930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Jaguar on August 26, 2012, 09:40:48 pm

Title: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on August 26, 2012, 09:40:48 pm
A little early yet but this isn't due out until sometime in 2013.

The High Dials

Here's a video clip of The High Dials in the studio working up the instrumentation for a song called "Flags" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htS5adA5sTg&feature=youtu.be). Sounds very promising. Love the '60s guitar reverbs and beachy rhythms.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 05, 2012, 07:02:47 pm
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=494941173872532&set=a.186842614682391.42777.186837654682887&type=1&theater (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=494941173872532&set=a.186842614682391.42777.186837654682887&type=1&theater)
Boris Next Release!
my bloody valentine tribute
[yellow loveless]

01. only shallow - 東京酒吐座
02. loomer - GOATBED
03. touched - The Sodom Project
04. to here knows when - Lemon's Chair
05. when you sleep - 少年ナイフ
06. i only said - 東京酒吐座
07. come in alone - AGE of PUNK
08. sometimes - Boris
09. blown a wish - SHINOBU NARITA (4-D Mode1)
10. what you want - Lemon's Chair

■2013.01.23 release
■HFR-1202 \2,100(in tax)
■High Fader RECORDS
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on November 05, 2012, 07:39:01 pm
^Saw this a few hours ago. I really want it to be good.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 05, 2012, 10:43:41 pm
i love those chinese lettered named bands.  so that is what band names are coming to.  i predict sanskrit characters next.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 06, 2012, 02:08:23 am
They do have English equivalents, but that was how they were listed.  東京酒吐座 is Tokyo Shoegazer. 少年ナイフ is Shonen Knife in Japanese. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on November 06, 2012, 12:05:09 pm
Walkies, Japanese bands have Japanese names.
Kinda how that works.
And they're Japanese, not Chinese.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 06, 2012, 12:24:26 pm
don't spoil my brain.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on November 06, 2012, 12:58:06 pm
And they're Japanese, not Chinese.

actually, i believe those characters are kanji - the alphabet borrowed from the chinese.  so technically, that is chinese.  despite his ignorance, walkies might have been correct.

<mind implodes>
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 06, 2012, 01:04:03 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on November 06, 2012, 05:42:11 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on November 06, 2012, 06:54:21 pm

this makes me incredibly, incredibly happy. 

on the one hand, can't wait for the new album.  i've been jonesing for some QOTSA, grohl returning only gives me a bigger rock-boner.

on the other, it's sure to create a shit-storm among the musical illuminati: qoatsa are great but grohl "sucks", therefore their reunion cancels out?  i've been off the qotsa bandwagon since their second album, qotsa were never good in the first place, etc etc etc.. cue the usual drivel <grabs popcorn>
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on November 06, 2012, 07:07:54 pm
oh thats good news.....Grohl's great...hopefully QOTSA  will master their new record properly..the last few have been really brickwalled..

I miss Eagles of Death Metal too..one of my favorite shows was them at the club last time they came through here..
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on November 06, 2012, 07:48:26 pm

this makes me incredibly, incredibly happy. 

on the one hand, can't wait for the new album.  i've been jonesing for some QOTSA, grohl returning only gives me a bigger rock-boner.

on the other, it's sure to create a shit-storm among the musical illuminati: qoatsa are great but grohl "sucks", therefore their reunion cancels out?  i've been off the qotsa bandwagon since their second album, qotsa were never good in the first place, etc etc etc.. cue the usual drivel <grabs popcorn>
i think even grohl haters tend to acknowledge that he's a hell of a drummer. plus songs for the deaf seems to still be the most revered queens album for most people. i checked the queens message board (a fairly hard to please bunch) and theres a lot of excitement for this qotsa/grohl reunion.

i was already eagerly awaiting the new album, this news just amplifies that. hopefully dave sticks around for a bit of touring too. i liked joey's drumming (and lullabies is my personal favorite qotsa record) but this was fantastic news to read.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Unsanity on November 07, 2012, 02:40:53 am

This is pretty cool news. I wonder what's gonna happen to Joey the Sexy Mexi? Hopefully he stays in Eagles of Death Metal permanently. I actually really like his enthusiasm and drumming. This also makes me think that Nick Oliveri might be coming back to Queens soon as well. Didn't they hire some no name bassist recently? Seemed like a stopgap until Nick is off probation or whatever.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 07, 2012, 09:15:07 am
He is one hell of a drummer.  Great news.  Can't wait to hear the new album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 07, 2012, 09:21:30 am
i hope they name the album

句丹レヨ 工己 日丹亡片

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on November 07, 2012, 09:24:47 am
idk about nick. mikey shoes has been playing bass with them for a while. he's a solid player and he can scream like nick when he needs to. from what ive read, josh and nick are on okay terms these days, but i'd be pretty shocked if he's invited back into the band. cant say i blame josh either. nick's recent arrest kinda vindicated josh for the rumors that he fired nick for beating his gf.

joey will almost certainly stay in the queens family, whether it's eagles of death metal, desert sessions, picking up on tour after dave leaves, etc. i gotta imagine its a bit of a confidence hit to be asked to step aside on the album though.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 07, 2012, 03:14:04 pm
I feel like every year I hope for a new Queens Of The Stone Age album and it never happens. But they have been teasing with pictures from the studio on their FB page. So, hopefully that.

Also heard some new Death From Above 1979 songs from their live shows in Canada. UGH. That would be amazing to get a new album from them next year...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on November 08, 2012, 01:54:25 pm
This is pretty cool news. I wonder what's gonna happen to Joey the Sexy Mexi? Hopefully he stays in Eagles of Death Metal permanently. I actually really like his enthusiasm and drumming. This also makes me think that Nick Oliveri might be coming back to Queens soon as well. Didn't they hire some no name bassist recently? Seemed like a stopgap until Nick is off probation or whatever.

Dave Grohl Rejoins Queens of the Stone Age for New Album, Joey Castillo Is Out

Michael Shuman is on bass, he played with the band around Era Vulgaris.

since the grohl announcement didn't create enough hate here, let's try this:
Trent Reznor: Nine Inch Nails' New Album Will Happen

says they might tour, also.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: madgypsy on November 08, 2012, 02:08:11 pm
Just sayin...

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 08, 2012, 06:08:11 pm
This is pretty cool news. I wonder what's gonna happen to Joey the Sexy Mexi? Hopefully he stays in Eagles of Death Metal permanently. I actually really like his enthusiasm and drumming. This also makes me think that Nick Oliveri might be coming back to Queens soon as well. Didn't they hire some no name bassist recently? Seemed like a stopgap until Nick is off probation or whatever.

Dave Grohl Rejoins Queens of the Stone Age for New Album, Joey Castillo Is Out

Michael Shuman is on bass, he played with the band around Era Vulgaris.

since the grohl announcement didn't create enough hate here, let's try this:
Trent Reznor: Nine Inch Nails' New Album Will Happen

says they might tour, also.

what does it mean when a band says they are done, that is it, no more albums, no more tours, and then they just go right back to putting out another album and another tour, like widespread panic, it looks like they are doing the same thing, and coming back once again, really man, i'm totally misuing the commas here.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 09, 2012, 09:57:25 am
I love going to see Nine Inch Nails, so I'm cool with it. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 09, 2012, 10:29:14 am

This is pretty cool news. I wonder what's gonna happen to Joey the Sexy Mexi? Hopefully he stays in Eagles of Death Metal permanently. I actually really like his enthusiasm and drumming. This also makes me think that Nick Oliveri might be coming back to Queens soon as well. Didn't they hire some no name bassist recently? Seemed like a stopgap until Nick is off probation or whatever.

His name is Mike something.... But this is awesome news.

The "Musical Illuminati" seem to hold QOTSA to some sort of weird standard, Dave Grohl is accepted as long as he's tied to Josh Home [See EODM, Them Crooked Vultures] I also think it has a lot to do with how Grohl looks at Queens [Foo Fighters being his wife, Queens being the "hot fuck" in college he'll never forget]. Their most commercially successful album, although I think Rated R has higher critical acclaim. Didn't Rolling Stone declare it one of the best "hard rock" albums of the decade?

I've been dying for a new album and new tour. Really wish they would have come through DC on the Rated R re-issue tour. I still have their poster from 2005 when they played at the Club.

As for EoDM, I think they could have had a new album but Jesse went on to make a solo album "Honkey Kong", so I don't know what that says for Eagles. My favorite show of theirs was back at the Black Cat. So much energy, Jesse is a great frontman.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 09, 2012, 11:34:09 am
I love going to see Nine Inch Nails, so I'm cool with it. 
I would also love to go see them again.  Its been three times and every single show was memorable and a lot of fun. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on November 09, 2012, 11:43:34 am
Foo Fighters being his wife, Queens being the "hot fuck" in college he'll never forget

Great way to put it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 09, 2012, 11:54:24 am
Ironically, the last time I remember Queens coming through was when they opened for Nine Inch Nails.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 09, 2012, 12:29:41 pm
Ironically, the last time I remember Queens coming through was when they opened for Nine Inch Nails.
I was there for that! Death From Above 1979 played before Queens as well. First NIN concert and it was effing awesome. Wish that whole bill would tour again.

Last time they came was after Era Vulgaris and it was at Rams Head Live.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 09, 2012, 12:43:15 pm
i saw that show as well.  got very close on the floor.  the visuals.  after i left . . . i was changed.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 09, 2012, 02:35:41 pm
Ironically, the last time I remember Queens coming through was when they opened for Nine Inch Nails.
I was there for that! Death From Above 1979 played before Queens as well. First NIN concert and it was effing awesome. Wish that whole bill would tour again.

Last time they came was after Era Vulgaris and it was at Rams Head Live.

I was there too.  Right up front.  LOVED it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 09, 2012, 04:30:47 pm
I was kind of in the middle of the crowd, went up and went a little crazy when they closed with "Song For The Dead", loved the whole chandelier set up that they had. It was also my first experience at Rams Head.

I wonder if 930 could ever get that double bill that I've seen around a few times now with Arctic Monkeys opening and Queens Of The Stone Age headlining. Fanboygasm.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on November 28, 2012, 01:55:13 pm
This is pretty cool news. I wonder what's gonna happen to Joey the Sexy Mexi? Hopefully he stays in Eagles of Death Metal permanently. I actually really like his enthusiasm and drumming. This also makes me think that Nick Oliveri might be coming back to Queens soon as well. Didn't they hire some no name bassist recently? Seemed like a stopgap until Nick is off probation or whatever.

Dave Grohl Rejoins Queens of the Stone Age for New Album, Joey Castillo Is Out

Michael Shuman is on bass, he played with the band around Era Vulgaris.

since the grohl announcement didn't create enough hate here, let's try this:
Trent Reznor: Nine Inch Nails' New Album Will Happen

says they might tour, also.

Trent Reznor Will Appear on New Queens of the Stone Age Album

also, more talk of a 2013 NIN tour.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 03:26:40 pm
While we're talking about my favorite band of all time:

Nick Oliveri to Appear on New Queens of the Stone Age Album, Rejoins Kyuss Lives!


Getting all boned up for this album. Been waiting for fucking years.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on November 28, 2012, 03:32:38 pm
whoa, did not see that one coming  :o

now it just needs a lanegan vocal spot or two
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: chaz on November 28, 2012, 03:47:16 pm
While we're talking about my favorite band of all time:

Nick Oliveri to Appear on New Queens of the Stone Age Album, Rejoins Kyuss Lives!


Getting all boned up for this album. Been waiting for fucking years.
How the hell can you have a six hour armed stand off with a SWAT team and not do jail time?  Fuck this guy.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 03:58:34 pm
Actually pretty upset Era Vulgaris was Lannegan-less. Cmon man, "Into The Fade"?! His voice is fucking priceless on that.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on November 28, 2012, 04:20:37 pm
theres no denying nick's a total piece of shit (and i never really missed him musically like a lot of qotsa fans) but having him sing a bit on the new album is definitely intriguing.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on November 28, 2012, 04:56:32 pm
If it comes out anything close to "You Think I Ain't Worth A Dollar, But I Feel Like A Millionaire" or "Tension Head" I won't be mad.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on November 28, 2012, 05:46:32 pm
Nick sounds like he's crazy. That being said, he did contribute some cool tunes: "Tension Head", "Autopilot", "Gonna Leave You", "Quick and to the Pointless"...I think he'll do some good vocals. I think the new QOTSA record will be solid. Josh does his best work when he's bouncing ideas off of others. Love all 3 Eagles of Death Metal records too.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 29, 2012, 09:21:36 am
New Nick Cave in 2013.


Hopefully there will also be a tour...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on December 05, 2012, 04:31:57 pm
Atoms for Peace - "Amok"
Feb. 25

rumored for Coachella.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2012, 11:09:04 am
QOTSA new album "Deeper, Richer, Stranger" according to Homme


Sounds like Lullabies 2
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on December 07, 2012, 11:15:18 am
We are way, way overdue for a Queens visit to the club. When was the last one, like 2005? Nearly 8 years? Wow.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on December 07, 2012, 11:17:29 am
Phoenix album .. talking April... according to the record company owner its finished...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2012, 11:28:48 am
We are way, way overdue for a Queens visit to the club. When was the last one, like 2005? Nearly 8 years? Wow.
2005, I still have the signed poster hanging in my room! They played Rams Head in 2008 I believe... Was super bummed they didn't hit the club on that tour... The poster for that show way less cool, but I still bought it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on December 07, 2012, 11:35:00 am
We are way, way overdue for a Queens visit to the club. When was the last one, like 2005? Nearly 8 years? Wow.
2005, I still have the signed poster hanging in my room! They played Rams Head in 2008 I believe... Was super bummed they didn't hit the club on that tour... The poster for that show way less cool, but I still bought it.

signed by band or poster artist or both?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2012, 11:46:09 am
By the band!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on December 07, 2012, 11:47:17 am
By the band!

oooohhhh... that is what I was hoping..nice

well played!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2012, 11:56:59 am
It was by total accident, we hitched a ride out there and the dude never came to pick us up and the metro was already closed, so eventually we got a ride from the club at like 2 or 3am and the band came out and we were sitting there soaking wet [it was raining] and they signed the poster and Josh stayed and talked with us for a few minutes. Such an awesome way to end the night which had gone south so fast.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on December 07, 2012, 12:14:31 pm
It was by total accident, we hitched a ride out there and the dude never came to pick us up and the metro was already closed, so eventually we got a ride from the club at like 2 or 3am and the band came out and we were sitting there soaking wet [it was raining] and they signed the poster and Josh stayed and talked with us for a few minutes. Such an awesome way to end the night which had gone south so fast.

awesome! love it.

The past few years I've been trying to get stuff signed more (LPs which I collect or the ocassional set list)..... it is always an adventure and gives me something extra to remember...

Jesus and the Mary Chain was funny... everybody was waiting at the backbar cause the word was they were heavy drinkers and would be hanging there.... eventually it got real late.. I was like the only person outside hanging by the back bar entrance and people were like coming out saying it would be a long time cause they were drinking in the green room...I still don't know what was real and what was people making shit up or why.....finally I was like "I got to move." so I walked to the front entrance and who do I see but Jim and WIlliam Reid having a conversation right in front of the Guest List window... the only guys there (other than me)...deserted...they were totally sober, of course... I waited a second and politely interjected myself and asked them would they sign the set list... which they did...chatted a bit with Jim who, contrary to what Atomic Front thinks,  thought they'd sounded pretty good... "It WAS pretty good, no?"...  They were the two most normal dudes.. I'm guessing they were waiting to get a lift to their hotel..

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 07, 2012, 02:15:11 pm
I've only met a handful of people, I was set on meeting Jemina Pearl of Be Your Own PET, I saw them about 3 times and finally they opened for Arctic Monkeys and in between sets she was up on the balcony and just standing there texting on her phone and I approached her. Didn't ask for her autopgraph but we talked for awhile before eventually going to the Monkeys dressing room. BASTARDS.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on December 07, 2012, 05:41:09 pm
Cloud Cult - Love
March 6
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on December 07, 2012, 05:55:12 pm
Depeche Mode - April
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 07, 2012, 05:59:43 pm
really? . . . their last one was a let down.  i like them.  not inxs like, but i do really like them.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on December 10, 2012, 11:11:43 am
Screen Vinyl Image - 51:21 (Cassette)

from SVI
we're releasing a cassette "51:21" in feb, features the never before released track Too Much Speed, original version of Stay Asleep, re-issue of Midnight Sun EP, and our live 30 min instrumental performance we did this oct virginia, listen here:

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on December 10, 2012, 11:31:34 am
Depeche Mode - April

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on December 10, 2012, 02:00:00 pm
I'm thinking JAMC
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on December 11, 2012, 02:25:10 pm
More QOTSA weirdness

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on December 12, 2012, 12:43:15 pm

The Knife Return With New Album "Shaking the Habitual"

http://pitchfork.com/news/48903-the-knife-return-with-new-album/ (http://pitchfork.com/news/48903-the-knife-return-with-new-album/)

And this morning, I said words I never thought I would speak: Hey, I got an email from The Knife!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 12, 2012, 01:07:37 pm
so that is why they posted on facebook this morning.  i'm going to go play with knives now in celebration.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on December 13, 2012, 06:41:27 pm
Yes, Arcade Fire Are Working With James Murphy

<sits back, grabs popcorn>
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 08, 2013, 11:05:16 am
David Bowie has announced his first new album in 10 years.

Titled 'The Next Day', the album has been produced by Bowie's longtime collaborator Tony Visconti and will be released in the UK and most countries worldwide on March 11. Australia will get the albums three days earlier on March 8, while American fans will have to wait until March 12.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on January 08, 2013, 11:44:52 am
ha, i came to post the same news:

David Bowie Returns From Decade-Long Hiatus With New Album, Single
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 08, 2013, 12:06:02 pm
John Davis and Chris Richards (Q And Not U) have a new duo project, Paint Branch. Debut album I Wanna Live drops today on Bandcamp. Name your price and get it here! (http://paintbranch.bandcamp.com/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on January 08, 2013, 12:06:39 pm
the album cover for the new bowie is crazy.. its the heroes cover with a giant white circle over most of it and the word heroes crossed out

what do we know about new album.. tony visconti produced and tony levin and earl slick play on it.. 17 songs on itune deluxe.. will have cd and vinyl issue.

i''m super stoked for it.. now if only he will play a few shows but i think he won't...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 08, 2013, 11:06:27 pm
love me some bowie . . . love me some of him, too


"Folk vagabond"  -  i like that
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 09, 2013, 12:16:17 pm
Friends Records presents the debut long player from Baltimore?s Secret Mountains, a young sextet whose handful of EPs and singles have captured a new take on an ancient yearn for psychedelic exploration via the deep soul, heavy pop and lush noise they?ve grown up engulfed in.

