930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: kosmo vinyl on March 13, 2008, 12:06:00 pm

Title: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 13, 2008, 12:06:00 pm
Seriously please keep the JA thread free of extraneous discussion, it's actually a thread that people use as a regular resource and it's shouldn't be cluttered up with off topic discussions, etc
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on March 13, 2008, 01:38:00 pm
 now everyone gtfo of the just announced thread. jesus christ.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: manimtired on March 13, 2008, 01:39:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 now everyone gtfo of the just announced thread. jesus christ.
this apparently means a lot to you.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on March 13, 2008, 02:21:00 pm
Thanks for the heads up.  Since I moved away I rarely check that thread, but when you guys post one of these "commentary" threads I know there's something retarded going on over there that MUST be read.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 14, 2008, 09:20:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Listening to the new Auburn Lull right now. It's beautiful.
new?  how new?  newer than "cast from the platform"?
 (seriously folks, let's keep chit-chat off of just announced...)
 EDIT: i see it's called   â??Begin Civil Twilightâ?? (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16268933&blogID=356165793).  also says a tour is upcoming - can't wait.  i thought they had broken up, or retired...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 14, 2008, 09:25:00 pm
Begin Civil Twilight, released in late 2007.
 Sorry sweetcell, Auburn Lull's wikipedia page hasn't been updated...   :D  
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Listening to the new Auburn Lull right now. It's beautiful.
new?  how new?  newer than "cast from the platform"?
 (seriously folks, let's keep chit-chat off of just announced...) [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 14, 2008, 09:33:00 pm
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
  Begin Civil Twilight, leaked in late 2007.
corrected  :p
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 14, 2008, 09:36:00 pm
http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/discography/index.jsp?pid=343586&aid=1084539 (http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/discography/index.jsp?pid=343586&aid=1084539)
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
  Begin Civil Twilight, leaked in late 2007.
corrected   :p  [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 14, 2008, 09:42:00 pm
from the band 1 (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16268933&blogID=345256512)
  from the band 2 (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16268933&blogID=356165793)
 sounds leaked, no?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 14, 2008, 09:46:00 pm
Billboard and emusic list the release date as November 13, 2007. It might have been the original release date that was pushed to March 08.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  from the band 1 (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16268933&blogID=345256512)
  from the band 2 (http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=16268933&blogID=356165793)
 sounds leaked, no?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 14, 2008, 10:15:00 pm
My bad...
 And yes, Auburn Lull are touring with Ulrich Schnauss and they're playing at the velvet on 6/27.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bags on March 17, 2008, 10:46:00 am
Live Nation has perfected the art of creating bottlenecks for bands.  If you don't play their House of Blues in Orlando, you can't play other Live Nation venues in other cities.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 17, 2008, 10:57:00 am
Wow, that's a great way to secure loyalty! I bet the fine folks of Orlando will definitely benefit from that.
Originally posted by Bags:
  Live Nation has perfected the art of creating bottlenecks for bands.  If you don't play their House of Blues in Orlando, you can't play other Live Nation venues in other cities.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bags on March 17, 2008, 11:00:00 am
Well, it creates a barrier to entry into many markets, but it's legal.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 17, 2008, 03:01:00 pm
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Two comments regarding Wolftrap:
 1. How gay is it that you have to pay full adult price for a one year old (or even a lap baby, for that matter), even for lawn tickets?
given how difficult it is for gays to adopt children, i'll go ahead and say that anything to do with kids isn't very gay at all.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 17, 2008, 03:08:00 pm
I was using gay to mean "queer", not "homosexual". But you knew that.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Two comments regarding Wolftrap:
 1. How gay is it that you have to pay full adult price for a one year old (or even a lap baby, for that matter), even for lawn tickets?
given how difficult it is for gays to adopt children, i'll go ahead and say that anything to do with kids isn't very gay at all. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Darth Ed on March 19, 2008, 06:34:00 pm
Kosmo, may I suggest that you make both the Just Announced thread and the commentary thread "sticky"?  If they were always right next to each other, maybe people would be more likely to post to the JA commentary thread. This presumes the UBB software supports that, of course. Anyway, just an idea...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 20, 2008, 10:29:00 am
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
 Anyway, just an idea...
a damn fine one, by the way.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 24, 2008, 11:50:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  He still has a career?
he sold out his 80 shows in europe last year.  he has a new album coming out in a few weeks... dunno, sounds lile "having a career" to me.
 these shows will sell out.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 24, 2008, 04:14:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Goddamnit. It's the night of the CCRG season opener. *sigh*
oh poop.  any chance that the race goes really late, and i could make both?  dang.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Their tv show didn't debut until 1989. Did you lack a sense of humour (sic) before that?
hehe, "humour" is how it's spelled where both i and the KITH come from, did that on purpose   :)    i didn't say that they brought forth my sense of humour, i said that they were formative.  "shaped" != "created", but i'm sure you knew that.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 24, 2008, 04:19:00 pm
But Mankie (or was it bull930, I get them confused) said Europeans have better music taste than us.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  He still has a career?
he sold out his 80 shows in europe last year.  he has a new album coming out in a few weeks... dunno, sounds lile "having a career" to me.
 these shows will sell out. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on March 24, 2008, 04:21:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  Goddamnit. It's the night of the CCRG season opener. *sigh*
oh poop.  any chance that the race goes really late, and i could make both?  dang.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Their tv show didn't debut until 1989. Did you lack a sense of humour (sic) before that?
hehe, "humour" is how it's spelled where both i and the KITH come from, did that on purpose    :)     i didn't say that they brought forth my sense of humour, i said that they were formative.  "shaped" != "created", but i'm sure you knew that. [/b]
Nah. These things typically start at like 7 and will go till like 10. Pretty much the same times as you'd be at KITH. ARGGG
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 24, 2008, 04:35:00 pm
Originally posted by lagas:
Originally posted by Cali:
  i'd go see george micheal--depending on ticket prices and seat
me too, I think it should be a great show, kind of the same thing if you see Madonna but in a male version [/b]
i'd expect madonna-like prices, so if cost is a determining factor then you might not be going...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 25, 2008, 04:18:00 pm
Why do people go crazy with Pearl Jam ??
 It's not the 90s anymore and they are NOT relevant in the present!
 And Mike McCready is unbearable to watch.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: reggie on March 25, 2008, 04:27:00 pm
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
 It's not the 90s anymore and they are NOT relevant in the present!
I dont care much for pearl jam, but the relevance debate is pointless.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 25, 2008, 04:30:00 pm
someone notify the admins - it appears that walalce has hacked joe's account.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 25, 2008, 04:39:00 pm
Mr Micheal ticket prices according to one news outlet run $50 to $175
 who cares if PJ aren't relevant, they still put on one mighty fine rock concert, which is why i'm for NJ, DC and probably one of the MSG shows.
 it really is horrid when someone enjoys being a rock star and plays it up for the crowd   :roll:   isn't indie rock dead yet?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 25, 2008, 04:51:00 pm
they put on half show, half political banter courtesy of eddie f*king vedda.
 good thing he's not as talkative as billy bragg; otherwise, you'll get 3/4 storytelling (political BSing) and 1/4 music.
 mccready can do what he wants - he's just so awkward to watch. I cringe.
Originally posted by kosmo:
 who cares if PJ aren't relevant, they still put on one mighty fine rock concert, which is why i'm for NJ, DC and probably one of the MSG shows.
 it really is horrid when someone enjoys being a rock star and plays it up for the crowd     :roll:     isn't indie rock dead yet?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 25, 2008, 05:00:00 pm
wow the masters in exaggeration sure is coming in handy these days.. the only show I've been to where eddie was overly chatter was on the vote for change tour, which of course was the whole point of the tour.
 don't recall any specific rants the last time they played dc and they didn't even do bushleaguer.. the only thing i would change about a pearl jam dhoe, is i wish they would drop "rockin' in the free world", primarily because the initial point of that song got lost post 9/11...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 25, 2008, 05:38:00 pm
Originally posted by xcanuck:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  ten club pre-sale started a few minutes ago
I don't think there has ever been a presale that went quite that smoothly. We picked up three pairs of tickets without a single hitch. [/b]
probably because there is no reason to rush during a ten club presale - you seat assignment depends on seniority or a lottery, not on how fast you get through the door.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: lagas on March 25, 2008, 08:41:00 pm
Originally posted by gaaaaaaaaah:
  tom morello was pretty good last year at jammin java.  did anyone else go to that?
I saw him that night, it was a surprise for me, giving the fact that he was able to deliver the same amount of intensity of RATM or Audioslave, but without the power of his electric guitar...catchy songs with a message, totally recommended
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 25, 2008, 08:54:00 pm
morello's nightwatchman set at coachella last year was one of my festival highlights.  his passion is contagious.  highly recommended.  i'll definitely be at this show.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bombay Chutney on March 25, 2008, 10:20:00 pm
Wow - Blitzen Trapper/Fleet Foxes sold out the Backstage at the Black Cat.  Not exactly a huge room, but they sold out early enough for them to post it on the website.  That doesn't happen often.
 Jens Lekman is also sold out.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 26, 2008, 12:05:00 am
Yeah, stupid me for not getting tix in advance (I actually thought about buying this afternoon online). It's Fleet Foxes that sold out the venue, not Blitzen Trapper. So, I got to the venue with the big sign that it's sold out...
 But, I ended up catching New Zealand's Die! Die! Die! at DC9! And, they actually turned out to be very good.
 Check them out:
   http://www.myspace.com/diediedienz (http://www.myspace.com/diediedienz)  
  http://www.emusic.com/album/Die-Die-Die-Promises-Promises-MP3-Download/11140400.html (http://www.emusic.com/album/Die-Die-Die-Promises-Promises-MP3-Download/11140400.html)
 Xiu Xiu is also sold out. Glad I got a ticket for that...
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
  Wow - Blitzen Trapper/Fleet Foxes sold out the Backstage at the Black Cat.  Not exactly a huge room, but they sold out early enough for them to post it on the website.  That doesn't happen often.
 Jens Lekman is also sold out.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 07:08:00 am
Really? I've been seeing lots of press for Blitzen Trapper. Never heard of Fleet Foxes.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
  Yeah, stupid me for not getting tix in advance (I actually thought about buying this afternoon online). It's Fleet Foxes that sold out the venue, not Blitzen Trapper. So, I got to the venue with the big sign that it's sold out...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 26, 2008, 09:24:00 am
First, an 8.7 from pitchfork:
  http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/48881-sun-giant-ep (http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/article/record_review/48881-sun-giant-ep)
 Being signed to Sub Pop:
  http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003699204 (http://www.billboard.com/bbcom/news/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1003699204)
 And lots of great reviews of their live shows at SXSW...
 I'd say the show sold out because of the two on the same bill   ;)  
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Really? I've been seeing lots of press for Blitzen Trapper. Never heard of Fleet Foxes.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
  Yeah, stupid me for not getting tix in advance (I actually thought about buying this afternoon online). It's Fleet Foxes that sold out the venue, not Blitzen Trapper. So, I got to the venue with the big sign that it's sold out...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on March 26, 2008, 09:46:00 am
I'm not surprised Jens sold out this time round. I was considering going, but since I saw him just last October (was it?) it's not going to break my heart to miss him this go 'round.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 26, 2008, 10:24:00 am
