930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hutch on April 17, 2024, 05:13:38 pm
(https://i.ibb.co/VwVycsc/IMG-1925.jpg) (https://ibb.co/XYXBrqr)
Help appreciated.
(https://i.ibb.co/rpbwrKp/IMG-1926.jpg) (https://ibb.co/z284vW2)
First one to identify wins an LP and a concert ticket to see the Hives at 930
I think there are apps that might help.
My dad gave it to me five years ago or so. It’s been sitting in a closet.
Barrel, fish
Wow nice
You are the winner
Now how can that have been on sale in 2022 when I have had it since 2019? Any ideas?
You want to go with me to Hives? What kind of record you want?
So this oil on panel is not the same as a painting? Signature is in a different place
Obviously. The other guy has a forgery.
Hives sounds awesome! I don't have a record player (for shame), so double up on your next LP giveaway!
Ok cool plan on it. Thanks for the help.
I was on the rail at Union Stage and it was awesome!
Ok well plan on it! I have never seen them so am excited
But signature doesn’t match and painting looks a bit different.
Anyone else have any ideas?
This is fascinating. Are you sure you have an oil painting and not a print?
Definitely not a print.
I will take another picture later showing the texture.
My uncle would know but am not on speaking terms with him.
I’ll dig into this tomorrow when I can reach out to my museum curator friend. This is cool.
Definitely not a print.
I will take another picture later showing the texture.
My uncle would know but am not on speaking terms with him.
Wow, what is it with uncles?
My wife stopped talking to one of her uncles when he threatened to kill one of our ex-presidents on social media. She reached back out at some point, but he didn't respond. Then he got colon cancer and died.
I stopped talking to my uncle a number of years ago after he meddled in our affairs and O told him to stfu in a letter. Then he got cancer, I reached out and he replied. I guess we're now speaking, after 16 years of not speaking.
Why are you not on speaking terms?
Long painful story. Don’t want to get into it because it troubles me greatly. It’s not just recent events but a whole history going back decades. But the latest episode is the final straw.