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=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: hAtchsIde lııllı|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llıl on June 05, 2024, 06:23:48 pm
Thread for discussion and predictions!
also on the ground scene reports as well as post show banter
have at it fellas
Jimmie's Chicken Shack, obvs
Marcy Playground or bust!
Chili 🌶️!!!
Guys, I literally have almost 75% of my old HFStival.com army back and ready to raid other forums. Didn’t even have to try. This is amazing.
“RAID other forums”?
“RAID other forums”?
This is from before your time here. I used to be on another forum (hfstival.com) and my armies Viking-Ed the shit out of this forum and the BigYawn forum. We would post the Canterbury Tales in full in every thread until it was an unreadable mess so people learned some respect.
Wowee zower
I think I went to the 1995-1997 HFS or maybe just two year
So grateful to have seen the Ramones there although don’t remember squat…wasn’t even drunk but it’s a blur…
I feel like Dave Grohl is in on this, right?
Old man wishes:
Foo Fighters
Joanna Newsom
LCD Soundsystem
Black Country New Road
I feel like Dave Grohl is in on this, right?
Old man wishes:
Foo Fighters
Joanna Newsom
LCD Soundsystem
Black Country New Road
I love Joanna Newsom but I cannot wait for me and my goon army to pelt her with shoes like Coldplay circa 2001 and Dashboard circa 2002.
I think I went to the 1995-1997 HFS or maybe just two year
So grateful to have seen the Ramones there although don’t remember squat…wasn’t even drunk but it’s a blur…
That was the only one I went to 1995 w/ Ramones . . .and Tony Bennett. . . and Space Ghost. . .
Yeah was there..and 1996 when GBV played side stage.
I think I went to 3 or 4...definitely the 95 one, which is the only one I really wanted to see. Somehow, for years, someone I knew would have an extra ticket and I'd wind up going anyway.
Yeah was there..and 1996 when GBV played side stage.
Hmm...did I join you on this? I'm fuzzy remembering attending any HFests...but I must have
It's like that Community episode where you find out everyone from the study group was at the mall at the same time and that's what led them to Greendale, except it's GBV at the side stage at HFStival and the 9:30 board
Yeah was there..and 1996 when GBV played side stage.
Hmm...did I join you on this? I'm fuzzy remembering attending any HFests...but I must have
The one I am real fuzzy about is 1997
I think I remember seeing Blondie but that’s it…how can I not remember Jamiroquai is beyond me
Could definitely see Black Keys as one of the headliners.
Also, I see Spoon is available.... :)
Guys, I literally have almost 75% of my old HFStival.com army back and ready to raid other forums. Didn’t even have to try. This is amazing.
It's like that Community episode where you find out everyone from the study group was at the mall at the same time and that's what led them to Greendale, except it's GBV at the side stage at HFStival and the 9:30 board
Id much rather see Bruce again.
Hoping for anyone but the Foos to headline this, but knowing they have a festival date in CT around the same time and are the forever choice for IMP, that's gotta be the front runner.
Would love to be wrong and find out they booked an act like Pearl Jam instead since they are playing ball parks and festivals in September as well. Haven't had a proper DC show in ages. No Doubt was also in the teaser, but everything I have seen suggests that Coachella booking was a one off.
One thing they can't resurrect is the hard ticket sale. At Tower Records, that was an all-hands-on-deck event. Hundreds in line and a giant cash deposit the next day (all cash sales). The Annapolis strip mall didn't like the huge mob in the parking lot, so in subsequent years we had them line up in the back (with the dumpsters), enter through a fire exit, and leave through the front. Everybody happy.
Big Yawn...now THERE'S a blast from the past
The HFStival is (maybe) coming back. The nostalgia’s already here. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/2024/06/06/hfs-festival-return/)
My brother tells me we went to the 1992 festival. How do I not remember seeing Iggy? Is it possible we left before he and INXS (who I liked as well) played? I do remember seeing him do a club show a year or two prior, as well as a Stooges show in the early 2000's.
I remember the sound was horrible. The only outdoor stadium show I've ever been to.
