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=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: on June 01, 2005, 10:25:00 am

Title: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: on June 01, 2005, 10:25:00 am
What's the big fuss about Bloc Party?   Let's just say that they don't snap my elastic.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 01, 2005, 10:42:00 am
 Hottest thing on eight legs
 Vageuly angsty music
 Pimped by Urban Outfitters
 Friends of Franz
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: grotty on June 01, 2005, 10:59:00 am
I loathed the Franz record last year.
 Yet Bloc Party is my fav of this year...One of my favorite things in quite some time.
 Odd isn't it?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: eatitwithmatt on June 01, 2005, 11:23:00 am
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  What's the big fuss about Bloc Party?   Let's just say that they don't snap my elastic.
agreed.  i don't know what is so exciting about them either.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bartelby on June 01, 2005, 12:10:00 pm
Lead guitarist...genius.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: novadancer on June 01, 2005, 09:20:00 pm
I just watched their performance on letterman (tivo'd) and have to say this... it was definitely a sub-par performance. They were on kimmel or o'brien a week or two ago and were MUCH better. I tivo all 3 late night shows and have noticed that the letterman sound isn't that great, imo.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Sir HC on June 01, 2005, 09:30:00 pm
I can not get over the compression on the record.  It is just over produced.  Sounds very annoying to me.  There are some nifty song bits in there (Television/Interpol-ish stuff).  Eh.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 01, 2005, 10:19:00 pm
bahhh to all of you.
 you're all too jaded with the deluge of post-punk revival bands to see a gem that on first glance (and listen) sounds like another clone.
 i don't care if they're over-hyped or how much is written about them, bloc party's album is fucking ace and their live show is delightfully sloppy.  they have certain elements that put them at the top of the sound-alike nu-wavers like nasty drums and an emotionally engaged -- rather than monotone and icy -- singer
 damn good band
 now bands like the dead 60s and the kaiser chiefs i really don't get ... i'm a youngin who didn't grow up in the punk era, but i'm still kinda turned off by their extremely liberal "borrowing" from the clash and other first wave 70s punk groups, seems wholly unoriginal
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: ratioci nation on June 01, 2005, 10:38:00 pm
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
  bahhh to all of you.
 you're all too jaded with the deluge of post-punk revival bands to see a gem that on first glance (and listen) sounds like another clone.
 i don't care if they're over-hyped or how much is written about them, bloc party's album is fucking ace and their live show is delightfully sloppy.  they have certain elements that put them at the top of the sound-alike nu-wavers like nasty drums and an emotionally engaged -- rather than monotone and icy -- singer
 damn good band
 now bands like the dead 60s and the kaiser chiefs i really don't get ... i'm a youngin who didn't grow up in the punk era, but i'm still kinda turned off by their extremely liberal "borrowing" from the clash and other first wave 70s punk groups, seems wholly unoriginal
you just like it because you wear scarves
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: BLACKSTORM on June 01, 2005, 10:52:00 pm
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
 damn good band
They suck.  :)
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: madteletubbie on June 01, 2005, 11:33:00 pm
I'd just like to know how they got so damn popular. Really, I'm curious.
 My jaw dropped to the floor when I heard they sold out the Black Cat. Very rarely does a show at the Black Cat sell out, especially 1-2 months before the show even takes places. Hell, only about 2-3 days before the Teenbeat reuninon did that show sell out.  I happen to really enjoy their new CD and was looking foward to seeing them perform. Oh, well.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 02, 2005, 12:07:00 am
Originally posted by madteletubbie:
  I'd just like to know how they got so damn popular. Really, I'm curious.
media hype and the often-overlooked fact that they're a good band
Originally posted by madteletubbie:
  My jaw dropped to the floor when I heard they sold out the Black Cat. Very rarely does a show at the Black Cat sell out
huh?  the black cat sells out tons of weekend nights, oftentimes for bands you'd never expect to sell out ... granted, it's often a walk-up crowd that sells the show out, but it's still not "rare"
 i thought it was pretty normal that the bloc party show sold-out, they have tons of media hype and the reasons listed by kosmo above ... oh, that, and they're good, easy to forget about it when there's a constant hum of publicity about them
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 02, 2005, 12:08:00 am
Originally posted by general grievous:
  you just like it because you wear scarves
 i've owned a few scarves in my life, all of which i've lost or left somewhere ... i'm from florida, why would i wear scarves?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: ratioci nation on June 02, 2005, 01:26:00 am
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
 i've owned a few scarves in my life, all of which i've lost or left somewhere ... i'm from florida, why would i wear scarves?
because you like emo, bloc party sound like Jimmy Eat World, Remember? try and keep up
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 08:17:00 am
The Bloc Party CD is good but it does sound like the guitarist was attempting to quote everyone under the sun.  Pixies, U2, Gang of Four... Live some of the gloss disappears and the chaos is fun to bounce along to.