Rainer is the dark answer to each member?s storm, prompting listeners to roar through their own tempestuous experiences. It is an inclement but brave battle fought by the authoritative percussion of Chris Muccioli, the calculated frenzy of Jeffery Silverstein and Cory Lawrence?s guitars, Kelly Laughlin?s commanding soul-gaze vocals, the sub-earth bass of Alex Jones and the blinding glow of Jake Winstanley?s keys.

The debut record was recorded at Chris and Mickey Freeland?s Beat Babies Studio outside of Baltimore, and was mastered by Paul Gold at Salt Mastering. Art and design are by Chris Muccioli, and the limited vinyl release is hand numbered and accompanied by a download code for the full album in their choice of file type.

Flooded by the squalls of Arbouretum, the interstellar hail of Celebration, the thunder and lightning of Wye Oak and the howling rage of Sri Aurobindo, Baltimore?s psychedelic downpour has been bountiful. Secret Mountains offer a new ark to voyage the cosmos, a heavy path that starts deep in the grooves of Rainer.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on January 09, 2013, 12:22:15 pm
Friends Records presents the debut long player from Baltimore?s Secret Mountains, a young sextet whose handful of EPs and singles have captured a new take on an ancient yearn for psychedelic exploration via the deep soul, heavy pop and lush noise they?ve grown up engulfed in.

Rainer is the dark answer to each member?s storm, prompting listeners to roar through their own tempestuous experiences. It is an inclement but brave battle fought by the authoritative percussion of Chris Muccioli, the calculated frenzy of Jeffery Silverstein and Cory Lawrence?s guitars, Kelly Laughlin?s commanding soul-gaze vocals, the sub-earth bass of Alex Jones and the blinding glow of Jake Winstanley?s keys.

The debut record was recorded at Chris and Mickey Freeland?s Beat Babies Studio outside of Baltimore, and was mastered by Paul Gold at Salt Mastering. Art and design are by Chris Muccioli, and the limited vinyl release is hand numbered and accompanied by a download code for the full album in their choice of file type.

Flooded by the squalls of Arbouretum, the interstellar hail of Celebration, the thunder and lightning of Wye Oak and the howling rage of Sri Aurobindo, Baltimore?s psychedelic downpour has been bountiful. Secret Mountains offer a new ark to voyage the cosmos, a heavy path that starts deep in the grooves of Rainer.

The first few times I saw Secret Mountains I really liked them.  They had a banjo and they played americana type music than I saw them a year later and they sounded like a boring shoegazing band.  I was quite disappointed. If they are still doing the latter style I will skip this release. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 09, 2013, 12:35:00 pm
Not everyone is bored by shoegaze or the sound that Secret Mountains have (NOT shoegaze). IF anything, you could call them Psychedelic Rock.  They do not use enough fuzz/effects to be shoegaze.
This is an example of a newish release:

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 09, 2013, 12:35:56 pm
The new Poltergeist album, ?Your Mind Is A Box? (Let Us Fill It With Wonder) is available to order right now, through pledge music. The album features original Echo & the Bunnymen members Will Sergeant on guitar & Les Pattinson on bass & Nick Kilroe on drums. To order your CD or double vinyl in a double gatefold sleeve along with extra exclusive goodies, please go to : www.pledgemusic.com/artists/poltergeist
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 09, 2013, 12:56:10 pm
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Specter At The Feast" is confirmed for release on  March 19th (US, Canada, Everywhere else).

Also looking forward to some albums I helped KickStart coming out this year.

Alice Smith - She
E.Joseph and The Phantom Heart - Burn All The Documents
Parthenon Huxley - Thank You Bethesda
Ramesh - first solo album from the singer in Voxtrot

Mark Morriss - second solo record from the Bluetones.  His first five year old solo has been in heavy rotation at HQ of late, having just found out about it this year.   Bummed The Bluetones never broke in the US, would have loved to have seen them live.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 09, 2013, 05:11:15 pm
am i missing something; is not all shoegaze . . . the same?  there are different shades of the gaze?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 09, 2013, 05:23:02 pm
Shoegaze is shoegaze, the same way way hip hop is hip hop or indie is indie or Jam Bands are Jam Bands. 

Different shades. 

Now shoegaze in particular has the related sub-genre of dream pop, which is a bit less noisy and a little more dreamy.  Secret Mountains falls more into this category then just straight ahead shoegaze. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 09, 2013, 10:38:01 pm
Uh. Hm...

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on January 10, 2013, 03:35:30 am

Uh. Hm...


what's the password?

EDIT: it's an e-mail signup form.  puts you on their mailing list, i believe... the reply/confirmation message is a little unclear.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 10, 2013, 10:19:20 am
I did that but didn't even check my email til this morning. That was a sad email hahaha
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 10, 2013, 10:46:08 am
This is as adorable as it is deplorable. Lefsetz is a reasonably smart guy in the music industry but this is just laughably and sickeningly arrogant.

David Bowie (http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2013/01/09/david-bowie/)

Yesterday?s news.

I?m not talking about the man himself so much as his new track, his new album? A circle jerk publicity campaign that the old wave ate up and we?ve already moved on from. I mean how can someone who used to get it so right, who was on the bleeding edge, get it so wrong?

This is the guy who did Berlin/electronic before most people had a clue who Eno was and did the Bowie Bonds deal and now he signs with Sony and puts out a new album and the sycophantic press hypes it and drives those who care, who aren?t that many, hell there are only 29,359 views on Vevo as I write this, to the video which features a song so dirgey and so mediocre as to tarnish his entire legacy, if he hadn?t been doing that himself for decades.

How come these oldsters don?t get it? They made music that lasted forever, now they just want to play for a day. Employ the old school publicity paradigm on steroids which is ignored by everybody but the aforementioned sycophants who think we?re still living in 1974.

Bowie, want to get it right?

Do it the Mumford way.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2013, 10:56:03 am
I guess old Bob doesn't understand how viral actually works.  Because on my twitter feed, with lots of like minded individuals, there is plenty of excitement about the single and the forthcoming album.  Buzz created for free, kinda like how we post on the 9:30 club stuff on the forum for free :)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on January 10, 2013, 10:58:09 am
This is as adorable as it is deplorable. Lefsetz is a reasonably smart guy in the music industry but this is just laughably and sickeningly arrogant.

David Bowie (http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2013/01/09/david-bowie/)

Yesterday?s news.

I?m not talking about the man himself so much as his new track, his new album? A circle jerk publicity campaign that the old wave ate up and we?ve already moved on from. I mean how can someone who used to get it so right, who was on the bleeding edge, get it so wrong?

This is the guy who did Berlin/electronic before most people had a clue who Eno was and did the Bowie Bonds deal and now he signs with Sony and puts out a new album and the sycophantic press hypes it and drives those who care, who aren?t that many, hell there are only 29,359 views on Vevo as I write this, to the video which features a song so dirgey and so mediocre as to tarnish his entire legacy, if he hadn?t been doing that himself for decades.

How come these oldsters don?t get it? They made music that lasted forever, now they just want to play for a day. Employ the old school publicity paradigm on steroids which is ignored by everybody but the aforementioned sycophants who think we?re still living in 1974.

Bowie, want to get it right?

Do it the Mumford way.


Yeah I read this yesterday and was pretty ticked..

For a second I thought he might be Atomicfront


The main thing is he didn't realize the video had been seen on Youtube over 2 million times not a few thousand on VIMEO! He corrected himself this morning on that point...

Bob comes off as the cranky old out of touch man he writes about!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2013, 11:01:11 am
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2013, 11:04:26 am
Uh. Hm...


FYI a new Hello=Fire album would be greater than a new QOSTA one :)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on January 10, 2013, 11:33:45 am
This is as adorable as it is deplorable. Lefsetz is a reasonably smart guy in the music industry but this is just laughably and sickeningly arrogant.

David Bowie (http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2013/01/09/david-bowie/)

Yesterday?s news.

I?m not talking about the man himself so much as his new track, his new album? A circle jerk publicity campaign that the old wave ate up and we?ve already moved on from. I mean how can someone who used to get it so right, who was on the bleeding edge, get it so wrong?

This is the guy who did Berlin/electronic before most people had a clue who Eno was and did the Bowie Bonds deal and now he signs with Sony and puts out a new album and the sycophantic press hypes it and drives those who care, who aren?t that many, hell there are only 29,359 views on Vevo as I write this, to the video which features a song so dirgey and so mediocre as to tarnish his entire legacy, if he hadn?t been doing that himself for decades.

How come these oldsters don?t get it? They made music that lasted forever, now they just want to play for a day. Employ the old school publicity paradigm on steroids which is ignored by everybody but the aforementioned sycophants who think we?re still living in 1974.

Bowie, want to get it right?

Do it the Mumford way.


did atomicfront write that?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 10, 2013, 11:57:41 am
Uh. Hm...


FYI a new Hello=Fire album would be greater than a new QOSTA one :)
Not to me! But I hope you enjoy whoever that band is  ;D
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2013, 12:24:35 pm

    Dean Fertita - vocals, guitar, keyboard
    Brendan Benson - bass, vocals, guitar
    Michael Horrigan - drums
    Joey Castillo - drums
    Troy Van Leeuwen - bass
    Michael Shuman - bass, vocals
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 10, 2013, 02:15:55 pm
Dang! How I never heard of them!? I'll look them up immediately...

I'm a big fan of anything new that Brendon Benson is involved in let alone Dean, Joey, Troy and Mikey!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on January 10, 2013, 02:36:15 pm
This is as adorable as it is deplorable. Lefsetz is a reasonably smart guy in the music industry but this is just laughably and sickeningly arrogant.

David Bowie (http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2013/01/09/david-bowie/)

Yesterday?s news.

I?m not talking about the man himself so much as his new track, his new album? A circle jerk publicity campaign that the old wave ate up and we?ve already moved on from. I mean how can someone who used to get it so right, who was on the bleeding edge, get it so wrong?

This is the guy who did Berlin/electronic before most people had a clue who Eno was and did the Bowie Bonds deal and now he signs with Sony and puts out a new album and the sycophantic press hypes it and drives those who care, who aren?t that many, hell there are only 29,359 views on Vevo as I write this, to the video which features a song so dirgey and so mediocre as to tarnish his entire legacy, if he hadn?t been doing that himself for decades.

How come these oldsters don?t get it? They made music that lasted forever, now they just want to play for a day. Employ the old school publicity paradigm on steroids which is ignored by everybody but the aforementioned sycophants who think we?re still living in 1974.

Bowie, want to get it right?

Do it the Mumford way.


did atomicfront write that?

No I didn't listen to the new Bowie song because I figured it was awful.  And the Brian Eno comment is silly.  Because I am pretty sure millions of people knew who Eno was before he produced a few overrated bowie albums.  Eno's first solo album wasn't bad and has the song "Needles in the Camel's Eye" which is pretty good.  Plus he was in mutha f'in roxy music.   Both of the albums he played on were top 10 in the UK. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 10, 2013, 05:14:06 pm
Justin Timberlake  :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 11, 2013, 10:54:13 am
Justin Timberlake  :o :o :o :o :o :o
I heard a song should be release sometime this weekend?

I'm excited. Timberlake & Timbaland = dance magic.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 11, 2013, 11:01:41 am
More goodness headed our way

Per the twitter from David Holmes

"Just listened to the new freshly sequenced & mastered primal scream lp! Very Happy!"

also new Charles Bradley out on Daptones April 2nd
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on January 14, 2013, 01:03:21 pm
Justin Timberlake  :o :o :o :o :o :o
I heard a song should be release sometime this weekend?

I'm excited. Timberlake & Timbaland = dance magic.

"Suit and Tie", listen here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/perpetua/justin-timberlakes-suit-and-tie-is-here-and-it

opening is weird, but give it ~20 seconds to settle into what i'd expect from the combo... then it peters out a bit.  jay-z cameo.  heavy R&B influence.

"Get ready to hear this song at every dance, prom, wedding reception, and miscellaneous formal event for the rest of your life."
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on January 14, 2013, 01:05:30 pm
I like it!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 16, 2013, 02:14:17 pm
I am probably more excited for this release than any other at the moment.

Locke Ernstfrost & his Self-Portraits are coming out of retirement? for one night. Art Lord & the Self-Portraits played their first show on Valentine?s Day 2003, and exactly 10 years later they will play their only reunion show at Kings in Raleigh, NC on February 14, 2013.

In 2003, Locke Ernstfrost, the self-proclaimed ?Art Lord,? created four self-portraits which magically came to life to perform his songs for him (because no one else was good enough). The myth of Locke is quite the tale, but for now here?s some news on his band?s recordings.

On February 14, 2013, Friends Records will release a double LP retrospective compiling material from Art Lord & the Self-Portraits? four original albums, ?Searching for a Complement,? ?In Your Boombox,? ?Ideas For Housecrafts,? and ?Snail,? plus some live recordings from the band?s formative years. Each LP will come with a download code for all 4 original albums, 2 live shows, plus rare demo recordings.

While Friends Records has always focused on happenings within Baltimore?s city limits, it?s also important to understand how we got here. Two years before Future Islands made the move north at Dan Deacon?s invitation, Sam Herring, William Cashion, Gerrit Welmers, and Adam Beeby were Art Lord & the Self-Portraits. The band used to play frequently with Dan Deacon, including a two and a half week tour together not long before the band broke up and formed Future Islands.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on January 16, 2013, 02:39:52 pm
Gotta say this new Yo La Tengo album is pretty boring... :-\
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on January 16, 2013, 03:42:52 pm
Suede - Bloodsports 3/18  (wonder if it will come in the US)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: stevewizzle on January 17, 2013, 09:32:52 pm
the new yeah yeah yeahs album out this spring being self-described as "extremely lo-fi" is a huge disappointment.

also that new mosquito song sucks.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 18, 2013, 10:22:50 am

I don't usually go for 'quirky' but this is really appealing right now. Kind of a halfway point between the first records by Futureheads and Battles with an early Peter Gabriel vibe.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on January 18, 2013, 10:56:58 am
everything everything... i'm invisible, i'm invisible... an eraser of love...  why dont you call me, i feel like flying in two...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 18, 2013, 11:12:08 am
Are you coming onto me?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on January 18, 2013, 12:52:55 pm
it was an offer to drop acid.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on January 19, 2013, 04:12:30 pm
everything everything... i'm invisible, i'm invisible... an eraser of love...  why dont you call me, i feel like flying in two...

oh gosh.. underworld.. one of my all time favorite "bands"

i do think they've disintegrated in an ugly way since darren emerson left... its been very sad to see..

is there a new album on the way?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Cock Van Der Palm on January 20, 2013, 11:04:46 am
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: serpent boy on January 21, 2013, 07:48:42 pm
New BRMC track (cover of "Let the Day Begin") available for free through their Web site:
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Stillwater on January 22, 2013, 02:28:14 pm
Local Natives album streaming anywhere yet?

Edit: Nevermind. Streaming on iTunes if anyone is interested.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 24, 2013, 06:29:32 pm
Early recordings by Hüsker Dü are being released by Chicago based crate digging label Numero Group. The three session tracks were made in 1980, at Minneapolis's Blackberry Way Studio, pressed with a fourth track recorded live at Duffy's. This is an early heads up: Numero are releasing double 7" for Record Store day later this year (penned in for 20 April).

Three of the recordings ("Statues", "Writer's Cramp" and "Let's Go Die") were from the Blackberry Way sessions for Hüsker Dü's debut single on Twin/Tone, a deal which fell through. Grant Hart, Bob Mould and Greg Norton then decided to put out a 10" on their own, and recorded a live version of "Amusement" before finances meant that only two of the tracks made it out, on a 7" for Reflex Records in 1981.

Numero have remastered the Hüsker Dü recordings and are pressing up the 2x7" in a run of 4000, with a gatefold sleeve. More details here, and listen to "Statues" below.
https://soundcloud.com/biz-3-publicity/h-sker-d-statues (https://soundcloud.com/biz-3-publicity/h-sker-d-statues)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on January 25, 2013, 05:32:00 pm
video for the first song from The Knife's new album

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 25, 2013, 05:56:15 pm
Knife tracklist (allegedly)

01 A Tooth for an Eye 6:04
02 Full of Fire 9:17
03 A Cherry on Top 8:43
04 Without You My Life Would Be Boring 5:14
05 Wrap Your Arms Around Me 4:36
06 Crake 0:55
07 Old Dreams Waiting to Be Realized 19:22
08 Raging Lung 9:58
09 Networking 6:42
10 Oryx 0:37
11 Stay Out Here 10:42
12 Fracking Fluid Injection 9:54
13 Ready to Lose 4:36

If this is legit, I'm a little wary of all these long lengths. I'm not against that per se but I'm hoping it's not another 'Tomorrow In a Year' that's all texture and atmospherics and very few hooks.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 25, 2013, 07:37:34 pm
nothing could be another . . . that album.  ughhh.  i would take one hundred minute long songs, if it was the knife.  they better play america, and it better not be some ny/la only show either.  fuckers.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 25, 2013, 08:39:21 pm
I remember during the snowmageddon that we badly needed groceries so I decided to be The Man of the family and walk to the Unsafeway about 8 blocks away in the hurtling snowstorm. Smoked a J on the way and listened to Silent Shout on the walk and it was the most perfect soundtrack possible, like very moving and powerful.

Then I got to the store and it was closed so I had to walk home empty-handed and my wife busted me the minute I walked in the door.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 25, 2013, 08:49:36 pm
oh you crazy heterosexuals . . . and your wives.

when i hear marble house, i melt.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 26, 2013, 02:14:18 pm
video for the first song from The Knife's new album


did anybody here see this before "taken down."  damm!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 27, 2013, 06:47:36 pm
Ive seen reports today that MBV are releasing their new one this week.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on January 27, 2013, 07:15:56 pm
Ive seen reports today that MBV are releasing their new one this week.

