930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: AlanOnymous on June 17, 2005, 06:00:00 pm
No disrespect meant, I love the place that's why I keep coming back.
But (once again) I woke up with sinus infection after last night's show at 9:30 Club. No surprise really. I've been going to 9:30 club for years and I always wind up with a sinus infection or raspy cough within two days of being there.
Anybody else experience this?
it's called: a venue that allows everyone to chain smoke themselves into nicotine induced comas, while rudely throwing their butts onto the floor and bumping into others with lit cherries. f people who smoke cigarettes. die sooner than me. breathe blackness through an iron lung and make everyone else's medical insurance that much higher.
Originally posted by walkonby:
it's called: a venue that allows everyone to chain smoke themselves into nicotine induced comas, while rudely throwing their butts onto the floor and bumping into others with lit cherries. f people who smoke cigarettes. die sooner than me. breathe blackness through an iron lung and make everyone else's medical insurance that much higher.
I go to plenty of places where there's smoke. My guess is that it's like that federal building here in DC on Independence that had to be closed because of all the filth in the venhilation system. They studied it, and found that all the spores/bacteria that had accumulated was making the workers sick. The building had the highest incidence of sick leave in all of the government.
I've attended three shows at 9:30 in as many weeks and I have the crud coming out of my sinuses. :(
I would wear a sinus protector while at the club, also I would wear ear plugs because my ears always ring after a really good performance. Why do we play so loud, good question, I think it is to drown out the background noise from those idiots that just can't wait to talk until after the peformance. would you know anyone like that....
I've been working at 9:30 going on seven years now and I don't think I get sick any more than the average person.
Now if you were talking about the old club I could see it. The new place has no rats and no other funkiness. I have also been going there pretty regularly since the opening and have not had problems.
I used to get bad sinus/coughing problems after a show at the club, I just put it down to the filthy, yellow teethed, stinking, cancer ridden inconsiderate smokers. Maybe you're on to something though because it never seemed so bad if I went to other places full of the vermin that smokers are.
I've come down with tuberculosis a few times after shows at the club, but I always thought that was from making out with the crack ho's who hang out behind the 9:30 on 8th street. But I'd just pop a couple of doxycyclines the next day, and I'd usually be fine in no time.
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
I've come down with the clap a few times after shows at the club, but I always thought that was from docking with that guy who hangs out behind the 9:30 on 8th street. But I'd just pop a couple of penicillin the next day, and I'd usually be fine in no time.
errr, T-M-I
Originally posted by O'Mankie:
I've gotten beaten up a couple of times for trying to fondle men's cocks in the 9:30 bathroom between sets, but beyond that, no health problems...
that's inappropriate!
but funny.
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
Originally posted by O'Mankie:
I've gotten beaten up a couple of times for trying to fondle men's cocks in the 9:30 bathroom between sets, but beyond that, no health problems...
that's inappropriate! [/b]
Hubba hubba.
Originally posted by cafewaugh:
I would wear a sinus protector while at the club, also I would wear ear plugs because my ears always ring after a really good performance.
you must get all the chicks ... do you have headgear too?
Yeah, it's definitely from the smokers dude. Happens to me EVERY time I'm in a place like that.
I've never had a problem from the smoke. Every once in a while I will feel like that if I've been on the balcony right underneath of the vent.
This used to happen to me all the time in college. I had chronic respiratory infections from shows. This happened after most any shows I went to, though (black cat, metro/lounge ax in chicago, basement shows), so I don't think it's anything to do with 9:30.
I think they were caused by constant lack of sleep and not drinking enough water, plus I used to jump around a lot more at shows (esp at black cat) and so my breathing would have been heavier...much more smoke in the lungs than now when I stand next to Kosmo with my arms crossed.
Originally posted by AlanOnymous:
No disrespect meant, I love the place that's why I keep coming back.
But (once again) I woke up with sinus infection after last night's show at 9:30 Club. No surprise really. I've been going to 9:30 club for years and I always wind up with a sinus infection or raspy cough within two days of being there.
Anybody else experience this?
Who's your concert buddy? Avid smoker? Where do you hang? In the confines of the crowd downstairs?
It's the smoke. Recurring infection, should check w/ your doc.
Originally posted by El Tee:
Originally posted by AlanOnymous:
No disrespect meant, I love the place that's why I keep coming back.
But (once again) I woke up with sinus infection after last night's show at 9:30 Club. No surprise really. I've been going to 9:30 club for years and I always wind up with a sinus infection or raspy cough within two days of being there.