Fleet Foxes do indeed put on a great live show.
 Good thing I grabbed my ticket at about 8:15 before the crowd got there.
 Room was packed to the gills for them but the crowd slowly thinned out as Blitzen Trapper's set progressed. I'm a sucker for tight vocal harmonies and FF more than delivered in that regard.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 10:29:00 am
Sure, but will they ever headline the Super Bowl halftime show?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Fleet Foxes do indeed put on a great live show.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 26, 2008, 10:31:00 am
I hate you      :D  
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Fleet Foxes do indeed put on a great live show.
 Good thing I grabbed my ticket at about 8:15 before the crowd got there.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 26, 2008, 10:36:00 am
The debut is kind of out.  ;)
 Someone up front after a song from the LP was played: "I know that song!"
 One of the guys in the band: "yeah? Did you download the album?"
 fan: "maybe"
 ff member: "good because I condone it. The artwork is nice if you want to buy it on june 3rd."
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on March 26, 2008, 10:37:00 am
Buzzkill...Malkmus sold out  :(
 Anyone have an extra?  It'd be a great My Birthday Eve act of kindness!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on March 26, 2008, 10:41:00 am
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Buzzkill...Malkmus sold out   :)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 26, 2008, 10:43:00 am
I'm surprised it took this long.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on March 26, 2008, 10:47:00 am
Yeah, it's totally my fault.  I have a gift certificate that I've been meaning to use, but I've been completely sleeping on getting into the city.
 I'm not too worried though. I'm sure some nice boardie will help out  ;)  
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  I'm surprised it took this long.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 26, 2008, 10:49:00 am
Another Tom Petty joke? Man...you sure as hell know how to beat a dead horse.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Sure, but will they ever headline the Super Bowl halftime show?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Fleet Foxes do indeed put on a great live show.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 10:59:00 am
Easier to beat a dead horse than a fleet fox...
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Another Tom Petty joke? Man...you sure as hell know how to beat a dead horse.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Sure, but will they ever headline the Super Bowl halftime show?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Fleet Foxes do indeed put on a great live show.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on March 26, 2008, 11:01:00 am
I have it. "Ragged Wood" (but will be released as self titled)...
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  The debut is kind of out.   ;)  
 Someone up front after a song from the LP was played: "I know that song!"
 One of the guys in the band: "yeah? Did you download the album?"
 fan: "maybe"
 ff member: "good because I condone it. The artwork is nice if you want to buy it on june 3rd."
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 26, 2008, 11:03:00 am
Didn't they put out an S/T in 2004 or thereabouts?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 26, 2008, 11:29:00 am
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Another Tom Petty joke? Man...you sure as hell know how to beat a dead horse.
i blame that on walalce's influence on this board.
 luckily rhett redeemed himself with the "fleet foxes" follow-up... a tad corny, but fresh.  and, per walalce's influence, i like/need fresh.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nmsles on March 26, 2008, 11:53:00 am
speaking of malkmus...
 http://coolpointsblog.blogspot.com/ (http://coolpointsblog.blogspot.com/)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: lagas on March 26, 2008, 12:30:00 pm
Does anyone know when tickets for REM go on sale?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 26, 2008, 12:31:00 pm
oh bother... zip zero nada luck on getting tickets to the first Pearl Jam MSG show and can't be in front of a computer later this afternoon. and wow did they ever go fast...  anyone with an extra MSG tickets that needs a good seat in DC or Camden let me know  :D
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Jerrinna on March 26, 2008, 12:33:00 pm
i got an extra ticket nkotb if you need it.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on March 26, 2008, 01:11:00 pm
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by manimtired:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 well only the members got the link with the password and username .. i so happen to be a member and may wish to send out such information for the right people. i.e. those that regularly contribute to the board and don't just pop in seeking passwords for presales. [/b]
you pay $30 a year to be a member of the death cab for cutie fan club? lol @ u.
You should see how much she spends on roller hockey make-up.
 Brian [/b]
Actually, just make-up in general is expensive, Brian. A decent compact runs about $25 nowadays.
 Now roller derby spending related. You should see what I spend on tights and shorts/skirts. Well, that and actual gear. I'mma need my tax return to buy a better pair of skates.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bombay Chutney on March 26, 2008, 01:25:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo:
  oh bother... zip zero nada luck on getting tickets to the first Pearl Jam MSG show and can't be in front of a computer later this afternoon. and wow did they ever go fast...  
Wow - that sucks - the other sales seemed to go pretty smoothly.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 01:57:00 pm
Attractive women don't need makeup. Unattractive women use it to hide their flaws.
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
Originally posted by manimtired:
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 well only the members got the link with the password and username .. i so happen to be a member and may wish to send out such information for the right people. i.e. those that regularly contribute to the board and don't just pop in seeking passwords for presales. [/b]
you pay $30 a year to be a member of the death cab for cutie fan club? lol @ u.
You should see how much she spends on roller hockey make-up.
 Brian [/b]
Actually, just make-up in general is expensive, Brian. A decent compact runs about $25 nowadays.
 Now roller derby spending related. You should see what I spend on tights and shorts/skirts. Well, that and actual gear. I'mma need my tax return to buy a better pair of skates. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 26, 2008, 02:29:00 pm
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Attractive women don't need makeup. Unattractive women use it to hide their flaws.
those statements are so retarded, they make me think you like the offspring & jamiroquai.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 26, 2008, 02:47:00 pm
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
Originally posted by kosmo:
  oh bother... zip zero nada luck on getting tickets to the first Pearl Jam MSG show and can't be in front of a computer later this afternoon. and wow did they ever go fast...  
Wow - that sucks - the other sales seemed to go pretty smoothly. [/b]
i knew that MSG was going to be a tough ticket to get, but they really seemed to be gone in a blink of an eye... even tried for giggles and grins to get them at 2pm via my treo, but the website almost instantaneously had problems getting loaded...
 ah well... maybe i can entice someone to trade with me based on my below 100k membership number who wants a good seat at one of the shows i've got..
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 26, 2008, 02:55:00 pm
is there any way of getting to merriweather via public transpo?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: lomein on March 26, 2008, 02:56:00 pm
Originally posted by lagas:
  Does anyone know when tickets for REM go on sale?
yeah, do we have general ticket prices for this show? like, is it going to be obscenely expensive or are lawn seats going to be about 40 bucks
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 26, 2008, 02:58:00 pm
Originally posted by lomein:
Originally posted by lagas:
  Does anyone know when tickets for REM go on sale?
yeah, do we have general ticket prices for this show? like, is it going to be obscenely expensive or are lawn seats going to be about 40 bucks [/b]
me three.. Kosmette and I were talking about this show the other day, wondering exactly what R.E.M. sets one back these days...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 03:09:00 pm
Lawn tickets for Duran Duran (without any listed openers) are $40. So what does that imply the REM with Modest Mouse and the National lawn tickets will be?
Originally posted by kosmo:
Originally posted by lomein:
Originally posted by lagas:
  Does anyone know when tickets for REM go on sale?
yeah, do we have general ticket prices for this show? like, is it going to be obscenely expensive or are lawn seats going to be about 40 bucks [/b]
me three.. Kosmette and I were talking about this show the other day, wondering exactly what R.E.M. sets one back these days... [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: lomein on March 26, 2008, 03:21:00 pm
the only date for this tour (w/modest mouse and the national) that's listed on ticketmaster so far is in Chicago and tickets are $37.50 - $85.00. aren't ticket prices usually pretty standard across the board?
 I only ask because I heard from a questionably reliable source that lawn seats were going to be $80 and I'm hoping this is not the case...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: xneverwherex on March 26, 2008, 03:24:00 pm
REM is 40.60 Euro in Paris (or that might be Nice). Based on how strong the Euro is - Id assume were looking at ticket prices in the $60 range.
 Im a member of their fanclub and theyve not yet announced any presale info for any of the US shows.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Brian_Wallace on March 26, 2008, 03:45:00 pm
I guess I should reserve judgement until I hear the studio "Accerlerate" in full but I heard most of it during a live simulcast from a SXSW show.
 Has R.E.M.'s batting average dipped below .500?  Have they released more below average albums than above average ones?
 My suggestion is that not ALL of the early IRS ones were "great."  "Fables of the Reconstruction?" I'm looking at you.
 After "Automatic for the People" it got pretty dire.  I'd even say "New Adventures in Hi-Fi" was a good one.  But from the songs I've heard of this new one, it just seems like totally generic R.E.M.  Even "Reveal" and "Around The Sun" had one or two good songs on it.  Nothing, in my opinion, is memorable from the live versions of "Accelerate" songs.  And that new single "Supernatually Superserious" or whatever?  At what point does the melody kick in?  That song is like a one of those bar/computer memory games.  You hear the song and once it's over you couldn't remember anything about it.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 26, 2008, 03:57:00 pm
I don't think you can use the price of something in Europe as an accurate gauge of what it will cost in America.
 Hey Brian, I've heard all of Accelerate, and I think it's a winner. And I've never even really been an REM fan.
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  REM is 40.60 Euro in Paris (or that might be Nice). Based on how strong the Euro is - Id assume were looking at ticket prices in the $60 range.
 Im a member of their fanclub and theyve not yet announced any presale info for any of the US shows.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: xneverwherex on March 26, 2008, 04:26:00 pm
It was the only thing I could find at the moment. I had heard somewhere else it would be priced in the $60 range. And besides, I live in NYC. Im sure our prices will reflect the same prices people pay in Europe, if not more.
 And I happen to love the new REM album on first listen.
 Also, considering that Duran Duran, The Cure and others are pricing that high (if not much higher), I would not doubt that REM prices will be in the same range. Yaz is playing for $65 at Terminal 5.  
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  I don't think you can use the price of something in Europe as an accurate gauge of what it will cost in America.
 Hey Brian, I've heard all of Accelerate, and I think it's a winner. And I've never even really been an REM fan.
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  REM is 40.60 Euro in Paris (or that might be Nice). Based on how strong the Euro is - Id assume were looking at ticket prices in the $60 range.
 Im a member of their fanclub and theyve not yet announced any presale info for any of the US shows.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on March 26, 2008, 04:32:00 pm
The R.E.M. batting average discussion is a decent one. I can't just go "yay" or "nay," so I have to put a few as "meh" like ties in old-school hockey.
 Murmur - Yay!
 Reckoning - Yay!
 Life's Rich Pageant - Yay!
 Fables Of The Reconstruction - Meh.
 Document - Yay!
 Green - Yay!
 Out Of Time - Meh.
 AFTP - Yay!
 Monster - Yay!
 New Adventures In Hifi - Meh.
 Up - Nay.
 Reveal - Nay.
 Around The Sun - Double Nay.
 Accelerate - Meh.
 Certainly not a good trend of late, but for my money, still more greats then bombs. My liking Accelerate might have something to do with me liking Monster, of which, Accelerate is basically "II: Electric Boogaloo."
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Venerable Bede on March 26, 2008, 05:57:00 pm
Originally posted by Julian, gay agenda ILLUMINATI:
  The R.E.M. batting average discussion is a decent one. I can't just go "yay" or "nay," so I have to put a few as "meh" like ties in old-school hockey.
 Green - Yay!
 Out Of Time - Meh.
i don't know what it is about those two albums.  i far more enjoy out of time than green, even though, on an individual basis, i like more songs on green than out of time.  maybe i am just so enthralled with texarkana and country feedback (ok, and near wild heaven) that i have been able to successfully block out those other three collaborative songs on that album.  as for green, i don't know- i've never been entirely comfortable with listening to the entire album, but i'd rather just pick out songs from the album and listen to them separately.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Brian_Wallace on March 27, 2008, 08:40:00 am
Originally posted by Julian, gay agenda ILLUMINATI:
  The R.E.M. batting average discussion is a decent one. I can't just go "yay" or "nay," so I have to put a few as "meh" like ties in old-school hockey.
