Hope this doesn't come across as too spammy but I thought I'd mention that this week on DCHeavyMetal.com you can win a pair of tickets to see Graveyard at the 9:30 Club on Friday, February 12th. It's an early show so keep that in mind if you're planning on going. No cost to enter, no sign ups or getting added to spam lists for entering. You can enter here (http://dcheavymetal.com/2016/02/01/graveyard-ticket-give-away/). You have to enter the contest by Friday, February 5th at 5pm EST.
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1503/24526717035_c19b256fff.jpg) (http://dcheavymetal.com/2016/02/01/graveyard-ticket-give-away/)