Outdoor stadiums can be terrible for sound….i do remember seeing Bruce at Nats Park and it sounded fine….festivals can be tricky one artist after another…lots of different sound requirements…
I saw the Stones at fedex field in 1997 and it was sooooioii bad…sidehatch got us literally the worst seats…he has been cursed with bad ticket kung-fu his whole life…we were so far up cold and it took three seconds for sound to get to us…gave up on stones til 2006 and they absolutely slayed at Baltimore arena
My brother tells me we went to the 1992 festival. How do I not remember seeing Iggy? Is it possible we left before he and INXS (who I liked as well) played? I do remember seeing him do a club show a year or two prior, as well as a Stooges show in the early 2000's.
I remember the sound was horrible. The only outdoor stadium show I've ever been to.
So wish I had seen INXS in 1992… I wasn’t in DC yet but I loved Welcome to wherever we are…not sure why that album bombed as it’s pretty killer..it’s like U2 stole their thunder with Achtung baby
My brother tells me we went to the 1992 festival. How do I not remember seeing Iggy? Is it possible we left before he and INXS (who I liked as well) played? I do remember seeing him do a club show a year or two prior, as well as a Stooges show in the early 2000's.
I remember the sound was horrible. The only outdoor stadium show I've ever been to.
Because Iggy and INXS were 1993?
My brother tells me we went to the 1992 festival. How do I not remember seeing Iggy? Is it possible we left before he and INXS (who I liked as well) played? I do remember seeing him do a club show a year or two prior, as well as a Stooges show in the early 2000's.
I remember the sound was horrible. The only outdoor stadium show I've ever been to.
So wish I had seen INXS in 1992… I wasn’t in DC yet but I loved Welcome to wherever we are…not sure why that album bombed as it’s pretty killer..it’s like U2 stole their thunder with Achtung baby
Got to see them 3 times in 1993...I still love Welcome to Wherever You Are too. Probably their most underrated LP.
My brother tells me we went to the 1992 festival. How do I not remember seeing Iggy? Is it possible we left before he and INXS (who I liked as well) played? I do remember seeing him do a club show a year or two prior, as well as a Stooges show in the early 2000's.
I remember the sound was horrible. The only outdoor stadium show I've ever been to.
Because Iggy and INXS were 1993?
Just double checked the text and it was 1993 that he said we went to. It's weird that i have a memory of being there but no specific memory of any of the bands No drugs or alcohol were consumed. I'm just old and senile.
Lineup coming next week.
HFStival organizers tease return to DC this fall (https://wtop.com/music/2024/06/hfstival-organizers-tease-return-to-dc-this-fall/)
Odd that they got a quote from Cerphe Colwell, who last DJ'ed for WHFS more than a decade before the festivals began. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1977/05/26/cerphe-fired-from-whfs-fm/7195945a-f82a-4f2e-afde-4033983d2150/)
HFStival organizers tease return to DC this fall (https://wtop.com/music/2024/06/hfstival-organizers-tease-return-to-dc-this-fall/)
Odd that they got a quote from Cerphe Colwell, who last DJ'ed for WHFS more than a decade before the festivals began. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1977/05/26/cerphe-fired-from-whfs-fm/7195945a-f82a-4f2e-afde-4033983d2150/)
Could they not find Weasel down on the Block?
(https://i.ibb.co/CHVhPPX/IMG-2372.png) (https://ibb.co/vjLZXXr)
don't think I'd pay money to see even one of those bands
FwB presale just went out via text.
I . . . don't hate this.
Had a ticket in my cart...decided not to pull the trigger.
$297.50 for Pit
I think not
the only thing I will add is I think it's great they did a FWB presale
they need to do more of that
Had a ticket in my cart...decided not to pull the trigger.
Not GA and also $150 for the cheapest ticket. Woof.
I suspect Yada will mention the ticket tree soon
this seems l like a show that day of tickets will be cheap
plus $25 in fees. lol they can fuck right off with those prices
I assume you can save on fees by going to the IMP box office?
Where are the prices?