 Green - Yah!
 Out Of Time - Meh.
I have to agree with Julian on this one.  "Country Feedback" is one of their best but I think "Losing My Religion" and the rest of the album is really overrated.  Maybe I just think that "Radio Song" should have been the big hit off that record.  Not "Losing My Religion" or "Shiny Happy People."
 I really like "Green."  "I Remember California"  "Hairshirt" (especially the first line.)  After "Green" they sort of lost their "mystique" which happens to every band, I guess.  "World Leader Pretend" may be one of the best things they ever did.  I'm not sure if they knew how good they were back then.  
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 27, 2008, 08:49:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 I have to agree with Julian on this one.  "Country Feedback" is one of their best but I think "Losing My Religion" and the rest of the album is really overrated.  Maybe I just think that "Radio Song" should have been the big hit off that record.  Not "Losing My Religion" or "Shiny Happy People."
 I really like "Green."  "I Remember California"  "Hairshirt" (especially the first line.)  After "Green" they sort of lost their "mystique" which happens to every band, I guess.  "World Leader Pretend" may be one of the best things they ever did.  I'm not sure if they knew how good they were back then.  
wtf is going on around here?  have brian's meds finally kicked in?  where's the anger?  "out of time" came out in 1991... "green" in 1988.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on March 27, 2008, 09:20:00 am
Originally posted by Brian Wallace:
 My suggestion is that not ALL of the early IRS ones were "great."  "Fables of the Reconstruction?" I'm looking at you.
And we're looking right back. My favorite REM album, and the only one I would even remotely consider listening to nowadays.
 I still remembe the afternoon I brought home Fables, Meat is Murder and a Matilda Bay box of wine. What a day that was.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on March 27, 2008, 09:42:00 am
"Losing My Religion" really exposed R.E.M. to the "That One Song" crowd, of which most of the meaning of the song went right over their head.
 I stopped going to R.E.M. shows after that song came out because they had became a bona fide arena act at that point...  at the time their ticket prices were rapidly raising, and i couldn't stomach a bunch of  lawyers, business exec and their significant others  waiting around to hear "Their Song".
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bombay Chutney on March 27, 2008, 10:30:00 am
Originally posted by kosmo:
  "Losing My Religion" really exposed R.E.M. to the "That One Song" crowd, of which most of the meaning of the song went right over their head.
 I stopped going to R.E.M. shows after that song came out because they had became a bona fide arena act at that point...
They were a bona fide arena act in 1989, well before LMR came out.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Darth Ed on March 27, 2008, 11:22:00 am
Fans have been arguing the relative merits of Fables on the Internet since almost before there was an Internet. Before there were web sites and forums, there were Usenet news groups. And before there were Usenet news groups, there were mailing lists. The R.E.M. mailing list came out of a list server from MIT, I believe, and it was called Murmurs. Back in '89 or '90, a raging flamewar over Fables took place on that mailing list, and the echoes of it would be seen years later in people's .signature files. In that spirit, I'll just say
 (Yes, I'm ancient, at least in Internet terms.)
 Also, New Adventures in Hi-Fi is a vastly underappreciated album. I urge anyone who thinks it's "meh" to give it another listen. It's the perfect anti-pop album, and I think it's maybe R.E.M.'s best post-'80s album. I won't defend any of R.E.M.'s albums that came after it (although I think they each have a bright spot or two), but I'll defend that album with my dying breath.
 As for the new album, I'm pretty excited about it. What I've heard of it has been very good, better than their recent albums. I'm not too crazy about "Supernatural Superserious", but "Living Well Is the Best Revenge" kicks ass. I love the Vincent Moon video.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bombay Chutney on March 27, 2008, 11:37:00 am
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
   The R.E.M. mailing list came out of a list server from MIT, I believe, and it was called Murmurs.
I think it was just called "Murmur", but I may be wrong.  You're definitely right about the MIT part though.  Good memory  :)
Also, New Adventures in Hi-Fi is a vastly underappreciated album. I urge anyone who thinks it's "meh" to give it another listen. It's the perfect anti-pop album, and I think it's maybe R.E.M.'s best post-'80s album. I won't defend any of R.E.M.'s albums that came after it (although I think they each have a bright spot or two), but I'll defend that album with my dying breath.
Same here.  I blew this one off shortly after it was released, but went back to it a few years later and was kind of surprised how good it was.  I'd call this their last great record.  Hell - I might call it their last good record.
 I've been avoiding the new record until it gets released next week.  I've heard nothing but good things though, overall.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Darth Ed on March 27, 2008, 01:54:00 pm
Originally posted by Bombay Chutney:
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
   The R.E.M. mailing list came out of a list server from MIT, I believe, and it was called Murmurs.
I think it was just called "Murmur", but I may be wrong.  You're definitely right about the MIT part though.  Good memory       :)     [/b]
You're right! Murmur was the mailing list. Murmurs.com was (still is) a fan web site that came later.
 Note to The Director: Your mailbox is full, so I can't reply to your PM.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 27, 2008, 02:07:00 pm
Originally posted by Julian, gay agenda ILLUMINATI:
  65 Days Of Static
 @ Black Cat
 From Pollstar. Kinda weird they have an entire spring 2009 tour already planned out.
isn't the lead singer scheduled to be in rehab right about then?
 very poor planning.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 28, 2008, 09:43:00 am
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 I just can't imagine a Stars of the Lid show. I'd be asleep w/in 15 minutes.
the organizers of the philly show stated that you could bring a pillow and crash out on the floor... just sayin'
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 I would gladly take the Jens tickets of anyone looking to hit up Marnie now.
aren't most tickets for BC shows will-call?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on March 28, 2008, 09:46:00 am
Yes, but you can still show up and do the exchange with someone pretty easily.  In fact, I think you can pick tickets up prior to the show, though I may be wrong.
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 I would gladly take the Jens tickets of anyone looking to hit up Marnie now.
aren't most tickets for BC shows will-call? [/QB][/QUOTE]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on March 28, 2008, 09:47:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 I just can't imagine a Stars of the Lid show. I'd be asleep w/in 15 minutes.
the organizers of the philly show stated that you could bring a pillow and crash out on the floor... just sayin'
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
 I would gladly take the Jens tickets of anyone looking to hit up Marnie now.
aren't most tickets for BC shows will-call? [/b]
Oh fabulous. Because there's nothing more I want to do than lie down on the floor of the Iota Cafe. Maybe after my nap I can wash up and have a drink from the toilet.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 28, 2008, 09:48:00 am
Every advance Black Cat ticket I've ever bought  I bought at the club, and they gave me an actual ticket.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
aren't most tickets for BC shows will-call? [/QB][/QUOTE]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 28, 2008, 10:17:00 am
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Every advance Black Cat ticket I've ever bought  I bought at the club, and they gave me an actual ticket.
ah, thanks.  i've only ever bought advance tickets online, where will-call is the only option.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bombay Chutney on March 28, 2008, 10:32:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Every advance Black Cat ticket I've ever bought  I bought at the club, and they gave me an actual ticket.
ah, thanks.  i've only ever bought advance tickets online, where will-call is the only option. [/b]
You can also get them at any TicketMaster outlet.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 28, 2008, 10:36:00 am
thanks again.
 speaking of advance tickets for BC shows, what are people's thoughts on tom morello/nightwatchman?  quick sell-out (i.e. buy online), or i can wait to buy on tuesday when i go to the BC for jens?  how well-attended was his show last year at java? (or was it iota?)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on March 28, 2008, 10:40:00 am
It's cash only though. No running up your credit card miles on Black Cat tickets bought at the door. The $0 service fee is very cool.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Every advance Black Cat ticket I've ever bought  I bought at the club, and they gave me an actual ticket.
ah, thanks.  i've only ever bought advance tickets online, where will-call is the only option. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Darth Ed on March 31, 2008, 01:36:00 pm
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
 As for the new (R.E.M.) album, I'm pretty excited about it. What I've heard of it has been very good, better than their recent albums. I'm not too crazy about "Supernatural Superserious", but "Living Well Is the Best Revenge" kicks ass. I love the Vincent Moon video.
This video as well as several others have now become available at
 http://blogotheque.net/R-E-M (http://blogotheque.net/R-E-M)  
 If you're a fan, definitely check out these videos! (Tip: Look for the "ipod" links if you want to download these videos.)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on March 31, 2008, 02:10:00 pm
Jens is on wednesday.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Sage 703 on March 31, 2008, 02:41:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  thanks again.
 speaking of advance tickets for BC shows, what are people's thoughts on tom morello/nightwatchman?  quick sell-out (i.e. buy online), or i can wait to buy on tuesday when i go to the BC for jens?  how well-attended was his show last year at java? (or was it iota?)
Sold out quickly at JJ.  Staff there still think it is one of the best shows they've ever had.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: lagas on March 31, 2008, 04:16:00 pm
please read this
 http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_6699 (http://men.style.com/gq/features/landing?id=content_6699)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: heather on April 08, 2008, 11:49:00 am
re: rams head live
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
 anyway, its better than all those crap cover bands that play there...ugh.
tell me about it!  easily half of the calendar is full of that sh*t.  you work there, right?  what gives?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sonickteam2 on April 08, 2008, 11:57:00 am
Originally posted by heather:
  re: rams head live
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
 anyway, its better than all those crap cover bands that play there...ugh.
tell me about it!  easily half of the calendar is full of that sh*t.  you work there, right?  what gives? [/b]
yes. i do, and i am not entirely sure what gives.   i take 2 factors into consideration.
 1) its winter and theres just not as much touring happening this time of year.
 2) baltimore is not really on the cutting edge musically, so classic rock/90s alternative cover bands do pretty well.
 and the 3rd, which i dare mention, cover bands are cheap as hell to book but you can keep the drink prices the same.
 i hope to see the cover bands stop as the weather warms.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: heather on April 08, 2008, 03:57:00 pm
i can see how all three factors play into it.  thanks for your thoughtful response.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on April 15, 2008, 04:56:00 pm
Originally posted by dave24:
  Bonnie Raitt
 14 - Washington, DC - Club 5
 18 - Baltimore, MD - Ram's Head Live
wtf?  what happened to club 5?  i haven't been in a year if not more, but having a blues/country act perform there definitely wasn't on the bill last i was there.  have they given up on the DJ thing?
 i don't remember this being discussed previously, but apologies if it has been.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on April 15, 2008, 05:25:00 pm
slappy mentioned in the DEMF thread Five was rumored to be going back to a live music venue...
 and on that 80s lineup at wolftrap of that list the only act i'm interested in seeing is Martyn Fry er I mean ABC seeing as he's the only remaining member at  this point...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Mobius on April 15, 2008, 05:44:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by dave24:
  Bonnie Raitt
 14 - Washington, DC - Club 5
 18 - Baltimore, MD - Ram's Head Live
wtf?  what happened to club 5?  i haven't been in a year if not more, but having a blues/country act perform there definitely wasn't on the bill last i was there.  have they given up on the DJ thing?
 i don't remember this being discussed previously, but apologies if it has been. [/b]
Perhaps its a Bonnie Raitt DJ set?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Firebutt McGee on April 15, 2008, 09:58:00 pm
Originally posted by Mobius:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by dave24:
  Bonnie Raitt
 14 - Washington, DC - Club 5
 18 - Baltimore, MD - Ram's Head Live
wtf?  what happened to club 5?  i haven't been in a year if not more, but having a blues/country act perform there definitely wasn't on the bill last i was there.  have they given up on the DJ thing?
 i don't remember this being discussed previously, but apologies if it has been. [/b]
Perhaps its a Bonnie Raitt DJ set? [/b]
I'd pay for that.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 07, 2008, 01:43:00 pm
Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on May 07, 2008, 01:48:00 pm
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 07, 2008, 01:59:00 pm
Any guess as to the password?
Originally posted by vansmack:
 I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on May 07, 2008, 02:06:00 pm
