930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: sweetcell on February 23, 2021, 04:41:08 am
a thread for 45's post-insurrection career, and the future of the GOP.
Trump to tell CPAC he is Republican 'presumptive 2024 nominee' – report (https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/feb/22/trump-cpac-republican-presumptive-2024-nominee)
Unnamed source tells news site Axios Trump’s speech to the rightwing event will have the message ‘I’m still in charge’
selected quotes:
Jason Miller, said: “Trump effectively is the Republican party. The only chasm is between Beltway insiders and grass-roots Republicans around the country. When you attack President Trump, you’re attacking the Republican grass roots.”
Polling of Republicans who have not left the party, however, shows the former president with a clear lead over a range of potential 2024 candidates, supportive of him or not, in a notional primary.
Trump’s grip on his party is clear. New polling from Suffolk University and USA Today showed 46% of Trump voters would follow him if he formed his own party while 42% said his impeachment had strengthened their support. The same poll said 58% of Trump voters subscribed to an outright conspiracy theory: that the Capitol riot was “mostly a [leftwing] antifa-inspired attack that only involved a few Trump supporters”.
In reality, many of more than 250 individuals charged over the attack have been found to have links to far-right groups.
The former Republican strategist Stuart Stevens said Scalise was “saying that America isn’t a democracy. That’s become the new standard of the Republican party. Not since 1860s has a large part of the country refused to accept election. The Republican party is an anti-democratic force.”
all in favor of this thread going bye bye raise your hand... this world needs less of 45** content not more
i agree...but we kinda need a politics thread, but shouldn't be focused on the former guy
lots of news will continue to happen around him and the GQP
all in favor of this thread going bye bye raise your hand... this world needs less of 45** content not more
My thoughts exactly. At least for a while.
Neither for nor against. I don’t believe pausing it till 2022 is a bad idea tho.
all in favor of this thread going bye bye raise your hand... this world needs less of 45** content not more
waaaah! waaaaaaaah! my first amendment rights! this is cancel culture in full effect!!! you cannot suppress free thought!!!!111
the 9:30 forum is NOT a democracy or follow any 1st amendment type rules
but Kozmo does make the trains run on time
Some great stuff here:
Trumps border wall destroyed by rain:
I’m as worried about Trump now as I was I. 2015. This thread stays.
I’m as worried about Trump now as I was I. 2015. This thread stays.
Can things get any worse?
Things can always get worse.
Those butt hurt Bernie bros must be feeling extra special today
extra special shout out to Jill Stein supporters
can you at least detail what you are talking about...
I hope you are not including Vermin Supreme supporters in your vitriol
because then we are going to have to step outside
can you at least detail what you are talking about...
I hope you are not including Vermin Supreme supporters in your vitriol
because then we are going to have to step outside
the non decision made by the supreme court in regards to the texas abortion law, that was facilitated in part by 45** being able to pack the court
had a certain voting segment decided to look past all the "flaws" of Hilary and just being butt hurt because their candidate didn't make it through the primaries , it's possible we won't be in this mess..
had a certain voting segment decided to look past all the "flaws" of Hilary and just being butt hurt because their candidate didn't make it through the primaries , it's possible we won't be in this mess..
ahh if life was that simple
does suck that people have to swallow their convictions and hold their nose at the federal level
when the problem isn't third party candidates, as much as it is the current state of the Electoral College
I still think Rank choice primary voting would also help. Trump rarely got more than 40% in the early primaries, but came to power with a big enough coalition of the crazies
When will these people learn that REAL change happens at the local level
While I'm 100% against the texas abortion thing...this part really takes the cake
the law tasks private individuals with bringing lawsuits against anyone who provides or “aids or abets” an abortion. Anyone who brings a successful lawsuit can collect $10,000 or more from the person who is found to have violated the law. The unusual private-enforcement scheme distinguishes the Texas law from other states’
WTF...how was it not thrown out because of this, seriously fucked up times
Apparently the private enforcement clause was added to specifically ensure the Supreme Court wouldn’t rule on it… expect other red states to follow suit with similar laws
The dems better put on their big boy pants and protect rights at the Federal level
Uh oh
Apparently the private enforcement clause was added to specifically ensure the Supreme Court wouldn’t rule on it… expect other red states to follow suit with similar laws
The dems better put on their big boy pants and protect rights at the Federal level
I truly do not understand this law. How does it stand up (even ostensibly) to the claim that the person suing the “aborter” or “aborter enabler” could not possibly have standing? This seems like the easiest abortion law to throw out. It’s like someone burning down Sidehatchs house and Kosmo suing them despite the fact it wasn’t his house and he has no damages.
word is Kosmo's attorney speaks with a British accent...I'm fucked
Wait..in your analogy Kosmo, is suing the actual Arsonist (which we all know was Starsky) or the one who got caught close to the scene of the crime with a book of matches (which I have to assume is STC)
Here we go!!!!
Local Elections now matter more than ever, of course most red states vote against their best interest so...