Here's one (http://www.thelineofbestfit.com/news/latest-news/my-bloody-valentine-play-new-material-album-due-this-week-116887)

And another (http://www.undertheradarmag.com/news/my_bloody_valentine_to_release_a_new_album_in_two_or_three_days/#.UQWrxG4idVZ.facebook)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on January 27, 2013, 08:42:49 pm
Ive seen reports today that MBV are releasing their new one this week.

Here's one (http://www.thelineofbestfit.com/news/latest-news/my-bloody-valentine-play-new-material-album-due-this-week-116887)

And another (http://www.undertheradarmag.com/news/my_bloody_valentine_to_release_a_new_album_in_two_or_three_days/#.UQWrxG4idVZ.facebook)

This is all preliminary to Shields' plan to blow up the internet.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on January 27, 2013, 09:04:47 pm
Don't know what this was recorded on and how much damage it did but a few friends of mine were there and all said the sound in Brixton tonight was horrible, though they enjoyed the show.

Here's a video of one of their new songs. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpsCi-3bBA0)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on January 27, 2013, 09:56:28 pm
Ive seen reports today that MBV are releasing their new one this week.

Here's one (http://www.thelineofbestfit.com/news/latest-news/my-bloody-valentine-play-new-material-album-due-this-week-116887)

And another (http://www.undertheradarmag.com/news/my_bloody_valentine_to_release_a_new_album_in_two_or_three_days/#.UQWrxG4idVZ.facebook)

This is looking more like bullshit. That is, if these quotes are correct:

Audience: "When's the new album out?"
Kevin: "Maybe 2 or 3 days..."
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 28, 2013, 10:45:14 am
video for the first song from The Knife's new album


did anybody here see this before "taken down."  damm!

Repost of Knife video. I'm just assuming this is what its like in Sweden all the time.
http://youtu.be/DoH6k6eIUS4 (http://youtu.be/DoH6k6eIUS4)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 28, 2013, 11:10:27 am
watched it this morning.  eh so far in my mind.  the video was ok, a little boring and it seems like it going for crazy shock value in a world shocked out.  we all know that fucked up people are out there, stop reminding us.  the music went in spurts of "i like this" . . . to "dear lord, it looks like silent shout was their masterpiece."  but who knows.  it is just one song.  and i never judge after only one listen.  was it just me, or was the last minute of the song, the best?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 28, 2013, 12:00:12 pm

Did I miss this in here?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 28, 2013, 12:12:04 pm
you know what i thought when i first saw that yyy album cover . . . nirvana rip off.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on January 28, 2013, 01:14:30 pm
Not their best.... Would have been fine with just the mosquito, honestly. Or even just the YYYs at the bottom. The baby really loses me.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on January 28, 2013, 03:51:57 pm
Kinda reminds me of Garbage Pail Kids. Man those little shits were hot.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 30, 2013, 05:23:00 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on January 30, 2013, 05:46:58 pm
f . . . yeah
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on January 30, 2013, 06:22:03 pm
f . . . yeah

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 30, 2013, 08:08:52 pm
V Fest 2013 Headliner?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 30, 2013, 08:55:06 pm
Bye! - dreamshit surfer (Archie Moore)
Collected recordings from 1999-2012. Mostly recorded at home, with occasional overdubs and mixing at Omega Recording Studios and Clean Cuts Music & Sound Design.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on January 30, 2013, 09:25:38 pm
^I heard a bit of that earlier. Promising stuff. Also, Archie is one of the nicest people I know.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 31, 2013, 01:07:19 am
Plus it is free.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 31, 2013, 12:51:32 pm
How To Destroy Angels -Welcome Oblivion 
March 5

Link to First video from the album
http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2013/01/30/170687806/trent (http://www.npr.org/blogs/allsongs/2013/01/30/170687806/trent)

I personally really dug their debut EP (Trent Reznor is king after all) and would love to see them live...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on January 31, 2013, 03:15:35 pm
Ulrich Schnauss ? A Long Way To Fall
Oh yeah! A new album from German shoegaze artist Ulrich Schnauss! Too bad this wasnt an alternate reality where he could come over to the US and tour extensively, including Baltimore and DC dates.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on February 02, 2013, 05:32:34 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 02, 2013, 06:00:35 pm
Probably the album cover:

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: wml7 on February 02, 2013, 08:29:45 pm
New MBV is now available on their website
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 02, 2013, 08:35:08 pm
New MBV is now available on their website

Except they broke the internet.

In the meantime, here's some up to date reading about the new album and tour dates. Unfortunately, no US dates. At least, as of yet.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 02, 2013, 09:31:30 pm
Can't believe some fool did this:

A petition to the White House to Make My Bloody Valentine website work again (https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/make-my-bloody-valentine-website-work-again/YdCY6dSx).   ::)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 02, 2013, 09:49:18 pm
In other news....

A new Jimi Hendrix release called People, Hell And Angels (http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/lost_jimi_hendrix_album_will_be_released_in_2013.html?no_takeover) will be released sometime in 2013.

Article includes info on an upcoming new film release of Hendrix at Woodstock.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on February 03, 2013, 12:05:00 pm
QOTSA confirm Mark Lanegan on their new album

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 03, 2013, 06:36:45 pm
In other news....

A new Jimi Hendrix release called People, Hell And Angels (http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/general_music_news/lost_jimi_hendrix_album_will_be_released_in_2013.html?no_takeover) will be released sometime in 2013.

Article includes info on an upcoming new film release of Hendrix at Woodstock.

Now here's a taste (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-THhwh5mNI) of the new Hendrix. Oh, my! Sounds promising.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 04, 2013, 03:26:35 pm
In the Vinyl Department (per David J.):

Bauhaus vinyl REMASTERS out Feb 5th! (http://www.insound.com/In-the-Flat-Field-Remastered-Vinyl-LP-Bauhaus/P/INS114699)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on February 04, 2013, 04:04:27 pm
In the Vinyl Department (per David J.):

Bauhaus vinyl REMASTERS out Feb 5th! (http://www.insound.com/In-the-Flat-Field-Remastered-Vinyl-LP-Bauhaus/P/INS114699)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on February 04, 2013, 06:03:51 pm

TIME gives it a positive review - http://entertainment.time.com/2013/02/04/my-bloody-valentines-first-album-in-22-years-is-a-welcome-blast-from-the-past/
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 04, 2013, 06:07:35 pm
All of the discussions I've read on various music-related message boards have been a uniform circle jerk. At first, one of the debate points was "it's better than Isn't Anything" and then it evolved to "it's better than Loveless" which I think is pretty dumb considering its been out for just over a day.

Anyway, I have to take a drive tonight so am looking forward to hearing it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on February 04, 2013, 06:55:36 pm
The Ned Raggett (http://thequietus.com/articles/11295-my-bloody-valentine-s-mbv-track-by-track-by-ned-raggett) take is (not surprisingly) the best I have read up to now.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 05, 2013, 10:23:55 am
Drove a full Beltway loop last night listening to the new MBV and I'm unapologetically joining the circle jerk bandwagon. It's genuinely great. I like that its 9 fully formed songs (I wasn't a fan of the Loveless interludes) and all of them are high quality. When it was over, all I wanted to do was listen to it again so I did.

The only shame is that this didn't come out in, say, 94 or 95. Its a very good, natural continuation from Loveless but unfortunately the headline of it is going to be "OMG 22 YRS!"
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: grateful on February 05, 2013, 10:27:21 am
Well, most of the material /was written back then...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 05, 2013, 10:42:12 am
Come on, that's not really true. He didn't write nine songs in 1994, put them on a shelf, and then dust them off a month ago. He's been "writing" these songs over and over and over for the last 22 years so they're much more a product of right now than they are of the early 90s.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: grateful on February 05, 2013, 10:45:34 am
"Rumors spread among fans of albums being recorded and then shelved. In 1999, it was reported that Shields had delivered 60 hours of material to Island.[23] According to sources, one was possibly influenced by jungle music.[26] Shields later confirmed that at least one full album of new material was abandoned. He said, "We did an album's worth of half-finished stuff, and it did just get dumped, but it was worth dumping. It was dead. It hadn't got that spirit, that life in it."[30] Shields later said to Magnet magazine, "We are 100 percent going to make another My Bloody Valentine record unless we die or something", and attributed the band's sparse output to a lack of inspiration.[31]"

"Following their appearance at the All Tomorrows Parties festival, the New York Times reported that Shields was planning to complete the unfinished album: "I realized that all that stuff I was doing in 1996 and 1997 was a lot better than I thought."[40]"

'Cause, y'know, wikipedia.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 05, 2013, 10:57:17 am
I thought My Bloody Valentine bankrupted Creation working on an album...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 05, 2013, 11:30:26 am
DJ Dog Dick - Identity EP
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 05, 2013, 11:48:59 am
Come on Feb 25... Need more Deathfix.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 06, 2013, 02:30:54 pm
Dungeonesse - Dungeonesse (May 14)
Jenn Wasner (Wye Oak/Flock of Dimes) and Jon Ehrens (White Life/the Art Department) dance music collaboration. 
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyNDaW4qwQw&feature=player_embedded (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyNDaW4qwQw&feature=player_embedded)
1. Shucks
2. Drive You Crazy
3. Show You
4. Private Party
5. Nightlight
6. This Could Be Home (Featuring TT The Artist)
7. Wake Me Up
8. Cadillac (Featuring DDm)
9. Anywhere You Are
10. Soon
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 06, 2013, 03:06:33 pm
lovesliescrushing ? Fantomaura
"out in the near future?"
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 07, 2013, 11:58:26 am
Jake from Screen Vinyl Image is hard at work mastering the Roomrunner debut LP.  He mastered the far superior first EP of Roomrunner (when compared to the Super Vague EP, which didnt sound as full) and I am very excited to hear what this new album will bring. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on February 08, 2013, 01:34:42 am
Autechre Exai (https://bleep.com/release/41081-autechre-exai) digital out now on Bleep (and iTunes, if you must). 24-bit WAVs available for same price as 16-bit.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on February 08, 2013, 10:41:55 am
its amazing .. you go on rateyourmusic and thousands have already rated the new MBV album.. one listen and people know...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 08, 2013, 11:42:31 am
The new MBV album has been out for almost a week now. I suspect that is enough time to listen to a 46-minute album more than once.

Also, you didn't answer my question from earlier. Why did you put the '$' sign after the numeral in your earlier post? I believe you typed "40$".
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on February 08, 2013, 01:49:04 pm
The new MBV album has been out for almost a week now. I suspect that is enough time to listen to a 46-minute album more than once.

Also, you didn't answer my question from earlier. Why did you put the '$' sign after the numeral in your earlier post? I believe you typed "40$".

even a few days ago there were hundreds of reviews

i can't speak for others but for me it takes a while until i know exactly how i feel about an album... rating it after one or two listens ...that is just hard for me to comprehend

I am not canadian.... but you may be onto something...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 10, 2013, 12:27:35 am
Horse Lords - Mixtape Vol. 2
Hitting the road again tomorrow, but before we go let us present Mixtape Vol. 2. Pick one up at one the shows, or order online to reserve your copy. And Baltimore folks, you can grab one at the True Vine!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on February 11, 2013, 11:36:20 pm
New Stooges album!


Maybe we will finally get a club show for the Stooges with James Williamson...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on February 12, 2013, 10:35:04 am
Elton John also contributing to the new Queens Of The Stone Age record


EDIT: A 2nd "letter" sent to Kerrang Magazine:

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 14, 2013, 02:16:10 am
I'm excited about this one!  ;D

House Of Love - "She Paints Words In Red" (http://www.amazon.com/She-Paints-Words-House-Love/dp/B00AZKSZSY/ref=sr_1_3?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1360822322&sr=1-3&keywords=House+Of+Love)

Due out April 9th, 2013.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 14, 2013, 08:22:48 am
co-signed on the House Of Love...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 14, 2013, 01:17:11 pm
Joeybagadoughnuts -  Joeybagadoughnuts Sings His Heart Out
Joeybagadoughnuts (of Sortahuman) just released this collection of R&B tunes.
1. Intro (Prod. by Joeybagadoughnuts) 00:44
2. High Life (Prod. by Robby D) 03:16
3. 12/31/12 (Prod. by Do$age) 03:47   
4. Strange Feat. Supa Sortahuman (Prod. by Party Trash) 02:35
5. Freak Show (Prod. by Joeybagadoughnuts) 03:20
6. Mary (Prod. by Joeybagadoughnuts) 04:12
7. Famous Last Words (Prod. by Joeybagadoughnuts) 03:18
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 15, 2013, 01:12:14 pm
EmptyMansions - snakes/vultures/sulfate -  3/29/13
The debut release from EmptyMansions featuring Sam Fogarino (Interpol), Duane Denison (The Jesus Lizard, Tomahawk), and Brandon Curtis (The Secret Machines).

EmptyMansions fuse pop hooks with drone guitars, post-punk beats, and down-in-the-hole bass lines.

Track listing:
1. Led to Measure
2. Lyra
3. Up in the Holler
4. FTC
5. Sulfate
6. That Man
7. [The Former] You
8. Down by the River
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 17, 2013, 06:10:17 am
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult is working on a new album but no mention as to a possible release date.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on February 18, 2013, 12:40:45 am
Surprised at how good this is! (http://www.npr.org/2013/02/17/172096457/first-listen-chelsea-light-moving-chelsea-light-moving?sc=tw&cc=twmp)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 12:18:03 pm
Primal Scream
"More Light"
May 6, 2013

Here's a video for 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfPu5FQgFIU) from the new album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 12:30:40 pm
If you are left a bit underwhelmed by Primal Scream's new music, than I'm sure you'll be much more excited by today's Exit Calm's release of their new single.

Exit Calm
"The Rapture" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NcqyhyrG-0I)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on February 18, 2013, 12:31:14 pm
I thought the new Primal Scream was ok.  Kevin Shields is on guitar.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 12:32:54 pm
I thought the new Primal Scream was ok.  Kevin Shields is on guitar.

Maybe I need a few more listens but I agree. Kind of reminds me of later Jesus & Mary Chain. Okay but far from their best.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 18, 2013, 12:49:24 pm
Primal Scream
"More Light"
May 6, 2013

Here's a video for 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfPu5FQgFIU) from the new album.

Great minds think a like, Tim Burgess played the whole nine minute version of the 2013 track on BBC6 today.  It's pretty killer...  Produced by David Holmes.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 18, 2013, 12:50:25 pm
New Johnny Marr album stream

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 12:59:47 pm
^ Kosmo, thanks for posting this. I'll have to check it out.  ;)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 01:04:32 pm
The Chambermaids are remastering a new album that I guess will come out sometime this year.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 18, 2013, 01:20:10 pm
For fans of Echo & Then Bunnymen:

The Poltergeist album download should be available on March 4th. The track "Cathedral" is quite good. Sounds like they've been hanging out with some of the Shoegazers.  ;D

It's a PledgeMusic thing which is like Kickstarter.

Will Sergeant & Les Pattinson have started an exciting new project called 'Poltergeist'. (http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/poltergeist)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on February 18, 2013, 01:31:59 pm
For fans of Echo & Then Bunnymen:

The Poltergeist album download should be available on March 4th. The track "Cathedral" is quite good. Sounds like they've been hanging out with some of the Shoegazers.  ;D

It's a PledgeMusic thing which is like Kickstarter.

Will Sergeant & Les Pattinson have started an exciting new project called 'Poltergeist'. (http://www.pledgemusic.com/projects/poltergeist)

Hey remember when Sergeant and Pattinson last put an album (Reverberation) out and called it Echo and the Bunnymen?  Remember how badly it sucked? 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 19, 2013, 03:07:12 pm
The Pastels
"Slow Summits"
May 27, 2013
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on February 21, 2013, 11:24:15 am
Obviously I'm stupid stoked on the new QOTSA album [favorite band, yo]. If you haven't kept up with all the "letters" they've been sending to UK magazines, Spin does a solid job of tying them all together and there's a lot of theories going around as to what they all mean.... Super cool!

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on February 21, 2013, 06:47:38 pm
Lloyd Cole / Hans-Joachim Roedelius
Selected Studies Vol 1 (http://boomkat.com/cds/636788-lloyd-cole-hans-joachim-roedelius-selected-studies-vol-1)

Who knew? (http://www.bureau-b.com/coleroedelius.php)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 21, 2013, 08:11:09 pm
more of a book/album  (also a who knew)


 Frog Trouble - Sandra Boynton

Songs by
Alison Krauss
Ben Folds
Mark Lanegan
Fountains of Wayne
Ryan Adams
Kacey Musgraves
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 22, 2013, 12:30:04 pm
Ian Skelly from  drummer from The Coral already has a great solo record out. And now James Skelly the singer from The Coral has a solo record coming out this summer.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 24, 2013, 07:47:15 pm
Pearl Jam guitarist confirms 2013 release of 'experimental' album

Mike McCready said that the follow-up to 'Backspacer' is influenced by Pink Floyd and punk rock
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 26, 2013, 03:12:20 pm
Secret Mountain - Rainer was released today
The debut long player from Baltimore?s Secret Mountains, a young sextet whose handful of EPs and singles have captured a new take on an ancient yearn for psychedelic exploration via the deep soul, heavy pop and lush noise they?ve grown up engulfed in.

Rainer is the dark answer to each member?s storm, prompting listeners to roar through their own tempestuous experiences. It is an inclement but brave battle fought by the authoritative percussion of Chris Muccioli, the calculated frenzy of Jeffery Silverstein and Cory Lawrence?s guitars, Kelly Laughlin?s commanding soul-gaze vocals, the sub-earth bass of Alex Jones and the blinding glow of Jake Winstanley?s keys.

The record was recorded at Chris and Mickey Freeland?s Beat Babies Studio outside of Baltimore, and was mastered by Paul Gold at Salt Mastering. Art and design are by Chris Muccioli, and the limited vinyl release is hand numbered and accompanied by a download code for the full album in their choice of file type.

Flooded by the squalls of Arbouretum, the interstellar hail of Celebration, the thunder and lightning of Wye Oak and the howling rage of Sri Aurobindo, Baltimore?s psychedelic downpour has been bountiful. Secret Mountains offer a new ark to voyage the cosmos, a heavy path that starts deep in the grooves of Rainer.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 26, 2013, 03:32:09 pm
Has the new Iggy and  The Stooges record been mentioned?