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 07, 2008, 03:10:00 pm
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??! [/b]
That is sounding like the party of the summer, I must say.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on May 07, 2008, 03:18:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??! [/b]
That is sounding like the party of the summer, I must say. [/b]
Is Myra Ellen of age or will she be?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on May 07, 2008, 03:29:00 pm
Wow, you must have a more boring social life than even me.   :p  
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??! [/b]
That is sounding like the party of the summer, I must say. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 07, 2008, 03:47:00 pm
I was partially kidding. But yeah it does suck. Brian probably has both of us beat, though.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
  Wow, you must have a more boring social life than even me.    :p  
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Is it just me, or has today been a good "Just Announced" day?
I'm assuming you're talking about the MyraEllen / Miss P birthday extravaganza?!!?!??! [/b]
That is sounding like the party of the summer, I must say. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 07, 2008, 03:50:00 pm
So lurking in the bushes outside of Miss P's house and going through her garbage isn't exciting?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  I was partially kidding. But yeah it does suck. Brian probably has both of us beat, though.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 07, 2008, 03:53:00 pm
I dunno...ask him.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on May 07, 2008, 03:54:00 pm
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So lurking in the bushes outside of Miss P's house and going through her garbage isn't exciting?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  I was partially kidding. But yeah it does suck. Brian probably has both of us beat, though.
Sorry Aza, Brian already got all the good stuff.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 07, 2008, 04:02:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So lurking in the bushes outside of Miss P's house and going through her garbage isn't exciting?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  I was partially kidding. But yeah it does suck. Brian probably has both of us beat, though.
Sorry Aza, Brian already got all the good stuff. [/b]
I'm pretty sure he was referring to Brian, not me.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on May 07, 2008, 04:07:00 pm
Originally posted by nkotb:
 Miss P's house
Actually she has an apartment. And there's no doorman or anything. You can just follow anyone into the complex. Pretty easy, actually.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on May 07, 2008, 04:15:00 pm
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by nkotb:
 Miss P's house
Actually she has an apartment. And there's no doorman or anything. You can just follow anyone into the complex. Pretty easy, actually. [/b]
God, I love how creepy the 930 board has become. And even more I love that Julian is incorrect about nearly all of that.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: ggw on May 07, 2008, 04:19:00 pm
What are you wearing?
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by nkotb:
 Miss P's house
Actually she has an apartment. And there's no doorman or anything. You can just follow anyone into the complex. Pretty easy, actually. [/b]
God, I love how creepy the 930 board has become. And even more I love that Julian is incorrect about nearly all of that. [/b]
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on May 07, 2008, 04:32:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
   And even more I love that Julian is incorrect about nearly all of that.
Pssh. Like I'd give them GOOD information. More stalkers = less room in the bushes.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on May 07, 2008, 04:38:00 pm
Speaking of hilariously creepy:
 http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001258 (http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001258)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on May 07, 2008, 04:50:00 pm
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on May 07, 2008, 05:20:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Speaking of hilariously creepy:
  http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001258 (http://www.930.com/cgi-bin/ubb-cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=4;t=001258)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bags on May 08, 2008, 10:53:00 am
Couple of things:
 The Sketches w/Dreamscapes Project and
 930 Club
 Fri. May 23
COMPLETELY awesome, samsfresh5.  The 9:30 is a premiere national club, so that is one hell of an accomplishment.  Will try to get by...
 (2) Is it possible that Bow Wow Wow is playing DAR on its own?  Could the possibly sell DAR out?  Sounds to me like this may be part of one of the numerous 'reunion/nostalgia/ tours going on this summer/fall.  I'd really enjoy seeing BWW, but not in a seat at DAR for $55 (once charges are included).
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 08, 2008, 10:56:00 am
  <img src="http://www.spoiltvictorianchild.co.uk/images/BowWowWow.jpg" alt=" - " />
  <img src="http://us.ent2.yimg.com/musicfinder.yahoo.com/images/yahoo/so_so_def/lil_bow_wow/lilbowwow.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by Bags:
 Is it possible that Bow Wow Wow is playing DAR on its own?  Could the possibly sell DAR out?  Sounds to me like this may be part of one of the numerous 'reunion/nostalgia/ tours going on this summer/fall.  I'd really enjoy seeing BWW, but not in a seat at DAR for $55 (once charges are included).
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on May 08, 2008, 10:59:00 am
I assumed Bow Wow means the former Lil Bow Wow, the hip-hop guy, but you should still go, dressed up as your favorite Thompson Twin.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Bags on May 08, 2008, 12:09:00 pm
Okay, I'm a complete idiot.  Without the "Lil" upfront, I couldn't help but read into it a band I'd actually want to see.  And yet, my question does make sense -- how could Bow Wow Wow fill DAR?   ;)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on May 09, 2008, 08:36:00 pm
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
  Stereolab AND Spiritualized coming to 9:30?
 It's been a good 24 hours for the Just Announced thread!
actually, it's been an amazing couple of days in the JA thread.
 spiritualized: pure awesomeness, so there
 coldplay: yeay
 stereolab: less excited.  caught their last show at the club, and it didn't do much for me - and i'm a big fan.  i'll give them a second chance, tho.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Firebutt McGee on May 09, 2008, 08:40:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
  Stereolab AND Spiritualized coming to 9:30?
 It's been a good 24 hours for the Just Announced thread!
actually, it's been an amazing couple of days in the JA thread.
 spiritualized: pure awesomeness, so there
 coldplay: yeay
 stereolab: less excited.  caught their last show at the club, and it didn't do much for me - and i'm a big fan.  i'll give them a second chance, tho. [/b]
And Tina! Don't forget Tina!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on May 14, 2008, 11:23:00 pm
don't get it - what's funny?  other than the ticket price, that is.  the cirque rules, too bad it's so damn expensive.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 Under the Grand Chapiteau, at The Plateau at National Harbor
 October 30 thru November 16, 2008
 $55-$125 for Adults, various discounts available (students, seniors, kids, etc)
 presale on now - join Club Cirque (free) and get instant access
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Jaguar on May 14, 2008, 11:27:00 pm
I didn't get the humor either. I'd love to go to that but don't see that happening in my future.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 15, 2008, 08:17:00 am
Joe will stop laughing once BrooklynVegan announces dates.  Then he'll be all over that shit.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  don't get it - what's funny?  other than the ticket price, that is.  the cirque rules, too bad it's so damn expensive.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on May 15, 2008, 08:56:00 am
So does anyone know the scoop on the Butthole Surfer show? Is it the full band, a la Paul Leary, King Koffee, that blond chick who looks just like King Koffee and Jeff Pinkus? Or is it with the School of Rock kids? The RnR Show was good but I've only got a few night-out passes right now and have to play'em right.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on May 15, 2008, 08:57:00 am
Originally posted by Relaxer:
 but I've only got a few night-out passes right now and have to play'em right.
does this mean you'll be at sword/torch tonight?
 one of my married buddies calls them "hall passes".
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on May 15, 2008, 09:05:00 am
From what I"ve seen, it sounds like it's the classic line-up of Teresa, King, Jeff and Gibby, but minus Paul (not sure why) and some of the School of Rock kids.  
Originally posted by Relaxer:
  So does anyone know the scoop on the Butthole Surfer show? Is it the full band, a la Paul Leary, King Koffee, that blond chick who looks just like King Koffee and Jeff Pinkus? Or is it with the School of Rock kids? The RnR Show was good but I've only got a few night-out passes right now and have to play'em right.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on May 15, 2008, 09:49:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  does this mean you'll be at sword/torch tonight?
 one of my married buddies calls them "hall passes".
It pains me terribly, but I'm missing this one.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Christine Moritz on May 15, 2008, 10:19:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by dave24:
  Bonnie Raitt
 14 - Washington, DC - Club 5
 18 - Baltimore, MD - Ram's Head Live
wtf?  what happened to club 5?  i haven't been in a year if not more, but having a blues/country act perform there definitely wasn't on the bill last i was there.  have they given up on the DJ thing?
 i don't remember this being discussed previously, but apologies if it has been. [/b]
I didn't see this post 'til now... I think this was covered in a Washington Post Going Out Gurus blog item a while ago, but I haven't yet located said item.
 In the meantime:
  http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2008/05/01/DI2008050103907.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/discussion/2008/05/01/DI2008050103907.html)
 Washington, D.C.: Last weekend, on a Saturday night around midnight(!), I entered Club Five only to to find it completely empty (except for the bored bartenders). What's going on? Oh, and I paid $10 for the entrance fee, with nobody even bothering to hint that there was not a soul there, on a Sat. night.
 Fritz: From what I've heard, the place is hurtin' since Tim and Hooman -- the managers/bookers who made Five the city's best house music club -- were let go. The owners seem to want to bring live music back, and we've got unconfirmed reports of some big names on their way this summer, but that's all we can say for now.
 In any case, I've basically stopped recommending it for dancing on weekends.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Christine Moritz on May 15, 2008, 10:26:00 am
The blog item (from Feb. 2008):
 http://blog.washingtonpost.com/goingoutgurus/2008/02/multiple_changes_beginning_at.html (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/goingoutgurus/2008/02/multiple_changes_beginning_at.html)
 The News at Five
 Big shakeups are ahead at Five after club owner John Boyle parted ways with longtime management team of Tim Sherman and Hooman Pedram, who were responsible for turning the 18th Street venue into a magnet for house music fans.
 "The first thing we're going to change is Friday and Thursday nights," explains new Operations Manager Jeff Duke. No final decision has been made about Thursdays, but Friday, currently the domain of house music DJs, whether locals like Tom B or international stars like Dirty Vegas, is going in a new direction. "Friday is going to be more hip-hop, reggae and breaks," Duke explains, "and slowly move into house for the after-hours crowd. We don't want to compete with the other four clubs around us who are playing house."
 One adjustment that's going to be far more obvious: Five's super-relaxed dress code is disappearing -- "That's not going to fly anymore," Duke says -- and the club's going to have a stricter door policy. We'll see how that goes.
 Washington's club community has been buzzing about the new management, especially because one of its first acts was to remove Wednesday night's appearance by legendary English drum 'n' bass DJ Fabio from the schedule. (It was moved to the neighboring lounge Andalu, which is a fraction of the size of Five.) Duke claims the show was relocated because Five was going to lose money on Fabio's appearance, while promoter Bobby Jae Chun, who also DJing at the event, told me before the event that the change wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, because Five was having sound issues over the weekend -- a view that's been echoed on some Internet message boards.
 Despite the problems with Fabio, Duke and Chun say everything looks good for next month's drum 'n' bass blowout with groundbreaking DJ Andy C, the well-known duo Ed Rush & Optical and the buzzed-about Sub Focus. "Everything [on the calendar] in March will still be going on," Duke says.
 Still, those assurances haven't stopped rumors about Five's new direction from flying all over the scene; High-ranking employees at nearby nightspots and DJs who've previously spun at Five have independently told me that they've heard the space was going to become a live music venue. (Before Five opened, the building housed a concert hall called the Garage.)
 Duke dismisses those ideas. "The club is still open," he says, "but we're in the process of cleaning house." Right now, his agenda includes a new design for the interior, new sound and lighting, staffing changes and possibly switching the promoters who run the club's various events. Watch this space for more information.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 01, 2008, 06:24:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
 Under the Grand Chapiteau, at The Plateau at National Harbor
 October 30 thru November 16, 2008
 $55-$125 for Adults, various discounts available (students, seniors, kids, etc)
i saw Kooza (http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/CirqueDuSoleil/en/showstickets/kooza/intro/intro.htm) last night in philly - amazing.  arguably mind-blowing.  despite the price tag, highly highly recommended.  the acrobatics, the costumes, the music, the lighting effects... totally psychedelic.  
