Mick Mulvaney at CPAC: Coronavirus is the Dem’s new favorite hoax. They want to bring down the President.
- Audience cheers
we are soo fucked...
Does anyone know how to track the Volfefe IndexOnly economic indicator you need to be concerned with is the covfefe index.
Exactly, but I can only find articles about JPmorgan creating it in SeptDoes anyone know how to track the Volfefe IndexOnly economic indicator you need to be concerned with is the covfefe index.
is it an insiders only index?If you have to ask, you're poor.
Can confirmis it an insiders only index?If you have to ask, you're poor.
Mick Mulvaney at CPAC: Coronavirus is the Dem’s new favorite hoax. They want to bring down the President.
- Audience cheers
we are soo fucked...
you have to look at it in terms of percentage loss not number of “points”
I dislike Trump but I don’t think it’s entirely fair to blame him for this..
It just shows how desperate democrats are...
1st US coronavirus death in Washington State....be safe sweets (and the whole pacific NW)
So you’re saying it was definitely Sweetcell?1st US coronavirus death in Washington State....be safe sweets (and the whole pacific NW)
President Trump described the patient as a “wonderful woman” and a “medically high-risk patient” in her late 50s, at the news conference. Jeffrey Duchin, chief health officer for Seattle and King County, later clarified that the patient was a man in his 50s with underlying conditions.
whoa...Trump was right to be against Chinise 5Gthe new conspiracy theories are getting interesting...and this person is running for congress
Dr. Pall has made perfectly clear, Wuhan City in China, where the outbreak started, was the initial site of the most intense rollout of 5G wireless technology on the planet.
So you’re saying it was definitely Sweetcell?1st US coronavirus death in Washington State....be safe sweets (and the whole pacific NW)
President Trump described the patient as a “wonderful woman” and a “medically high-risk patient” in her late 50s, at the news conference. Jeffrey Duchin, chief health officer for Seattle and King County, later clarified that the patient was a man in his 50s with underlying conditions.
Mike Pence and his coronavirus emergency team praying for a solution.(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/ESDyWELWoAA3CiH?format=jpg&name=900x900)
they should have invited marianne williamson to help
This thread is scary
this woman thinks she has the symptoms, lives in Seattle and Her job is physical therapy for the elderly
So being a responsible person she spent hours and hours Called hotlines hospitals urgent care’s primary care doctors to find out she can’t even get tested And pretty much no one knows even how to get tested!!!
I guess you should’ve just called pence first, via prayer hotline
I work in Public Health/occupational safety. While it is interesting from a work standpoint, I really don't want to see the worst case scenarios being discussed.
she doesn't want to see it...but can't seem to look awayI work in Public Health/occupational safety. While it is interesting from a work standpoint, I really don't want to see the worst case scenarios being discussed.
What purpose does this post serve?
Since a lot of gatherings are gonna inevitably be cancelled, someone came up with this:
https://www.isitcanceledyet.com/ (https://www.isitcanceledyet.com/)
Since a lot of gatherings are gonna inevitably be cancelled, someone came up with this:
https://www.isitcanceledyet.com/ (https://www.isitcanceledyet.com/)
dude. what's going on in that pic?
best thing i've read so far: https://www.reddit.com/r/China_Flu/comments/fbt49e/the_who_sent_25_international_experts_to_china/
Nooo... now that’s what I hear when I see itIf anything, this makes this near-pandemic seem so much more approachable.
Say “COVID-19” like “Come on, Eileen” (https://twitter.com/whysharksmatter/status/1235323054986792963?s=21)
Nooo... now that’s what I hear when I see itIf anything, this makes this near-pandemic seem so much more approachable.
TrY wOrKiNg In HeAlTh CaRe AdMiNiStRaTiOnNooo... now that’s what I hear when I see itIf anything, this makes this near-pandemic seem so much more approachable.
GAWDDAMMIT. I give talks, updates and presentations on COVID-19 all day. Now it will come out in song every time....
Nooo... now that’s what I hear when I see itIf anything, this makes this near-pandemic seem so much more approachable.
GAWDDAMMIT. I give talks, updates and presentations on COVID-19 all day. Now it will come out in song every time....
I dunno about youse guys, but I ain't gettin' the 'roniRice a Roni? The San Francisco treat?
At what point do we shut shit down and everyone stays in their house for a few weeks until we get a grip on this thing? We all could use a vacation anyway.If we all get moved to teleworking, just think of the ancillary cost of all the marriages strained by arguments over house cleaning protocols!
At what point do we shut shit down and everyone stays in their house for a few weeks until we get a grip on this thing? We all could use a vacation anyway.
At what point do we shut shit down and everyone stays in their house for a few weeks until we get a grip on this thing? We all could use a vacation anyway.Can you imagine the impact on the economy? Think of all the hourly workers who wouldn't get paychecks. I don't think the $$ should be our only focus, but I think we need to focus on awareness, detection and help for those infected. This is not ebola. I think this is a serious thing and people (and hopefully our government) should take it seriously. But I think closing everything down for a few weeks would have massive unintended consequences
Then there's this concession worker at a stadium who tested positive...SMHDude, if COVID-19 is the thing that kills the XFL . . .
Then there's this concession worker at a stadium who tested positive...SMHDude, if COVID-19 is the thing that kills the XFL . . .
out of curiosity, has anyone's workplace instituted a travel ban and/or told all employees to work from home until further notice?
out of curiosity, has anyone's workplace instituted a travel ban and/or told all employees to work from home until further notice?
.....and SXSW cancelled
.....and SXSW cancelledJacob Ward@byjacobward
Age, Sex, Existing Conditions of COVID-19 Cases and Deaths (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/)Good info,
Everybody freak out
Everybody freak out
I dunno about youse guys, but I ain't gettin' the 'roniRice a Roni? The San Francisco treat?
Shots fired, Vansmack.
out of curiosity, has anyone's workplace instituted a travel ban and/or told all employees to work from home until further notice?
we've had 3 clients institute travel bans for their staff and vendors this week.
we are business as usual.
Well, there's this:Maybe it will give him time to shave that dreadful beard.
Prediction on how much stock market drops?On Jan 20th 2017 the Dow flirted 20k
This could be a sizable % drop
Doomsayernope just a libtard who wants to destroy this country how ever I can
I am going to die
Hopefully Trump is next
Fuck that guy. Plus, a gas mask gives you no protection against particulate...
https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/Ok I like this and hate that I keep checking it like delegate counts
I saw this and the link goes to the forum. Be nice to all new forum members!!!!
Can confirm.I saw this and the link goes to the forum. Be nice to all new forum members!!!!
Real time photo of Julian
All University System of Maryland schools: College Park, UMBC, Towson, etc. preparing for online ed post spring break....
All University System of Maryland schools: College Park, UMBC, Towson, etc. preparing for online ed post spring break....
FFax county schools closing 3/16 to prepare for distance learning ...
NEW: MGM Resorts will stop operating its buffet service at seven properties in Las Vegas amid coronavirus concerns. (https://twitter.com/ABC/status/1237501358212816898)
italy locked everyone down on 3/08... hope no one here has plans after 3/20.
italy locked everyone down on 3/08... hope no one here has plans after 3/20.
Population of Italy: 60.5m
Population of the UK: 66.4m
Population of the USA: 327.2m
you were saying?
you were saying?
Now we're getting somewhere.
Land Mass:
UK: 93,628 mi²
Italy: 116,347 mi²
US: 3.797 million mi²
You’re full of shit
you were saying?
Now we're getting somewhere.
Land Mass:
UK: 93,628 mi²
Italy: 116,347 mi²
US: 3.797 million mi²
You’re full of shit
I don't understand the point Vansmack was trying to make.
You’re full of shit
I don't understand the point Vansmack was trying to make.
I think he was trying to make his usual point: I am smarter than you
Also potentially setting up his other standby: I told you so
You’re full of shit
I don't understand the point Vansmack was trying to make.
I think he was trying to make his usual point: I am smarter than you
Also potentially setting up his other standby: I told you so
I'm getting ready to send you a BM via the mailYou’re full of shit
I don't understand the point Vansmack was trying to make.
I think he was trying to make his usual point: I am smarter than you
Also potentially setting up his other standby: I told you so
Sidepost, send me a PM if you need deets on what this means.
so i listened to this interview on joe rogan's showGreat. So, you've identified where you went wrong, now what do you do about it?
Just attended a staff meeting where the range of emotion ran from one person who was visibly rolling his eyes, interrupting our supervisor by saying the word "YAWN" loudly, asking "how many people in the US have this like 16? and "this is going to tank our economy" to....a Chinese-American who has been sounding the alarms in our office for many weeks who proclaimed that "Dr. ……. designed this to get rid of (Chinese) deplorables and now it's gotten out of hand."
Good lord, these people have PHD's.
If I don’t make it out of this know that I love you guys!Man, I don’t even know how to respond to this statement.
yeah i get it that venues and musicians don't want to cancel stuff - but i thought it was pretty irresponsible for death fest to send out an update saying they were still on. All large events need to be cancelled probably for at least the next 6 months. it's really going to hurt artists and venues big time.welp they are kinda living up to their name...death fest
local headline: Seattle Public Schools to close for at least two weeks in light of coronavirus concerns (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/seattle-public-schools-to-close-for-two-weeks-in-light-of-coronavirus-concerns/)
my kiddos are in a different school district, but it's coming to us eventually. yeay.
Tom Hanks and his wife test positive
Tom Hanks and his wife test positive
yeah..don't check your 401k
yeah..don't check your 401k
My wife always laughs at me when I say I hope to retire someday.
I mean, they’re not wrong.yeah..don't check your 401k
My wife always laughs at me when I say I hope to retire someday.
I feel the need to punch the next person that tells me that this is a "buying opportunity."
cage match between Jules and ChallengedI mean, they’re not wrong.
I feel the need to punch the next person that tells me that this is a "buying opportunity."
I mean, they’re not wrong.yeah..don't check your 401k
My wife always laughs at me when I say I hope to retire someday.
I feel the need to punch the next person that tells me that this is a "buying opportunity."
This is the most progressive virus I've ever seen. Rich people lose everything and poor got nothin' to lose!
FabioFake news. NOT the Fabio who once killed a bird with his face.
FabioFake news. NOT the Fabio who once killed a bird with his face.
Rep Katie Porter Rocks
just got CDC Director Redfield to commit to using his authority under existing law to make #Covid_19 testing FREE for every single American.
the doc states that coronavirus is so virulent, the air one exhales contains the virus when one is at their peak viral load - which is unfortunately before they show any symptoms). so before you get a fever, you're a walking atomizer leaving a virus-cloud everywhere you go. this is going to get worse before it gets better.
It is obvious it spreads really easily and is very deadlyI'm not sure "very deadly" is totally accurate.
It is obvious it spreads really easily and is very deadlyI'm not sure "very deadly" is totally accurate.
Guess if it spreads so easily that in a sense “amplifies” the death impactYeah, obviously 1% of a huge population is more than 11% of a much smaller group. Not wanting to give the impression this is a non-event for sure.
I still wonder about that nursing home...
I mean, if I'm just playing armchair epidemiologist, Ebola has a like 90% mortality rate. That is very deadly. SARS I think is at like 11%.
It is my understanding COVID-19 has a mortality rate of around 3% and a mortality rate of 0.7% outside of Wuhan (i.e. once it was identified and doctors had some idea what they were treating). This is not an instant death sentence. If 0.7% turns up to be an accurate number (and honestly, we really won't know until we are looking back on this thing with more data), that's a really awful flu on steroids. Even if the number gets as high as 2-3%, yes, this is a big time deal but I'm not sure "very deadly" in the context of other horrible viruses is accurate.
March Madness attendance to be limited (https://www.ncaa.org/about/resources/media-center/news/ncaa-president-mark-emmerts-statement-limiting-attendance-ncaa-events)
local headline: Seattle Public Schools to close for at least two weeks in light of coronavirus concerns (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/seattle-public-schools-to-close-for-two-weeks-in-light-of-coronavirus-concerns/)
my kiddos are in a different school district, but it's coming to us eventually. yeay.
just got notification that my school district will be closing as well, per the instructions of the governor. yeay indeed.
local headline: Seattle Public Schools to close for at least two weeks in light of coronavirus concerns (https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/education/seattle-public-schools-to-close-for-two-weeks-in-light-of-coronavirus-concerns/)
my kiddos are in a different school district, but it's coming to us eventually. yeay.
just got notification that my school district will be closing as well, per the instructions of the governor. yeay indeed.
"FROM: Snoqualmie Valley School District
TO: Daddy Sweetcell
Dear Snoqualmie Valley Families,
In light of recent information shared by our elected officials and public health agencies, we are informing all families that Snoqualmie Valley schools will be closed starting tomorrow, Friday, March 13. At this time, the closure will extend through Friday, April 24.
6 unplanned weeks of the kids at home, if not more, starting tomorrow. yeay indeed.
"FROM: Snoqualmie Valley School District
TO: Daddy Sweetcell
Dear Snoqualmie Valley Families,
In light of recent information shared by our elected officials and public health agencies, we are informing all families that Snoqualmie Valley schools will be closed starting tomorrow, Friday, March 13. At this time, the closure will extend through Friday, April 24.
6 unplanned weeks of the kids at home, if not more, starting tomorrow. yeay indeed.
Are they going to do things online?
Fairfax County parents seem to be unanimously livid that school is happening tomorrow.
It's 8am and I've been up working for an hour. She's been out of bed for less than five minutes and is already bitching about messes. This co-telework thing with no school is not going to go well. :(
It's 8am and I've been up working for an hour. She's been out of bed for less than five minutes and is already bitching about messes. This co-telework thing with no school is not going to go well. :(
I hear you but that’s insane
Do we really think half of Americans will get it?
I hear you but that’s insane
Do we really think half of Americans will get it?
So yeah, if only 20% get it and 1% die, then it's only 660K people.
So yeah, if only 20% get it and 1% die, then it's only 660K people.I don’t get out of bed for less than a million deaths.
So yeah, if only 20% get it and 1% die, then it's only 660K people.
There are nearly 3 million deaths in the United States per year. I guess the question is what percent of that 660K or 1.5 million or whatever were people who were going to die anyway?
Heilung I forget but you work in public health?
Good stuff..thanks
Heilung I forget but you work in public health?
Good stuff..thanks
I dont. But I'm highly selective about where I get my info. This is a great source. Sign up for their situation reports!
Heilung I forget but you work in public health?
Good stuff..thanks
I dont. But I'm highly selective about where I get my info. This is a great source. Sign up for their situation reports!
This is false. Our director of nursing (I'm in population health) specifically called this out in our board call today. Source: World Health Organization.Heilung I forget but you work in public health?
Good stuff..thanks
I dont. But I'm highly selective about where I get my info. This is a great source. Sign up for their situation reports!
Does it mention the 10 second test?
Monkeyt gangs.must check out the video in the article
https://www.jpost.com/OMG/Coronavirus-sparks-monkey-gang-war-in-the-streets-of-Thailand-620737 (https://www.jpost.com/OMG/Coronavirus-sparks-monkey-gang-war-in-the-streets-of-Thailand-620737)
Julian when are you submitting to your test?Every employee had to fill out a questionnaire for submittal to DMAS. None of my answers triggered a test.
If most of us are going to get the virus, wouldn't it be better to get it earlier than later, especially if you only get it once?
I mean, the younger you are, the better. No better time than now.
And might as well get it now, before the hospitals are overrun.
This is false. Our director of nursing (I'm in population health) specifically called this out in our board call today. Source: World Health Organization.Heilung I forget but you work in public health?
Good stuff..thanks
I dont. But I'm highly selective about where I get my info. This is a great source. Sign up for their situation reports!
Does it mention the 10 second test?
If most of us are going to get the virus, wouldn't it be better to get it earlier than later, especially if you only get it once?
I mean, the younger you are, the better. No better time than now.
And might as well get it now, before the hospitals are overrun.
haven't you heard about "flattening the curve"? the idea is that if everyone gets sick all at once, it'll overwhelm the healthcare system and healthcare workers will be forced to make who-will-live-and-who-will-die decisions, as is currently the case in italy. the goal is to space (!) out the rate of infection, so the same total number of people pass through hospitals but not all at the same time. rushing to the hospital is risky both for yourself and for society in general.
and being a month younger or a month older isn't going to affect your outcome.
if only to pander to Jules, here is a U of MI article about flattening the curve (https://healthblog.uofmhealth.org/wellness-prevention/flattening-curve-for-covid-19-what-does-it-mean-and-how-can-you-help).
I'm one of those "lucky" people who gets a hall pass to hate on his in-laws because his wife hates her parents.Somehow I knew this. If someone said "hey, do you think Celeste hates her parents," I would instinctively go "yes, of course" without having the slightest bit of info about the parents.
I'm one of those "lucky" people who gets a hall pass to hate on his in-laws because his wife hates her parents.Somehow I knew this. If someone said "hey, do you think Celeste hates her parents," I would instinctively go "yes, of course" without having the slightest bit of info about the parents.
Fair enough.I'm one of those "lucky" people who gets a hall pass to hate on his in-laws because his wife hates her parents.Somehow I knew this. If someone said "hey, do you think Celeste hates her parents," I would instinctively go "yes, of course" without having the slightest bit of info about the parents.
To be fair to my wife, her parents *were* piss-poor parents. You would hate them too if they were your parents.
LOUISIANA has postponed the presidential primary due to the Coronavirus.Just another trick by the DNC to screw over Bernie.
I think the whole tues day should be internet/mail in or postponed
LOUISIANA has postponed the presidential primary due to the Coronavirus.Just another trick by the DNC to screw over Bernie.
I think the whole tues day should be internet/mail in or postponed
LOUISIANA has postponed the presidential primary due to the Coronavirus.Just another trick by the DNC to screw over Bernie.
I think the whole tues day should be internet/mail in or postponed
How long before Trump starts making "jokes" about needing to suspend/cancel the election?
I was assuming the vaccination is 20 years in the making. Better to get it when I'm 52 instead of 65 or 70.
Chinese medical workers who have been fighting the #coronavirus day and night in Wuhan celebrated the closing of the last temporary hospital in Wuhan. (https://twitter.com/redfishstream/status/1238457755415064576?s=20)
Livestream Trump news conference:is this working for you...keeps saying starting soon
the anticipation is palpable
Livestream Trump news conference:is this working for you...keeps saying starting soon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feycmqjsLNw (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feycmqjsLNw)
So much for Montana and three of the others.looks like West Virgina takes it...
@fritzhahn 1:53 PM · Mar 15,
New rules just down from D.C. gov:
* All nightclubs closed
* Suspending all bar seating
* Suspending service to standing patrons
* Tables and booths must be 6 feet apart and occupied by 6 people or fewer
All Maryland bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms shut down. Carryout and delivery still available.
at 5 PMAll Maryland bars, restaurants, theaters and gyms shut down. Carryout and delivery still available.
Idris Elba tests positive (https://twitter.com/idriselba/status/1239617034901524481)
"Iran reported its biggest one day jump in coronavirus infections on Monday as another senior figure in the country’s clerical hierarchy died after contracting the covid-19 disease, according to Iranian news outlets.
Iran’s health ministry said the number of new infections had increased by 1,053, bringing the total to 14,991. The number of deaths jumped by 129 to 853, state television reported."
we are so effed.
There are airplanes...
In fact how did China manage to contain it? That is what we should be studying 24-7...
Can't take WV down...still holds the title of only state without know Covid caseSo much for Montana and three of the others.looks like West Virgina takes it...
Speaking of West Virginia and the old Greenbriar.... Wonder if there's been secret talks of whisking away the seemingly-key government officials to an underground location, ala nuclear war planning.
In fact how did China manage to contain it? That is what we should be studying 24-7...
china's government confined millions of people to their houses. not "stay home if you can, please", but "we'll arrest you on sight if you step outside your front door." people complied. cities turned into ghost towns.
that's just not gonna fly here.
in somewhat good newsHell of a time to be alive.
Mayor bowser just announced that DC bars and restaurants can start delivering closed containers of alcohol.
SNL halts productionHell of a time to be alive.
SNL halts productionHell of a time to be alive.
Heilung of a time to be alive, you mean.SNL halts productionHell of a time to be alive.
Helluva indeed
Hey parents of school-aged kid, how would you feel about no school until Fall?
Hey parents of school-aged kid, how would you feel about no school until Fall?
Hey parents of school-aged kid, how would you feel about no school until Fall?
Thank you for posting the same exact thing I posted one centimeter above
Don’t we have enough shit to worry about going on now that we are going to worry about this?
It wouldn’t bother me in the least..you know what bothers me? That YouTube video of a man going through ten pages of obits in Bergamo newspaper
I can’t evenCan you still odd, at least? IF you can't do either, you need to get tested/
I can’t evenCan you still odd, at least? IF you can't do either, you need to get tested/
Hey parents of school-aged kid, how would you feel about no school until Fall?
Thank you for posting the same exact thing I posted one centimeter above
You're welcome. I also lose track of time and don't know remember how old your kids are. Are they in school and how do you feel about potentially no school until Fall?
There comes a point in time where overreaction goes beyond being prudent and encroaches into being societally disruptive. I'm not going to be the person who says what that point is.
Don’t we have enough shit to worry about going on now that we are going to worry about this?
It wouldn’t bother me in the least..you know what bothers me? That YouTube video of a man going through ten pages of obits in Bergamo newspaper
90% of the deaths in Italy are over 70, and what percent of them were smokers? We're going to tank the future of the world to save these remnants of the past?
I understand flattening the curve, but there has to be some limits to how much we're going to change society is this is indeed a disease that is mostly going to kill the weakest of old people.
No kidding
One of the things that makes us human is we care about our elders...and have ever since we have been around..with the rationale employed by Space we might as well euthanize old people and the weaker cause of the cost they occasion society
It’s really kind of disgusting and troubling to read Space’s post no doubt stemming from the great inconvenience he has been caused by having his child home and having to be teleworking from home at same time as his lovable wife..get your shit together Space..I mean it’s been a few days
$1,000 cash per person and you don't have to pay your taxes until July.
$1,000 cash per person and you don't have to pay your taxes until July.
How about more for those who actually need it and none for those of us who don't.
To make Space’s point, they are talking families that make $180k still getting it. That’s . . . wild.$1,000 cash per person and you don't have to pay your taxes until July.
How about more for those who actually need it and none for those of us who don't.
Yeah, that's part of it. Deets TBA.
Having said that if there aren’t enough respirators and you have a person who is 80 and a person who is 40 tough choices will I am sure be made...but we are not there yet and hopefully never will be
did they really say ergo in their emailNo, this was a summary of the phone call. They said the house is available and it's outside their control that I am not a resident of the County and allowed to get to the house, which they wanted to stress, is still available.
That is a little shitty
Did you pay by credit card...you could probably dispute that easily
Maryland to turn vehicle emissions sites into drive-through virus test centers (https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2020/03/17/coronavirus-dc-maryland-virginia-updates/#link-OIQ4ZRTENRGI3KONEO2NDAOYOI)
Just had a beach house rental out on Hatteras (Outer Banks) for the first week of April cancelled because of a travel ban. Fine with that. Little irked the rental company is taking the tact that "the house is available and you are welcome to stay there, it is not our fault you are not a Dare County resident, ergo no refund or rescheduling". Really?
As I said, I will let the hivemind of other people impacted do the labor there and see if it doesn’t work itself out.Just had a beach house rental out on Hatteras (Outer Banks) for the first week of April cancelled because of a travel ban. Fine with that. Little irked the rental company is taking the tact that "the house is available and you are welcome to stay there, it is not our fault you are not a Dare County resident, ergo no refund or rescheduling". Really?
I'd battle that to the bitter end.
Space - I think you are in VA?
License expirations are pushed back 60 days as of this morning and real ID requirements aren’t in effect to October so unless I am misunderstanding your travel needs, you are fine (albeit inconvenienced).
I'd also bet money space didn't call that African American gentlemen "a flava flave lookin mother fucker."
Anybody standing in lines at this point is a certifiable moron
Unfortunately they are endangering everyone else...
I guess Space doesn’t care..he’s not old..fuck the old people they are weak
People like Space are a great example of why we need martial law ASAP
People are just too stupid to make common sense decisions..and too selfish
“OMG I might not have a driver’s license for that trip that will be canceled...let me go hang out at a DMV!!!”
Then he shows off about it
West Virginia.Dang I was holding out for them
We're now united as one nation.
Serious question: Should couples with kids and no other family in the area be practicing social distancing from each other...so that if one parent gets sick, the other doesn't?
Get ready guys to be forced to lock down in place. It’s coming.
We are so fucked
I am really hoping that article is wrong...me fucking too...
Serious question: Should couples with kids and no other family in the area be practicing social distancing from each other...so that if one parent gets sick, the other doesn't?
Mick Mulvaney at CPAC: Coronavirus is the Dem’s new favorite hoax. They want to bring down the President.
- Audience cheers
we are soo fucked...
dow breaks below 20Kthat is one scary looking chart
how low will it go
It’s just crazy...this morning we had about 5000 cases...am going to bed and we are closing in on 10,000
At this pace in a few days we will have the highest number of cases in the world
A Spacist Senator says yes
There were no new cases reported in China yesterday. So, that's a good thing!
also, i don't know if i'm ready to believe the chinese government on this. their initial reaction was as botched as ours, and i'm sure Xi is ready to put this behind him - so who knows, maybe it's a case of "less than 100/day? let's call that zero, close enough, mission accomplished!"
I don’t get the fascination with the DowWell it isn't the whole market, just 30 big US stocks and a pretty big indicator of the market as a whole
I would expect it below 15,000 easyNeed some cash to take advantage of that :(
Have you considered a side hustle where you write papers for college students for money?QuoteI would expect it below 15,000 easyNeed some cash to take advantage of that :(
I've considered it, but the plan falls apart when I realize that the students would flunk out and blame me because the grammar, spelling and even tense was so bad they got recommended for a remedial English class and an F on the paperHave you considered a side hustle where you write papers for college students for money?QuoteI would expect it below 15,000 easyNeed some cash to take advantage of that :(
Stocks in March 2009 hit 6500!!I guess for me, I really want to rub Trump's face in it. It's lame and I know it will come back (it may take 5+ years or even a decade)
Of course the stock market is a big deal...am just saying one would expect it to go way down...then recover...eventually...
the increase under Trump always seemed kind of out of all reason given the president puts everyone at risk...but Wall Street doesn’t exactly go up or down based on common sense
Actually you would wait til stocks cratered..take out equity from your home..buy stock..and then wait til it goes up...make a killingI don't and when I take out equity, it's for trivial things!!!!
You just have to have the stomach for it which you obviously don’t
I'm thinking a prequel to the compendium of numbers masterpiece.We need it now more than ever.
I'm thinking a prequel to the compendium of numbers masterpiece.We need it now more than ever.
Seems like we failed at social distancing last weekend.
hmm, was thinking the prequel could only be negative...you made it much more challengingI'm thinking a prequel to the compendium of numbers masterpiece.We need it now more than ever.
Just don't go negative.
We are at 13,000 cases
Imagine if they could test everyone?
Right. I mean HHS said 18 months, multiple waves.I was talking about wave one.
Here's my story for the day.
I got mail saying it's time to renew my driver's license ahead of my expiration in early May. Since I need the VA RealID to fly (my passport is also about to expire), I had to go in in person. I don't know if I'll be able to fly in June, but i wanted to make sure my license issues were taken care of today, before the possibility of everything shutting down (indeed they are now shutting down for at least two weeks) and me not having proper id to fly.
When I arrived at DMV shortly after opening, there was a line outside, and letting one person in for each person who went out. The line was about 30 long.
A short time later, someone tried cut the line and a Latina or maybe Middle Eastern looking woman (point is she definitely wasn't Chinese) reported him to the armed security guards. The guards asked the crowd if the guy indeed cut in line and it was confirmed. They booted his ass out the door.
As he was exiting, he muttered "fucking Chinese looking bitch." To which someone called out, "Hey stop that, that's no cool." I then added "Go to the back of the line you ugly Flava Flav looking motherfucker."
And surprisingly, rather than leaving in embarrassment, Flav went to the back on the line and stood in the cold rain like the rest of us.
official count of COVID-19 cases in the US:
3/15: 3,680
3/16: 4,663
3/17: 6,411
3/18: 9,259
3/19: 13,000+
source (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)
yeah, this is going well.
Here's my story for the day.reads like the ending of an American classic
And surprisingly, rather than leaving in embarrassment, Flav went to the back on the line and stood in the cold rain like the rest of us.
Germany is winning
11,000 cases as of today...20 dead...mortality rate 0.18%
official count of COVID-19 cases in the US:
3/15: 3,680
3/16: 4,663
3/17: 6,411
3/18: 9,259
3/19: 13,000+
source (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)
yeah, this is going well.
for the more visually-minded, this is what the curve looks like:
we should be at well over 20k tomorrow, and 100k by monday.
Wow Challenged...
Wow Challenged...
Just got an update. Symptoms seem to be moderating.
. . . and much as I expected, the NC Consumer Protection Bureau and AG have weighed in that this is illegal. No muss, no fuss.did they really say ergo in their emailNo, this was a summary of the phone call. They said the house is available and it's outside their control that I am not a resident of the County and allowed to get to the house, which they wanted to stress, is still available.
That is a little shitty
Did you pay by credit card...you could probably dispute that easily
This is one of those where I'm going to let them give 500 other people this line of reasoning and let someone else run to their local news and get them to do a 180 instead of me actually expending a lot of personal effort.
No muss, no fuss.althought thougth you lived for muss and fuss
I'm outsourcing the majority of my muss and fuss. Let other people muss and fuss for most things and save my personal mussing and fussing for things that require a Julian-level of mussery and fussery. #DelegationNo muss, no fuss.althought thougth you lived for muss and fuss
FedEx Field to be a covid-19 testing site.I'm assuming the $40-$60 parking fee still applies...
You have to buy tests for four diseases you don’t care about in order to get the COVID test.FedEx Field to be a covid-19 testing site.I'm assuming the $40-$60 parking fee still applies...
To be honest, I was there last week.
"It's tough times for those in need of a haircut" https://twitter.com/i/events/1241064250606415873
official count of COVID-19 cases in the US:
3/15: 3,680
3/16: 4,663
3/17: 6,411
3/18: 9,259
3/19: 13,000+
source (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)
yeah, this is going well.
for the more visually-minded, this is what the curve looks like:
we should be at well over 20k tomorrow, and 100k by monday.
You are so prudent
It’s kind of disgusting actually
You are so prudent
It’s kind of disgusting actually
So is smoking a pack or two of cigs a day.
I know my hairstylist appreciated the business. Most people cancelled on her that day.
You are so prudent
It’s kind of disgusting actually
So is smoking a pack or two of cigs a day.
I know my hairstylist appreciated the business. Most people cancelled on her that day.
I believe I wrote 1-2 packs a week
Whatever dude...you are exhibiting some stupid ass behavior...standing in dmv lines check...hairstylist appt check grocery stores multiple times a week check
You must think you are immune to covid
official count of COVID-19 cases in the US:
3/15: 3,680
3/16: 4,663
3/17: 6,411
3/18: 9,259
3/19: 13,000+
source (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)
yeah, this is going well.
for the more visually-minded, this is what the curve looks like:
we should be at well over 20k tomorrow, and 100k by monday.
official count of COVID-19 cases in the US:
3/15: 3,680
3/16: 4,663
3/17: 6,411
3/18: 9,259
3/19: 13,000+
source (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/)
yeah, this is going well.
for the more visually-minded, this is what the curve looks like:
we should be at well over 20k tomorrow, and 100k by monday.
I don’t know...33,000 so far...not sure 100k by Mondayis really gonna happen
My 79 year old mother went and got a haircut yesterdaybecause she "needed" one. She says that she ran the idea past my sister first, and my sister said yes.
How is a hair salon open at all?
How does an open hair salon feel that serving the elderly right now is a good idea?
Does my sister have an ulterior motive?
Ron paul still thinks it a hoax (http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/march/16/the-coronavirus-hoax/) updated todayStill thinking it’s a hoax Ron ... now that your son has it
Let it drop...the package should help people not corporations...
Is anybody else worried voting by mail will favor Republicans?My only fear is that the below 30-year-olds won't even know what a mailbox looks like
And voter suppression of certain groups would continueOf course....but would think if every resident who can legally vote was mailed a ballot (or could pick it up)
I don’t think you’ve thought this through...you are just assuming all best cases
I don’t know...33,000 so far...not sure 100k by Mondayis really gonna happen
Liberty University students return from spring break and head back to campus. Prayer, right?
Liberty University students return from spring break and head back to campus. Prayer, right?Shit. Now I agree with Space.
problem with space is he is often rightLiberty University students return from spring break and head back to campus. Prayer, right?Shit. Now I agree with Space.
Good to hear some things that will be on stimulus package to help people in some of the industries with people getting creamed like performing arts, restaurants etcWhat about people who use internet forums?
I’ve long been of the position that my content is a public good I should be compensated for.Good to hear some things that will be on stimulus package to help people in some of the industries with people getting creamed like performing arts, restaurants etcWhat about people who use internet forums?
they deserve some stimulus!
Jackson Browne and Prince Charles test positiveI just envisioned Prince Charles taking off his clothes to Somebody's Baby.
Jackson Browne and Prince Charles test positiveI just envisioned Prince Charles taking off his clothes to Somebody's Baby.
Men might become a hot commodity
Imagine if 40% more men than women die...
I refuse to believe this is or will be the case
We have been hearing how horrible men are for years..maybe this is the solution
Who knows maybe next we will hear it affects white men disproportionately
And on a separate note, why is the CDC not releasing any statistics related to age, gender, and underlying conditions?
I heard trump and pence complaining about it...'a pinch' they saidYeah, I'll just die. It's fine.
that graphic is giving me nightmares
Been almost two decades since I've been to Murphy'sI’ve always been an O'Connells man, myself.
this is oddly specific, but I guess that's a good thing
Probably going to put that great place out of business :(
We have been hearing how horrible men are for years..maybe this is the solution
Who knows maybe next we will hear it affects white men disproportionately
Looking at the percentage of deaths and critical cases compared to total cases, I want to know why it affects Italians so much more than Germans.
And on a separate note, why is the CDC not releasing any statistics related to age, gender, and underlying conditions?
In all seriousness and this could possibly merrit its own thread. How's everyone's current mental health status?
I'd say I'm at about a 4.125/10 today... Definitely the worst I've felt over the past few weeks.
(https://i.ibb.co/NVN829R/my-corona.jpg)The Knack Finally Does the ‘My Sharona’ Parody You’ve Been Waiting For (https://www.vulture.com/2020/03/my-sharona-the-knack-song-bye-corona.html)
broke 500,000 confirmed cases worldwide
Also, the US is in 3rd place, but from the looks of it, we might take out Italy and china this week
well, lets be clear that is just confirmed cases and we know that millions haven't been tested that surely are infectedbroke 500,000 confirmed cases worldwide
Also, the US is in 3rd place, but from the looks of it, we might take out Italy and china this week
That's about in in every 15,000 human beings on Earth.
We've moved past Italy and are set to pass China for #1 before the end of the day.USA USA USA!
We've moved past Italy and are set to pass China for #1 before the end of the day.USA USA USA!
althoug I just checked and Italy took back second and is up by about 500 people
Come on people, get tested, we can win this thing!
I don’t know...33,000 so far...not sure 100k by Mondayis really gonna happen
yup, didn't hit 100k... i think we're at 50k'ish, numbers are lower ("only" 46k) on https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/ (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/us/) because they define a day as london time (GMT+0), but we continued to report cases during our day...
... but regardless, the US now has the third most cases in the world (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries)! we've beaten spain and are gaining on italy - the silver is ours!
U - S - A ! ! ! U - S - A!!! U - S - A!!!
my #coronabeard is coming in nice.
Dude...gotta go with the Zappa if you are going to do anythingthen i get to have fun torturing the missus with bad partial shaves (leaving a goatee, or mutton chops, a thin pencil 'stache, etc.)
Y’all do know you can shave under quarantine, right?Some of us have to appear in front of clients regularly...so need to be all spic-n-span
Having a beard supposedly makes you more prone to catching ityou are just jealous #cannotgrowcoronabeard
At least that’s what I heard
I think beards are soooo ugly...also itchybetter not say that in the beer thread
Boris Johnson tests positiveYou hate to see it.
Boris Johnson tests positive
And now he has COVID-19 on top of that.Boris Johnson tests positive
Oh man, I just saw the news story, and he's really not looking good.
Boris Johnson tests positive
Oh man, I just saw the news story, and he's really not looking good.
So did anyone figure out what Germany is doing right? Over 40,000 cases with 250 deaths
Is it possible there are multiple strains with very different fatality rates?
<insert conspiracy>i read somewhere that Germany is coding (listing) the cause of death differently than other countries. in Italy, if someone has an underlying condition and dies due to a COVID complication, they are listed as a COVID death. in Germany, that same death would be listed as caused by the underlying condition. AKA, it's a reporting inconsistency problem.</conspiracy>
House passes bill to stimulate America.oh my, feeling it already
So did anyone figure out what Germany is doing right? Over 40,000 cases with 250 deaths
Is it possible there are multiple strains with very different fatality rates?
so the official explanation is that they started testing early and often, and tested everyone - not just people showing obvious signs of infection. they also started social isolation earlier than other countries. per this line of thinking, they were able to shield many of the most vulnerable from getting infected (per WaPo (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/germany-coronavirus-death-rate/2020/03/24/76ce18e4-6d05-11ea-a156-0048b62cdb51_story.html), NPR (https://www.npr.org/2020/03/25/820595489/why-germanys-coronavirus-death-rate-is-far-lower-than-in-other-countries), etc.)
<insert conspiracy>i read somewhere that Germany is coding (listing) the cause of death differently than other countries. in Italy, if someone has an underlying condition and dies due to a COVID complication, they are listed as a COVID death. in Germany, that same death would be listed as caused by the underlying condition. AKA, it's a reporting inconsistency problem.</conspiracy>
Absolutely not obligated to pay!
I would let it go
The only issue might be if they blackball you from enrolling in said school in future...if you care
Would one even want one’s kid in a school when the school made a stink about one having to trim the family budget during a pandemic?
Would one even want one’s kid in a school when the school made a stink about one having to trim the family budget during a pandemic?
No kids so that takes an emotional element out for me. Really comes down to “do you have the money and want to see this school succeed”? Sounds like your income has been impacted. Mine and my wife’s have not just as a result of the fields we work in — we’ve upped donations to some charitable things and asked for refunds on cancelled things to go stay with the orgs.
Yours is a totally different case. If this puts a strain on your finances and the mission of this particular preschool is not a top priority in your life - I definitely don’t think you’re in the wrong to pull her out.
There are so many organizations feeling the pinch right now and it’s great to want to help keep everyone afloat but people shouldn’t do it at the expense of their own reserves. Don’t really think there’s a wrong decision here, Yada.
Yay! Over 100,000!!
It sounds like the bill is just spreading a lot of money around... a lot of it for pointless stuff...disappointing(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUH6rAWXQAA6He6?format=jpg&name=small)]
The goal should not be to waste a ton of money
I guess you could argue give the Kennedy Center money and a lot of it will end up being paid to people but...they book shows so get kind of a subsidy
It’s all a clusterfuck I guess
It sounds like the bill is just spreading a lot of money around... a lot of it for pointless stuff...disappointing(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUH6rAWXQAA6He6?format=jpg&name=small)]
The goal should not be to waste a ton of money
I guess you could argue give the Kennedy Center money and a lot of it will end up being paid to people but...they book shows so get kind of a subsidy
It’s all a clusterfuck I guess
I will start off this was compiled by some asshat who hates the libs so hard he'd die to prove trump right
I support most of these things and some of them I could see staying, but coming under the umbrella of another relief program
and yes it's only 1% of the bill...but is still 2.3bil, not exactly chump change
but that it was in the bill...disappointing is really too kind
this reminds me of when hutch and julian started getting alongIf you mean, once again, America needs leadership and Julian is showing you all the way, then yes.
.1%ok that was a little embarrassing...but even .1% and still $2.3bill..does it need to be in there to be the headline of every alt-right site
Of which half is Amtrak which is de facto infrastructure.It sounds like the bill is just spreading a lot of money around... a lot of it for pointless stuff...disappointing(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUH6rAWXQAA6He6?format=jpg&name=small)]
The goal should not be to waste a ton of money
I guess you could argue give the Kennedy Center money and a lot of it will end up being paid to people but...they book shows so get kind of a subsidy
It’s all a clusterfuck I guess
I will start off this was compiled by some asshat who hates the libs so hard he'd die to prove trump right
I support most of these things and some of them I could see staying, but coming under the umbrella of another relief program
and yes it's only 1% of the bill...but is still 2.3bil, not exactly chump change
but that it was in the bill...disappointing is really too kind
Well, I've seen better formatted links.go big or go home
Well, I've seen better formatted links.
But this is a bit surprising as MI does matter to Trump’s chances as opposed to NY, CA, WA, NJHe is doubling down on a popular mayor (she won by 10 points in 2018) in a state he needs....gotta be a reason (although he always needs an enemy)
Maybe he forgot? I doubt it....Weird
Yeah, I’ll give him that. That’s smart. John Kerry’s clever turn of phrase must have awoken some verbal flourish in our POTUS.But this is a bit surprising as MI does matter to Trump’s chances as opposed to NY, CA, WA, NJHe is doubling down on a popular mayor in a state he needs....gotta be a reason (although he always needs an enemy)
Maybe he forgot? I doubt it....Weird
I love Michigan, one of the reasons we are doing such a GREAT job for them during this horrible Pandemic. Yet your Governor, Gretchen “Half” Whitmer is way in over her head, she doesn’t have a clue. Likes blaming everyone for her own ineptitude! #MAGA
although...that is a pretty good nickname
The real money waste I think is going to be the hundreds of billions going to corporations
Well, I've seen better formatted links.
Well, I've seen better formatted links.
seriously, people, trim the fat off your links. please.
‼ LAST DAY‼ to have your gift card purchase be MATCHED to support our employees, artists and venues! Thank you so much to everyone who has already shown your support. It means the world to us and our team 💗 https://t.co/Sow5ydkTxMI hope all of you who use this board consider getting something
Quarantine order apparently not coming
Not legal
Oh damn! Boggle throwdown!!
If you are hearing about #covid19 “reinfections” in Asia, I can offer you my take as a virologist. The best explanation for what we’re seeing is likely due to three things...
3.75 :-\
Md. Gov. Larry Hogan issues ‘stay at home’ order (https://wtop.com/coronavirus/2020/03/coronavirus-updates-dc-maryland-virginia-march-30/)
OMG Hungary
OMG Hungary
Not sounding great for John Prine.
In other words “sounding better for John Prine”.Not sounding great for John Prine.
Update, from his wife:
June 10?I know the math is odd on that NBC tweet
Couldn’t they go month to month to give us hope?
Liberty University student tests positive for Covid-19 after Falwell reopens campus (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/mar/30/liberty-university-coronavirus-student-positive-jerry-falwell-jr)
I don't think Karma wears a MAGA hat
economy is fucked. 30% unemployment almost certainly. At what point will society start to collapse?
7.125Did you get your beer delivery??
Things are looking up friends.
7.125Did you get your beer delivery??
Things are looking up friends.
in case anyone need a covid funny:
This is going to take such a heavy toll on people
You have to wonder if there isn’t a middle ground - once we flatten the damn curve- between killing Grandpa and shutting down the economy almost entirely
I hope there are a lot of people studying alternative ways of organizing society because 30-50% unemployment doesn’t seem tenable for months..and government can’t just print money forever...
As far as concerts...I could see big concerts being out for a real real long time
Obviously if warmer temperatures would stop this virus that would be huge as it would buy the northern hemisphere a few months to get a response together to this unprecedented crisis...developing a vaccine and treatments while increasing our medical preparedness is paramount
If this where to go on like this for many months a lot more jobs would be at stake and we would all be fucked
I think the current response is necessary because we are caught flat footed and shocked but this cannot be the entirety of it
Fountains of Wayne founder on ventilator due to Covid.
https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fountains-of-wayne-adam-schlesinger-hospital-coronavirus-975653/ (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fountains-of-wayne-adam-schlesinger-hospital-coronavirus-975653/)
Fountains of Wayne founder on ventilator due to Covid.
https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fountains-of-wayne-adam-schlesinger-hospital-coronavirus-975653/ (https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/fountains-of-wayne-adam-schlesinger-hospital-coronavirus-975653/)
Oh no was just at record store and they were playing Ivy which I love
Only things I haven’t cut out yet are grocery store, post office and local record store
Cuomo tests positivethe anchor, not Gov
Ooooh if we get 9, we could do Brady Bunch"!Yada would be upset when we made him the maid.
goodness, sounds like the are using the same script from the impeachment, just changing the names
I do think there might be some value to this, but at the same time, why don't we focus on our mess and coverup
John Bolton@AmbJohnBolton
It’s very important Congress heed @SenRickScott and begin a comprehensive investigation of the @WHO and their potential involvement in Communist China’s cover up of the coronavirus pandemic.
