930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: jmasis on March 25, 2004, 11:02:00 pm
A simple question: are minors totally un-allowed in this place? And Why? (other than the alcohol)
from the 9:30 FAQ (http://www.930.com/mainText.php?p=faq) ...
"Q: How old do you have to be to get in?
A: We request that our patrons be born. That's about it. All Ages, All the time."
(note: there are exceptions but in general it's an All Ages Venue)
Along these lines, I just noticed this a couple days ago from the Black Cat website/ Kinda cool, and makes sense that, like a rated R movie, the parents need to buy the ticket to show tacit approval and knowledge that the kids are going to this show. I'm sure it's a HUGE pain, though...(me thinking as a 16 year old trying to get my dad to drive me to a club -- oy):
Black Cat shows are all ages -- 18+ is fine as long as the person does not drink. If the person is under 18 they must have parental permission, and we like them to be accompanied by an adult.