Charles P. Pierce
My astonished rage cleared for a second and I realized that, according to this decision, states can pass all kinds of unconstitutional laws as long as they leave the enforcement to bounty hunters.
Jesus, we're back at the Kansas-Nebraska Act again.
worried your children are being taught Critical Race Theory? pass a law allowing enforcement by citizen bounty hunters..
later rinse repeat
Here are the next states that could pass abortion bans after Texas (https://www.axios.com/abortion-bans-by-state-351dd8b4-90bd-48d9-bef6-1ee820d11d43.html)
Because this is now the abortion thread (kinda fitting)
Stole this from Jason narducy as it’s such a great quote
“‘The unborn’ are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn”
Methodist Pastor David Barnhart
^ thought-provoking.
dunno if i like that, so early in the morning.
it's coming....Nov 14th
I do love how they closed this out
Reality check: It's Trump. So anything could happen — or not. He's conflicted on the timing and nothing is ever certain. But people who have been close to him for many years are lacing up for the next race.
so i wonder how big a wrinkle this presents: RNC chair says committee can’t pay Trump’s legal bills if he announces 2024 run (https://thehill.com/homenews/sunday-talk-shows/3721990-rnc-chair-says-committee-cant-pay-trumps-legal-bills-if-he-announces-2024-run/)
for someone supposedly as rich as TFG this shouldn't be a problem... but he haaaaates paying lawyers. considers it wasted money so he gets other folks - like the RNC - to pay, if payment is to be made at all. so he has a choice: declare soon and get some legal protections (or at least complications) but start paying out of pocket; or remain on the sidelines to continue having the legal tab picked up. pretty sure he'll opt for the former.
declaring candidacy also has impact on how PACs can spend money and on what, but i wasn't clear how that works...
murdoch owned rag
WSJ wasn't so nice either
although everyone seems to love 'biggest loser'
come on people, be a little original with your dis, especially when everyone else is saying the same thing
Here is the thing...the pundits and such may not like trump...but he still has the voters, so GOP won't quit him until he scares away the voters
Rupert Murdoch has basically unleashed all of his various media apparati to taking down Trump. A third straight woeful underperformance (if not loss) under the Trump banner seems to be his breaking point.
Am going to need a lot of popcorn for the Republican presidential primary battle between Desantis and Trump…. I wonder if anyone else will figure in the contest.
I'm sure rubio and cruz will try and get creamed
Trump has already hinted he has dirt on Desan
these are horrible people, why 70mil Americans think these are good choices astounds me (but they think the same about the 80 mil dems)
I'm sure rubio and cruz will try and get creamed
Funny you mention Rubio. He just won by the same margins as DeSantis and ostensibly had a lot more to do with pulling Miami/Dade red for the first time in forever than DeSantis. Why — other than DeSantis holding the florida redistricting pen — are we acting like DeSantis alone reformed Florida (other than executive branch bias)?
Am going to need a lot of popcorn for the Republican presidential primary battle between Desantis and Trump…. I wonder if anyone else will figure in the contest.
Hogan is making noise about getting in.
Am going to need a lot of popcorn for the Republican presidential primary battle between Desantis and Trump…. I wonder if anyone else will figure in the contest.
Hogan is making noise about getting in.
will get exactly zero votes from the MAGA crowd
Am going to need a lot of popcorn for the Republican presidential primary battle between Desantis and Trump…. I wonder if anyone else will figure in the contest.
Hogan is making noise about getting in.
will get exactly zero votes from the MAGA crowd
Yep, that's his shtick. Get back to the "normal" republican party.
Am going to need a lot of popcorn for the Republican presidential primary battle between Desantis and Trump…. I wonder if anyone else will figure in the contest.
Hogan is making noise about getting in.
will get exactly zero votes from the MAGA crowd
Yep, that's his shtick. Get back to the "normal" republican party.
well MAGA is 70-80% of the GOP, so not sure that's going to work out well
I think I’ve posted about this recently but I’ll say it again: I think there is a group of politicians — Hogan and Tulsi and Sinema, et Al — who thinks America is clamoring for some sort of dead-middle-of-the-road unity ticket that ideologically pleases no partisans but takes the temperature down on our national political discourse, and I think they’re all going to discover in very, very short order that they have imagined a market that doesn’t exist.
it's official: Trump 2024 (https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/15/trump-news-trump-launches-2024-presidential-campaign-in-a-bid-to-seize-early-momentum.html)
NPR didn’t hold any punches with this headline
BREAKING: Donald Trump, who tried to overthrow the results of the 2020 presidential election and inspired a deadly riot at the Capitol in a desperate attempt to keep himself in power, has filed to run for president again in 2024.
I thought he wasn’t going to do it cause of weather? He just changed the location?
Well ….he is the Republican party’s problem now but he may be our problem later
I thought he wasn’t going to do it cause of weather? He just changed the location?
Well ….he is the Republican party’s problem now but he may be our problem later
That's what happens when you get your news from Kosmo. It wasn't clear from K's post whose hair was being talked about, so I googled it.