Quote Tweet
Rick Scott @SenRickScott
The @WHO receives millions of dollars in US taxpayer $$ and helped the Chinese Communist Party cover up a global pandemic.
Today, I'm calling for a Congressional investigation into what the WHO knew and when they knew it. Read more: http://bit.ly/SRS_WHO
Naturally, We Now Have a Cottage Industry of Coronavirus Truther Assholes (https://www.thedailybeast.com/naturally-we-now-have-a-cottage-industry-of-coronavirus-truther-assholes)
i realize this makes me a horrible person, but: oh please oh please oh please oh please
Russian Hospital Chief Who Met Putin Last Week Has Coronavirus (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/russian-hospital-chief-who-met-putin-last-week-has-coronavirus)
It just shocks me all the handshaking these leaders keep doing
Remember that Presser with all the CEO's on the WH lawn. Would be crazy if Trump infected all those CEOs and they brought it back to their companies/home towns
goodness, sounds like the are using the same script from the impeachment, just changing the names
I do think there might be some value to this, but at the same time, why don't we focus on our mess and coverup
John Bolton@AmbJohnBolton
It’s very important Congress heed @SenRickScott and begin a comprehensive investigation of the @WHO and their potential involvement in Communist China’s cover up of the coronavirus pandemic.
Quote Tweet
Rick Scott @SenRickScott
The @WHO receives millions of dollars in US taxpayer $$ and helped the Chinese Communist Party cover up a global pandemic.
Today, I'm calling for a Congressional investigation into what the WHO knew and when they knew it. Read more: http://bit.ly/SRS_WHO
It just shocks me all the handshaking these leaders keep doing
Remember that Presser with all the CEO's on the WH lawn. Would be crazy if Trump infected all those CEOs and they brought it back to their companies/home towns
Given what a germaphobe Trump is, I bet his hands were very clean before shaking those CEO hands. And I bet he didn't touch his face and immediately washed his hands after the presser.
I don't think they really know how much risk a quick one second handshake with an infected person is. Compared to say, siting close to them for an extended period of time, but not touching them. I've been trying to read more about the science end of it all but there's just a world of unknown at this point.
That said, he's supposed to be a leader, and those handshakes were not following social distancing codes.
I wonder if he's still shaking hands at this point, after seeing his fat fuck friend in a coma?
i realize this makes me a horrible person, but: oh please oh please oh please oh please
Russian Hospital Chief Who Met Putin Last Week Has Coronavirus (https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-31/russian-hospital-chief-who-met-putin-last-week-has-coronavirus)
I'll still be your friend.
"Cuomo tests positivethe anchor, not Gov
he meant Pot, he has lots and lots of Pot"Cuomo tests positivethe anchor, not Gov
What did the Gov mean when he (regarding his brother) said "Thank god we found out soon and he has medicine."
What medicine was he talking about?
Pot in New York? I don't think there's pot in New York.
Between the asymptomatic, those awaiting results, and those who can't get tested, we're probably over a million in the US already, right?I'd say even more
Looks like the mask announcement is next on the docket
Oh no Louisiana
The way I figure it you could have ten cases for every positive person with a result of covid...easy
Everyone should assume they have it
When so many people have it what is the point of testing ? You are not going to test everyone every day and since you have asymptomatic people what is the point? You don’t want to test people, comes back negative and they go out...
Testing makes more sense when you are considering reopening (or before it got out of control) but at this point? If someone comes to hospital with certain symptoms you can assume they have it
(Spitballing here...not a medical professional)
Looks like the mask announcement is next on the docket
Where do you even get some at this point or are they talking about making your own with a t-shirt?
When so many people have it what is the point of testing ? You are not going to test everyone every day and since you have asymptomatic people what is the point?
This thing is going to end up killing a hell of a lot of Biden voters.
This thing is going to end up killing a hell of a lot of Biden voters.
i think it's going to kill a lot more trump voters.
1) the governors who listened to trump and delayed enacting stay-at-home rules are all exclusively from pro-trump states, as far as i can tell.
Yeah so what?
Are we going to test everyone every day?
Anecdotal as hell but I have several aunts and uncles who are huge Trumpers. None are socially distancing. Total survivorship bias.This thing is going to end up killing a hell of a lot of Biden voters.
i think it's going to kill a lot more trump voters.
1) the governors who listened to trump and delayed enacting stay-at-home rules are all exclusively from pro-trump states, as far as i can tell.
I'm talking about inner city (Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, etc) diabetic (and other conditions) black people, who disproportionately have existing medical conditions (and 96% of those dying have pre-existing conditions). The older white people (i.e. Trump voters), primarily live in suburbs and rural areas, where they will be able to more easily socially distance. Not saying Trump won't lose some of his flock, but a disproportionate amount of black people are going to die from this.
US sets record for single day covid19 deaths at at least 1169!
I think Spain has second number at 950
(China? We will never know...)
Comforting?somewhat...in that I'm glad to hear that our medical system is helping people to recover better than the global avg, especially when we now have the most cases
Wealth is a vector (https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/annehelenpetersen/coronavirus-covid-cities-second-homes-rural-small-towns)Julian's America has never been more under attack.
That’s what sociologist Tressie McMillan Cottom tweeted last week, in reference to the spread of COVID-19 across both the globe and the United States. Wealth is not the cause of every concentrated outbreak dotting the United States. But it’s the common denominator of so much of its spread outside of major urban areas. It’s the reason why so many of the coronavirus hot spots in the Mountain West — Sun Valley, Idaho; Gunnison County, Colorado; Summit County, Utah; Gallatin County, Montana — overlap with winter playgrounds for the wealthy. The virus travels via people, and the people who travel the most, both domestically and internationally, are rich people.
I saw that coming...Please call your Congressman about sending us aide.
Anecdotal as hell but I have several aunts and uncles who are huge Trumpers. None are socially distancing. Total survivorship bias.This thing is going to end up killing a hell of a lot of Biden voters.
i think it's going to kill a lot more trump voters.
1) the governors who listened to trump and delayed enacting stay-at-home rules are all exclusively from pro-trump states, as far as i can tell.
I'm talking about inner city (Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, etc) diabetic (and other conditions) black people, who disproportionately have existing medical conditions (and 96% of those dying have pre-existing conditions). The older white people (i.e. Trump voters), primarily live in suburbs and rural areas, where they will be able to more easily socially distance. Not saying Trump won't lose some of his flock, but a disproportionate amount of black people are going to die from this.
Lansing — At least 40% of those killed by the novel coronavirus in Michigan so far are black, a percentage that far exceeds the proportion of African Americans in the Detroit region and state.
The first statewide release of mortality by race in Michigan, among the first in the nation, suggests that the actual percentage of blacks killed could be significantly higher — the race of nearly a third killed has yet to be disclosed.
In Michigan, just 14% of the population is black. And while the coronavirus outbreak has been centered in Metro Detroit, African Americans make up less than a quarter of the six-county metropolitan area.
Paid 1.29. Felt the need to take a photo.
Paid 1.29. Felt the need to take a photo.
I read an article that said DC Mayor expects covid19 to peak in DC in June-July with 1000 deathsThis is just me speaking and I am not an epidemiologist I just can look at the daily charts of other countries and compare to ours and where we are, and also am listening to what the experts on my company’s board are saying, and from that, I predict late-May/early-June is going to be the wind down to normalcy and I think the second that corner is turned everything will open back up.
It’s hard to imagine if that is the city’s current thinking that any concerts will take place during those months
I am not sure why venues are rescheduling postponed concerts for June as the Ottobar emailed me they are doing for Guided by Voices...just isn’t going to happen
That said, I am known to be wrong.can confirm
Nice umlaut broIts a diaeresis, you fucking cretin.
Man, I've never seen challenged in a Suit, but he sure does look dapper
I too have been surprised at the rescheduling for anything earlier than August
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NAh4uS4f78oThe daily show has really been finding its stride as of late
Anecdotal as hell but I have several aunts and uncles who are huge Trumpers. None are socially distancing. Total survivorship bias.This thing is going to end up killing a hell of a lot of Biden voters.
i think it's going to kill a lot more trump voters.
1) the governors who listened to trump and delayed enacting stay-at-home rules are all exclusively from pro-trump states, as far as i can tell.
I'm talking about inner city (Detroit, New Orleans, Atlanta, etc) diabetic (and other conditions) black people, who disproportionately have existing medical conditions (and 96% of those dying have pre-existing conditions). The older white people (i.e. Trump voters), primarily live in suburbs and rural areas, where they will be able to more easily socially distance. Not saying Trump won't lose some of his flock, but a disproportionate amount of black people are going to die from this.
Lansing — At least 40% of those killed by the novel coronavirus in Michigan so far are black, a percentage that far exceeds the proportion of African Americans in the Detroit region and state.
The first statewide release of mortality by race in Michigan, among the first in the nation, suggests that the actual percentage of blacks killed could be significantly higher — the race of nearly a third killed has yet to be disclosed.
In Michigan, just 14% of the population is black. And while the coronavirus outbreak has been centered in Metro Detroit, African Americans make up less than a quarter of the six-county metropolitan area.
On Friday, the Illinois Department of Public Health became one of the few state offices to release some racial data. And the data showed a pandemic within the pandemic: African Americans are significantly overrepresented in infection rates in Illinois, while whites and Latinos are significantly underrepresented. African Americans make up 14.6 percent of the state population, but 28 percent of confirmed cases of the coronavirus. White people comprise 76.9 percent of the Illinois population, and 39 percent of the confirmed cases. Latinos comprise 17.4 percent of the state population, and 7 percent of the cases. In Illinois, Asian Americans were the only racial group without a significant disparity between their state population, at 5.9 percent, and confirmed cases, at 4 percent. (Nearly a third of cases were recorded as “other” or left blank. Illinois did not release racial data on Native Americans, or on testing, hospitalization, and death rates by race.)
Wouldn’t that tie in to obesity rates?
Well we are officially #1
First country with more than 1000 deaths in one day and it’s only 4 pm
Corona beer halts production during coronavirus pandemic (https://www.cbsnews.com/news/coronavirus-corona-beer-halts-production-meixco-during-pandemic/?ftag=CNM-00-10aab7e&linkId=85837101)
My bad - I apologize. You guys are screwed in about two weeks....
Nothing about that picture says doctored, except the sign. Is that an important part of the picture?One woman has a face mask on
Nothing about that picture says doctored, except the sign. Is that an important part of the picture?One woman has a face mask on
not sure who that tag was for?
Boris has been taken to intensive careyOu HaTe To SeE iT
Maryland is not doing well
+1158 cases in one day or about 25% increase if my math is not wrong
Troubling development for our area
Just stay home
Here is Hogan's explanation:
https://twitter.com/HellgrenWJZ/status/1247892406738927618/photo/1 (https://twitter.com/HellgrenWJZ/status/1247892406738927618/photo/1)
According to Dr Birx DC the next hotspot maybe? Also Philly
I am never getting off this couch
The biggest question.
Will we be the same, or the same, after all of this.
I, predict, the same.
6.6 million new initial job unemployment claimsso my understanding this number is the first time applying for unemployment insurance
It’s important to note that it’s been hard for many to even file
These type of numbers have never been seen although during the Great Depression numbers may have been greater as a percentage..I haven’t crunched the numbers
Yes well I think you can take it as a bit of a proxy for newly unemployedYeah but if you were working as a Gig worker or Laborer who got paid cash...you don't get to apply
Most New York Coronavirus Cases Came From Europe, Genomes Showyeah but that goes against Trumps case that his genius move was stoping travle from china (although 40k arrived from china after the ban with shoddy checks)...
Just stay home
Uh oh
Ok everyone go out on bike paths and exercise
Uh oh
Ok everyone go out on bike paths and exercise
- Run from home
- Run solo
- Run at less popular times of day
- Maintain a 6-foot distance from others
- Don't run if you feel sick
Just stay home
Bullshit article on bullshit website turns out to be bullshit.
239 cases
0 deaths
/deep bow/Next post is the big 5k. Make it count.
Oh shit! :-\Nah, man, that’s pretty representative of your oeuvre. Good work.
#onbrandIt was on-brand. That was my point.
239 cases
0 deaths
And how many of those are currently infected? How many have recovered?
My guess is that the terminal figures will be 24 dead and 215 recovered.
Just stay home
Bullshit article on bullshit website turns out to be bullshit.
This was my thought today about this article when i was out on my lunchtime bike ride.
Also, two middle aged helmet haired hags were walking together about eight feet apart, one on each edge of the trail. Socially distancing from each other but definitely not using proper trail etiquette. I cut between them on my bike and one of them yelled at me "Hey buddy, tell us you're coming!" I shot back, "Stay to the right like you're supposed to." I was going too fast to hear if they had a response.
That's my trail story for the day.
Sturgill tests positiveThis is a loss I could live with.
Sturgill tests positiveThis is a loss I could live with.
Difficult to believe...but no concerts til fall 2021?
Note I pretty much was a failure in accounting socan confirm
You know how to hit a guy when he’s downyep, seems to be the only thing I'm good at
Hey now I mowed the lawn this weekend...I'll be by for a QC inspection later today
Ughhh ...nooooo
What is it with people and Bill Gates or Soros?
I admire you Space...if anyone in my family said anything like that I just wouldn’t call them again
Deaths seem to be trending down finally
Deaths seem to be trending down finally
It always looks like that on Mondays. Reporting slows down over the weekend. Plus, deaths trail existing cases by 10-20 days, and cases haven't really dropped yet.
Obviously if so many people stay home we flatten the curve but the issue is that during this time the federal government was supposed to be getting its act together so that we can prevent more people from getting sick (ramping up testing, tracing, policies on isolating people) and when in the future more people get sick we are not overwhelmed ...also develop a national strategy for reopening and even coordinate things on a global scale....this was why we have been doing all this mitigation
Does anyone in their right minds think this has and is happening?
Number of new cases has been steadily around 30K for the past seven days (ranging from 25 K to 35K). I think that's much more a function of number of people being tested than number of people actually sick.
The answer is no yet there are a lot of people who think the administration is doing a wonderful job.
Tax change in coronavirus package overwhelmingly benefits millionaires, congressional body finds (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/14/coronavirus-law-congress-tax-change/)
Tax change in coronavirus package overwhelmingly benefits millionaires, congressional body finds (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/14/coronavirus-law-congress-tax-change/)
The vote on this was 96-0. Was Bernie absent or did he vote YES?
tax change was a minor part of the package. was someone supposed to sink the whole thing because of one bad section?Have you met Bernie Sanders!?
Virginia Pastor Who Snubbed Social Distancing Order Dies After Contracting Virus (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/atheism-secularism/virginia-pastor-who-snubbed-social-distancing-order-dies-after-contracting-virus-5jLUeU8FUECFcqz8ak6LtA/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR1zCbr_ILhW5AllfgLbR029CY3Nb--uezrlS04pmL6FXEtaVkDXWF_AnxM)You hate to see it.
Only 12 days ago and we're about to break 2 mill...(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUnqMuJXsAMJB1a?format=jpg&name=small)
You beat me to it. 1fuckingmillion. closing in on 250k in US.
The worse though is at least 2214 deaths documented from Covid19 today...a new peak
Heilung was right
The thing that gets me is the utter indifference of many...the resignation to it...the acceptance that it had to happen
Virginia Pastor Who Snubbed Social Distancing Order Dies After Contracting Virus (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/atheism-secularism/virginia-pastor-who-snubbed-social-distancing-order-dies-after-contracting-virus-5jLUeU8FUECFcqz8ak6LtA/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR1zCbr_ILhW5AllfgLbR029CY3Nb--uezrlS04pmL6FXEtaVkDXWF_AnxM)You hate to see it.
You have got to be kidding me...2022?!? 2024??
I won’t make it
Are Italians obese? I thought they ate the healthy Mediterranean diet?
Are Italians obese? I thought they ate the healthy Mediterranean diet?
Are Italians obese? I thought they ate the healthy Mediterranean diet?
Italy boasts one of the lowest adulthood obesity rates in Europe [approximately 10% of the population]
not sure how smoking can add to BMI...where does smoke increase mass in your body...tumor cells in your lungs don't get calculated
now smoking and covid are bad bedfellows since it's a pulmonary disease
Exactly right SidehatchMight get this post framed ;)
Exactly right SidehatchMight get this post framed ;)
a bunch of really bright ones decided it was ok to clog the streets of Lansing, MI to protest the stay at home Order there... even managed to block an ambulance.. funny how the right to freely assemble only applies to conservativesThat's Michigan State for ya.
a bunch of really bright ones decided it was ok to clog the streets of Lansing, MI to protest the stay at home Order there... even managed to block an ambulance.. funny how the right to freely assemble only applies to conservatives
Well the first day of online school is cancelled because kids started spamming the site with porn and racist garbage and dick pics in their avatars. What a great country we live in. Instead of making the day up tomorrow (they have half their classes on Wed and half on Fri, so one 45 min session per week), they're just skipping it and starting Friday.this is how it was framed on WTOP
Wes Pytlowany@wpytlowanya bunch of really bright ones decided it was ok to clog the streets of Lansing, MI to protest the stay at home Order there... even managed to block an ambulance.. funny how the right to freely assemble only applies to conservatives
How do you know they were conservatives?
VA stay at home til May 8
I've a friend who is the CIO of a NYSE listed tech firmBrag.
Sounds like we're never going back to the office.Some of us never stopped going to the office.
Looks like we're going to set the death record for the second straight day. What's with all this talk about things leveling off? The UWash models said we were supposed to peak five days ago. Then it changed to Monday. Now Tues and Wed and it's hitting new highs when it looked like we'd be declining.
Wes Pytlowany@wpytlowanya bunch of really bright ones decided it was ok to clog the streets of Lansing, MI to protest the stay at home Order there... even managed to block an ambulance.. funny how the right to freely assemble only applies to conservatives
How do you know they were conservatives?
#ImpeachWhitmer #Gridlock Proud to stand with patriots against @GovWhitmer today!
A conservative group made up of entitled white men and their wives who can’t think for themselves is headed to our capitol to protest our governor's stay at home orders.
lots of Red hats and trump flags and calling themselves patriots (while blocking ambulances)
Wes Pytlowany@wpytlowanya bunch of really bright ones decided it was ok to clog the streets of Lansing, MI to protest the stay at home Order there... even managed to block an ambulance.. funny how the right to freely assemble only applies to conservatives
How do you know they were conservatives?
#ImpeachWhitmer #Gridlock Proud to stand with patriots against @GovWhitmer today!
A conservative group made up of entitled white men and their wives who can’t think for themselves is headed to our capitol to protest our governor's stay at home orders.
lots of Red hats and trump flags and calling themselves patriots (while blocking ambulances)
anecdotal, but i have an FB acquaintance who is a MI conservative and based on his posts and his like-minded friends this is definitely a highly partisan conservative movement. they're protesting the fact that a Dem in power as much as the lock-down. they just needed an excuse.
Well the first day of online school is cancelled because kids started spamming the site with porn and racist garbage and dick pics in their avatars. What a great country we live in. Instead of making the day up tomorrow (they have half their classes on Wed and half on Fri, so one 45 min session per week), they're just skipping it and starting Friday.this is how it was framed on WTOP
Fairfax County Public Schools canceled all teacher-led instruction for the rest of the day amid widespread technical issues preventing students from accessing distance learning tools.
I liked your version better
NYC closes outdoor pools for the summer
I’m stunned it’s open now, to be honest.NYC closes outdoor pools for the summer
That is going to be the dagger when our neighborhood pool closes. Family meltdown imminent.
unless it's indoors or private (and even then) most don't open until mem dayI’m stunned it’s open now, to be honest.NYC closes outdoor pools for the summer
That is going to be the dagger when our neighborhood pool closes. Family meltdown imminent.
Oh well that’s a good point. Sorry, when I hear pool, I just assumed we are talking about a temperature controlled saltwater pool.unless it's indoors or private (and even then) most don't open until mem dayI’m stunned it’s open now, to be honest.NYC closes outdoor pools for the summer
That is going to be the dagger when our neighborhood pool closes. Family meltdown imminent.
Taking the misses for a drive up test at 1:30. :o
Yeah. She’s developed literally every symptom in the last 24 hours. Either COVID or she sure picked a horrible time to get a flu.Taking the misses for a drive up test at 1:30. :o
:-\ hope everything turns out ok. thoughts and meditations.
Yeah. She’s developed literally every symptom in the last 24 hours. Either COVID or she sure picked a horrible time to get a flu.Taking the misses for a drive up test at 1:30. :o
:-\ hope everything turns out ok. thoughts and meditations.
Sorry jules... have you guys been exposed?I’m a healthcare exec who has continued to go into the office part time. We staff nurses in some places with COVID positive patients (including the place with 50+ deaths you’ve seen in the news - Lexington Court).
Yeah, part of me hopes we both have it since hospitals are not currently slammed. Let’s get it out of the way. She is solid fucking miserable though. This does not look fun.Yeah. She’s developed literally every symptom in the last 24 hours. Either COVID or she sure picked a horrible time to get a flu.Taking the misses for a drive up test at 1:30. :o
:-\ hope everything turns out ok. thoughts and meditations.
my missus wen through the same thing - sudden onset of all the symptoms, not too badly though. test came back negative. took 5 days, but the time the results came back my wife was feeling much better, so she was hoping that the test would come back positive - implying that she now had immunity. alas, the covid-19 test was negative - not something you hear every day...
moral of the story: stay calm, stay positive. there is a very good chance she doesn't have it.
Supposedly there is a high false negative rate
That lots of true negatives (Trump, Pence,people with other similar illneses etc) and/or lots of false negatives.
Yeah, part of me hopes we both have it since hospitals are not currently slammed. Let’s get it out of the way. She is solid fucking miserable though. This does not look fun.Yeah. She’s developed literally every symptom in the last 24 hours. Either COVID or she sure picked a horrible time to get a flu.Taking the misses for a drive up test at 1:30. :o
:-\ hope everything turns out ok. thoughts and meditations.
my missus wen through the same thing - sudden onset of all the symptoms, not too badly though. test came back negative. took 5 days, but the time the results came back my wife was feeling much better, so she was hoping that the test would come back positive - implying that she now had immunity. alas, the covid-19 test was negative - not something you hear every day...
moral of the story: stay calm, stay positive. there is a very good chance she doesn't have it.
consider how much we don't know: infection rates (due to lack of testing), mortality rate, intensity of the outbreak (aka R0), distribution of immunity (antibodies), whether antibodies are even relevant with this disease, etc... with so many squishy unknowns and tenuous assumptions, any wonder that the models' outputs change regularly?
consider how much we don't know: infection rates (due to lack of testing), mortality rate, intensity of the outbreak (aka R0), distribution of immunity (antibodies), whether antibodies are even relevant with this disease, etc... with so many squishy unknowns and tenuous assumptions, any wonder that the models' outputs change regularly?
well this potentially throws everything out the window with regards to our understanding of the disease:
CDC reviewing ‘stunning’ universal testing results from Boston homeless shelter (https://forum.930.com/Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms.): "Of the 397 people tested, 146 people tested positive. Not a single one had any symptoms."
either we need to reassess how much we know about covid-19, or we need a new test.
your link died.#covid-ed
Julian, on a dare from some internet forum, get's passage on the Frank Turner 3 day cruise...then Covid-19 happens and he's stuck there for 6 months...someone finish this storyFrank plays the same 5 songs every night to entertain the trapped guests and spends 12 hours a day instagramming and livejournalling about what a dynamic, bold and brave leader he is as a result during this time of crisis.
Julian, on a dare from some internet forum, get's passage on the Frank Turner 3 day cruise...then Covid-19 happens and he's stuck there for 6 months...someone finish this storyFrank plays the same 5 songs every night to entertain the trapped guests and spends 12 hours a day instagramming and livejournalling about what a dynamic, bold and brave leader he is as a result during this time of crisis.
Julian, on a dare from some internet forum, get's passage on the Frank Turner 3 day cruise...then Covid-19 happens and he's stuck there for 6 months...someone finish this storyFrank plays the same 5 songs every night to entertain the trapped guests and spends 12 hours a day instagramming and livejournalling about what a dynamic, bold and brave leader he is as a result during this time of crisis.
And by day 10, Jules is a convert, and self-tattoos FTHC on each of his knuckles using only his hairdye and a heated lobster antennae. Day 11, Jules sings "Just give me one fine day of plain sailing weather and I can fuck up anything, anything." so many times in a row that the rest of the passengers murder him and feast on his flesh, leaving aside only the knuckles.
using only his hairdyeMine of Frank's?
using only his hairdyeMine of Frank's?
(https://i.imgur.com/71CKF2p.png)using only his hairdyeMine of Frank's?
So you admit it!
...in which Heilung demonstrates appropriate social distancing:
were displayed ironically...How does one display the confederate flag ironically ?
Maybe like an afterhours, African-American NASA employees bar trivia team. They could rock a little stars and bars for reasons none of us think they me a.were displayed ironically...How does one display the confederate flag ironically ?
This is ironic... right?were displayed ironically...How does one display the confederate flag ironically ?
Well the first day of online school is cancelled because kids started spamming the site with porn and racist garbage and dick pics in their avatars. What a great country we live in. Instead of making the day up tomorrow (they have half their classes on Wed and half on Fri, so one 45 min session per week), they're just skipping it and starting Friday.this is how it was framed on WTOP
Fairfax County Public Schools canceled all teacher-led instruction for the rest of the day amid widespread technical issues preventing students from accessing distance learning tools.
I liked your version better
Guys, I had a good reason for doing all of this.Well the first day of online school is cancelled because kids started spamming the site with porn and racist garbage and dick pics in their avatars. What a great country we live in. Instead of making the day up tomorrow (they have half their classes on Wed and half on Fri, so one 45 min session per week), they're just skipping it and starting Friday.this is how it was framed on WTOP
Fairfax County Public Schools canceled all teacher-led instruction for the rest of the day amid widespread technical issues preventing students from accessing distance learning tools.
I liked your version better
For many in Fairfax, the first day of distance learning quickly descended into chaos.
One AP Environmental Science class group chat filled with messages such as, “F--- you, yiu smell like gay.” Users joined a German class populated with usernames including “I LOVE ADOLF HITLER” and “OVEN SURVIVOR #2.”
Adams, of the Fairfax Education Association, said she heard reports of users exposing their genitals and students forming private group chats to bully peers.
One 10th-grade teacher recounted a typical fiasco: Fifteen minutes in, someone entered his virtual classroom with a username including the n-word. The teacher removed the user, but the person kept rejoining.
The teacher tried to keep the lesson going but lost hope when the user began blaring loud music with obscene lyrics.
“It was incredibly embarrassing,” the teacher said. “As a teacher, it’s all about showing your students you have things under control.”
“If you don’t have any control,” he said, “how are you supposed to teach?”
This story is the gift that keeps givingGuys, I had a good reason for doing all of this.Well the first day of online school is cancelledthis is how it was framed on WTOP
Fairfax County Public Schools canceled
I liked your version better
Yeah, she knows she's in a shitload of trouble.
In Israel...protest with social distancingMan, cannot decide if I want to make a combover joke or a Trump's inauguration joke.
More than 2,000 protesters involved in the “Black Flag” movement
What's the possibility that Greg Ginn is going to sue
Maryland is concerning
Nearly 100 dead yesterday...like 900 new infections
Maryland's projected peak death day is today:
https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/maryland (https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/maryland)
Virginia's projected peak death day is April 25:
https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/virginia (https://covid19.healthdata.org/united-states-of-america/virginia)
That’s where I am getting it
Can’t you read a chart?
It says 96 new deaths for Maryland ...obviously if reported at 9 am it’s the deaths that happened yesterday
My wife's results came back negative which is borderline incredible to me because she is on day four of a fever over 100, a constant cough, and body aches that ramp up dramatically overnight. I wonder how accurate these tests are. Maybe she just has a weird, random post-Easter flu?
She'll have to wait like me for the anti-bodies test when it comes out and then when they say "you've already have the infection" she'll say "I fuckin' knew it."Yep, this is exactly what I told her. Stay inside and talk to no one and XX months from now when we have reliable antibody tests, I'll put dinner on it coming back positive.
Anyways came back negative and she said 30% are false negatives..not sure if this is true...I don’t think she had covid19Thanks. Just read something that showed a (relative small sample size) test done in China and the nasal swaps were only hitting at like 73% accuracy in a known-COVID group. WHO KNOWS?
I hope your wife feels better soon
So many retardsI think we refer to those with MAGA hats as intellectually challenged
fyi, kemp = GA. i had to look it up...You know, for all people rag on Georgia, it was super bold of them to elect hilarious obese former basketball star and father of a multitude of children, Shawn Kemp, as their governor.
apple & google combine forces to track you and the virus (https://www.apple.com/newsroom/2020/04/apple-and-google-partner-on-covid-19-contact-tracing-technology/)Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) sent letters to Apple and Google on Tuesday urging the tech giants to make their CEOs personally liable for data collected in their joint coronavirus contact-tracing project.
Please God no.I feel like if you've ever ate at Ben's Chili Bowl and are still alive, you have COVID antibody protection already.
Then you read about loans going to Shake Shack?To be fair, they gave it back, if I am not mistaken.
only because they got bad press...Ruth Chris and Fogo d C not yetThen you read about loans going to Shake Shack?To be fair, they gave it back, if I am not mistaken.
Please God no.I feel like if you've ever ate at Ben's Chili Bowl and are still alive, you have COVID antibody protection already.
So do we think we can get the funds together to get a Hazmat suit for Jules to attend. Gotta imagine you've got no plans 4/24Another similar group tried this today and it was all of 25 people driving around in a square honking their horns repeatedly.
So do we think we can get the funds together to get a Hazmat suit for Jules to attend. Gotta imagine you've got no plans 4/24Another similar group tried this today and it was all of 25 people driving around in a square honking their horns repeatedly.
Because people want to talk about it, probably.So do we think we can get the funds together to get a Hazmat suit for Jules to attend. Gotta imagine you've got no plans 4/24Another similar group tried this today and it was all of 25 people driving around in a square honking their horns repeatedly.
So why is media giving so much attention to these types if their numbers are so low?
So why is media giving so much attention to these types if their numbers are so low?Because people want to talk about it, probably.
...but not sure why this guy is a problem
For Space
As a labradoodle owner
actually, say more, I'm bored as shitAs a labradoodle owner
Say no more.
The OC is going to be so screwed.....Dirtbikes have that mad max vibe...they need to work on their outfits
A California city filled its skate park with sand to deter skateboarders. Then the dirt bikes showed up. (https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/22/us/skate-park-sand-venice-san-clemente-trnd/index.html)
So word on the street is Trump thinks Peter Hook's band will be an effective treatment?I've always been bad at spotting sarcasm...
I don’t believe the numbers - taken with other numbers- are uselessYeah this is the correct take. The numbers aren't gospel but they're not meaningless at all.
They help indicate trends, etc
They do correlate with deaths
Look at New York and come back and tell me the number of cases means nothing
But they don’t mean everything
This really should have gone in the live thread
It clearly needed to go in the 2024 thread as it is calling for Taylor Swift to run for the Presidency as soon as she's eligible.
Well the first day of online school is cancelled because kids started spamming the site with porn and racist garbage and dick pics in their avatars. What a great country we live in. Instead of making the day up tomorrow (they have half their classes on Wed and half on Fri, so one 45 min session per week), they're just skipping it and starting Friday.this is how it was framed on WTOP
Fairfax County Public Schools canceled all teacher-led instruction for the rest of the day amid widespread technical issues preventing students from accessing distance learning tools.
I liked your version better
For many in Fairfax, the first day of distance learning quickly descended into chaos.
One AP Environmental Science class group chat filled with messages such as, “F--- you, yiu smell like gay.” Users joined a German class populated with usernames including “I LOVE ADOLF HITLER” and “OVEN SURVIVOR #2.”
Adams, of the Fairfax Education Association, said she heard reports of users exposing their genitals and students forming private group chats to bully peers.
One 10th-grade teacher recounted a typical fiasco: Fifteen minutes in, someone entered his virtual classroom with a username including the n-word. The teacher removed the user, but the person kept rejoining.
The teacher tried to keep the lesson going but lost hope when the user began blaring loud music with obscene lyrics.
“It was incredibly embarrassing,” the teacher said. “As a teacher, it’s all about showing your students you have things under control.”
“If you don’t have any control,” he said, “how are you supposed to teach?”
Dr. Laffer is on my company’s board and he’s a complete piece of shit in person the twice a year he has come here. He demands Ruth’s Chris for every lunch even if the rest of us are having something else delivered, we have to send a second person to get him one sad, massively overpriced steak.
He is also, literally, a person who has his assistant Nicholas write you an email and put “dictated but not read” after his closing salutation which is the most douchey thing imaginable.
Give me two years for the company to sell and I will amuse you all with so, so many Arthur Laffer tales.
One of the good things about COVID was it cancelled a speaking arrangement in DC/MoCo that he was going to do for us this month which I was going to have to sit through while he waxed nostalgic about Reagan in front of the olds.
Shit, I hope he doesn't read this message board.Zero risk
Unless he’s xneverwherex I think I’m OK.Dr. Laffer is on my company’s board and he’s a complete piece of shit in person the twice a year he has come here. He demands Ruth’s Chris for every lunch even if the rest of us are having something else delivered, we have to send a second person to get him one sad, massively overpriced steak.
He is also, literally, a person who has his assistant Nicholas write you an email and put “dictated but not read” after his closing salutation which is the most douchey thing imaginable.
Give me two years for the company to sell and I will amuse you all with so, so many Arthur Laffer tales.
One of the good things about COVID was it cancelled a speaking arrangement in DC/MoCo that he was going to do for us this month which I was going to have to sit through while he waxed nostalgic about Reagan in front of the olds.
Shit, I hope he doesn't read this message board.
GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus (https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/04/gwar-drink-bleach-praise-trump/)
"If you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it"
Although I have it on good authority that the band is still miffed that Julian survived.I think they respect me for doing it.
GWAR Urge Fans to Drink Bleach, Praise Trump for Suggesting People Inject Disinfectants to Combat Coronavirus (https://consequenceofsound.net/2020/04/gwar-drink-bleach-praise-trump/)
"If you wanna stay safe from COVID-19, drink bleach, shoot it, smoke it"
Organizer Of North Carolina Anti-Lockdown Protests Tests Positive For COVID-19 (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/organizer-of-north-carolina-anti-lockdown-protests-tests-positive-for-covid-19-aaoJR4SmkUOKNIhZeitQcQ/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR0j7CYqpjc53kilktf1UqEiNvJNYvFnNQ6DXh8HAGghNAtAp4QAX_BFrFg)I feel like this forum needs a Karma's a bitch thread
COVID deaths by age in VA, population 8.5 million. A majority of the deaths are people in nursing homes. Perhaps we should be quarantining nursing homes and their workers instead of everyone.No doubt, one phase at a time.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Don't act so self-righteous. You'll be going places this summer, too. If club shows start back up, all of you will be at one in less than two weeks.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Don't act so self-righteous. You'll be going places this summer, too. If club shows start back up, all of you will be at one in less than two weeks.
I am not so sure about that Dr. Spaceman. I am trying to figure out if/when I will even see my soon to be 80 year old mom in NY again. Am hoping that show-going is a thing again by December.
Also, here's a compilation of some Dr. Spaceman clips from 30 Rock.
https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216 (https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216)
If you're feeling generous... This puts shit into perspective. From my child's school listserv.
There is a 5th-grade student in Montgomery County who is undergoing chemotherapy. At the beginning of April, after not feeling well for several days, her mother suddenly and unexpectedly died. The girl is living in an apartment with her aunt, uncle, and two cousins and all are grieving the loss of their family member. Due to COVID-19, the aunt and uncle are now unemployed, so there is no money coming in and food supply is running low. In addition, the family does not have a car, but does need to get the girl to the hospital for chemotherapy treatments.
The PTA, MCPS, and her Delegates & district council members are engaged to find resources for this family at this very difficult time. However, in the interim, emergency support is needed. We are trying to raise money to pay for their rent, utilities, and nutritious foods for the aunt, uncle, cousins, and young girl while the student is undergoing chemotherapy to alleviate some of the financial stress that they are currently experiencing.
Identity, an organization that provides case management and support for families who live in high-poverty areas of Montgomery County, has graciously agreed to direct funds to this family through their LIFT Fund if designated as such. Donors can make a contribution by going to Identity's LIFT Fund (https://identity-youth.org/donate/), selecting an amount, and designating in the “Additional Comments” box that funds are for the “The A.G. Family.” Contributors will get a thank letter that will serve as a receipt for tax purposes.
Please help this family by making a donation today.
Thank you so much.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Don't act so self-righteous. You'll be going places this summer, too. If club shows start back up, all of you will be at one in less than two weeks.
I am not so sure about that Dr. Spaceman. I am trying to figure out if/when I will even see my soon to be 80 year old mom in NY again. Am hoping that show-going is a thing again by December.
Also, here's a compilation of some Dr. Spaceman clips from 30 Rock.
https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216 (https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216)
Assuming our West Coast family vacation is postponed, I'm planning on driving to upstate NY in June/July to visit my 79 yo mom and brother.
You'll probably have to fly to a Red State to see a concert in December.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Don't act so self-righteous. You'll be going places this summer, too. If club shows start back up, all of you will be at one in less than two weeks.
I am not so sure about that Dr. Spaceman. I am trying to figure out if/when I will even see my soon to be 80 year old mom in NY again. Am hoping that show-going is a thing again by December.
Also, here's a compilation of some Dr. Spaceman clips from 30 Rock.
https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216 (https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216)
Assuming our West Coast family vacation is postponed, I'm planning on driving to upstate NY in June/July to visit my 79 yo mom and brother.
You'll probably have to fly to a Red State to see a concert in December.
Maybe we can carpool as far as the GW Bridge? I feel like whoever controls the music, we'd be in good shape.
Fat white people exercising their rights for boardwalk fries and dipping dots. At least space will have somewhere to go this summer.
Don't act so self-righteous. You'll be going places this summer, too. If club shows start back up, all of you will be at one in less than two weeks.
I am not so sure about that Dr. Spaceman. I am trying to figure out if/when I will even see my soon to be 80 year old mom in NY again. Am hoping that show-going is a thing again by December.
Also, here's a compilation of some Dr. Spaceman clips from 30 Rock.
https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216 (https://www.nbc.com/30-rock/video/dr-spaceman-medical-moments/n21216)
Assuming our West Coast family vacation is postponed, I'm planning on driving to upstate NY in June/July to visit my 79 yo mom and brother.
You'll probably have to fly to a Red State to see a concert in December.
Maybe we can carpool as far as the GW Bridge? I feel like whoever controls the music, we'd be in good shape.
Sorry, won't be going anywhere near GW Bridge. And going to a county with a case rate at about a quarter of what Fairfax County has. Sounds like you'll have a riskier slog?
Are you guys driving with your windows down and heads out the window? Or taking a packed Chinatown bus up?
'Mourning in America' (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t_yG_-K2MDo)Trump went balistic at 12:46 AM after he watched that, must be good stuff :)
Cajones: drawersI'm illiterate in all languages...but you knew exactly what I meant!
Cojones: balls
Scientists say a now-dominant strain of the coronavirus could be more contagious than original (https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-05-05/mutant-coronavirus-has-emerged-more-contagious-than-original)
Scientists have identified a new strain of the coronavirus that has become dominant worldwide and appears to be more contagious than the versions that spread in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a new study led by scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory.
The new strain appeared in February in Europe, migrated quickly to the East Coast of the United States and has been the dominant strain across the world since mid-March, the scientists wrote.
In many places where the new strain appeared, it quickly infected far more people than the earlier strains that came out of Wuhan, China, and within weeks it was the only strain that was prevalent in some nations, according to the report. The new strain’s dominance over its predecessors suggests that it is more infectious, according to the report, though exactly why is not yet known.
So maybe the Chinese weren't lying about their case totals
Want the government stepping in to stop all of these people showing up with AK47s at court houses to demand the shut down be lifted? Have them all be black people; oh it'll end real quick.
Trump's driver and Pence StafferOrganizer Of North Carolina Anti-Lockdown Protests Tests Positive For COVID-19 (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/organizer-of-north-carolina-anti-lockdown-protests-tests-positive-for-covid-19-aaoJR4SmkUOKNIhZeitQcQ/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR0j7CYqpjc53kilktf1UqEiNvJNYvFnNQ6DXh8HAGghNAtAp4QAX_BFrFg)I feel like this forum needs a Karma's a bitch thread
JUST IN: Second Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirusTrump's driver and Pence StafferOrganizer Of North Carolina Anti-Lockdown Protests Tests Positive For COVID-19 (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/organizer-of-north-carolina-anti-lockdown-protests-tests-positive-for-covid-19-aaoJR4SmkUOKNIhZeitQcQ/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR0j7CYqpjc53kilktf1UqEiNvJNYvFnNQ6DXh8HAGghNAtAp4QAX_BFrFg)I feel like this forum needs a Karma's a bitch thread
JUST IN: Second Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirusTrump's driver and Pence StafferOrganizer Of North Carolina Anti-Lockdown Protests Tests Positive For COVID-19 (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/organizer-of-north-carolina-anti-lockdown-protests-tests-positive-for-covid-19-aaoJR4SmkUOKNIhZeitQcQ/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR0j7CYqpjc53kilktf1UqEiNvJNYvFnNQ6DXh8HAGghNAtAp4QAX_BFrFg)I feel like this forum needs a Karma's a bitch thread
Virginia’s Phase 1 plan: Salons reopen w/ strict rules, restaurants can reopen outdoor seating 50% capacity, gyms outdoor only w/ less than 10, non essential retail 50% capacity, masks required. Churches allowed 50% capacity. Entertainment stays closed.
JUST IN: Second Pence staffer tests positive for coronavirusTrump's driver and Pence StafferOrganizer Of North Carolina Anti-Lockdown Protests Tests Positive For COVID-19 (https://mavenroundtable.io/theintellectualist/news/organizer-of-north-carolina-anti-lockdown-protests-tests-positive-for-covid-19-aaoJR4SmkUOKNIhZeitQcQ/?utm_source=SP&utm_medium=SP&utm_campaign=SP&utm_term=SP&utm_content=SP&fbclid=IwAR0j7CYqpjc53kilktf1UqEiNvJNYvFnNQ6DXh8HAGghNAtAp4QAX_BFrFg)I feel like this forum needs a Karma's a bitch thread
Katy Miller, married to Stephen
Ween fans are basically a suicide cult.@nbcwashington
Virginia’s Phase 1 plan: Salons reopen w/ strict rules, restaurants can reopen outdoor seating 50% capacity, gyms outdoor only w/ less than 10, non essential retail 50% capacity, masks required. Churches allowed 50% capacity. Entertainment stays closed.
Can Seth book shows in VA churches?
Dancers will be nude except for gloves and masks. And the club owner, a real coronavirus warrior, says, “I’m willing to go to jail for this.”
Club Omaha plans to reopen later this month (https://www.omaha.com/news/local/nudity-and-face-masks-club-omaha-plans-to-reopen-next-week/article_0a9f77a7-0197-5f1f-96c3-3288b19fb25f.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=user-share)
"You got my drink order wrong, servant. Fix it now. I've been oppressed in my house for months."STOP: I cannot get more erect!
"You got my drink order wrong, servant. Fix it now. I've been oppressed in my house for months."STOP: I cannot get more erect!
Number of daily deaths seems to be plummeting
I really hope for good
Does any other developed country show such utter disdain and contempt for the lives of its people?
I mean 83,000 dead and doesn’t seem like there are too many ruffled feathers
I hear the argument that it’s a smaller percentage but it’s a hell of a lot more dead and hurting people.
Is it because most affected people are elderly? Or a disproportionate number black?
I am embarrassed for us. People overseas pity us. Like if we are so great like we keep telling everyone why can’t we get our act together? Nobody expects us to be South Korea but compare us to say Germany... our response is pathetic. It’s almost nonexistent. The approach is arguably to “take the punch”... Those that have to die must die
But now, folks just tune into that which fits their narrative, and fuck the rest...I do feel this is a big problem with the US today
Does any other developed country show such utter disdain and contempt for the lives of its people?
I mean 83,000 dead and doesn’t seem like there are too many ruffled feathers
I hear the argument that it’s a smaller percentage but it’s a hell of a lot more dead and hurting people.