On Fat Possum out 4/30

"Ready To Die finds Iggy Pop,guitarist James Williamson and drummer Scott "Rock Action" Asheton reunited for a full album of all-new material for the first time since the legendary Raw Power sessions, with Mike Watt filling in for the late Ron Asheton on bass."

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 26, 2013, 03:47:42 pm
Has Iggy Pop made a good album since 1976? And don't say Brick by Brick because that album blew.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on February 26, 2013, 03:50:04 pm
You do not think Lust For Life is good?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on February 26, 2013, 03:53:54 pm
Oh whoops, I meant post-Lust and -Idiot
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 26, 2013, 05:19:16 pm
Has the new Iggy and  The Stooges record been mentioned?

On Fat Possum out 4/30

"Ready To Die finds Iggy Pop,guitarist James Williamson and drummer Scott "Rock Action" Asheton reunited for a full album of all-new material for the first time since the legendary Raw Power sessions, with Mike Watt filling in for the late Ron Asheton on bass."


Yes, which is why I didn't post it yesterday. Think Hutch got it a few pages back.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on February 26, 2013, 06:24:54 pm
more blah blah blah about the upcoming daft punk album:

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on February 26, 2013, 06:29:50 pm
Elton John also contributing to the new Queens Of The Stone Age record


elton john also releasing his own album: http://www.nme.com/news/elton-john--2/68874
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on February 26, 2013, 10:22:35 pm
This was actually released in October but I'm putting it in here anyway.

There's a new album by The Jazz Butcher Conspiracy called "Last of the Gentleman Adventurers".
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on February 27, 2013, 09:46:15 pm
here . . . take that

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on February 27, 2013, 10:35:44 pm
In which I gush all over this Waxahatchee album:  (http://www.npr.org/2013/02/24/172495198/first-listen-waxahatchee-cerulean-salt?ps=mh_fl)
Even better than the first. More instrumentation than the first but that incredible voice is still up front. Beautiful, melancholy lyrics but a hopeful tone throughout. Think that has more to do with the upbeat, more rocking songs. So awesome. I'll probably go up to her and be one of those "OMG that was so awesome and you are so awesome" people I hate after she plays on Saturday. Not really.
But yeah, all kinds of awesome.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on February 28, 2013, 12:00:31 pm
Parlour Flames new band with ex-Oasis member Bonehead, album due in May.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on February 28, 2013, 06:52:19 pm
Has Iggy Pop made a good album since 1976? And don't say Brick by Brick because that album blew.

My favorite Iggy solo LP is New Values, and that came out in 1979. He's made a few decent LPs here and there. But my 2 favorite solo LPs are Kill City and New Values.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on March 01, 2013, 02:27:21 pm
New Bowie up for streaming on itunes.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 03, 2013, 02:16:19 am
Alan Bishop  has always been a musical omnivore. He spent 26 years mining a myriad of global sources with his legendary trio  Sun City Girls; under the solo moniker Alvarius B., he's covered   songs from Bond films  and rewritten Bob Dylan lyrics; as the proprietor of  Sublime Frequencies, he's rescued lost sounds from every corner of the earth. So it's logical that his new group, the Invisible Hands, has a non-Western bent: everyone in the
group besides Bishop is from Cairo, where their self-titled debut album was recorded twice, once with English lyrics and another time in Arabic for a version
exclusive to the Middle East.

But there's Western stuff happening in Invisible Hands' music, which delves often into carefully-crafted psych and folk. "Soma" is the album's catchiest
track, a bouncy melody accented by backing vocals and sweet strings that are nearly
-esque. Bishop doesn't like to let a happy sound go unchallenged, though, and here he undercuts the joy with lyrics about eyes being slashed and skulls
pummeled into "crushed ice." But even he succumbs to the beauty, filling "Soma"'s second half with aching violins and gentle acoustic guitars, both of
which sound like they could continue long after the tape stops rolling.

Out 3/19

Hear "Soma" here. (http://pitchfork.com/reviews/tracks/14988-the-invisible-hands-soma/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on March 04, 2013, 12:08:46 pm
I'm REALLY enjoying the new Bad Religion LP. Yes, sounds like them...but it's a strong LP, should be a great tour.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on March 07, 2013, 05:41:08 pm
New Oval/Markus Popp (http://markuspopp.me/#_) Calidostópia!. Collaborations with South American singers. Very nice, often beautiful. Free download. Get the FLAC because MP3 is a waste of bandwidth.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: James Ford on March 08, 2013, 01:20:33 pm
Ashley Monroe?s ?Like A Rose? is the first great album of the year-Chris Richards, Washington Post

I agree. Actually, it's the second great album of the year.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 09, 2013, 01:54:34 pm
Andrew Weatherall Remix of the new Primal Scream track - 2013.  I detect a hint of early Cure/New Order in this version. 

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on March 10, 2013, 02:06:32 pm
The Zombies
Live In The UK album
Release date is 29th April

UK tour in progress.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: chaz on March 10, 2013, 07:25:49 pm
I love the Zombies.  I mean really REALLY love them.  But they need to pack it in.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on March 10, 2013, 07:33:47 pm
I love the Zombies.  I mean really REALLY love them.  But they need to pack it in.


I saw them a few years ago...they were fine...it did get a bit weird when they played Hold Your Head Up....also Bluntstone seemed a bit creepy/nervous...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on March 10, 2013, 10:06:34 pm
If only it wasnt $65...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on March 10, 2013, 10:22:44 pm
If only it wasnt $65...

the cool thing about that place is one would have a chance to say hello.. get them to sign a record....

the bad thing is it can be hard getting up there on a week night during rush hour...kind of tense...

i'm not a big fan of sit down venues but i've seen some good ones there

pete best!
lou donaldson (this was a special one)
buckwheat zydeco
allen toussaint (such a small stage and even though i was in the front row center table i just could hardly see because his piano blocked my view
nellie mckay

$65 is a lot...particularly for an act hitting the area nonstop...weren't they just at the howard?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: chaz on March 10, 2013, 11:15:13 pm
I love the Zombies.  I mean really REALLY love them.  But they need to pack it in.


They've been on the same endless mediocre tour for about the past ten years. 
Colin still has some decent pipes, but he's got a serious Mr. Burns vibe going on.  And Rod is aptly named...the guy is a tool.  And whoever they hired to play guitar (if it's the same guy as a while back) is not even close to cutting it.

Believe me...I LOVE this band's music.  But for me at least, they are just driving it into the fucking ground.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: dyecraig on March 11, 2013, 09:36:56 am
That's funny but true...I saw them at the State Theatre in Falls Church in 2004 and Arthur Lee/Love was the opening band (!)  After about 5 Zombies tunes, I'd had enough and went out in the lobby - Arthur, Johnny Echols and the other guys (Baby Lemonade) were hanging out and signing stuff.  All cool guys, even Arthur was friendly.  Love's set was fantastic - most of Forever Changes and other favorites. You'd be better off just listening to your original pressing of 'odessey & oracle' and avoiding the traffic, etc.
http://love.torbenskott.dk/tour2004/20041016_falls_church.asp (http://love.torbenskott.dk/tour2004/20041016_falls_church.asp)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on March 12, 2013, 02:14:15 pm
 To celebrate the continuation of the current Anastasis World Tour, Dead Can Dance are proud to announce the release of a new Live Album "In Concert", coming April 22nd.

There is a Special Presale for the Limited Edition Triple Vinyl Boxset and Digital Audio available right now at the link below :

BUY YOURS NOW : http://www.deadcandance.com
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on March 12, 2013, 03:38:33 pm
Real Magic - Deep Breathing
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on March 12, 2013, 04:01:30 pm
To celebrate the continuation of the current Anastasis World Tour, Dead Can Dance are proud to announce the release of a new Live Album "In Concert", coming April 22nd.

There is a Special Presale for the Limited Edition Triple Vinyl Boxset and Digital Audio available right now at the link below :

BUY YOURS NOW : http://www.deadcandance.com

neato and nice
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on March 12, 2013, 05:06:54 pm
 I?? - IAO
pay what you want at Bandcamp. 
(pronounced EYE Double Cross)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 13, 2013, 09:41:34 am
The new Lady album on Truth and Soul is amazing and currently on repeat.  A most amazing buffet of soul styles.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 13, 2013, 09:26:18 pm
Wow what a day for NEW music... First listen to the fantastic Lady album several times, and now streaming the new Alice Smith.  Eight years in making thanks to major label interference..

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on March 13, 2013, 09:47:35 pm
Wow what a day for NEW music... First listen to the fantastic Lady album several times, and now streaming the new Alice Smith.  Eight years in making thanks to major label interference..


Its hard for me to have an informed opinion after listening to something once or twice...when i listen to new music i often want to think its great but with time often realize it wasn't really all that? I find it takes time to really appreciate whether something is great.....i have to go back to it ovver time and still see if it keeps me engaged.. i can't stream something once, without even knowing who played on it, the circumstances, in some cases the lyrics- and know if its any good..it takes time and you hae to put in a bit of effort..

the next album i'm going to put in that effort for is the new david bowie....

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on March 13, 2013, 10:36:09 pm
^ I tend to agree with Hutch on this though I don't usually get all that intensly involved with every release. Although, what I find sometimes happens is that if an album hits me strong in the beginning, I'll tire of it easily over time. The ones that surprise me are the ones that don't grab me on the first or second listen but after a few, I finally get it and that release turns into something mighty powerful. Much stronger even than those that hit me right off the bat. Of course, this isn't true for every album. Some stay strong as well as many just not appealling to me ever. It's those growers that eventually leave me amazed for a long time and have me questioning what I was missing upon early listens.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 15, 2013, 07:40:37 am

Lady - Lady

Still completely blown away by this album
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on March 20, 2013, 03:44:11 pm
Black Swan Lane will release their new album, "The Last Time In Your Light", on May 6.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on March 22, 2013, 03:35:47 pm

fucking finally
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on March 22, 2013, 03:58:22 pm

fucking finally
BUH was literally on the site like an hour ago and there was nothing lol

Clips of the songs:
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on March 22, 2013, 09:35:43 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on March 25, 2013, 09:56:08 am

Daft Punk May 21st

New Daft Punk AND new Queens Of The Stone Age? What's next new DFA1979? Is the world ending this year actually?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on March 25, 2013, 12:06:18 pm
QOTSA in june.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on March 25, 2013, 05:50:32 pm

from the facebooks -  Ween's 'Live In Toronto, featuring the Shit Creek Boys', originally a limited edition CD and vinyl release, is now available as a digital download via iTunes worldwide!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on March 25, 2013, 07:27:24 pm

Daft Punk May 21st

New Daft Punk AND new Queens Of The Stone Age? What's next new DFA1979? Is the world ending this year actually?

about time those robots got off their ass and put something out.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on March 27, 2013, 08:59:28 am

Lady - Lady

Still completely blown away by this album

where can I listen to this?  Checked spotify, but can't find it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 27, 2013, 09:43:03 am

Lady - Lady

Still completely blown away by this album

where can I listen to this?  Checked spotify, but can't find it.

Rolling Stone is still streaming it as is Rdio

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on March 27, 2013, 10:01:28 am
Thank you!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on April 09, 2013, 11:31:01 am

June 4th

Listen to "My God Is The Sun": http://www.mygodisthesun.com/
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on April 09, 2013, 12:31:24 pm
that song is badass.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on April 09, 2013, 01:14:05 pm
The new Queens logo is a cool homage to the Germs logo as well and the Germs flyer with the skull with the mohawk. Very old school.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on April 09, 2013, 01:30:47 pm
that song is badass.
Just kept looping is yesterday. Looking forward to this album. Hard.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on April 09, 2013, 04:05:46 pm
http://mannequinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mnq-037-the-cult-of-dom-keller-s-t-lp (http://mannequinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mnq-037-the-cult-of-dom-keller-s-t-lp)
the Cult of Dom Keller - S/T
out today
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on April 10, 2013, 09:07:36 pm
http://mannequinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mnq-037-the-cult-of-dom-keller-s-t-lp (http://mannequinrecords.bandcamp.com/album/mnq-037-the-cult-of-dom-keller-s-t-lp)
the Cult of Dom Keller - S/T
out today

Reason #15 why I wish so much that I could attend the Austin Psych Fest.

Wish they would put this out on a CD. The latest trend of putting something out on every and anything but CD format is driving me batty. I want something physical but too many issues with storage and stuff with vinyl. And the last thing I want are those stupid cassettes everyone is putting out. I'd settle for vinyl (which is actually the best) over a cassette anyday!

This would be perfect over in the pot thread.  8)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 10, 2013, 09:33:12 pm
yeah that new cassette thing seems like another hipster feeding frenzy for more limited edition products..   
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on April 10, 2013, 10:07:15 pm
Don't know how they are sounding today but I remember that before the advent of the CD, they almost always sounded like shit. A lot of the homemade cassettes people made for themselves from their albums sounded pretty good but it always seemed that a commerically recorded cassette was worse. Maybe it was just the ones I heard, I don't know. I've only ever bought a very few and usually in some very cheap cut out bin. I stuck with albums and recorded onto tape anything I wanted in that format until the CD came along.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on April 11, 2013, 12:37:38 am
These are the last physical products that I bought at a show.  These were all from Popfest.  They mostly had cassettes and vinyl.  One of the guys from Foul Swoops included a CDR of it, and the Crimson Wave one came with a digital download code.  I think they are fun.  Really low run... Who knows, maybe one day they will be worth something (even if its just nostalgia).  But the Golden Grrrls vinyl (signed!), came with no such cdr or download code, so until i get access to a turntable (mine is in storage with some other stuff for a little while longer) I cant listen to it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on April 11, 2013, 09:56:39 am
CSS: "Planta"
June 11th
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on April 17, 2013, 08:03:10 am
Keith Fullerton Whitman spends 10 years running pop songs through a meat grinder, puts the resultant 11.5 hour product on Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/kfw/sets/greatest-hits 

Killsaly and Jaguar, I think you will enjoy.

? on the eve of my 30th birthday, I began rendering "automatic" "enhancements" of only the most salient points of the pop music of my youth ; a line, bar,
or fragment of a particular song (after being heard out in "the wild" in the present ; akin to running into an old friend on the street) was chosen based
on how much my nostalgic recollection of it differed from its contemporary reality. Each was played back at exactly half-speed, then run through a series
of time- and gain-based processes that slowly & meticulously chewed through the audio, revealing hidden layers of content, context, and temporal / spectral
production details ? shining a flashlight into the dark corners of each selection, revealing the ghosts lurking within.

I've worked on these on & off over the last 10 years, largely as a form of therapy (a way to combat insomnia ; a way to reconnect with my younger self)
? This year, as I approach 40, I've decided to make public the first 100, dovetailed into a single just-shy-of-12-hour block. Hopefully at least one of
these will trigger a fond memory for you (especially if you grew up in the shadows of New York City during the 1980's) ? My only request is that you listen
to these either on proper speakers or good headphones (due to the nature of the alteration-process there's a fair bit going on in the low-end ranges ;
all those crisp LinnDrumm kicks and chorused BassLines, when sent wholesale down an octave, simply will not be reproduced by your laptop speakers or cheap
earbuds) ?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on April 17, 2013, 11:09:40 am
Wow sounds great! But when will i have 12 hours to consume it?  Maybe my next work at home day would be a good start.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on April 17, 2013, 11:16:13 am
Don't know how they are sounding today but I remember that before the advent of the CD, they almost always sounded like shit. A lot of the homemade cassettes people made for themselves from their albums sounded pretty good but it always seemed that a commerically recorded cassette was worse. Maybe it was just the ones I heard, I don't know. I've only ever bought a very few and usually in some very cheap cut out bin. I stuck with albums and recorded onto tape anything I wanted in that format until the CD came along.

Tapes/cassettes didn't really start sounding good until CDs came out, and then you could record off of them onto high-quality chrome or metal tapes. They sounded MUCH better than the ones you'd buy commercially. I was a huge geek for making high-quality mix tapes. I had it down to a science.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on April 18, 2013, 05:31:52 pm
(http://pitchfork-cdn.s3.amazonaws.com/content/Phoenix_Indiv_Portrait_3_624x351.gif) (http://pitchfork.com/features/articles/9113-phoenix/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on April 19, 2013, 09:18:49 am

Lady - Lady

Still completely blown away by this album

Finally broke down and checked this out. Didn't love it at first but it's got this intoxicating quality and kept playing it and now I also love it.

Gotta say that in a similar vein, the new Har Mar Superstar album is hitting me in the same place. He's always come across as a gimmick but he made the point that if he looked like Usher, no one would think his music was fake or faux or whatnot.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on April 19, 2013, 10:55:33 am
Daft Punk "Random Access Memories" lead single "Get Lucky" now available.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on April 22, 2013, 12:50:35 pm
New Iggy & the Stooges LP. It's no Raw Power, but I like it.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on April 22, 2013, 01:31:11 pm
Daft Punk "Random Access Memories" lead single "Get Lucky" now available.


At least they added the single to Myplaydirect - that gives me hope that this won't be an iTunes only digital exclusive, which has been my fear for a while. 

EDIT: Just as I type that, it hits Google Play. Still 48 hours behind...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on April 22, 2013, 02:33:58 pm
New Deerhunter up on NPR First Listen


So far, I like it!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on April 29, 2013, 07:58:17 am
No mention of any of this Boards of Canada stuff yet? I know there are a few fans here.
One puzzle piece left (http://pitchfork.com/news/50506-boards-of-canada-commercial-airs-on-cartoon-network/)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on May 02, 2013, 08:56:07 am

Finally getting around to listening to this, I think I like Open Your Heart better... Anyone going to the show tonight?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on May 02, 2013, 09:27:52 am

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 02, 2013, 12:58:47 pm
On the fence on The Men.

So much awesome sugariness here.

