930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hutch on September 09, 2020, 04:15:03 pm
Entries due 11:59 pm this Sunday night
Guess by winner - Trump or Biden-the following states 50 days out
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd
Winner gets a free ticket to an IMP show (And an IMP $20 gift card)
You should add Texas to that list.
13 choices is more than enough
tiebreaker is to name who loses Maine?
tiebreaker is to name who loses Maine?
No, name who wins Maine second district
Maine has a weird system
i will fully admit that my entry is partially driven by wishful thinking.
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Biden
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Biden
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Biden
FL - Biden
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden (This is my downfall pick, but I just don't want to believe it)
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Winner gets a free ticket to an IMP show (And an IMP $20 gift card)
Whoa...entered before I even saw the prize!
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
FL - trump
GA - trump
NC - trump
PA - biden
MI - biden
WI - biden
MN - biden
AZ - trump
NV - biden
IA - trump
OH - trump
NH - biden
I believe this results in a Biden win.
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - biden
AZ - Trump means we likely lose the senate too
Are you guys making your decisions based on current polls, or just going by your gut?
Why would we lose the Senate if Trump wins AZ?
In AZ, Fox News currently has Kelly up by 15 points over McSally, and Biden by 9 over Trump.
I'm going to be wayyyy more optimistic than most, because i need something to be hopeful about. I think my answers are the same as sidehatch, except for NC.
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Trump
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Trump
FL - Drumph
GA - Drumph
NC - Biden
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Drumph
OH - Drumph
NH -Biden
None of the polls predicted what would happen last time! Let yourselves go...
You got til Sunday 11:59 pm
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Biden
Page 4 people
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Biden
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
I think one of these two will win.
I’m confident that biden takes FL!
It’s happening people
Florida 5:30 update:
GOP: 4,210,984 (+203,533)
DEM: 4,007,451
NPA/Other: 2,559,542
Total: 10,777,977
I’m confident that biden takes FL!
It’s happening people
I hope you're right, but I think you greatly underestimate the voter suppression capabilities of the Florida GOP.
I’m confident that biden takes FL!
It’s happening people
I hope you're right, but I think you greatly underestimate the voter suppression capabilities of the Florida GOP.
Yep. Charlie Brown with football, every damn time. ARRRRGGH in advance.
They swapped in peppermint patty to tee the ball last minute because Lucy needed to speak with the manager
Florida is done after those Miami-Dade numbers. Unless they are reporting inaccurate numbers, put it in the Trump column.
Florida is done after those Miami-Dade numbers. Unless they are reporting inaccurate numbers, put it in the Trump column.
Was coming here to say Miami-Dade fucked joe in the drive through
That bad?
That bad?
Hillary won it by 30%. Biden is leading by 10% with 85% counted. It’s the #1 Democratic vote block in the state.
It’s catastrophic.
VA called!
Alright I had Virginia
Who didn’t?
Alright I had Virginia
Who didn’t?
Trump won Tennessee!!
Trump won Tennessee!!
Taylor Swift is writing LP #9 right now.
That’s the spirit!!
I’m confident that biden takes FL!
It’s happening people
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Biden
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
I think one of these two will win.
Did I win yet?
As of now, Sidehatch, Hutch, Sweetcell and Space Freely are out based on states called
The only states in play are: NC, WI, AZ and ME2
Jules could pull it out if he gets WI right
Mark Kelly defeats Martha McSally in Arizona Senate
Jules could pull it out if he gets WI right
I feel pretty good about WI and MI and NV supposedly just has early and absentees left. PA and GA are still in play.
I would rather be Biden than Trump at this moment.
I feel pretty good about WI
"There are only about 300 votes left to count in Wisconsin, officials say. They’re in the town of Willow in Richland County. Biden leads by more than 20,000 votes." [20,533]
Trump will request a recount for sure. He won in 2016 by 22,748.
RECOUNT RULES FOR WI: The margin needs to be less than 1 percent for a recount in Wisconsin. Trump will have to pay about $3 million for it unless the margin is less than one quarter of 1 percent (per Reid Epstein)
Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian) received 38,271 votes (1.2%). Thanks Jo!
Speaking of recounts, Michigan is up to a 0.9% Biden lead and more Wayne County votes remaining, so likely going to eclipse the 1% mark (although that is not a cutoff for a paid recount in MI).
Thanks Jo!
How many of those Jo votes would have be Joe votes...very few, if anything JJ helped Biden take the lead (or maybe that's what you were saying)
As of now, Sidehatch, Hutch, Sweetcell and Space Freely are out based on states called
The only states in play are: NC, WI, AZ and ME2
Jules could pull it out if he gets WI right
Looks like Jules is out if WI goes to Biden
Jeffml....you didn't do a ME2 and you may need it to win (if Biden wins NC)
STC - I think your done as it doesn't look like trump is taking AZ
Looks like it's down to ME2 between Heilung and Challanged (and sorta Smakadoodle)
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Did I win yet?