Is it because most affected people are elderly? Or a disproportionate number black?
I am embarrassed for us. People overseas pity us. Like if we are so great like we keep telling everyone why can’t we get our act together? Nobody expects us to be South Korea but compare us to say Germany... our response is pathetic. It’s almost nonexistent. The approach is arguably to “take the punch”... Those that have to die must die
Well like I said ANY developed nation. Take Australia if you want to compare the US with people who despised government/rebels/jailbirds
I saw that!
Just makes it all that much more important to get our act together
Of course we need to reopen but we should be testing millions a day..and employ an army of contact tracers
I have always been skeptical of the assumption we will soon have a vaccine
Maybe we will maybe we won’t
The other big concern I have is who is to say it won’t or isn’t mutating into different strains which will cause different illnesses
MoCo Numbers continue to climb and climb!
Still not over, but possibly at the beginning of a very long ending.or this year will be “the darkest winter in modern history,”
MoCo Numbers continue to climb and climb!
But the daily increase is flat or smaller. That's what they mean by flattening the curve. Still not over, but possibly at the beginning of a very long ending.
Here's the new daily case count from https://montgomerycountymd.gov/hhs/rightnav/coronavirus.html
5/1/2020 454
5/2/2020 165
5/3/2020 231
5/4/2020 234
5/5/2020 157
5/6/2020 249
5/7/2020 242
5/8/2020 284
5/9/2020 239
5/10/2020 207
5/11/2020 147
5/12/2020 221
So yeah, not as flat as I had previously stated, but nowhere near 1000 new cases every day. Were you looking at Maryland data?
(https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49894677181_829108469c_w.jpg)well if it wasn't for that fake report on 5/1 (come on people, you know Obama did that) the curve would be a lot flatter
Brooks, who is also the chief operating officer and director of technology development at a firm called RUCDR Infinite Biologics, has come up with a coronavirus test that relies on nothing more than spitting into a cup.For the small sliver of the population that are sexually aroused by chewing tobacco use, there has never been a sexier or safer time to be alive in this entire pandemic.
Brooks, who is also the chief operating officer and director of technology development at a firm called RUCDR Infinite Biologics, has come up with a coronavirus test that relies on nothing more than spitting into a cup.For the small sliver of the population that are sexually aroused by chewing tobacco use, there has never been a sexier or safer time to be alive in this entire pandemic.
jules lives in the Richmond area, I'm sure he has first hand exposure to thisBrooks, who is also the chief operating officer and director of technology development at a firm called RUCDR Infinite Biologics, has come up with a coronavirus test that relies on nothing more than spitting into a cup.For the small sliver of the population that are sexually aroused by chewing tobacco use, there has never been a sexier or safer time to be alive in this entire pandemic.
I don't think you've spent enough time in Red State Country to realize that that is actually a major turn on for a fair share of the rube population.
It seems likely that with a imcreasedt testing they will catch more of the asymptomatics. So it will be tough for the number of daily cases to decrease if the are catching a higher percentage of the positives.
I mean I can’t get a testReally? Every PatientFirst type place here has drive up clinics. No doctors order needed.
Why would asymptomatic people be tested?
I mean I can’t get a test
What is patient first?Do you guys not have those there? PatientFirst is an extremely ubiquitous chain of Urgent Care medical centers in Virginia/NC (you know, the kind of place where if you need stitches but don't want to go to the ER or you have the flu but no insurance/PCP and just want to pay cash for your one doctors appointment every 5 years).
We call that urgent care center here I think
We call that urgent care center here I think
this pic speaks volumes
I really wish I could just stick an apple in trumps mouth
It seems likely that with a imcreasedt testing they will catch more of the asymptomatics. So it will be tough for the number of daily cases to decrease if the are catching a higher percentage of the positives.
It seems likely that with a imcreasedt testing they will catch more of the asymptomatics. So it will be tough for the number of daily cases to decrease if the are catching a higher percentage of the positives.
... aaaaaand this is exactly why trump doesn't want more testing: if you look, you'll find.
I don’t get that
I mean over 100,000 have died counting the undercount...with stay at home orders everywhere
Not to mention we don’t know the long term impact on the health of many that survive their battle or related illnesses or syndromes
Where you expecting a million to have died by now Space?
I really cannot stand anything that even closely minimizes the death toll
Again I know four people that have lost family to covid...one person lost two people
Maybe it’s your stats/technocratic background or work but the way you keep describing things relating to covid kind of comes across as insensitive at best and heartless at worst
Again, we have lost over 100,000 Americans WITH serious stay at home/social distancing protocols in place
Eric Trump claims coronavirus is Democratic hoax, will ‘magically’ vanish after 2020 election (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2020/05/17/eric-trump-coronavirus/)Worked with the Mexican Caravan...why, not with COVID, they both start with C
Interestingbodes well for delivery and short shopping visits
The state of Georgia made it look like its covid cases were going down ***by putting the dates out of order on its chart*** May 5 was followed by April 25, then back to May again, whatever made it look like a downslope.
The state of Georgia made it look like its covid cases were going down ***by putting the dates out of order on its chart*** May 5 was followed by April 25, then back to May again, whatever made it look like a downslope.
what. the. actual. FUCK.
did they think no one would notice?
^ that should go in the Hey Seth thread :o
^ that should go in the Hey Seth thread :oFucking savage. Good God, that man has a family, Hatch.
so to be clear...wasn't meant as a burn, but to say...hey maybe we can do concerts in those 'bumper tables'^ that should go in the Hey Seth thread :oFucking savage. Good God, that man has a family, Hatch.
Oh, see, I thought you were suggesting he wear one so he cannot get within 6 feet of a massage therapist. MY MISTAKE.so to be clear...wasn't meant as a burn, but to say...hey maybe we can do concerts in those 'bumper tables'^ that should go in the Hey Seth thread :oFucking savage. Good God, that man has a family, Hatch.
imagine how fun it would be to slam dance
well at least it's killing the sexes at an equal proportion to population!
Gender# of Deaths Percent
Female 2,296 51%
Male 2,197 49%
Didn't early on they say that Men were more at risk?
so by that logic...women who are still living over 65 are at more risk then men who are not livingwell at least it's killing the sexes at an equal proportion to population!
Gender# of Deaths Percent
Female 2,296 51%
Male 2,197 49%
Didn't early on they say that Men were more at risk?
I saw that and it stood out to me as well.
One explanation that popped into my mind was that PA has a higher rate of nursing home COVID deaths than nationally.
So that made me think...who resides in nursing homes? And the answer...predominantly women.
For those age 65-74 who reside in U.S. nursing homes, for every 100 men there are 132 women. Among residents of nursing homes age 75-84, for every 100 men there are 246 women, and among those age >/=85, for every 100 men there are 425 women.
so by that logic...women who are still living over 65 are at more risk then men who are not livingwell at least it's killing the sexes at an equal proportion to population!
Gender# of Deaths Percent
Female 2,296 51%
Male 2,197 49%
Didn't early on they say that Men were more at risk?
I saw that and it stood out to me as well.
One explanation that popped into my mind was that PA has a higher rate of nursing home COVID deaths than nationally.
So that made me think...who resides in nursing homes? And the answer...predominantly women.
For those age 65-74 who reside in U.S. nursing homes, for every 100 men there are 132 women. Among residents of nursing homes age 75-84, for every 100 men there are 246 women, and among those age >/=85, for every 100 men there are 425 women.
Setting aside the COVID, if you're a single guy in a nursing home your odds of scoring chicks is very good. As the Beach Boys would say, two girls for every boy.Oh I'm well aware of this...why do you think I go to Florida so much
Nearly 1.5 million tests today (yesterday?) and only 20K positives. We got this, guys.
It appears we already paid our summer pool membership months agoapparently the market has an answer
Not sure if and when they will open
JDG. You ok, bro?
JDG. You ok, bro?
Not really but not Covid, so ... wrong thread?
JDG. You ok, bro?
Not really but not Covid, so ... wrong thread?
Guess so - at least there's that! Hope you feel better soon.
Dang, that brian sims video was HOT
I think the GOP has been truly evil on this topic and acting like "Dems hate freedom" because they are trying to protect people from a deadly virus
Dang, that brian sims video was HOT
I think the GOP has been truly evil on this topic and acting like "Dems hate freedom" because they are trying to protect people from a deadly virus
My wife was just on the couch using "Brian Sims" and "hot" in the same sentence. I wasn't sure what she was going on about.
Is anyone else who is teleworking now working on their argument for why they should never have to go back to the office?
no, don't you miss the office environment ?not at all! I personally like who I work with and like interacting with humans face to faceIs anyone else who is teleworking now working on their argument for why they should never have to go back to the office?
no, don't you miss the office environment ?Is anyone else who is teleworking now working on their argument for why they should never have to go back to the office?
no, don't you miss the office environment ?not at all! I personally like who I work with and like interacting with humans face to faceIs anyone else who is teleworking now working on their argument for why they should never have to go back to the office?
I really miss the 5-minute conversations about GOT or Trump's latest or where they went on vacation or what college their kid got into
and sharing that same kind of info with them
Only argument would be I should be able to work remotely whenever I want (as long as it doesn't impact work)
Which opens up the 3-week vacation stuff with family. Where we travel to some great state park, I work 3 full days while the others going on some adventures. Then at 5 PM I'm in Yellowstone and can enjoy a 5 day vacation Then we move to anothe location and I work for 3 days and do it all again, this time at Glacier National park.
Is anyone else who is teleworking now working on their argument for why they should never have to go back to the office?I’ve been presenting this as an idea in my company for three years and this forced “trial” will probably be the thing that pushes it across the finish line. (I personally will still likely go in daily.)
My wife, otoh, is trying to make the case for never going back to the office. To the "I'm going to quit my job if they don't agree to it" extent. Not out of fear of COVID, but because she thinks there is no reason to ever physically be in an office, and due to her dread of commuting and being around people. She also thinks that the "new normal" is going to create situations where after commuting an hour each way you have to choose between waiting in a long line to ride the elevator solo or climbing eight flights of stairs, just to go to your office where you're required to wear a mask for eight hours, when instead you can get 11 hours of work done at home with no mask. To that end, i think she had a point.This is pretty spot on. I would also add companies that mandate in-office workers often miss out on the contributions of parents with child care issues (predominately, but not entirely, women) and disabled individuals for whom commuting is often difficult. There is a huge swath of talented female business leaders (and again, some men) who want families who are effectively sidelined for a decade+ of their career and have their their talent untapped by companies in the name of mandatory in-office work. This is a market inefficiency that is ripe for exploiting.
I also have a lot of thoughts on batch payroll methodology but I'll save that for another day.Let's just consider that matter settled
I just don’t know enough to understand Covid19
I hope it’s losing its potency and spreads less easily than previously thought
The Italian health authorities have discredited that physician’s statements but who the hell knows
Bigger issues than 150,000 dead in two months and millions of infected people?
100's of years of systemic racism in the US is a bigger issue for me than Covid... not saying Covid isn't a big issue, but this is bigger in my humble opinion.Fully agree.
Bigger issues than 150,000 dead in two months and millions of infected people?
100's of years of systemic racism in the US is a bigger issue for me than Covid... not saying Covid isn't a big issue, but this is bigger in my humble opinion.
For a change of scenery after three months of not leaving our neighborhood, we went to western PA last week to see my parents. They live in a county where there have been approximately 10 cases. The town will most likely cease to exist if current conditions economically continue. This is just one example of extreme measures that make absolute zero sense. I'm not saying every area should open up and I think that's extremely irresponsible, but this virus is killing people in many other ways that just sickness (which has been covered in this thread before).
Vaccine coming
Eh multiple candidatesWhat is this, a chess tournament?
Vaccine coming
And hopefully people will wear masks indoors, everywhere. And stay 6+ feet apart. Some communities seem to take the mask and distance things more seriously than others.
Agree...serious pandemic fatigue
I think soon we just have to get on with it but with some new procedures in place and virus weakening I don’t think deaths will spike back up
Key is preventing super spreader events
Down to 439 new cases yesterday in Virginia
Our region is rocking it...we did pretty good in the end
entertainment venues without shared equipment ....so does this mean the Brothels will stay closed?
I know everyone is predicting a terrible second wave...but I don’t see that happening
Science Based MedicineI like my medicine fantasy-based, can we get some from 'both sides'
Science based is fine..limiting yourself to listening to epidemiologists not so much
You have to look at things from all angles not just epidemiology
If you just listen to epidemiologists you won’t open up til 2023
Let’s remember why we shut down..to flatten the curve and get ourselves -our infrastructure-ready to deal...we didn’t shut down with the goal of eliminating all covid death forever
You have to look at things from all angles not just epidemiology
Except you were saying we should open before we had flattened the curve. Your view was to reopen months ago..hell not even shut down schools
We would have never flattened the curve with that approach, smarty pants
Well I'm not agreeing that your co-worker's solution is right, but being metabolically healthy (https://www.healthline.com/health-news/what-does-it-mean-to-be-metabolically-healthy) is key to COVID survival
most who are dying have: Obesity, hypertension, diabetus and such
Elderberries are chockfull of antioxidants such as vitamins A and C and various flavonoids and there are some studis saying it can reduce (not prevent) the lenght of colds/flu..
So there are benefits in being a healthy supplement and providing gut health, but I would not say a specific covid remedy
I'd be a little skeptical of Pineapple juice...as it's tons of sugar
so unless you fresh squeeze it, you are not getting all the said benefits and mostly sugar
it does have some interesting properties and in small doses has lots of pluses
Covid is a science issue.... the crisis is not
Antioxidants are not helpful in large quantities.I never said that they were helpful in large quantities (chockfull I guess where you get that?)
I could rant on this for hours, but you'd have to be willing to be educated on the topic for it to be worthwhile.
Marketers and new age con men jumped on that idea and flooded the market with unsupported claims and dubious products. .... You're likely to be duped into handing over your money for snake oil.I 100% agree on this
This is why I prefer science-based medicine.(https://i.redd.it/9u2786ka6q351.jpg)
I disagree with your take on gut health...
my gut ;)I disagree with your take on gut health...
Oh, is that based on science?
my gut ;)I disagree with your take on gut health...
Oh, is that based on science?
BTW...I don't buy pro-biotics, I try to eat fermented vegetables.
Man, the NIH is really against this..BTW...I don't buy pro-biotics, I try to eat fermented vegetables.
Its the same faulty assumption.
What is also missing is the unintended consumption of MASSIVE amounts of anti-biotics from factory-farmed animals that the majority of Americans are eating on the daily
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3194830/What is also missing is the unintended consumption of MASSIVE amounts of anti-biotics from factory-farmed animals that the majority of Americans are eating on the daily
I'm not aware of any consequences to humans based on this. You'd think we'd all be growing horns or something.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3194830/What is also missing is the unintended consumption of MASSIVE amounts of anti-biotics from factory-farmed animals that the majority of Americans are eating on the daily
I'm not aware of any consequences to humans based on this. You'd think we'd all be growing horns or something.
There is no doubt that human misuse and overuse of antibiotics are large contributors to resistance, particularly in relation to bacteria associated with human infection
Not horns, but definitely impacting our guts, making us sicker and less resilient to fight off infection
I mean, is there a pandemic of bacterial infections?I'm not good at stats or a Dr, but sounds like it to me
Getting some 🍿Man was getting ready to tell you how you were going to die from eating microwave popcorn....but sadly according to the FDA
Guys, what if I eat kimchi but just because it’s tasty and not for implied health reasons?yikes and I love me some spicy kimchi!
And close the lid before you flush (https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/06/16/coronavirus-toilet-flushing/)Almost picked 'toliet plumes' as my word of the day
Our region’s cases (DC , MD, VA) down to 820 or so new cases yesterday..only 19 in DC!It really does look like we’ve turned the corner on this. My company is even ready to open out MoCo office. Fingers crossed.
This is second hand information about Stage 3 in VA, but assuming it's true, might it be good news for the concert industry?
Phase 3 updates:
- Entertainment venues may open at 50% capacity with a cap of 1000 people
This is second hand information about Stage 3 in VA, but assuming it's true, might it be good news for the concert industry?
Phase 3 updates:
- Entertainment venues may open at 50% capacity with a cap of 1000 people
I mean it would be good for the State (didn't that close already?) and the Birchmere, but not so much for Jiffy Luberz or the Patriot Center.
I ate in a restaurant today
Florida added 3207 new COVID-19 cases overnight. New recordThis week on ‘Blame the immigrants’-
Gov Ron...this presser didn't age well
so do we start a death pool for AMC theaters?
AMC Theater CEO Adam Aron says their cinemas won't require masks upon reopening because they didn't "want to be drawn into a political controversy"
i feel sorry for their social media team...
so do we start a death pool for AMC theaters?
AMC Theater CEO Adam Aron says their cinemas won't require masks upon reopening because they didn't "want to be drawn into a political controversy"
i feel sorry for their social media team...
Anybody have any mask recommendations? Looking for something extra safe and comfortable for part time school in the Fall....
Looking for something extra safe and comfortablethat is a tall order, you get to pick one
Made in SeattleSPAZistan
Note: I'm looking for masks that are extra safe, not extra fashionable.I don’t think I even know you anymore
I can confirm that they are not using those 12-inch swabs to collect a sample from your brainstem
I did one of those drive-through tests yesterday and they just use a traditional Q-tip in both nostrils
I needed to get it for pre-op surgery (torn Achilles tendon...getting old is fun)
But testing accuracy is still an issue
Accuracy still unknown for many coronavirus tests rushed out (https://apnews.com/38967d1644ef374d1bcbc7806b383b8e)
Do you know what the timeframe is for getting your results back?2-5 days
Does this mean retirement from skateboarding?logic would dictate, Yes
5500 new cases in Florida
We are snatching defeat from the jaws of victory due to Trump and red states refusing to take covid19 seriously
Seeing the latest numbers am no longer so certain we won’t get a substantial second wave
I am particularly worried about covid getting a foothold in Florida retirement communities
All these events in red states are going to impact us here..the areas that did things right
Seeing the latest numbers am no longer so certain we won’t get a substantial second wave
I am particularly worried about covid getting a foothold in Florida retirement communities
I can confirm that they are not using those 12-inch swabs to collect a sample from your brainstem coronavirus tests rushed out[/url]welp as luck would have it, the dr wasn't able to get the results the morning of the surgery (3 days later)
But nationally it’s not considered a second wave?
Oh good..something to look forward to..
The second wave happens when places that were hit hard initially are hit hard again. This is still the first wave, where places are being hit hard for the first time.
earlier today i came across a great graph showing different country's curves over time, but i can't find it anymore.
We are rocking it today! 36,600 new cases..still time to go..can we hit our record from April? 39,000
I don’t think so
Thank you red states! 9 out of top 10 in new cases..not like you had any warning other than those damn NYC libtards
Waddap Cali? Why?
"Obeying the devil's law."
"And they want to throw God's wonderful breathing system out the door."
Florida’s finest thinkers
Why Diet Coke May Be in Shorter Supply Due to Spread of Virus (https://www.nbcwashington.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/why-diet-coke-may-be-in-shorter-supply-due-to-spread-of-virus/2226250/)
Mick Mulvaney at CPAC: Coronavirus is the Dem’s new favorite hoax. They want to bring down the President.
- Audience cheers
we are soo fucked...
It’s funny kosmo you keep carping about Facebook - which has its problems-but as far as the wacko factor I find Twitter is ten times worse!!
We are rocking it today! 36,600 new cases..still time to go..can we hit our record from April? 39,000
I don’t think so
Thank you red states! 9 out of top 10 in new cases..not like you had any warning other than those damn NYC libtards
Waddap Cali? Why?
Despite its liberal rep, California has millions of rednecks in hundreds of small towns. After all, they've had several Republican governors over the last several decades, started tax cut fever in the 70s, and is home to many defense contractors.
Almost half the cases in California- close to 100,000 are in Los Angeles County
So, why? After all they have been pretty aggressive from Newsom to the Mayor Garcetti..,, Did people just say fuck it and start partying or what?
Almost half the cases in California- close to 100,000 are in Los Angeles County
So, why? After all they have been pretty aggressive from Newsom to the Mayor Garcetti..,, Did people just say fuck it and start partying or what?
there is a lot of disadvantage and poverty in LA country: folks living packed together in small spaces, working "essential" jobs like grocery and janitorial that put them in contact with the public. social distancing isn't an option.
And it’s not looking like the heat is stopping this
Remains to be seen if it has the same virulence
Based on Arizona looking like it does..
Ok meant to write this earlier:
Almost half the cases in California- close to 100,000 are in Los Angeles County
So, why? After all they have been pretty aggressive from Newsom to the Mayor Garcetti..,, Did people just say fuck it and start partying or what?
"Antoine d'Agata has been using a thermal imaging camera to document people, in isolation and interacting, during the pandemic in France, with eerie and striking results. "
https://www.instagram.com/antoinedagata/ (https://www.instagram.com/antoinedagata/)
I think the thing is that alcohol and smoking probably make one more at risk and lowers your immune response too. So putting you at higher risk of catching (unlike at a protest where people are staying sober)
In fact this virus seems to love partying, bars and live music!
I do think that outdoor events like going to a protest or the beach pose a much lower risk for spreading
unlike bars/live music venues
I think the thing is that alcohol and smoking probably make one more at risk and lowers your immune response too. So putting you at higher risk of catching (unlike at a protest where people are staying sober)
In fact this virus seems to love partying, bars and live music!
What is odd is stupidy isn't technically a risk-factor. But it's becoming aperent it is.
Did a Dr tell you that or is that conjecture?I think the thing is that alcohol and smoking probably make one more at risk and lowers your immune response too. So putting you at higher risk of catching (unlike at a protest where people are staying sober)
In fact this virus seems to love partying, bars and live music!
What is odd is stupidy isn't technically a risk-factor. But it's becoming aperent it is.
Definitely no. This is absolutely incorrect.
You have no immunity. The symptoms of COVID are your body's immune system trying to figure out what to do.
Alcohol and smoking are higher risk factors, but only because they cloud your judgement and you no longer practice social distancing or wear masks. (Tho for real, people going to bars probably didn't bring masks to begin with.)
may be that the virus takes pity on us....Pity-pandemics are much worse than pity-sex
Did a Dr tell you that or is that conjecture?I think the thing is that alcohol and smoking probably make one more at risk and lowers your immune response too. So putting you at higher risk of catching (unlike at a protest where people are staying sober)
In fact this virus seems to love partying, bars and live music!
What is odd is stupidy isn't technically a risk-factor. But it's becoming aperent it is.
Definitely no. This is absolutely incorrect.
You have no immunity. The symptoms of COVID are your body's immune system trying to figure out what to do.
Alcohol and smoking are higher risk factors, but only because they cloud your judgement and you no longer practice social distancing or wear masks. (Tho for real, people going to bars probably didn't bring masks to begin with.)
Honestly being snarky...but I do think there is SOO much we don't know about this, that I question the confidence of anyone who makes any statement like its fact on the internet.Did a Dr tell you that or is that conjecture?
Which part are you doubting? Do you think you have immunity? Do you doubt that fever and inflammation are immune responses? Don't you agree that alcohol makes people act dumb?
Having pre-existing conditions (obesity, diabetes, etc) may put you at greater risk, but not having them doesn't confer protection.To be fair, I’ve seen no one (on here or any place sane people exchange thoughts) claim such a thing.
Asking for a friend ....
I keep hearing about the constitutional right to not wear a mask in a Privately owned store.
So was that in the bill of rights? or tucked into an amendment where's it's in legalese?
Brazilian Prez tests positive
60,000 new cases today
Can we do 70k? Stay tuned for another episode of “Freedumb: wackos and nutjobs”
This thread has grown so fast, it's almost viral.Its a poor mans Rolling Compendium of Integers: A Guide to Whole Numbers.
She was previously married to Gavin Newsom.well it's good to see Gavin now has good taste
She was previously married to Gavin Newsom.
Herman Cain has been hospitalized and is being treated for COVID-19Health official: Trump rally ‘likely’ source of virus surge (https://apnews.com/ad96548245e186382225818d8dc416eb)
Attend Tulsa without mask
Either way it’s going to really suck...our kids have special needs and NEED to be around other kids and get special services
And that’s the thing..a ton of Americans agree with Trump..even liberals are going on vacations - with extended families (I see the posts on FB)- and just saying Fuck it I ain’t old ain’t going to kill me...my kids need our traditional vacay with their cousins
It’s too easy to just blame Trump and Republicans
The people I see on my FB at the beach..getting together with extended family...are wealthy...and liberal
yeah, seems like the issue is indoor prolonged exposure
after ALL these protests, there has been very little indication that those events were spreading things
but a lot has been traced to bars/parties/churches
that's where the school thing is an issue...spending the entire day with other indoor is not the same as a 1 hour visit to the grocery store once a week
*I'm not a doctor and my advice should be taken at your own risk
It’s too easy to just blame Trump and Republicans
The people I see on my FB at the beach..getting together with extended family...are wealthy...and liberal
So you test kids and teachers every day before they go to school or just before the first day? Every week?I have no idea, but I don't hear a single person talking about it
...of course Trump will insist...he can insist all he wants, the states/counties run the schools, not the federal gov't
The Grille at Flower Hill in Gaithersburg has a very peculiar way of responding to complaints. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-mask-restaurant-gaithersburg/2020/07/06/36cc9192-bf9b-11ea-9fdd-b7ac6b051dc8_story.html)
This misconception I think is also a problem
The Grille at Flower Hill in Gaithersburg has a very peculiar way of responding to complaints. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/no-mask-restaurant-gaithersburg/2020/07/06/36cc9192-bf9b-11ea-9fdd-b7ac6b051dc8_story.html)
Follow up: This guy is a massive piece of work (https://wtop.com/montgomery-county/2020/07/restaurant-that-shut-its-doors-rather-than-require-staff-wear-masks-likely-to-change-ownership/)
"(P)eople need to be exposed to germs."
Huh? Nothing to gain by avoiding covid?
That’s a weird thing to say
And the idea letting this thing get out of control isn’t going to impact us?
This keeps going the way it is there are going to be serious repercussions for everyone
Democrats will be faced with a tough choice
Just with respect to concert venues no deal means no aid and will make it hard for some venues to survive ...a deal doesn’t necessarily mean aid will arrive
I would vote NO...whatever Republicans put forth will have too many poison pills
I think the thing is that alcohol and smoking probably make one more at risk and lowers your immune response too. So putting you at higher risk of catching (unlike at a protest where people are staying sober)
In fact this virus seems to love partying, bars and live music!
What is odd is stupidy isn't technically a risk-factor. But it's becoming aperent it is.
Definitely no. This is absolutely incorrect.
You have no immunity. The symptoms of COVID are your body's immune system trying to figure out what to do.
Alcohol and smoking are higher risk factors, but only because they cloud your judgement and you no longer practice social distancing or wear masks. (Tho for real, people going to bars probably didn't bring masks to begin with.)
six reasons for optimism (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/07/14/need-some-good-news-about-covid-19-here-are-six-reasons-optimism/)This is what I keep saying and glad to hear that this is a reason to be optimistic
if the vaccine is available, the side-effects are better than the disease.
What side effects do you think there will be? What side effects are you afraid of?The side-effect in the Will smith movie I am Legend
With Walmart and Sam's club now requiring masks, I suspect one will see paparazzi level of people standing around store entrances with smartphones in hand...
Pardon me if I am skeptical of big pharmaceutical companies...I guess everyone but me missed all the stories about the drugs that caused permanent damage to people
It’s reasonable for me to be cautious if a new vaccine is produced in record time: a few months
Like I said I will be careful what I put in my body - and even more so my kids
Having said that we always have gotten all the vaccines and flu shots
Although some negative reactions are like when you take the flu shot, right?
Why you all being pricks?has something changed, that seems to be the norm ;)
It’s reasonable for me to be cautious if a new vaccine is produced in record time: a few months
It’s reasonable for me to be cautious if a new vaccine is produced in record time: a few months
Agreed. Clinical trials normally take years. Any trial that is completed in months would seemingly ignore long term effects, for starters. Seems like that would be important in this particular case.
The only long term side effect of a vaccine is immunity.
@charlesornsteinI had hoped it was a glitch, but no...The @CDCgov hospital capacity dashboard has gone dark. @CDCDirectorWell this is good news to counter that
has said CDC still has access to the data but apparently the public no longer does.
I would take advice from a local medical doctor rather than some rando CDC employee or washed up music forum boardie.hey man, don't be so hard on yourself ;)
washed up music forum boardie.Is the forum, the club, or us boardies washed up? Or some combination of the three?
has a Masters in Public Health and works with CDC regularlySo are you saying she's compromised?
this highly politicized CDC
I don't think the implication was that the CDC is policical...more that it's become a culture war to take the red pill or the blue pill on thisthis highly politicized CDC
wait, the CDC is highly politicized?
Ok...if we can't get testing done one way...another city's aproach...test their shit
officials in Elko County did a sewage survey and think that 2,000 (of the county's ~20,000 residents) are actively infected with COVID-19, @ElkoDaily reports. Last night, Elko County reported 151 active infections, 288 cases total.
Could this potentially be helpful?
"You can't plan for something that hasn't happened yet" - Betsy Devos, when asked what she would do if there is an outbreak of Covid in schools. There is no plan to protect our children.
Well apparently I was duped...it sounded real and someone put it in quotes ...my bad"You can't plan for something that hasn't happened yet" - Betsy Devos, when asked what she would do if there is an outbreak of Covid in schools. There is no plan to protect our children.
Source? I hate DeVos as much as anyone but where’d that come from?
You just don’t know what to believe
I just heard Redfield say he expects multiple vaccines later this year...then I read this:
You just don’t know what to believe
I just heard Redfield say he expects multiple vaccines later this year...then I read this:
Yeah, sure seems like we're toast.
MD and VA added to the list of states required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York State. DC not on list. If NoVA were a separate state, they would not be on the list.
https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-leery-of-2-key-threats-to-new-yorks-covid-progress/2523067/ (https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-leery-of-2-key-threats-to-new-yorks-covid-progress/2523067/)
MD and VA added to the list of states required to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival in New York State. DC not on list. If NoVA were a separate state, they would not be on the list.
https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-leery-of-2-key-threats-to-new-yorks-covid-progress/2523067/ (https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/cuomo-leery-of-2-key-threats-to-new-yorks-covid-progress/2523067/)
how quaint that they think folks will actually self-quarantine for 14 days upon arrival. bubba just flew across the country to visit mom, and now he's supposed to hole up in a hotel for 2 weeks? it's the right thing to do, but i seriously question the level of compliance this is going to enjoy. we can't even get a significant portion of the population to wear a mask for 30 minute while they grocery shop - does anyone think these same people are going self-isolate for any amount of time? i supposed it gives authorities a framework to go after folks, after the fact...
so to be clear...wasn't meant as a burn, but to say...hey maybe we can do concerts in those 'bumper tables'^ that should go in the Hey Seth thread :oFucking savage. Good God, that man has a family, Hatch.
imagine how fun it would be to slam dance
So, obvious question why so much higher death rate in NY?I have heard that treatment methods are much more effective now than they were in March/April
One theory could be that NY had a much higher number of covid cases than testing demonstrated or TX, CA, FL?
It’s a huge difference
Or the virus strain in NYC was more virulent?That is also being said
Amazing nobody even mentions it and people keep parroting what a great job Cuomo did!!! I mean did he?I think this reaction is based on where you get your news from
And then require employers to fully fund sick leave if someone tests positive?
There is something to dying with your family in your home vs. in a hospital surrounded by bright lights/beeping machines all alone most of the time.
There is something to dying with your family in your home vs. in a hospital surrounded by bright lights/beeping machines all alone most of the time.
The effort to extend life vs the quality of life is big and something most Americans are not comfortable with
I'm a supporter of in home hospice
For sure, but the cost to the hospital/insurance co/government pales in comparison to keeping someone in the hospitable for a few hoursThere is something to dying with your family in your home vs. in a hospital surrounded by bright lights/beeping machines all alone most of the time.
Home hospice requires some level of professional assistance, right? Wonder whether those kind of resources are available there.
If you're not from DC, and you're not from one of the 17 states that are still allowed non-quarantined entry entry into New York State, you're going to have to quarantine for 14 days upon entry into DC. VA and MD are excepted, but if they weren't, they'd have to quarantine.
If you're not from DC, and you're not from one of the 17 states that are still allowed non-quarantined entry entry into New York State, you're going to have to quarantine for 14 days upon entry into DC. VA and MD are excepted, but if they weren't, they'd have to quarantine.
So what if you fly to BWI, Dulles or National, then uber to DC? Then you're OK?
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.LOL his name is Louie. What a rube!
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.
Wait wasn’t he on the 🚌?
in the olden days, to plan a trip you needed a lonely planet guidebook and online reviews of local attractions.
in the age of COVID, you need this (https://covid19risk.biosci.gatech.edu/). use the "event size" slider to pick size of event, then see on map what the chances are that at least once person is infected at that event.
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.
I can't help but think that if I hadn't been wearing a mask so much in the last 10 days or so, I really wonder if I would have gotten it."
Louie G waxes about that the wearing a mask got him covid
Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.LOL his name is Louie. What a rube!
Gomer Pyle from the Andy Griffith Show and then his spinoff.Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.LOL his name is Louie. What a rube!
seems to me that "gohmert" is the worse part of that name. sounds like a dim-witted sidekick from some 50's show: "righty then, i'll go rescue the dame while you... GOHMERT! leave those chickens alone and come help me, for gosh sake!"
Gomer Pyle from the Andy Griffith Show and then his spinoff.Texas Rep. LOUIE GOHMERT has tested positive for the coronavirus.LOL his name is Louie. What a rube!
seems to me that "gohmert" is the worse part of that name. sounds like a dim-witted sidekick from some 50's show: "righty then, i'll go rescue the dame while you... GOHMERT! leave those chickens alone and come help me, for gosh sake!"
Been saying democrats should impeach againweren't you against it the first time?
there... is... no... bottom...
I’m no doctor
but I have not heard any reports of widespread infections from any of the protests
If there are I would like to know
biggest issues have been bars churches, nursing homes and indoor events
I heard close contact for prolonged periods of time is the high risk
Will people be riding packed busses to get to this march?
Will people be riding packed busses to get to this march?
This sounds like a conservative talking point rather than genuine concern for the safety of the marchers.
XDid you say pendant?
Well you may not consider yourself conservative but when you keep parroting Fox News talking points over and over its time to look in the mirror.
Will people be riding packed busses to get to this march?
This sounds like a conservative talking point rather than genuine concern for the safety of the marchers.
I am neither conservative, nor genuinely concerned for the safety of people making poor decisions...be they marchers or motorcycle enthusiasts.
I just want COVID to be contained rather than spread, and i see both of these events as poor decisions at this point in time.
Will people be riding packed busses to get to this march?
This sounds like a conservative talking point rather than genuine concern for the safety of the marchers.
I am neither conservative, nor genuinely concerned for the safety of people making poor decisions...be they marchers or motorcycle enthusiasts.
I just want COVID to be contained rather than spread, and i see both of these events as poor decisions at this point in time.
So you're emphasizing your own personal interests over racial equity. Sounds conservative enough.
There have been dozens of examples of Space’s conservatism
He may be the perfect example of what MLK termed the white moderate man that while not a racist is what stands in the way of progress on civil rights.
Let’s not forget for months Space’s position on Covid that we were overreacting...the cure worse than the problem..throw the old people overboard so his kid could go to school....etc
This went on for MONTHS
Again, exactly the Fox News Republican party line...
Yet he remains sadly unaware continuing to argue he is neither this or that...perfectly reasonable in the middle
this seems fair.Supposedly the school has a “no posting pictures of minors online without their consent” rule. Basically this school system just gave them a killer college essay if they know how to spin the righteous indignity.
students in georgia suspended from school for taking and sharing pictures of their school ....
https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/? (https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/?hpid=hp_hp-banner-main_georgiaschools-550pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans)
I don’t think that’s fair at all...I would kind of consider those photographs whistleblower evidence
this seems fair.Supposedly the school has a “no posting pictures of minors online without their consent” rule. Basically this school system just gave them a killer college essay if they know how to spin the righteous indignity.
students in georgia suspended from school for taking and sharing pictures of their school ....
https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/? (https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/?hpid=hp_hp-banner-main_georgiaschools-550pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans)
this seems fair.Supposedly the school has a “no posting pictures of minors online without their consent” rule. Basically this school system just gave them a killer college essay if they know how to spin the righteous indignity.
students in georgia suspended from school for taking and sharing pictures of their school ....
https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/? (https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2020/08/06/georgia-teens-shared-photos-maskless-students-crowded-hallways-now-theyre-suspended/?hpid=hp_hp-banner-main_georgiaschools-550pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory-ans)
This kid clearly gets it. No chance I would have at that age. I did get in trouble for wearing my Mr. Zog's Sexwax T-shirt though.
https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/07/us/georgia-teen-photo-crowded-school-hallway-trnd/index.html (https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/07/us/georgia-teen-photo-crowded-school-hallway-trnd/index.html)
But students in grades 9 through 12 are exempt from the phone ban, Watters said, and she didn't post the photo until school was over. Watters admitted she broke the policy on posting images of students to social media, but she doesn't regret it.
"I'd like to say this is some good and necessary trouble," Watters said. "My biggest concern is not only about me being safe, it's about everyone being safe because behind every teacher, student and staff member there is a family, there are friends, and I would just want to keep everyone safe."
Didn’t realize only VA, but it has to start and it really isn’t that hard to do.Curious... have any Virginians installed this
The app is called: Covidwise
The 35 and under part of my social media group are all about this. I agree that this is not really getting advertised enough to get enough people using it for it to work fully.Didn’t realize only VA, but it has to start and it really isn’t that hard to do.Curious... have any Virginians installed this
The app is called: Covidwise
This seemed to be rolled out worse than new coke
I have heard Zero people talking about this in the news or social media
]The 35 and under part of my social media group are all about this.I didn't know you were a TikTok'er
Putin says Russia's coronavirus vaccine has been registered; his daughter is among those inoculatedWhat side effects do you think there will be? What side effects are you afraid of?The side-effect in the Will Smith movie I am Legend
I’m no doctor(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EfFbMemXgAEA8JF?format=png&name=900x900)
but I have not heard any reports of widespread infections from any of the protests
If there are I would like to know
Why Diet Coke May Be in Shorter Supply Due to Spread of Virus (https://www.nbcwashington.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/why-diet-coke-may-be-in-shorter-supply-due-to-spread-of-virus/2226250/)
Why Diet Coke May Be in Shorter Supply Due to Spread of Virus (https://www.nbcwashington.com/entertainment/entertainment-news/why-diet-coke-may-be-in-shorter-supply-due-to-spread-of-virus/2226250/)
The Crisis continues: Dr. Pepper acknowledges canned soda shortage, working on solution (https://www.wsbtv.com/news/trending/dr-pepper-acknowledges-canned-soda-shortage-working-solution/RHKZTQ3IJRHSXNLVZFDMPCW2KU/)
file under "we've already told you there is no bottom":
that awful cesspool that is the Sturgis motorcycle rally. old, overweight, chain-smoking diabetics inhaling fumes all day, packed in like sardines, with zero masks not social distancing. how could this pit of despair possibly get any worse?
Smash Mouth holds packed concert at motorcycle rally (https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2020/08/11/smash-mouth-band-coronavirus-attitude-crn-vpx.cnn)
I don’t know that many people realize how dire things are beginning to look...the stock market kinda shocks me in this matter, since it's more of a forward looking measure
I wonder if some of the real estate price increase in this area is due to people wanting to buy some bricks...home prices here in Arlington going up up up and it ain’t the schools!Real Estate too...it's crazy
My brother in law builds homes in Houston and they can’t keep pace with demand
the stock market kinda shocks me in this matter, since it's more of a forward looking measure
You'd think the people with a lot of money on the line would just start pulling money out
Real Estate too...it's crazy
interest rates have something to do with it, but I'm just a little shocked
so ...CovidwiseHappy to find out I was off by 499,994 downloads
But to be honest...I may be the only person with the App installed
This app is a simple way for people to contact trace but isn't really effective if 6 people install it
Take Off Your Mask Day (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gwm_DqkO_sI&fbclid=IwAR1cF-hbjxO5flQ93YkJXfUp0h7Me_zCGm5fujwZra72iIvriaotwQjdgBo)
Yeah. Good luck with that.
U.S. stocks continue their surge, with the S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and the Nasdaq all finishing the day higher on Wednesday, as seemingly every sector of the market has rallied since the start of the third quarter.the stock market kinda shocks me in this matter, since it's more of a forward looking measure
You'd think the people with a lot of money on the line would just start pulling money out
Take a close look at which stock are having the most growth and how much. They're carrying the rest.
Wall Street makes me want to puke
People have to stop equating the health of companies and the stock market with the actual financial status of the 300 million Americans who have no means to acquire stock.I don't think that assesment is correct
Now is this because vaping makes the lungs more receptive to the novel coronavirus or because vapers are too stupid to socially distance themselves?Makes sense to me.
So my wife's friend has recently taken part in some gang bangs and just car fucked a guy a few days ago who she met on the internet and is proclaiming she's in a relationship with him. She also has custody of her four kids.This dog will hunt.
In the past six months, we've avoided contact with everyone. My daughter had one socially distanced, supervised outdoor play date. I went to visit my brother and elderly mom, both whom I'm 100% sure had been playing it safe. We got tested before going on vacation in Maine and wore masks and ate outdoors with distance from other diners. We maintained six feet distance outdoors when stopping by to see some old friends, who we also knew were playing things very safely. We also did a virtual happy hour with some friends. Other than that, avoided other social interaction.
So my wife's friend wants to dine outdoors, unmasked, not distanced from my wife. I'm as sex positive as Relaxer, so no moral judgments here...but i just don't think this is a good idea right now.
Is it?
I never been in a gang bang thoughNothing has ever been less revelatory than this statement.
Wait. If you are asking if your wife and you joining a gang bang at this point makes sense I have to say no
I never been in a gang bang though
While in turn not giving a shit about anything my wife has to share about herself.
While in turn not giving a shit about anything my wife has to share about herself.
this is the real reason your wife shouldn't see this person.
otherwise, eat outside 6+ feet apart. you're not being a controlling asshole when your concern is the health of yourself and your family.
While in turn not giving a shit about anything my wife has to share about herself.
this is the real reason your wife shouldn't see this person.
otherwise, eat outside 6+ feet apart. you're not being a controlling asshole when your concern is the health of yourself and your family.
Thanks Dan Savage, I agree. That description of friend comes from complaints from my wife, it's not my words.
Is outdoor restaurant seating set up some you can be 6+ feet from the person you're dining with? You'd have to be on opposite corners of a large picnic table. I think the idea of socially distanced outdoor dining is being 6+ away from other parties, not other people in your party.
200,000The rolling compendium of integers is over there.
thanks heat ray stolen and reposted on The FacebookI think Heat Ray Hatch is one of my favorite monikers
Indiana just opted to fully reopen in a Stage 5 return to normalcy
Stage 5 dictates:
• Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs may operate
at FULL capacity
• Conventions, sports events, fairs, festivals and like events may resume
Several of us have COVIDwise installed. This has been discussed.You mentioned something about the youth you knew who put it on
Indiana just opted to fully reopen in a Stage 5 return to normalcyBREAKING: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just announced that he is moving Florida to phase 3 which means bars & restaurants are open without any restrictions
Stage 5 dictates:
• Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs may operate
at FULL capacity
• Conventions, sports events, fairs, festivals and like events may resume
Indiana just opted to fully reopen in a Stage 5 return to normalcyBREAKING: Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just announced that he is moving Florida to phase 3 which means bars & restaurants are open without any restrictions
Stage 5 dictates:
• Restaurants, bars, and nightclubs may operate
at FULL capacity
• Conventions, sports events, fairs, festivals and like events may resume
this whole nightmare scenario where trump calls into question the legitimacy of the election results, dispatches an army of lawyers to sue in every voting district (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/09/27/trump-legal-network-election-day-fight-422035), the election is dragged out, and with no "accepted" result by the time electoral college electors need to gather in DC to vote for the prez that state legislatures step in and appoint their own electors (https://www.spotlightpa.org/news/2020/09/pennsylvania-popular-vote-presidential-election-legislature-donald-trump/)... has me really concerned. my confidence in the resilience of american democracy isn't very high right now.I would be kinda stunned if this doesn’t happen.
Um...ben, it really turns out badly in that movie...but thanks for reading my postsWhat side effects do you think there will be? What side effects are you afraid of?The side-effect in the Will Smith movie I am Legend
Putin says Russia's coronavirus vaccine has been registered; his daughter is among those inoculated
So does anyone remember how soon it took for people to turn into zombies in that movie?