 two suggestions:
 1) center seats, even at the back, are better than anything up close on the sides.  the back of section 200 and inner 201/202 are a good value, relatively speaking, the tent isn't that big.  also, avoid seats along the aisle between 102/104, and 202/204.  for one number they put up some safety equipment that partially blocks the view of people sitting in that area.
 2) don't have a big meal before seeing the show.  better yet, plan to eat afterwards.  i've seen the  cirque many times, but this was by far the most adrenaline-packed/stressful performance i've witnessed.  it's as if they made a conscious effort to find new and innovative ways to almost kill themselves.  i swear the show gave me mild indigestion... uh, in a good way, if that's at all possible    :)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 11, 2008, 01:25:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
 What's Ulrich Schnauss' live setup like anyway?
no idea.  i'd assume the typical laptop + controller keyboard + a few pieces of outboard gear.  the two pix from 2005 on his Wikipedia page (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ulrich_Schnauss) seem to back this up.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on June 11, 2008, 01:40:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  First night of Abba cancelled.
First Coldplay, now ABBA.  I predict a (gay) riot.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 23, 2008, 06:00:00 pm
Originally posted by walkonby:
  i think this was mentioned before, but why do people post ny shows in here all the time.  i see a cool act or show or festival, and get excited that i might be able to go, then i read it's in new york.  six hours, one way to see a concert?  gas, food, lodging money?  ticket, drinks, merch money?  uhmmmm.....
not all the time, only ones that people might travel for.  lots of folks here will go to NYC for shows.  there are hundreds of shows a month in NYC, consider yourself lucky you get a filtered listing    :)  
 people also post info about festivals that aren't in DC/VA/MD (or NYC), too - even if i can't go to a festival somewhere, i'd still like to hear about it.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on June 23, 2008, 11:00:00 pm
Originally posted by walkonby:
  i think this was mentioned before, but why do people post ny shows in here all the time.  i see a cool act or show or festival, and get excited that i might be able to go, then i read it's in new york.  six hours, one way to see a concert?  gas, food, lodging money?  ticket, drinks, merch money?  uhmmmm.....
i agree with pretty much everything sweetie said above. also, quit being a drama queen - it doesn't take 6 hours to get to new york... not even close.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on June 23, 2008, 11:13:00 pm
Originally posted by miss pretentious:
  also, quit being a drama queen
Just tell him to stop being a bitch. That's what I'd have said.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on June 24, 2008, 11:40:00 am
I'm amazed that Rancid sold out the club so far in advance. I wouldn't have thought they'd sell it out in the first place, much less almost 2 months before the show. I figured they were pretty much done.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on June 26, 2008, 10:21:00 am
Hercules & Love Affair tickets were surprisngly easy to get. No re-load necessary.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 26, 2008, 12:44:00 pm
still not sold out, fyi... i'm sure it will, eventually, but i would have bet that tix would be gone in the first two hours.
Originally posted by manimtired:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
 Gnarls Barkley w/ Hercules & Love Affair
 930 Club
OMFG.  SO THERE.  not sure if i'll stay for gnarls, can't say they've done much for me the first 3 times i saw them, although they have been known to move my feet at times... but THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU SETH&CO FOR BRINGING US H&LA!!!  WOOHOOO!!!
 i would have been curious to see how well H&LA would have sold on their own.  now the show will obviously sell out b/c of gnarls... next time? [/b]
you have very "questionable" taste in music.. [/b]
liking H&LA more than GB is questionable?  or are you taking issue with liking H&LA at all?  i make no qualms about that.  i like dancing, and they've put out the most danceable album in the past year.  i like their arrangements.  the vocal performances are solid.  etc.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sonickteam2 on June 26, 2008, 12:48:00 pm
Gnarls Barkley is the dumbest thing to happen to music since 80's hair bands.
 and by questionable i believe he meant like..."you're fucking really gay for liking Hercules and the Love Affair you disco-dancing queenie."
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 26, 2008, 04:45:00 pm
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
  Gnarls Barkley is the dumbest thing to happen to music since 80's hair bands.
Well I think there is dumber stuff out there than Gnarles Barkley...  
 There is some truth to referring to GB as Marvin Gaye with a sampler, however the first album was a little to hyperactive in general. The second is definitely  more miss than hit... I dig the song with the retro sixties feel, where Danger Mouse farts in the general direction of Mark Ronson.  With a sound that isn't as fake as conjured up on you know who's CD.
 I'm all for the use of sampling, but would really like to hear what Danger Mouse could come up with having to rely on them so much.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 27, 2008, 02:25:00 pm
Originally posted by Chulahoma:
  very nice! i got a pair in center orchestra row R.  not as good as your pull, but im just happy i got tickets.  last time i saw them was at the MSG theatre.  easily one of the best shows i have ever seen.
good write-up of last week's NYC show  in the Village Voice (http://www.villagevoice.com/music/0826,hopelandic-springs-eternal,478549,22.html/full).  the article is kinda pretentious - even though the author points out that most SR write-ups are pretentious - but he does a good job of capturing how majestic a show it was.  will probably sound over the top to those who've never heard SR live, but take my word for it: he's spot-on.
 can't wait for another dose.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Firebutt McGee on June 27, 2008, 04:31:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo:
 I'm all for the use of sampling, but would really like to hear what Danger Mouse could come up with having to rely on them so much.
Check out his work on Martina Topley-Bird's new album. It's kind of amazing, I love it.
 ALSO: Gnarls Barkley is amazing. They kicked my ass at the Roots Picnic a couple weeks ago, and I've been telling people about them since. Seriously, it's amazing.
 And I just might be the only one on here who really REALLY likes the new album. It's so diverse, musically, and his voice is unbelievable. I'm a fan of Cee-Lo's songwriting anyway, so...yeah.
 (Yeah, I'm definitely surprised this didn't sell out quicker.)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: gaaaaaaaaah on June 27, 2008, 04:43:00 pm
Originally posted by kosmo:
Originally posted by Erinaceous Sonickus:
  Gnarls Barkley is the dumbest thing to happen to music since 80's hair bands.
Well I think there is dumber stuff out there than Gnarles Barkley...  
 There is some truth to referring to GB as Marvin Gaye with a sampler, however the first album was a little to hyperactive in general. The second is definitely  more miss than hit... I dig the song with the retro sixties feel, where Danger Mouse farts in the general direction of Mark Ronson.  With a sound that isn't as fake as conjured up on you know who's CD.
 I'm all for the use of sampling, but would really like to hear what Danger Mouse could come up with having to rely on them so much. [/b]
Well, I think the new Black Keys and Beck albums are something of an indication of what Danger Mouse can do without a sampler.  The Black Keys album is AMAZING.  And the songs that have been released from Beck's new album are amazing as well.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 27, 2008, 05:00:00 pm
Originally posted by ixkpd-bk:
 (Yeah, I'm definitely surprised this didn't sell out quicker.)
FYI, it hasn't sold out at all... tix still available.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on June 30, 2008, 02:20:00 pm
gnarls barkley/herc&LA finally sold out... wow, that took a while.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 02, 2008, 02:28:00 pm
Originally posted by MyraEllen:
  How much was it to see PJ at the Verizon Center - $68 plus fees or something, right?  But EV on his own is somehow MORE expensive?  lame lame lame.
warner = smaller, so they need to charge more - and eddy still won't rake in the same amount as he did at verizon, despite it being a solo show (assuming take is split equally between band members, and i'm talking gross take in both cases).
Originally posted by samsfresh5:
 ...and I wonder how much of the time on stage will be spent talking about politics instead of playing songs.       :roll:    
little to none, if the PJ @ Verizon show is anything to go by.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: samsfresh5 on July 02, 2008, 02:50:00 pm
Originally posted by walkonby:
  eddie vedder solo at warner.  
 if you like pearl jam,  (YES)
 or worship pearl jam, (YES) ((42 shows))
 and have never seen him solo, (I have)
 one of the nicest venues in dc.  (930 Club)
 take your drinks to your seats four at a time if you like.  (930 Club  ...and seats? who sits a a rock show?)   :)  )
 excellent staff, (of course 930 club   :D    ;)
 Oh and sweetcell, I wouldn't base Eddie's tight lips at the DC show on much.. very uncharacteristic... usually he goes on, and on...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 02, 2008, 03:05:00 pm
The smaller artists I've talked to about the whole leaking thing don't mind it for the most part. In fact, they like the exposure.
 But yeah; if anyone has a right to bitch about it, it sure as hell ain't Eddie Vedder.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 02, 2008, 04:39:00 pm
but eddie vedder is a surfer, dude.  they are cool. cool = requires mucho moolah. and look at his hair.  that's A LOT of product right there.
 and i've never been to a rock concert at a venue with seats, where i sat.  people do that?  oh yeah, those people.  the ones who looked bored by the middle of first set, or are weak bastards who can't stand for a whole show.
 the person who dare say the bathrooms at 930 are better than at warner, should be forced to clean the ones at 930, after a show.
 the 930 staff may be all nice, but some of them are scary looking.  they know who they are, and i'm sure they intend it to be that way.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 02, 2008, 04:52:00 pm
Originally posted by walkonby:
 the person who dare say the bathrooms at 930 are better than at warner, should be forced to clean the ones at 930, after a show.
 the 930 staff may be all nice, but some of them are scary looking.  they know who they are, and i'm sure they intend it to be that way.
the person who said that, i suspect actually has cleaned the bathrooms after a show  :D
 LOOKS?!?  you think a person isn't nice because of how they look?  hey, if you can't get over appearances, that's your problem - not the other person's.  arguably the two scariest-looking dudes at the 930 are among the nicest people i have ever come across.  next time you're at the club, get over your fear and go introduce yourself.  they don't bite.  in fact, you'll probably have a nice little conversation (hopefully that's not scary for you, either).
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 02, 2008, 04:57:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by walkonby:
 the person who dare say the bathrooms at 930 are better than at warner, should be forced to clean the ones at 930, after a show.
 the 930 staff may be all nice, but some of them are scary looking.  they know who they are, and i'm sure they intend it to be that way.
the person who said that, i suspect actually has cleaned the bathrooms after a show   :D  
 LOOKS?!?  you think a person isn't nice because of how they look?  hey, if you can't get over appearances, that's your problem - not the other person's.  arguably the two scariest-looking dudes at the 930 are among the nicest people i have ever come across.  next time you're at the club, get over your fear and go introduce yourself.  they don't bite.  in fact, you'll probably have a nice little conversation (hopefully that's not scary for you, either). [/b]
no wonder you don't like me.  you never understand what i am saying.  oh well.  i have talked to the scary staff, and the beautiful ones as well.  strangers treat strangers all the same.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 02, 2008, 05:01:00 pm
and if you think the general public doesn't look at the people who work at a place, then form an instant, lasting "who they are" and "what kind of place this is" impression, thereby using that (mis)information as an excuse to patron or not patron the place again, then go open a business.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: samsfresh5 on July 02, 2008, 05:03:00 pm
Originally posted by walkonby:
  ..and look at his hair.  that's A LOT of product right there.  
 (yeah, me too, but Honeychuck moolah isn't quite paying for my products.   :(  )
 the 930 staff may be all nice, but some of them are scary looking.  they know who they are, and i'm sure they intend it to be that way.
 ( ...can't wait to see you at your next 930 show... the scariest thing about me is how much hair product I use...  BOO!   :eek:  )
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: samsfresh5 on July 02, 2008, 05:09:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
the person who said that, i suspect actually has cleaned the bathrooms after a show   :D  
 ...beat me to it Sweetie.   :D
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: samsfresh5 on July 02, 2008, 05:09:00 pm
actually, sorry... usually it's those two biting each other.     ;)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 02, 2008, 05:10:00 pm
so i don't get beat up by the scary people.  i like scary people.  
   <img src="http://i29.tinypic.com/15zrudd.jpg" alt=" - " />
 and i never pee on the floor, and always flush, plus try not to make a mess of the sink.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: thatguy on July 03, 2008, 12:54:00 am
Originally posted by walkonby:
  and if you think the general public doesn't look at the people who work at a place, then form an instant, lasting "who they are" and "what kind of place this is" impression, thereby using that (mis)information as an excuse to patron or not patron the place again, then go open a business.
