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=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: dwityk on June 18, 2005, 01:08:00 pm

Title: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: dwityk on June 18, 2005, 01:08:00 pm
I'm in town from NYC for a couple months, and I'm wondering if there are any DJs spinning good indie, electro, 80's alternative, etc.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: HoyaSaxa03 on June 18, 2005, 02:09:00 pm
i've been looking for some kind of comprehensive list of DJ nights going on in the city, but haven't really found anything ... hmmm, a project?
 check out:
 http://www.saint-ex.com/gate54.html (http://www.saint-ex.com/gate54.html)
 http://www.blackcatdc.com/schedule.html (http://www.blackcatdc.com/schedule.html)
 http://www.liberationdanceparty.com (http://www.liberationdanceparty.com)
 http://www.medusapromotions.com/events.htm (http://www.medusapromotions.com/events.htm)
 http://www.wrinkledshirt.com/marxcafe/events.html (http://www.wrinkledshirt.com/marxcafe/events.html)
 i'm sure some of the DJs on here can give you some more hints ...
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: dwityk on June 20, 2005, 08:25:00 am
these looks pretty good. i'll have to check them out. thanks.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 20, 2005, 10:20:00 am
try this party as well
 http://www.bluestatedc.com/ (http://www.bluestatedc.com/)
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: novadancer on June 20, 2005, 12:57:00 pm
Ah, my specialty, hence my handle  :D
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: carolinee on June 20, 2005, 05:55:00 pm
best night of the week is friday in baltimore if you can get a ride @ club sonar.
 www.taxlo.com (http://www.taxlo.com)
 seeing as you are from nyc....if you like trash @ rififis or misshapes @ luke and leroys, taxlo would be right up your alley.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: nomad0186 on June 20, 2005, 05:58:00 pm
going to NYC in a couple weeks; since you're from there, what are the good dance nights in the city?
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: dwityk on June 24, 2005, 06:48:00 pm
Yeah, NYC clubs that are pretty good..
 Misshapes @ Luke and leroy (the best in my opinion)
 Trash @ Rififi
 Mondo @ Seven
 Bust @ Boysroom
 Tiswas @ Don Hills
 Shout @ Bar 13
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: dwityk on June 24, 2005, 06:51:00 pm
and i did the blackcat this past saturday, and it was decent. pretty hefty cover charge though, especially since there weren't that many people there.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Reechard D Taylor on June 24, 2005, 09:49:00 pm
It's not a dance night, but if you're looking for a fun evening out and are into post-punk/indie stuff that's more underground and less obvious pop, I humbly recommend "We Fought the Big One" at the Marx Cafe which is always on the first Friday of every month. My friend Brandon and I spin a lot of choice 4AD, Creation, and Factory stuff, while showcasing a lot of the more interesting newer music that's out. Definitely a night for fans of the shoegaze scene from the early 90s as well as stuff like Wire, The Fall, Joy Division & Gang of Four...
 Next Big One is Friday July 1. There's no cover but ya gotta be 21+ as the alcohol flies fast and furious. Address of the club is 3203 Mt. Pleasant St. (btw, Mt. Pleasant St. is right near the intersection of 16th St. & Columbia so it's not far from Adams Morgan).
 Don't know if anyone on this board knows Colder, but we'll be previewing the new album next Friday which has yet to have a U.S. release date (it does come out in the U.K. next week though). And for those of you that do know Colder and are into the debut album ("Again"), let me just say you will not be disappointed with the new record.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 24, 2005, 10:51:00 pm
I'm surprised nobody mentioned Bliss-Pop, which as far as actual dance nights go, is probably the most fun...  I can't remember the actual link, just Google it...  unlike some of the other ones, like Mousetrap, they're not afraid to get funky, or to introduce new music.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Random Citizen on June 25, 2005, 04:51:00 am
http://www.bliss-pop.com/ (http://www.bliss-pop.com/)
 Agree w/Doctor Doom on this one. The next Bliss party is tonight, plus they do events at DC9 on occasion.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: dwityk on June 25, 2005, 01:18:00 pm
Originally posted by Random Citizen:
  http://www.bliss-pop.com/ (http://www.bliss-pop.com/)
 Agree w/Doctor Doom on this one. The next Bliss party is tonight, plus they do events at DC9 on occasion.