It's just appalling that this guy announces his candidacy before the arrests of him or any of his inner circle.
It's just appalling that this guy announces his candidacy before the arrests of him or any of his inner circle.
pretty much the point
now he's got leverage to get the maga incited to riot if he's indicted
loses the pop vote twice
loses the house and the senate
fumbles a mid term so badly pretty much they are surrounding him with daggers for his Cesar moment
but he's got a base that are willing to die for him, for reals
we're screwed
he's got a base that are willing to die for him, for reals
as if on cue
Leaving Mar-a-Lago, failed congressman Madison Cawthorn lectures Rs who won’t get behind his hero: “I will follow this man until the day I die. This man has bled for us, fought for us. I want a president who people are terrified of, who’s gonna push people out of the way.”
got a new hip look going on too?!
the blond makes him less recognizable...I didn't add the drugs comment
the amazing thing about douchebags is that no matter how awful they are, they always find s a way of being douchier.
This man has bled for us, fought for us.
That was actually his archenemy, John McCain.
This man has bled for us, fought for us.
Guys, we can really stop talking about me at GwarBQ.
Seems like Trump has lost Vlad's support.
So for nearly 4 years...he never admitted he lost, welp he changes his tune
I think he is playing more to independents lately…see also regarding abortion
He knows he needs more than his base so it’s a constant balancing act between giving his base red meat and trying to appeal to those outside his base
If you really think about it that’s what he is saying: “I was told I would win if I drove my base totals up in 2020 and I did that by millions…still wasn’t enough so I need to keep those votes and add independents “
When he talks to his base say at rallies he will go back to saying the election was stolen…
At least that’s what I think is going on….
It’s looking like a very tight election
It's called "growth", people!
It's called "growth", people!
I went to my dr and he said get that growth removed
He didn't even need to send it in to get a biopsy, he said he'd bet his license it was malignant
It’s looking like a very tight election
yeah that july 21 and DNC bump seems to be fading
although trump still seems to be polling worse than his mid July numbers
but harris's lead in the battel ground states is shrinking
I anticipate October surprises to be off the hook this year and not looking forward to that
I still struggle with the thought that nearly half of the electorate has no issue supporting this man, in fact they think they are 'saving the country'
President Camacho 2024!
Both sides of America- civilization and barbarism- are really dug in….even after this election it’s doubtful the president will have control of Congress. Trump would be more likely to have control by a razor thin majority in both houses.Its maddening.
Both sides of America- civilization and barbarism- are really dug in….even after this election it’s doubtful the president will have control of Congress. Trump would be more likely to have control by a razor thin majority in both houses.Its maddening.
I guess not killing the filibuster may be our only failsafe
Fail safe with Trump??
Ha ha ha
Fail safe with Trump??
Ha ha ha
well don't think the GOP will have 66 votes to overturn a filibuster would be why it could stop crazy bills from seeing his pen
He can just rule through executive decrees….
Only the most depraved person could go out and say school shootings are “a fact of life”. I hope the H/W campaign put that on loop. Nothing like winning over those suburban moms. And short of the couch humper committing murder, we are stuck with that bottom feeder regardless of the outcome of the election.
For someone in politics he seems pretty impolitic but unfortunately he is correct: school shootings are a fact of life. I am glad they arrested the father for buying him the weapon for Christmas.
For someone in politics he seems pretty impolitic but unfortunately he is correct: school shootings are a fact of life. I am glad they arrested the father for buying him the weapon for Christmas.
The thing is school shooting should not be a fact of life and this was the most craven way to kowtow to people who care more about their guns then actual human lives...
Well I don’t disagree with you…it was an outrageous thing to say…but it’s true.
The bigger outrage is that what he said is true.
I just read last night that they found some kids with guns in south Arlington who might have been planning something. It’s getting closer and closer. I didn’t really know what to say to my soon to be 15 year old this morning. I can’t even guarantee his safety in school…
Sabato moves MT senate to leans Republican. Tester is in trouble. If that seat goes R republicans could have 51-49 majority in senate. Democrats could end up really missing Manchin. Honestly, Senate looks lost.
A friend of mine about a month ago told me Manchin showed up at his bar and he shook Joe’s hand and said “Senator I would have voted for you for president.” Puke. This guy is an anti-Trump republican who spends his nights trashing democrats. When he started in on Harris I said “Dude I just don’t want to hear it..you have a problem with every democratic woman.” He was kind of shocked, took exception and protested but it’s true and I insisted I didn’t want to hear it: he couldn’t stand Hillary, detests Pelosi and now can’t stand Harris.
I didn’t really know what to say to my soon to be 15 year old this morning. I can’t even guarantee his safety in school…
kids today can't enjoy the naiveté we did. when I was a teen, most if not all of the kids were blind to most current events...especially the horrid ones. Today my kids are in the loop of it all, they get their news from tic tok which isn't much better, but I'm shocked to hear their take on current events at times.
Just wish they could be kids while they are kids
I've spent a lifetime acting like a kid as an adult, but I at least got to be a kid when I was one