US Covid cases per million by state from June 1 to Oct 1
Barron.. was positiveHe has since been negative
Do these fuckers really have the cure and are making people wait until the election
A lot of people, round here, are talking about a possible second lockdown. We are stocking back up on food for we looked in horror last night at our pantry and basement storage shelving that we are seriously low on canned foods / pastas / soups / sauces / cookies and junk food.
We are planning our massive Costco / Walmart / target / Aldi shopping delivery to our doorstep run here in the next few days, to have supplies for the winter. That's how we live out here in the woods and mountains; like men; like men with internet and credit cards and a desire to not step back foot in stores.
And for toilet paper / paper towels . . . we like this: https://us.whogivesacrap.org/
Ahhhh the guy who refused to wear a mask even when Trump got itmy vote: Stephen Miller
One of these fuckers got to drop dead
Ahhhh the guy who refused to wear a mask even when Trump got itmy vote: Stephen Miller
One of these fuckers got to drop dead
Well apparently Republicans, when they vote...it's legal, everyone else...illegalAhhhh the guy who refused to wear a mask even when Trump got itmy vote: Stephen Miller
One of these fuckers got to drop dead
Republicans don't recognize the results of votes, so you're SOL.
Ben Carson, positiveAndrea Junker ®@Strandjunker
Should I pull the trigger and get some plane tickets to LAX for June summer break? Tickets are so damn cheap right now, even for fully refundable tickets.OK, are we setting the O/U on how many times he mentions this vacation before then now, or do we wait until he actually books the flight?
We would choose Covid safe activities once we got there, it's the flight and airport that's scare me, at least a little Bit thinking things will be improved by June?
I can’t believe people are taking the idea of flying - willingly- seriously
Seems premature
At our current rate we are averaging about 1 million new cases per week.
Probably we need to , you know, take this thing seriously and make some progress first?
I mean sucks about Thanksgiving and the vacation plans... sucks about the kids school.., believe me I know
I hope the vaccine changes everything
Corey Lewandowski contracts covidIt is odd that so many have contracted and none have died...of course the one black guy, Cain, did
One of these fuckers gotta die
Corey Lewandowski contracts covidIt is odd that so many have contracted and none have died...of course the one black guy, Cain, did
One of these fuckers gotta die
How did Christie make it out of the ICU, that guy is a covid disney world
It’s not odd...they get best care
Can we hit 200,000?!?
Pure insanity
Can we hit 200,000?!?I will never understand this boards obsession with post counts.
Pure insanity
87 year old senator Chuck Grassley tests positive for covidPresident Pro Tem of the Senate!
Jez...My boss just told me he tested positive for covid...glad we all work remotely now
I think Sidehatch has more “old bosses” than Mia Farrow has children....Hopefully, he won't become an Old Boss...but he is doing well so far
I don't find it odd. Most of them are under 70. Then if you're over 70, you've still got a 95% chance of survival.
The CDC did not include an IFR estimate for people 80 or older. But judging from crude case fatality rates (deaths divided by confirmed cases), the IFR for people in that age group would be substantially higher than 5.4 percent.
87 year old senator Chuck Grassley tests positive for covid
How do I get my hands on the Pfizer or moderna vaccine?Get a job as a frontline health care worker (I think working in a nursing home might qualify)
So serious question
How do I get my hands on the Pfizer or moderna vaccine?
Disclaimer: I am an absolute nobody and sadly my life is of no importance to anyone but a very few people - a little more than half-in my small family.. I fulfill no important role in society.
Gee now I am depressed....
Had to chuckle when I saw Phizer's claim of 95% effectiveness. Just had to be just a tad better than Moderna's 94.5% ::)Moderna has, seemingly, the far superior product because theirs (1) is a single dose vs dual dose, and (2) works with regular refrigeration which would allow it to be sent directly to doctor's offices and pharmacies.
Had to chuckle when I saw Phizer's claim of 95% effectiveness. Just had to be just a tad better than Moderna's 94.5% ::)Moderna has, seemingly, the far superior product because theirs (1) is a single dose vs dual dose, and (2) works with regular refrigeration which would allow it to be sent directly to doctor's offices and pharmacies.
Just give it to me..
I'm pretty sure Moderna is two doses, just like Pfizer. But please cite your source and I'm happy to be proved wrong. You are correct about the refrigeration.Fresh Air with Terry Gross on Monday. I might have misheard or the person talking about it may have been misinformed, re: the dual doses.
I'm pretty sure Moderna is two doses, just like Pfizer. But please cite your source and I'm happy to be proved wrong. You are correct about the refrigeration.Fresh Air with Terry Gross on Monday. I might have misheard or the person talking about it may have been misinformed, re: the dual doses.
so far soo good for chuck87 year old senator Chuck Grassley tests positive for covid
So based on that...what are Pres ProT odds?
Had to chuckle when I saw Phizer's claim of 95% effectiveness. Just had to be just a tad better than Moderna's 94.5% ::)
I guess people don’t think it’s a big thing but by time Biden takes over we will be at point where 1 out of every 1000 Americans has died from covidThe cavalier nature that half of this country takes to facts that they find inconvenient will be the downfall of the US. Period.
The American people scare me
That is really where I think the US really fucked up, we should have just had made it easy to get tested for free and I think we'd be in a much better place than we are now
first, you need to want to test yourself, i.e. believe the pandemic is real and be willing to make the effort to get tested.
second, you have to be willing to do the right things if you test positive (quarantine).I really think that most people, if they got a positive test, they would quarantine... even in maga country
finally, tests aren't perfect and they're only a snapshot in time -Of course, but if it was free and easy, people would test more
Rudy G's Son Andrew, who was at a packed press conference yesterday... guess he'll need some time off from his cushy WH job
Oh the irony
Rick Scott, (R-FL)
Another republican senator
Sen. Kelly Loeffler tests positive for coronavirus
The Pfizer and Modena vaccines were both effective, protective and safe. But the Oxford one seems to be effective, protective, and safe. (via (https://twitter.com/dalmaer/status/1331023315410898945))
The Pfizer and Modena vaccines were both effective, protective and safe. But the Oxford one seems to be effective, protective, and safe. (via (https://twitter.com/dalmaer/status/1331023315410898945))
took me a second, but - solid.
”Oxford”/Harvard/serial comma. An English major joke.The Pfizer and Modena vaccines were both effective, protective and safe. But the Oxford one seems to be effective, protective, and safe. (via (https://twitter.com/dalmaer/status/1331023315410898945))
took me a second, but - solid.
Help me out, I don't get the joke.
”Oxford”/Harvard/serial comma. An English major joke.The Pfizer and Modena vaccines were both effective, protective and safe. But the Oxford one seems to be effective, protective, and safe. (via (https://twitter.com/dalmaer/status/1331023315410898945))
took me a second, but - solid.
Help me out, I don't get the joke.
This is weird coming from me as someone whose business is adjacent to congregant care facilities, but we are way over-prioritizing ALF and SNF residents. Frontline medical staff, then teachers, then elderly starting with those with particular comorbidities.
I don't want to come off antivax, but if there's a side effect, its going to impact the elderly most prominently (most likely) so why give the frailest of them -- and ones who are essentially quarantined -- it first? I just think the order is wrong.
Concertgoers really need to be first...for the good of everyoneI thought it went without saying that Neil Young needs to get dose #1.
Concertgoers really need to be first...for the good of everyoneI thought it went without saying that Neil Young needs to get dose #1.
Actually, Willie is #1.Stardust sucks. He can kick for all I care. And Neil Young is an American citizen now.
2611 new deaths reported today
I hope it’s mainly a backlog and the number will go way down soon but that might be wishful thinking
My in-laws invited us to Indiana for Xmas, where to them "COVID is no big deal." The answer is a big fat no.
My in-laws invited us to Indiana for Xmas, where to them "COVID is no big deal." The answer is a big fat no.
and let's be honest, it's Indiana in December. sure there are some nice breweries and seeing family is nice (for about an hour), but frankly this might be the one situation where i'd be grateful for the pandemic.
2611 new deaths reported today
I hope it’s mainly a backlog and the number will go way down soon but that might be wishful thinking
Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing has died at the age of 94 after contracting the coronavirus.
Former French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing has died at the age of 94 after contracting the coronavirus.
woah. big name.
who is the most famous person who died from the 'rona? on this side of the atlantic, i'm thinking herman cain? roy horn (of siegfried & roy)? nick cordero's fight against the disease got some mainstream heat...
(i suspect someone here is going to say john prine, but c'mon - he's beloved, but not widely famous)
what the flying fuck
At least they were arrested, but only after the flight happened
this is where it was supposed to go...but my big thumbs and little phone obviously are not a good replacement for an actual keyboard and mouse
Almost 10% of the NBA
Playing professional and collegiate sports in the current context is lunacy. The insistence on providing “circus” is just sad.I missed this in that story
Obama, Bush and Clinton say they'll get vaccine publicly to prove safety http://hill.cm/bcZsluq
(pre-covid pic)
Kinda crazy how all three of these guys are younger than the two who ran for pres this year
Playing professional and collegiate sports in the current context is lunacy. The insistence on providing “circus” is just sad.I missed this in that story
The positivity rate of roughly 9% is below the national average, which is hovering around 10%.
yikes...so they are actually lower than the general population!
250K on December 4
400K on January 1
Obama, Bush and Clinton say they'll get vaccine publicly to prove safety http://hill.cm/bcZsluqand 96 year old Jimmy Carter
According to one model, I am approximately last in line for the vaccine:I was 9th from the end of the line ...
Dang, I'm behind Homeless and Prisoners...some great thanks for all my support of the Florida Felons
250K on December 4
400K on January 1
I'm going to change those dates to December 5 and January 2, as Saturdays seem to be the max out day.
217K today, so 250K on Saturday seems within reach.
250K on December 4
400K on January 1
I'm going to change those dates to December 5 and January 2, as Saturdays seem to be the max out day.
217K today, so 250K on Saturday seems within reach.
235K today. Tomorrow?
He is talking about new cases
567 cases for Fairfax County today. And it's Sunday. Might be the most I've seen of any single day.
Rudy got the Rona.
No, I think its Johns Hopkins Landscaping.Rudy got the Rona.
I just read he's been airlifted to Walter Reed and Sons Piano Repair.
567 cases for Fairfax County today. And it's Sunday. Might be the most I've seen of any single day.
620 today. So much for the weekend undercount.
Interesting read for sure.
man, that is a complex and expensive procedure!
I gotta imagine this would be a good time to be selling Ultra-cold freezers!
a quick search says they cost 15-20k
First to market by like a week.
First to market by like a week.
First to market by like a week.
also, demand >>>>> supply. the non-ultra-cold vaccine from Moderna is on the way, but we can't manufacture enough of it, fast enough. so while the Pfizer vax is a pain in the ass (even though the shot goes in your arm - badum psh), it's effective - so we do what it takes to get it out there.
i can't wait to read/see reporting on the black market for these vaccines. you know that somewhere, somehow, the 1% will have access at ridiculous prices. i certainly would be willing to pay $10k (o whatever the price is) for a dose for me and my family if i had that kind of money.
...and $10K for the second dose? All the vaccines are a 2-shot deal.
You're obviously not a firefighter from NYC.
...and $10K for the second dose? All the vaccines are a 2-shot deal.
yup. if i had millions in the bank, i'd pay $20k/person to vaccinate my family. but i don't so the point is academic.You're obviously not a firefighter from NYC.
not quite sure what you're getting at... that firefighters in NYC are in the 1%?
Ellen has the Rona.
You forgot to log into the Space Freely account.Ellen has the Rona.
I thought she changed his name to Elliot the other day?
This should contain it
Just to be clear I was being facetious
A curfew between 12 and 5 am it seems to me would hardly impact anybody
Just to be clear I was being facetiousYou fool. Everyone knows Covid comes out at night.
A curfew between 12 and 5 am it seems to me would hardly impact anybody
A curfew between 12 and 5 am it seems to me would hardly impact anybodythere was a time when this might have impacted me, but those times are gone
The thing I’m confused by is — restaurants/breweries/etc de facto had to close at 10pm anyway since that’s when they had to stop serving alcohol. Where are you stopping these people from being at 1am?A curfew between 12 and 5 am it seems to me would hardly impact anybodythere was a time when this might have impacted me, but those times are gone
Rumor has it cuddle parties kick off at 2AM and have been linked to major super-spreader eventsThe thing I’m confused by is — restaurants/breweries/etc de facto had to close at 10pm anyway since that’s when they had to stop serving alcohol. Where are you stopping these people from being at 1am?A curfew between 12 and 5 am it seems to me would hardly impact anybodythere was a time when this might have impacted me, but those times are gone
Devin Nunes
Devin Nunes
antibodies only, no live virus. looks like he got over it and survived. too bad.
All for this but are we to think people who won’t wear masks will be responsibly testing themselves?I don't think you'd get 100% of them, but if all the sensible people and 30% of those idiots do it...Yes I think this could work
Also these tests could help but also might contribute to giving people a false sense of security about going out more...therefore increasing risk of actually getting covidSo if they aren't accurate, that could be a problem
I'm with Hutch, skeptical that people who don't have ample paid sick leave are going to stay home from work just because of a positive test result.Maybe Congress passes a Covid Sick leave plan
I'm with Hutch, skeptical that people who don't have ample paid sick leave are going to stay home from work just because of a positive test result.Maybe Congress passes a Covid Sick leave plan
where if you test positive, the gov't will pay your employer your salary for 1 month
I just found $2.6 bill, not sure it that will pay for all of that, but it's a start
what if we cut off funding to PBS, that's like 5 trillion right?
Let's say the average Joe makes 4k per month. 2.6 billion pays for about 650K people to stay home for a month. We're averaging 1.4 million new cases a week.Ok by your math, we'd have 8.4 mil cases in 6 weeks
...so unless we pick up both senate seats in Georgia -is this where I say pendant?
I'm with Hutch
All for this but are we to think people who won’t wear masks will be responsibly testing themselves?
Michael Mina, an epidemiologist at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, believes if just half the U.S. population were able to test themselves every four days, the country could quickly achieve vaccine-like "herd immunity" by letting people know in real time when they were contagious.
So what would be the motivation for people to take these tests regularly? I tested once for travel purposes back in the summer, and the state I was going to wouldn't even accept this antigen test.
So what would be the motivation for people to take these tests regularly? I tested once for travel purposes back in the summer, and the state I was going to wouldn't even accept this antigen test.
n=1. we've come a long way (since), baby.
admittedly this isn't everyone, but a lot of people have a sense of personal responsibility, and/or are willing to do their part to slow down the pandemic. yes, the anti-mask MAGAts get all the attention, but at least around me i see a lot of responsible folks out there on the rare times i go grocery shopping, to the post office, etc.
Now, if they were forcing my kid to go into school in-person,Sweets, I read Inslee is sending the kids back
As i have since March, i wear my mask everywhere indoors, don't go within 10 feet of anybody outdoors, go to the grocery store at oddball times, telework 100% of the time, have not eaten indoors a single time, etc.....I'll save the tests, which have a high degree of inaccuracy anyway. for those who need and want them. Sorry, that doesn't make me irresponsible.I appreciate your diligence but I really think you and your family can resume using your dining room this winter. Its cold out there, man.
So what would be the motivation for people to take these tests regularly? I tested once for travel purposes back in the summer, and the state I was going to wouldn't even accept this antigen test.
n=1. we've come a long way (since), baby.
admittedly this isn't everyone, but a lot of people have a sense of personal responsibility, and/or are willing to do their part to slow down the pandemic. yes, the anti-mask MAGAts get all the attention, but at least around me i see a lot of responsible folks out there on the rare times i go grocery shopping, to the post office, etc.
As i have since March, i wear my mask everywhere indoors, don't go within 10 feet of anybody outdoors, go to the grocery store at oddball times, telework 100% of the time, have not eaten indoors a single time, etc.....I'll save the tests, which have a high degree of inaccuracy anyway. for those who need and want them. Sorry, that doesn't make me irresponsible.
Now, if they were forcing my kid to go into school in-person,Sweets, I read Inslee is sending the kids back
sweets is now a pod-person?
I'm not even sure what a pod is.
So proud of my daughter. Straight A's in her AAP classes and Algebra 1 so far in DL. Has had one masked playdate in nine months and has barely complained.
I think we got lucky. She got DL for the two middle school years that everyone hates anyways. I don't envy the parents of lower elementary and feel bad for the high schoolers missing the high school experience.
i'm sure i should know this, but what is "DL"? i only know it as meaning "down-low", as in "please keep that story on the DL", or "he sleeps with other men on the DL."
Well there is also the DL = Disabled List
i'm sure i should know this, but what is "DL"? i only know it as meaning "down-low", as in "please keep that story on the DL", or "he sleeps with other men on the DL."
I know what the other two DL's are, but i was referring to DL=Distance Learning.
My understanding is today we hit a sad milestone with 1 out of 1000 Americans dead from covid.
Just found out I should expect to get the Moderna vaccine the week of January 11-15. Best Christmas present, ever.we should probably have a thread and Instagram account....and no we are not paying to fly your photographer in, you are going to need to get a selfie stick
I am not at all surprised that Julian would potentially be the first boardie to get the vaccine.Ive been telegramming things for you all for years. Pay attention.
I was trying to figure out your cryptic message and screen name change on this....I am not at all surprised that Julian would potentially be the first boardie to get the vaccine.Ive been telegramming things for you all for years. Pay attention.
We are actually talking about having all the executives get it the first day and do it live on a webinar to try and get more people in the company to agree to it. We sent out a survey and close to 30% are outright declining or "unsure" if they want to get it, which is staggering to me.
Jules is an assistant to the regional manager at a health care company.
31-64 is the "everybody else" category
He will probably blame me for his kid not returning to school sooner.
A better metric might be how does it compare to the previous December 23rd?It's down quite a bit...but I think that it's the highest day since march is still telling
I would say Jack up uS total by 100,000
People just don’t understand what is happening
1 in 960 Americans have died from covid ...my guess is that number understates it and it’s more like 1 out of 700...that’s a hell of a lot of people
Yet there is no reaction
The vaccine rollout seems as flawed as everything else
People just don’t understand what is happening
1 in 960 Americans have died from covid ...my guess is that number understates it and it’s more like 1 out of 700...that’s a hell of a lot of people
Yet there is no reaction
The vaccine rollout seems as flawed as everything else
No, it's likely not.
It takes some time to set up the distribution of that many vaccines. How many locations are there nationwide that should be receiving doses? 5,000? 10,000? That's a ton of coordination.
And there needs to be clear guidance on who is supposed to get the vaccines. Does that exist at a local level? Is there any accountability to that?
And there needs to be a protocol in place on how to identify those people, set up rooms with necessary equipment, ensure staff is in place to intake, administer and monitor the recipients. Times 10,000.
And all of this only affects the rollout. Once that's all in place, things will start to ramp up. But the start is slow by definition.
And remember, facilities can't administer all the doses they receive, since one shot is only half the dose. The most cautious approach is to only inject half the doses - in case you don't get anymore.
Also, they're saying you can't mix and match Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (Arnold Palmer, anyone?). So you're either a sole vaccine facility, or you get both and have to track who gets which one, and make sure you don't run out of either version...twice the complexity, adding to the risk.
So just be patient. You'll get yours. In the meantime, stay inside and wear a mask.
Also, they're saying you can't mix and match Pfizer and Moderna vaccines (Arnold Palmer, anyone?).
Ok, this was pretty funnyThought this had been discussed...
ben stager@bennnnst
my plan is to get one shot of pfizer and one shot of moderna aka the arnold palmer
Over 5200 new cases in Virginia reported today...
Over 5200 new cases in Virginia reported today...
Am I wrong that that's the highest number yet?
Mick Mulvaney at CPAC: Coronavirus is the Dem’s new favorite hoax. They want to bring down the President.
- Audience cheers
we are soo fucked...
Meanwhile record cases today and deaths reported at over 4000
Got my first dose scheduled for Wednesday at 3pm and my second dose of Moderna for 2/4. I’ll report back if Bill Gates starts talking to me.
I am upset at the number of people dying in the US
Over 4000 again today
This is a lot of dying
I am upset at the number of people dying in the US
Over 4000 again today
This is a lot of dying
That would fill up the redskins stadium in 3 weeks!
Space, I didn't know you lived in Arlington?Space would never pay for a costly attorney on something that has such a relatively low chance of working out.
Space, I didn't know you lived in Arlington?
can we get the wifes opinion on that?Space, I didn't know you lived in Arlington?
I think I've said repeatedly that we are happy with Fairfax County distance learning for this school year. Plus, I'm way sexier than that guy, who is the opposite of sexy.
can we get the wifes opinion on that?Space, I didn't know you lived in Arlington?
I think I've said repeatedly that we are happy with Fairfax County distance learning for this school year. Plus, I'm way sexier than that guy, who is the opposite of sexy.
This is what I wanted to knowPlus, I'm way sexier than that guycan we get the wifes opinion on that?
300,000 new cases reported today
We may just get to 400K in the end
I don’t know that we really can say our health care system is doing a bang up job
I think that's more of an indictment of a federal government that fails to lead and a general population that won't give up their "Freedoms".
I hope this vaccine doesn't become an annual thing
Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine expected to provide immunity for at least 1 year
I hope this vaccine doesn't become an annual thing
Moderna's COVID-19 vaccine expected to provide immunity for at least 1 year
All signs point to this being an annual thing. Also, the current slate of vaccines may only be 60% effective against the new South African variant. Expect more mutations that may or may not be controlled by the vaccine. We'll always be playing catch-up developing vaccines to deal with new strains, and it will become a guessing game as to what mix of vaccines should go in the shot.
This is exactly what is happening with the flu shot. COVID-19 is the new influenza.
Back of the envelope rough calculation
US death rate about 1.66%
Israel death rate 0.75%
Argentina death rate 2.5%
Mexico death rate 9%
Germany 2%
Canada 2.5%
So maybe our health care system is doing a good job particularly given the strain
Mexico probably has done the worst job.. case count accuracy probably varies greatly with countries that don’t test a lot probably looking worse..
I have a strong compulsion to buy an XBox all of a sudden.
Covid forever
Anyone else hear that in Virginia smokers have access to the vaccine?This is correct-ish. Most localities are not distributing to 1C yet but smokers are considered to have a "pre-existing condition" and can get vaccinated in the same group with COPD sufferers and folks over 70. Hell of a time to smoke.
I am averaging two cigarettes a day currently
I'm just a few pastry stouts away from "obese."
I'm just a few pastry stouts away from "obese."
I don’t believe this....
I'm just a few pastry stouts away from "obese."
I don’t believe this....
28.9 BMI
The last pic I saw of $pace he resembled Jeff Tweedy.dang, that's quite an insult
I got really bad posture ..Can confirm
He can’t look as bad as Tweedy..that guy is now wider than a queen sized bed.. what the fuck happened?
I thought he was closer to Neil Young...
He can’t look as bad as Tweedy..that guy is now wider than a queen sized bed.. what the fuck happened?
Black hipster glasses, long graying greasy hair, pot belly... I didn't say he looked just like him, resembled.
While this is all true, I do have very muscular legs
I think it's funny that at least two people who have never met me or seen a picture of me have definitive ideas about what i look like!
I didn’t realize you are so big...
You come across small in your writing
I think it's funny that at least two people who have never met me or seen a picture of me have definitive ideas about what i look like!
I thought your pic was posted here once. Maybe that was fake news 🤷♂️
Yada how you doing weight wise?
Yada how you doing weight wise?
You must've missed my post on the previous page.
Yada how you doing weight wise?
You must've missed my post on the previous page.
Yada how you doing weight wise?
You must've missed my post on the previous page.
Wait, you resemble Tweedy?
Yada how you doing weight wise?
You must've missed my post on the previous page.
This is actually the wrong thread for this topic. Getting the thread back on track, who is Virginia, and to a lesser extent Maryland, doing so poorly? West Virginia is #1.
Oh ok found it..my bad
Sorry I have not been 100% focused on this forum today
I think you may have posted it and you definitely looked like neil young in the photoI think it's funny that at least two people who have never met me or seen a picture of me have definitive ideas about what i look like!
I thought your pic was posted here once. Maybe that was fake news 🤷♂️
I'm not savvy enough to post a pic here. Nor do I care enough to bother figuring it out. If it was, someone else did it. Or posted a fake.
Plot thickens
Is this the same in DC and MD?Just got off the phone with our Silver Spring office -- yes: smoking puts you in 1C in MD. I'll see if I can get someone on the phone in DC in a bit.
Is this the same in DC and MD?Just got off the phone with our Silver Spring office -- yes: smoking puts you in 1C in MD. I'll see if I can get someone on the phone in DC in a bit.
I really can't speak for every facility handing it out but I will say from personal experience this week that the pharmacy I got the shot at was really doing no employment verification. It was just "and who do you work for" and that was it. The link to get an appointment was mostly passed around thru health care circles but there would have been absolutely nothing stopping me from sending the sign up link to a buddy, them getting an appointment, throwing an $8 scrub top on and claiming to work for a doctors office and getting the shot.Is this the same in DC and MD?Just got off the phone with our Silver Spring office -- yes: smoking puts you in 1C in MD. I'll see if I can get someone on the phone in DC in a bit.
So if you claim that you're a smoker, do they actually check on that?
Wait... So if you're a smoker you get bumped up the list? Maybe bump them up for euthanasia (sorry hutch).Yeah. Smoking is considered a pre-existing condition like asthma and bumps you to 1C-1 (https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/heres-a-breakdown-of-who-gets-the-vaccine-when-in-dc/) which is not getting the vax at this very second in DMV but will be soon.
I think you may have posted it and you definitely looked like neil young in the photoI think it's funny that at least two people who have never met me or seen a picture of me have definitive ideas about what i look like!
I thought your pic was posted here once. Maybe that was fake news 🤷♂️
I'm not savvy enough to post a pic here. Nor do I care enough to bother figuring it out. If it was, someone else did it. Or posted a fake.
Wait... So if you're a smoker you get bumped up the list? Maybe bump them up for euthanasia (sorry hutch).Yeah. Smoking is considered a pre-existing condition like asthma and bumps you to 1C-1 (https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/heres-a-breakdown-of-who-gets-the-vaccine-when-in-dc/) which is not getting the vax at this very second in DMV but will be soon.
It kinda tracks since COVID, obviously kills people through respiratory dysfunction, and if you smoke, you're way behind the 8 ball on that.
Well you've met me in person. Did I look like Neil Young? Or Jeff Tweedy?In that photo..NY for sure
I can see the Jeff Tweedy, because we have similar glasses and hair. (Though I'm probably 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and he's probably 40 pounds over his.)
That's a really good question I cannot determine a quick answer to. It would track that, yes, but again YMMV depending on if there are medical records of this and how stringent a fact checking the vaccination-providing facility is being.Wait... So if you're a smoker you get bumped up the list? Maybe bump them up for euthanasia (sorry hutch).Yeah. Smoking is considered a pre-existing condition like asthma and bumps you to 1C-1 (https://www.washingtonian.com/2021/01/11/heres-a-breakdown-of-who-gets-the-vaccine-when-in-dc/) which is not getting the vax at this very second in DMV but will be soon.
It kinda tracks since COVID, obviously kills people through respiratory dysfunction, and if you smoke, you're way behind the 8 ball on that.
Does smoking weed multiple times daily count? Asking for a friend.
Save yourselves!!
At least 1 out of every 800 Americans has died from covid
400,000 dead Americans
I don’t envy Biden taking over in the midst of this three headed hydra shitshow: covid deaths, economy problems (we can’t keep printing money forever and expect no repercussions), and of course the political crisis..... but someone has to do it
Willie Nelson has received his covid vaccineThis just says “this week.” I really need to know if he got it before or after me.
With that I can go to sleep
How does one find out local distribution centers?In Virginia, contact the VDH or more specifically your county’s health board and ask who is currently giving vaccines to tier 1A and 1B clients. It’s generally colleges and small independent pharmacies (not CVSes or Walgreens) at least here in Richmond. Once you know, start calling them and asking.
I'm as eager as the next guy to get the vaccine, but what's the rush? It's not like a magic portal of things to do are going to open up because you have your vaccine*.I mean, of course the motivation is health related. (Aside from Internet dick measuring points.) I agree it’s not a passport to more activities now but I do think it’ll be the case in 4-6 months.
*If your eagerness is purely health/fear related of catching covid-19, please disregard.
(Aside from Internet dick measuring points.)really the only reason you are getting it
Just got my shingles vaccine (1st shot). No line or distribution problems (Costco).
I'm as eager as the next guy to get the vaccine, but what's the rush? It's not like a magic portal of things to do are going to open up because you have your vaccine*.I mean, of course the motivation is health related. (Aside from Internet dick measuring points.) I agree it’s not a passport to more activities now but I do think it’ll be the case in 4-6 months.
*If your eagerness is purely health/fear related of catching covid-19, please disregard.
If you’re going to tell me when we have 40-60% of the population vaccinated that bars/concert halls/movie theatres aren’t going to be demanding to reopen to vaccinated folks (with the wide support of the American population on both sides of the aisle) so they can generate revenue, you’re very narrow sighted.
I think things will be significantly better in Q3. Not “normal” but the worst of it solidly behind us.I'm as eager as the next guy to get the vaccine, but what's the rush? It's not like a magic portal of things to do are going to open up because you have your vaccine*.I mean, of course the motivation is health related. (Aside from Internet dick measuring points.) I agree it’s not a passport to more activities now but I do think it’ll be the case in 4-6 months.
*If your eagerness is purely health/fear related of catching covid-19, please disregard.
If you’re going to tell me when we have 40-60% of the population vaccinated that bars/concert halls/movie theatres aren’t going to be demanding to reopen to vaccinated folks (with the wide support of the American population on both sides of the aisle) so they can generate revenue, you’re very narrow sighted.
I'm not going to tell you that... But I'm prepared for another very bleak year.
"Los Angeles County on Saturday surpassed 1 million coronavirus cases since reporting its first infection nearly a year before and also recorded its first instance of a new, more contagious variant of the virus that was initially identified in the United Kingdom.'
Well you've met me in person. Did I look like Neil Young? Or Jeff Tweedy?In that photo..NY for sure
I can see the Jeff Tweedy, because we have similar glasses and hair. (Though I'm probably 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and he's probably 40 pounds over his.)
IRL ...maybe tweedy, but maybe joe walsh
I think things will be significantly better in Q3. Not “normal” but the worst of it solidly behind us.I'm as eager as the next guy to get the vaccine, but what's the rush? It's not like a magic portal of things to do are going to open up because you have your vaccine*.I mean, of course the motivation is health related. (Aside from Internet dick measuring points.) I agree it’s not a passport to more activities now but I do think it’ll be the case in 4-6 months.
*If your eagerness is purely health/fear related of catching covid-19, please disregard.
If you’re going to tell me when we have 40-60% of the population vaccinated that bars/concert halls/movie theatres aren’t going to be demanding to reopen to vaccinated folks (with the wide support of the American population on both sides of the aisle) so they can generate revenue, you’re very narrow sighted.
I'm not going to tell you that... But I'm prepared for another very bleak year.
Well you've met me in person. Did I look like Neil Young? Or Jeff Tweedy?In that photo..NY for sure
I can see the Jeff Tweedy, because we have similar glasses and hair. (Though I'm probably 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and he's probably 40 pounds over his.)
IRL ...maybe tweedy, but maybe joe walsh
Space footage..
I think things will be significantly better in Q3. Not “normal” but the worst of it solidly behind us.I'm as eager as the next guy to get the vaccine, but what's the rush? It's not like a magic portal of things to do are going to open up because you have your vaccine*.I mean, of course the motivation is health related. (Aside from Internet dick measuring points.) I agree it’s not a passport to more activities now but I do think it’ll be the case in 4-6 months.
*If your eagerness is purely health/fear related of catching covid-19, please disregard.
If you’re going to tell me when we have 40-60% of the population vaccinated that bars/concert halls/movie theatres aren’t going to be demanding to reopen to vaccinated folks (with the wide support of the American population on both sides of the aisle) so they can generate revenue, you’re very narrow sighted.
I'm not going to tell you that... But I'm prepared for another very bleak year.
I have heard that but for Q4 not, Q3. And can we still even use "Q" as a an abbrev. Maybe just say Ter4.
6757 new covid cases in Virginia
We love PG ever since we moved here...
At a glance you need to reside in the county in which you are being vaccinated. Makes sense.
Virginia does not seem to have ANY enforcement of locality other than Virginia residency. (EDIT: There may be county specific "our residents only" vaccination events that I am unaware of but none of the pharmacies/colleges doing 1A were geographically limited.) Someone drove an hour to Charlottesville because there was an open appointment there from my company.At a glance you need to reside in the county in which you are being vaccinated. Makes sense.
In CA you need to live or work in the county, as it does no good to re-open a business in a county that has their vaccine plan together if more than 30% of their employees live in counties that don't have their shit together.
The scenario you lay out would be especially ineffective here where cities are not part of counties so every population center would have several vaccinating entities with varying levels of "shit togetherness" around every population center here.
straight outta julian's america:
All overweight D.C. residents will get priority for the coronavirus vaccine. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/dc-vaccine-overweight-smokers/2021/01/20/bd6cb53c-5a74-11eb-a976-bad6431e03e2_story.html)
along with smokers!!!
on the assumption no other covids develop that are immune to the vaccines... but surely having hundreds of millions of cases cases worldwide means we should be concerned about mutationsthis is my greatest fear as this may go on for years...
there is no bottom:
Sorry that kind of humor/banter isn’t meDon’t talk like that. Your attempts at humor are super shitty.
I've been saying for a while that Spring Break ain't happening but we might eke out Memorial Day Weekend. Maybe a tad optimistic....
So do i get the Johnson and Johnson as soon as possible, or wait to get the Moderna or Pfizer, assuming J&J will be quicker and easier to get?Why are you assuming you would have access to the J&J quicker than the Moderna or Pfizer ones?
So do i get the Johnson and Johnson as soon as possible, or wait to get the Moderna or Pfizer, assuming J&J will be quicker and easier to get?Why are you assuming you would have access to the J&J quicker than the Moderna or Pfizer ones?
I definitely think I would want M/P over J&J all things being equal but if the scenario exists where its J&J now or M/P 3 months from now, that's an interesting hypothetical and risk analysis question. Probably also depends on if you are a person who is more likely to get super sick/die from COVID over baseline (which I do not believe to be the case for you personally but I am not your physician).
I guess there's also a Julian's America grotesquerie to consider of if the J&J vaccine works in a different way than the similarly-functioning M/P ones, do people with means and access get both and if so, when is the acceptable time in our national rollout to do so?
The Johnson and Johnson has less storage issues than the Pfizer, and only takes one shot whereas the other two require two shots. So if they made equal amounts, twice as many people would get the Johnson and Johnson.Oh true, but aren't we likely looking at late February before it rolls out, and then we really don't know what sort of manufacturing ability J&J/AZ is going to have one day 1. Are they ready to ship 10,000,000 doses? Are they ready to ship 100,000,000? I just don't think its a given that a general population person like yourself is going to necessarily be able to get the J&J vax before one of the two-dose models at this specific moment in time.
But I wonder if there will be any guidelines in regard to to should get what based on how quickly one is available combined with possible differences in efficacy.This is actually a really interesting policy question and I agree with you that the CDC should put out some guidelines.
It seems like lower risk people should get J&J and higher risk should get one of the other two. But how many people to put in the low risk bucket compared to the high risk bucket is interesting.
Will they call it a Long Island Iced Tea if you get all three?One dose of Moderna and one of Pfizer is a Covid Palmer.
duh...where have you been, that joke has been around for decades...wait how long have we been on lockdown?!Will they call it a Long Island Iced Tea if you get all three?One dose of Moderna and one of Pfizer is a Covid Palmer.
Johnson and Johnson 66% effective overall.
Y'all are focusing on the wrong numbers re J&J
Y'all are focusing on the wrong numbers re J&J
Yes, its "only" 72% (in US) and likely decreasing but that only seems bad compared to the blockbuster results of Pfizer and Moderna.
Furthermore the J&J vaccine decreases the likelihood of severe COVID but 85% and death from COVID by 100% after 28 days.
Shoot it into my veins now please.
The number you should all be FAR more worried about is the fact that they will only have 7 million (and possibly as few as 3 million) doses available upon approval in later Feb
Four to five years until normal?
Four to five years until normal?
Great news!
Four to five years until normal?yeah, saw that this morning and felt like crying
We have had people on this board tell us we would be back to concerts last summer
Sledding by this summer? Climate change is out of control.We have had people on this board tell us we would be back to concerts last summer
Concerts, no. But hiking and sledding, YES!
Well I'll counter you DEbbie Downers with some relatively good news.That chart looks great, but a pretty small sample size
Positively Yang.wonder what that will do for his NYC mayor run?
I finally clicked on some email from the county which takes one to some interesting datajez that was depressing, happen to live in the worst zip in Arlington
Positively Yang.
no, wait. i was thinking of "positively wang." my bad.In college, I knew a bunch of dudes who invented a fake Asian pornstar (basically a Chinese Ron Jeremy) named Wanghis Khan who would bed women through some subterfuge, leading to his trademark exclamation "you just got Khanned". It was an on-going game to come up with names of his films: Sweet and Sour Porkin', Bangkok Nights, Singapore Blow Me Fun, etc.
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9219379/Why-coronavirus-cases-falling-fast-New-infections-drop-44-three-weeks.htmlcan we get a statement from Singapore’s education minister on this
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-9219379/Why-coronavirus-cases-falling-fast-New-infections-drop-44-three-weeks.htmlcan we get a statement from Singapore’s education minister on this
At least 1 in 700 Americans have died from covid1 in 10 have received the vaccine
At least 1 in 700 Americans have died from covid1 in 10 have received the vaccine
At least 1 in 700 Americans have died from covid1 in 10 have received the vaccine
It must be a great comfort to the half million dead Americans
Wait. You read newsmax?
It must be a great comfort to the half million dead AmericansSources I'm hearing from are saying it's having no impact on those already dead, more polling to follow
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shotPretty much everyone where I work got their second shot earlier in the week already and I would say its been like 1/3rd have zero side effects (or minor sore arm), 1/3rd have a headache, and 1/3rd have a fever so bad they take a sick day. Seems very luck of the draw.
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
(https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/71BRs7KY4wL._SX466_.jpg)My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
So why not stop at one?
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
So why not stop at one?
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
I mean, it's the immune system kicking in. That's the symptoms.
I have a co-worker who elected for this. I spent five minutes trying to convince him of this. Then I called in our VP of Nursing and she spent five minutes trying to convince him of it as well. He still chose to cancel his second dose appointment because of his "risk/reward analysis". I threw a muscle in my eye socket from the eye rolling I did.My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
So why not stop at one?
One doesn't trigger the immune system enough to develop full immunity. You *can* stop at one, but then you'll get COVID.
I mean, I would prefer not to get a fever for 24 hours too but it seems a small price to pay (even with MS) for the benefits. Like if you think the effects are bad, what the hell do you think having COVID is going to be like?My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
I mean, it's the immune system kicking in. That's the symptoms.
I get that
But she has issues from multiple sclerosis
She is ecstatic to get vaccinated but fearful of side effects and her body getting thrown off it’s pretty messed up state
My sister is terrified of the after effects from the second shot
So why not stop at one?
One doesn't trigger the immune system enough to develop full immunity. You *can* stop at one, but then you'll get COVID.
First encouraging numbers in months
Keeping my fingers crossed
Yea but an overwhelming percentage of 75+ year old Americans - and people working with elderly and vulnerable- should be vaccinated by then...
True. The death rate may be lower, but the infection rate will spike.While not ideal, that seems like a much better scenario
Just got me second shot. Awaiting the “Moderna 2 flu” that half my office has had this week.
First one gave me really bad arm pain like I’d never had with any other shot/vaccination. Kept waiting for the dreaded symptoms after the second but never felt anything less than great. Had co-workers who I’ve never know to take a sick day take two and swear they thought they were going to die but zero from me. Luck of the draw, I guess.Just got me second shot. Awaiting the “Moderna 2 flu” that half my office has had this week.
Thanks. Getting my first shot tonight and planning on having a hangover tomorrow so I don't notice the difference. I'm going to go ape shit after the second one and really live it up!
smax, how did you get your mitts on a shot? i know CA has opened up eligibility, but i didn't think quite that much... but congrats!I assume because he's an educator the same way I am a health-care hero.
smax, how did you get your mitts on a shot? i know CA has opened up eligibility, but i didn't think quite that much... but congrats!
smax, how did you get your mitts on a shot? i know CA has opened up eligibility, but i didn't think quite that much... but congrats!I assume because he's an educator
I think you missed part of the joke element of my post like when I referred to myself as a health care hero.smax, how did you get your mitts on a shot? i know CA has opened up eligibility, but i didn't think quite that much... but congrats!I assume because he's an educator
i'm 100% positive he's been kept isolated from the student body for years now, so the usefulness of vaccination is questionable in his case...
i'm 100% positive he's been kept isolated from the student body for years now, so the usefulness of vaccination is questionable in his case...
I think you missed part of the joke element of my post like when I referred to myself as a health care hero.
^^ This fucking guy right here.I think you missed part of the joke element of my post like when I referred to myself as a health care hero.
I mean, isn't the truth it's just because the government felt they owed us something for not including us in all of this stimulus check nonsense?
I think you missed part of the joke element of my post like when I referred to myself as a health care hero.
Ebola is backThanks Biden, I knew voting for him was a bad idea
isn't this where Biden can take all the credit for the massive reductionwelp seems the right is going to blame biden for this
isn't this where Biden can take all the credit for the massive reductionwelp seems the right is going to blame biden for this
Seems like a good summary of this week’s conventional wisdom
I've been saying for a while that Spring Break ain't happening but we might eke out Memorial Day Weekend. Maybe a tad optimistic....
Not sure what is happening with VA covid numbers but 172 reported deaths today on the back of 150 or so yesterday ..both records
I don’t know if it’s a backlog or what
For reference number of deaths in VA have been in the 20s and 30s lately
MD had 30 deaths reported today
Smax....do we need to talk
Wealthy Californians reportedly exploit COVID vaccine program (https://www.axios.com/california-covid-vaccine-black-latino-87278622-ddf7-41cd-9c83-36d6d8f90216.html)
Virginia 149 deaths reported today
Are they spreading the backlog out over three days? That’s nearly 500 deaths reported in three days! In a state that was averaging 30 a day
With those numbers- and for the first time- more people have now died in Virginia than Maryland from covid19That's kind of wild when you consider there are 2.5million more Virginia residents.
With those numbers- and for the first time- more people have now died in Virginia than Maryland from covid19
With those numbers- and for the first time- more people have now died in Virginia than Maryland from covid19That's kind of wild when you consider there are 2.5million more Virginia residents.
he just called MD fat!
he just called MD fat!
Virginia opening up beginningNC with a dem governor just reopened BARS.
I can’t pretend to know what is the right thing to do but I know I won’t enjoy a bar or concert until I am vaccinated...
Twenty year olds aren’t going to wear masks...Have you met young wokes? They are the most diligent mask wearers on the planet. We will reach herd immunity and five years later they will be wearing masks and talking how the blood of 14 Americans a year is on all the rest of us who-are-not’s hands in some weird COVID virtue signaling.
Well you've met me in person. Did I look like Neil Young? Or Jeff Tweedy?In that photo..NY for sure
I can see the Jeff Tweedy, because we have similar glasses and hair. (Though I'm probably 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and he's probably 40 pounds over his.)
IRL ...maybe tweedy, but maybe joe walsh
Space footage..
So, basically you guys are saying i look like any middle aged white guy with hipster glasses and long hair. I have big eyes, Gary Oldman has smaller, squinty eyes. Also, Jeff Tweedy has a bulbous nose a large round head. I have a sharper, more pointed nose and smaller, more oval head. I've also heard Butch Vig more than once, but he's got the droopy lips of a stoke victim and that stupid mustache. My lips are small and unremarkable but not sagging.
Who do people say you guys look like?
Did you really think it was zero yesterday?
Come on now Space wake up
Day 1: @POTUS set a goal of vaccinating 100 million people in 100 days.
Day 33: We’re already halfway there.
234 deaths reported today in Virginia
Need to dig deeper to ensure it's not a scam, but just received an email from CVS with confirmation of two appointments for a vaccine... woooit!The federal pharmacy program is starting to open up state by state to <65yo and those of you with Ticketmaster/F5/refresh-fu skills are going to be well suited to get vaxxed.
Edit: my partner signed us up and I was not aware.
those of you with Ticketmaster/F5/refresh-fu skills are going to be well suited to get vaxxed.