 the 930 staff may be all nice, but some of them are scary looking. they know who they are, and i'm sure they intend it to be that way.
a couple thoughts:
 1. considering the wide range of appearances of the staph at the club, i'd be curious to know what that impression would be.  we are about as diverse a group as you can get.
 b.  if someone doesn't want to come to the club because of the way we look, that's their loss.  what does our appearance have to do with how a show sounds?
 III. you are making a bold statement by claiming that you know the intention of someone that you have never met, based only on their appearance. you are making assumptions with incomplete information, and you are way off base.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Relaxer on July 03, 2008, 08:55:00 am
Originally posted by walkonby:
  so i don't get beat up by the scary people.  i like scary people.  
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3080/2633907826_dce6d9b1a5_o.jpg" alt=" - " />
 Do you like me? Can we be friends? Can we cut together?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 03, 2008, 09:05:00 am
this is my last comment on it.  scary people, that is.  the only thing i wanted to relay without saying it, was that i've heard people say "i don't know what's worse about the 930 club: the look of the location or the look of the staff."
 i found it amusing that people do think that way, whether you believe it to be true or not.  they do base ideas on silly things like that.  they look at the (to them, normal) looking people that work at other venues in town, and i guess fell safe with those people.  that was the point.  to some people, the staff of 930 is scary.  the end.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 03, 2008, 09:21:00 am
Originally posted by walkonby:
 no wonder you don't like me.  you never understand what i am saying.
never, ever said that i don't like you.  i can only think of one or two people that i decided i didn't like based on their internet musings, you definitely aren't one of them.  i will admit to not understanding you fairly often.  you often don't make sense to me, but i suspect many say the same about me   :)
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 03, 2008, 09:25:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by walkonby:
 no wonder you don't like me.  you never understand what i am saying.
never, ever said that i don't like you.  i can only think of one or two people that i decided i didn't like based on their internet musings, you definitely aren't one of them.  i will admit to not understanding you fairly often.  you often don't make sense to me, but i suspect many say the same about me    :)  [/b]
thank you.  for some reason, i really thought you didn't like me.  i would love to actually get together with forum people and do something, even though i'm two hours from dc (and six from new york   ;)  )
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 03, 2008, 09:47:00 am
even manimtired.  i want to give him/her a big ole carebear hug with red, white, and blue sugar sprinkled frosting on top.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 03, 2008, 09:48:00 am
do let us know next time you're in town.  i've met some 15-20 people through this board and everyone has been really cool.
 and this, folks, is what you call "hugging it out".
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on July 03, 2008, 09:53:00 am
So you spend time in hotel rooms with Joe, go to shows with ixkpd-bk where he leaves with his shirt covered in sperm, and now you're planning a meet-up with walkonby?  Methinks there's something your not telling your lady friend...
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  do let us know next time you're in town.  i've met some 15-20 people through this board and everyone has been really cool.
 and this, folks, is what you call "hugging it out".
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 03, 2008, 09:57:00 am
you're just jealous that joe will hump your leg, and i won't.
 deal with it.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on July 03, 2008, 10:09:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  do let us know next time you're in town.  i've met some 15-20 people through this board and everyone has been really cool.
 and this, folks, is what you call "hugging it out".
clearly you have not meet evilsanta...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: thirsty moore on July 03, 2008, 10:51:00 am
Background please!  This is awesome!
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So you spend time in hotel rooms with Joe, go to shows with ixkpd-bk where he leaves with his shirt covered in sperm, and now you're planning a meet-up with walkonby?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: thirsty moore on July 03, 2008, 10:52:00 am
evilsanta thugs it out.
Originally posted by kosmo:
 clearly you have not meet evilsanta...
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Arthwys on July 03, 2008, 10:55:00 am
Damn, these boardie love-fests are getting weird.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on July 03, 2008, 11:04:00 am
Dude, I'm no GGW.  Wait until he's back and I'm sure he'll send the links.
Originally posted by econo:
  Background please!  This is awesome!
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So you spend time in hotel rooms with Joe, go to shows with ixkpd-bk where he leaves with his shirt covered in sperm, and now you're planning a meet-up with walkonby?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 03, 2008, 11:05:00 am
the guy at the top of this page makes me smile every time.  thank you.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: thirsty moore on July 03, 2008, 11:08:00 am
This deserves its own thread!
Originally posted by nkotb:
  Dude, I'm no GGW.  Wait until he's back and I'm sure he'll send the links.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Firebutt McGee on July 03, 2008, 12:17:00 pm
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So you spend time in hotel rooms with Joe, go to shows with ixkpd-bk where he leaves with his shirt covered in sperm, and now you're planning a meet-up with walkonby?  Methinks there's something your not telling your lady friend...
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  do let us know next time you're in town.  i've met some 15-20 people through this board and everyone has been really cool.
 and this, folks, is what you call "hugging it out".
Who hasn't left a show or two covered in sperm though?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on July 03, 2008, 01:10:00 pm
i'm so over nkotb and sweetcell. It's time for some econo   :eek:
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: thirsty moore on July 03, 2008, 01:24:00 pm
Keep it in your pants Joe.  I'm into chicks.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 03, 2008, 01:40:00 pm
Originally posted by econo:
  Background please!  This is awesome!
Originally posted by nkotb:
  So you spend time in hotel rooms with Joe, go to shows with ixkpd-bk where he leaves with his shirt covered in sperm, and now you're planning a meet-up with walkonby?
actually, the details aren't nearly as interesting as it might sound.  joe and i shared a hotel room at coachella'07 (double beds, thank you very much).  as for the ixkpd-kb story, if i remember correctly, it's a reference to a walk we took through chinatown in philly before seeing QOTSA at the electric factory.  we went in to a random shop and bought some chinese-made energy drank.  we joked that it contained panda sperm.  i don't remember the "shirt covered" part, but maybe he spilled some.  and apparently, wanting to meet walkonby, who happens to be gay, is somehow questionable.  how progressive of you, nkotb.
 sorry to disappoint.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Vas Deferens on July 03, 2008, 02:52:00 pm
Relax, it's just cock. It's not gonna hurt ya until I slap it on ya.
Originally posted by econo:
  Keep it in your pants Joe.  I'm into chicks.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on July 03, 2008, 02:58:00 pm
I did misspeak a bit.  It was ixkpd-bk's shirt that was covered:
  <img src="http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/brands/0013/9408/brand.gif" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  i don't remember the "shirt covered" part, but maybe he spilled some.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on July 03, 2008, 03:04:00 pm
somewhat questionable.    :confused:
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 04, 2008, 01:13:00 am
well *I* certainly don't think it's questionable at all (holds nose up in the air)
 and on the topic of the APTBS/Sian Alice Group show:
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Maybe it was booked for the boardies.
i smell a grand ol' mid-week boardee meet-up coming on.
 i'll bring the baked brie.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 06, 2008, 08:48:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
 Battles, Black Dice and Gang Gang Dance
 Central Park Summerstage
 It's a saturday too!
 Anyone I know interested in doing this? Really don't want to bus it but probably would if it came to that.
my interest in this will depend on whether i get a chance to see them at lolla, and if so how much i liked them.  battles are part of a big conflict at lolla, so maybe i can skip them there and catch them for free in NYC.  
 i won't be able to help you with a ride, tho, given that i'm a local (of sorts) on weekends.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 06, 2008, 09:27:00 pm
Battles play essentially the same set every night so I'd skip them at Lolla (if planning to go to this NYC thing). The sub-par sound at rnrh kept me from really getting into the Black Dice set I caught there and I've been wanting to see Gang Gang dance for a while (they're at Floristree on 7/25 but that conflicts w/ Spiritualized at the club).
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: xneverwherex on July 07, 2008, 10:52:00 am
ill most likely be at the show, but probably volunteering. doesnt really matter tho as im in the city.
 and btw - most the free shows at summerstage (concerts - not the art stuff) are saturdays and sundays. diplo, a-trak and santogold are playing in july too!
 www.summerstage.org (http://www.summerstage.org) for more info  --- and dont forget to bring raingear. every show at summerstage this year has been very wet!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on July 11, 2008, 10:47:00 am
Kosmette decided that she REALLY wanted to see James live, so it's off to NYC in Sept for the two of us.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on July 11, 2008, 11:53:00 am
have NYC dates been announced?  any other dates?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on July 11, 2008, 12:02:00 pm
The Gang Gang Dance show is at Ottobar, not Floristree as I had previously thought.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: kosmo vinyl on July 11, 2008, 12:15:00 pm
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  have NYC dates been announced?  any other dates?
For James? Per the JA thread they are opening for Squeeze at Radio City Music Hall, nothing else has been announced at this point.  According to someone  on the James forum their new CD will be released in September.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on August 06, 2008, 07:19:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
 If it's APTBS V. OP, there is no conflict.
agreed.  ATPBS are good, but no match for the party-awesomeness that is octopus project!
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 06, 2008, 07:24:00 pm
Good one.
 Although it is always hard to say "no" to a band that contains a theremin.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Firebutt McGee on August 06, 2008, 07:47:00 pm
Just poking in here to say that yes, indeed, Telepathe is the worst live band I've ever seen in my life.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: nkotb on August 11, 2008, 09:27:00 am
Buzzkill  :(   That guy rules.
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
 And in even more bummer news, Claude Coleman is leaving Ween for a while. Guess they won't be playing "Put The Coke On My Dick" again anytime soon.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on August 15, 2008, 08:47:00 pm
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
  Bitch of a conflict 9/17:
 David Byrne V. Tony Conrad V. Mogwai
you could see byrne in DC, thus limiting your conflict to 2 shows.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: azaghal1981 on August 15, 2008, 09:37:00 pm
 Or Philly. Philly prices look affordable; any word on dc ones yet?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on August 21, 2008, 10:53:00 am
Saturday, 10/4/08 Chromeo
 Sunday, 10/5/08    Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
 Monday, 10/6/08 Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
 Tuesday, 10/7/08 The Residents - The Bunny Boy Tour
 Wednesday, 10/8/08 Hot Chip w/ Growing
 Thursday, 10/9/08 Of Montreal w/ Love Is All
 personally i'm not big on chromeo, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn...
 i'll be at the club tuesday - thurs.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: miss pretentious on August 21, 2008, 11:20:00 am
oh yeah? i'm looking at
 10/8 Hot Chip @ 930
 10/9 Of Montreal @ 930
 10/11 Still havne't decided on Wedding Present vs. Wire
 10/12 Magnetic Fields
 10/13 Yelle
 Add to the Chromeo earlier in the week and a wedding too. Eep.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: walkonby on August 21, 2008, 11:22:00 am
Originally posted by sweetcell:
  Saturday, 10/4/08 Chromeo
 Sunday, 10/5/08    Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
 Monday, 10/6/08 Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds
 Tuesday, 10/7/08 The Residents - The Bunny Boy Tour
 Wednesday, 10/8/08 Hot Chip w/ Growing
 Thursday, 10/9/08 Of Montreal w/ Love Is All
 personally i'm not big on chromeo, but daaaaaaaaaaaaaamn...
 i'll be at the club tuesday - thurs.
i can't wait to hump your leg at hot chip . . . oh wait, that was julian.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on August 26, 2008, 06:20:00 pm
Sorry, I don't follow the Just Announced thread to judiciously and forgot to let you know that Rival Schools was plnning a tour.  I saw Walter at a wedding earlier this summer where he hinted at it and again while I was home a couple weeks ago where he confirmed it.  He's pretty excited to say the least.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: vansmack on February 05, 2009, 06:30:57 pm
Did somebody ask for this?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 25, 2009, 05:47:19 pm
I dont remember the strobes being too bad at the Nation show Prodigy played...