 From what I've heard of the Dead 60s they are a band I will enjoy... Sure they sound like the Clash but then again the Clash are gone and the Dead 60s appear passionate enough to replace them.  
 I much prefer the Kaiser Chiefs over say Kasabian... Both groups are guilty of releasing ablums that end up sounding like a compliation of past bands.  In the case of the Kaiser Chiefs it's Blur and The Fun Boy Three
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bags on June 02, 2005, 10:36:00 am
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
Originally posted by madteletubbie:
  My jaw dropped to the floor when I heard they sold out the Black Cat. Very rarely does a show at the Black Cat sell out
huh?  the black cat sells out tons of weekend nights, oftentimes for bands you'd never expect to sell out ... granted, it's often a walk-up crowd that sells the show out, but it's still not "rare"
But madteletubbie's point is exactly that it's very unusual for the Black Cat to sell out so far in advance, even for weekend shows.  Even very hyped bands tend to sell out only the week of the show (except for the Shins -- that double show sellout was wicked strange as well).
 Sure bands come along with the super-hype -- lately it's happening before their full-length debut albums are even released (a la Franz Ferdinand, Kaiser Chiefs, Bloc Party...).  Still, that was pretty insane.
 Of course, Franz sold out the frickin' 9:30 Club for their first show in town.
 And I agree, Bloc Party's a great band and worthy of the current hype (not that I'm sure they'll withstand the test of time, but they're one of the current bands with a great album out, not just a great song out...)
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 02, 2005, 11:54:00 am
Originally posted by Bags:
  But madteletubbie's point is exactly that it's very unusual for the Black Cat to sell out so far in advance, even for weekend shows.  Even very hyped bands tend to sell out only the week of the show (except for the Shins -- that double show sellout was wicked strange as well).
point taken about bloc party ... it just still wasn't jaw-droppingly stunning to me that they sold out in advance
 and you were surprised that the shins sold out??  i was amazed that they weren't at 930 club, they're easily one of the biggest indie bands around ... i think of them in the same light as the postal service, where people who don't necessarily live for music are easily exposed to them through normal commercial channels ... the reason they go gold and sell hundreds of thousands of records is that they're liked by people with open minds but who don't necessarily follow indie music with a fine-toothed comb ... you don't have to be a bargain-bin-hunting early adopter to hear them, all you have to do is watch that "cool underground indie flick" garden state or teen soap operas (or mcdonald's ads)
 all of that adds up to big-time sold-out show in my mind.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bags on June 02, 2005, 11:58:00 am
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
 and you were surprised that the shins sold out??  
No, no, I wasn't surprised by the Shins sell out at all...just noting that it was the last time I remember a B.C. show selling out so fast.  That made more sense, and folks had a feeling it would sell out fast.  A lot of folks were caught completely off guard when Bloc Party sold out so soon in advance.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 12:08:00 pm
The only people suprised by the Bloc Partyy sellout, were those who assumed they were the only ones "hip" enough to know who the band was.   Then put off buying the tickets until the last minute which tends to happen for shows at the Black Cat.  Unfortunately, for them me included, a bunch of "real" fans got off their barstools and bought tickets to the show within a month after it went on sale.  The show soldout before or soon after Pitchfork lauded it...
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: xneverwherex on June 02, 2005, 12:32:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The only people suprised by the Bloc Partyy sellout, were those who assumed they were the only ones "hip" enough to know who the band was.   Then put off buying the tickets until the last minute which tends to happen for shows at the Black Cat.  Unfortunately, for them me included, a bunch of "real" fans got off their barstools and bought tickets to the show within a month after it went on sale.  The show soldout before or soon after Pitchfork lauded it...
i just wonder if those "hip" people were smart enough to buy tickets early this time around for bloc party. or are they too cool for bloc party now and jumped on to the next cool band  :)
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 12:35:00 pm
The Bloc Party's popularity also illustrates my point that UK indie bands have an advantage over US indie bands here.  Take for example Rilo Kiley who as the post reviewer points out took three years to get a soldout 9:30 show, where as it took less than two for the Bloc Party to reach that same status.  