I was thinking the exact same thing, I might be 65 before can score a jab that waythose of you with Ticketmaster/F5/refresh-fu skills are going to be well suited to get vaxxed.
sideF5 should be signed up by Q1 of 2022 then.
234 deaths reported today in Virginia
231 today. Tops in the nation.
Why do scientists have to rain on my parade?
I think this article is pretty negative
234 deaths reported today in Virginia
231 today. Tops in the nation.
WTF is going on in VA?
383 additional deaths were reported on Wednesday, leaving the death toll at 9,326.
Do you guys who have been teleworking think our employers will demand that we go back into the office at the same levels we were once all adults have the chance to be vaccinated?
My wife says she will be looking for another job if her employer makes them go back to the office (she was teleworking one day a week prior, most co-workers weren't even allowed one day.)
Me, I'll be glad to go back once it's safe. Though I may ask to bump from one telework day to two or three.
Do you guys who have been teleworking think our employers will demand that we go back into the office at the same levels we were once all adults have the chance to be vaccinated?
My wife says she will be looking for another job if her employer makes them go back to the office (she was teleworking one day a week prior, most co-workers weren't even allowed one day.)
Me, I'll be glad to go back once it's safe. Though I may ask to bump from one telework day to two or three.
I've been working from home in some capacity since like 2014 or 2015.... I can't imagine ever going back to an office daily and would most likely never take a job that required that, unless it was some dire circumstance.
I really do not enjoy WFH as much as I do being in the office. Maybe its my home office setup. IDK. I am happy to be back in the office.
If there's no real point in people going back to offices, is there a point to kids going back to in person school?
If there's no real point in people going back to offices, is there a point to kids going back to in person school?
assuming this is a serious question: yes, kids absolutely need to get back to school, at least kids below a certain age. socialization cannot be taught over zoom. kids under - i dunno - 10? cannot be expected to have the motivation and discipline to do virtual learning.
somehow we managed to make spring 2020 school work over zoom, likely because the kids spent the first half of the year with the teacher and their classmates and had some sort of connection to the group. also it was new, so kinda interesting. but come the new school year in september, it was a complete disaster. our kids didn't care about school, would not sit still, kept turning off their camera, and generally weren't learning a thing. they hated it. thank the gods of parenting that we found a pod that hired a teacher and was holding in-person classes at someone's house.
Totally caught off guard by that. I don’t think I’ll be running to semi-crowded indoor restaurants and bars anytime soon tho.
Did get my first shot yesterday. Hooray.
You, too! Which brand injection did you get?
I woke up around 4am and didn't feel "right", Not sick but not well, either. Didn't last, tho. Phizer, btw.
You, too! Which brand injection did you get?
I woke up around 4am and didn't feel "right", Not sick but not well, either. Didn't last, tho. Phizer, btw.
I also received Phizer... No issues minus somewhat of a sore arm.
You, too! Which brand injection did you get?
I woke up around 4am and didn't feel "right", Not sick but not well, either. Didn't last, tho. Phizer, btw.
I also received Phizer... No issues minus somewhat of a sore arm.
I heard that one messes with your spelling abilities.
I guess I should feel better about the fact that my shots are still months away.General population is going to start getting doses in April, if not sooner. Not much longer, dude.
I heard that one messes with your spelling abilities.
I think most of us should expect an end to remote working in the near future. I was hoping it would roll through the summer but that's unlikely.
I don’t need a prayer I need a vaccine!
So in VA we get a “day of prayer” the morning after st. Patty’s day
So in VA we get a “day of prayer” the morning after st. Patty’s day
No, it's March 14.
What if there's nothing about your job that can't be done from home? What is the point of going to an office and doing what you can do at home?
Correct... for some reason I thought SPD was 3/13
No, it's March 14.
I think most of us should expect an end to remote working in the near future. I was hoping it would roll through the summer but that's unlikely.
What if there's nothing about your job that can't be done from home? What is the point of going to an office and doing what you can do at home?
Regardless, those employers who haven't learned anything from this and who want/need their workers back full time probably won't require it until school is back five days a week. And who knows when that will be.
4.58 million vaccine doses administered in the US todayWant to cycle back to this now that I have returned -- this number is insane considering where we were on January 1. The vax process wasn't in as bad of a place as people think when Biden took over (similar to how the economy was improving when Trump took over in 2016) but Biden's team has truly ramped this up incredibly well. The J&J and Merck partnership and the ability to get single-dose immunity out (that doesn't have a 3-5 week latency period) is a game changer for watching our numbers fly up.
New record.
just heard MD is going to Phase 2 of vaccines next week
just heard MD is going to Phase 2 of vaccines next week
Next Tuesday starts 2A 60+
3/30 is 2B 16+ with underlying
4/13 is 2C 55+
4/27 is Phase 3 everybody else
Day 1: @POTUS set a goal of vaccinating 100 million people in 100 days.Looks like we'll reach 100 Million shots 31 days early
Day 33: We’re already halfway there.
We played Fountains of Wayne as we drove this morning to get our first jabs.Congrats!
Waiting 15 minutes post-jab, they were playing "Won't Get Fooled Again." Seemed like my 80 year old "I'm not letting them put that poison into me" mom was playing DJ.
That’s great space
Am jealous...
Although I been informed that even if I get the shot I have to live my life like I haven’t cause I could pass on the covid to my kids who haven’t been vaccinated
A pretty far removed cousin had his around ten year old son catch covid recently and go through hell and the kid still isn’t recovered...hospitalized and everything.. real suffering ... kid had no preexisting issues
But like you am sure will do some things differently.... still, doesn’t seem like bars or concerts are in my future for a good long time...
I've heard hearsay that Moderna will have a vaccine ready for 12-15 year olds prior to the start of school. Are your kids in that range?They're in phase 3 of a trial around children and phase 2 of a trial around infants but I do not know the age ranges for where those two split off.
A pretty far removed cousin had his around ten year old son catch covid recently and go through hell and the kid still isn’t recovered...hospitalized and everything.. real suffering ... kid had no preexisting issues
But like you am sure will do some things differently.... still, doesn’t seem like bars or concerts are in my future for a good long time...
I've heard hearsay that Moderna will have a vaccine ready for 12-15 year olds prior to the start of school. Are your kids in that range?
Also, wouldn't your kids be more endangered by being around (many) other unvaccinated kids all day in school than from their (one) vaccinated dad going to a concert a couple times a week?
so while I want the vaccine I am not as excited any more...so no more Mr. Give it to me
We played Fountains of Wayne as we drove this morning to get our first jabs.
We played Fountains of Wayne as we drove this morning to get our first jabs.
Spacey's Mom?
Who does this for a $1 item?I bet A LOT of people will
Mark my words, NFTs are going to turn us into a nation who doesn’t memorialize our wealthy in etchings.
Mark my words, Spotify is going to turn us into a nation unaware of the true cost to make pop art
Mark my words, Krispy Kreme is going to turn us into a nation full of fat people.
Mark my words, Netflix is going to turn us into a nation devoid of traveling minstrel shows.
What are they?
Shaming you for getting covid or shaming you for not getting the vaccine?
If that’s so the former is much worse
I like to think waiting my turn puts me on the normal level of humanity...
Turns don’t matter?
I will wait my turn...
Is this more Yada slippery slope morality?
Turns don’t matter and never did?
Tell that to the tens of thousands of elderly people that aren’t dying cause they got vaccinated ahead of people waiting their turn?
Vaccine Shamers - People that think they're on some upper level tier of humanity because they're waiting their "turn" for the vaccine.So people are acting like they are morally superior because the haven't gotten the vax because they didn't cheat the system to get one early??
Vaccine Shamers - People that think they're on some upper level tier of humanity because they're waiting their "turn" for the vaccine.So people are acting like they are morally superior because the haven't gotten the vax because they didn't cheat the system to get one early??
so this is a weird argument,
if those 40 somethings didn't take those vaxes they would have been wasted and not used at all
I don't think they have a long shelf life
Now I do think there are a lot of people who are jumping the line and that's a different situation
I think there could be some shame there as someone who is high risk legitimately could have gotten that vax and didn't...and is now sick/dead
i'm guessing it's pretty damn small...can confirm...
So am sort of done with this.. I don’t recall ever preaching about it or once telling anyone what to do
D o n e
Nice try but I will not be baited...
Perhaps I’m mistaken but don’t you smoke, Hutch? If so, we are very much at your place in the line.
If you smoke, you are very much eligible now. I have helped about 40 people get vaccinations. Shoot me a PM and I will walk you through what pharmacies are offering in Alexandria/Arlington and how to check and what times they load new doses. If you’re willing to be up at like 12:05am, you should have something in the next week following my method even though NoVa is the hardest area to get one in Virginia currently.Perhaps I’m mistaken but don’t you smoke, Hutch? If so, we are very much at your place in the line.
My partner says it might happen this week
I think we were a little late to submit our info
So how do y'all feel about vaccine passports? You’ll need to show this vaccine passport for international travel, and possibly even domestic travel. The private sector might end up requiring it as a condition of employment, and service providers and retailers might require it for entry.
Being forced to show a vaccine passport to do most things you do on a routine day? What do you think?
Maybe we should also construct some ovens for those who refuse to be vaccinated?
Also, at CVS (at least the one I went to), you don't pay a dime, or provide an insurance card, or even show your ID. I simply said my name and was put in line (a line with one person ahead of me).The CVSes I have been taking people to were asking if people needed to update their insurance info but they have no super motivation to ask as there is a federal program who pays them for uninsured people and it, in great government fashion, pays more then the Medicare/caid or standard insurance rate.
I think it’s great
I am not sure it will happen in the US - I can already see red states challenging the constitutionality and Freedumb-but I would like to see it happen
Let’s imagine this covid plays out as we think it will and there are mutations all the time and we need vaccine shots every year and maybe booster shots too
How are we going to be able to somewhat go back to normal if we don’t track who has gotten the shots?
Are you just trying to be polemic comparing this to the Nazis killing millions? In very bad taste
I think it’s great
I am not sure it will happen in the US - I can already see red states challenging the constitutionality and Freedumb-but I would like to see it happen
Let’s imagine this covid plays out as we think it will and there are mutations all the time and we need vaccine shots every year and maybe booster shots too
How are we going to be able to somewhat go back to normal if we don’t track who has gotten the shots?
Are you just trying to be polemic comparing this to the Nazis killing millions? In very bad taste
I am as anti-vaccine card as I am pro-vaccine. IMO, getting vaccinated should be a personal choice, not a mandate for everyday life. That's all I'll say.
That’s the dumb rationale for people not wearing masks!!
When your not getting the shot threatens me or my kids it’s not a personal choice but a societal choice...focusing on the individual on a collective issue is misguided
I can see vaccine passports taking off in some states and also as a requirement for international travel.. some countries may choose not to let people in without it..
Should we also discriminate against people who are making bad lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, fattening foods) that are positively correlated with negative COVID outcomes?
Should we also discriminate against people who are making bad lifestyle choices (smoking, drinking, fattening foods) that are positively correlated with negative COVID outcomes?
Absolutely, and if it was up to me they'd be last in line for their "turn" at the vaccine. They should never get a vaccine first because they're a smoking fat fuck.
Not really sure how this will play out with the PassportsSomeone voluntarily sharing their health information to receive access to private property is not a HIPAA violation.
We couldn't handle contact tracing, do you think we'll do better with vax passports
Don't you have to get a vax or show you have it to get into some countries already?
Getting into some HIPPA territory too
GQP is going to have a field day that biden is handing out the brown shirts and we'll all start getting in the bread line
even space is equating it to the Nazis
There is a difference between making a choice that affects one’s own health adversely and making a choice that potentially affects everyone adversely.
Surely the rights of the individual must be balanced against the rights of the community.
well, but the issue is the people handling this health info are not medical professionals and unaware of HIPPAGetting into some HIPPA territory tooSomeone voluntarily sharing their health information to receive access to private property is not a HIPAA violation.
Cheesecake Factory
God I hate that place
https://wtop.com/local/2021/03/dc-area-universities-consider-requiring-students-to-get-covid-19-vaccine-before-fall/was wondering when we'd see news like this
GQP is going to have a field day that biden is handing out the brown shirts and we'll all start getting in the bread line
even space is equating it to the Nazis
Them not being medical professionals is why HIPAA is not in play. Not everyone is constrained by HIPAA. Literally only 1% of the population is: doctors and employees of medical facilities. The worker at Cheesecake Factory is not beholden to HIPAA. If you don’t work in health care, you also are not beholden to HIPAA: you announcing loudly that your wife has a headache in public (while perhaps deleterious to your relationship) is not an actionable violation of HIPAA.well, but the issue is the people handling this health info are not medical professionals and unaware of HIPPAGetting into some HIPPA territory tooSomeone voluntarily sharing their health information to receive access to private property is not a HIPAA violation.
Will the person at the door be liable for a HIPPA violation if they reveal "Hutch just came to cheesecake factory was declined because his passport said he wasn't vaxed"
How do people not know this?A:
Literally only 1% of the population is beholden to HIPAA
Look at you Yada! LOL
Most people have or are waiting their turn... but we are transitioning - in many places- to the stage where everyone is eligible
What you have with DC is a particular situation that makes it so more people than in most states as a percentage are going to try to get vaccinated quicker... you have a city surrounded by two states doing a comparatively better job
As far as I can tell it’s actually going really well if you think about it..with most waiting their turn.. its a country with 330 million people and 51 different jurisdictions overseeing vaccination
see New Mexico or West Virginia -- are outpacing the nation on vaccination precentage.
WV maybe that is the case but NM just voted blue so they're not a ton of vax denying hippies. If vaccine hesitancy led to higher percentage of populations getting vaccinated more quickly, that trend should follow in the deep south and it really isn't.see New Mexico or West Virginia -- are outpacing the nation on vaccination precentage.
My assumption is demand is lower in these areas as well, right?
WV maybe that is the case but NM just voted blue so they're not a ton of vax denying hippies. If vaccine hesitancy led to higher percentage of populations getting vaccinated more quickly, that trend should follow in the deep south and it really isn't.see New Mexico or West Virginia -- are outpacing the nation on vaccination precentage.
My assumption is demand is lower in these areas as well, right?
WV and NM had super easy to execute rollout plans and good communication around who was eligible when because, again, it was super easy to understand. I might more align with the more thoughtful equitable plans like DCs but I think we're seeing, a more complicated plan (1) is harder to execute with no experience in mass vaccinations and (2) leads to otherwise well-informed people not even understanding if they're able to get vaccinated now and how/where they would accomplish that. (The federal pharmacy partnership program is actually a super success in helping every state with this.) There's something to be said for "keep it simple stupid."
Assuming native Americans (blue or not) aren't big on getting vaxxed either, but I could be wrong...That's a potentially fair point.
NM just voted blue so they're not a ton of vax denying hippies.
WV and NM had super easy to execute rollout plans and good communication around who was eligible when because, again, it was super easy to understand. I might more align with the more thoughtful equitable plans like DCs but I think we're seeing, a more complicated plan (1) is harder to execute with no experience in mass vaccinations and (2) leads to otherwise well-informed people not even understanding if they're able to get vaccinated now and how/where they would accomplish that. (The federal pharmacy partnership program is actually a super success in helping every state with this.) There's something to be said for "keep it simple stupid."
Arizona 2334/ million dead
Maryland 1383/million dead
Virginia 1214/million dead
So about twice as bad
And that’s even with their head start advantage.. DMV was naturally screwed due to proximity and contact with NYC
Arizona had many months to get ready and did nothing and got hit hard
So tired - not saying you/ with people saying lockdown was useless
Current Covid rates in Arizona are less than half of what they are in Va.
Also AZ went blue by a slim margin and has two blue senators.
What are you doing in AZ?
Current Covid rates in Arizona are less than half of what they are in Va.
Also AZ went blue by a slim margin and has two blue senators.
What are you doing in AZ?
My partner in life is from here.
Current Covid rates in Arizona are less than half of what they are in Va.
Also AZ went blue by a slim margin and has two blue senators.
What are you doing in AZ?
My partner in life is from here.
Cool! Thinking of going there next year to hike the Grand Canyon again.
Was able to get an appointment for my partner person lady for vax at M&T Stadium by calling: 410-779-9507.
Called just now, made appointment for Saturday morning. Easy. All adults are eligible.
^^ This is how vaccine passports work, yeah?
Dude, I’m TOTALLY going in and pretending I haven’t been vaccinated yet and getting my third moderna shot somewhere around August 1st. (Or Pfizer, to your point.) I’m going to be even more ahead on a booster than I was on my initial. #3DChess^^ This is how vaccine passports work, yeah?
it isn't, but i was wondering: once everyone had had a crack at getting a vax, is there is any benefit to getting a different type of vaccine. moderna and pfizer are both mrna vaccines so no point on doubling up there, but the J&J is a different mechanism so i wonder if that would give you additional immunity. but given how effective all the vaccines are, it's probably just wasteful and pointless.
I’ve been snorting hydroxychloroquine going on a year now... will that count on my passportThats on your Alabama Visa.
my BiL and SiL got moderna #2 earlier today, and they're suffering. MiL went to visit and said they were both zombies on the couch and my BiL had an egg at the injection site on his arm.
on the other hand, a 70+ year old online acquaintance got his second moderna last week and said he felt nothing. i'll be sure to hold that over my in-laws' heads, once they recoup (they're in their 30's).
I'm 23 hours into Pfizer #2 and getting ready to go for a two hour bike ride.
on the other hand, a 70+ year old online acquaintance
Everything turns into a dick size contest in the end
Everything turns into a dick size contest in the end
Why? Am I going to get another porn subscription from you?Really low quality weed, sometime in the immediate aftermath of 7/1.
I mean what the fuck after just my first shot of moderna I was exhausted and slept like shit..then my arm was the most sore like ever..and that’s the first!
But hey I am happy for the Mt Everest climbers ... is that what I should say? Happy for your good fortune?
Well that really isn’t human nature..
More like hey fucker don’t rub your good fortune on my face
I mean that’s what Mark Twain would say and I think he has it right on the nose
Of course there is the possibility some of the Mt Everest climbers are too stupid to realize their poor form but then maybe my brutal honesty will give them pause in the future..doubtful cause it’s human nature to want to feel like your shit don’t stink..so likely the Mt Everest climbers will feel aggrieved not reflective
And my unvaccinated mom is pissed that they kicked her out of the natural foods store for refusing to wear her mask over her nose (she says she can't breathe with it covering her nose.)
My poor mom in Argentina is all paranoid and pessimistic about having gotten the Chinese sinopharm vaccine which she thinks sucks and when if ever she can get the second dose
People on Facebook gleefully posting a pic of their vaccination card crack me upyeah, I think if you were early, was something to brag about
Do these people not realize we are likely to needvax shots for the rest of our lives?This makes me very depressed and I hope this is not the case...but know it's a possiblity
Vaccine passports are already happening in New York State.Not getting the greatest reviews
Testing Excelsior Pass, what surprised me most was how easy it is to fake.
Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the nonprofit Surveillance Technology Oversight Project, told me he was able to load up a volunteer’s Excelsior Pass in about 11 minutes, using nothing more than that person’s Twitter posts and information from publicly available websites. Posting a photo of your CDC vaccination card puts it all out there.
I fear vaccine passports could become something akin to the TSA PreCheck security lines at airports: A system that works to speed up life for the savvy or wealthy, yet literally leaves everyone else in the slow lane.
A system that works to speed up life for the savvy or wealthy, yet literally leaves everyone else in the slow lane.Keep talking, I'm almost there. Guuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhh.h.h.h.h.h...
the FDA and CDC are recommending a pause in the use of the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.This is the opposite of following the science. Tens of thousands will die because of this.
“Six reported U.S. cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot" from 6.8M+ doses administered.
the FDA and CDC are recommending a pause in the use of the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.This is the opposite of following the science. Tens of thousands will die because of this.
“Six reported U.S. cases of a rare and severe type of blood clot" from 6.8M+ doses administered.
Does seem crazy but it seems the new trend is if just a few people have a problem reaction they pull it
Also just by publicizing this it will add to many people’s vaccine hesitancy
Also just by publicizing this it will add to many people’s vaccine hesitancyDing, ding, ding!!
I think JnJ should use the GnR tune as their theme song for the ad
but 6 out of 6 million is such a low stat. I bet you ten times that much died driving to the appoinment
So is that saying that if you are 85, that if you catch Covid, you have almost a 1 in 3 chance of dying?Uh, yes. Did you not know this? It was closer to 50% in the early days of this.
Be careful as the link for the DC date from her website actually takes you to the Mercy Lounge date
Now where's my Arlo Pork tickets?
You know the code, my man?Be careful as the link for the DC date from her website actually takes you to the Mercy Lounge date
Now where's my Arlo Pork tickets?
So is that saying that if you are 85, that if you catch Covid, you have almost a 1 in 3 chance of dying?Uh, yes. Did you not know this? It was closer to 50% in the early days of this.
wasn't following that close, don't remember seeing that stat beforeSo is that saying that if you are 85, that if you catch Covid, you have almost a 1 in 3 chance of dying?Uh, yes. Did you not know this? It was closer to 50% in the early days of this.
NVM, its one of the two main words in the album title as everyone's presale codes always are.You know the code, my man?Be careful as the link for the DC date from her website actually takes you to the Mercy Lounge date
Now where's my Arlo Pork tickets?
wasn't following that close, don't remember seeing that stat beforeSo is that saying that if you are 85, that if you catch Covid, you have almost a 1 in 3 chance of dying?Uh, yes. Did you not know this? It was closer to 50% in the early days of this.
I knew that group was impacted the most
I did read that if you are 85, you have a 1 in 6 chance of dying...before covid. Wonder what that stat will look like next year
NVM, its one of the two main words in the album title as everyone's presale codes always are.You know the code, my man?Be careful as the link for the DC date from her website actually takes you to the Mercy Lounge date
Now where's my Arlo Pork tickets?
NVM, its one of the two main words in the album title as everyone's presale codes always are.You know the code, my man?Be careful as the link for the DC date from her website actually takes you to the Mercy Lounge date
Now where's my Arlo Pork tickets?
So code seems to work, but is presale going on via the Union Stage site?
Working now on US site with sunbeamswhat does that mean (not the code part the US site part)
Union StageWorking now on US site with sunbeamswhat does that mean (not the code part the US site part)
I'm fully vaccinated but don't want the hassle of getting a test (is it easier now that it was last summer when i got one to visit Maine?)
I guess I'll do Burning Man and skip the Boston Marathon.
I'm fully vaccinated but don't want the hassle of getting a test (is it easier now that it was last summer when i got one to visit Maine?)
I guess I'll do Burning Man and skip the Boston Marathon.
Are you willing to show proof of your vaccine though?
I'm fully vaccinated but don't want the hassle of getting a test (is it easier now that it was last summer when i got one to visit Maine?)
I guess I'll do Burning Man and skip the Boston Marathon.
Are you willing to show proof of your vaccine though?
I would be less inclined to attend an event that had such a requirement, but if it is required and i did decide to attend, of course I would be willing.
I have never been to Burning Man, but isn't it outdoors? Don't participants have the option to be at least six feet away from other burning men? It seems like vaccination requirements and testing is major overkill.
I'm fully vaccinated but don't want the hassle of getting a test (is it easier now that it was last summer when i got one to visit Maine?)
I guess I'll do Burning Man and skip the Boston Marathon.
Are you willing to show proof of your vaccine though?
I would be less inclined to attend an event that had such a requirement, but if it is required and i did decide to attend, of course I would be willing.
I have never been to Burning Man, but isn't it outdoors? Don't participants have the option to be at least six feet away from other burning men? It seems like vaccination requirements and testing is major overkill.
From what I know it's a drug fueled sex orgy, so unless you have very large genitalia, I don't know how you're six feet apart from anyone.
From what I know it's a drug fueled sex orgy, so unless you have very large genitalia, I don't know how you're six feet apart from anyone.It's about art and building a community from out of the dust of the desert
What we been saying
Annual vaccine shots like the flu
What we been saying
Annual vaccine shots like the flu
The CEO of Pfizer says we're gonna need boosters. Gee, no conflict of interest there.
Monica Gahndi says we're not going to need boosters.
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
I still think if testing ha much easier, the spread (and deaths) would have been much less...
this is may on the way
But your MO is the Rain-king...so parades in your vicinity tend to be soggy
Correct me if I’m wrong, but DC?Preach!
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but DC?Preach!
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
I don’t live in DC but I’m in town every month for work. Is there not still a “mask when in public places” policy in place? Not trying to be snarky.Correct me if I’m wrong, but DC?Preach!
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
Pretty sure Uncle Glenn is showing his true colors.
I don’t live in DC but I’m in town every month for work. Is there not still a “mask when in public places” policy in place? Not trying to be snarky.Correct me if I’m wrong, but DC?Preach!
Are there places that actually require mask wearing while you're walking down the street/sidewalk?
Pretty sure Uncle Glenn is showing his true colors.
not surprising people want fake vaccination cards... people are still complaining about having to wear a mask, etc
Judging by my Facebook liberals do..
Not sure what you are experienced or where but I am not seeing anyone up in arms about vaccinated people outdoors not wearing masks? Is this a thing in Maryland?
Judging by my Facebook liberals do..
Not sure what you are experienced or where but I am not seeing anyone up in arms about vaccinated people outdoors not wearing masks? Is this a thing in Maryland?
I'm pretty sure we've been arguing about this for two weeks, but ok...
Judging by my Facebook liberals do..
Not sure what you are experienced or where but I am not seeing anyone up in arms about vaccinated people outdoors not wearing masks? Is this a thing in Maryland?
I'm pretty sure we've been arguing about this for two weeks, but ok...
You mean around kids who haven’t been vaccinated? Well that’s a bit different.. there you get into all the parenting issues
But do people come down on someone for taking a walk in Rock Creek sans mask?
Judging by my Facebook liberals do..
Not sure what you are experienced or where but I am not seeing anyone up in arms about vaccinated people outdoors not wearing masks? Is this a thing in Maryland?
I'm pretty surewe'veYada has been arguing about this for two weeks, but ok...
Judging by my Facebook liberals do..
Not sure what you are experienced or where but I am not seeing anyone up in arms about vaccinated people outdoors not wearing masks? Is this a thing in Maryland?
I'm pretty surewe'veYada has been arguing about this for two weeks, but ok...
I don’t get you on this Yada
Did you suffer some traumatic event where someone beat the crap out of you for not wearing a mask?
It’s just weird for you to get so worked up about this of all things
We have lost about 1 in 500 Americans.. more than half a million people..at one point over 4000 Americans were dropping dead day after day.. more than September 11... we had a month were more than 100,000 people died.. more than ever in our history from any wars..wars that lasted many years
And you get worked up about some people maybe overreacting? People are doing their best to adjust to a bad situation..nobody knows entirely how covid spreads... what we are told by officials seems to evolve..there is some mixed messaging
Of all the things in the world to get bent about this is your rubicon? People paranoid about their kids not getting covid?
It’s seriously fucked up dude..you need to get psychological help pronto... your posts on this seem to denote a weird un empathetic pathology... like a complete inability to see things from other people’s point of view
people are a bit on edge and overreacting - massive once in a lifetime pandemics will do that- but from that to where you seem to go making fun of people just trying to stay alive is just bizarre
Would be much cooler if it was vaccinate at home... Who's testing themselves after getting vaccinated?
Yada is 100% correct on this.
Yada may well be although not sure about what specifically
Just don’t see what getting upset accomplishes..
If current trends continue in a few weeks people are going to loosen up
In Arlington we had eleven new cases yesterday and haven’t had deaths in weeks
Why get upset at people taking a little longer to adjust to things?
Oh come on
I don’t have any hard opinions
Just saying give people a bit of time..they’ll come around
Yada is 100% correct on this.curious if you could elaborate?
My statement was that YOU were the one arguing about this for the last two weeks...not WEOh come on
I don’t have any hard opinions
Just saying give people a bit of time..they’ll come around
You puffed your chest after your sidekick agreed with you and started accusations of no empathy, I don't care people died, blah blah...
My statement was that YOU were the one arguing about this for the last two weeks...not WEOh come on
I don’t have any hard opinions
Just saying give people a bit of time..they’ll come around
You puffed your chest after your sidekick agreed with you and started accusations of no empathy, I don't care people died, blah blah...
Also, I think what Hutch was saying was more...you should cut people some slack, 500k people died in one year...people are on edge and have good intentions on why they think you should wear it
They may very well be misguided, but mocking them doesn't really help
I am in agreement that outdoors and with just a little distance, I think masks are not essential, but I'm no epidemiologist
but if someone asks me to mask up, I'm not going to lose my cool and just put it on
guys as much as everyone wants (and thinks they are right) to ditch the masks post-vaccination...things are not looking good for that
The good news is deaths have fallen significantly
Coronavirus cases aren't budging — even after vaccinations doubled
The big picture: This spring has seen a surge in vaccinations but almost no change in the coronavirus’ spread, leaving the U.S. with an outbreak that’s still too big.
Where it stands: In the last week of February, the U.S. was averaging 65,686 new coronavirus cases per day. Now, eight weeks later, we’re averaging 64,814 new cases per day.
And yet, over the same eight-week period, the U.S. has administered more than 65 million vaccine doses — roughly doubling the number of Americans who have gotten at least one shot.
Between the lines: You would think that doubling the number of vaccinated Americans would produce at least some decline in coronavirus’ spread. But that hasn’t happened.
Guess what needs to happen is understand where these new cases are...are they in areas that have low vax rates?
how are the cases in high vax areas?
More contagious variants of COVID-19 — particularly the variant first discovered in the U.K. — have become the dominant strains within the U.S. over the spring.
That would normally cause a big jump in new cases, while vaccinations would normally cause a big drop in new cases. The two may simply be canceling each other out, leaving the U.S.’ outbreak frozen at around 65,000 new cases per day.
Deaths have fallen significantly, to an average of about 700 per day, down from a peak of nearly 3,500 per day.
But 65,000 cases per day is still too many cases. It leaves the unvaccinated — a group that still includes a lot of vulnerable people — at risk of serious illness.
And it leaves the door open to more new variants, which could cause COVID-19 to stay with us for years, in varying degrees of severity.
Human excrement ‘increasingly serious problem’ as Britain opens up but many bathrooms don’t (https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2021/04/22/britain-lockdown-toilets-parks/)
Yada is right
who even uses public restrooms that often.
can confirmwho even uses public restrooms that often.
anyone who asks this clearly doesn't have kids.
Yada is right
Cannot confirm.
Yada is righthttps://twitter.com/HunterJCullen/status/1385324399415398401
Yada is righthttps://twitter.com/HunterJCullen/status/1385324399415398401
The woman administering it did not appreciate me bringing a shot glass.tell me more...
Moderna #2 today followed by a tasty edi. Hydrating. We'll see.
Getting a J&J shot tomorrow at 1pm to inspire confidence in others.
Moderna #2 today followed by a tasty edi. Hydrating. We'll see.
I think you should be going for the triple crown with all three...those are some bragging rightsGetting a J&J shot tomorrow at 1pm to inspire confidence in others.
aren't you already vaxxed? or is this you doubling up?
Doubling up!Getting a J&J shot tomorrow at 1pm to inspire confidence in others.
aren't you already vaxxed? or is this you doubling up?
I’m totally willing to throw a Pfizer and a Sputnik onto this. The Grand Slam.I think you should be going for the triple crown with all three...those are some bragging rightsGetting a J&J shot tomorrow at 1pm to inspire confidence in others.
aren't you already vaxxed? or is this you doubling up?
and think of the sweet cell phone service you'll be getting with all that 5G coursing through your veins
I’m totally willing to throw a Pfizer and a Sputnik onto this. The Grand Slam.I think you should be going for the triple crown with all three...those are some bragging rightsGetting a J&J shot tomorrow at 1pm to inspire confidence in others.
aren't you already vaxxed? or is this you doubling up?
and think of the sweet cell phone service you'll be getting with all that 5G coursing through your veins
and think of the sweet cell phone service you'll be getting
Has anyone seen tucker and Yada in the same room?
Look at everyone adhering to masks at this event in NYC. Can you say super spreader? :o :o :ohmm...Bloodclot played...was this a J&J sponsored event
He was always right based on common senseDing.
He was always right based on science
And now he's right after a slow moving, risk averse govt agency finally got around to stating the obvious
The question that must be answered is what else has sidehatch been wrong about?might be easier to make a list of things I was right about
So I do think that begs the question...do you all agree with Tucker Carlson?No. Wearing a mask after vaccination (indoors and out!) is pure theatre but it isn't child abuse.
should we be harassing outdoor mask wearers and calling child protective services
victoryhe does like thoselapslap
Geez not gracious...not nice
I said some people will need time to adjust... today’s updated guidance will help
You don’t know me!!!!
this is not Aaron Burr publicly slurring Alexander Hamilton or somethingI'm going to insist -- now that you've put the idea in my head -- that you two settle this with pistols at dawn.
can we do dusk, soo hard getting up that early for a duelthis is not Aaron Burr publicly slurring Alexander Hamilton or somethingI'm going to insist -- now that you've put the idea in my head -- that you two settle this with pistols at dawn.
can we do dusk, soo hard getting up that early for a duelthis is not Aaron Burr publicly slurring Alexander Hamilton or somethingI'm going to insist -- now that you've put the idea in my head -- that you two settle this with pistols at dawn.
I believe Yada has acknowledged that I have given him satisfactionFair enough. I was just about to offer to be his 2nd.
Experts recommend giving your doctor a copy of your vaccination card for inclusion in your medical record.
and easily forgedExperts recommend giving your doctor a copy of your vaccination card for inclusion in your medical record.
Nothing says "US healthcare system" quite like an easily forgeable piece of paper that is meant to be proof of your immunization :o
and easily forgedExperts recommend giving your doctor a copy of your vaccination card for inclusion in your medical record.
Nothing says "US healthcare system" quite like an easily forgeable piece of paper that is meant to be proof of your immunization :o
It should be able to be looked up in a database tied to your social security #...but then more privacy issues abound
yes, which is why I said easily forgeable ;-)So not sure how I missed you saying that in your post, but I did.
What are the privacy issues?
Should've gotten the shot in my non-throwing arm; I'm afraid I lost some velo on my heater.
Some info about Madams Organs but also 930 club
They did say, they have no way of tracking those who got vax out of state, I would imagine that would bolster that number closer to 40%Some info about Madams Organs but also 930 club
According to the article, as of APril 23, only 33.6% of DC residents has at least one shot. Seems below the national average. Is that because DC has so many children compared to other states? Or does DC have a high percentage of vaccine resistant Republican men?
According to the article, as of APril 23, only 33.6% of DC residents has at least one shot. Seems below the national average. Is that because DC has so many children compared to other states? Or does DC have a high percentage of vaccine resistant Republican men?I've explained what's up here a few times, but I'll let The Atlantic (https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2021/03/why-dc-failing-vaccination-game/618466/) do it this time.
HA! Had a similar experience on my bike ride last night. The gnats were just clouds of nastiness all over the trail and I could feel them bouncing off my glasses and thought to myself, this is the one occasion that I wish I had my mask on
Some info about Madams Organs but also 930 club
According to the article, as of APril 23, only 33.6% of DC residents has at least one shot. Seems below the national average. Is that because DC has so many children compared to other states? Or does DC have a high percentage of vaccine resistant Republican men?
Some info about Madams Organs but also 930 club
According to the article, as of APril 23, only 33.6% of DC residents has at least one shot. Seems below the national average. Is that because DC has so many children compared to other states? Or does DC have a high percentage of vaccine resistant Republican men?
those DC numbers seem absurdly low to me but then again I live in a liberal woke bubble even by DC standards - I don't think I know anyone who hasn't received at least one shot - most of my neighborhood went to the MD mass vaxx sites so they won't show up in the DC numbers
I just received word from my employer that vaccinated people are still required to wear masks in outdoor areas, just like unvaccinated people.
That seems stupid...I mean shouldn’t government follow government recommendations?
I'm going to post this and confess that I love it when Julian goes off on this guy.I have long been on record that I don't give Rogan clicks.
https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/health/covid-herd-immunity-vaccine.html#click=https://t.co/CTBCsBBxn6The problem with articles like this is they never seem to understand that __% means vaccinated + infected - overlaps, not just vaccinated.
Whoa. That is sooner than I expected. If school age kids can all be vaxed by October, that would change the school equation a lot.
I think this could be good news
a recent poll of household 7-year-olds showed a 100% degree of excitement about getting vaxxed. even though they're deathly afraid of needles, they've felt left out: they've watched all the big people get their shots and how important we've made it sound, so they want in on the action. too bad we can't get approval before the new school year starts...
Whoa. That is sooner than I expected. If school age kids can all be vaxed by October, that would change the school equation a lot.
I think this could be good news
How would it change the school equation a lot? Fairfax County has been one of the most conservative districts and they're planning on five days a week, with only medical exemptions, regardless of vaccination status.Does this seem to be de rigueur nationwide? Didn't know that. Assumed as a childless person with disposable income and teacher friends that many school systems would continue to be hybrid and have teacher staffing issues until kids were vaxxed.
Also that was post 6666 for you so extra spoooooooky.Space almost shouldn't post again to keep that number
[Insert person here] should additionally never post again. For numerical reasons.Also that was post 6666 for you so extra spoooooooky.Space almost shouldn't post again to keep that number
I do not believe one person is going to decide to get a vaccine because of a free beer
This is just stupid
I do not believe one person is going to decide to get a vaccine because of a free beeryou may be right, but it's got people talking about it and it may have very well been the tipping point for some
I'll take that as you think Eric Feigl-Ding is wrong
damn...that's a good incentive...although could seriously make him broke
anyone that comes with vaccine papers,that proves that has been vaccinated will get $50 gift certificate for any of
@thinkfoodgroup restaurants in the @washingtondc area...
damn...that's a good incentive...although could seriously make him broke
anyone that comes with vaccine papers,that proves that has been vaccinated will get $50 gift certificate for any of
@thinkfoodgroup restaurants in the @washingtondc area...
damn...that's a good incentive...although could seriously make him broke
Now this type of incentive I likeThis is absolutely what we should be doing.
Now this type of incentive I likeThis is absolutely what we should be doing.
That's also a good plan. Or a small stimulus check to those who can prove vaccination.Now this type of incentive I likeThis is absolutely what we should be doing.
I like that idea. Might be more effective if they spread the wealth and split the million between 100 10K winners. That would definitely be enough dollars to entice some people to get vaccinated, and with 100 winners people would think they had a legit shot.
Though the Republicans will never be about spreading the wealth.
Now this type of incentive I like
For Yada
Fauci says no need to wear mask outside if you been vaccinated
I would feel better if I could get my kids vaxxedyou will
I am a little confused on this topic, because I have heard anecdotal stories about people getting their kids vaxxedChildren don't have ID cards and pharmacies have basically been taking people at their word that they are who they say they are when they show up for their vaccination. If someone wanted to vaccinate their 10 year old, I feel super confident it would be the easiest thing in the world to do just by lying on the signup sheet. Whose to say the kid isn't 12?
I am a little confused on this topic, because I have heard anecdotal stories about people getting their kids vaxxedChildren don't have ID cards and pharmacies have basically been taking people at their word that they are who they say they are when they show up for their vaccination. If someone wanted to vaccinate their 10 year old, I feel super confident it would be the easiest thing in the world to do just by lying on the signup sheet. Whose to say the kid isn't 12?
How about if you get vaccinated, you never have to eat Ledos trash pizza again?
when I was 10, I could get awesome pizza from any one of a 1/2 dozen shops in my town, all mom & Pop and were delicious (Long Island)How about if you get vaccinated, you never have to eat Ledos trash pizza again?
Yikes, and people call me negative. There is a certain time in everyone's life, like when they're maybe 10, that Ledo's Pizza is everyone's favorite pizza pie.
when I was 10, I could get awesome pizza from any one of a 1/2 dozen shops in my town, all mom & Pop and were delicious (Long Island)How about if you get vaccinated, you never have to eat Ledos trash pizza again?
Yikes, and people call me negative. There is a certain time in everyone's life, like when they're maybe 10, that Ledo's Pizza is everyone's favorite pizza pie.
Ledo's pizza is shitty amusement park pizza that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
I'm amazed the chain could last as long as it has, there obviously are enough little league teams in the DMV to support this
Yikes, and people call me negative.
this is an objective fact, not an opinion ;)
when I was 10, I could get awesome pizza from any one of a 1/2 dozen shops in my town, all mom & Pop and were delicious (Long Island)How about if you get vaccinated, you never have to eat Ledos trash pizza again?
Yikes, and people call me negative. There is a certain time in everyone's life, like when they're maybe 10, that Ledo's Pizza is everyone's favorite pizza pie.
Ledo's pizza is shitty amusement park pizza that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy
I'm amazed the chain could last as long as it has, there obviously are enough little league teams in the DMV to support this
How about if you get vaccinated, you never have to eat Ledos trash pizza again?
Yikes, and people call me negative. There is a certain time in everyone's life, like when they're maybe 10, that Ledo's Pizza is everyone's favorite pizza pie.
Ok...new bordie challangeIn for $100.
We send Space and his whole family to Ledos pizza, must open up an Instagram account, and post blow by blows and reviews of the Pizza
Ok...new bordie challangeIn for $100.
We send Space and his whole family to Ledos pizza, must open up an Instagram account, and post blow by blows and reviews of the Pizza
Ok...new bordie challangeIn for $100.
We send Space and his whole family to Ledos pizza, must open up an Instagram account, and post blow by blows and reviews of the Pizza
i'm in too, but how much do we really need? how much can a pair of pies and a few craft beers run? or are we turning this into a fundraiser, and if so for whom?
I mean, I watched Scenes from a Marriage and enjoyed it, and this has the added benefit that I don't have to read subtitles.Ok...new bordie challangeIn for $100.
We send Space and his whole family to Ledos pizza, must open up an Instagram account, and post blow by blows and reviews of the Pizza
i'm in too, but how much do we really need? how much can a pair of pies and a few craft beers run? or are we turning this into a fundraiser, and if so for whom?
I don't understand what the appeal of this would be for you guys.
I was thinking that soon I expect companies to say they don’t require masks
It’s all honor system
Saw two Giant workers working without masks this morning. All customers were masked. I guess we're in the Honor System stage, baby.
My kid got her fist shot yesterday. System glitched so we ended up standing in a line for 60 minutes. I was the only person (out of hundreds) without a mask in the outdoor line. I hope I made Yada proud.
Re: grocery store workers....they were considered essential and were first in line for vaccination.Where do you live where grocery store workers were “first” in line for vaccines? Because it’s not Virginia, Maryland, or DC.
Also, yesterday, they changed the colon exam recommendation from 50 to 45, so some of you can start lining up your colonoscopies.I just read that too, good thing I just turned 50
Also, yesterday, they changed the colon exam recommendation from 50 to 45, so some of you can start lining up your colonoscopies.I just read that too, good thing I just turned 50
apparently the Arnold palmer is getting some serious attentionIts crazy how far ahead I’ve been all along.
Robert Peston@Peston
@neil_ferguson tells me studies are showing immune response is increased by mixing vaccines, eg AZ first dose followed by Pfizer or Moderna as 2nd. Says mixing vaccines may be good policy.
-7 cases in Fairfax County today.
-7 cases in Fairfax County today.
Does that mean they're giving cases away? Arlington beware!
Anheuser-Busch to give away free alcohol if US hits President Biden's goal of 70% of adults with at least one Covid vaccine shot by July 4
The company said in a news release that if the US reaches that goal, "Anheuser-Busch will buy America's next round of beer, seltzer, non-alcoholic beverage or other A-B product." It instructs those 21 and up to upload a picture of themselves at their favorite bar or restaurant and enter to win.
Xmark's the spot
I think X is technically considered an upper, isn't it?
First time at the gym w/o a mask and it felt likelike...team USA ;)
So West Virginia's "keep it simple stupid" plan did not reach 70% but CA's difficult equitable distribution plan did?Youre too smart for this. The final percentages were never what we were talking about. They got out of the gate quicker than CA for exactly the reasons I said. The increased efficiency of their system was never going to lead to more people wanting to get vaxxed there then CA and neither I nor anyone said it would.
Jules - I await your apology.
Youre too smart for this. The final percentages were never what we were talking about. They got out of the gate quicker than CA for exactly the reasons I said. The increased efficiency of their system was never going to lead to more people wanting to get vaxxed there then CA and neither I nor anyone said it would.
It only took me a few hours in NYC over the weekend to completely become a Yada about the overzealousness of masking requirements and some people's lack of applied science..
My wife and I are fully vaccinated, and my daughter was 21 days past her first Pfizer (got #2 yesterday.) Despite that, most stores and eateries made all of us don masks to enter. Other Half even collected our contact tracing information.