Rose Melberg - September
Track Listing:
1. Tally Ho (The Clean)
2. I Don't Believe in the Sun (Magnetic Fields)
3. They Don't Know (Kirsty MacColl)
4. Whatever Became of Alice and Jane (Confetti)
5. Jailbreak (Thin Lizzy)
6. Not So Much to Be Loved as to Love (Jonathan Richman)
7. Mastery (The Bats)
8. Tonight You Belong to Me (Patience and Prudence)
9. One of These Days (Stuart Moxham)
10. Thirteen (Big Star)
11. We're Through (Hunky Dory)
12. Day By Day (Apollo Ghosts)
13. I Don't Want to Live on the Moon (Jim Henson)
14. Healthy Sick (Sebodah)
15. The Wizard (Black Sabbath)
16. Mystery (The Wipers)
17. Do You Love Me? (Blanket Truth)
18. Jubilation (Norma Tanega)
19. The Only Living Boy in New York (Simon and Garfunkel)
20. Birthday Present (Mirah)
21. I've Just Seen a Face (The Beatles)
22. Final Day (Young Marble Giants)

From Chickfactor: Rose completed a song-a-day project during September 2012 and decided to release 22 of the songs (all covers) on a cassette through Lost
Sound Tapes. All instruments were performed by Rose Melberg and the covers range from Sabbath to The Clean to Simon & Garfunkel to Sesame Street to Thin
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on May 08, 2013, 05:49:40 pm
QOTSA in june.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on May 09, 2013, 09:43:57 am


Is this still streaming anywhere?

What I've heard so far I've liked...the hype is a bit much, tho.  Waffling on trying to get tix to the Blowtel show.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on May 09, 2013, 10:09:48 am
QOTSA in june.

Animated video for "I Appear Missing": http://www.likeclockwork.tv/

More shorts/videos will be premiered on [adult swim] on Sundays leading up to the release.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 09, 2013, 10:55:22 am
i like waiting for the album to "drop" (god that word still makes me feel odd inside) to listen to any music, at this point.  i like the neato believe that i am still back in the day when albums came out and you had to wait to listen to them.  i probably give too music respect to the past, but i also dont worry about where i have to go to 'steal' art until said art is released.  it does upset me about "leaking" . . . like what happened to the writer of sex and the city and her new book.  computers are good for adding quick and killing us all, we should keep it that way.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on May 09, 2013, 11:30:11 am
Animated video for "I Appear Missing": http://www.likeclockwork.tv/

or go straight to the YT: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9OfBcjyxKY
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on May 09, 2013, 12:06:20 pm
i like waiting for the album to "drop" (god that word still makes me feel odd inside) to listen to any music, at this point.  i like the neato believe that i am still back in the day when albums came out and you had to wait to listen to them.  i probably give too music respect to the past, but i also dont worry about where i have to go to 'steal' art until said art is released.  it does upset me about "leaking" . . . like what happened to the writer of sex and the city and her new book.  computers are good for adding quick and killing us all, we should keep it that way.
Been waiting almost 6 years for this. I need to hear new Queens. I will be going out and buying this the day it comes out regardless! Now to find a cd player...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on May 09, 2013, 02:10:27 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on May 11, 2013, 02:12:15 am
This sounds promising:

"Our new record, Oblivion Hymns (remember the ticket that was included in the Departure Songs CD) is being mixed right now in England by our good friend, Julian Kindred. It's our most orchestrated record to date. Big, big strings, horns, children's choir and a guest vocal from Timothy Showalter of Strand of Oaks. It's EPIC and a soul crusher. An ambitious undertaking for us. We hope to release it this October."
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 11, 2013, 01:57:55 pm
"Yes, it?s true. The Polyphonic Spree is releasing their brand new album May 28, 2013."

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 12, 2013, 12:26:31 pm
Can we declare Shaking the Habitual the album of the year yet?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on May 12, 2013, 07:38:01 pm
The Telescopes are releasing a new album which will be on vinyl.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on May 13, 2013, 02:23:25 am
A new Flavor Crystals album due out with a target date of sometime this fall.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on May 13, 2013, 09:25:41 am
Can we declare Shaking the Habitual the album of the year yet?

I wouldn't call it the best of the year. It has tremendous high points but the more I listen to it, the more I appreciate Deep Cuts and Silent Shock. My opinion is that they're going too far into The Weird and forgetting that it was good tunes/songs that got them here, not "art"sy ASMR-inducing soundscapes.

I think 'mbv' is a good example of a long-awaited record coming out and satisfying (my) expectations.

So far, my other favorites of the year are No Joy, Kevin Gates, Underachievers, Fidlar, and Charli XCX.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 13, 2013, 09:29:20 am
I don't know. I love the balance between the experimental and pop. But I only gave it one complete listen. It is admittedly hard to find a block of time that long in which to sit and listen to an album. MBV is up there for me too.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 13, 2013, 11:46:29 am
relaxer lost his the knife library card months ago.  now all he has is a fisher price my first the knife album to listen to, on colored plastic disks.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on May 15, 2013, 12:40:03 pm

love it
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on May 15, 2013, 01:16:17 pm
Queens Of The Stone Age "Keep Your Eyes Peeled" also link to another animated video for "Kalopsia"


2 more weeks!!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on May 20, 2013, 11:46:28 pm
Fenech Soler - 'Rituals'
September 2
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Jaguar on May 21, 2013, 02:17:18 am
Thievery Corporation are working on a Remix album.

Whirr have a new one coming out this year which I'm looking forward to.

Also looking forward to a new album being released soon by SPC ECO.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on May 21, 2013, 10:26:21 am
Its funny that those are two of the shoegaze bands releasing albums this year, since they both changed names at some point (Whirl to Whirr, and SPC ECO to SPC EKO).
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 21, 2013, 01:52:24 pm
Mykki Blanco - Betty Rubble: The Initiation (http://pitchfork.com/advance/119-betty-rubble-the-initiation/)

Short but packed with awesome.

Lyrics NSFW.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 21, 2013, 02:29:01 pm
everything he does is too short and packed with serious awesome . . . and never sfw
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 21, 2013, 03:20:10 pm
That is all true. Except for his Comet show. That could have been shorter. Still very good though.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on May 21, 2013, 03:36:26 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on May 21, 2013, 03:38:41 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??
I can't stop listening to it!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: nkotb on May 21, 2013, 03:45:16 pm
Listening now.  So far, I'm not sure I even remember how the previous songs sounds, except for Giorgio by Moroder.

People like this new Daft Punk album??
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: nkotb on May 21, 2013, 03:56:35 pm
Also, and I've felt this for a while, that while I think Daft Punk is fine (not really my thing), but I swear, if someone had put our Katy Perry's California Girls song, minus the vocals, and told everyone it was Daft Punk, people would've shit their pants over it.

Listening now.  So far, I'm not sure I even remember how the previous songs sounds, except for Giorgio by Moroder.

People like this new Daft Punk album??
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: nkotb on May 21, 2013, 04:01:47 pm
Also, I clearly think about Katy Perry often.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 21, 2013, 04:08:01 pm
It sounds a lot like a smooth jazz poop sandwich to me.

People like this new Daft Punk album??
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on May 21, 2013, 04:30:09 pm
Also, and I've felt this for a while, that while I think Daft Punk is fine (not really my thing), but I swear, if someone had put our Katy Perry's California Girls song, minus the vocals, and told everyone it was Daft Punk, people would've shit their pants over it.

Listening now.  So far, I'm not sure I even remember how the previous songs sounds, except for Giorgio by Moroder.

People like this new Daft Punk album??
Naw, people are still hyper crytical of the new album and blasted their last one "Human After All" as a piece of shit. So...... They're not invincible.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on May 28, 2013, 12:11:32 pm
new Future Bible Heroes album streaming at pitchfork: http://pitchfork.com/advance/121-partygoing/
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 28, 2013, 12:52:59 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??

no yada . . . people arent allowed to like anything anymore.  did not you know that?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on May 28, 2013, 02:13:14 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??

no yada . . . people arent allowed to like anything anymore.  did not you know that?

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: slappy on May 29, 2013, 11:11:34 am
It sounds a lot like a smooth jazz poop sandwich to me.

The best Butthole Surfers album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 29, 2013, 11:13:26 am

Ladies and Gentlemen.

After a long, some would say appropriate, period of consideration, the rock band known as future of the left have decided to raise funds to record and release
their new/next/imminent/best/worst/career-defining/career-destroying album via pledgemusic. I KNOW, RIGHT? It seems almost inappropriate to ask, especially
for us, but it turns out that the people of the internet are far more likely to invest in the birth and possibility of a thing rather than a finished product
so, y?know, here we are. We?ve had enough of labels (and they, to be fair (1), have probably had enough of us) and not being independently wealthy our
tiny pockets have their limits ? hell, you know, first world economy / goods and services and all that shit. Think of it as a fancy pre-order with added,
unnecessary bits if you like ? or don?t.

A summary of our activities follows with key words in CAPITALS for NO GOOD REASON BUT AFFECTATION.

Here?s the STORY. It?s pretty much WRITTEN (although we?re writing more). The writing has gone VERY WELL INDEED (2). We?re recording it in MONNOW VALLEY
studios in Monmouth where both ?Curses? and ?Travels with Myself with Another? were recorded (we?ve booked in some days this summer, whether you bastards
give us the money or not ? we?ll finance the thing with loans if we must). We?re recording it with our friend CHARLIE FRANCIS. He?s really good, like a
wizard who supports Tottenham (3). We?ll probably mix it IN HIS HOUSE most likely DRUNK or PRETENDING TO BE IN CASE SOMEBODY IS MAKING A DOCUMENTARY ABOUT
THE WHOLE THING. Which, they may be (4).

A new EP is to be released on July 1st 2013 on our own label, PRESCRIPTIONS, and will be called ?LOVE SONGS FOR OUR HUSBANDS?. All pledgers/starters/funderers
will get a download of this (on the release date. note ? not a hardcopy ? that?ll be available seperately). The track listing is thus ? 1. the male gaze
2. perpetual motives 3. the bisexuality of distance 4. an idiot?s idea of Ireland. It is about TEN MINUTES in length. It is GOOD. If you don?t like it
you can FUCK OFF.

Got it? July 1st. Available on 7 inch, (very limited) cd, download and torrents sites worldwide. Free yardarm with the first 100 copies (5). Pre-order available

Anyway, the album thing. General release is October 14th but all ?pledgers? (such a fruitily-named demographic) will receive digital downloads of the record
ahead of release, basically, as soon as it?s ready. We hope, of course, to tour, but we?re not asking for money for that. At this stage the amount we?re
asking for simply covers the costs of recording and manufacturing the thing ? (although Julia and I need Ł90 to shave a cat. Really. We don?t have room
for cat shaving in our household budget). We?re recording MANY songs some of which will be SHIT (so we won?t trouble anyone with them) and some of which
will be AESTHETICALLY UNSUITED to the album. These songs, generally the weirder, skankier and sprawling ones, will be compiled onto a separate EP, which
will be titled ?Human Death?. It?ll be ? different, but probably won?t sound like Daft Punk or The Libertines.

In addition to the album we?re going to trouble you with a (limited) screen printed poster from our friends at Aesthetic Apparatus (designers of the ?travels
with myself and another? cover and screen printers to the stars). Also, there?ll be a similarly limited t-shirt designed by our newly found friend and
illustrator extraordinaire, Krent Able. which?ll be suitable to wear to a Maths exam or satanic orgy ? we crave flexibility from our garments and are sure
you do too.

Note ? if you want your records spoiled with people?s writing we will sign anything we can upon request, although if some items are sent from other locations
that may prove impossible. Feel free to message us if the precise package you require isn?t offered.

falco (on behalf of future of the left)

(1) I love ?to be fair?. It is the singularly most useless phrase of the last thousand years.
(2) yes. Yes it has.
(3) although we don?t approve of the Tottenham.
(4) well, WE may be. It?s going to be (thanks Northern Irish readers) DEADLY.
(5) nb. yardarm may be invisible.

Ps. In a moment of madness I thought it would be okay to monetise my love of playing Words With Friends on my iPhone. Idiot tits. Find me on there and I?ll
play you (if I have the time).

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomicfront on May 29, 2013, 11:26:35 am
People like this new Daft Punk album??

I heard one song on the radio and it sounds like every other pop song on the radio right now.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: James Ford on May 29, 2013, 11:36:23 am
This is the first time I've ever heard Daft Punk. First thought was that i wish it had more guitars and it's not really my thing. Second though was that one of the songs sounded like Steely Dan and that my wife would like that one song.

People like this new Daft Punk album??
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: imbecile on May 29, 2013, 11:48:55 am
Future of the Left to release new album in October-ish, EP on July 1st.

Pledge Music campaign to make it happen:
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on May 29, 2013, 11:49:25 am
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 29, 2013, 04:55:51 pm

who cares about that article . . . this one is the best.  well written, too!

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: brennser on May 29, 2013, 05:01:44 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??
Its terrible
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: brennser on May 29, 2013, 05:03:12 pm

Great news - am definitely contributing - their album last year was insanely good
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: grateful on May 29, 2013, 05:05:14 pm
People like this new Daft Punk album??
Its terrible

In the studio mixing RAM....

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on May 29, 2013, 05:10:27 pm
i think it is a nice album and pretty incredible, and it shows talent as an artist to change so drastically when your fans demand the same, all while pulling it off.  i feel in ten years from now, that will be one of two album from daft punk that people can remember.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 29, 2013, 07:09:26 pm
It's been 16 years since Homework and 12 years since Discovery and people remember those pretty damn well. Doubting Random Access Memories will bump either of those two out of the top spots.

Future of the Left already hit their Pledgemusic goal in one day!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on May 30, 2013, 09:14:20 am
Random Access Memories is completely boring.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on May 30, 2013, 10:01:20 am
The new QOTSA does very little for me.
The new Disclosure, however, has been getting a lot of play the past couple days.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: slappy on May 30, 2013, 10:43:27 am

This immediately came to mind when I heard him.
Just swap it for 'Any song'.
His quotes are better and more memorable than any song he's ever written.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on May 30, 2013, 12:41:30 pm

This immediately came to mind when I heard him.
Just swap it for 'Any song'.
His quotes are better and more memorable than any song he's ever written.


 Liam is one of the luckiest people ever... ... he's gotten so far on so little...two good albums of rather pedestrian recycled rock with some great moments... due to fortuitous timing, attitude (fawned or not), the English press, and an actually talented older brother he became a "rock'n'roll star"..

I have to say Liam's performing pose is beyond boring..I picture him now at the Patriot Center with his arms crossed glaring at the audience pretty much the entire time (disclaimer: I went because I got a free ticket)... but Noel did write some great tunes and they went awfully far on that... one only needs to compare to the infinitely more talented Ride- from whom Oasis eventually "poached" Andy Bell- to realize life ain't fair.... I'll take Going Blank Again over anything Oasis ever put out.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 30, 2013, 01:13:23 pm
Nowhere is also better than anything Oasis ever put out.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on June 04, 2013, 09:46:23 am

How Far Away - Alex Bleeker and The Freaks
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on June 04, 2013, 01:27:06 pm
Listening to this Invisible Hands again for the first time in a couple months and while some of the lyrics are questionable, it is beautiful musically throughout.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on June 05, 2013, 10:12:11 pm
 Dear All,

The 5th Shpongle album - 'Museum Of Consciousness' is now available for pre order !!

- Limited edition CD and Vinyl formats with amazing 3D Lenticular cover are available for a short time only (both include free download on day of release)

- Digital download including 24bit WAV files available.

- Every Pre Order gets an instant free track from the album delivered to their inbox !!

- Album is released worldwide on 29th July 2013

Please visit the Album Pre order page for more info:

(free track download on that page)

edit: just listened to said free download - effen solid.  old-school shpongle.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on June 06, 2013, 08:55:28 am
new Nine Inch Nails song: https://soundcloud.com/nineinchnails/came-back-haunted-2013
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on June 06, 2013, 10:46:39 am
Damn that new nin track sounds sick on my studio set up.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on June 10, 2013, 10:30:47 am
New Priests tour tape (http://priests.bandcamp.com/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on June 10, 2013, 10:44:39 am
And of course it doesnt have a download option!

Az you would dig this one
The Secret History - Americans Singing in the Dark
(out a week early on Bandcamp)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on June 10, 2013, 10:59:21 am

And a new Imaginary Pants (feat. Rose Melberg) 7" (http://imaginarypants.bandcamp.com)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 21, 2013, 11:48:32 am
The New Patty Griffin Album Is Fantastic.

That is all.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on June 21, 2013, 11:51:44 am
The New Patty Griffin Album Is Fantastic.

That is all.

i heard the sound is absolutely atrocious...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on June 21, 2013, 11:52:09 am
I'm sorry do people no longer care about how music, you know, sounds?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 21, 2013, 11:55:09 am
I'm sorry do people no longer care about how music, you know, sounds?

I generally listen to music on my Cricket phone's speaker while walking down the street.  So, no.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on June 21, 2013, 11:59:49 am
I'm sorry do people no longer care about how music, you know, sounds?

I generally listen to music on my Cricket phone's speaker while walking down the street.  So, no.

well that is pitiful.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on June 21, 2013, 12:06:21 pm
maybe i'll pick up the vinyl of the new patty griffin.. i have been hearing great things about the album songs .. and the vinyl is a different mastering which supposedly sounds decent

wondering how the sabbath sounds on vinyl..

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 21, 2013, 02:04:37 pm
I realize I'm sounding very Paste-y these days, but the John Murry album is also very good.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on June 24, 2013, 01:55:25 pm
Arctic Monkeys "AM" releasing in September

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 24, 2013, 02:12:14 pm
Kasey Musgraves - Same Trailer Different Park
While It's considered County, IMHO it's one of the most fun slices of pop I have heard in awhile.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on June 24, 2013, 06:21:00 pm
Power Windoze - An Air of Fresh Breath (http://crystalmagic.bandcamp.com/album/an-air-of-fresh-breath)

Justin Marc Lloyd's 80's synth pop worship album.

Yes Killsaly, this is the same Justin Marc Lloyd. Completely different from anything else he has done. Dude is easily the most prolific and versatile musician I know.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 24, 2013, 06:34:07 pm
The Sweet Vandals - After All

Just say yes to fiery soul/funk from Spain.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on June 25, 2013, 08:36:23 pm
Palms - Palms
This was released today.  Chino from Deftones with members of Isis.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: slappy on June 26, 2013, 12:03:25 pm
New Dismemberment Plan in October.
http://pitchfork.com/news/50916-the-dismemberment-plan-announce-new-album-uncanney-valley/ (http://pitchfork.com/news/50916-the-dismemberment-plan-announce-new-album-uncanney-valley/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 06, 2013, 12:30:24 pm
 Like Double Dagger meets Look Blue Go Purple. They only have three tracks streaming but the rest of the album is great as well. Maybe on the short side but that keeps me coming back for more listens.
 (http://thecourtneys.bandcamp.com[The Courtneys - Self Titled[/url)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 08, 2013, 02:59:47 pm
David Lynch's new album is available to stream:
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 11, 2013, 04:40:44 pm
new Adam Franklin & the Bolts of Melody comes out next week
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on July 11, 2013, 09:21:56 pm
David Lynch's new album is available to stream:

i want to listen because it is david lynch.  i am assuming it is actually music, meaning music to listen to and enjoy.  and not some messed up "like really?" and then pretend to like to it because it is david lynch.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 11, 2013, 09:39:01 pm
Did you not listen to his last one, Crazy Clown Time?  He definitely makes music.  I dig it. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on July 11, 2013, 10:15:09 pm
no i did not.  i go though my "really, i mean like really, does david lynch even need to make music" and for some reason i will think it is awful.  doesnt my brain work weird?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 12, 2013, 02:24:00 pm
I dig it.  David is a creative person no matter what the medium.  Would you not read a book written by a musician? 