I suspect Yada will mention the ticket tree soon
this seems l like a show that day of tickets will be cheap
Hard to gauge the growth of the tree when I can't imagine anyone actually buying a ticket to this
Where are the prices?
On Ticketmaster. PIT and field plus best seats in stands are $250+fees. Upperdeck is like $150. There's some sort of VIP thing.
Surprised nobody has commented on lack of Foo Fighters…
Where are the prices?
with fees $297.50 in the pit
Surprised nobody has commented on lack of Foo Fighters…
or Jimmy's chicken Shack
Oh I confused JCS with JEW
Surprised nobody has commented on lack of Foo Fighters…
It'll be a Surprise! At HFStival!
It'll be a Surprise! At HFStival!
Don’t think that didn’t cross my mind but naah ..you have to move all those tickets
Yeah, it's expensive.
No, I can't really afford it.
No, I couldn't pass them up. Could be the last chance to see Postal Service (until the 30th anniversary tour).
Bush and Garbage I'd definitely see separate anyway. Some of the other bands are probably good live as well. So, $300 (with fees) for awesome seats for a whole day of awesome music, sounds very fair. (Just please don't charge us $10 for water and $30 for beer.)
I might pay $25 to see this. Not a penny more.
How come that festival in 2015 at West Potomac Park had an awesome lineup and this one stinks? Wasn't the 2015 festival produced by IMP as well?
I might pay $25 to see this. Not a penny more.
How come that festival in 2015 at West Potomac Park had an awesome lineup and this one stinks? Wasn't the 2015 festival produced by IMP as well?
I'd need paid a handsome hourly rate, a driver to and from, and a stipend for 24oz Modelo cans.
Jesus eff these prices and for vip you can’t even buy a single has to be in pairs?????? Great, just great! :D
My kind only makes 12 bucks an hour. How is she going to afford these prices?
My kind only makes 12 bucks an hour. How is she going to afford these prices?
Work two 8 hour shifts?
Ok, so who’s all going?
September is far and looking busy…will also depend on any of my friends going… I think if everything came together would be fun for me
Ok screw it, I got a ticket. Come say hi, I will be wearing shorts made of cotton.
Ok, so who’s all going?
Southern Cal at Michigan is the same day so I was never considering going.
Ok, so who’s all going?
Only if I can work the Tower Records booth again and they'll pay me at least $25/hr plus $50 meal per diem.
I might pay $25 to see this. Not a penny more.
How come that festival in 2015 at West Potomac Park had an awesome lineup and this one stinks? Wasn't the 2015 festival produced by IMP as well?
they were involved, but there was some other firm like Goldenvoice (not them tho) doing it want to say it started with an S
C3 did that one
Did terrible so they didn’t come back
I think we’ve already sold more HFS in one day than they did total
I think we’ve already sold more HFS in one day than they did total
they were kind of a mess with promotion too
Well my acupuncturist is excited about HFS! She doesn’t know the lineup but I guess it’s nostalgia and associating it with summer. She remembers going to the one in 1992 and seeing They Might Be Giants.
Well my acupuncturist is excited about HFS! She doesn’t know the lineup but I guess it’s nostalgia and associating it with summer. She remembers going to the one in 1992 and seeing They Might Be Giants.
What about the Tibetan Freedom Festival? Can we have that one again?
Shockingly, no.
Wondering what the chances are this gets axed?
Tibet is so 90s….
Does it still exist??
Wondering what the chances are this gets axed?
I'd say sales are pretty good
I think we’ve already sold more HFS in one day than they did total
landmark was still a fairly well attended festival, drake headlined Saturday
Landmark organizers estimated that the festival drew 25,000 per day, and Saturday’s attendance seemed like it easily exceeded that figure.
They lied
I have literally no recollection of ever hearing about this Strokes/Drake/TV on the Radio fest. Old age must be catching up to me.
landmark was still a fairly well attended festival, drake headlined Saturday
Landmark organizers estimated that the festival drew 25,000 per day, and Saturday’s attendance seemed like it easily exceeded that figure.