Anybody know if this has a presale?  Im in class when it goes on sale...

this week's e-mail blast mentioned the prodigy would be on soft-sale.  also, i don't think this will sell out right away.  unless you're in an all-day class, i suspect you'll still be able to get tix at noon (prodigy != animal collective :))  there is a healthy number of people that are interested in this show, but i doubt that they're 930 club regulars - i.e. they won't know about the soft-sale.

as a point of reference, tickets are still available for the NYC show tomorrow.  i thought that this show would sell out well in advance, guess i think wrong.  i will be shocked if it doesn't sell out at the door, tho.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: killsaly on March 25, 2009, 06:51:40 pm
Got you.  I will have a break around 1045, just didnt want it to all sell out.  Thanks for the heads up. This is one show i do not want to miss. 
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: wml7 on March 25, 2009, 08:00:12 pm
I dont remember the strobes being too bad at the Nation show Prodigy played...

Anybody know if this has a presale?  Im in class when it goes on sale...

this week's e-mail blast mentioned the prodigy would be on soft-sale.  also, i don't think this will sell out right away.  unless you're in an all-day class, i suspect you'll still be able to get tix at noon (prodigy != animal collective :))  there is a healthy number of people that are interested in this show, but i doubt that they're 930 club regulars - i.e. they won't know about the soft-sale.