Back to new releases

Raindeer - Tattoo
Pay what you will


Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 12, 2013, 04:06:28 pm
ovlov - am
More 90s throwback goodness RIYL Roomrunner, Speedy Ortiz
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on July 15, 2013, 11:52:14 am
new Arcade Fire on Oct 29.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 16, 2013, 10:33:43 am
Kiernan Paradise - Loss
Solo album by member of Pleasure Leftists.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 16, 2013, 12:33:38 pm
New Mazzy Star on September 24th.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on July 16, 2013, 03:57:33 pm
David Lynch's new album is available to stream:

i want to listen because it is david lynch.  i am assuming it is actually music, meaning music to listen to and enjoy.  and not some messed up "like really?" and then pretend to like to it because it is david lynch.

I have the one with all the guest artists on it and really like it.  It's a good winter/fall album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 16, 2013, 08:26:30 pm
Gordon Withers (Office of Future Plans) plays Cello on this.

new Adam Franklin & the Bolts of Melody comes out next week
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 16, 2013, 08:28:37 pm
That Ovlov is really good from the tracks I have heard. Nice to see it up on here.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 16, 2013, 08:32:23 pm
I am definitely enjoying it as well.  Its been a good year for rock.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 16, 2013, 09:15:33 pm
And pop.

My pop/rock:noise/drone listening ratio has reversed over the last two years.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: imbecile on July 17, 2013, 09:46:54 am
Future of the Left EP - Love Songs for Our Husbands came out two weeks or so ago.  Has me really excited for their full length due in another two months, i think.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on July 17, 2013, 10:09:37 am
Giving Tall Black Guy's debut - 8 miles to Moenart some listens at the moment
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 17, 2013, 11:53:19 am
Yeah that FotL is an awesome listen.
Looking forward to the full length.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 22, 2013, 12:15:39 pm
New compilation by Brazilian shoegaze blog, the Blog that Celebrates Itself.  This one features shoegaze and other noisy bands covering old post-punk (and other styles) tracks. 

1. Performed by Ars Phoenix for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Ars Phoenix - Cold (The Cure) 05:19   
2. Performed by Bela Infanta for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Bela Infanta - Outono (Violeta de Outono) 03:40
3. Performed by The Underground Youth for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - The Underground Youth - Second Skin (The Chameleons) 07:28
4. Performed by Poemas de Maio for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Poemas de Maio - Reptile (The Church) 05:05
5. Performed by Sleepmask for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Sleepmask - Nine While Nine (The Sisters of Mercy) 05:00
6. Performed by Ecos D´Alma for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Ecos D´Alma - Gregor (Kafka) 04:12
7. Performed by Blacanova for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Blacanova - She´s in Parties (Bauhaus) 04:46
8. Performed by Jardim do Silencio for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Jardim do Silencio - Wide Receiver (The Sisters of Mercy) 06:40
9. Performed by Bloody Knives for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Bloody Knives - Disorder (Joy Division) 03:36
10. Performed by Hermetic Delight for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Hermetic Delight - The Funeral Party (The Cure) 02:52
11. Performed by Teenage Sin Taste for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Teenage Sin Taste - She Lost Control (Joy Division) 04:12   
12. Performed by Depression for TBTCI Rec. Š 2013 - Depression - Crystal (New Order Remix) 02:31
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on July 22, 2013, 12:44:42 pm
if you like hank williams, and you should, you'll like wayne hancock's ride lp which came out a few months ago...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on July 22, 2013, 01:42:45 pm
B-Room by Dr. Dog on 10/1
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 23, 2013, 12:41:32 pm
Kickstarter backers of the Polyphonic Spree should have a link to the digital album in their email!!!! I cant WAIT to get home.  Actually, i cant wait for my COMMUTE tomorrow so i can listen to it!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 24, 2013, 10:52:29 am
Preorders are available for the new Sebadoh! Grab a cassette!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on July 25, 2013, 07:32:23 am
New Morcheeba Album - Head Up High - 10/14  (at least in europe)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: grateful on July 25, 2013, 10:53:17 am
New Morcheeba Album - Head Up High - 10/14  (at least in europe)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on July 31, 2013, 10:04:06 pm
Im going to guess that Az was at least one of these JML performances.
12. Live @ Candle Haus (Fairfax, VA 10.28.10) 16:10
18.  Live @ Candle Haus (Fairfax, VA 5.5.12) 15:44
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 01, 2013, 02:26:51 pm
Definitely was at 5/5/12.

Speaking of Justin, This Tiny Mix Tapes spotlight (http://www.tinymixtapes.com/cerberus/inappropriate-king-live-datboonbaat?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter) is pretty fucking cool.

Also this primer. (http://www.tinymixtapes.com/chocolate-grinder/listen-justin-marc-lloyd-inappropriate-king-live-ok-putrid-peer-group-etc)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 01, 2013, 02:28:22 pm
of course there isnt any way to get a copy...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 01, 2013, 02:39:12 pm
of course there isnt any way to get a copy...

He puts all the limited run stuff on the bandcamp for no charge once it sells out though.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 01, 2013, 02:46:35 pm
oh yeah i forgot how crazy his labels page is
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 01, 2013, 02:56:19 pm
I dare someone to find a Bandcamp page that has more on it.

I keep forgetting about his other label. Yes, his other label.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 01, 2013, 02:57:29 pm
Some beautiful Belgian ambient/drone/minimalism

Visions/Voices by Felicia Atkinson (http://feliciaatkinson.bandcamp.com/album/visions-voices-double-lp-umor-rex-2013)

Felicia Atkinson can conjure up some mighty spacious ghost towns. Visions / Voices gathers three years of work, previously released as very limited run
cassettes and cd-rs, now mastered by James Plotkin and published under the Umor Rex banner. Its cobwebbed attic contains an odd collection of subtly deranged
and detuned musical instruments; a piano, a Celtic harp, some guitars, keyboards, electronics, and a female voice deeply lost in the woods? each of these
elements sound like a morbidly sensitive tangle of strings, dust, raw nerves and ectoplasm. It all somehow feels both intimate and cryptic, like a most
intimate crypt, yeah, or the x-ray of a blue open sky. After going out on a trip with this album, you might feel like saying ?I?ve been to the land of
Solitude. It is a sky made of gauze, crowded with ghosts.?

Sounds like a strange combination between Tropic of Cancer, Julia Holter, Grouper, Loren Connors, Christina Carter and Simon Scott.

The music of Félicia Atkinson has been previously released by labels such as Home Normal, HIbernate, Spekk, Cooper Cult of Fluid Audio. Aguirre and Shelter
Press under her moniker Je Suis Le Petit Chevalier.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 01, 2013, 09:01:35 pm
I dare someone to find a Bandcamp page that has more on it.

I keep forgetting about his other label. Yes, his other label.

Aural Sects might be close to Rainbow Bridge for release numbers.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 05, 2013, 07:42:45 am
The Dirtbomb - "ooey-gooey chewy ka-blooey"   Bubblegum covers album by Detroit's premier garage rock band!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 05, 2013, 09:27:58 am
Oh didn't know that existed.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 05, 2013, 10:09:52 am
It's in pre-order stage...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 07, 2013, 10:09:41 am
New Toad The Wet Sprocket, - New Constellation - it's like catching up with old friends.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 09, 2013, 08:07:30 am
Frootful - Heavyweight  (due in September)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 09, 2013, 09:21:19 am
New Surf City yalbum is great thus far!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 09, 2013, 02:22:00 pm
DJ Dog Dick is FINALLY releasing his debut album.  Less noise and hip hop (but still a bit of both) and more "pop". The Life Stains, is out Oct 15 on HOSS Records.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on August 09, 2013, 03:12:15 pm
for those of you who want some gritty hip hop to listen to.

Jeremiah Jae - "Bad Jokes"

http://warp.net/records/jeremiah-jae/badjokes-mixtape (http://warp.net/records/jeremiah-jae/badjokes-mixtape)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on August 09, 2013, 03:18:23 pm
I will definitely check that out, Ardemus.

Meanwhile, this came out a few days ago and I've been playing the hell out of it.


http://www.livemixtapes.com/download/23437/stalley-honest-cowboy.html (http://)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 12, 2013, 03:01:51 pm
Joanna Gruesome - Weird Sister
Presale at http://slumberlandrecords.com/catalog/show/260

We?re excited to announce the release of the debut album by thrilling Cardiff-based noisepop five-piece Joanna Gruesome. Brimming with irresistible pop melodies and spiked with dissonant fuzzy jangle, their songs are shot through with loud discordant feedback and super-fast, hardcore punk drumbeats. Kicking it against sexism and homophobia, nothing is off-limits, drawing inspiration from DIY scenes such as Riot Grrrl/noisepop/C86/K Records as well as post hardcore like Drive Like Jehu/Converge and the art rock of The Velvet Underground, Swirlies and My Bloody Valentine.

Joanna Gruesome comprise Alanna on vocals, Owen on guitar, Max on bass, George on guitar and Dave on drums. Most of the album was written during a month long stay in a seedy west Brighton hotel called The Hell House and recorded under the guidance of producer MJ of the much lauded Hookworms. Awash with nods to mental illness and the dark recesses of the mind, the record is littered with references to the devil or zombies and allusions to comic books.

Take first single ?Secret Surprise,? in which mental illness takes a physical form and is fought using razor blades. Or "Anti-Parent Cowboy Killers," which is about stealing a scooter and driving it into the ocean when you should be in school LEARNING. Or "Sugarcrush," about spending a summer burning knitwear. Slotting in with contemporaries like Swearin? and Speedy Ortiz, Joanna Gruesome offer a staggeringly diverse album, unexpectedly quiet and surprisingly loud.

?Abrasion, anger, attitude. One guitarist is in the audience, but this isn?t too much of a stretch. There are slower parts where the musicians take a second to breath. There are noisier bits where the musicians take a second to reflect. There are thumpy bits where the musicians take a second to dance and enjoy themselves. Everyone?s smiling. Everyone?s hugging themselves. What a glorious mess of a noise to be a part of. What a glorious sense of community.? - Everett True, Collapse Board

"A brilliant band from Cardiff who love their fuzzy melodies and songs dripped in scuzzy reverb." Huw Stephens, Radio One.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 12, 2013, 03:29:09 pm
Slumberland are having a banner year!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 12, 2013, 03:34:33 pm
Terry Malts next month too!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 14, 2013, 02:53:05 pm
Expo 70/Plankton Wat split
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sonickteam on August 15, 2013, 09:58:02 am
Midlake coming back with a new one in November!  Very exciting indeed, though without their old singer.....

http://bellaunion.com/2013/08/midlake-return-with-fourth-album-antiphon/ (http://bellaunion.com/2013/08/midlake-return-with-fourth-album-antiphon/)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on August 16, 2013, 08:17:39 am

Sometimes you just find yourself in life listening to a band called Diarrhea Planet. And that's great! This record is really strong and I am extremely excited for the upcoming DC9 show.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Vas Deferens on August 16, 2013, 08:55:13 am
yep....great album :)
going to Baltimore show...and The So So Glos opening is a bonus
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 16, 2013, 09:47:38 am

Sometimes you just find yourself in life listening to a band called Diarrhea Planet. And that's great! This record is really strong and I am extremely excited for the upcoming DC9 show.

The show at Casa Fiesta last December was all sorts of stupid fun!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on August 16, 2013, 09:52:56 am

Sometimes you just find yourself in life listening to a band called Diarrhea Planet. And that's great! This record is really strong and I am extremely excited for the upcoming DC9 show.

The show at Casa Fiesta last December was all sorts of stupid fun!

4 guitarists...sounds interesting.

What a great quote on their website : Diarrhea Planet is a six-piece rock and roll band from Nashville, TN. Their sound has often been described as The Ramones holding Van Halen hostage with an arsenal of fireworks and explosives. Diarrhea Planet's four guitarists provide enough riffs to make Jack Black squeal like a schoolgirl, while lead singer Hodan delivers enough hooks to straighten the curl out of Justin Timberlake's hair. In a world of unintelligible lo-fi recording, reverb drenched vocals, and tuneless guitars, Diarrhea Planet aims to put the backbone back into rock and roll.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: stevewizzle on August 16, 2013, 10:18:45 am

Sometimes you just find yourself in life listening to a band called Diarrhea Planet. And that's great! This record is really strong and I am extremely excited for the upcoming DC9 show.

The show at Casa Fiesta last December was all sorts of stupid fun!

do you know what the deal was with the dude in the hot dog suit?  is that a friend of the band, or did somebody randomly show up in a hot dog suit with a tambourine?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on August 19, 2013, 01:58:39 pm

Cool summer time jamz.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on August 21, 2013, 08:02:03 am
I'd heard some earlier stuff that I liked, but this album is really, really good.  Wifey wants nothing to do with them but I think i might hit up one of the shows up next week.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 24, 2013, 10:05:01 am
Prefab Sprout release a new album, Crimson/Red, on October 7.
The band's first record of new material for over a decade, the album was conceived, written and recorded by Paddy McAloon over the last 18 months ? McAloon plays all the instruments on the recording.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 25, 2013, 12:18:25 pm

Sometimes you just find yourself in life listening to a band called Diarrhea Planet. And that's great! This record is really strong and I am extremely excited for the upcoming DC9 show.

The show at Casa Fiesta last December was all sorts of stupid fun!

do you know what the deal was with the dude in the hot dog suit?  is that a friend of the band, or did somebody randomly show up in a hot dog suit with a tambourine?
No idea.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 29, 2013, 07:37:25 pm
One Watt Sun - Electric Casualties
These are the tags on bandcamp:
tags: punk death folk experimental folk punk Maryland 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on August 29, 2013, 08:43:07 pm
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: wml7 on September 07, 2013, 10:18:04 pm
New Arcade Fire song
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on September 09, 2013, 12:10:57 pm
New Arcade Fire song

finally giving this a listen... pretty bad ass.


edit: now with a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E0fVfectDo
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on September 10, 2013, 12:50:30 am
New Arcade Fire song

finally giving this a listen... pretty bad ass.


edit: now with a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E0fVfectDo

Arcade Fire:
The new album 'Reflektor' is available for pre-order now from http://smarturl.it/reflektorafstore. Pre-ordering will allow an instant download of the new track 'Reflektor'. All pre-orders via the official Arcade Fire webstore include first access to ticket on sales for upcoming shows later this year.

hey seth?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on September 10, 2013, 01:26:05 am
edit: now with a video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7E0fVfectDo

That's not the video you want. 

Send the Chrome Browser from your laptop/desktop here:


Now grab your smartphone and go to: g.co/af

This is the video you want.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on September 10, 2013, 11:11:00 am
That song is pretty fucking good.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 10, 2013, 01:32:50 pm
Bad Religion Christmas album
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on September 10, 2013, 02:31:20 pm
Bad Religion Christmas album

They were my favorite back in the KROQ (not-so) Acoustic Xmas days of the mid-90's.  I'm adding that to my library for sure.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 10, 2013, 03:16:34 pm
oh boy . . . now christmas songs can sound like every other bad religion song.  damn, im supposed to be nice.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on September 11, 2013, 09:38:23 am
listening to the new North Mississippi Allstars

World Boogie is Coming

great double lp package for those who like vinyl.. includes a 45 and a really nice large sized 16 page booklet.. link for mp3s..gatefold.. the works... reasonable price..my copy purchased from SOM on 14th Street was autographed..not sure why..

very bluesy album.. kind of like RL Burnside..  really diggin' it...Robert Plant plays harmonica on two tracks..

these guys are playing Friday at the State Theatre and I may check that out...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 11, 2013, 09:46:23 am
New Dirtbombs album is brilliant, quite possible the album of the Year!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 11, 2013, 03:19:40 pm
The Polyphonic Spree album is way out front for my "best of 2013" list.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 11, 2013, 03:22:15 pm
really . . . wow.  i gave up on them, and had only heard that maybe they had a new album with a strange cover.  but who cared up until now.  thank you for that.  i will go listen and hopefully be back to my normal foaming at the mouth for everything polyphonic spree.  at one time, i worshipped them like an internerd freak like cats.  you see, some threads, work.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 11, 2013, 03:27:24 pm
You are welcome! Go enjoy it, its pretty great!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: azaghal1981 on September 13, 2013, 10:55:35 am
New Swearin'! (http://pitchfork.com/news/51939-swearin-announce-new-album-strange-surfing/)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 13, 2013, 05:49:45 pm
New Sebadoh day! I cant wait for their upcoming show! It has been a few years since I saw them at the 930 Club on their Classic tour. I am definitely enjoying the new songs. I was a fan of the Secret EP, but wished it was a little longer.
Ending a substantial hiatus for the band, "Defend Yourself" is more of an organic reformation than a comeback album. In the words of Lou Barlow, "We were always going to make another record. There was never any point where we looked at each other and said, 'That's it. We're done.' We never actually quit at all-- we've been making music this whole time."

Barlow, Loewenstein, and D?Amico haven't wasted their musical talent over the last several years (as evidenced by solo albums, Dinosaur Jr., Fiery Furnaces, Folk Implosion, etc.), however, the Sebadoh name hasn?t surfaced since 1999. Historically speaking, Sebadoh albums have paralleled momentous experiences in Barlow's life-- and this recording is no different. "Defend Yourself" is saturated with songs of heartache relating to the divorce from his wife and partner of 25 years. According to Barlow, "Your greatest victories and your most crushing defeats have a tendency to give birth to one other."

