! That was a kodak moment I can tell you. [/b]
Wow that's just nasty actually! I hope you burned your clothes.
Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com) [/b]
I was on my way from the Velvet Lounge to the 930 when some bum hit me up for some "loo'hange". I told him I only had enough for 10 beers so had nothing to spare. Pierre heard me and started his fog-horn like laugh then came up and gave me a big hug telling me I was a brotha. It was a special moment for me...then I spent the rest of night in the 930 thinking everyone was looking at me and saying, "jeez, that dude stinks"
Originally posted by manrilla14:
i kid, i kid....in fact i don't even know why i wrote that, i like you :D
no not 14, and no not a momma's boy...and yes i might be fun, especially after the fifth of southern comfort i plan to drink before the concert tonight... :p
Originally posted by manrilla14:
no not 14, and no not a momma's boy...and yes i might be fun, especially after the fifth of southern comfort i plan to drink before the concert tonight... :p
Southern Comfort gives it away..... he's a minor!
sorry, i guess that wasnt the right answer :(
We do our best to keep the panhandlers away from the front of the club, but sometimes it's the walk from you car or the Metro when you get hit up. As a rule they are usually harmless.
As for your concerns about safety, the area around the club is no more or less dangerous than most other areas in the city at night. The best suggestion I can give is to not walk up to any car windows if someone pulls up next to you asking for directions or anything. Just keep walking and don't even look over. It works best if your walking with other people. Any muggings that I've heard of around the club took place from vehicles, not on foot.
Shadrach, I've never heard about the vehicle muggings but thanks for the insight. ;) Especially considering that I'm almost always a single woman on my own to and from the club. We have to be extra cautious!
Also, the area is well lit and has lots of foot traffic with decent people. Just try to stay near people who look like they are out on the town for the evening. Don't take short cuts either.
At the end of the night, there's always a cop outside which will always scare off crooks. People tend to mill about for awhile too. There's always staff, club goers and/or people with the band outside so the corner the club is on should be very safe.
You may want to check your Metro schedule for the last train and keep track of time while at the club.
On a side note: If you leave at the end of the show when 95% of the crowd leavs you should have no problems. However, if for some reason you're hanging out for a bit after, one of our doorstaff members will normally be happy to walk you to your car or call you a cab (if you can't get one out front).
Originally posted by Shadrach:
We do our best to keep the panhandlers away from the front of the club, but sometimes it's the walk from you car or the Metro when you get hit up. As a rule they are usually harmless.
Most panhandlers are harmless....if you simply say "no, sorry" when they beg for money that's usually the end of it, it's when you completely ignore them that they get abusive...everyone likes to be at least acknowledged, and homeless people are no different than us. There have been a couple that I've come across (none near the 930) that get out of order and I just get right back in their face and they back off. There's one in particular that hangs around Nation that I've gotten into it with. He threatened to kick my a "sorry white ass" until I turned around and walked back towards him, then it was a case of, "Hey man...I was only mess'n wichya" Bottom line is, don't be afraid of them, or if you are, don't let them know it.
Originally posted by mankie:
Originally posted by MindCage:
Originally posted by mankie:
Pierre hugged me one time...and told me I was a brotha! That was a kodak moment I can tell you. [/b]
Wow that's just nasty actually! I hope you burned your clothes.
Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com) [/b]
I was on my way from the Velvet Lounge to the 930 when some bum hit me up for some "loo'hange". I told him I only had enough for 10 beers so had nothing to spare. Pierre heard me and started his fog-horn like laugh then came up and gave me a big hug telling me I was a brotha. It was a special moment for me...then I spent the rest of night in the 930 thinking everyone was looking at me and saying, "jeez, that dude stinks" [/b]
Pierre came up to my car window one time asking me what time it was repeatedly. I said, "9:30"
(well, it was :D )
Another time, he walked w/ me & he offered to clean my car window for a $1. I didn't drive that night. He kept asking tho. ;)
Originally posted by duIcinea:
ha ha...from my experience, there is more danger AT the show, i.e. getting thrown off the stage by club staff, than in the neighborhood around the club...ha ha
i posted this once before, and it got deleted with the whole thread that went wrong. please email me at thatguy@930.com and i will discuss the details of your experience with you.
Manrilla, meet Cindy (http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=2;t=000995).
Cindy, meet Manrilla (http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=004904).
There, my job is done. <img src="http://burns.thefinaldimension.org/contrib/guus/liefde.gif" alt=" - " />