this one sounds pretty great. i'll probably check it out tonight. the site says they're having an annie listening party.. good stuff.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: novadancer on June 27, 2005, 11:43:00 am
ok. I'm sorry, but I really have to respond again. Maybe I'm too old and just don't get "good new" music. But Bliss sucks!  I was at the BC for a friend's b-day, and decided to duck in to check it out. I've tried a variety of other nights (which I mentioned previously).  Over the course of 3 hours I knew about 7 songs (NO, Blur, Bloc Party, Pet Shop Boys is all I can remember on Monday morning)!  Now, I go to a ton of shows at both the 930 and BC and the shows I don't go to, I still usually know atleast a song or two by them.  So, all you hipsters can have Bliss. And I'll continue on my quest for that perfect elusive dj.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: xneverwherex on June 27, 2005, 01:16:00 pm
Originally posted by novadancer:
  ok. I'm sorry, but I really have to respond again. Maybe I'm too old and just don't get "good new" music. But Bliss sucks!  I was at the BC for a friend's b-day, and decided to duck in to check it out. I've tried a variety of other nights (which I mentioned previously).  Over the course of 3 hours I knew about 7 songs (NO, Blur, Bloc Party, Pet Shop Boys is all I can remember on Monday morning)!  Now, I go to a ton of shows at both the 930 and BC and the shows I don't go to, I still usually know atleast a song or two by them.  So, all you hipsters can have Bliss. And I'll continue on my quest for that perfect elusive dj.
i agree completely with the above statement, but will add that you did recognize Gwen Stefani. Great dance   :)  
 i have been getting postcards from Bliss for awhile now, and was surprised with how little i did recognize. but then i went to the website and realized it seems there was a guest DJ spinning a bunch of other stuff.. dancehall/electropop whatever all the different categories are.
 and i really was hoping id be getting whats listed below:
Eastman has been spinning stuff that makes you happy in DC clubs since 1998: obscure pop gems, your favorite britpop and shoegaze artists, and the cream of indiebeats from the U.K., Germany, the U.S. and elsewhere. Expect everything from Saint Etienne to Junior Senior, New Order to Le Tigre, Happy Mondays to the Smiths and the latest, soon-to-be indie dance floor anthems
maybe it means another outing to bliss is in order and if not, ill be on the elusive quest with novadancer to finding the perfect spot. im looking for something similar to "popscene" from SF. if anyone has suggestions, let me know.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Jaguär on June 27, 2005, 10:56:00 pm
Okay, I need to weigh in here. I don't at all get why someone has to know the songs in order to enjoy them. Personally, I prefer a good DJ who plays a mix of both music that I know and a good variety of songs that I'm not familiar with at all. It's my chance to be dazzled with yet more good music that I've managed to miss along the line. I just wish that clubs had those marquee light strips that were programmed to show the artist and song for we total music nerds. Not something that I've ever seen anywhere but a thought that crossed my mind a year or so ago when I didn't see it fit to keep bugging a busy DJ to find out what was playing. It helps sell the music too.
 What I'm really sick to death of is the same old same old or lately what I've been refering to as 'Mainstream Indie'. A typical night at DC9 comes to mind. That's not a reflection on any particular song per se but the shear lack of truely new music or obscure selections throughout the night.
 There are several DJs around town who will mix it up and gear their music mostly towards music that I, personally, really like. Then there are a few who don't really impress me a whole Hell of a lot. The pure DJ nights are the times when I expect to hear the more obscure music while music between band sets should be more versatile in a way that tries to please a whole mix of fans. All just my opinion and take it for what it's worth.
 Happy birthday, xneverwherex!       ;)
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Reechard D Taylor on June 27, 2005, 11:04:00 pm
Good points, Jag! Thanks for taking the time to chime in...
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: MindCage on June 28, 2005, 08:57:00 am
Originally posted by Jaguär:
 I just wish that clubs had those marquee light strips that were programmed to show the artist and song for we total music nerds. Not something that I've ever seen anywhere but a thought that crossed my mind a year or so ago when I didn't see it fit to keep bugging a busy DJ to find out what was playing. It helps sell the music too.
Not that most of you would step foot at Alchemy, but for awhile, there was one of the marquee lights that would display just that! It helped a lot for people who didn't know most of what was being spun, but would rather still enjoy dancing then go bug a DJ to ask "who is this?"
 Of course the marquee was abused and funny/profane statements were put up on it from time to time.
