930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: thirsty moore on May 20, 2005, 12:13:00 pm
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Netflix Inc., the online DVD rental company, and Wal-Mart Stores Inc. said Thursday they have struck a deal to co-promote DVD sales and rentals, with Wal-Mart shutting down its online rental service to concentrate on DVD sales.
http://money.cnn.com/2005/05/19/technology/personaltech/walmart_netflix.reut/ (http://money.cnn.com/2005/05/19/technology/personaltech/walmart_netflix.reut/)
now, if walmart will just shut down period.
though, i feel it would cripple our economy if it did, seeing how they are bigger than our government now.
After I downloaded "Revenge of the Sith" last night, I read this and thought to myself, how is Netflix ever going to compete with Video on Demand?
i dont like this.
i dont care whos really buying who here, I dont wanna give business to anyone who teams up with them.
I think i will be cancelling soon. I am getting DirecTV this summer anyway. (who have probably already teamed up with WalMart somehow!)
I was considering Netflix but have decided against it due to this partnership.
Originally posted by econo:
I was considering Netflix but have decided against it due to this partnership.
bravo, you probably wont be alone. suppose i should sell my stock too seeing as how it jumped 30 percent!
honestly, this pisses me off. they're such a f(*in disease. they're eating up more and more of our economy. it's disturbing.
i've had netflix since 2001. but it ends here.
you guys are so ridiculous. canceling a netflix subscription because they made a deal with wal-mart!?!? would you have rather seen blockbuster make such a deal and completely obliterate netflix, limiting future dvd rentals to "wholesome family entertainment"? netflix was smart to make this deal. besides, it's a nonexclusive agreement and netflix can do the same with Amazon or whomever in the future. personally, i don't care for wal-mart, or its business practices, but netflix is simply trying to stay competetive with blockbuster, the mafioso of movies. who can blame them really?
Originally posted by chimbly sweep:
honestly, this pisses me off. they're such a f(*in disease. they're eating up more and more of our economy.
Actually, in this case they've conceeded their DVD rental business to Netflix in exchange for Netflix promoting Walmart's DVD sales. One could actually argue that for once the little guy won.
Originally posted by joz:
but netflix is simply trying to stay competetive with blockbuster, the mafioso of movies. who can blame them really?
Wow - somebody else does get it! Cheers Joz.
Originally posted by vansmack:
One could actually argue that for once the little guy won.
one could argue against that point too. I would somewhat agree with both.
Will this promotion affect the range/variety of movies carried?
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
one could argue against that point too. I would somewhat agree with both.
Seeing as how Netflix gave up the sales business years ago, and focuses solely on rentals, I'm not sure how. Getting the largest US Retailer to conceed their online DVD rental business in favor of yours is a victory.
As joz pointed out, if it had been Blockbuster and Wal-Mart that teamed up, this post would be twice as long and twice as "loud" as it would have meant the end for Netflix.
what's not to understand? walmart realized that they cannot compete against netflix and blockbuster, so, they concede to netflix, who just has to say, oh, you can buy this on wal-mart.com. so now it's netflix against blockbuster. to cancel one's netflix subscription because of this? man. . .get off your high horse.
Originally posted by econo:
Will this promotion affect the range/variety of movies carried?
No. Netflix assumes Wal-Mart's DVD Rental subscribers in exchange for promoting Wal-Mart as the place to buy DVDs. It's non-exclusive, so if Wal-Mart doesn't carry a particular DVD, there is nothing to prevent Netflix from referring you to a different online store to buy the DVD. But who uses Netflix to buy DVDs anyway?
This will in no way affect the movies offered by Netflix.
when are you gonna be able to rent porn through netflix? thats the real question i wanna know
Vansmack -- My question, which you answered more or less, was based on the idea of not renting movies due to content. They are guilty of not carrying albums or censoring albums.
This discussion has shown that Netflix may indeed come out on top with this deal. However, I still will not support them. If I can avoid supporting Wal-Mart, I will.
Originally posted by Got Haggis?:
when are you gonna be able to rent porn through netflix? thats the real question i wanna know
SugarDVD.com, and in no way affiliated with Walmart.
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
what's not to understand? walmart realized that they cannot compete against netflix and blockbuster, so, they concede to netflix, who just has to say, oh, you can buy this on wal-mart.com. so now it's netflix against blockbuster. to cancel one's netflix subscription because of this? man. . .get off your high horse.
i dont really see it this way. WalMart and Netflix teamed up, done. no conceding anywhere i dont think. Netflix is no longer "the little guy" so I'll go find the next little guy to support.
I bought stock in Netflix a long time ago, and i have been a customer for over 2 1/2 years, so i am moving on. hows that a high horse?
besides, I have a new house, i dont have time to sit around and watch movies.
Originally posted by econo:
If I can avoid supporting Wal-Mart, I will.
i agree.
i stopped routing for Roger Clemens after he became a Yankee, even though he finally won a World Series. ;)
If you guys want to get upset about something that will really affect you, US Airways and America West announced a merger.
US Airways will be moving it's headquarters from Crystal City to Phoenix.
hey sonick, did you just buy a house?
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
hey sonick, did you just buy a house?
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Originally posted by HoyaParanoia:
hey sonick, did you just buy a house?
no. [/b]
ok, just making sure.
Originally posted by econo:
However, I still will not support them. If I can avoid supporting Wal-Mart, I will.