We went to visit an old friend and his family. They were in the process of moving from one second/third world country to another, and had a two month stopover in NYC to get vaccinated. Friend and wife are fully vaccinated and daughter had shot #2 on Friday. In spite of that, they forced us to wait over an hour for the opportunity to sit outside in the 90 degree heat instead of instantly getting a table inside in the AC. While doing that, my friend guzzled four glasses of wine (which we basically paid for since we split the bill between families and they had the more expensive food total to begin with), and their family insisted on wearing masks the entire time we stood outdoors, making it hard to hear them. They even wore the masks the entire time we were at the table, sometimes even putting the masks back on to pause between bites mid-meal.
I hate to be the one to break it to you Space, but these aren't your people.
Do you think they were extremely risk averse because if in the unlikely event (i.e., 0% - 5% chance) that they contracted COVID-19, their plans to uproot their lives and start over in a new country would effectively be canceled, and they'd be stuck in New York without a place to live, jobs, schools etc?
Speaking of Covid, an old co worker of mine died in Richmond two weeks ago of covid.
46 years old.
Speaking of Covid, an old co worker of mine died in Richmond two weeks ago of covid.
46 years old.
But some would say that the numbers are so low that it doesn't matter.
I'm sorry for your loss, Yada.
...they forced us to wait over an hour for the opportunity to sit outside in the 90 degree heat instead of instantly getting a table inside in the AC.
...and their family insisted on wearing masks the entire time we stood outdoors, making it hard to hear them.
Speaking of Covid, an old co worker of mine died in Richmond two weeks ago of covid.
46 years old.
But some would say that the numbers are so low that it doesn't matter.
I'm sorry for your loss, Yada.
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Hey, when Space is ready to move on, it's time to move on!!!!
He was bitching about people not wearing masks in giant open football fields less than a month ago, but now he's ready to drink $12 pints at craft beer bars in Brooklyn, so time to move on people!!!!
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Hey, when Space is ready to move on, it's time to move on!!!!
He was bitching about people not wearing masks in giant open football fields less than a month ago, but now he's ready to drink $12 pints at craft beer bars in Brooklyn, so time to move on people!!!!
The seven day average is down 65% from a month ago (probably 95%+ from a few months ago), and CDC guidance has changed in that time. You yourself were advocating for the option to go maskless if you're fully vaccinated. Are you now against vaccinated people having the option to go maskless indoors?
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Hey, when Space is ready to move on, it's time to move on!!!!
He was bitching about people not wearing masks in giant open football fields less than a month ago, but now he's ready to drink $12 pints at craft beer bars in Brooklyn, so time to move on people!!!!
The seven day average is down 65% from a month ago (probably 95%+ from a few months ago), and CDC guidance has changed in that time. You yourself were advocating for the option to go maskless if you're fully vaccinated. Are you now against vaccinated people having the option to go maskless indoors?
I still wear masks indoors.
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Hey, when Space is ready to move on, it's time to move on!!!!
He was bitching about people not wearing masks in giant open football fields less than a month ago, but now he's ready to drink $12 pints at craft beer bars in Brooklyn, so time to move on people!!!!
The seven day average is down 65% from a month ago (probably 95%+ from a few months ago), and CDC guidance has changed in that time. You yourself were advocating for the option to go maskless if you're fully vaccinated. Are you now against vaccinated people having the option to go maskless indoors?
I still wear masks indoors.
So do I, but I think the choice should be mine.
Do you also avoid eating indoors?
Space wasn't complaining about public policy. Space was complaining about other people's personal risk tolerance. Space was also complaining about the price of wine in NYC and his gradual hearing loss.
Hey, when Space is ready to move on, it's time to move on!!!!
He was bitching about people not wearing masks in giant open football fields less than a month ago, but now he's ready to drink $12 pints at craft beer bars in Brooklyn, so time to move on people!!!!
The seven day average is down 65% from a month ago (probably 95%+ from a few months ago), and CDC guidance has changed in that time. You yourself were advocating for the option to go maskless if you're fully vaccinated. Are you now against vaccinated people having the option to go maskless indoors?
I still wear masks indoors.
So do I, but I think the choice should be mine.
Do you also avoid eating indoors?
No, I've been supporting my local Wheaton establishments and dining indoors for months, but I don't complain about their rules they have in place.
I'm beginning to think that you were really just annoyed with your former friend, and you're blaming COVID.
I'm beginning to think that you were really just annoyed with your former friend, and you're blaming COVID.
I'm guessing the guy doesn't even like Space and they were both drug along to brunch begrudgingly by their wives who they also both don't like.
And I wonder aloud why your local establishments create rules that don't follow CDC guidance.
https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-lifts-indoor-mask-guidance-for-vaccinated-people-you-can-shed-your-mask-184707179.html (https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-lifts-indoor-mask-guidance-for-vaccinated-people-you-can-shed-your-mask-184707179.html)
And I wonder aloud why your local establishments create rules that don't follow CDC guidance.
https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-lifts-indoor-mask-guidance-for-vaccinated-people-you-can-shed-your-mask-184707179.html (https://news.yahoo.com/cdc-lifts-indoor-mask-guidance-for-vaccinated-people-you-can-shed-your-mask-184707179.html)
And I wonder why you think that CDC edicts are binding for local municipalities and private businesses.
I think Florida and the like made the wrong decision, but I believe they should have the authority to do so. CDC should be (is?) in an advisory role.
POTWI'm beginning to think that you were really just annoyed with your former friend, and you're blaming COVID.
I'm guessing the guy doesn't even like Space and they were both drug along to brunch begrudgingly by their wives who they also both don't like.
who's gonna yell at you?I think we at the board can fill that gap
who's gonna yell at you?I think we at the board can fill that gap
NYC must be seriously suffering covid PTSD.. no place in the world probably got hit harder..
NYC must be seriously suffering covid PTSD.. no place in the world probably got hit harder..
Milan would like to have a word with you... several cities in India will wait their turn to go after.
(1) Personal preferences and you should have cleared that up BEFORE agreeing to lunch with that couple. This is going to go on for a while. He's clearly not alone in his stance if you had to wait over an hour for a table outdoors while there was plenty of available seating indoors.
(2) CDC is advisory, local jurisdictions have authority. You're going to LOVE CA if you don't want to wear a mask indoors or in businesses (before July 31, and depending on which part of the state)...don't like it? Shop, eat, visit elsewhere....
(1) Personal preferences and you should have cleared that up BEFORE agreeing to lunch with that couple. This is going to go on for a while. He's clearly not alone in his stance if you had to wait over an hour for a table outdoors while there was plenty of available seating indoors.
(2) CDC is advisory, local jurisdictions have authority. You're going to LOVE CA if you don't want to wear a mask indoors or in businesses (before July 31, and depending on which part of the state)...don't like it? Shop, eat, visit elsewhere....
Also, are you sure about your #2?
In spite of that, they forced us to wait over an hour for the opportunity to sit outside in the 90 degree heat instead of instantly getting a table inside in the AC.
1a. Also, for the record, I spent much of that hour+ driving around looking for parking (We were going to check in to the hotel and Uber, but my friend INSISTED that they were STARVING and they had to eat at 7 or we could just wait until tomorrow. and then we ended up eating after 8 anyway because, well I guess they weren't starving after all...so we had to drive straight there.)
So it was actually my introverted wife and daughter who were forced to make conversation with fully masked mumbly people they don't really know outdoors who were doing most of the bitching about the wait, and I'm simply backing them up.
Can indoor concerts ever be safe again? (https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/10/health/covid-indoor-concerts-wellness/index.html)
I long for the day when we can go back to mosh pits, hearing loss, overdoses, carelessly thrown bottles and muggings.
San Francisco might be the first major U.S. city to reach herd immunity
As of Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 69% of San Francisco residents were said be fully vaccinated.
Unvaccinated Missourians fuel COVID: ‘We will be the canary’ (https://apnews.com/article/mo-state-wire-michael-brown-coronavirus-pandemic-health-89fa995c59397228d8d56e1ab45890ab?)
Might want to skip your plans to visit Missouri this summer
If you're not a southern county, wouldn't you be a northern county by default? What else is there?you never heard of mid-Missouri counties
If you're not a southern county, wouldn't you be a northern county by default? What else is there?you never heard of mid-Missouri counties
My unvaccinated 80 year old mom left a message that she's glad we made it back ok from California. She was worried the whole time about losing us in an earthquake.Inappropriate LOLs from me.
It was also pointed out the sudden shift at faux news could be attributed to the market wobbling due to increased cases because of the delta variant… don’t want those rich people taking to many hits on their net worthDoes Julian's America's representative want to weigh in here
speaking of CA ...I was reading today that LA is pretty much going back on lockdown
los angeles reinstituted mask mandate indoors despite vaccine status
we may not be going to all the shows we are buying tickets for...
this thread scared the be-jeabus out of me
Also, nearly 100% of new COVID deaths are of Republicans and Fox News watchers. Their 180 turn is just self-preservation.So this is how we even out all the new voting laws the enacted ?
My unvaccinated 80 year old mom left a message that she's glad we made it back ok from California. She was worried the whole time about losing us in an earthquake.Inappropriate LOLs from me.
OK, but where did her fear of Earthquakes come from.
OK, but where did her fear of Earthquakes come from.
There was a 6.0 earthquake less than three hours from where we were floating in a lake on July 8. (We didn't feel a thing.)
Also, nearly 100% of new COVID deaths are of Republicans and Fox News watchers. Their 180 turn is just self-preservation.
speaking of CA ...I was reading today that LA is pretty much going back on lockdown
los angeles reinstituted mask mandate indoors despite vaccine status
we may not be going to all the shows we are buying tickets for...
Over 12,000 new cases in Florida
Did nobody get vaccinated there?
Arlo Parks tests positive
Arlo Parks tests positive
LoL. Maybe she should get vaxxed?
haven't heard she was against that?Arlo Parks tests positive
LoL. Maybe she should get vaxxed?
kinda wondering if people in FL were now wishing Flordia had been Fauci'edOver 12,000 new cases in Florida
Did nobody get vaccinated there?
"This week, just three states Florida, Texas and Missouri, three states with lower vaccination rates accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide" (https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/22/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html)
lotta folks watching the fox news in ol' FL...
Arlo Parks tests positive
LoL. Maybe she should get vaxxed?
Likely, but there are a scary number of breakthrough cases showing up.
Arlo Parks tests positive
LoL. Maybe she should get vaxxed?
Likely, but there are a scary number of breakthrough cases showing up.
So when a black person gets it, they're a breakthrough case, and when a white person gets it, they're a Fox News watcher?
Don’t say that man… am trying to ignore the signs..
Over 12,000 new cases in Florida
Did nobody get vaccinated there?
"This week, just three states Florida, Texas and Missouri, three states with lower vaccination rates accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide" (https://www.cnn.com/2021/07/22/health/us-coronavirus-thursday/index.html)
lotta folks watching the fox news in ol' FL...
those numbers don't really work
You have got to be kidding me
those numbers don't really work
Kinda weird they don't break down Latio in this?
those numbers don't really work
Florida Demographics
According to the most recent ACS, the racial composition of Florida was:
White: 75.12%
Black or African American: 16.07%
Other race: 2.99%
Two or more races: 2.74%
Asian: 2.73%
Native American: 0.28%
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander: 0.06%
Kinda weird they don't break down Latio in this? when it says somewhere else that Florida: 5.66 million Latinos
Florida Population 2021
So that would make latino 25%
Wonder what the breakdown is of those 12k cases reported?
I love the idea of restrictions and vaccine passports but they won’t be enforced. It puts the job of government agent on poor schlub working at a grocery store or restaurant for — Idk what service employees make — $63/hour?? That’s wack.
Just give people $1500 if they get vaxxed. Solved.
Mandatory masks for PG county public schools this fall
Its weird that you think "the reason" to get vaccinated is to avoid wearing a mask not to avoid getting COVID (or at least avoiding the most deleterious effects of COVID).Mandatory masks for PG county public schools this fall
So we basically got our kids vaccinated for no reason.
Mandatory masks for PG county public schools this fall
So we basically got our kids vaccinated for no reason.
I love the idea of restrictions and vaccine passports but they won’t be enforced. It puts the job of government agent on poor schlub working at a grocery store or restaurant for — Idk what service employees make — $63/hour?? That’s wack.
Just give people $1500 if they get vaxxed. Solved.
No way would my mom or sister in law be bought off for $1500. Not sure if they are typical cases.
Its weird that you think "the reason" to get vaccinated is to avoid wearing a mask not to avoid getting COVID (or at least avoiding the most deleterious effects of COVID).Mandatory masks for PG county public schools this fall
So we basically got our kids vaccinated for no reason.
Well the vaccine brings the risk levels down to the extent that we don't need masks if we choose not to.Agreed.
Are kids basically going to be wearing masks to school forever? Because this shit isn't going away.I imagine when all school age children can be vaccinated, that special "masks in schools" proviso will disappear.
Well the vaccine brings the risk levels down to the extent that we don't need masks if we choose not to.Agreed.Are kids basically going to be wearing masks to school forever? Because this shit isn't going away.I imagine when all school age children can be vaccinated, that special "masks in schools" proviso will disappear.
My kid is 11 and probably won’t be vaccinated by time he starts middle school
I am trying to understand a person’s mentality that gets so bent about kids having to wear masks to school…..and failing. Particularly when the delta variant is beginning to hit us and there is some lack of clarity about potential breakthrough infections, reinfections etc
Then again you got bent when they cancelled in person teaching last year, remember? Some real jewel posts Space(https://cdn.pastemagazine.com/www/articles/2019/04/29/BabyoftheYr.jpg)
Trust me when I say you are the last person whose opinion on this I value. You simply have no idea what you are talking about a lot of the time
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Trust me when I say you are the last person whose opinion on this I value. You simply have no idea what you are talking about a lot of the time
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Would you like me to insult your family?
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Would you like me to insult your family?
I don't use this forum as a place to bitch and complain about my family life all day long, but if you can find something to insult my family about, please do... but I'd be careful.
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Would you like me to insult your family?
I don't use this forum as a place to bitch and complain about my family life all day long, but if you can find something to insult my family about, please do... but I'd be careful.
Why would you assume that there's not lots of love and hugs in families that have issues? Lots of issues means lots of emotions, one of which is love. I'd be more concerned about the state of families with mousy wives who don't speak their mind and the husband is assumes everything is hunky Dory.
This is such an interesting style of posting
no, but i will make fun of both of you for your inabilities to post properly
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Would you like me to insult your family?
no, but i will make fun of both of you for your inabilities to post properly
will have to pass on family hugs too....
I can't imagine many hugs are given at your family gatherings.
Would you like me to insult your family?
Mandatory masks for PG county public schools this fall
Alexandra City Public Schools will not be requiring masks. Arlington will.
Alexandra City Public Schools will not be requiring masks. Arlington will.
There's a better than average chance that this decision gets reversed before the end of August.
The source that I got that from...has been edited...
The federal government can mandate vaccines for federal government employees and private businesses can do so for their own employees but I don’t believe the federal government can mandate vaccines for all Americans.
In any case, at this point, if the federal government were to mandate vaccination for all Americans I believe two things would immediately happen:
1. It would be challenged in the courts and make it all the way up to the Supreme Court where it would be struck down 6-3 or worse.
2. Full civil war would break out.
Not going to happen.
The federal government can mandate vaccines for federal government employees and private businesses can do so for their own employees but I don’t believe the federal government can mandate vaccines for all Americans.
In any case, at this point, if the federal government were to mandate vaccination for all Americans I believe two things would immediately happen:
1. It would be challenged in the courts and make it all the way up to the Supreme Court where it would be struck down 6-3 or worse.
2. Full civil war would break out.
Not going to happen.
capitalists be like, covid is bad for business m'kay?in the running for POTW
^yikes...what's the over/under that shows scheduled from Sept on will still happen
The federal government can mandate vaccines for federal government employees and private businesses can do so for their own employees but I don’t believe the federal government can mandate vaccines for all Americans.
In any case, at this point, if the federal government were to mandate vaccination for all Americans I believe two things would immediately happen:
1. It would be challenged in the courts and make it all the way up to the Supreme Court where it would be struck down 6-3 or worse.
2. Full civil war would break out.
Not going to happen.
The federal government can mandate vaccines for federal government employees and private businesses can do so for their own employees but I don’t believe the federal government can mandate vaccines for all Americans.
In any case, at this point, if the federal government were to mandate vaccination for all Americans I believe two things would immediately happen:
1. It would be challenged in the courts and make it all the way up to the Supreme Court where it would be struck down 6-3 or worse.
2. Full civil war would break out.
Not going to happen.
Do you think #2 would happen if Biden mandated vaccines for the military and not just federal workers?
Julie Zauzmer
News: DC will again require masks in all indoor settings, starting Saturday. Mayor Bowser’s order will apply to everyone over age 2, vaccinated or unvaccinated.
Yes what do YOU care about!? Let’s focus on that…
Lots of businesses will go under and people will lose their jobs if we have to shut down again…
You are so transparent Space…it’s pathological
It’s kind of sad and pathetic really
Oh no my daughter might have to wear a mask! Oh no I might have to work from home instead of going to the office!
Everything filtered exclusively through the prism of how it affects YOU and only you. And we should care about you because? You evidently don’t care about anyone else.
Try reading Rousseau or somethingPfft. Fifth-tier LOST character. Strong pass.
Have we always been son unempathetic a people?
I mean what if we were like, "World War II", sounds like typical weak European crybaby loser bullshit. "We already did a so called "world war". We did kind of do that until Pearl Harbor, but what if, as a country, our response to that was, "I don't even know any Hawaiians". Or "they're barely even real Americans".
what if, as a country, our response to that was, "I don't even know any Hawaiians". Or "they're barely even real Americans".Sorry I’m late guys, the babysit was late and totally fucked me. She was in a hit and run. But don’t worry about it, the people she killed, the police said they were kind of just nothing and we shouldn’t worry about it AT ALL.
what if, as a country, our response to that was, "I don't even know any Hawaiians". Or "they're barely even real Americans".Sorry I’m late guys, the babysit was late and totally fucked me. She was in a hit and run. But don’t worry about it, the people she killed, the police said they were kind of just nothing and we shouldn’t worry about it AT ALL.
I love the idea of restrictions and vaccine passports but they won’t be enforced. It puts the job of government agent on poor schlub working at a grocery store or restaurant for — Idk what service employees make — $63/hour?? That’s wack.
Just give people $1500 if they get vaxxed. Solved.
I think $300-400 is kind of the over/under where this starts to make a difference.^^ DING DING
I love the idea of restrictions and vaccine passports but they won’t be enforced. It puts the job of government agent on poor schlub working at a grocery store or restaurant for — Idk what service employees make — $63/hour?? That’s wack.
Just give people $1500 if they get vaxxed. Solved.
So do you think $100 will do the trick?
DC had 61 new cases today and no deaths
I wonder how many people are waiting the 3 or 4 weeks needed for the vax to fully immunize them. If not then they're not really vaxxed yet.There is zero — and I stress, zero — evidence that the vaccines take 3-4 weeks to give off a relative level of immunity or that at week 3 or 4 one’s protection takes some statistically significant leap from mere days before.
I wonder how many people are waiting the 3 or 4 weeks needed for the vax to fully immunize them. If not then they're not really vaxxed yet.There is zero — and I stress, zero — evidence that the vaccines take 3-4 weeks to give off a relative level of immunity or that at week 3 or 4 one’s protection takes some statistically significant leap from mere days before.
I wonder how many people are waiting the 3 or 4 weeks needed for the vax to fully immunize them. If not then they're not really vaxxed yet.There is zero — and I stress, zero — evidence that the vaccines take 3-4 weeks to give off a relative level of immunity or that at week 3 or 4 one’s protection takes some statistically significant leap from mere days before.
Will DC follow?Follow? Did I misunderstand Bowser's mask mandate she put into effect a few days ago? Wouldn't it already do this?
I thought it requires wearing masks not proof of vaccination?I'm sorry -- reading is hard.
I thought it requires wearing masks not proof of vaccination?I'm sorry -- reading is hard.
opinions evolve with new info and new twists and turns
…some people actually arrive at shows drunk and belligerentFake news...never happens
…some people actually arrive at shows drunk and belligerentFake news...never happens
Less so now that the yacht is gone.…some people actually arrive at shows drunk and belligerentFake news...never happens
I challenge anyone to make it through this video without laughing out loud.
Why would one assume that this is Prosperity Gospel Church when it says right in the tweet the church is called Global Vision Bible Church?I challenge anyone to make it through this video without laughing out loud.
one would have assume this is prosperity gospel church, so how does one prosper when they are DEAD!!! and of course stop lining the pockets of these "churches" because they are no longer prospering
I think texas and FL are determined to make things worse...
the Texas Education Agency released new guidance for schools on how to handle positive COVID-19 cases.
I think texas and FL are determined to make things worse...
the Texas Education Agency released new guidance for schools on how to handle positive COVID-19 cases.
so, essentially, do nothing. got it. good thing they wrote down the guidelines.
Gotta keep those lice in a pot. Essential.I think texas and FL are determined to make things worse...
the Texas Education Agency released new guidance for schools on how to handle positive COVID-19 cases.
so, essentially, do nothing. got it. good thing they wrote down the guidelines.
but don't forget about the lice.. them texas schools are still required to repot the lice, even though they don't carry the rona, etc...
In terms of a Friday, I’m quite proud of that one..
Anyone going to the superspreader event on wheels this weekend at Nationals park?
Where can I get the t-shirt?
They can’t arrest all of usFamous last words.
They can’t arrest all of usFamous last words.
I mean, WTF Southwest, American and Delta??!!?!?Julian will be flying United for the foreseeable future unless it’s points redemption flights on American just to dick with them.
From an economic perspective, well, what 5-11 year olds do you know are revenue generating?Thanks to the Biden Advance Child Tax Credit...the kidos at the Hatch-hold are creating some revenue
children who have a statistically insignificant mortality rate
There's so much stock in the rich world right now
Just to pivot the conversation slightly, should we be vaccinating 5-11 year olds now or should we wait until the Julian's of the world -- those who are now 6 months out from their second dose -- get a booster? From a health risk perspective, obviously its a no-brainer to booster shot your most vulnerable over giving a dose to children who have a statistically insignificant mortality rate. From an economic perspective, well, what 5-11 year olds do you know are revenue generating?
I just think, once again, we're not tackling this logically at all.
you bring up a relevant point: we'll get a huge bang for the buck by vaccinating the rest of the world.
I am hearing new stories about covid - maybe delta- hitting kids hard…
Just to pivot the conversation slightly, should we be vaccinating 5-11 year olds now or should we wait until the Julian's of the world -- those who are now 6 months out from their second dose -- get a booster? From a health risk perspective, obviously its a no-brainer to booster shot your most vulnerable over giving a dose to children who have a statistically insignificant mortality rate. From an economic perspective, well, what 5-11 year olds do you know are revenue generating?
I just think, once again, we're not tackling this logically at all.
CNN: FDA expected to authorize Covid-19 vaccine booster shots for immunocompromised people within the next 48 hoursI’m so plugged, I shock myself sometimes.
Add Julian to lust of people who love thinking they are “right” and letting you know about it…Just now?!
Just to pivot the conversation slightly, should we be vaccinating 5-11 year olds now or should we wait until the Julian's of the world -- those who are now 6 months out from their second dose -- get a booster? From a health risk perspective, obviously its a no-brainer to booster shot your most vulnerable over giving a dose to children who have a statistically insignificant mortality rate. From an economic perspective, well, what 5-11 year olds do you know are revenue generating?
I just think, once again, we're not tackling this logically at all.CNN: FDA expected to authorize Covid-19 vaccine booster shots for immunocompromised people within the next 48 hoursI’m so plugged, I shock myself sometimes.
you advocated boosters based on economic contribution.
or should we wait until the Julian's of the world -- those who are now 6 months out from their second dose -- get a booster?
the CDC is recommending boosters for the immunocompromised. not the same.
also, the CDC is saying nothing about adults before kids...And yet, booster shots will be approved and start within 48 hours and by all accounts we're 6 weeks out from child vaccinations being on the table.
Add Julian to lust of people who love thinking they are “right” and letting you know about it…
New Orleans Jazz Festival 2021While understandable it’s a crushing blowThis damn coronavirus presents a real long term threat to our way of live and we are not coping well as a species. We are sort of ignoring the big issues and trying patchwork solutions.No shit
Just one week into the new school year, 5,599 students and 316 employees in Hillsborough County are isolated or quarantined as COVID cases continue to rise.
a key stat that I didn't intentionally leave out...thanks for updatingJust one week into the new school year, 5,599 students and 316 employees in Hillsborough County are isolated or quarantined as COVID cases continue to rise.
Out of 220,000. That said, they should all be home anyways.
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott tests positive for COVID-19
Well that would be EVEN BETTER....but not all Americans work for a big-pocketed Health company (I have no idea where or what you do)Correct, its not gold standard but its good enough, and frankly good + you know and can act in 15 minutes vs great but it takes 24-72 hours for a lab to process is kind of a wash.
Had no idea you could buy these at CVS now
but $11 a pop is kinda steep
But this is not a PCR test, right this is the 'antibody' test that I keep hearing isn't the gold standard on testing
And I would have guessed Carrie Underwood was the savior we all needed.
twitter losing its mind over the fact that Carrie Underwood liked an anti-mask tweet. worlds are collapsing out there.
What's that? The "like" was about her kids, 6 and 2, not being forced wearing masks while in school? Oh...ffs people
her kids strike me more as Anthem people.
I can't stand Matt Walsh, so I question her choices in life
I can't stand Matt Walsh, so I question her choices in life
She married a Canadian professional hockey player over a decade ago and NOW you question her choices in life?
As you probably know, UMD is requiring all students, faculty and staff to be fully vaccinated by the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester (Monday 8/30). Their update letter today says that we've attained a 92% rate, and it should be even higher when classes start in 11 days.
Fuck yeah!
As you probably know, UMD is requiring all students, faculty and staff to be fully vaccinated by the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester (Monday 8/30). Their update letter today says that we've attained a 92% rate, and it should be even higher when classes start in 11 days.
Fuck yeah!
Attestation or verification?
Now that we know that vaccines hardly work, does it even matter?
For me it says "You have satisfied the vaccine requirement (either because your vaccination record has been verified or your exemption approved)."
The Coronavirus Is Here Forever. This Is How We Live With It
https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/how-we-live-coronavirus-forever/619783/ (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/how-we-live-coronavirus-forever/619783/)
The Coronavirus Is Here Forever. This Is How We Live With It
https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/how-we-live-coronavirus-forever/619783/ (https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/08/how-we-live-coronavirus-forever/619783/)
Thanks for this.
Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?How long was trump in office in the Covid era vs how long has Biden been?
Is this cause in the near future more people may have died under Biden than Trump?
Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?It's mathematically inevitable this will be true, but biden will get dinged for those who died after jan 20th, when infact they likely got infected dec/jan
Is this cause in the near future more people may have died under Biden than Trump?
Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?It's mathematically inevitable this will be true, but biden will get dinged for those who died after jan 20th, when infact they likely got infected dec/jan
Is this cause in the near future more people may have died under Biden than Trump?
But don't we all need to get to the point where we need to live with covid and the risks. Can we really social distance and mask forever?
I wish this would impact people to get healthy as the overwhelming majority of fatalities were due to someone being in poor health to begin with (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding)
Now that's a little different for old people as that's not really an option
You cannot be serious. A 90 year old cannot choose to just randomly be 42 years old instead.Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?It's mathematically inevitable this will be true, but biden will get dinged for those who died after jan 20th, when infact they likely got infected dec/jan
Is this cause in the near future more people may have died under Biden than Trump?
But don't we all need to get to the point where we need to live with covid and the risks. Can we really social distance and mask forever?
I wish this would impact people to get healthy as the overwhelming majority of fatalities were due to someone being in poor health to begin with (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding)
Now that's a little different for old people as that's not really an option
Why would it be more difficult for old people to make healthy choices than it would be for people younger than old people to?
A 90 year old cannot choose to just randomly be 42 years old instead.How about a 50 year old being 18 instead...is that an option?
You cannot be serious. A 90 year old cannot choose to just randomly be 42 years old instead.Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?It's mathematically inevitable this will be true, but biden will get dinged for those who died after jan 20th, when infact they likely got infected dec/jan
Is this cause in the near future more people may have died under Biden than Trump?
But don't we all need to get to the point where we need to live with covid and the risks. Can we really social distance and mask forever?
I wish this would impact people to get healthy as the overwhelming majority of fatalities were due to someone being in poor health to begin with (correct me if I'm wrong, but that's my understanding)
Now that's a little different for old people as that's not really an option
Why would it be more difficult for old people to make healthy choices than it would be for people younger than old people to?
Am I crazy or are liberals now saying and rallying around idea we need to learn to live with covid that were outraged when Trump and his crowd were saying this?
I may be wrong, but I still think this is the case and the young and healthy deaths are anecdotal in the grand scheme.
there is talk about the dead not being healthy or young when all I am hearing is that more and more it’s younger and healthier folk being affected.
Again, am seeing people adopting the same rationales Trumptards did for months which we met with disdain.
Basically 7 months into Biden administration it’s time and it’s fair to take a look at how things have been going….
I think the answer is clear that they have gone poorly….we are at a worst point than expected… and just blaming Trumptards isn’t going to cut it
And I don’t see any new ideas or approaches which isn’t necessarily all Biden’s fault but he is the president.
Because I'm concerned about the midterms, I'm looking into a new mask
(my old birdwell one has gone missing...would possibly buy again, but the latest offerings (https://www.birdwell.com/collections/buy-a-mask-give-a-mask) are not to my liking)
I don't like any mask that hangs on my ears...so limits me, but found some nice options and curious what people think
I mean we are going to be wearing these everyday for the rest of our lives, might as well be comfortable and stylish
Kistbow (https://www.kitsbow.com/collections/personal-protective-equipment/products/wake-protech-reusable-face-mask?variant=32323694690339)
686 POLYGIENE (https://www.686.com/products/686-polygiene-viraloff-archetype-face-mask-1?variant=32030180474947)
Yikes, not sure I buy that whole scenario… but some truth there
US regulators give full approval to Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
apparently TFG said that the vax was good and people should take it this weekend in AL
Federal government needs to start compelling people, organizations and businesses to ensure more people get vaccinated…
carrots and stick
"And every little bit — carrots, sticks and even a dose of fear — helps." (from: Opinion: Time to say it: We’re done with the vaccine refusers (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2021/08/23/time-say-it-were-done-with-vaccine-refusers/))
Never mind, goddamn it... (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2021/06/11/here-are-the-biggest-groups-that-are-still-refusing-the-covid-19-vaccine-poll-finds/?sh=6ab34c8b42cc) (sorry, Forbes.com link)
The KFF poll, conducted May 18-25, found that the highest share of unvaccinated respondents were 30-49 years old (41%), followed by 29% ages 18-29 and 20% ages 50-64, while only 9% of those unvaccinated were 65 and older.
Never mind, goddamn it... (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2021/06/11/here-are-the-biggest-groups-that-are-still-refusing-the-covid-19-vaccine-poll-finds/?sh=6ab34c8b42cc) (sorry, Forbes.com link)
The KFF poll, conducted May 18-25, found that the highest share of unvaccinated respondents were 30-49 years old (41%), followed by 29% ages 18-29 and 20% ages 50-64, while only 9% of those unvaccinated were 65 and older.
So you were wrong. It makes sense that younger people would be most likely to go unvaccinated. COVID is less harmful to younger people, and they're probably cautious in terms of getting a vaccine that hasn't been around for a long time.
Never mind, goddamn it... (https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2021/06/11/here-are-the-biggest-groups-that-are-still-refusing-the-covid-19-vaccine-poll-finds/?sh=6ab34c8b42cc) (sorry, Forbes.com link)
The KFF poll, conducted May 18-25, found that the highest share of unvaccinated respondents were 30-49 years old (41%), followed by 29% ages 18-29 and 20% ages 50-64, while only 9% of those unvaccinated were 65 and older.
So you were wrong. It makes sense that younger people would be most likely to go unvaccinated. COVID is less harmful to younger people, and they're probably cautious in terms of getting a vaccine that hasn't been around for a long time.
Doesn’t make sense to me…
folks hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest
in the early stages of the pandemic, COVID was described as an old person's disease. folks were dying almost exclusively in nursing homes and palliative care units. the news loudly proclaimed that young people were not affected by the disease (took us a while to realize this wasn't true). folks hear what they want to hear and disregard the rest - so plenty of folks in their 20's and 30's still thing it's not something that will affect them, or at least their risk is very very low. throw in some disinformation and a dose of peer pressure, and voila...
or thinks of anyone beyond themselves.
Nice to see Florida has decided to not count people dying from covid.
Nice to see Florida has decided to not count people dying from covid.
Nice to see Florida has decided to not count people dying from covid.
Ugh… I can’t link my brain but you can check worldometer and it’s clear
If this is incorrect I stand corrected…not sure why the huge discrepancy
I think I am onto something
Florida is a mess reporting data…
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
How many indoor concerts will you be going to this Fall?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
How many indoor concerts will you be going to this Fall?
At least four to six based on current tickets I have in hand.
Mandatory Vax + Mask should make things basically fine. The paranoia is higgggggggggggggggggggggh!!! Time to wear masks at outdoor soccer fields again!
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
How many indoor concerts will you be going to this Fall?
At least four to six based on current tickets I have in hand.
Mandatory Vax + Mask should make things basically fine. The paranoia is higgggggggggggggggggggggh!!! Time to wear masks at outdoor soccer fields again!
Basically agree with you. I have tickets to five shows and Snallygaster. I'm not too fearful being fully vaxxed and wearing a mask.
But what do i say to the people who think I'm being selfish because by doing those things I'm increasing the risk that I'll asymptomatically spread it to little kids (who aren't mine) and the immunocompromised?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
How many indoor concerts will you be going to this Fall?
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and expecting different results
As a country we are just nowhere near taking this seriously enough
Virginia had 3500 new cases yesterday…highest since February
How many indoor concerts will you be going to this Fall?
I am sorry Space but am out of time for your stupidity
lets put together 100k old, fat and in poor health people who are MAGA's and see what happens
I will say, Lollapalooza was the flip side of this...seems like the aftermath of that was almost zero...but haven't seen many follow ups since
These dealing with covid purity tests suck
We all been vaccinated. We wear our masks. We all following recommendations and doing our best in troubled times
We are not the problem… the problem is covid and people who refuse to get vaccinated or care
Oh and I have been to one show with ten people there -so far -as a patron
I have worked two shows masked and vaccinated
I am ok with myself and my decisions… I certainly haven’t been touring the country repeatedly going to gathering places such as breweries not that I come down on anybody
I will continue to make decisions on a case by case basis using available information including venue requirements
There is a balance between my need to live and perfect safety and that’s a risk point everyone has to determine and assume
yup people would rather shit themselves by taking a horse dewormer instead of a taking a free vaccine...great response
Got comorbidities? Get Comirnaty™!
Got comorbidities? Get Comirnaty™!
Comirnaty is apparently supposed to be a portmanteau of several words (https://www.theverge.com/tldr/2021/8/23/22637955/spikevax-moderna-comirnaty-pfizer-fda-approval-names) — community, immunity, COVID-19, and mRNA
I'll be sure to share your concerns with the EU on thishttps://www.cnn.com/travel/article/eu-travel-restrictions-intl-hnk/index.html
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
I'll be sure to share your concerns with the EU on thishttps://www.cnn.com/travel/article/eu-travel-restrictions-intl-hnk/index.html
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
Eh buddy on the internet, I am afraid that if they aren’t allowing Americans into Europe by July 2022 we will have way bigger problems than your vacation
The Herman Cain Awardsclassic...
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
Wait, when did we hold our Shirley Jackson-esque lottery to decide who this task fell to this year? It’s not FAIR! It’s not FAIR, I TELL YOU! We should draw again!!https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/eu-travel-restrictions-intl-hnk/index.html
We're booked for Europe in July. Hope things change by then.
Julian, start the new count on $pace's euro beer vacation.
Cam Newton's vaccination status may have cost him his career (https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/08/cam-newton-mac-jones-vaccine-career-patriots)
Its institutional racism, everyone knows that.Cam Newton's vaccination status may have cost him his career (https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/08/cam-newton-mac-jones-vaccine-career-patriots)
Bill Belichick said Cam Newton’s vaccination status was not a factor in his decision to release the QB
technically wasn't posted like this, but the meme is accurate
Cam Newton's vaccination status may have cost him his career (https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/08/cam-newton-mac-jones-vaccine-career-patriots)
Bill Belichick said Cam Newton’s vaccination status was not a factor in his decision to release the QB
How do they arrive at that number? And do they mean five times as many unavaccinated Republicans as unvaccinated Democrats?I've learned it's best not to challenge an astro-physicist when he throws out stats
How do they arrive at that number? And do they mean five times as many unavaccinated Republicans as unvaccinated Democrats?I've learned it's best not to challenge an astro-physicist when he throws out stats
He's saying the people who vote GOP are dying at 5 times the rate of Dems (from Covid)...keep that going for a year or so and would really impact the voting electorate...right?How do they arrive at that number? And do they mean five times as many unavaccinated Republicans as unvaccinated Democrats?I've learned it's best not to challenge an astro-physicist when he throws out stats
But it's not even clear what he is saying.
He's saying the people who vote GOP are dying at 5 times the rate of Dems (from Covid)...keep that going for a year or so and would really impact the voting electorate...right?How do they arrive at that number? And do they mean five times as many unavaccinated Republicans as unvaccinated Democrats?I've learned it's best not to challenge an astro-physicist when he throws out stats
But it's not even clear what he is saying.
Hey man take your beef up with NDgT
he's typically pretty reliable when it comes to stats
Feel free to join into the fray on this
he answered
Neil deGrasse Tyson@neiltyson
Replying to
Thanks for asking. Twitter, of course, does not lend itself to full citations.
I derived the number from published COVID-19 death rates of unvaccinated people (about 1,000 per day). And from the polls that show 25% of Republican voters are unvaccinated, versus 5% of Democrats.
I mean he did get torn apart for this response...
Joe Rogan, Covid diagnosis, and already taking the Ivermectin
Tommy Stinson, mild breakthrough case of Covid19, a couple of shows cancelled.
Joe Rogan, Covid diagnosis, and already taking the Ivermectin
.but I bet 100% are AmericansOk, I get that...
Tommy Stinson, mild breakthrough case of Covid19, a couple of shows cancelled.
Joe Rogan, Covid diagnosis, and already taking the Ivermectin
Rogan: He quarantined from his family, tested positive for COVID, and then “threw the kitchen sink at it, all kinds of meds.” He then proceeded to list said medicine: “Monoclonal antibodies, ivermectin, Z-Pak, prednisone, everything. I also got an NAD drip and a vitamin drip and I did that three days in a row. Here we are on Wednesday, and I feel great.”
Well, great. If he lives through it he'll never know what, if anything, actually helped.
"Effective Sept. 7, King County has issued a new mask requirement for outdoor events with more than 500 people. This will apply to large outdoor school district events like football."
(and concerts)
king county (pop. 2.3M) includes seattle and all its mainland suburbs, and casa chez sweetcell. covid cases are currently higher right now then they were at the january peak.
the way things are looking here now, i wouldn't bet any money on schools remaining open through the fall.
People will riot.
People will riot.well only parents...right
Can confirm: no intention to riot.People will riot.well only parents...right
the way things are looking here now, i wouldn't bet any money on schools remaining open through the fall.People will riot.
Just got letter over email from my younger kids school principal here in Arlington
A kid in K and another in 4th grade have tested positive
My kid is in the 4th grade
And no it’s not my kid…
I really doubt 80% of current deaths are Republicans….but I bet 100% are Americans
the way things are looking here now, i wouldn't bet any money on schools remaining open through the fall.People will riot.
maybe in the eastern more redneck-y part of the state (spokane, etc.) but here they won't.
not long sadly
so how much longer before a school official is kidnapped and/or killed by an insane parent?
What scares me is all the Q-nut-jobs all are going to be running for school board and the ones who know what they are doing and have been doing it for years are just going to say 'hell no, take this job that sucks anyway' next thing you know they are going to do virginity checks in the Dr's office and praying in class in lieu of the pledge
People are backing up hospitals
“The ERs are so backed up
I thought it had to do with the KLF and Ancients of Mu Mu Ancients of Mu Mulooks like the Mu came two years to early
Well the internet delivers as I found a YouTube with the original version
I can’t imagine it with out all the samples
People like this will be running the school boards if we let them run unopposedWhat scares me is all the Q-nut-jobs all are going to be running for school board and the ones who know what they are doing and have been doing it for years are just going to say 'hell no, take this job that sucks anyway' next thing you know they are going to do virginity checks in the Dr's office and praying in class in lieu of the pledge
Cut back on your Handmaid's Tale intake....
People like this will be running the school boards if we let them run unopposedWhat scares me is all the Q-nut-jobs all are going to be running for school board and the ones who know what they are doing and have been doing it for years are just going to say 'hell no, take this job that sucks anyway' next thing you know they are going to do virginity checks in the Dr's office and praying in class in lieu of the pledge
Cut back on your Handmaid's Tale intake....
Tbh… some good things in there
Boy that horse dewormer is the best thing going
BREAKING: People are backing up hospitals in Oklahoma by overdosing on horse dewormer medication. A doctor said that people are now even reporting vision loss. “The ERs are so backed up that gunshot victims are having a hard time [getting treated]."
If only there were something free out there… hmmm
yeah, it's kind of a third rail topicYes. This is actually quite a well-informed take. If hospitals were sitting 85% empty every day, they wouldn’t have been built the size they are. Managing capacity along the continuum that most hospitals own (the actual hospital, a SNF, an ortho/rehab facility, a skilled home health arm, a hospice agency, etc) is major lever in vertically integrated health care systems which is what you see dominating the markets. They’re not running at 50% capacity, trust me.
but my (quite possibly, ill informed) understanding is that beds filled is always in the 80% or up, so just little blips can cause a full house
can't keep having that kind of stuff, but that's why a for-profit health care system kinda sucks
People like this will be running the school boards if we let them run unopposedWhat scares me is all the Q-nut-jobs all are going to be running for school board and the ones who know what they are doing and have been doing it for years are just going to say 'hell no, take this job that sucks anyway' next thing you know they are going to do virginity checks in the Dr's office and praying in class in lieu of the pledge
Cut back on your Handmaid's Tale intake....
Tbh… some good things in there
Was going to say the same thing.
^^ OK, Marge Schott.
Uh-oh, we're in trouble now.
Hutch, were you the person who said we'd never see vaccine mandates?
I prefer to shun people like Dykstra
Someone please stop me from going down the Lenny Dykstra rabbit hole."Looks like Lenny Dykstra is still swinging for the fences."
Uh-oh, we're in trouble now.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628)
Hutch, were you the person who said we'd never see vaccine mandates?
Uh-oh, we're in trouble now.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628)
Hutch, were you the person who said we'd never see vaccine mandates?
i don't believe his numbers. at all.
Uh-oh, we're in trouble now.
https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628 (https://twitter.com/i/status/1436131186871578628)
Hutch, were you the person who said we'd never see vaccine mandates?
i don't believe his numbers. at all.
Fact-checking the false but viral story about F-22 pilots resigning after a vaccination text from the secretary of defense
https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/politics/fact-check-f-22-pilots-quit-vaccine-secretary-of-defense/index.html (https://www.cnn.com/2021/09/10/politics/fact-check-f-22-pilots-quit-vaccine-secretary-of-defense/index.html)
https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/i-m-an-infectious-disease-expert-and-warn-you-don-t-go-here/ss-AAOqRQU?ocid=entnewsntp1. Music Festivals or Any Large, Tightly-Packed Outdoor Gatherings
So what you're saying is... don't do anything again!
https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/i-m-an-infectious-disease-expert-and-warn-you-don-t-go-here/ss-AAOqRQU?ocid=entnewsntp1. Music Festivals or Any Large, Tightly-Packed Outdoor Gatherings
So what you're saying is... don't do anything again!
Over the past month, we've seen rather disconcerting news from Michigan and Oregon tying COVID-19 outbreaks to two separate outdoor music festivals held in each state. In Michigan, at least 96 cases can be traced to the Faster Horses Festival in July. That same month, Oregon held the Pendleton Whisky Music Fest which led to at least 62 new infections.
While neither event required people to be vaccinated, attendees were required to wear masks and to maintain an appropriate distance, though images from the events suggested not all attendees followed the rules.
some holes in their data
I would like to see if there was a follow up to Lola...as that was a great test case of getting a lot of people tightly packed (and I think generally unmasked....but vaxed)
I've yet to get the VID, however, I'm a wee nervous about my first visit to the 930 club this week.I think you'll be fine. By all accounts, it's female massage-therapists Seth targets.
https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/medical/i-m-an-infectious-disease-expert-and-warn-you-don-t-go-here/ss-AAOqRQU?ocid=entnewsntp1. Music Festivals or Any Large, Tightly-Packed Outdoor Gatherings
So what you're saying is... don't do anything again!