 Mindless Faith (http://www.mindlessfaith.com)
 Deep6 Productions (http://www.deep6.com)
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: kosmo vinyl on June 28, 2005, 09:23:00 am
I like the idea of a system to provide artist and song title info for DJs, which is in part why I post my setlists.  As a DJ it would be cool to get feedback from the unwashed masses, but on the other hand I don't want them buggin' me with requests.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: xneverwherex on June 28, 2005, 12:07:00 pm
Originally posted by Jaguär:
  Okay, I need to weigh in here. I don't at all get why someone has to know the songs in order to enjoy them. Personally, I prefer a good DJ who plays a mix of both music that I know and a good variety of songs that I'm not familiar with at all. It's my chance to be dazzled with yet more good music that I've managed to miss along the line. I just wish that clubs had those marquee light strips that were programmed to show the artist and song for we total music nerds. Not something that I've ever seen anywhere but a thought that crossed my mind a year or so ago when I didn't see it fit to keep bugging a busy DJ to find out what was playing. It helps sell the music too.
 Happy birthday, xneverwherex!        :)  well not sure if the above comment was geared towards me, probably not, but i did want to add. its not necessarily knowing every song, although some would be nice. its just when you go into a club expecting a "certain" type of music, based on emails you receive, mail, etc. and get the exact opposite. I went in hoping to hear "indie" music. When you get Madonna mash-ups and a whole bunch of other dance type stuff, its a bit disappointing to know you wasted your money. at least if i choose to go to a club based on what they play, i hope they are going to play that style of music.
 then again, perhaps its my fault for not realizing there was a guest DJ who doesn't spin all the same stuff that normally is played at bliss. and perhaps this is really the stuff thats played at bliss, and i just clearly dont like it  :)
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 28, 2005, 12:45:00 pm
yikes, why not just stay home and listen to your stereo if you can only handle music you know?
 Heh... I bet one of you wrote this in the Bliss guest book!
  <img src="http://www.bliss-pop.com/images/playmyrequests.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: DJStrange on June 28, 2005, 12:46:00 pm
Originally posted by novadancer:
  I'm thinking that the RR UP, might be in that same vein.  Not to diss saccharine, though. The problem with that is no one ever dances in the times that I've been there. Maybe I go too early, but I've been there for 2 + hrs and nothing. And kudos to Strange, I always love your sets!    :D  
 Thank you for the compliments on the sets. I'll try to keep mixing it up for everyone, and if anyone has any suggestions on how to encourage people to dance more I'd love to hear it. (besides finding a different venue of course, since that is not easy in DC)
 People do dance at Saccharine, but I agree it isn't as often as I would like. In the beginning we used to get a great little dance crowd and Avalanche(even Bags can attest to this) as well as the Depeche Mode Party had some good dance crowds going.
 This is the DM remix of Sea of sin(Sea of Denim)    :cool:  
 DJ Strange
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: novadancer on June 28, 2005, 03:26:00 pm
Sorry Doom.  Never even saw a guest book. And were you there on Saturday???   Or are you just making presumptions.   :D
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: xneverwherex on June 28, 2005, 05:31:00 pm
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
  yikes, why not just stay home and listen to your stereo if you can only handle music you know?
 Heh... I bet one of you wrote this in the Bliss guest book!
   <img src="http://www.bliss-pop.com/images/playmyrequests.jpg" alt=" - " />
YIKES! who mentioned saying anything about only music they know. why not read the message in its entirety. if you went to a club expecting hip-hop or rap, and got some new wave 80's or indie stuff, wouldn't you be a bit pissed off. i went in expecting a certain genre, got something completely different. yeah, danced to it nonetheless. and no i dont have time to write in guestbooks about someone not playing what i wanna hear. i speak with my wallet or attendance. if i dont like it, i just wont go back.
 on that note, Novadancer and i will be in attendance at Smiths night! if i go to morrissey/smiths night and get some gangsta rap, yes i will be pissed and you can all read about it here. but DJ strange plays awesome sets, and it gets me dancing everytime.
 perhaps we'll all share more shots together next time. i have no clue what that green liquid was, but my god it was good!
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Jaguär on June 28, 2005, 11:19:00 pm
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  ...its not necessarily knowing every song, although some would be nice. its just when you go into a club expecting a "certain" type of music, based on emails you receive, mail, etc. and get the exact opposite. I went in hoping to hear "indie" music. When you get Madonna mash-ups and a whole bunch of other dance type stuff, its a bit disappointing to know you wasted your money. at least if i choose to go to a club based on what they play, i hope they are going to play that style of music.
