930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Ricky0710 on September 03, 2008, 03:55:00 pm
OK, so DC has its share of dance-flavored Brit Pop/alterna/80s retro and electronic thump-thump friendly dance nights. Some might say more than its fair share...
For those interested in attending a non-dance oriented dj night (i.e. a relaxed bar setting) where the focus is alternative/indie but *less commercial* and a bit...left of center for lack of a better phrase, for those that prefer say a Terry Gilliam film to a Hollywood blockbuster...may I humbly suggest "We Fought the Big One" at the Marx Cafe in Mt. Pleasant?
It happens once a month, every first Friday, and it's happening this Friday Sept. 5. It's an evening that celebrates the quirky, the idiosyncratic and more adventurous side of the independent music scene. My dj partner/record collecting whore Brandon and I love a lot of the underground independent music that came out during the '78-'84 heydey of DIY post-punk, and we play a lot of that stuff but we also play a lot of other great, non-conventional music from different eras, including some krautrock, some shoegazey wall of sound stuff and other off-kilter odds and ends.
Oh yeah. And there's Belgian beer. Lots of Belgian beer. Always a winning combination in our view. ;)
Hope to see some of you there. Please come by the dj booth and say hello!
More info:
Friday Sept. 5
"We Fought the Big One"
3203 Mt. Pleasant St. NW
Washington DC
10pm - 3am
www.myspace.com/wefoughtthebigone (http://www.myspace.com/wefoughtthebigone)
Here's our setlist from last month when we were joined by Hyed2Death label founder/DIY post-punk archivist Chuck Warner...
Brandon set #1:
Throbbing Gristle ?? ??Hot on the Heels of Love?
Silicon Soul ?? ??The Fig?
Mark Stewart ?? ??Loner?
Factums ?? ??The Climb?
Hiroshima Rocks Around ?? ??The Matter of Facts?
Certain General ?? ??Holiday of Love?
Chuck Warner set #1:
Bee Vamp ?? ??Valium Girls?
Instant Automatons ?? ??Gillian Is Normal?
Mud Hutters ?? ?
Tiny Town ?? ??Watershed?
Vital Disorders ?? ??(Let??s Talk About) Prams?
Reptile Ranch ?? ??Saying Goodbye?
Storm Bugs ?? ??Tin?
The Fire Engines ?? ??New Thing in Cartons?
The Homosexuals ?? ??Cracked Codes & Manned Research Manual?
Dislocation Dance ?? ??It??s So Difficult?
Performing Ferrets ?? ??The New One?
Rick set #1:
The Flying Lizards ?? ??Sex Machine?
The Slits ?? ??Love Und Romance?
The Mo-dettes ?? ??White Mice?
Swell Maps ?? ??Let??s Build A Car?
Josef K ?? ??Fun N?? Frenzy?
35mm Dreams ?? ??More Than This?
Vacants ?? ??Television Viewer?
The Cravats ?? ??Ice-Cubists?
Pylon ?? ??Cool?
The Lines ?? ??Zoko AM 3?
Vivien Goldman ?? ??Launderette?
Chuck Warner set #2:
Nausea ?? ?
God??s Girls ?? ?
Commercials ?? ??Simon?
The Fakes ?? ??Sylvia Clarke?
Lusty Ghosts ?? ??Breakfast Table?
Hardware ?? ??Rainy Taxi?
Design for Living ?? ?
Brandon set #2:
This Spotting Life ?? ??Point to Point?
B People ?? ??The Worlds the Arrow?
Nothing People ?? ??Suspicious?
Sad Lovers & Giants ?? ??Echoplay?
Rick set #3:
The Raincoats ?? ??Lola?
The Antiques ?? ??Painted Post Road?
Broadcast ?? ??Hammer Without A Master?
Disco Inferno ?? ??The Atheist??s Burden?
The Arms of Someone New ?? ??Hollywood?
Brandon set #3:
Bush Tetras ?? ??Das Ah Riot?
The Pop Group ?? ??We Are Time?
Savage Republic ?? ??Andelusia?
Manikin ?? ??The Sleeper?
The Failures ?? ??DOA?
Cybotron ?? ??Clear?
Abecedarians ?? ??Smiling Monarchs? (demo)