I understand your points econo, and I know you to be one to do some research. I just wanted to make sure other people were paying attention and not having a knee jerk reaction to this deal.
There is no profit sharing in this deal - it's purely a marketing deal, and if you don't want to support Wal-Mart, don't click the link from Netflix's page to buy the DVD.
Of course, by Netflix making it easier to buy DVD's from Walmart, others will not use the same restraint that you will show, and I know that's what you're getting at.
Originally posted by vansmack:
If you guys want to get upset about something that will really affect you, US Airways and America West announced a merger.
US Airways will be moving it's headquarters from Crystal City to Phoenix.
both of those airlines suck. just get rid of them altogether.
Originally posted by vansmack:
I just wanted to make sure other people were paying attention and not having a knee jerk reaction to this deal.
you talkin bout me, sucka?
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
you talkin bout me, sucka?
Of course not. Now that you're a homeowner, you pay attention to everything!
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
you talkin bout me, sucka?
Of course not. Now that you're a homeowner, you pay attention to everything! [/b]
I'm no lawyer, but i do know how to change a toilet seat now....
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
I'm no lawyer, but i do know how to change a toilet seat now....
How much to come change one at my place?
Originally posted by vansmack:
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
I'm no lawyer, but i do know how to change a toilet seat now....
How much to come change one at my place? [/b]
just bake me a cake, i love cake.
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
Netflix is no longer "the little guy" so I'll go find the next little guy to support.
I think netflix used to direct people to bestbuy.com if they wanted to buy a movie. Didnt that mean they have not been the little guy for a long time. I dropped netflix months ago for other reasons and am now a blockbuster customer, and have no problem with that, netflx could have kept me as a customer if they didnt penalize heavy users of their service
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
i dont really see it this way. WalMart and Netflix teamed up, done. no conceding anywhere i dont think. Netflix is no longer "the little guy" so I'll go find the next little guy to support. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Actually they are cross-promoting. Its different then teaming up a la a merger or shared distribution channels. Renting a movie from netflix will do nothing to increase Wal-Martâ??s bottom line. The logical extension of your argument is that you would not do any business with any company that has any business dealings with Wal-Mart. I would suggest that if you are serious about not supporting Wal-Mart then you could not buy the products of any of the thousands of companies that give Wal-Mart huge purchasing discounts due to the volume that the chain buys. A short list would include just about every clothing, music, movie, electronics, and food products company that does business in this country. Good luck with that boycott. I think you would be better served rereading the news reports for a little more detail before you make such a hasty decision.
Originally posted by general grievous:
netflx could have kept me as a customer if they didnt penalize heavy users of their service
what'd they do? i noticed that the more movies i watched, the slower they seemed to arrive...izzat what you mean?
general grievous I haven't had the chance to compliment you on your screen name change. Well done.
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
what'd they do? i noticed that the more movies i watched, the slower they seemed to arrive...izzat what you mean?
yup, they slow you down if you get a certain amount of movies in a month or over several months, there are lots of websites about it, but not sure if anybody has figured out the actual formula, basically they knock you down on the processing priority list, and if two people want a movie they will give to the person who uses the service less
Originally posted by sonickteam4:
what'd they do? i noticed that the more movies i watched, the slower they seemed to arrive...izzat what you mean?
No, they posted his rental list on the front page one day, exposing his love of Bridget Jones' Diary, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias and talked about how he's had Beaches for 8 months and they want it back.
Originally posted by vansmack:
general grievous I haven't had the chance to compliment you on your screen name change. Well done.
are you saying that because of the theme or have you seen the name of the person who voices general grievous (http://imdb.com/title/tt0121766/fullcredits)
Originally posted by vansmack:
he's had Beaches for 8 months and they want it back.
:eek: HAHAHAHA. everyone at my work is looking at me now...
Originally posted by vansmack:
No, they posted his rental list on the front page one day, exposing his love of Bridget Jones' Diary, Fried Green Tomatoes, Steel Magnolias and talked about how he's had Beaches for 8 months and they want it back.
it wasnt beaches damnit, it was maid in manhattan, and they can never have it back!
Originally posted by general grievous:
are you saying that because of the theme or have you seen the name of the person who voices general grievous (http://imdb.com/title/tt0121766/fullcredits)
I was doing it based on the movie. That is incredible!
I always wanted to be in a SW movie....
I've never used Netflix and I've never shopped at WalMart, but I still want to say "yay for capitalism!!"
Originally posted by vansmack:
I was doing it based on the movie. That is incredible!
I always wanted to be in a SW movie....
I would never have seen it if Miss Markie wasnt such a dork that demands everybody stay until the credits have finished rolling
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
I've never used Netflix and I've never shopped at WalMart, but I still want to say "yay for capitalism!!"
never ever shopped at Wal-Mart??? ever? man, you ARE the hippest of the hip! i havent shopped there since about 1998, but i was guilty of the occasional Wal Mart purchases. never a regular though....i did used to steal stuff from there and return it.
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
I've never used Netflix and I've never shopped at WalMart, but I still want to say "yay for capitalism!!"
ggw buys all of his socks and paper towels from Barneys (http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://www.barneys.com/&e=9707).
Originally posted by Ellis D. Fleischbach:
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
I've never used Netflix and I've never shopped at WalMart, but I still want to say "yay for capitalism!!"
ggw buys all of his socks and paper towels from Barneys (http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://www.barneys.com/&e=9707). [/b]
Any store that sells polo shirts with a Frank Kozik designed logo is alright by me.