The new album also marks a return to the self-recorded DIY ethos of early Sebadoh albums (III, Bakesale, etc.). A handful of sour experiences with major labels led Sebadoh to self-record and self-produce their new album. "We did 'Defend Yourself' the only way it could have been done: on the cheap and all by ourselves," Barlow states. Though this is hardly the band's first experience with home recording, technological advances beyond the 4-track cassette have allowed "Defend Yourself" to easily rank among Sebadoh's most sonically-engaging albums to date.
released 17 September 2013
Lou Barlow, Jason Loewenstein, Bob D'Amico
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on September 16, 2013, 11:20:57 am
listening to the new North Mississippi Allstars

World Boogie is Coming

great double lp package for those who like vinyl.. includes a 45 and a really nice large sized 16 page booklet.. link for mp3s..gatefold.. the works... reasonable price..my copy purchased from SOM on 14th Street was autographed..not sure why..

very bluesy album.. kind of like RL Burnside..  really diggin' it...Robert Plant plays harmonica on two tracks..

these guys are playing Friday at the State Theatre and I may check that out...

I was really into them years and years ago.  They used to play/hang out with RL a ton.  Good live.  At least they were 14 years ago!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on September 16, 2013, 11:27:47 am
listening to the new North Mississippi Allstars

World Boogie is Coming

great double lp package for those who like vinyl.. includes a 45 and a really nice large sized 16 page booklet.. link for mp3s..gatefold.. the works... reasonable price..my copy purchased from SOM on 14th Street was autographed..not sure why..

very bluesy album.. kind of like RL Burnside..  really diggin' it...Robert Plant plays harmonica on two tracks..

these guys are playing Friday at the State Theatre and I may check that out...

I was really into them years and years ago.  They used to play/hang out with RL a ton.  Good live.  At least they were 14 years ago!

well they were great on friday... luther is such a good guitarist and this show had it all...

they played at least two RL songs... including going down south
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 17, 2013, 07:49:39 pm
SPC ECO - sirens and satellites
The best father/daughter team making shoegaze, this (mostly) duo recording is a strong full length release from the band (Jarek Leskiewicz is also on a few tracks along with other collaborators). RIYL Curve (Dean Garcia is/was in Curve and SPC ECO), or other beat driven, shoegaze bands.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 18, 2013, 12:12:35 pm
Placebo - Loud Like Love dropped today!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 18, 2013, 12:32:34 pm
so killsay, i have to say again, on one of your posts, about the particular choice of bands you make . . . namely this time, sebadoh.  where do i start, beside they are a shit horrible tornado in some states of time while being brilliant heroes amongst others.  how they pull that off is beyond me, but seeing how every fucking lou song on any fucking dinosaur album brings the entire process to a screaching halt, it does not surprize me.  but any way, so i listen to a new sebadoh song, and go, wait a minute, this might be some of the best stuff theyve done in a while.  ok, ill try again.  fucking lou, i swear.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 18, 2013, 12:59:06 pm
Their new one is definitely a return to form.  I look forward to seeing them for time number two at BC later this year!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Bagley on September 18, 2013, 01:39:50 pm
so killsay, i have to say again, on one of your posts, about the particular choice of bands you make . . . namely this time, sebadoh.  where do i start, beside they are a shit horrible tornado in some states of time while being brilliant heroes amongst others.  how they pull that off is beyond me, but seeing how every fucking lou song on any fucking dinosaur album brings the entire process to a screaching halt, it does not surprize me.  but any way, so i listen to a new sebadoh song, and go, wait a minute, this might be some of the best stuff theyve done in a while.  ok, ill try again.  fucking lou, i swear.


Familiar with this song?    (know you have a passion for kitties)-----

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on September 18, 2013, 02:07:10 pm
I love the new Neko Case.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 18, 2013, 02:11:36 pm
so killsay, i have to say again, on one of your posts, about the particular choice of bands you make . . . namely this time, sebadoh.  where do i start, beside they are a shit horrible tornado in some states of time while being brilliant heroes amongst others.  how they pull that off is beyond me, but seeing how every fucking lou song on any fucking dinosaur album brings the entire process to a screaching halt, it does not surprize me.  but any way, so i listen to a new sebadoh song, and go, wait a minute, this might be some of the best stuff theyve done in a while.  ok, ill try again.  fucking lou, i swear.


Familiar with this song?    (know you have a passion for kitties)-----


i posted something about omg, a while ago . . . that applies here, as well
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomic on September 20, 2013, 04:48:58 pm
The Man Man album is pretty awesome.  The MGMT album sucks balls.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on September 22, 2013, 10:13:10 pm
Paint Branch - I Wanna Live (http://cricketcemetery.storenvy.com/products/2646237-paint-branch-i-wanna-live-lp-green-blue-vinyl) vinyl
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on September 23, 2013, 04:12:42 pm
Stream the new Dr. Dog album.


Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on September 23, 2013, 09:38:01 pm
Stream new Lorde album Pure Heroine

Pure Heroine (http://www.stereogum.com/1488641/stream-lorde-pure-heroine/album-stream/)

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 26, 2013, 09:58:49 am
The Asphodells (Andrew Weatherall + Tim Fairplay) new one is doing my head in today, genre busting at it's finest.  Highly recommended.

May also be the best. New Order record in years.  Can't wait to dive into the remix album either.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on September 26, 2013, 10:59:11 am
if you're into some weird R&B produced sort of trip hop trap sounds meet dance shit, check this album out.

Sango - "North"
http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north (http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on September 26, 2013, 11:07:25 am
The Asphodells (Andrew Weatherall + Tim Fairplay) new one is doing my head in today, genre busting at it's finest.  Highly recommended.

May also be the best. New Order record in years.  Can't wait to dive into the remix album either.

New Order? I'm confused...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 26, 2013, 11:18:02 am
Figuratively the best new New Order album.  All the elements are there, melodic bass lines, clashing guitars.

It also hints of Kraftwerk, early B.E.F, with that great dub sound Weatherall is known for.  Trust me it's a good one..
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 26, 2013, 11:44:24 am
if you're into some weird R&B produced sort of trip hop trap sounds meet dance shit, check this album out.
Sango - "North"
http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north (http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north)
Nice, glad to see Sango getting some love! I need to grab this new one...

If you dig that, you might like his collaboration album with Zebastian (formerly ZANDshe) from last year. 

I used one of their tracks in one of my mixes (http://www.mixcloud.com/killsaly/hexenjagd-dragged-to-hell-part-7/ ) and if you dig that kind of music, my mixcloud page is full of that type of (I call it future pop usually) music.  I also feature a lot of it on my blog (http://draggedtohell.com/ ).
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on September 26, 2013, 11:57:24 am
Stream the new Dr. Dog album.

Thank you.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on September 26, 2013, 04:33:45 pm
if you're into some weird R&B produced sort of trip hop trap sounds meet dance shit, check this album out.
Sango - "North"
http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north (http://soulection.bandcamp.com/album/north)
Nice, glad to see Sango getting some love! I need to grab this new one...

If you dig that, you might like his collaboration album with Zebastian (formerly ZANDshe) from last year. 

I used one of their tracks in one of my mixes (http://www.mixcloud.com/killsaly/hexenjagd-dragged-to-hell-part-7/ ) and if you dig that kind of music, my mixcloud page is full of that type of (I call it future  pop usually) music.  I also feature a lot of it on my blog (http://draggedtohell.com/ ).

That label Soulection is just dope as fuck. Yeah, I work out to that Sango album. Every once in a while I listen to another dude on the label called Dpat.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 26, 2013, 06:04:27 pm
You are welcome! Go enjoy it, its pretty great!

ok.  will listen again to make sure.  they, in my opinion, have lost, the power.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on September 26, 2013, 06:05:02 pm
Their new one is definitely a return to form.  I look forward to seeing them for time number two at BC later this year!

incredible.  simply back to form, indeed.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 26, 2013, 07:49:27 pm

The Asphodells

Appears to only be streaming on spotify...

This review sums up the album nicely


"Elsewhere, those of you disappointed by the ongoing name calling between Peter Hook and his former colleagues will find much to enjoy in ? oh, the irony! ? 'The Quiet Dignity' and 'Another Lonely City', two tracks that give a glimpse into what New Order would sound like if they smoked not the pipe of peace but at least several bowls of primo green instead."

basically Detente Walkie style....
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 26, 2013, 08:20:07 pm

Goldfrapp - Tales Of Us

A definite shift away from the dancier sound of  their recent albums to a more acoustic guitar gentler sound.  Not unlike what Saint Etienne has been doing of late.  Just started giving this one a listen.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on September 26, 2013, 08:24:38 pm
The Asphodells

Appears to only be streaming on spotify...

It was available on my Google Play Music Subscription, as was your Goldfrapp suggestion.  Both have been added to my collection.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on September 27, 2013, 01:30:14 pm
Stream the new Dr. Dog album.

Thank you.

Dr. Dog is a band where I've never even listened to an album of theirs in its entirety, but whenever I hear a song of theirs, I always like it.  Any suggestions where to start?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on September 27, 2013, 01:37:29 pm
Stream the new Dr. Dog album.

Thank you.

Dr. Dog is a band where I've never even listened to an album of theirs in its entirety, but whenever I hear a song of theirs, I always like it.  Any suggestions where to start?

Undoubtedly, Fate. Perfect album from start to finish. Once you're hooked, work back into their earlier catalog (a little more lofi/psychedelic/less polished) and then check out Shame, Shame.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on September 27, 2013, 01:42:20 pm
Listening to the M. Doughty/Soul Coughing remix album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 27, 2013, 01:46:33 pm
I thought they were new versions of old songs and not remixes of the old versions.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on September 27, 2013, 01:52:50 pm
I thought they were new versions of old songs and not remixes of the old versions.

Maybe they are. What's the difference.

Same song, arranged differently.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on September 27, 2013, 01:58:30 pm
A new version is a new version.  He is essentially making covers of Soul Coughing songs.

If they were remixes, he would have used the original source tracks from Soul Coughing and turned them into new tracks. 

If he would have remastered the tracks, he would have taken the original source tracks and then would have mixed/mastered them differently. 

You cant call something a remix if you just arrange a song differently, and do not use any of the original elements. 

And that is what i think the difference is.

(not that wiki is the last word but it mentions this in the entry for remix)
Remixes should not be confused with edits, which usually involve shortening a final stereo master for marketing or broadcasting purposes. Another distinction should be made between a remix and a cover. A remix song recombines audio pieces from a recording to create an altered version of the song. A cover is a recording of a song that was previously recorded by someone else.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on September 27, 2013, 02:10:15 pm
The Internet "Feel Good" dropped this week. Cannot stop listening. Amazing, amazing production.


Bummed I missed them. Their first album was great too.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on September 27, 2013, 03:06:05 pm
A new version is a new version.  He is essentially making covers of Soul Coughing songs.

If they were remixes, he would have used the original source tracks from Soul Coughing and turned them into new tracks. 

If he would have remastered the tracks, he would have taken the original source tracks and then would have mixed/mastered them differently. 

You cant call something a remix if you just arrange a song differently, and do not use any of the original elements. 

And that is what i think the difference is.

(not that wiki is the last word but it mentions this in the entry for remix)
Remixes should not be confused with edits, which usually involve shortening a final stereo master for marketing or broadcasting purposes. Another distinction should be made between a remix and a cover. A remix song recombines audio pieces from a recording to create an altered version of the song. A cover is a recording of a song that was previously recorded by someone else.

I think he's covering his own songs.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on September 27, 2013, 06:43:48 pm

Dr. Dog is a band where I've never even listened to an album of theirs in its entirety, but whenever I hear a song of theirs, I always like it.  Any suggestions where to start?

Undoubtedly, Fate. Perfect album from start to finish.

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 27, 2013, 06:50:09 pm
Today's soundtrack has been the new one from  Emily Barker & The Red Clay Halo - Dear River


Really wish she had a US record deal as $30 is steep for the deluxe CD set from the UK.

I first was exposed to her because they used a song of theirs for the theme music for Wallender. 

And have been listening to the heck out of this single the a-side with Frank Turner and b-side the song used for the TV show.


Simply gorgeous stuff...

edit: oh good per her facebook she is working on a US deal, I for one will snap up her catalog.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on September 27, 2013, 09:31:07 pm
The new Mazzy Star is so so so good. I cannot wait for their show in November.

Has the new D-Plan leaked? I'm so far outta the loop I wouldn't know where to look.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on September 30, 2013, 07:42:08 am
Founding member of Sonic Youth - Lee Ranaldo's 'Last Night On Earth'

Streaming here


Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 02, 2013, 09:16:03 am
Charley Macaulay - All I Know

New blisting Funk/Soul from the UK.  Acid Jazz   is just one of best labels out there.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 07, 2013, 03:46:54 pm
Hunters debut album is now available in digital or physical formats.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 07, 2013, 03:59:58 pm
Don't know why it took me so long, but I just got the new Black Lips album. So good. Can't wait to see them again!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on October 07, 2013, 07:02:02 pm
a few albums i got to pick up for free on CD. i don't always know a lot of about rock music but when i get some good albums, i usually keep them around to spin them a particular rotation.



Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: StoneTheCrow on October 07, 2013, 10:47:23 pm
Don't know why it took me so long, but I just got the new Black Lips album. So good. Can't wait to see them again!

They have a new album out?????
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on October 08, 2013, 09:19:23 am
Don't know why it took me so long, but I just got the new Black Lips album. So good. Can't wait to see them again!

They have a new album out?????

I think he's talking about the one that came out nearly three years ago.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 08, 2013, 09:53:39 am
Don't know why it took me so long, but I just got the new Black Lips album. So good. Can't wait to see them again!

They have a new album out?????

I think he's talking about the one that came out nearly three years ago.
Oh, shit. It did come out in 2011. Where the hell have I been!? I must have gotten their name confused with someone else. Fun album though! Don't know why I never got this... I thought the 200 Thousand was the one that came out years ago.......I mean....more...years ago.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: grateful on October 08, 2013, 10:38:05 am
wrong thread
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 08, 2013, 05:16:27 pm
Lee Ranaldo and the Dust - Last Night on Earth

What a year for Sonic Youth alumni!  Chelsea Light Moving, Body/Head, and Lee Ranaldo and the Dust all kicking ass in their different ways. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 08, 2013, 05:33:38 pm
you just know, they will be back.  i will silently scream inside, when they do a reunion tour playing "hit" after "hit" after "hit" for three hours straight, no breaks, followed by kim and thurston making up on stage and having pretend sex, or real sex, which ever they prefer.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on October 08, 2013, 09:15:40 pm
you just know, they will be back.  i will silently scream inside, when they do a reunion tour playing "hit" after "hit" after "hit" for three hours straight, no breaks, followed by kim and thurston making up on stage and having pretend sex, or real sex, which ever they prefer.

hits..ha ha..yeah i see the quotes..

i really think the only hits they ever had where the songs on Goo...i think once they saw their videos on MTV (like dissapearer) it made them try even harder to be less "popular"....

of course i love goo.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 08, 2013, 10:22:44 pm
no . . . i wont say it.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Julian, Hyperpop SLUTFUCK on October 09, 2013, 12:33:30 pm
Teen Age Riot wasn't a "hit"?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: vansmack on October 09, 2013, 05:17:14 pm
Rival Schools is reissuing United By Fate.

One New Song: The Sweet (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/rival-schools-pull-out-rarity-the-sweet-song-premiere-20131009)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: chaz on October 09, 2013, 05:28:01 pm
Rival Schools is reissuing United By Fate.

One New Song: The Sweet (http://www.rollingstone.com/music/news/rival-schools-pull-out-rarity-the-sweet-song-premiere-20131009)
Love me some Walter
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on October 10, 2013, 04:35:55 pm
More cool stuff I found:

Firehorse - "Pills From Strangers"

Black Joe Lewis - "Electric Slave"

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on October 11, 2013, 04:52:05 pm
Support your DMV artists. The homies, The Delegation, just dropped their debut EP. Peep game.

http://delegationmusic.bandcamp.com/ (http://delegationmusic.bandcamp.com/)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Justin Tonation on October 11, 2013, 11:39:31 pm
Support your DMV artists.


11/19 (http://www.dischord.com/release/DIS181-5/clovis-points)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Bombay Chutney on October 12, 2013, 12:46:12 pm
Re: Alarms and Controls...

I like their single.  I'm definitely looking forward to this one.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 14, 2013, 09:52:23 am
"Uncovered QOTSA" is Olivier Libaux (Nouvelle vague) new album, entirely made of Queens Of The Stone Age covers, beautifully performed by a brilliant cast of female singers."

?It?s such a wonderful job. Olivier Libaux has added to the tracks that beautiful sort of dreaminess and just let that be exposed, and it?s really wonderful. I thank him for doing it.?

Josh Homme

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on October 14, 2013, 11:53:31 am
Nouvelle vague
Love those guys, they do a great cover of "too drunk to Fcuk"

NV cover DK (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hapufz1NFkY)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 14, 2013, 02:54:10 pm
Swans live album = too rich for my blood
(I do realize its a kickstarter type of deal but still)
(Hand Made and Assembled) (YG6969)

The packaging to this handmade limited edition is made with a linoleum block print (printed on hand-brushed white ink). The drawing for the print and the printing itself was expertly accomplished by Nicole Boitos (signed and numbered 1 ? 2000 by Nicole), based upon a concept/sketch by M.Gira. Each individual cover is further drawn upon / personalized and signed by M.Gira. Each one is unique! The songs on the CDs are live Swans recordings culled from the recent 2012/2013 tours. Most of the songs have not yet been recorded as studio versions ? this is new material, in progress. The collection also includes two crude demo recordings by M.Gira, of additional new material to be recorded for the upcoming new Swans studio album.


