930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: azaghal1981 on January 16, 2009, 12:36:53 pm
Check out Animal Collective and Antony, Charlie (http://abcnews.go.com/Video/playerIndex?id=6630685#)
Awww....has the Palin/Gibson thing really run its course, Charlie?
I thought maybe I could squeeze one more thread out of it, Charlie.
Someone humor me, Charlie.
I agree with the statement that "It's Mainstream to be Indie", getting Mainstream media coverage doesn't automatically equate with necessarily with becoming a Mainstream artists. Because for me reaching Mainstream status is based on sales... Remember Motown in the 60s was an indie label with Mainstream appeal...
but when will some indie star become a heroin addict, get a fugly screeching wife, blow his brains out . . . and kill the movement?
but when will some indie star become a heroin addict, get a fugly screeching wife, blow his brains out . . . and kill the movement?
hopefully when the cock-accepting singer of Okkervil River gets his act together and starts chasing the dragon.
I'd be okay with the Of Montreal singer doing this as well.