Anybody else experience this?
Who's your concert buddy? Avid smoker? Where do you hang? In the confines of the crowd downstairs?
It's the smoke. Recurring infection, should check w/ your doc. [/b]
Non-smoker here. Concert buddy doesn't smoke either.
No recurring infection or anything. Only happens after 9:30 shows. I'll bring one of those white masks next time and tell everybody I'm being retro-raver.
Originally posted by AlanOnymous:
Originally posted by El Tee:
Originally posted by AlanOnymous:
No disrespect meant, I love the place that's why I keep coming back.
But (once again) I woke up with sinus infection after last night's show at 9:30 Club. No surprise really. I've been going to 9:30 club for years and I always wind up with a sinus infection or raspy cough within two days of being there.
Anybody else experience this?
Who's your concert buddy? Avid smoker? Where do you hang? In the confines of the crowd downstairs?
It's the smoke. Recurring infection, should check w/ your doc. [/b]
Non-smoker here. Concert buddy doesn't smoke either.
No recurring infection or anything. Only happens after 9:30 shows. I'll bring one of those white masks next time and tell everybody I'm being retro-raver. [/b]
or michael jackson lunatic. where the party? is it 21 and younger?
if you go somewhere where you are very close to a bunch of people you probably will get sick. someone is bound to have a cold...
stupid smokers...i wish cigarettes gave you aids...
Originally posted by AlanOnymous:
I'll bring one of those white masks next time and tell everybody I'm being retro-raver.
you could tell everyone you have SARS, and then you'd have the added benefit of increased personal space!
I agree with whoever said it was a function of being in proximity with so many people. This happens on airplanes, too. You're basically breathing air that's just been breathed out by whatever diseased person is nearby. You might as well be french kissing them. And if someone cuts the cheese, then you're essentially inhaling atomized poo.
All those old buildings are sick because their HVAC systems are many decades old and filled with mold. I'm sure that a new system was dropped in 9:30 when it opened in the new location what...10 years ago?
Not to worry...
Originally posted by flawd101:
if you go somewhere where you are very close to a bunch of people you probably will get sick. someone is bound to have a cold...
stupid smokers...i wish cigarettes gave you aids...
if they did, you know that people would still smoke them. if cigarettes were twenty dollars a pack, people would still smoke them. people are dumb. dave matthews agrees.
"He wants to make the warnings on the packs bigger. Yeah! He wants the whole front of the pack to be the warning. Like the problem is we just haven't noticed yet. Right? Like he's going to get his way and all of the sudden smokers around the world are going to be going, "Yeah, Bill, I've got some cigarettes.. HOLY SHIT! These things are bad for you! Shit, I thought they were good for you! I thought they had Vitamin C in them and stuff!" You fucking dolt! Doesn't matter how big the warnings are. You could have cigarettes that were called the warnings. You could have cigarrets that come in a black pack, with a skull and a cross bone on the front, called tumors and smokers would be lined up around the block going, "I can't wait to get my hands on these fucking things! I bet you get a tumor as soon as you light up! Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm" Doesn't matter how big the warnings are or how much they cost. Keep raising the prices, we'll break into your houses to get the fucking cigarettes, ok!? They're a drug, we're addicted, ok!? Numm Numm Numm Numm Numm "
^ nice Denis bit....
There is an answer (http://www.airbornehealth.com/), folks.
Right on for Airborne. I use it after a friend in L.A. recommended it. I was skeptical, thought he was being all new-agey, but I finally starting taking it and it works!
Originally posted by Arlette:
Right on for Airborne. I use it after a friend in L.A. recommended it. I was skeptical, thought he was being all new-agey, but I finally starting taking it and it works!
right on for airbourne . . . isn't that a new "all girl, pussy power group" from new york?
Why does the Airborne ad make repeated mention of the fact that it was developed by a second grade teacher?
Is that supposed to make the product more appealing?
Originally posted by walkonby:
people are dumb. dave matthews agrees.
oh, well if Dave Matthews said so!
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Originally posted by walkonby:
people are dumb. dave matthews agrees.
oh, well if Dave Matthews said so!
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
Why does the Airborne ad make repeated mention of the fact that it was developed by a second grade teacher?
Is that supposed to make the product more appealing?
Yup, because classrooms are such petri dishes...
There are no scientific studies that prove that "black mold" is bad for you. I work in this field and I've never seen any indication of water damage/mold growth at the 930. Of course, it is dark whenever I'm there.....
And those white masks don't do shit for filtering either. Unless you get the pricey