 Why is this?  Because successful UK bands have the advantage of already being established as buzzworthy bands before they come to the US.  A UK band getting press coverage over there are more likely to picked up the mainstream media here, then a US band working it's way up the circuit.  Sure plenty of indie press give coverage to bands, but not with the impact of other larger media outliets. Had for instance De Novo Dahl been English they would probably selling more albums here and getting better tour slots.  Now they have to hope that they can emerge from the clutter of 1000s of other indie bands.
 Whats most refreshing is that WOXY is actually breakin indie bands like Cartel and De Novo Dahl to a wider audience in the manner radio should.  By picking up on them based on a bands merits and not being by bought off by record companies and independent promoters.  Same with Little Steven's show, witness The High Dials getting better exposure.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 12:50:00 pm
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The only people suprised by the Bloc Partyy sellout, were those who assumed they were the only ones "hip" enough to know who the band was.   Then put off buying the tickets until the last minute which tends to happen for shows at the Black Cat.  Unfortunately, for them me included, a bunch of "real" fans got off their barstools and bought tickets to the show within a month after it went on sale.  The show soldout before or soon after Pitchfork lauded it...
i just wonder if those "hip" people were smart enough to buy tickets early this time around for bloc party. or are they too cool for bloc party now and jumped on to the next cool band   :)  [/b]
no all the "real" bloc party fans got their tickets early, certain blogs made sure they did so...
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 02, 2005, 01:44:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
 Why is this?  Because successful UK bands have the advantage of already being established as buzzworthy bands before they come to the US.  A UK band getting press coverage over there are more likely to picked up the mainstream media here, then a US band working it's way up the circuit.  
i totally agree with this, but you miss one big point ... these UK indie bands get so much press because they ARE mainstream rock in britain ... whereas mainstream rock here is aggressive, angsty buttrock
 it's actually very similar to the 80s when groups like the smiths were mainstream in the UK and well-hyped "alternative" groups in the US ... mainstream US rock just doesn't accept any lack of masculinity
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 02:18:00 pm
so why isn't the US mainstream media,etc so willing to pickup on the latest UK act not also out looking for the similiar US acts... There is an "alternative" to the "alternative"   ;)   oh wait that means actually doing work and listening to stuff instead of reading press releases.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: madteletubbie on June 02, 2005, 02:24:00 pm
Originally posted by Bags:
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
Originally posted by madteletubbie:
  My jaw dropped to the floor when I heard they sold out the Black Cat. Very rarely does a show at the Black Cat sell out
huh?  the black cat sells out tons of weekend nights, oftentimes for bands you'd never expect to sell out ... granted, it's often a walk-up crowd that sells the show out, but it's still not "rare"
But madteletubbie's point is exactly that it's very unusual for the Black Cat to sell out so far in advance, even for weekend shows. [/b]
yeah, sorry for the confusion. I meant shows selling out in advance.
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The only people suprised by the Bloc Partyy sellout, were those who assumed they were the only ones "hip" enough to know who the band was.
I was surprised because I honestly didn't know that many people liked them. I came across their album from someone I know and was unaware they had lots of fans (since I never heard their name before my friend told me).
 and if I was "hip", I would being saying they suck just because they are getting even more popular. Which I'm not.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 02, 2005, 02:29:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  so why isn't the US mainstream media,etc so willing to pickup on the latest UK act not also out looking for the similiar US acts... There is an "alternative" to the "alternative"    ;)    oh wait that means actually doing work and listening to stuff instead of reading press releases.
hey, i agree that UK bands definitely have an edge, but i wouldn't completely blame the US media for that ... when these UK bands make their "invasion", they already have a leg up on their US counterparts because they have:
 a) commercial and popular success under their belts, which seasons them for US media and fans and helps their confidence
 b) a completely media-sensitized image which is easy to pick up and transfer over to the US markets
 i also think you're kind of overstating the advantage the UK bands have ... there are plenty of US indie bands making waves, they just have a lot of competition here for a much smaller pot of money, fans, and media coverage
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 02, 2005, 03:13:00 pm
being "hip" to a band isn't necessarily the same as being "hip(ster)"... what it comes down to some people underestimated the popularity of this and lots of others bands.  it should be called an "oops" sellout, as in "oops i should bought my tickets right away instead of waiting".  at least the band came back right away so the "real" and also procrasticating fans could get a chance to see them do a 45 minute set.....
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: amnesiac on June 02, 2005, 03:29:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The Bloc Party's popularity also illustrates my point that UK indie bands have an advantage over US indie bands here.
Yup, all it takes is a covershot on the Hype Machine:
    <img src="http://www.nme.com/media/images/cover_150405_L.jpg" alt=" - " /> =  Sold out show
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: han on June 03, 2005, 05:31:00 pm
I'd just like to know how they got so damn popular. Really, I'm curious.