Over the past month, we've seen rather disconcerting news from Michigan and Oregon tying COVID-19 outbreaks to two separate outdoor music festivals held in each state. In Michigan, at least 96 cases can be traced to the Faster Horses Festival in July. That same month, Oregon held the Pendleton Whisky Music Fest which led to at least 62 new infections.
While neither event required people to be vaccinated, attendees were required to wear masks and to maintain an appropriate distance, though images from the events suggested not all attendees followed the rules.
some holes in their data
I would like to see if there was a follow up to Lola...as that was a great test case of getting a lot of people tightly packed (and I think generally unmasked....but vaxed)
I've been to approximately 10 concerts now with anywhere from 5k to 40k people and with various rules around masks, vaccination, etc. I've yet to get the VID, however, I'm a wee nervous about my first visit to the 930 club this week.
so pretty much all the MAGAs were right and we don't need to mask or vax...just trying to follow along with your anecdotal evidence
don't worry guys, I don't care...just pointing out your anecdotal examples
Meanwhile in MD...
Maryland Zoo to vaccinate certain animals against COVID (https://www.axios.com/maryland-zoo-vaccine-covid-e3d825d9-0a82-477e-bf78-81ddc609e132.html)
wonder if zoo's will have a higher vax rate than red states
that's the stat! who has more worms...zoo animals or Maga'sdon't worry guys, I don't care...just pointing out your anecdotal examples
Meanwhile in MD...
Maryland Zoo to vaccinate certain animals against COVID (https://www.axios.com/maryland-zoo-vaccine-covid-e3d825d9-0a82-477e-bf78-81ddc609e132.html)
wonder if zoo's will have a higher vax rate than red states
Not sure, but they'll have a greater incidence of worms.
I think this is coming to independent venues….
so get this...the Libs are vax shaming the maga's because we want them to die?
and because they don't want to be owned by the libs, I guess dying is the only solution??
If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!
umm that's not the 'normal' human response
knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated!
umm that's not the 'normal' human response
I've started getting Facebook ads for American flag "anti-alarm" seat belt clips.please share, my google-fu produced nothing on this
Most if not all modern cars beep if they detect someone is sitting in a seat but the seatbelt is unfastened. Most cars have some secret combination of buttons you can push to turn this off (or use the mechanic sensor thing to change the setting in the cars computer), but some people have made, basically, a stand-alone seatbelt clip that you put in the buckle that tricks the car “the seat belt is fastened,” despite it not being the actual seatbelt clip that’s attached to the belt that goes over your body.I've started getting Facebook ads for American flag "anti-alarm" seat belt clips.please share, my google-fu produced nothing on this
Moderna baby!Spikevax family unite!!
Just scheduled my FOURTH dose, y’all.
Just scheduled my FOURTH dose, y’all.
My original two doses were moderna, then I publicly got J&J to show I didn’t believe it was a second rate vaccine, now I’m getting a Moderna booster. No Pfizer.Just scheduled my FOURTH dose, y’all.
Way to go! Don't let the CDC deter you!
Seems like you should do Moderna this time?
As of today, COVID-19 has caused more deaths than the 1918 flu pandemic.tis true and a sad milestone, but it is a relative number as well
Oh good point. I guess that means we shouldn't really claim victory until 2.5 million Americans are dead.FLU INFLATION PARTY 2023!!
As of today, COVID-19 has caused more deaths than the 1918 flu pandemic.tis true and a sad milestone, but it is a relative number as well
The Census Bureau estimates the US population in 1918 as 103,208,000 persons
figures suggest the 1918-1919 U.S. epidemic infected about 25.8 million Americans and killed about .6% of the U.S. population.
current U.S. epidemic has infected 8.9% of Americans and killed .16% of our population.
So yes, 600k is 600k people dying, but that was between 3 and 4 times more deadly and I'd bet there was massive under reporting on the poor and the numbers are even higher
You ought to think before posting such garbage SidehatchI don’t think pointing out that communicable disease counts are not apples to apples comparisons within wildly disparate population counts is somehow denying the humanity or seriousness of people who passed away.
My sons’ grandfather - T’s dad- died from covid
Real people with real families and friends.
Not just a number.
Oh good point. I guess that means we shouldn't really claim victory until 2.5 million Americans are dead.Ok people, I never said that and started off with it is a sad and TRUE milestone
It also misses the mark in that we have huge advantages compared to 1918 and STILL the number of deaths is stratospheric… if covid had happened in 1918 with 1918 science and medicine it may well have killed a much higher percentage of the populationI believe this to be true as well
it seems to say covid is not as bad…or it’s better?it was to say they are different and the 1918 was pretty freaking bad
#FuckCovidcan confirm
As of today, COVID-19 has caused more deaths than the 1918 flu pandemic.tis true and a sad milestone, but it is a relative number as well
NOT CAVEATS!! Starsky is going to be so mad!As of today, COVID-19 has caused more deaths than the 1918 flu pandemic.tis true and a sad milestone, but it is a relative number as well
The coronavirus death toll has equaled the 1918 flu pandemic. Here are some key caveats. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/09/16/coronavirus-death-toll-is-approaching-1918-flu-pandemic-with-some-key-caveats/)
What is wrong with us?
Is The Worst Over? Modelers Predict A Steady Decline In COVID Cases Through March
Americans may be able to breathe a tentative sigh of relief soon, according to researchers studying the trajectory of the pandemic.
The delta surge appears to be peaking nationally, and cases and deaths will likely decline steadily now through the spring without a significant winter surge, according to a new analysis shared with NPR by a consortium of researchers advising the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
got an email from my employer this morning: show proof of vax by 11/11 or prepare to be fired. the missus is also under a corporate mandate to get the shot. obviously not a problem for either of us since we got moderna'ed as soon as we became eligible.
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer? federal workers: we know ;D
got an email from my employer this morning: show proof of vax by 11/11 or prepare to be fired. the missus is also under a corporate mandate to get the shot. obviously not a problem for either of us since we got moderna'ed as soon as we became eligible.
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer? federal workers: we know ;D
got an email from my employer this morning: show proof of vax by 11/11 or prepare to be fired. the missus is also under a corporate mandate to get the shot. obviously not a problem for either of us since we got moderna'ed as soon as we became eligible.
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer? federal workers: we know ;D
Asked, not forced... but not welcome in the office if we're not vaxxed (not that anyone is going anway).
got an email from my employer this morning: show proof of vax by 11/11 or prepare to be fired. the missus is also under a corporate mandate to get the shot. obviously not a problem for either of us since we got moderna'ed as soon as we became eligible.
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer? federal workers: we know ;D
Asked, not forced... but not welcome in the office if we're not vaxxed (not that anyone is going anway).
might that not backfire on your employer? if you want to continue working from home when bossman says everyone needs to come in, just claim you're un-vaxxed - no more office for you!
got an email from my employer this morning: show proof of vax by 11/11 or prepare to be fired. the missus is also under a corporate mandate to get the shot. obviously not a problem for either of us since we got moderna'ed as soon as we became eligible.
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer? federal workers: we know ;D
Asked, not forced... but not welcome in the office if we're not vaxxed (not that anyone is going anway).
might that not backfire on your employer? if you want to continue working from home when bossman says everyone needs to come in, just claim you're un-vaxxed - no more office for you!
We've held multiple clinics and literally are handing out $100 cash bonuses on the spot for people who get vaxxed and cannot get that portion of our labor pool above 45% vaxxed.have they tried free beer and $100?
Well we feel a little weird handing out the beer here at, you know, a medical facility so no. But I assure you, we've tried everything possible. We did surveys of the unvaxed -- would you get vaxed for $250 a shot? Nope. Huge hesitancy in the non-college educated African-American community (which is 85% of the personal care aides/certified nursing assistants in the country).We've held multiple clinics and literally are handing out $100 cash bonuses on the spot for people who get vaxxed and cannot get that portion of our labor pool above 45% vaxxed.have they tried free beer and $100?
anyone else being asked/forced to vax by their employer?
I don't mind being in the office, but don't dictate that shit to me.
I still haven't seen a list of approved religions that would qualify somebody for an exemption. Are a ton of people going to be converting to christian scientist?
I think Pastafarian will qualify, not known if you have to wear the strainer to prove authenticity, I think FSM decal on back of car will sufficeI still haven't seen a list of approved religions that would qualify somebody for an exemption. Are a ton of people going to be converting to christian scientist?
You won't get one. Current case law states if employees’ beliefs are “sincerely held,” then employers must reasonably accommodate them. This can be done by allowing them to work from home or agreeing to a testing regimen.
I don't mind being in the office, but don't dictate that shit to me.
Prior to March 2020, how many days a week were you expected to be in the office?
5 days a week with work from home days rarely granted. Remote work was severely curtailed and repeatedly denied.
My partner in life recently had a dr's appointment for a very specific issue and the entire appointment, the dr. who is highly recommended and one of the best in the business around their specialty complained to my partner (the patient) the entire appoinment that she was mandated to get the vaccine if she wanted to continue performing surgeries. She stated multiple times in the appointment that she felt the vaccine isn't necessary... I couldn't believe it.
5 days a week with work from home days rarely granted. Remote work was severely curtailed and repeatedly denied.
I see. The good news is it's a job seekers market and plenty of opportunities out there as we come out of the pandemic....
Between your wife's doctor and your vet, I. Don't think you're getting very good recommendationsI really hate to agree with space, for purely puerile reasons, but I do think he's got a point
5 days a week with work from home days rarely granted. Remote work was severely curtailed and repeatedly denied.
I see. The good news is it's a job seekers market and plenty of opportunities out there as we come out of the pandemic....
Oh they definitely lost people which is why I think they dialed back the 4 days a week set schedule in July to 3 days a week of your choosing for in office recently. Plus it seems most organizations are doing a 2 or 3 day a week in office so we were not even aligning to the norm.
If DC ever allows for organizations to mandate vaccinations, I'll be curious to see if we do it. I personally didn't want to disclose if I had been vaccinated but my second shot was scheduled the second day of starting there so I kinda felt that I had to give a solid reason why I was disappearing for a couple hours in the afternoon being so new.
My partner in life recently had a dr's appointment for a very specific issue and the entire appointment, the dr. who is highly recommended and one of the best in the business around their specialty complained to my partner (the patient) the entire appoinment that she was mandated to get the vaccine if she wanted to continue performing surgeries. She stated multiple times in the appointment that she felt the vaccine isn't necessary... I couldn't believe it.
Between your wife's doctor and your vet, I. Don't think you're getting very good recommendations
My partner in life recently had a dr's appointment for a very specific issue and the entire appointment, the dr. who is highly recommended and one of the best in the business around their specialty complained to my partner (the patient) the entire appoinment that she was mandated to get the vaccine if she wanted to continue performing surgeries. She stated multiple times in the appointment that she felt the vaccine isn't necessary... I couldn't believe it.
Between your wife's doctor and your vet, I. Don't think you're getting very good recommendations
Well, the vet is the same company we went to for over a decade and they provided perfect care until the fuck up...
The partner's recommendation came directly from her GP and other than her vaccine slant, she's the best in her specialty. Who do you recommend Dr. Space?
Why didn't you want to disclose that you had been vaccinated?
When I got Covid in 2020 and spent weeks in the hospital, it was harrowing.I was very thrown off here for a second. Let me teach you about this invention we have: quotation marks.
When I got Covid in 2020 and spent weeks in the hospital, it was harrowing.I was very thrown off here for a second. Let me teach you about this invention we have: quotation marks.
This is a Covid horror story in which no one actually gets Covid, and it could still happen to anyone
It's not public information and no one's business. I didn't tell the office that I was up to date on all my other vaccinations and that I fully support vaccinations overall. It has nothing to do with my skillset.
some random old dude breaking his foot and needing PT and ortho care had little business being in the hospital for more than 12 hours aside from "the hospital stops making fucking money the second they discharge him."
Even if it did! Do the surgery, stabilize, send home with an order for PT and wound care to start within 24 hours. Need to convalesce for three days to stabilize? Send to the ortho-facility down the road that is IN NO WAY overrun by Covid cases. (Oh, but wait, I bet the hospital group doesn't own that.) None of this requires the dude being in the hospital "for a week" like the lady says they were planning unless his health was being wildly misrepresented in the tweets.some random old dude breaking his foot and needing PT and ortho care had little business being in the hospital for more than 12 hours aside from "the hospital stops making fucking money the second they discharge him."
I thought the same thing when I read it, unless the injury was so bad that he needed surgery to put a rod or pin in or something.
Wouldn’t that be justice….That is morbid, but what if all the right wing justices get taken out and biden get's to appoint 3-4 new ones
Cody Rigsby
DC has so few cases…wouldn’t surprise me if the indoor mask requirement is dropped in next few weeks
I think it would make sense
You don’t want to insist people wear masks if there is little need or people might not wear them when there is a need…
I consider 150 pretty few but I will leave it up to the professionals to make that determination
Just saying wouldn’t surprise me.
well MD is out in front in the Vax horse race
% Eligible Population Fully Vaccinated
MD : 75.4
NY: 74.5
WA: 71.5
VA: 71.1
DC: 70.0
CA: 69.6
Are those the top six in order, or are you just listing states that boardies are from? Don't forget Sparx, over in West Virginia.just listing states that bordies are from...isn't chaz in NC
I had to look at that 12 times before I realized I was missing the word "eligible".that was key and I made sure to include that word
These are really not bad numbers. If the government would get off their ass and extend vaccines to all school-age children so you see those numbers increase by another 6-8% and stop being so skimpy with the boosters, we'd beat this thing down pretty quickly.
unfortunately this has become a MAGA vs the Libs thing
Looking at this:
I would say maybe 10.35% of US populaton is 5-11. Are you saying 60-80% of 5-11 age group will be vaccinated? Highly doubt it.
I agree they are good numbers, but I think we wanted to hit those numbers with the entire populationHere's your same 6 states without factoring out "ineligibles":
So what are the numbers with the 'ineligible'
Looking at this:OK, fair. 6% is probably your ceiling not your floor. But the underlying point remains that start to get real close to that 70-75% figure that we still think is the "when does R become < 1".
I would say maybe 10.35% of US populaton is 5-11. Are you saying 60-80% of 5-11 age group will be vaccinated? Highly doubt it.
Montgomery County residentsaren't these the people they based the Mole People movie on?
Were California county mask mandates effective against delta? Here's what the data says.
that “secret societies” are implanting vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a plan of Satan.”and here I thought we were getting away from Mainframe type of computing technology
We have allowed people who get paid billions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.Kyrie Irving does not make billions of dollars. No one makes billions of dollars to throw a ball through a hoop unless we consider "selling shoes" and "being in commercials" as some secondary included part of "throwing a ball through a hoop."
This is all on, sports fans.
We have allowed people who get paid billions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.Kyrie Irving does not make billions of dollars. No one makes billions of dollars to throw a ball through a hoop unless we consider "selling shoes" and "being in commercials" as some secondary included part of "throwing a ball through a hoop."
This is all on, sports fans.
Nets now saying he won't be playing or practicing, home or away. Good for them. Do they still have to pay him?probably
Kyrie Irving (assuming he relents and plays this season and gets paid) will have made $240million lifetime at the end of his current contract which runs out after next season. At that time he will be 31 years old. He would have to find a team willing to pay him $50mil (your figure for a supermax contract which I honestly do not even think he qualifies for under the CBA) until age 47 to crack a billion.We have allowed people who get paid billions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.Kyrie Irving does not make billions of dollars. No one makes billions of dollars to throw a ball through a hoop unless we consider "selling shoes" and "being in commercials" as some secondary included part of "throwing a ball through a hoop."
This is all on, sports fans.
I dunno man
Max contracts are up there now..like $45-50 million a year
Walkie is more right than wrong
Nah, just read they're not, at least not for games in state of NY. I guess "road" games are still tBD if they have the right to withhold payment.Nets now saying he won't be playing or practicing, home or away. Good for them. Do they still have to pay him?probably
Kyrie Irving (assuming he relents and plays this season and gets paid) will have made $240million lifetime at the end of his current contract which runs out after next season. At that time he will be 31 years old. He would have to find a team willing to pay him $50mil (your figure for a supermax contract which I honestly do not even think he qualifies for under the CBA) until age 47 to crack a billion.We have allowed people who get paid billions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.Kyrie Irving does not make billions of dollars. No one makes billions of dollars to throw a ball through a hoop unless we consider "selling shoes" and "being in commercials" as some secondary included part of "throwing a ball through a hoop."
This is all on, sports fans.
I dunno man
Max contracts are up there now..like $45-50 million a year
Walkie is more right than wrong
NBA salaries are exploding and some dude who is an All-Pro player at age 21 and goes on to have a LeBron-esque career will at some point make a billion in on-the-court earnings (Luka Doncic if I had to guess someone specifically) but it ain't going to be an already getting-worse Kyrie Irving.
I’m not saying Kyrie is wrong (still doing the research for myself) but couldn’t all his fears be accomplished just by tracking his iPhone, online presence etc.?
Does avoiding getting microchipped like the rest of us even solve the problem?
that “secret societies” are implanting vaccines in a plot to connect Black people to a master computer for “a plan of Satan.”and here I thought we were getting away from Mainframe type of computing technology
I assure you, there's a massive difference between making billions of dollars and making millions of dollars and the people who don't understand that will never make either. /Julian's AmericaKyrie Irving (assuming he relents and plays this season and gets paid) will have made $240million lifetime at the end of his current contract which runs out after next season. At that time he will be 31 years old. He would have to find a team willing to pay him $50mil (your figure for a supermax contract which I honestly do not even think he qualifies for under the CBA) until age 47 to crack a billion.We have allowed people who get paid billions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.Kyrie Irving does not make billions of dollars. No one makes billions of dollars to throw a ball through a hoop unless we consider "selling shoes" and "being in commercials" as some secondary included part of "throwing a ball through a hoop."
This is all on, sports fans.
I dunno man
Max contracts are up there now..like $45-50 million a year
Walkie is more right than wrong
NBA salaries are exploding and some dude who is an All-Pro player at age 21 and goes on to have a LeBron-esque career will at some point make a billion in on-the-court earnings (Luka Doncic if I had to guess someone specifically) but it ain't going to be an already getting-worse Kyrie Irving.
I'm pretty sure whether Kyrie makes 300 million or more than a billion in his playing career doesn't really prove of disprove Walkie's original point.
We have allowed people who get paid many millions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.
This is all on, sports fans.
I’m not clear on Walkie’s point? That money corrupts in general, full stop? Or basketball players in particular are unworthy of making millions? Or that if commas were rainbows we’d all have a unicorn.We have allowed people who get paid many millions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.
This is all on, sports fans.
Dos changing it from billions to many millions change the valdiity of Walkie's point?
Kyrie just sacrificed more than Kaepernick ever did!
I’m not clear on Walkie’s point? That money corrupts in general, full stop? Or basketball players in particular are unworthy of making millions? Or that if commas were rainbows we’d all have a unicorn.We have allowed people who get paid many millions to throw a ball through a hoop, to become this way.
This is all on, sports fans.
Dos changing it from billions to many millions change the valdiity of Walkie's point?
Look I’m a smart dude but I understand one does not dissect gossamer and nothing is more gossamer than the meaning of what comes out of the Walkman’s mouth.
Edward Christopher Sheerahan
Edward Christopher Sheerahanwas this weeks SNL musical guest
Edward Christopher Sheerahanwas this weeks SNL musical guest
So when should I get my booster? I got my second shot April 9. I'm technically eligible now, since I have a BMI over 25.Just go get it. I don't agree with your contention that there will be a supply chain issue 2 months from now when kids can get shots and the booster age is lowered but if that was the case, doesn't it make sense to get now when there's a glut of doses? Additionally, what is gained by waiting? Maybe your immunity level hasn't started to drop, but if not, what is harmed by going ahead and getting ahead of time?
So when should I get my booster? I got my second shot April 9. I'm technically eligible now, since I have a BMI over 25.
I feel like I could go a few more months, but also feel like once they approve it for little kids and a booster for everyone 40+, it might get harder to get it.
So when should I get my booster? I got my second shot April 9. I'm technically eligible now, since I have a BMI over 25.Just go get it. I don't agree with your contention that there will be a supply chain issue 2 months from now when kids can get shots and the booster age is lowered but if that was the case, doesn't it make sense to get now when there's a glut of doses? Additionally, what is gained by waiting? Maybe your immunity level hasn't started to drop, but if not, what is harmed by going ahead and getting ahead of time?
Am I going to have to keep getting a new shot every six months?
So when should I get my booster? I got my second shot April 9. I'm technically eligible now, since I have a BMI over 25.Just go get it. I don't agree with your contention that there will be a supply chain issue 2 months from now when kids can get shots and the booster age is lowered but if that was the case, doesn't it make sense to get now when there's a glut of doses? Additionally, what is gained by waiting? Maybe your immunity level hasn't started to drop, but if not, what is harmed by going ahead and getting ahead of time?
But I'm working from home five days a week, not visting with anyone who is high risk, not eating or doing anything indoors other than a couple of masked concerts with fully vaccinated patrons until the end of the year. I'm still very well protected against serious illness.
How long does the third shot effectiveness last? Am I going to have to keep getting a new shot every six months?
How long does the third shot effectiveness last? Am I going to have to keep getting a new shot every six months?How could we possibly know (re: your first question)? No one has had a third shot for more than 4-ish months yet in any trials.
So when should I get my booster? I got my second shot April 9. I'm technically eligible now, since I have a BMI over 25.Just go get it. I don't agree with your contention that there will be a supply chain issue 2 months from now when kids can get shots and the booster age is lowered but if that was the case, doesn't it make sense to get now when there's a glut of doses? Additionally, what is gained by waiting? Maybe your immunity level hasn't started to drop, but if not, what is harmed by going ahead and getting ahead of time?
But I'm working from home five days a week, not visting with anyone who is high risk, not eating or doing anything indoors other than a couple of masked concerts with fully vaccinated patrons until the end of the year. I'm still very well protected against serious illness.
How long does the third shot effectiveness last? Am I going to have to keep getting a new shot every six months?
Why'd you get vaccinated in the first place if you still do nothing other than attend fully vaxxed/masked concerts? Seems like you're pretty low risk for catching or spreading it.
How long does the third shot effectiveness last? Am I going to have to keep getting a new shot every six months?How could we possibly know (re: your first question)? No one has had a third shot for more than 4-ish months yet in any trials.
It would seem likely that we will need periodic booster shots for COVID the same way we do the flu or tetanus, but I think anyone who is telling you definitively if that's going to be "every 6 months" or "every 6 years" or some specific point on the timeline between the two is probably talking out their butt.
Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
I was not old enough or I would've. (My mother was so horrifically destroyed by shingles I am terrified of getting that after seeing it.) My wife and I both did the flu/covid double (and got laid out on the couch for a solid day each).Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Why not make it a triple shot and get teh Shringrix?
I was not old enough or I would've. (My mother was so horrifically destroyed by shingles I am terrified of getting that after seeing it.) My wife and I both did the flu/covid double (and got laid out on the couch for a solid day each).Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Why not make it a triple shot and get teh Shringrix?
I was not old enough or I would've. (My mother was so horrifically destroyed by shingles I am terrified of getting that after seeing it.) My wife and I both did the flu/covid double (and got laid out on the couch for a solid day each).Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Why not make it a triple shot and get teh Shringrix?
Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Why not make it a triple shot and get teh Shringrix?
Again anecdotal, but the third Moderna shot was like running face first into a brick wall for both my wife and I and we both had had the most minor of side effects from Doses 1 and 2 (and my extraneous J&J).
Man, I’d only be talking out my ass on that. Let me try to give some details with as little ass talk as possible: my wife did not get a publicity-induced shot of J+J and she was solidly 8+ months out from her second dose. I have to believe — as a person who says “trust scientists” — that there is some truth to waning immunity. Her reaction to moderna #3 has to mean something. I can’t say if it’s a bug or a feature.Again anecdotal, but the third Moderna shot was like running face first into a brick wall for both my wife and I and we both had had the most minor of side effects from Doses 1 and 2 (and my extraneous J&J).
Wonder if this was because your antibodies were pretty much still intact from your first three shots? At this point of course I'm talking out of my ass.
Norman Blake from Teenage Fanclub has a breakthrough COVID19 case. Feeling okay after a rough few days per his Twitter.Thanks. I can go to sleep now with this update.
Norman Blake from Teenage Fanclub has a breakthrough COVID19 case. Feeling okay after a rough few days per his Twitter.Thanks. I can go to sleep now with this update.
I mean is it really newsworthy that a person 99 out of 100 people couldn’t pick out of a lineup is on the mend from COVID? If he was about to die — gotcha. But this is three weeks old news that is not interesting.Norman Blake from Teenage Fanclub has a breakthrough COVID19 case. Feeling okay after a rough few days per his Twitter.Thanks. I can go to sleep now with this update.
I mean is it really newsworthy that a person 99 out of 100 people couldn’t pick out of a lineup is on the mend from COVID? If he was about to die — gotcha. But this is three weeks old news that is not interesting.Norman Blake from Teenage Fanclub has a breakthrough COVID19 case. Feeling okay after a rough few days per his Twitter.Thanks. I can go to sleep now with this update.
it's really not off-brand for the threadIm sorry: y’all find it interesting to hear about every never-was who ever had COVID with no long-term effects, post-facto? What does that say about you, person making this argument?
Like me . . . Julian's pronoun is, CUNTJohn, this is tabloidism; not news nor informative reporting. You are bright enough to see that.
Man, I’d only be talking out my ass on that. Let me try to give some details with as little ass talk as possible: my wife did not get a publicity-induced shot of J+J and she was solidly 8+ months out from her second dose. I have to believe — as a person who says “trust scientists” — that there is some truth to waning immunity. Her reaction to moderna #3 has to mean something. I can’t say if it’s a bug or a feature.Again anecdotal, but the third Moderna shot was like running face first into a brick wall for both my wife and I and we both had had the most minor of side effects from Doses 1 and 2 (and my extraneous J&J).
Wonder if this was because your antibodies were pretty much still intact from your first three shots? At this point of course I'm talking out of my ass.
That said, I also agree with you that I was not as thirsty to get shot 4 as I was shot one. I’ll probably be fine if I contract COVID. My wife will too, from a look at the comorbidities . That said I think people need to what their personal goal is. From a public health standpoint, it makes no difference socially if I get COVID and get don’t get sick enough that I take up a hospital bed and require interventions.
But I personally would prefer not to get COVID. I’d prefer not to get COVID and not get sick but potentially long term effects. I’d prefer to never contract COVID. I don’t think that’s a life or death difference at this point for me. But it’s my preference. Hence, I’ll get a third/fourth shot. Just me.
If you’ve got two shots in your arm, I’m not going to give you grief for not getting a booster as quick as I do absent new info that’s unarguable coming out.
it's really not off-brand for the threadIm sorry: y’all find it interesting to hear about every never-was who ever had COVID with no long-term effects, post-facto? What does that say about you, person making this argument?
Jon Bon Jovi’s concert at the @Loews_Hotels #MiamiBeach was just cancelled when it was announced to awaiting crowd he has covid. @wsvn
Be honest. If you had you as a partner, wouldn't you be bitchy?For sure.
I still think the Odd Couple Redux with Starsky and Julian would really click with todays TV viewersTonally, I think it needs to be more Bergman's Persona than the Odd Couple.
Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Aside from getting my Pfizer booster at CVS (after Moderna 1st 2) pretty much the same reaction here.Thursday: COVID Booster/Flu Shot doubledip.
Booster/Fluster report from last week.
Pfizer Booster and the Flu shot at Walgreens last thursday.
Friday, I was a little sleepy in the first 1/2 of the day and Covid shot arm very sore.
That was it.
(That is if we ever get my wife's passport renewal...)Had to redo mine this year and paid for expedited which promised "within 6 weeks". Took 42 days, on the nose. I think they're backed up with tons of people thinking of travelling on the backside of COVID.
Had to redo mine this year and paid for expedited which promised "within 6 weeks". Took 42 days, on the nose. I think they're backed up with tons of people thinking of travelling on the backside of COVID.
(That is if we ever get my wife's passport renewal...)Had to redo mine this year and paid for expedited which promised "within 6 weeks". Took 42 days, on the nose. I think they're backed up with tons of people thinking of travelling on the backside of COVID.
Had my booster last night... no side effects... yet.
Aaron Rodgers
a company can be fined $136,532.
The UK becomes the first country to approve an antiviral pill to treat COVID-19
On Thursday, the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) approved the use of the antiviral pill jointly developed by Merck and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics. The molnupiravir tablet will be taken twice daily by vulnerable patients who have recently been diagnosed with COVID-19. UK Health Secretary Sajid Javid said the new treatment would be a "gamechanger" after the UK became the first country in the world to approve a drug of its kind.
Hang on, we will get there.a company can be fined $136,532.
that is an oddly specific integer.
a company can be fined $136,532.
that is an oddly specific integer.
Maybe my rough estimates are wrong but what astounds me about the UK is that in the last 8 months of so they have had like 4 million new cases but 15k deaths
Is it cause they are vaxxed ? Cause they are being hit with weaker covid variants?
Why are we testing deer for COVID??I know, imagine trying to get a swab in it's nose?!
https://www.mediaite.com/news/dr-scott-gottlieb-proclaims-new-pfizer-covid-drug-marks-the-end-of-the-pandemic/that's a bold take
Go Kareem
Dude has always been a little bitch drama Queen….
Aaron Rodgers (COVID-19) expects to play Sunday for Packers
Green Bay Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers (COVID-19) said there is a "small possibility" he won't play in Week 10 against the Seattle Seahawks on Sunday.
Rodgers is eligible to return to the Packers on Saturday for the first time following a 10-day quarantine period. Davante Adams finished with 42 yards on 14 targets in Jordan Love's first NFL start, so Rodgers' return would be an obvious upgrade for the receiver's outlook and the offense as a whole. He will still need to be cleared medically by Joe Rogan, but the expectation is that Rodgers will be back under center for Green Bay on Sunday.
I am suffering from reading about covid fatigue
A few weeks ago I stopped checking the covid numbers
That was healthy
I am suffering from reading about covid fatigue
A few weeks ago I stopped checking the covid numbers
That was healthy
You know you want me to respond. US up 15.7% in the last week. The state I'm driving to for Thanksgiving, up 62%. But I guess the current mainstream liberal line of thinking is don't worry about numbers if you're boostered and don't worry about masks unless you're old or compromised.
I am suffering from reading about covid fatigue
A few weeks ago I stopped checking the covid numbers
That was healthy
You know you want me to respond. US up 15.7% in the last week. The state I'm driving to for Thanksgiving, up 62%. But I guess the current mainstream liberal line of thinking is don't worry about numbers if you're boostered and don't worry about masks unless you're old or compromised.
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
I am suffering from reading about covid fatigue
A few weeks ago I stopped checking the covid numbers
That was healthy
You know you want me to respond. US up 15.7% in the last week. The state I'm driving to for Thanksgiving, up 62%. But I guess the current mainstream liberal line of thinking is don't worry about numbers if you're boostered and don't worry about masks unless you're old or compromised.
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
So are you saying they are the mainstream? MoCo median age is 39.7, compared to 34 for DC (and 38.1 for all of US). So plenty of old people. Nothing wrong with masks. They've saved millions of lives.
I am suffering from reading about covid fatigue
A few weeks ago I stopped checking the covid numbers
That was healthy
You know you want me to respond. US up 15.7% in the last week. The state I'm driving to for Thanksgiving, up 62%. But I guess the current mainstream liberal line of thinking is don't worry about numbers if you're boostered and don't worry about masks unless you're old or compromised.
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
So are you saying they are the mainstream? MoCo median age is 39.7, compared to 34 for DC (and 38.1 for all of US). So plenty of old people. Nothing wrong with masks. They've saved millions of lives.
You're the one that used the term "mainstream" to describe a liberal person. I admittedly don't know what that is, but as stated lots of libs mainstream or underground in MoCo still mask up everywhere
... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.and every single concert attendee at Dino @ the club
... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.and every single concert attendee at Dino @ the club
curious what the Anthem was like?
... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.and every single concert attendee at Dino @ the club
curious what the Anthem was like?
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
^good point...thought it was effective immediately
This is kinda scary
Ron Filipkowski
“Pure blood” means unvaccinated. A State Senator that GOP candidates around the country proudly tout her endorsement. F*cking lunatics.
It's even money she's had all her other shots and takes vitamins.not one doubt
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
I'm honestly curious. How can you tell that someone who is wearing a mask is liberal and paranoid? Seems like they could just as easily be conservative and at-risk.
I don't agree with that... paranoid libs in MoCo still masked up everywhere.
I'm honestly curious. How can you tell that someone who is wearing a mask is liberal and paranoid? Seems like they could just as easily be conservative and at-risk.
Find me a conservative in MoCo, I'll wait!
Vermont the most vaccinated state in the US, is now fifth highest for new cases (per capita.)
The 72% who are vaccinated account for 80% of the new cases.
The 72% who are vaccinated account for 80% of the new cases.
The 72% who are vaccinated account for 80% of the new cases.
I’m sorry, what?
That article says that they had 606 new cases in the last week of October and 121 of the new cases were vaccinated individuals (breakthrough cases). That’s 20%, not 80%.
In addition, VT has the 8th lowest hospitalization rate in the nation because their vax rate is so high.
The 72% who are vaccinated account for 80% of the new cases.
I’m sorry, what?
That article says that they had 606 new cases in the last week of October and 121 of the new cases were vaccinated individuals (breakthrough cases). That’s 20%, not 80%.
In addition, VT has the 8th lowest hospitalization rate in the nation because their vax rate is so high.
THanks for correcting me. I misread the graph. I miss my large old man work monitor. I guess I was looking for evidence that we all need to get the booster. Perhaps we don't (not really enough info in the article to tell if the deceasing ratio of unvaxxed with COVID to vaxxed with COVIS is due to more people still getting vaxxed and hence a larger pool for them and smaller pool of unvaxxed, or breakthrough cases happening with more regularity to due waning vaccine effectiveness over time.) Carry on.
The 72% who are vaccinated account for 80% of the new cases.
I’m sorry, what?
That article says that they had 606 new cases in the last week of October and 121 of the new cases were vaccinated individuals (breakthrough cases). That’s 20%, not 80%.
In addition, VT has the 8th lowest hospitalization rate in the nation because their vax rate is so high.
THanks for correcting me. I misread the graph. I miss my large old man work monitor. I guess I was looking for evidence that we all need to get the booster. Perhaps we don't (not really enough info in the article to tell if the deceasing ratio of unvaxxed with COVID to vaxxed with COVIS is due to more people still getting vaxxed and hence a larger pool for them and smaller pool of unvaxxed, or breakthrough cases happening with more regularity to due waning vaccine effectiveness over time.) Carry on.
Sounds like some mainstream liberal agenda
You are topping yourself lately…..
Wait - are they liberal or conservative?
Aaron Rodgers has "Covid toe," which is a common side effect of "ivermectin brain."
https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/1463543794331271176 (https://twitter.com/RexHuppke/status/1463543794331271176)
Got boosted Monday evening. Felt fine for 12 hours, then not great for 24 hours. Feeling fine now 😌co worker had the same thing, got it on a sunday, monday was a wreck..
seems the pill is less effective that first advertised, but the big thing is you have to start early and isn't as effective if started later
and actual supply is way under demand...so lots of potential patients won't even be able to get these
seems like it, didn't know that had that high rates of efficacy actuallyseems the pill is less effective that first advertised, but the big thing is you have to start early and isn't as effective if started later
and actual supply is way under demand...so lots of potential patients won't even be able to get these
So, pretty much like Tamiflu.
seems like it, didn't know that had that high rates of efficacy actuallyseems the pill is less effective that first advertised, but the big thing is you have to start early and isn't as effective if started later
and actual supply is way under demand...so lots of potential patients won't even be able to get these
So, pretty much like Tamiflu.
So this seems like rubbish, if you're already vaccinated.
Stricter coronavirus testing being weighed for all travelers to U.S.
Biden administration also considering measures such as a 7-day self-quarantine and retesting several days after arrival.
So this seems like rubbish, if you're already vaccinated.
Stricter coronavirus testing being weighed for all travelers to U.S.
Biden administration also considering measures such as a 7-day self-quarantine and retesting several days after arrival.
Vaccines don't touch omicron. Thus, testing.
So this seems like rubbish, if you're already vaccinated.
Stricter coronavirus testing being weighed for all travelers to U.S.
Biden administration also considering measures such as a 7-day self-quarantine and retesting several days after arrival.
Vaccines don't touch omicron. Thus, testing.
What is your source? This one seems to say otherwise.
On Tuesday morning, head of Public Health Services Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis told the Knesset Law and Constitution Committee that the first data about the efficacy of the corona vaccines against Omicron were expected to be shared with Israel by South Africa during the day.
A few hours later, Horowitz spoke about the subject during a visit at the Soroka-University Medical Center in Beersheba.
“In the coming days we will have more accurate information about the efficacy of the vaccine against Omicron, but there is already room for optimism, and there are initial indications that those who are vaccinated with a vaccine still valid or with a booster will also be protected from this variant,” Horowitz noted.
So this seems like rubbish, if you're already vaccinated.
Stricter coronavirus testing being weighed for all travelers to U.S.
Biden administration also considering measures such as a 7-day self-quarantine and retesting several days after arrival.
Vaccines don't touch omicron. Thus, testing.
What is your source? This one seems to say otherwise.
On Tuesday morning, head of Public Health Services Dr. Sharon Alroy-Preis told the Knesset Law and Constitution Committee that the first data about the efficacy of the corona vaccines against Omicron were expected to be shared with Israel by South Africa during the day.
A few hours later, Horowitz spoke about the subject during a visit at the Soroka-University Medical Center in Beersheba.
“In the coming days we will have more accurate information about the efficacy of the vaccine against Omicron, but there is already room for optimism, and there are initial indications that those who are vaccinated with a vaccine still valid or with a booster will also be protected from this variant,” Horowitz noted.
I mean, nobody really knows, and won't likely know for 2 weeks. But if you search for 'omicron vaccine', your link is literally the only one that is optimistic. The CEO of Moderna - who lives and breathes this issue very single day - says that they're expecting far less protection against omicron than other variants.
It’s a weird time
805,000 Americans- at least- have died after contracting covid
And I will continue wearing my mask almost everywhere when out and staying up to date on vaccination….
And yet until science bears out that omicron is more contagious or deadly I am just not interested in hearing about it or panicking
Some in the media seem to want to make everyone panic and some have gotten into a bit of a disaster flick loop where they get almost excited by new developments
Long term the continuing number of new variants developing is worrisome
Some in the media seem to want to make everyone panic and some have gotten into a bit of a disaster flick loop where they get almost excited by new developmentscan confirm
I have come to believe covid in the US would have been a shit show regardless… I mean tons of people have died from covid under Biden and that’s with the vaccines
Would think the likelihood of a gop voter who lost a friend or relative has got to be way higher than if you were a democrat
Can someone explain why UMD is canceling commencement? Can’t you enforce mask wearing and (possibly) require vaccination status? If not, couldn’t you move it outside?
I’m pretty conservative when it comes to COVID but this seems over the top, right?
Can someone explain why UMD is canceling commencement? Can’t you enforce mask wearing and (possibly) require vaccination status? If not, couldn’t you move it outside?
I’m pretty conservative when it comes to COVID but this seems over the top, right?
Can someone explain why UMD is canceling commencement? Can’t you enforce mask wearing and (possibly) require vaccination status? If not, couldn’t you move it outside?
I’m pretty conservative when it comes to COVID but this seems over the top, right?
I mean, we're at the beginning of the next wave. The current spike in cases is an echo from Thanksgiving holiday travel. Omicron breaks through vaccines and boosters. Maryland is already seeing a spike in hospital admissions. High schools are shutting down, and sports are being canceled. Why should we pack 10,000 people into an enclosed space for something that we can do online?
So is the emerging consensus this new variant spreads easier - even with full vaccine- but is not that bad ?
Anyone else getting 2020 vibes? I feel like MoCo is going to cave after the break and go back to virtual school the way this is trending.I am
Anyone else getting 2020 vibes? I feel like MoCo is going to cave after the break and go back to virtual school the way this is trending.
the fourth wave is here, should peak in late Jan per my BiL who teaches immunology. ugh.
the fourth wave is here, should peak in late Jan per my BiL who teaches immunology. ugh.
I mean the UK had over 90,000 cases and 111 deaths today and it’s been like that for the past few weeks in Europe, right?
That’s my armchair take…but I’ll still mask at stores.I mean the UK had over 90,000 cases and 111 deaths today and it’s been like that for the past few weeks in Europe, right?
That seemsa very low death rate for so many cases. are you saying thats evidence thay Omicron os not very deadly in a highly vaccinated population?
Death surges trail cases by a couple of weeks.of course
Viruses, over time, generally become more contagious and less efficacious. Simple evolution.I mean the UK had over 90,000 cases and 111 deaths today and it’s been like that for the past few weeks in Europe, right?
That seemsa very low death rate for so many cases. are you saying thats evidence thay Omicron os not very deadly in a highly vaccinated population?
I guess I was saying I am not going to freak out….yet
Now if I was unvaccinated or lived somewhere with real low vaccinated rates I would probably freak out
There was a great article about DHS Secretary Becerra saying something about how we need to focus on severity of cases and not “new cases”
My concern about letting Covid19 variants burn through populations is rise of new mutations like what if we get one that spreads really easily AND is super deadly… seems like if viruses weaken this is unlikely?
And she replied, "No, I'm talking about the giant machine in Alaska they control the weather with."as a Jew, I can confirm this is wrong...Jews would never live in Alaska to control the weather
Larry Hogan.
So MD now has one confirmed case since Dec 4...
You can’t criticize virtual schooling cause you got covid?
Come on man…what are you saying? We need to stay home locked down forever?
Virtual schooling really is pretty shitty…and has a huge cost to children and their families.
I get the desire to kick Hogan but he’s been pretty good.
And she replied, "No, I'm talking about the giant machine in Alaska they control the weather with."as a Jew, I can confirm this is wrong...Jews would never live in Alaska to control the weather
They live in Florida and control the space lasers from there (thankfully Desantis hasn't cracked down on this yet)
Shit...apparently the Mossad is reading this and I'm a marked man, this may be my last post
And she replied, "No, I'm talking about the giant machine in Alaska they control the weather with."as a Jew, I can confirm this is wrong...Jews would never live in Alaska to control the weather
They live in Florida and control the space lasers from there (thankfully Desantis hasn't cracked down on this yet)
Shit...apparently the Mossad is reading this and I'm a marked man, this may be my last post
This is what she was referring to:
Some might even argue that disgruntled NoVA parents were one reason why Youngkin won.I think it's gone from argument to fact on that
School isn’t just about taking tests or being in a classroom listening to teachers…that’s arguably for many the least important part
Particularly for younger kids it’s about learning to be social, make friendships….relate
Older kids obviously will bear virtual learning much better than younger kids…
What gets me about those always in favor of shutting down in the name of safety is they never give any consideration to all the other costs of doing so… it’s like those costs don’t matter because all that matters is not dying but what living are you left with… is someone going to step in and take care of the kids that get left behind…alive but… how many years do they need to stay home? Forever? And how likely is it my fully vaccinated kids would get covid and die from school? I mean it must be infinitesimal!
It’s just so moronic… the failure to balance all the costs with the benefit… as if a case of covid for a fully vaccinated person who wears masks to school is automatic death…
UK is averaging close to 100,000 new cases with 100 deaths per day.
Oh and let’s throw the economy in the crapper again…
how many years do they need to stay home? Forever?
And how likely is it my fully vaccinated kids would get covid and die from school? I mean it must be infinitesimal!
It’s just so moronic…
the failure to balance all the costs with the benefit… as if a case of covid for a fully vaccinated person who wears masks to school is automatic death…
i hear ya hutch. A+ would read again. Thanks for sharing.
i hear ya hutch. A+ would read again. Thanks for sharing.
Anyways a lot of it is still in my head but it wasn’t all bad… I must have gotten along with people to get elected student body government president in high school
And no contrary to sweetcell’s rude ass post my concerns are not mainly about my kids.. they will be alright…more like kids in general…a whole generation of them
I am sorry sweetcell did I mock you, insult you or what have you?
And no contrary to sweetcell’s rude ass post
how many years do they need to stay home? Forever?
don't be a drama queen. the last lockdown wasn't forever (and in this country, it wasn't even really a lockdown).
