930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Jaguar on October 08, 2012, 08:36:29 pm
What in the world is going on? I placed a post in the Just Announced (http://forum.930.com/index.php?topic=12734.27720) thread about 15-30 minutes ago. Went back and it, as well a someone else's is gone. Nothing offensive or anything but it does seem that the gremlins have invaded. Think there may be another couple posts in other threads missing too. Oh, and I had to re-enter my password to get back in. Didn't help that I had forgotten it and had to reset the thing. Anyway, there's weirdness in here tonight.
I also had to log in just now.
Yeah definite weirdness not sure what can be done about it ???
hmmm maybe the a quick forum maintenance routine did the job, Just Announced is back.
Just had to relog in again but at least I remembered my password this time.
Kosmo, from what I saw, Just Announced never actually vanished, just a couple of the latter posts. Mine and at least one or two others. Think maybe Az was one who posted something there that's still missing.
Yeah, I posted about Screaming Females.
Yeah, I posted about Screaming Females.
That's right! Something about one having mono to which I replied that it seems that there's been somewhat of an outbreak of mono going around in the Indie musicianship community lately in about the last 6 months or so.
Then included in my post was a link for MONO playing at ATP in the UK Nov 30-Dec 2.
Yup, yup and yup.
the forum URL is now forum.930.com - wasn't it always 930.com/forum ?
the forum URL is now forum.930.com - wasn't it always 930.com/forum ?
Everything is all jumbled on my work computer. There's no background so I have to highlight all the posts to read them, I was also logged out.
For me the forum now opens in a different window. Which I don't like.
was the blog tab there before?? the merch tab?
**head explodes**
**head explodes**
It is just too much!!!!!!!!!
It's about time time this forum catches up to 2001.
It's about time time this forum catches up to 2001.
Where the fuck is the LIKE button?!?
Like button? Think of the forum as having one big Dislike button :)
Think of the forum as having one big Dislike button