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'(
With the event by and large a success, local music fans can probably look forward to the Landmark Festival becoming an annual occurrence over the next few years as the campaign to restore the National Mall continues.
I rest my case
If you miss the Nostolgia of queuing up at Hechts
FWB has you covered and discounted tickets
we’ll be releasing a limited number of upper deck tickets priced at $99.10 (with no additional service fees, as always, at our box offices), as a nod to the radio station that started it all. These tickets will ONLY be available in person at the 9:30 Club box office - for one day only - on Saturday, June 22 starting at 9 AM
If you miss the Nostolgia of queuing up at Hechts
FWB has you covered and discounted tickets
we’ll be releasing a limited number of upper deck tickets priced at $99.10 (with no additional service fees, as always, at our box offices), as a nod to the radio station that started it all. These tickets will ONLY be available in person at the 9:30 Club box office - for one day only - on Saturday, June 22 starting at 9 AM
Does the nostalgia ticket include jumping the fence and spending the day on the field?
If you miss the Nostolgia of queuing up at Hechts
FWB has you covered and discounted tickets
we’ll be releasing a limited number of upper deck tickets priced at $99.10 (with no additional service fees, as always, at our box offices), as a nod to the radio station that started it all. These tickets will ONLY be available in person at the 9:30 Club box office - for one day only - on Saturday, June 22 starting at 9 AM
Does the nostalgia ticket include jumping the fence and spending the day on the field?
hey, if you can get into nats park without a ticket...go for it. but have a feeling the security will be on that
Any word on set times? I have a group of 1-0 going, several folks not eager or planning to spend 10 hours at Nationals Stadium. Just wondering!!
damn, I bet that sent a spike in the secondary market
https://www.stereogum.com/2280577/the-postal-service-announce-hfstival-will-be-their-final-show/news/ (https://www.stereogum.com/2280577/the-postal-service-announce-hfstival-will-be-their-final-show/news/)
damn, I bet that sent a spike in the secondary market
Ok, who’s all going??? I got a pit ticket. Come say hi, I will be the person wearing a shirt made of cotton ;D
I have 2 pit tickets on Stubhub. And another 8 up in section 136. Very much having my seat mates hounding me for set times... ??
Set times are out btw
I saw the set times on facebook
Set times are out btw
Wonderful -- where? I'm looking on IMP website, Facebook, Insta. Haven't found them.
Set times are out btw
Wonderful - found it (after much digging!!)
Sorry I didn’t have time to put link
Does anyone know if the Pit gets you any easy access to a bar and food? Or do you have to trudge all the way upstairs?
Does anyone know if the Pit gets you any easy access to a bar and food? Or do you have to trudge all the way upstairs?
Wait... redsock is back?!?
Is Seth going to give us all access to VIP lounges? ;D
Wait... redsock is back?!?
I won't lie, there was a lot of dust to blow off the keyboard, but I got here. Incredibly my browser remembered my password.
Wait... redsock is back?!?
Does anyone know if the Pit gets you any easy access to a bar and food? Or do you have to trudge all the way upstairs?
I would imagine there will be easy access….maybe they will release a map of the setup
Wasn’t Garbage on the original lineup? What happened there? ;D
Ah never mind, see that she got injured.
Wasn’t Garbage on the original lineup? What happened there? ;D
Someone put them on the curb and the trashmen picked them up (cancelation announced a few months ago)
Anyone want a free ticket to tomorrow's HFStival? My friend can't go and demand has cratered on Stubhub.
Damn, pit tickets are cheap on stubhub
Space and I are waiting for people to pay us to take tickets off their hands. But thanks!
Anyone want a free ticket to tomorrow's HFStival? My friend can't go and demand has cratered on Stubhub.
If you email the club they are doing free upgrades too. Lots of people on Reddit getting successful seat changes. So if you got crap seats try that. Not sure if VIP is available, Seth????? ;D
Where are the onsite reports?? What’s happening!!???!?
At D.C.'s HFStival, same bands, same fans, all just a little older (https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/09/21/hfstival-nats-park-death-cab-postal-service/)
At D.C.'s HFStival, same bands, same fans, all just a little older (https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2024/09/21/hfstival-nats-park-death-cab-postal-service/)
Kudos the them for posting a show review midway through the show.