 My jaw dropped to the floor when I heard they sold out the Black Cat....
They sold out the Black Cat so far in advance because Urban Outfitters was selling their album.   Didn't you notice the unusual amount of flipped up collared polo shirts at the show?
 Three guys walked in together, one with a pink polo shirt, one with a light green, and one in a light blue.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bags on June 09, 2005, 05:09:00 pm
LIVE CONCERT - BLOC PARTY: The british art-rock band Bloc Party is the next featured group on All Songs Considered's LIVE concert series. Hear a full concert by the band, streamed live from Washington, DC's 9:30 Club next Thursday, June 16th. You can hear a cut from Bloc Party's latest CD on All Songs Considered Episode 85.
 Keep watching NPR.org for LIVE concert details.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bags on June 15, 2005, 01:56:00 pm
So, I don't have the time to read all the Bloc Party threads...looks like I'll have a couple extra tickets.  Any boardies miss out and wanna go?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Yank on June 16, 2005, 01:47:00 am
Originally posted by amnesiac:
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  The Bloc Party's popularity also illustrates my point that UK indie bands have an advantage over US indie bands here.
Yup, all it takes is a covershot on the Hype Machine:
     :roll:   I'm pretty sure they're more popular in the UK than the US. Same with the Sissor Sisters.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Yank on June 16, 2005, 01:53:00 am
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
 Why is this?  Because successful UK bands have the advantage of already being established as buzzworthy bands before they come to the US.  A UK band getting press coverage over there are more likely to picked up the mainstream media here, then a US band working it's way up the circuit.  
i totally agree with this, but you miss one big point ... these UK indie bands get so much press because they ARE mainstream rock in britain ... whereas mainstream rock here is aggressive, angsty buttrock
 it's actually very similar to the 80s when groups like the smiths were mainstream in the UK and well-hyped "alternative" groups in the US ... mainstream US rock just doesn't accept any lack of masculinity [/b]
I don't know I'd go as far as calling most of these indie bands "mainstream in the UK".  Yeah, they get some radio play on Radio 1 and XFM but are pretty much ignored on most of the local radio stations.  
 I just think that the British are more open to different types of music in general.  How else can you explain that Crazy Frog Ringtone being number one in the charts for three weeks?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: xcanuck on June 16, 2005, 10:14:00 am
I need to crawl out from whatever rock I'm under. I still have yet to hear this band. All that will change tonite when I go to the show. I'll make up my mind then, though I'm worried about the FF comparisons. FF doesn't turn my crank.
 So who IS going to the show tonite? Anyone know anything about the openers (Automato and Engineers)?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 10:19:00 am
They have a black lead singer. White people love it when a Negro sings whitey music.
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  What's the big fuss about Bloc Party?  
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Arthwys on June 16, 2005, 10:44:00 am
Automato is some sort of indie hip-hop group, they've released some stuff on Dim Mak.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 10:50:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  They have a black lead singer. White people love it when a Negro sings whitey music.
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  What's the big fuss about Bloc Party?  
racist Rhett is back in action!  missed your slanderous comments, buddy! (or should i say libelous)
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 10:52:00 am
Originally posted by han:
 Three guys walked in together, one with a pink polo shirt, one with a light green, and one in a light blue.
in Canada, we beat those kind of people up.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 11:10:00 am
What was racist about my comment? If it's racist, it's racist against White people, not Black people.
 I'm sure a lot of white people (guilty white liberals) give bonus points to rock bands when they are/have black members. This theory helps explain the popularity of mediocre crap like Living Color.
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  They have a black lead singer. White people love it when a Negro sings whitey music.
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
  What's the big fuss about Bloc Party?  
racist Rhett is back in action!  missed your slanderous comments, buddy! (or should i say libelous) [/b]
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: ggw on June 16, 2005, 11:11:00 am
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 11:14:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  What was racist about my comment? If it's racist, it's racist against White people, not Black people.
 I'm sure a lot of white people (guilty white liberals) give bonus points to rock bands when they are/have black members. This theory helps explain the popularity of mediocre crap like Living Color.
Of all the mountains of mediocre crap rock bands that have come out in the last 15 years, maybe 3 of them had black singers (or members as ALL of Living Color were black) and you say that is why they had thier 15 minutes?  what about the other 12,000 crap rock bands that dont have black members?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 11:18:00 am
C'mon. Admit it. Once you found out the singer for Block Party was black and had a cute little new wavey haircut to boot, you instantly liked them more.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 16, 2005, 11:29:00 am
there are shared influences between Franz and Bloc Party but I wouldn't say they sound the same.  Franz lean about move New Wavey and Bloc Party are more punky.  Bloc Party's guitarist is a bit more versatile, clearily influenced by Gang of Four, Pixies, and The Police.  BP's energy level is uptempo and the singer does have a great voice.