1. buy hand made web only 2x live Swans CD with original signed and numbered woodblock print, customized and signed by M.Gira - $40 - Limit 5 per order - (Click here to choose Option 1)

2.  as above AND RECEIVE 2xcd deluxe digi-pack signed version of (untitled) new Swans album immediately upon release: $55 (Click here to choose Option 2)

3. as in option 1 AND RECEIVE 2xcd deluxe digi-pack signed version of Swans (untitled), website/tour exclusive package that includes live swans dvd from 2012/13 tours - $65 (Click here to choose Option 3)

4. as in OPTION 3 AND RECEIVE ?executive producer? credit in upcoming swans studio album - $100 (Click here to choose Option 4)

5. OPTION 3, AND 4 PLUS a 3 color 12 x 19 inch screen printed poster (click here for image) printed on double thick, 120 weight paper and made from a drawing by m.gira. Each poster is signed by m.gira and dedicated by name to customer. These posters are limited to purchasers of this option - $175 (Click here to choose Option 5)

6. OPTION 3, AND 4, 5 PLUS be on VIP guest list and meet band for one show on upcoming swans tour(s) 2013/14 - $200 (Click here to choose Option 6)

7. OPTION 3, 4, 5, 6, plus, AND AGAIN, YES THIS IS REAL:  m.gira will record and send to customer a video of a simple, short, original song, acoustic guitar and voice, with customers? name in the song,  praising the customer, his or her ancestors, thoughts, dreams, and future or past lives, forever . This video will be made by m.gira, sitting at his desk, at home, singing directly to you, and you only. - $500 (Click here to choose Option 7)

8. Order options 1 ? 7 using the shopping cart system, THEN, using the Paypal button below, contribute an additional $100 or more, and receive a secret gift, and undying gratitude. AGAIN, Please order options 1 ? 7 using the shopping cart system only, and make your additional contribution for option 8 SEPARATELY using the Paypal button below.

Thanks for your support!
If you wish to donate separately from the above purchase options, please do so by clicking the Paypal button below. All donations, large or small, are sincerely appreciated! Again, any donations made by clicking the Paypal button below have no connection to your purchase (via the shopping cart) of any of the options above.  Thanks again!


CD1: 1.To Be Kind  2. Just a Little Boy  3. Coward  4. She Loves Us!  5. Oxygen?
CD2: 1. The Seer / Bring the Sun / Toussaint L?ouverture  2. Nathalie Neal  3. Kirsten Supine (demo)  4. Screen Shot (demo)?

SWANS: michael gira - guitar, vocal; norman westerg - guitar; phil puleo - drums, duclimer, gizmos; thor harris - drums/percussion, vibes, clarinet, melodica, violin, gizmos; christoph hahn - double lap steel guitar, guitar; christopher pravdica ? bass, gizmos.





These recordings are a snapshot of Swans at a particular time. The songs (though it?s admittedly a stretch to call some of them ?songs?), began one way at the beginning of a year-long tour, and thereafter shifted in shape constantly, sometimes spontaneously during a performance, at other times through revisions (after revisions, after revisions) during sound-check. At least an album?s worth of material was created and then discarded live in this fashion? (If I ever have the time, I?m considering sifting through all the recordings that were made of this tour and creating a special edition album of that material - some versions of the songs on this record bear no resemblance to what?s on these 2 CDs, for instance)?  So, the music presented here is at a moment perhaps three quarters of the way through the touring cycle of 2012/13. Things continued to evolve considerably thereafter from what?s presented here, but I think these recordings caught us at a good point. At the time of this writing, we?re going into the studio in a week to record much of this material (as well as material I?ve written that hasn?t yet been played by the band) for a new album, where it will doubtless take on a completely new shape. my main hope, personally, is that I?m surprised with the results at the end.

At this stage of the game, it has been touching, stirring, inspirational, even soul-lifting to see our audiences increasing to such an extent, and to witness  people finally, finally, seeming to just open up and share the experience of making these sounds with us. It really is a shared experience, and it feels like you-all are participating with us ? though we still ?call the shots,? - as it should be! This last bit of touring has been the most gratifying, musically and spiritually, of my life, and I thank you here for making it possible.

As was the case with our last studio album, The Seer, we?re just going to go in the studio now and record endlessly, as a first stage. In this instance, we?ve managed to wrangle a great, live-in studio in the middle of the desert in West Texas. Once the tenure of my friends in Swans is finished there, I?ll remain, recording more with other cohorts, and I?ll travel around a bit, trying to find ways to wrestle the music into a shape that suits it?s core intent (and maybe also contravenes it). I hope the songs change and develop beyond recognition. Along the way I?ll get  more friends in to augment the sounds, and then hack at it and add more (always more) until there is no more, then start cutting things away again. I won?t pay any attention to the LENGTH of the thing, in the end, or how long it takes to make ? or how many enemies I make along the way ? ha ha!. Who knows how long the final effort will be ? 2 hours, 3, 4? Maybe it?ll just be a strangled little worm, 10 minutes long. At the end I?ll figure out some way to put it in some sort of format that makes sense. During the last record, I realized, what difference does it make? We?re not exactly trying to make music that?s accessible in the regular music world, so why accept any constraints whatsoever? What?s an ?album,? and who cares? People that are inclined to be interested will find it if they want. Just let the music dictate the final shape, nothing else. So I don?t know what will happen. Once the music shows me that it?s had enough of my interference it?ll be done, and that?s it. For that last bit of freedom ? the faith you?ve shown in these endeavors - I am sincerely grateful to supporters such as yourself, indeed!

Not Here / Not Now is what has now become known as a ?fundraiser? or ?crowd-sourcing? CD. I?ve been doing this sort of hand-made release since 2000 (then, with Angels of Light), and with the support of people such as yourself, have been able to record and work at a standard that would have otherwise been utterly impossible. THANK YOU, endlessly! ?I also remain grateful that you ? our live audience ? have felt it worth your while to attend our concerts, and my hope is that you?ve experienced some of the joy we experience while playing this music. THANK YOU, again, endlessly! ? Michael Gira / Swans / Young God Records


1. MG original drawing and concept sent to nicole

2. MG showing the hammer type that should be used

3. Nicole?s original sketch

4. Nicole?s first print, and woodblock

5. Each one gets a wash of white ink, then it?s printed upon

6. Nicole, in the process of printing 2000, a movie...

9. Nicole has sent them to MG, now he is personalizing and signing

10. MG signing etc. it goes on forever. things could get ugly

11. MG discovers that the majority of the 2000 envelopes have, due to humidity, self-sealed!!!!! He sorts through them, finding the ones that need to be steamed open (most of them). a movie...

12. MG steams each one open. again. again. again....

Random video found on youtube of Swans performing ?Toussaint L?ouverture? at Primavera Sound, Barcelona Spain 2013. This eventually became the final song of the set during the tour. This song grew entirely from improvisational/emotional expressions during the live set, and eventually was harnessed and subsequently developed into a cohesive piece of music after numerous performances. It has since continued to evolve, and may soon benefit from direct, hopefully furious, equine expression during the upcoming recordings.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: bearman🐻 on October 14, 2013, 03:25:55 pm
New Best Coast streaming: http://pitchfork.com/news/52640-stream-best-coasts-mini-album-fade-away/
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 15, 2013, 12:29:07 pm
Anyone else beyond ready for the Riff Raff debut album to drop?  I love the mixtapes but want NEON ICON! Or at least his collaboration album with Action Bronson... 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 15, 2013, 01:03:25 pm
Weekends long overdue new album New Humans was released earlier this year. They are offering it as "pay what you want" on Bandcamp, or you can grab a tape or LP (i went the tape route).  I cant wait to see them again later this month (its been a couple of years).
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 15, 2013, 09:57:04 pm
New Linda Thompson album

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 15, 2013, 10:57:07 pm
From Moon Sounds Records Facebook page:
Preparation has begun for the release of Ceremony?s ? Distance album!

This album will be out on CD before the year is through and will be pressed onto vinyl hopefully shortly after!

We?ll reveal more details as they come in from the band.
(note: the VA Shoegazing Ceremony not the CA Hardcore one
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 16, 2013, 09:43:59 am
Linda Thompson album is sounding amazing!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 16, 2013, 11:32:19 am
Shadowrunners Click just dropped their new album! Pay what you want on Bandcamp!

They are hip hop.  They are A bit nerdy, a bit street, and a bunch of awesome!

(froskees and Andre Martel who used to be called Himself the Majestic)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 18, 2013, 07:52:07 am
Today's soundtrack


Traditori di Tutti by Calibro 35

Weird-psych-jazz-fuzz-garage-funk-grooves... "think at The Budos Band that meets Goblin"
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Ardamus on October 18, 2013, 01:32:38 pm
Anyone else beyond ready for the Riff Raff debut album to drop?  I love the mixtapes but want NEON ICON! Or at least his collaboration album with Action Bronson... 

Same here. Its funny that Riff's style is based on that whole Texas scene of folks like Big Tuck and they just freestyle about the funniest shit. Definitely looking forward to Riff Raff's new album and the one with Action Bronson. I feel like that one will have mroe rawer beats and not just the 808-trap sound. I don't mind it but I really think he does good over raw tracks like "Larry Bird" and "Porsche Cheyenne".
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: DeathFromAbove1979 on October 18, 2013, 02:29:40 pm
"Bird On A Wire" with Riff Raff and Action Bronson is one of my favorite collaboarations of theirs. That beast is sick and both of them kill it. I can't get enough Action Bronson. As for Riff Raff I have his last like..... 5 mixtapes lol. I'll definitely pick up his album.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 19, 2013, 07:59:34 am

Charley Macaulay - All I Know

Only 19 and making a name for herself in the UK.  Would have definitely played one of hers at the Lee Fields show...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: atomic on October 19, 2013, 10:18:29 am

Charley Macaulay - All I Know

Only 19 and making a name for herself in the UK.  Would have definitely played one of hers at the Lee Fields show...

Jesus H Christ.  So I bother to look this woman up and her biggest watched video on youtube has 6000 views.  Making a name for herself at 19?  You would think she is Adele or something.  Her album is 22762 most popular on Amazon UK.  I think you could say she is definitely not making a name for herself.  Lorde she is not.

 Anyway I do give you some credit.  The artist is under 50.  It isn't just a bunch of dudes over 50 playing the same two notes on the guitar over and over again.  We have horns.  You are growing.

As for her album, she has a decent voice but her band sucks.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 20, 2013, 01:23:39 pm
Black Hearted Brother - Stars Are Our Home
release date October 22, 2013.   
A gorgeously-textured yet experimental album, it's rich tapestry of sound creates an almost synaesthesic experience, overflowing with enraptured, glowing textures, flaring white light like magnesium, in consort with brilliant red-blue waves of psychedelia.

Stars Are Our Home boasts the craftsmanship of the its members' impressive resumés: Halstead, previously a member of Slowdive and Mojave 3; Van Hoen, an original member of Seefeel, subsequently working solo and as Locust; and Holton, the main mover behind Holton's Opulent Oog, and member of Coley Park, who have released albums on Halstead's Shady Lane label. Van Hoen co-produced several Mojave 3 albums, while Holton worked with Halstead on his solo albums Sleeping On Roads and Palindrome Hunches. Van Hoen and Halstead go back much further still, to 1992, when they were in Seefeel and Slowdive respectively: ?Mark taught Neil much that was electronic and ambient music.'
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 22, 2013, 06:45:07 pm
"Uncovered QOTSA" is Olivier Libaux (Nouvelle vague) new album, entirely made of Queens Of The Stone Age covers, beautifully performed by a brilliant cast of female singers."

?It?s such a wonderful job. Olivier Libaux has added to the tracks that beautiful sort of dreaminess and just let that be exposed, and it?s really wonderful. I thank him for doing it.?

Josh Homme


wow even Uncovered QOTSA skipped DC ;)
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: sweetcell on October 23, 2013, 12:00:54 pm
Yeasayer: Pre-Order Good Evening Washington DC- Live at 9:30 Club LP!

 Hello friends.

During the world tour for our most recent album, Fragrant World, we decided to document our two night stand at the legendary 9:30 Club on November 14th and 15th of 2012.  The outcome is a LIMITED EDITION 2xLP that covers tracks from our first three albums and is aptly titled Good Evening, Washington DC, Live at 9:30 Club.

Along with the LP you will receive a comprehensive pamphlet written by Christopher Kline that describes the topical origins and inner-workings of each song on Fragrant World.  We hope it will tide you over as we begin the process of writing and recording #4 over the coming months.

Get your limited edition copy here:



Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 23, 2013, 06:42:26 pm
Bardo Pond - Peace on Venus
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on October 25, 2013, 11:54:07 am
out november 5th

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 25, 2013, 12:18:01 pm
and the song titles...

 01. My Heart's Pumping
02. Down in the Dirt
03. Blood and Ashes
04. Now Is the Time
05. Wallow in Despair
06. Slow Your Ass Down
07. It's so Absurd
08. Shut Up
09. This Is Hell
10. Go Away
11. The Bitter End
12. The Chase
13. I'm Sick
14. It's Not My Time to Go-Go
15. Lies
16. Get Out of My Way
17. Outside
18. No Teeth
19. To Hell and Back
20. Give Me All Your Dough
21. You Gotta Be Joking
22. Off My Shoulders
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on October 25, 2013, 12:19:41 pm
You can read those titles all in a row one after another and it almost makes sense as a short story.
A really dumb, poorly written short story, but nevertheless.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on October 25, 2013, 12:25:49 pm
with a shitty cover.  might be the shittiest cover in the history of music.  when you make the cover of the last yeahyeahyeahs album look good . . . you know you suck at album covers.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 25, 2013, 06:44:22 pm
new Nic Armstrong and the Thieves out soon...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 26, 2013, 05:40:37 pm
Golden Animals - Hear Eye Go
Psychedelic duo's new LP
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 28, 2013, 04:54:54 pm
EYE - Second Sight
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 29, 2013, 04:06:10 pm
Demos, rehearsals and solo acoustic recordings from Lee Ranaldo and the Dust
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 29, 2013, 11:41:13 pm
Talk All Night - Summer Will Fall
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on October 29, 2013, 11:45:57 pm
Fins - Fins EP
3 bucks.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on October 31, 2013, 09:46:12 pm

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 01, 2013, 08:47:17 am



I really like what I've heard of the new Of Montreal so far.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: K8teebug on November 01, 2013, 08:54:36 am
Not sure how many Enon/Braniac fans there are out there (I am a huge fan of both)



Listening to the Crooks on Tape album now.  Good.  Would love to see Rick Lee on stage again...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 04, 2013, 04:02:20 pm
Luscious Jackson - Magic Hour
fter a 14 year hiatus, Jill Cunniff, Gabby Glaser and Kate Schellenbach are back and sounding better than ever with a new album titled "Magic Hour" being released on November 5th and a December 7th show at Webster Hall.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on November 04, 2013, 05:11:29 pm
Luscious Jackson - Magic Hour
fter a 14 year hiatus, Jill Cunniff, Gabby Glaser and Kate Schellenbach are back and sounding better than ever with a new album titled "Magic Hour" being released on November 5th and a December 7th show at Webster Hall.

nice! one of my favorite shows at the old 930
I sure hope they will have a DC date
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 07, 2013, 07:15:42 pm
Ellah a. Thaun - Beautifulwitch

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on November 08, 2013, 04:19:41 pm
Luscious Jackson - Magic Hour
fter a 14 year hiatus, Jill Cunniff, Gabby Glaser and Kate Schellenbach are back and sounding better than ever with a new album titled "Magic Hour" being released on November 5th and a December 7th show at Webster Hall.

nice! one of my favorite shows at the old 930
I sure hope they will have a DC date

the one that yelled at me from the stage is not a part of the reunion thankfully...

i just never liked anything close to in search of manny...
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 08, 2013, 08:41:13 pm
Police Academy 6 - Arrete
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Got Haggis? on November 11, 2013, 10:45:36 am
Not sure how many Enon/Braniac fans there are out there (I am a huge fan of both)



Listening to the Crooks on Tape album now.  Good.  Would love to see Rick Lee on stage again...

wow, thanks...huge rick lee fan, was wondering what he had been up to lately
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 11, 2013, 03:42:21 pm
Kal Marks - Life is Murder
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: hutch on November 12, 2013, 11:04:03 am
new malkmus lp available for preorder on matador.. out jan 7 2014....

interestingly matador sells it for $14

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: James Ford on November 12, 2013, 04:01:30 pm
Maybe the album of the year, right here:


Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 19, 2013, 01:14:49 am
New Magik Markers today!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on November 19, 2013, 09:56:28 am
New Magik Markers today!

Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 19, 2013, 11:25:30 am
I hope they go on tour and soon!
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 20, 2013, 12:04:49 pm
Dizzy D returns with the follow up to the excellent Hunstvillan mixtape. 

I remember at least one person on here liked Dizzy D and would care about this... Relaxer?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Relaxer on November 20, 2013, 12:47:47 pm
Thanks bud, I am very happy to see this.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: killsaly on November 21, 2013, 05:02:11 pm
Did anyone else grab the new Death Grips when they leaked it the other day?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on December 05, 2013, 11:19:46 am
Enjoying so far the new The Bongos album that came out recently.  Phantom Train
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 05, 2013, 04:04:22 pm
Did anyone else grab the new Death Grips when they leaked it the other day?

i am listening right now . . . and im losing my mind.  am i on acid?  am i on the planet earth?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 05, 2013, 04:24:25 pm
Did anyone else grab the new Death Grips when they leaked it the other day?

i am listening right now . . . and im losing my mind.  am i on acid?  am i on the planet earth?

fuck . . . this album is soooooo goooood.  they should play msg once a month.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on December 05, 2013, 10:21:46 pm
New Psapp album a pleasant listen as always.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on December 06, 2013, 11:16:47 am

Highly recommended for fans of chamber pop
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 06, 2013, 11:38:57 am
i think killsaly left because of my review of the new death grips.  i think he thought i was being sarcastic.  because i was not.  sometimes, the things i say come out weird and are taken in a way that even i dont understand where they come from.

let me repeat . . . that death grips album shocked the shit out of me, because i dont even know who they are or have never heard of them.  but after one listen, my life was altered.  like the first time i listened to polyphonic spree.  jesus, who are these people and how is a album that fucking good.  i smell a conspiracy. 
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 09, 2013, 10:27:44 pm
jesus christ.  brilliant.


brilliant, i say.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: Yada on December 09, 2013, 10:38:01 pm
jesus christ.  brilliant.


brilliant, i say.

Are you using the blocking script on my posts?
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 09, 2013, 10:43:46 pm
oh shoot . . . did you already post that somewhere?  i just read this and thought it reaked of mausterbation goodness.  god i hate posting stuff that others already have.  sorry, yo, sorry, bro, sorry, ho.
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: kosmo vinyl on December 11, 2013, 07:57:13 pm

Agony Aunts "Big Cinnamon" - Bay Area Psych Pop
Title: Re: 2013 Albums
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on December 12, 2013, 11:24:15 pm
snoopzilla   seven days of funk

oh damn . . . thats the good shit.