"what? i have to take a BATH?!? how long to do i have to stay in the tub, FOREVER?!?!?!111"
And how likely is it my fully vaccinated kids would get covid and die from school? I mean it must be infinitesimal!
you do realize how societies work, right? just because something doesn't apply 100% to you, personally, doesn't mean it's not the right thing for a society to do.
It’s just so moronic…
the failure to balance all the costs with the benefit… as if a case of covid for a fully vaccinated person who wears masks to school is automatic death…
do you seriously think that policy makers did not consider the costs and benefits of various mandates before declaring them? "oh, mary says we should lockdown - i dunno, sounds good to me, let's GOOOOOO!!!"?
or is it that you disagree with the risk/reward assessments that have been made? perfectly understandable, but don't grandstand that no one is looking at the costs.
or are you not used to having your ideas challenged?It's like you're just discovering Hutch for the first time.
or are you THAT sensitive?
that is an excellent rebuttal to the points i made. i will have to reconsider my position based on the arguments you present.
that is an excellent rebuttal to the points i made. i will have to reconsider my position based on the arguments you present.
40 years ago the guy was student body president, so you know, he's got a resume.
how many years do they need to stay home? Forever?
don't be a drama queen. the last lockdown wasn't forever (and in this country, it wasn't even really a lockdown).
-Drama Queen? I think it’s been a big deal. My father in law died. We couldn’t see him the last few months. Of course the nursing home wouldn’t let us see him and then we know what happened
Why couldn’t it last forever? If the virus is around forever and mutates who knows?
- the last lockdown or whatever you want to call it meant no school for my kids for part of a year and almost a full year. I don’t want to say too much more personal cause some seem to derive joy from using things against one but there were other impacts
"what? i have to take a BATH?!? how long to do i have to stay in the tub, FOREVER?!?!?!111"
- seems immature on your part…this is what you mean about a debate?And how likely is it my fully vaccinated kids would get covid and die from school? I mean it must be infinitesimal!
you do realize how societies work, right? just because something doesn't apply 100% to you, personally, doesn't mean it's not the right thing for a society to do.
- What is with the condescension man? Just make your points and spare me that
- I didn’t mean my kids specifically fool…I meant fully vaccinated people
- actually now we are at a point where we need to prioritize the interests of the vaccinated…if we can’t compel people to get vaccinated we can certainly move on
from them…It’s just so moronic…
- ?the failure to balance all the costs with the benefit… as if a case of covid for a fully vaccinated person who wears masks to school is automatic death…
do you seriously think that policy makers did not consider the costs and benefits of various mandates before declaring them? "oh, mary says we should lockdown - i dunno, sounds good to me, let's GOOOOOO!!!"?
- I think herd mentality sets in… local governments just follow whatever everyone else is doing…nobody wants to appear not to prioritize safety
or is it that you disagree with the risk/reward assessments that have been made? perfectly understandable, but don't grandstand that no one is looking at the costs.
But Sweetcell sort of embodies the general mindset among liberals. Anyone that so much as lifts a peep against the prevailing orthodoxy on how society handles covid is mocked.
how many years do they need to stay home? Forever?
don't be a drama queen. the last lockdown wasn't forever (and in this country, it wasn't even really a lockdown).
-Drama Queen? I think it’s been a big deal.
Why couldn’t it last forever? If the virus is around forever and mutates who knows?
I don’t want to say too much more personal cause some seem to derive joy from using things against one but there were other impacts
"what? i have to take a BATH?!? how long to do i have to stay in the tub, FOREVER?!?!?!111"
- seems immature on your part…this is what you mean about a debate?
- What is with the condescension man? Just make your points and spare me that
- I didn’t mean my kids specifically fool…
the failure to balance all the costs with the benefit… as if a case of covid for a fully vaccinated person who wears masks to school is automatic death…
Ryan Struyk @ryanstruyk
Latest CDC data by vaccine status:
Unvaccinated: 451 cases per 100k
Vaccinated: 134 cases per 100k
Boosted: 48 cases per 100k
Unvaccinated: 6.1 deaths per 100k
Vaccinated: 0.5 deaths per 100k
Boosted: 0.1 deaths per 100k
Why wasn’t this done in February
Government incompetence
And it’s an expensive government we pay for…
Why wasn’t this done in February
Government incompetence
And it’s an expensive government we pay for…
Why wasn’t this done in February
Government incompetence
And it’s an expensive government we pay for…
Wait. Which is it? The government is too expensive, or the government should have spent all this money a year ago?
Why wasn’t this done in February
Government incompetence
And it’s an expensive government we pay for…
Wait. Which is it? The government is too expensive, or the government should have spent all this money a year ago?
It’s both.
The Mountain Goatis he immortal now? Keeps saying that he's not going to die
both DC9 and Union stage this week are now requiring proof of vax for entry
DC9 also listed the booster: After February 1st, we are requiring all patrons to show proof that they are at least 2 weeks past receiving a second vaccine dose—ie: 2 shots of Moderna/Pfizer or the Johnson&Johnson shot + booster
well I guess only if you got the J&J
both DC9 and Union stage this week are now requiring proof of vax for entry
DC9 also listed the booster: After February 1st, we are requiring all patrons to show proof that they are at least 2 weeks past receiving a second vaccine dose—ie: 2 shots of Moderna/Pfizer or the Johnson&Johnson shot + booster
well I guess only if you got the J&J
no, this is fairly new. IMP was one of the few in the area you needed proof of vaxboth DC9 and Union stage this week are now requiring proof of vax for entry
DC9 also listed the booster: After February 1st, we are requiring all patrons to show proof that they are at least 2 weeks past receiving a second vaccine dose—ie: 2 shots of Moderna/Pfizer or the Johnson&Johnson shot + booster
well I guess only if you got the J&J
i think theyve both been requiring proof of vax already.
This is news to me about DC requiring proof of vaccination for restaurants and other indoor gatherings effective January 15and this makes sense why they changed the policy
no, this is fairly new. IMP was one of the few in the area you needed proof of vaxboth DC9 and Union stage this week are now requiring proof of vax for entry
DC9 also listed the booster: After February 1st, we are requiring all patrons to show proof that they are at least 2 weeks past receiving a second vaccine dose—ie: 2 shots of Moderna/Pfizer or the Johnson&Johnson shot + booster
well I guess only if you got the J&J
i think theyve both been requiring proof of vax already.
you were previously able to show a recent negative testThis is news to me about DC requiring proof of vaccination for restaurants and other indoor gatherings effective January 15and this makes sense why they changed the policy
I wonder if Arlington will follow suit
Now that we have a few months to get vaccinated and boostered... it is predominantly Trump voterseven with the easy to see data
Interesting what he actually saidjust read that...this following quote is something
Over 1/3rd of BTS
Over 1/3rd of BTS
I don’t think that’s a coincidenceGo get it. Your name is “Chaz Jombi,” you’re homeless, have never gotten vaccinated, have no id or insurance and just wandered into this CVS today. You’ll have a fourth shot in five minutes.
I want my next booster
I can’t believe Julian’s America recommends I pretend to be a filthy lying beggar…I told you how to do it. Julian’s America didn’t RECOMMEND anything. If I acknowledge robbing a bank is possible, that’s not me telling you to rob a bank.
But these are the wacky times we live in
So I will submit this as evidence if I'm caught that Julian's America was the reason I robbed the bank #badlegaltakesI can’t believe Julian’s America recommends I pretend to be a filthy lying beggar…I told you how to do it. Julian’s America didn’t RECOMMEND anything. If I acknowledge robbing a bank is possible, that’s
But these are the wacky times we live innotme telling you to rob a bank.
Hutch and Santa, hope you and your families are on the upswing with whatever you're dealing with.
will go see a neurologist Jan 6at the capitol?
My posts may be more nonesense than usual from now onNot possible.
Well on Xmas day I started to feel numb on right side and couldn’t form words so checked in to hospital
We all thought stroke
I spent two days at hospital being tested
MRI showed no sign of stroke
Blood found in brain… unclear why? I bumped my head accidentally? The boognish scraped the mucus off my brain?
Am on anti seizure meds
I feel fine now but a bit shaken …will go see a neurologist Jan 6 and also have another cat scan
The end
My posts may be more nonesense than usual from now on
Glad I don't have to go in an office, but this is absurd
The New York Times @nytimes
Green: OK to hug.
Yellow: Let’s do the elbow/fist bump.
Red: Let’s wave hello.
Employers who want workers to come back to their desks are trying to accommodate different degrees of Covid risk tolerance. Enter the humble wristband.
I don't want to Hug any of my co-workers, I do mis the handshake
I think I'll confuse people if I wear myJamaicanRastafari wristband
Jimmy Fallon tested positive over the holidays (vaxxed and boosted), had mild symptoms.add James Corden to the list
Seth Meyers (vaxxed and boosted) tested positive today, cancels his show for the rest of the week.
Welp, it finally got me. Thankfully vaxxed and boosted so it hasn’t been too bad, just been drinking lots of water and popping Tylenol.
Has anyone said there is anything wrong with that?
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Speaking of which, MoCo Libraries are passing out 500K rapid tests, until supplies run out.
I don’t get it. She was outdoors having a drink.
Has anyone said there is anything wrong with that?
Republicans are weird about AOC….she’s like their new Hillary or Pelosi
I don’t get it. She was outdoors having a drink.
Has anyone said there is anything wrong with that?
Republicans are weird about AOC….she’s like their new Hillary or Pelosi
I read the linked article, and when I read "in a bar," I assumed they meant indoors. But maybe not, I don't know, I wasn't there.
The positive coronavirus test comes shortly after the congresswoman was seen without a mask in a Miami bar, according to video that circulated on social media.
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Speaking of which, MoCo Libraries are passing out 500K rapid tests, until supplies run out.
Yeah... I considered grabbing some, but I'm also at the point where I'm done testing unless I'm falling over ill. We tested multiple times over the past month (even with potential) symptoms and everything has been negative.
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Speaking of which, MoCo Libraries are passing out 500K rapid tests, until supplies run out.
Yeah... I considered grabbing some, but I'm also at the point where I'm done testing unless I'm falling over ill. We tested multiple times over the past month (even with potential) symptoms and everything has been negative.
What are the expiration dates on those rapid tests? I mean, in general. I have no need for them now, but may when we travel abroad in July.
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Speaking of which, MoCo Libraries are passing out 500K rapid tests, until supplies run out.
Yeah... I considered grabbing some, but I'm also at the point where I'm done testing unless I'm falling over ill. We tested multiple times over the past month (even with potential) symptoms and everything has been negative.
What are the expiration dates on those rapid tests? I mean, in general. I have no need for them now, but may when we travel abroad in July.
You would assume they have a long shelf life, however, based on all of the other stupid things going on... maybe they expire in a week.
Also, if you're going abroad, you'll probably need more than a rapid test from a store, so I'd suggest saving your $$$.
Absolutely, but we've been down this road before. MoCo Libs still wear masks outdoors.
Speaking of which, MoCo Libraries are passing out 500K rapid tests, until supplies run out.
Yeah... I considered grabbing some, but I'm also at the point where I'm done testing unless I'm falling over ill. We tested multiple times over the past month (even with potential) symptoms and everything has been negative.
What are the expiration dates on those rapid tests? I mean, in general. I have no need for them now, but may when we travel abroad in July.
You would assume they have a long shelf life, however, based on all of the other stupid things going on... maybe they expire in a week.
Also, if you're going abroad, you'll probably need more than a rapid test from a store, so I'd suggest saving your $$$.
Thanks. I'm pretty sure they would be, but I have a few months to figure it out.
What sort of COVID-test is accepted, if a test needs to be done in Germany?
Both PCR tests and rapid antigen tests are accepted.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
^ this, especially the "just shortly before you leave" part. regulations and requirements will change a million times between now and july, no use worrying about it now.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
^ this, especially the "just shortly before you leave" part. regulations and requirements will change a million times between now and july, no use worrying about it now.
Thanks to you both for the advice. We're actually booked to fly to Germany, with plans to stay in Germany, Austria, and Italy travelling by car. When I booked everything I had a testing plan based on what it was at that time. Now it seems like things have gotten stricter and trickier. As well as the odds of actually testing positive going way up. But of course like you said, a million things could change. I'm tempted to just cancel it all (all refundable at this point) and book something else sticking with just North America.
At this point, I'm more afraid of the potential rules and regulations than I am of COVID itself.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
^ this, especially the "just shortly before you leave" part. regulations and requirements will change a million times between now and july, no use worrying about it now.
Thanks to you both for the advice. We're actually booked to fly to Germany, with plans to stay in Germany, Austria, and Italy travelling by car. When I booked everything I had a testing plan based on what it was at that time. Now it seems like things have gotten stricter and trickier. As well as the odds of actually testing positive going way up. But of course like you said, a million things could change. I'm tempted to just cancel it all (all refundable at this point) and book something else sticking with just North America.
At this point, I'm more afraid of the potential rules and regulations than I am of COVID itself.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
^ this, especially the "just shortly before you leave" part. regulations and requirements will change a million times between now and july, no use worrying about it now.
Thanks to you both for the advice. We're actually booked to fly to Germany, with plans to stay in Germany, Austria, and Italy travelling by car. When I booked everything I had a testing plan based on what it was at that time. Now it seems like things have gotten stricter and trickier. As well as the odds of actually testing positive going way up. But of course like you said, a million things could change. I'm tempted to just cancel it all (all refundable at this point) and book something else sticking with just North America.
At this point, I'm more afraid of the potential rules and regulations than I am of COVID itself.
I'd cancel if I were you... cancelled a trip out of the country this week and will probably be cancelling another a month from now. The hurdles are just too much to deal with/risk.
I would suggest checking in with the embassy/consulate in Germany with the latest when you are closer to going.
^ this, especially the "just shortly before you leave" part. regulations and requirements will change a million times between now and july, no use worrying about it now.
Thanks to you both for the advice. We're actually booked to fly to Germany, with plans to stay in Germany, Austria, and Italy travelling by car. When I booked everything I had a testing plan based on what it was at that time. Now it seems like things have gotten stricter and trickier. As well as the odds of actually testing positive going way up. But of course like you said, a million things could change. I'm tempted to just cancel it all (all refundable at this point) and book something else sticking with just North America.
At this point, I'm more afraid of the potential rules and regulations than I am of COVID itself.
I'd cancel if I were you... cancelled a trip out of the country this week and will probably be cancelling another a month from now. The hurdles are just too much to deal with/risk.
If I had to decide today, I would probably cancel. But the tickets are award miles and can be redeposited any any time up to 30 days before. And the airbnb's and car rentals are all fully refundable until sometime in June. So no real reason not to wait a while. At least until the time when i feel I need to pull the trigger on booking an alternative domestic vacation.
Feeling much better after a mild case. Vaccines work!
wait so vinegar baths and viagra aren't a substitute for a vax?Feeling much better after a mild case. Vaccines work!
Excellent news!
Also tested positive for COVID this weekend. Fairly mild symptoms so far.
Also tested positive for COVID this weekend. Fairly mild symptoms so far.I was wondering why the sudden drop in the LVMH stock price was about, now I know why
Honestly, I feel like 90% better on day 3. Not sure if I just got a mild case or (more likely) the vaccines and booster work as intended but it was nowhere as bad as a standard flu, for me a non-smoker in my 30s. Had I not had two positive tests from different brands, I kinda would've thought it was a false positive.Also tested positive for COVID this weekend. Fairly mild symptoms so far.
Flags have been lowered in DC…
Hope you get better quick
So my friend (former college roommate, lives in NYC) mentioned in a hi how are you doing type of email that he had recently had COVID. His wife had also mentioned it publically on FB (that she had it.)All in the execution. "Dude, that sucks! Any idea how you got it?" is probably fine. Asking pointed questions about their mask wearing, distancing in groups, or grilling them on their holiday itinerary is likely going to get taken another way.
Is it rude for me to ask how he thinks he might have gotten it in a return email? Does it depend on the level of friendship?
So my friend (former college roommate, lives in NYC) mentioned in a hi how are you doing type of email that he had recently had COVID. His wife had also mentioned it publically on FB (that she had it.)
Is it rude for me to ask how he thinks he might have gotten it in a return email? Does it depend on the level of friendship?
So my friend (former college roommate, lives in NYC) mentioned in a hi how are you doing type of email that he had recently had COVID. His wife had also mentioned it publically on FB (that she had it.)
Is it rude for me to ask how he thinks he might have gotten it in a return email? Does it depend on the level of friendship?
I would say if he emails you on the basis of, "hi, how are you" it would be perfectly acceptable to ask how he contracted covid. Weird question. And does it really matter how he contracted it? Maybe he doesn't know?
Is this the family you all had a great NYC trip with last year if I remember correctly.
Here's how they got it:
riding the subway
going to the gym
indoor dining
live entertainment
Here's how they got it:
riding the subway
going to the gym
indoor dining
live entertainment
Close socializing for more than a few minutes
So my friend (former college roommate, lives in NYC) mentioned in a hi how are you doing type of email that he had recently had COVID. His wife had also mentioned it publically on FB (that she had it.)
Is it rude for me to ask how he thinks he might have gotten it in a return email? Does it depend on the level of friendship?
I would say if he emails you on the basis of, "hi, how are you" it would be perfectly acceptable to ask how he contracted covid. Weird question. And does it really matter how he contracted it? Maybe he doesn't know?
Is this the family you all had a great NYC trip with last year if I remember correctly.
I would be asking more in a making conversation way, rather than actually caring where they got it from. They're a 50something married couple with no kids who probably take more risks than we do (e.g. riding the subway, going to the gym, indoor dining, more live entertainment than us), though I dont' judge them for it...we all have our levels of how we behave.
And if I talked about hanging with some friends in NYC the past year, yes, they were among the friends.
So my friend (former college roommate, lives in NYC) mentioned in a hi how are you doing type of email that he had recently had COVID. His wife had also mentioned it publically on FB (that she had it.)
Is it rude for me to ask how he thinks he might have gotten it in a return email? Does it depend on the level of friendship?
I would say if he emails you on the basis of, "hi, how are you" it would be perfectly acceptable to ask how he contracted covid. Weird question. And does it really matter how he contracted it? Maybe he doesn't know?
Is this the family you all had a great NYC trip with last year if I remember correctly.
I would be asking more in a making conversation way, rather than actually caring where they got it from. They're a 50something married couple with no kids who probably take more risks than we do (e.g. riding the subway, going to the gym, indoor dining, more live entertainment than us), though I dont' judge them for it...we all have our levels of how we behave.
And if I talked about hanging with some friends in NYC the past year, yes, they were among the friends.
If I remember the vacation recap approporiately, they were giant pains in the ass from your POV.
so glory holes are still safe then?
"What if she's a squirter and it happens during cunnilingus or analingus?" - Relaxer, probablyso glory holes are still safe then?
if you practice safe sex (condom), then you should be fine! you might be safe without a rubber, as transmission of sexual fluids isn't a known vector of infection, however low levels of the virus have been detected in recovering patient's semen - unclear if there were sufficient cells to cause infection, but why risk it?
- Relaxer, probablydefinitely
seems you made some assumptions of which side of the hole I would be on ;pso glory holes are still safe then?
if you practice safe sex (condom), then you should be fine! you might be safe without a rubber, as transmission of sexual fluids isn't a known vector of infection, however low levels of the virus have been detected in recovering patient's semen - unclear if there were sufficient cells to cause infection, but why risk it?
seems you made some assumptions of which side of the hole I would be on ;pso glory holes are still safe then?
if you practice safe sex (condom), then you should be fine! you might be safe without a rubber, as transmission of sexual fluids isn't a known vector of infection, however low levels of the virus have been detected in recovering patient's semen - unclear if there were sufficient cells to cause infection, but why risk it?
Second of all, and more importantly as I have kids too…damn Space I was under the impression students could just pick whatever classes they attend so this is an eye openerdepends on how much a delinquent your kids are, they seem to be 'by the rules' kinda kids. My oldest has made an art of skipping class and getting bathroom passes
Smoke up and stay covid free!
Cannabinoids Block Cellular Entry of SARS-CoV-2 and the Emerging Variants (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.1c00946)
the Washington state COVID detainment emergency, they are going to have a state board of health discussing from 9:30 to 3:30 tomorrow, 'allowing local health officers to use law enforcement to force an emergency order in involuntarily detaining a person or group of persons, families to be isolated in a quarantine facility following their refusal to comply with request medical examinations, treatment, counseling, and vaccination.'
This is an internment camp. Washington state has done it before
Do not go online and just search unless it's an original source because there is a lot of bad information out.
(https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FI-520zXsAgz9Te?format=jpg&name=large)Can confirm.
shiiiiiiiiiit... welp, it's been nice knowing y'all. wish me luck. please send cake.
shiiiiiiiiiit... welp, it's been nice knowing y'all. wish me luck. please send cake.
Shit. Was totally drunk and misread that. If I could get that coke I sent you back I’d appreciate it - need it for the the Betty White/ Bob Saget fuck party. And please apologize to the Mrs for me - she’s seen me drunk and will understand.
t - need it for the the Betty White/ Bob Saget fuck party.is this some sort of weird role play thing?
Is this saying what I think it’s saying?
Is this saying what I think it’s saying?
We're winning?
this should have been done spring 2020...but I guess better late than never.
Food for thought
https://unherd.com/thepost/israeli-vaccine-chief-we-have-made-mistakes/ (https://unherd.com/thepost/israeli-vaccine-chief-we-have-made-mistakes/)
More people have died from covid under Biden than Trump. About 450,000 vs 430,000.
Abysmal failure. There is no getting around it.
Caveat: not getting into excess death count. If I did I would guess more have died under Trump
Food for thought
https://unherd.com/thepost/israeli-vaccine-chief-we-have-made-mistakes/ (https://unherd.com/thepost/israeli-vaccine-chief-we-have-made-mistakes/)
"The Green Pass / vaccine passport concept is no longer relevant in the Omicron era and should be phased out (he expects it to be in short order in Israel)"
i dunno, if i was a business i would be nervous about opening my doors to the unvaxxed... what if i'm a club owner and someone sues me because they got covid at one of my shows? i wouldn't want that person to be unvaxxed, given the increased likelihood of negative outcomes.
i'm also generally in favor of making like difficult for the unvaxxed. you can take up space in concerts and restaurants, or you can take up space in our hospitals - not both.
No it’s not ridiculous. And Biden had the vaccines.
It’s not about fault although one could debate that..
The buck stops with the president
It doesn’t matter if he is a democrat or Republican
The fact remains more people died - according to the official count- under President Biden than Trump.
I think the point is with Omicron, being vaccinated no longer effectively prevents you from getting it. So now what's the point of a vaccine passport?
The majority of the people testing positive, in the hospital or dead are Republicans taking Trumps advice. The majority of vaxxed and boosted are Democrats. Explain to me how thats Biden's fault.
Trump himself is vaxxed and boosted. He's not telling anyone they shouldn't get vaccinated.
In fact, he sounds very pro-vaccine.
Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless'
Trump himself is vaxxed and boosted. He's not telling anyone they shouldn't get vaccinated.
In fact, he sounds very pro-vaccine.
Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless'
Trump was NEVER out there promoting the vaccine, come on. He got the vaccine in secret and never wanted it publicized. This is well-known stuff.
Trump himself is vaxxed and boosted. He's not telling anyone they shouldn't get vaccinated.
In fact, he sounds very pro-vaccine.
Trump calls politicians who refuse to say they received Covid boosters 'gutless'
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-calls-politicians-who-refuse-say-they-received-covid-boosters-n1287342 (https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/trump-calls-politicians-who-refuse-say-they-received-covid-boosters-n1287342)
Biden has no influence over the people who are still listening to Trump.can confirm
Biden has no influence over the people who are still listening to Trump.can confirm
Do those tactics work with 4 year olds?Biden has no influence over the people who are still listening to Trump.can confirm
i'd say that biden has tremendous influence over trump's acolytes: whatever biden says, trumpers will instinctively do the opposite. hence the current low vax rates among them, they're "sticking it to joe".
since biden has just about maxed out the number of vaccinations he can get on the left, he should switch tact and start denigrating vaccines, telling everyone that they shouldn't get them, that's they're a waste... that might drive the trumptards to the get the shot.
Biden has no influence over the people who are still listening to Trump.can confirm
i'd say that biden has tremendous influence over trump's acolytes: whatever biden says, trumpers will instinctively do the opposite. hence the current low vax rates among them, they're "sticking it to joe".
since biden has just about maxed out the number of vaccinations he can get on the left, he should switch tact and start denigrating vaccines, telling everyone that they shouldn't get them, that's they're a waste... that might drive the trumptards to the get the shot.
I think the Trumptard response would more likely be, "Hey you hypocritial senile dumbass, told you we were right. Glad you finally came around to our way of thinking."
We can’t sustain these numbers of dead for another year…..I mean, sure we can. We have 350million people. We won't run out.
We can’t sustain these numbers of dead for another year…..I mean, sure we can. We have 349 million people. We won't run out.
We can’t sustain these numbers of dead for another year…..I mean, sure we can. We have 350million people. We won't run out.
We can’t sustain these numbers of dead for another year…..I mean, sure we can. We have 350million people. We won't run out.
Public school officials in Page County, Virginia say they’ve increased security at school today, & will on Monday, after Amelia King told the school board, last night, “no mask mandate” then threatened: “I will bring every single gun loaded & ready to…I’ll see y’all on Monday.”
Which brings me to my next point: I don’t think people are taking covid seriously anymore… and a feeling that everyone is going to get it- multiple times probably- and it’s not that bad so why worryI mean, I am kind of here. We are past the point where "eliminating" COVID is a possibility; this is endemic. (And that's sad.) You can clearly see the CDC start to telegraph that post-omicron, they're going to remove suggestions that children wear masks or that asymptomatic people test, as they do this with no other respiratory infection. If you're vaxxed and boosted, this is the flu at this point.
Which brings me to my next point: I don’t think people are taking covid seriously anymore… and a feeling that everyone is going to get it- multiple times probably- and it’s not that bad so why worryI mean, I am kind of here. We are past the point where "eliminating" COVID is a possibility; this is endemic. (And that's sad.) You can clearly see the CDC start to telegraph that post-omicron, they're going to remove suggestions that children wear masks or that asymptomatic people test, as they do this with no other respiratory infection. If you're vaxxed and boosted, this is the flu at this point.
I'm going to continue to get boosters and mask where asked and I think its good this has normalized people staying home when sick and mask wearing in general, but this is with us forever and young, otherwise healthy on-time with their vax people have little to fear of it. How seriously am I supposed to take it for the remaining 50 years of my life?
We are past the point where "eliminating" COVIDdid anyone think that we were going to do that? I don't know, first I've ever heard anyone mention it
I am not really passing judgment but I have kids and I don’t feel comfortable not taking precautions and giving my family the covid and spreading it so Friday and Saturday after work (Aziz) I didn’t go to the bar after the showsI agree on the wave. I stopped masking in summer when the case counts crashed and started back up as omicron and delta picked up. I'll continue to wear masks when cases are high -- because I just don't want to get it again despite it being mild -- but when they go low, I doubt I'll wear masks except where asked.
When the wave comes down I will
I understand why people might not make the same choice
I am not really passing judgment but I have kids and I don’t feel comfortable not taking precautions and giving my family the covid and spreading it so Friday and Saturday after work (Aziz) I didn’t go to the bar after the shows
When the wave comes down I will
I understand why people might not make the same choice
Like if everyone worldwide stayed home for 30 days in May 2020 and we had 99.9% vaccination compliance worldwide, was there a theoretical path to R<1, sure.QuoteWe are past the point where "eliminating" COVIDdid anyone think that we were going to do that? I don't know, first I've ever heard anyone mention it
so we are all in agreement there was 0% chance of that happeningLike if everyone worldwide stayed home for 30 days in May 2020 and we had 99.9% vaccination compliance worldwide, was there a theoretical path to R<1, sure.QuoteWe are past the point where "eliminating" COVIDdid anyone think that we were going to do that? I don't know, first I've ever heard anyone mention it
I am not really passing judgment but I have kids and I don’t feel comfortable not taking precautions and giving my family the covid and spreading it so Friday and Saturday after work (Aziz) I didn’t go to the bar after the shows
When the wave comes down I will
I understand why people might not make the same choice
Are your kids not vaxxed?
Maryland reported 2,690 confirmed cases today, about a fifth of the numbers a few weeks ago.
The study suggests a second booster may not yet be necessary.Most luxurious things aren't "necessary".
Stealth Omicron
welp, denmark is done with it
bring on the Hamlet quotes....
Let's go!? is that from tristan and isolde?
Sweden had two deaths from covid yesterday …we had 2990
Be like Sweden
an 80+% vaccination rate and a generally healthier population gets you.
Be like Sweden
I think you cherry picked that numberSweden had two deaths from covid yesterday …we had 2990
Be like Sweden
This is what an 80+% vaccination rate and a generally healthier population gets you.
I think you cherry picked that numberSweden had two deaths from covid yesterday …we had 2990
Be like Sweden
This is what an 80+% vaccination rate and a generally healthier population gets you.
80% of all Swedes over the age of 50 have now received three vaccine doses.
We have an obesity crisis in the US…. I would guess our poor health in general-more than vaccination rates- accounts for the disparity in deaths… we are fat and most people are on a bunch of crazy pills…
Great news Space, masks should be optional.
He looks like a douchey used car salesman.
BA. 2 on the rise. Don't toss your masks just yet.Fuck you. I’m in the middle of charting out my Paris-Nice/Monte Carlo-Milan/Lake Como trip for August and not you or any other masked asshole is going to stop me with your facts.
BA. 2 on the rise. Don't toss your masks just yet.Fuck you. I’m in the middle of charting out my Paris-Nice/Monte Carlo-Milan/Lake Como trip for August and not you or any other masked asshole is going to stop me with your facts.
I would be willing to read a PM with reasons why I should consider Lake Garda and where I’m finding a one-layover at most flight back to DC from there and what city that would be leaving from? Venice?
Barak Obama
Also, Barack Hussein Obama.Barak Obama
Also, Barack Obama.
Today out in Hagerstown, more and more truckers with The People's Convoy have complained about becoming sick with a bad cough. One streamer, “OTR Survival,” ended up going to an urgent care, and described the illness as getting “hit by a bus.”
Today out in Hagerstown, more and more truckers with The People's Convoy have complained about becoming sick with a bad cough. One streamer, “OTR Survival,” ended up going to an urgent care, and described the illness as getting “hit by a bus.”
Biden official: Mask mandate for airplanes could be extended
Why it matters: The transportation mask mandate was extended last month, but is currently set to expire on April 18.
Nancy Pelosi (very risky), Susan Collins and Warnok have all tested positive for COVID-19.
Biden official: Mask mandate for airplanes could be extended
Why it matters: The transportation mask mandate was extended last month, but is currently set to expire on April 18.
Nancy Pelosi (very risky), Susan Collins and Warnok have all tested positive for COVID-19.
The US seems to be on it's own on this one.
They are also continuing to require testing to be able to return the the US.
Whereas otther Western countries have ended these two policiies.
Seems like someone in the Biden agency might be getting some $$ from the testing companies and mask makers for extending these two.
Biden official: Mask mandate for airplanes could be extended
Why it matters: The transportation mask mandate was extended last month, but is currently set to expire on April 18.
Nancy Pelosi (very risky), Susan Collins and Warnok have all tested positive for COVID-19.
The US seems to be on it's own on this one.
They are also continuing to require testing to be able to return the the US.
Whereas otther Western countries have ended these two policiies.
Seems like someone in the Biden agency might be getting some $$ from the testing companies and mask makers for extending these two.
Seems like you are full of shit
I mean first of all what “Biden agency”!?!
But more importantly why throw around accusations without a lick of evidence
I think the "mandatory testing for vaxxed and boosted US residents to return" thing is wildly capricious. I'm kind of with Space on this -- its time for these policy's to wind down.
I think the "mandatory testing for vaxxed and boosted US residents to return" thing is wildly capricious. I'm kind of with Space on this -- its time for these policy's to wind down.
The CDC makes the travel rules. This is not a winning issue for Biden. It almost seems like they''re trying to lose supporters.
Unless the number of serious illnesses and/or deaths among the vaccinated swing wildly up,
Unless the number of serious illnesses and/or deaths among the vaccinated swing wildly up,
Philadelphia becomes first major US city to reinstate its indoor mask mandate as cases rise (https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/11/health/mask-mandate-philadelphia-covid-19/index.html)
Finally got me. A week after attending a 99% unmasked memorial service and 4 days after gettting the 2nd booster. Feels like a chest cold mostly. Had to miss yesterday's O's opener though. :(
Finally got me. A week after attending a 99% unmasked memorial service and 4 days after gettting the 2nd booster. Feels like a chest cold mostly. Had to miss yesterday's O's opener though. :(
after having the COVIDWISE app for over a year
this week I finally got notice that I was possibly in contact with someone who reported postive
Obviously not many are using it or reporting as it seems nearly impossible that is the only exposure I've had with the Airports/concerts/living near a city
Vice President Kamala Harris tests positive for Covid (https://www.cnn.com/2022/04/26/politics/kamala-harris-positive-covid/index.html)so we've known for almost a year that this is the case?
despite being fully vaxxed and boosted...
After years of being Covid free it finally hit me and hit me pretty hard.
After years of being Covid free it finally hit me and hit me pretty hard.
After years of being Covid free it finally hit me and hit me pretty hard.
Hang in there cock!
Eric Clapton, 77, who has railed against lockdowns and vaccines, tests positive for COVID, cancels shows
Never heard that before
I thought Jim Gordon composed it
Never heard that beforetake is controversial,
I thought Jim Gordon composed it
:( failed my covid test just now.Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?
Was going to use the Railgun at Dahlgren to do the gender reveal:( failed my covid test just now.Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?
Getting my second booster Saturday. I'll probably be sicker from the vaccine than you guys who actually have COVID.
I kept up with vax, but didn't get the second round of boostingWas it bad? You are vaccinated and boosted?Convalesce! Whappen?Covid…
Any idea where you might have picked it up?No clue, but was in airports, bars, concerts and GOP Cocaine orgies...so who knows
Any idea where you might have picked it up?No clue, but was in airports, bars, concerts and GOP Cocaine orgies...so who knows
figured I'll just save the test. I must just have a cold.there still space friendly priced covid test kits...get em while their hot
figured I'll just save the test. I must just have a cold.there still space friendly priced covid test kits...get em while their hot
no matter how many cocaine orgies i attend it's hard to concentrate.they are really overrated and don't live up to the hype
. and the only member of my family that didn't get it, my son, tested positive yesterday and is now home from school.I have a tremdous pangs of guilt, as my youngest daughter got illl on Friday right after me and she had this High Tea (not that kind of High) party she had been looking forward to for a month, had a dress and all sorts of accoutrements....crushed
my youngest daughter got illl on Friday right after me and she had this High Tea (not that kind of High) party she had been looking forward to for a month, had a dress and all sorts of accoutrements....crushed
shitty taste in my mouth, still here. a little bit like orange juice and Duracell.
US to drop covid testing requirements for international travel.thank god.
Two beautiful blonde nurses just simultaneously gave me a covid shield shot in each buttock.
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.yowza
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.yowza
https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/meet-the-covid-super-dodgers/ar-AAZOZINTIL: what’s a strikeout?
I want masks back. I never even got the sniffles for two years, when we had to wear them.Then wear one? No one’s stopping you.
The Charlatans were touring Japan and Tim was posting pictures of fully masked audiences… but we a freedom loving bunch in these parts so…
I want masks back. I never even got the sniffles for two years, when we had to wear them.Then wear one? No one’s stopping you.
Release the Kracken!
Really, that’s the nickname
Release the Kracken!
Really, that’s the nickname
a lil' context, please?
The 'Kraken' COVID subvariant: What to know about quickly rising omicron descendant (https://www.livescience.com/omicron-subvariant-xbb15)Release the Kracken!
Really, that’s the nickname
a lil' context, please?
Well I finally got it
Actually feel like shit
and she lost the 10 poundsI lost at least 5, as I ate almost nothing for like 5 days of mostly sleeping and feeling crappy
Don’t talk to me like I am an idiot.
I feel I got it pretty badly.
And when the vaccines were first announced and for many months figures were cited left and right about 90% plus efficacy in preventing getting covid period.
Nobody said get the vaccine and you are still guaranteed to get covid.
In my family all of us were fully vaccinated and boosted and still got it.
Get off your soapbox dude.
The most likely reality is that covid is just weakening over time and people getting it in 2023 aren’t getting it as badly as they would if they got it in 2019.Isn't what's most likely is "both"?
died with covid is more accurate
Alaska is a very big place so cruises do help in the sense you can cover a lot of ground.
Hey Cock, are cruises really necessary when it comes to exploring Alaska?
Sorry for your family's illnesses and Hetfield, whoever that is.
My sister
...its baaaaaaack
Thank you for stopping the spread.I do what I can, man.
I expect this from crazy pundits and youtubers....but a state Surgeon General!
"It's an unsafe medication" -- Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo
Say goodbye to the COVID-19 vaccination card. The CDC has stopped printing them (https://wtop.com/national/2023/10/say-goodbye-to-the-covid-19-vaccination-card-the-cdc-has-stopped-printing-them/)
Say goodbye to the COVID-19 vaccination card. The CDC has stopped printing them (https://wtop.com/national/2023/10/say-goodbye-to-the-covid-19-vaccination-card-the-cdc-has-stopped-printing-them/)
In retrospect, I'm kind of pissed that my employer made me get vaxxed. Especially when I was full time remote telework. I mean I would have gotten it anyway, but ...
I'm kind of pissed that my employer made me get vaxxed. (...) I mean I would have gotten it anyway, but ...
Old follicly-challenged dude should get vaxxedSay goodbye to the COVID-19 vaccination card. The CDC has stopped printing them (https://wtop.com/national/2023/10/say-goodbye-to-the-covid-19-vaccination-card-the-cdc-has-stopped-printing-them/)
In retrospect, I'm kind of pissed that my employer made me get vaxxed. Especially when I was full time remote telework. I mean I would have gotten it anyway, but ...
"excuse me, mrs. american, but you should get out of the middle of the road because high-speed traffic is about to-"
At least 1.2 million Americans found Covid affected them more negatively than the colds they’d had before. So much so they died. Including my kids grandpa.
But am glad for your family’s good fortune. That’s what’s important. You.
So your position is that airlines, hospitals, music venues, etc should not have forced employees to get vaccinated? You believe that’s fucked up.
Space, give it a rest. You are making an ass of yourself.
Just the way you frame that “make decisions regarding their health” shows how deluded you are….it’s really batshit MAGA … I mean it’s about public health.. that’s the point
Interest level in discussing this with a troll or complete imbecile: zero
Over and out
I miss you guys arguing about who should wear masks at open air fields.
Boy do I feel stupid for every arguing in favor of that. I guess in retrospect it was better to be safe than sorry.
My point was that it's pretty fucked up for an employer to force employees to make specific choices regarding their health, at the risk of losing one's job.
Do you disagree with that?
My point was that it's pretty fucked up for an employer to force employees to make specific choices regarding their health, at the risk of losing one's job.Yes, I disagree with that. Thanks for asking.
Do you disagree with that?
Its also really funny for folks to be in a tizzy about Space voicing concerns about employer-mandated health decision despite him GETTING VACCINATED AND SAYING HE WOULD'VE OF HIS OWN ACCORD, and not, I don't know, the systematic throwing-of-people-to-the-wolves that our entire political system engaged in. If I had to guess, that might have caused a lot more death and misery than whether Space got vaccinated or not WHICH HE DID.I, for one, enjoy throwing people to the wolves.
It's like being mad that someone uses plastic bags at the grocery store
I, for one, enjoy throwing people to the wolves.
That's the right of any individual American citizen, but our political class shouldn't be making that decision for usSir, as a person who identifies as a political class, you have insulted me gravely.I, for one, enjoy throwing people to the wolves.
I have you marked as the Elite class, which we all know are the real movers and shakersFlattery will get you everywhere.
My point was that it's pretty fucked up for an employer to force employees to make specific choices regarding their health, at the risk of losing one's job.
Do you disagree with that?
When I was a kid, I remember trusting my pediatrician when he told me that I was required to be vaccinated against certain things to go back to school, and those were rules far above his or my head. And papers were necessary and needed to be given to the school nurse in order to be given the OK. The same applies when you're an adult. Responsibility doesn't change when you have to consider the wellbeing of others in your species. The difference now vs. being a kid is that if you don't like it, you can quit and get a new job. Probably in a state where life expectancies are starting to crater, lowering the overall life expectancy of the country. But hell, it's America. You can do whatever you want.
My point was that it's pretty fucked up for an employer to force employees to make specific choices regarding their health, at the risk of losing one's job.
Do you disagree with that?
When I was a kid, I remember trusting my pediatrician when he told me that I was required to be vaccinated against certain things to go back to school, and those were rules far above his or my head. And papers were necessary and needed to be given to the school nurse in order to be given the OK. The same applies when you're an adult. Responsibility doesn't change when you have to consider the wellbeing of others in your species. The difference now vs. being a kid is that if you don't like it, you can quit and get a new job. Probably in a state where life expectancies are starting to crater, lowering the overall life expectancy of the country. But hell, it's America. You can do whatever you want.
Hmm, well, do you work in the sex industry? Then I would say yesMy point was that it's pretty fucked up for an employer to force employees to make specific choices regarding their health, at the risk of losing one's job.
Do you disagree with that?
When I was a kid, I remember trusting my pediatrician when he told me that I was required to be vaccinated against certain things to go back to school, and those were rules far above his or my head. And papers were necessary and needed to be given to the school nurse in order to be given the OK. The same applies when you're an adult. Responsibility doesn't change when you have to consider the wellbeing of others in your species. The difference now vs. being a kid is that if you don't like it, you can quit and get a new job. Probably in a state where life expectancies are starting to crater, lowering the overall life expectancy of the country. But hell, it's America. You can do whatever you want.
Would you be ok with an employer requiring any employee who engages in anal sex to be on PREP before engaging in anal sex, at the risk of losing their job? After all, it is the responsible thing to do.
and not, I don't know, the systematic throwing-of-people-to-the-wolves that our entire political system engaged in. If I had to guess, that might have caused a lot more death and misery than whether Space got vaccinated or not WHICH HE DID.so is NKOTB trying to say that both the dems and rebups systematically threw 100's of thousands of people 'to the wolves'
It's like being mad that someone uses plastic bags at the grocery store
The only thing I remember is I was told I could get a toy out of the treasure box and would get a cool spidey Bandaid
When I was a kid, I remember trusting my pediatrician when
I'm not arguing that the vax has hurt me. I chose to get it, so I accepted any risk. I'm arguing that employers shouldn't have the power to force employees to make that choice.They want to be able to say "All our staff is vaccinated" and like greenwashing, companies were trying to fall in line for their PR campaign
Who was my employer protecting by requiring it's employees to be vaccinated? We haven't been in the office since March 2020.
And now there is no longer a requirement.
I'm not arguing that the vax has hurt me. I chose to get it, so I accepted any risk. I'm arguing that employers shouldn't have the power to force employees to make that choice.They want to be able to say "All our staff is vaccinated" and like greenwashing, companies were trying to fall in line for their PR campaign
Who was my employer protecting by requiring it's employees to be vaccinated? We haven't been in the office since March 2020.
And now there is no longer a requirement.
So if your employer forced you to have a drug test, would you react the same way?
what if they said they were going to do a background check?
These would be WAY bigger privacy concerns for me vs getting a jab
you don't HAVE TO work for that employer (who works with the Gov't...so you are already a part of the machine man)
well this is where we differ a lot
So if your employer forced you to have a drug test, would you react the same way?
what if they said they were going to do a background check?
These would be WAY bigger privacy concerns for me vs getting a jab
you don't HAVE TO work for that employer (who works with the Gov't...so you are already a part of the machine man)
I don't have a problem with a drug test or background test to get a job. I don't have a problem with a vaccine requirement to get a job. I have a problem with making up a rule that you have to be vaccinated to keep your job.
Why do you all engage in back and forth with people who are not arguing in good faith? So many people are showing their ass here.bordem
Why do you all engage in back and forth with people who are not arguing in good faith? So many people are showing their ass here.
so is NKOTB trying to say that both the dems and rebups systematically threw 100's of thousands of people 'to the wolves'
Why do you all engage in back and forth with people who are not arguing in good faith? So many people are showing their ass here.
I think it's good to have respectful discussion with people you don't see eye to eye with on stuff. It's easy on the internet. It's good practice for Thanksgiving, when I get to have political discussions with my Trump voting 6'7" father in law.
New Coronavirus Discovered in Chinese Bats Sparks Alarm