I’m here it’s been great, just great ;D. Some mic issues throughout
I am glad to hear that…what were the best acts?
Liz Phair made it ok without a breakdown right?
I am glad to hear that…what were the best acts?
Liz Phair made it ok without a breakdown right?
A lot of the bands were good. I’ve seen everyone before except Liz Phair and Violent Femmes. Didn’t know Liz is know for breakdowns. Is she like Cat Power? Didn’t help her first couple songs the mic wasn’t really turned up. She was good though. Bush and Postal Service were the top bands. Death Cab is good but kind of a snooze with the album they are playing and right after Incubus and Bush. GA was great and not packed at all. Maybe they didn’t sell that section out. ;D
Best/worst acts -- ranked:
1. DCFC/Postal Service/Bush/Lit -- I saw the DCFC/Postal Service tour at Merriwether and this was pretty much the same, which is to say, awesome. Gibbard said it would be the last Postal show for a very long time. Sounded like he didn't quite want to close the door on it. Bush have never sounded better (and they were great the last two shows in DC, and this time they remembered to play Chemicals, which somehow wasn't in their otherwise outstanding Atlantis show). Rossdale was really into it, connected. Lit sounded great, and really nailed that late 90s sound. They were the one band I didn't go for who turned out to be a pleasant surprise. These four bands were worth the price of admission. Would have liked to see them play longer. (Microphone issues interrupted the Bush set but it wasn't as bad as the sound issues with some of the other acts below). Surprised that a lot of people left after DCFC and before Postal Service, but that included the two dudes who talked constantly through the DCFC set so it was OK that they left.
2. Tonic -- kept the 90sness going in the early part of the show, a bit better/more interesting than Filter. Enjoyed them.
3. Filter -- can see the 9 inch nails influence. Got a little boring at times, but a good performance. 90s vibe. OK.
4. Violent Femmes -- crowd was really into them, they did a good job of all their big songs, but I realized I'd outgrown them. It was enjoyable but maybe a bit embarrassing to admit that.
5. Jimmy Eat World/Liz Phair -- never connected with these acts, didn't do so yesterday. If their fans liked them, great. Jimmy set interrupted when singer's guitar stopped working. Took a while to resolve. Liz Phair's voice was barely in the mix and very hard to hear in the first few songs. They figured it out as she went along. Would've greatly preferred Garbage.
6. Incubus -- I knew almost nothing about this band. Wanted to check them out, but the bass drum blew me off the field, as the music wasn't interesting enough to damage my hearing. Came back toward the end, still found it boring. Again, fans of this act enjoyed it. Happy for them.
7. Girl Talk -- took a wrong turn on the way to the WTFstival. All the other acts, whether I liked them or not, made sense to be there. This was just a very loud club DJ dance party thing. Wasn't in the mood for it, wanted to see great live music.
Overall -- it was pretty good. The stellar acts made it worth it. Would've been stronger with Garbage or at least one other really solid act.
Nice, sounds like a good time was had
It’s so funny to me how Bush is a great live band…in the 90s many viewed them as grunge copyists!
It’s so funny to me how Bush is a great live band…in the 90s many viewed them as grunge copyists!
Both things can be true. They weren’t original. They were preternaturally good at writing catchy songs within the style they were copying, and they’re good musicians technically. No contradictions.
I understand that…that’s why I said I think that it was funny
It’s so funny to me how Bush is a great live band…in the 90s many viewed them as grunge copyists!
I dunno, I liked 'em in the 90s when they came out. Didn't feel they were copying anything, they were part of a style, yes. But they're also quite different from, say, Nirvana.
Anyway, what they bring to a live show cannot be faked. There's nothing there that's phoned in. You really feel that they are engaged with the music and the audience. Rossdale is really one of the great frontmen.
I agree they are absolutely great live.
I don't think it can be overstated that mic issues aside, the sound in general was fantastic. I think I'd have to go back to Pink Floyd's The Division Bell tour for better stadium sound.