 And Living Color had it's moments... Glamour Boys was a ace track...
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: xcanuck on June 16, 2005, 11:31:00 am
Thx Kosmo. I think we'll get there in time for Engineers. By the way, I thought I'd offer here before going to the ticket xchange page...anyone need a ticket for tonite?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 11:33:00 am
I aint no glamour boy-I'M FIERCE
 Always makes me laugh to think of a black guy (named Corey, no less) in a designer hairstyle and spandex pants singing these lyrics.
 (V. Reid) - Bass arrangement by M. Skillings
 The glamour boys swear they are a diva
 The glamour boys have it all under control
 Always dancing and always laughing
 The glamour boys are playing the role
 The glamour boys never have no money
 The glamour boys wear the most expensive clothes
 The glamour boys are always at the party
 Where the money comes from heaven only knows
 I ain't no glamour boy - I'M FIERCE
 I ain't no glamour boy - (snap)
 I ain't no glamour boy - I'M FIERCE
 I ain't no glamour boy
 The glamour boys live off their ambition
 The glamour boys have it all figured out
 A very, very dubious position
 When you got no clout
 The glamour boys whole life is a gamble
 They might get over or fall flat on their face
 But if one does, there's no need to worry
 Another G-Boy will take this place
 I ain't no glamour boy - I'M FIERCE
 The glamour boys don't think tomorrow
 The glamour boys just need tonight to play
 But just like things you can't afford on credit
 Time catches up and you have to pay
 The glamour boys are always on the guest list
 You'll always find them in the hottest spots in town
 They'll be your friend if you have fame or fortune
 If you don't they won't be hanging 'round
 I ain't no glamour boy - I'm FIERCE
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: nkotb on June 16, 2005, 11:37:00 am
Ugh, polo shirts?  How dare they?  Don't they know the Shins, the Black Cat and indie rock belong to those of use that wear ironic, way-too-small t-shirts adorned with logos of kitschy products we've never used and places we've never been?
 Summing people up by what they wear or where they shop is a tired as talking about Bloc Party.  
Originally posted by han:
  They sold out the Black Cat so far in advance because Urban Outfitters was selling their album.   Didn't you notice the unusual amount of flipped up collared polo shirts at the show?
 Three guys walked in together, one with a pink polo shirt, one with a light green, and one in a light blue.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 11:37:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  C'mon. Admit it. Once you found out the singer for Block Party was black and had a cute little new wavey haircut to boot, you instantly liked them more.
no more than  i liked you when i found out you were a hillbilly racist  :)
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 16, 2005, 11:37:00 am
and your point is? can you find the midi version of as well?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 11:39:00 am
see my edit.
Originally posted by kosmo vinyl:
  and your point is? can you find the midi version of as well?
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 11:43:00 am
still dont see your point. other than that you're a racist.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: thirsty moore on June 16, 2005, 11:47:00 am
Rhett gets all excited when he finds out his country stars have spent time in prison.  I think they call it non-criminal guilt.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on June 16, 2005, 11:56:00 am
You still haven't illuminated what it was that I said that was racist. Face it, you're just one of those retards that like to call every comment dealing with race "racist" because it makes you feel so gosh darn superior.
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
  still dont see your point. other than that you're a racist.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 16, 2005, 11:59:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  You still haven't illuminated what it was that I said that was racist.
you know you're a racist, do you really need a deetailed explanation of something you already know, in a public forum?  i dont think so.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 16, 2005, 12:32:00 pm
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  C'mon. Admit it. Once you found out the singer for Block Party was black and had a cute little new wavey haircut to boot, you instantly liked them more.
and gay, too ... rock on!!!
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 16, 2005, 12:51:00 pm
darn it i'm going to have to go home and tear their poster off my bedroom wall now   :eek:
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Bags on June 16, 2005, 12:53:00 pm
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
  C'mon. Admit it. Once you found out the singer for Block Party was black and had a cute little new wavey haircut to boot, you instantly liked them more.
Yup, I did.
Title: Re: Bloc Party on Letterman last nite
Post by: Rhett MiIIer on June 16, 2005, 12:55:00 pm
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer:
 Always makes me horny to think of a black guy (named Corey, no less) in a designer hairstyle and spandex pants