Not so much personal but a general comment stating my opinion. And certainly not in the attack mode towards you at all. In fact, based on how I had interpreted it, I thought that it was a little odd coming from you as I know that you too are another cool music freak.     :D    
 Now that you state your points this way, I'm in full agreement with you. In essence, that's false advertising. At very least, very misleading, to say the least. Not the kind I'd take to court or even demand my money back for but certainly would probably not return or spread good words around town about them.
 Mind Cage, I'm glad to hear that those strips are already being used that way by some DJs. Hopefully, more clubs will put them up and properly utilize them for we obsessives. Just think about all of the times that someone has asked what some song was and no one was able to give a definitive answer. Seems to me that some record label or liquor company could sponsor one with a small and tasteful logo if money is an issue. I'm not sure how that stuff works though.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: DJStrange on June 29, 2005, 08:08:00 am
One other possible place to dance. This is a small restaurant by day and a club on saturday nights. The event is called Midnight. It is booked as a goth/industrial night, but it gets pretty random sometimes depending on the guest DJ and even the mood of the resident DJs. Expect an 80's set at some point during the evening. I've even heard Franz Ferdinand once. This week though they have an awesome guest DJ, DJ Medusa.   :)  
 DJ Strange
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 29, 2005, 10:24:00 am
Originally posted by DJ Strange:
 See people dancing at Zucchabar.     :D    
 DJ Strange
heh...  most of those people look familiar.  ;)
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Herr Professor Doktor Doom on June 29, 2005, 10:41:00 am
Originally posted by Jaguär:
 Now that you state your points this way, I'm in full agreement with you. In essence, that's false advertising. At very least, very misleading, to say the least. Not the kind I'd take to court or even demand my money back for but certainly would probably not return or spread good words around town about them.
This is ridiculous... Bliss is not guilty of false advertising.  They just define "indie" a little more broadly than "music made exclusively by non-funky white people."
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: suede on June 29, 2005, 10:48:00 am
How can no have mentioned Mousetrap, which certainly plays the songs everyone knows and is the most well known and longest DJ night on the scene?  I no longer attend religously anymore, but Mark Z still packs them in at Black Cat mainstage for this.  And its fun to watch all the kids dance.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: Jaguär on June 29, 2005, 11:21:00 pm
Originally posted by Doctor Doom:
Originally posted by Jaguär:
 Now that you state your points this way, I'm in full agreement with you. In essence, that's false advertising. At very least, very misleading, to say the least. Not the kind I'd take to court or even demand my money back for but certainly would probably not return or spread good words around town about them.
This is ridiculous... Bliss is not guilty of false advertising.  They just define "indie" a little more broadly than "music made exclusively by non-funky white people." [/b]
Go back and read xneverwherex's description with the Mondonna crap. For me, it's not a Bliss comment but I'm agreeing with her for the particular night in question. Sounds like it was utter shite, as the British would say. I wasn't there so I can only go by her report. In the past, I've usually liked Will's nights but if he's going to play that kind of music, I'm out of there. I can't handle the Hip Hop, or Rap, or whatever you want to call it either. You can like it all you want and that's fine but it will cause me to leave. It's not what I personally want to hear with my other music. In fact, that's one of the reasons that I'm not too impressed with some of the mixes at DC9. That's my right to have my own taste and I'm sticking with it. I don't have to like it in the very least just because you or someone else does.
Title: Re: Good party nights for dancing in DC?
Post by: xneverwherex on July 08, 2005, 07:10:00 pm
Originally posted by Jaguär:
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
  ...its not necessarily knowing every song, although some would be nice. its just when you go into a club expecting a "certain" type of music, based on emails you receive, mail, etc. and get the exact opposite. I went in hoping to hear "indie" music. When you get Madonna mash-ups and a whole bunch of other dance type stuff, its a bit disappointing to know you wasted your money. at least if i choose to go to a club based on what they play, i hope they are going to play that style of music.
Not so much personal but a general comment stating my opinion. And certainly not in the attack mode towards you at all. In fact, based on how I had interpreted it, I thought that it was a little odd coming from you as I know that you too are another cool music freak.      :)  i like to think im a cool music freak.  :)