as a point of reference, tickets are still available for the NYC show tomorrow.  i thought that this show would sell out well in advance, guess i think wrong.  i will be shocked if it doesn't sell out at the door, tho.

Ok just a quick question so what does the soft sale mean???  I see that the Prodigy tickets go on sale tomorrow at 10am so is that the soft sale?
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: Julian, Alleged Computer F**kface on March 25, 2009, 08:05:07 pm
Soft sale means the tickets are on sale through tickets.com but they are not listed on 930.com. Its supposed to reward those people who pay attention and/or those who subscribe to the mailing list (which tells you when shows go on sale on tickets.com but aren't listed on 930.com yet).
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: sweetcell on March 21, 2012, 01:53:36 pm
I'd be surprised if fucking Daft Punk or Kraftwerk were able to sell out Verizon Center!

IMHO both those acts could sell out Verizon.  DP would sell out almost immediately, Kraftwerk might take a little longer.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: i am gay and i like cats on March 21, 2012, 03:08:56 pm
oh look, it's julian's name.  the memories . . . . . . .
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: James Ford on March 22, 2012, 04:13:37 pm
I'm not sure if that's more of a comment on how popular those bands are or on how prevalent dorks are in DC.

I'd be surprised if fucking Daft Punk or Kraftwerk were able to sell out Verizon Center!

IMHO both those acts could sell out Verizon.  DP would sell out almost immediately, Kraftwerk might take a little longer.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: slappy on March 22, 2012, 04:36:03 pm
Wouldn't it just be the proclivity of dorks in cities?
Daft Punk would sell out arenas in every major city.

I'm not sure if that's more of a comment on how popular those bands are or on how prevalent dorks are in DC.

I'd be surprised if fucking Daft Punk or Kraftwerk were able to sell out Verizon Center!

IMHO both those acts could sell out Verizon.  DP would sell out almost immediately, Kraftwerk might take a little longer.
Title: Re: Son of Commentary on Just Annouced
Post by: grateful on March 22, 2012, 05:10:12 pm
I'm not sure if that's more of a comment on how popular those bands are or on how prevalent dorks are in DC.

Embrace your inner dork...or at least give me your ticket!