I think you did, with the tie breaker in ME2
Unless Biden takes NC it's Jeffml (doesn't matter he didn't vote in ME2 as it won't be a tie-breaker)
Looks like it's down to ME2 between Heilung and Challanged (and sorta Smakadoodle)
No, they beat me to it and deserve it. I was just agreeing that it was looking like they would be right. GA wouldn't change this, right? That's the only one I may have gotten wrong.
The formal WI calls are coming in.
Speaking of GA: "An estimated 200,000 votes remain uncounted in Georgia, officials say — that’s more than double Trump’s current margin over Biden in the state. Of the 200,000 uncounted votes in Georgia, most come from left-leaning areas of metropolitan Atlanta, suggesting they’re likely to skew Democratic." Stephanie Saul
Currently, 83,000 votes apart.
If Biden continues to get 75% of the mail-in vote:
Biden: 2,457,070
Trump: 2,440,172
If he" only" gets 70%:
Trump: 2,450,172
Biden: 2,447,070
So longshot, but possible.
Looks like it's down to ME2 between Heilung and Challanged (and sorta Smakadoodle)
No, they beat me to it and deserve it. I was just agreeing that it was looking like they would be right. GA wouldn't change this, right? That's the only one I may have gotten wrong.
Hutch was the only one with Biden in GA, but he But he got OH wrong ...jury is out on NC
I also got FL wrong
And Maine-2
I am more than happy to lose with Biden winning
Trump will request a recount for sure. He won in 2016 by 22,748.
RECOUNT RULES FOR WI: The margin needs to be less than 1 percent for a recount in Wisconsin. Trump will have to pay about $3 million for it unless the margin is less than one quarter of 1 percent (per Reid Epstein)
Jim Acosta reports that the Trump campaign has given up on the Wisconsin recount.
(have to save up for winnable legal attacks and 20K+ in WI is not winnable. Probably move resources to PA, GA, NV, and AZ)
Speaking of GA: "An estimated 200,000 votes remain uncounted in Georgia, officials say — that’s more than double Trump’s current margin over Biden in the state. Of the 200,000 uncounted votes in Georgia, most come from left-leaning areas of metropolitan Atlanta, suggesting they’re likely to skew Democratic." Stephanie Saul
Currently, 83,000 votes apart.
If Biden continues to get 75% of the mail-in vote:
Biden: 2,457,070
Trump: 2,440,172
If he" only" gets 70%:
Trump: 2,450,172
Biden: 2,447,070
So longshot, but possible.
If Biden gets 65% of the remaining vote in GA, he wins by 1,581. He's been getting closer to 68-70% of the mail in ballots. 62% or below he loses, narrowly.
GA would be nice, but not necessary...but nailbiter no less
GA would be nice, but not necessary...but nailbiter no less
You want the Senate? Your best chance is to have a motivated electorate for the runoffs, not another disenfranchised electorate who think their vote doesn't make a difference.
GA would be nice, but not necessary...but nailbiter no less
You want the Senate? Your best chance is to have a motivated electorate for the runoffs, not another disenfranchised electorate who think their vote doesn't make a difference.
Ok...I'll buy that.
Joe Biden being President is going to enrage the 49.8-50.2% of Georgia voters who voted for Trump that they are going to turn out in such numbers for that special election that I do not seriously give either Ossoff or Warnock any chance in a special. Also the mere lack of a Presidential election at the top of the ticket is going to depress Democratic turnout.
Yeah...I don’t think we have a prayer
Yeah...I don’t think we have a prayer
Oh there is prayer. Its just that its ineffective.
That too
We don’t stand a chance and I bet we waste $300 million or something on it
NC called for Trump
GA and AZ called for Biden
Ok so who won?
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Is this the winning entry?
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Is this the winning entry?
He and I both got one state wrong (GA for him, NC for me).
Give it to the Chipotle guy and his five kids. I concede.
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Is this the winning entry?
He and I both got one state wrong (GA for him, NC for me).
I believe you also had Wisconsin for Trump?
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd-Trump
Yes I saw that...didn’t want to bludgeon him with his failure
Congratulations Grateful !!
You done good
When concerts restart at IMP I can get you a ticket for an IMP show (and gift card)
Whoa! I mean, I can't really accept the win or take any credit...I literally just copied the entry before mine and changed a "Biden" to a "Trump". I didn't even really read the predictions...
Sorry mate...
FL - Trump
GA - Trump
NC - Trump
PA - Biden
MI - Biden
WI - Biden
MN - Biden
AZ - Biden
NV - Biden
IA - Trump
OH - Trump
NH - Biden
Tiebreaker: Maine 2nd - Trump
Is this the winning entry?
He and I both got one state wrong (GA for him, NC for me).
I believe you also had Wisconsin for Trump?
I posted a later prediction in the other thread.
Yeah this was the early prediction contest.. at this point I think we were like 50 days out
But you have been gracious so it’s a moot point
Congrats to Grateful
Yes I saw that...didn’t want to bludgeon him with his failure
literally the only reason I come here
I posted a later prediction in the other thread.
You did...and I tried to find it...but apparently, it was in the wrong thread and in the wrong format.
so according to the official rules SECTION 1 - ARTICLE 9. and ARTICLE 14 you have submitted a disqualified entry and it was not accepted.
I lose. Good day, sir. - Me in a Willy Wonka hat.