930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: sweetcell on October 02, 2008, 10:37:00 am
anyone else excited for tonight's veep debate? i am, because i'm hoping for one of two interesting outcomes:
1) palin provides the train wreck she's hinted at in interviews, or
2) palin wows everyone, does much better than most suspect she would, and the election is totally blown open.
these are my two "exciting" outcomes, unfortunately chances are we'll get a meddling result instead: both do OK, stick to the script (here's a hint at palin's (http://www.csmonitor.com/2008/1001/p09s01-coop.htm)) and neither does anything to change voters' opinions.
party starts at 9 pm. there are several VP debate drinking games out there: one (http://tech.mit.edu/V128/N43/drinkinggame.html), two (http://slander08.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/the-vice-presidential-debate-drinking-game/), three (http://www.debatedrink.com/images/vpDebateLowres.pdf).
I'm looking forward to it, but can't imagine any real fireworks. If Obama/Biden were behind 5-7 points rather than ahead, then I might expect Biden to come out swinging. But his goal in this is really to just avoid making a mistake.
I'm disappointed about the hoohaw about Ifill's Obama book because it might make her hesitant to follow up on Palin's answers. Plus it will give the Republicans something to scream and cry about if Palin does screw up (though they have so little shame that they'd shriek liberal bias if Barry Goldwater were moderating). They key will be getting Palin off of the talking points that have been drilled into her over the last week. She is great at serving/returning, but the risk for her is in the volley.
Must See TV reincarnated. Oh I can't wait to see the SNL skit of this debate.
I think it's going to be as boring and rehearsed as the first presidential debate.
I'm surprised that there's no financial crisis thread on here, other than the jokey songlist thread. What happened to ggw? He'd have something to say about the crisis.
Sadly, I agree.
GGW's off eating boomers somewhere. ;)
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
I think it's going to be as boring and rehearsed as the first presidential debate.
I'm surprised that there's no financial crisis thread on here, other than the jokey songlist thread. What happened to ggw? He'd have something to say about the crisis.
sweetie - palinbingo.com
As much as I'd love to see some real fireworks, I agree it probably won't happen.
The bar has been set so low for Palin (which I'm beginning to think is a very shrewd move by her people) that it will be hard for her to fail. She'll toss out a few zingers against Obama/Biden (a la "you're no Jack Kennedy") and as long as she finds Iraq on a map she'll be declared the winner.
I think it's going to be as boring and rehearsed as the first presidential debate.
Worse- pres debate was 2 mins statement each plus 5 mins discuss on each topic, veep is only 90 sec plus 2 mins, so no time for any more than a quick talking pt recitation, this was demanded by the Repugnicans
I hope she can recite this in 90 seconds???
"I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps, and, uh, I believe that our education like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq everywhere like, such as and I believe that they should, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., er, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children, man i'm tired."
After all is said and done with this whole thing, and Obama is president and she is still ruling alaska, I bet the thing Sara Palin enjoys reflecting upon most is the awesomeness of getting to meet Bono.
Regardless of what happens / doesn't happen I'm PSYCHED to watch tonight!!
http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/adg/836109998.html (http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/adg/836109998.html)
No anal? That's barely worth it :(
I'm not going to underestimate Palin's ability to rise to the occasion. Like her soulmate GWB, who for all his faults, threw that strike at Yankee Stadium when throwing out the first pitch after 9/11. How does someone seemingly so average rise to the top? By consistently rising to key occasions. That said, her schtick feels like nails on a chalkboard to me and I'm pretty sure that feeling will only be accentuated tonight.
On the other hand, it seems like Biden can't help but screw up when speaking in public. I expect a few ridiculous soundbites with legs (like Gore's lo-ock-bo-ox) from him. But if he can take a measured focused approach . . . good on him.
I just hope the moderator consistently asks each of them follow-up questions and doesn't let empty rhetorical answers hang in the air.
i hope Ifill is wearing an Obama shirt!
<img src="http://punditkitchen.files.wordpress.com/2008/10/political-pictures-sarah-palin-palindrome-forward-backward.jpg" alt=" - " />
(personally, based on her robotic repetition of canned answers, i would have went with "Palindrone"...)
Palin Bingo cards for tonight:
http://palinbingo.com/ (http://palinbingo.com/)
so far, i'll say that palin is looking pretty solid!
Originally posted by sweetcell:
there are several VP debate drinking games out there: one (http://tech.mit.edu/V128/N43/drinkinggame.html), two (http://slander08.wordpress.com/2008/09/30/the-vice-presidential-debate-drinking-game/), three (http://www.debatedrink.com/images/vpDebateLowres.pdf).
dammit, i can't drink fast enough.
9:14 - biden goes on his first offensive... careful there, joey.
Biden's being fucking merciless.
Has Caribou Barbie answered one question directly (yes/no answers notwithstanding) yet?
I don't think she has.
9:27 - palin: "the toxic mess on main street that is affecting wall street"... her first gaffe, as far as i can tell. to be fair, biden has stuttered a few times thus far.
azaghal: i'm not sure he's being *merciless*... so far, relatively civilized by my reading. palin is being admirably restrained, to her credit.
OH, CLIMATE CHANGE!!! this is going to be interesting.
she changed the topic twice...so far.
9:36 - palin goes fundy
For some reason, I didn't think he'd be confrontational at all.
it's definitely a risky move. her strength is her homeliness and mom-next-door familiarity. nobody wants to see their nice neighbor being attacked.
WHITE FLAG OF SURRENDER!!! gloves are thrown down.
"Secretary Rice recently met with one side or the other there..."
dude. you're splitting hairs. you need to think in terms of generalities.
OK< I'VE HAD ENOUGH. i promised myself that i wouldn't comment on this, but it's gotten the best of me... it's new-klee-are. not nuke-YOU-lr.
10:01 - did biden just say "bosniaks"?!? (instead of bosnians)... i could be wrong here, but sure sounded funny.
and ah-mah-dee-na-zahd
Point taken.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
dude. you're splitting hairs. you need to think in terms of generalities.
OK< I'VE HAD ENOUGH. i promised myself that i wouldn't comment on this, but it's gotten the best of me... it's new-klee-are. not nuke-YOU-lr.
Yes he did.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
10:01 - did biden just say "bosniaks"?!? (instead of bosnians)... i could be wrong here, but sure sounded funny.
10:13 - had i made this bet, i would have lost it... palin got the biggest zinger!!!
edit: 10:21, sweetcell runs out of alcohol. only had enough for so many declarations of "maverick".
Good Lord Miss Agnes, my satellite isn't working. Does anyone know where I could find this streaming?
try http://www.cnn.com/live/ (http://www.cnn.com/live/) or http://www.pbs.org (http://www.pbs.org) or http://www.myspace.com/mydebates (http://www.myspace.com/mydebates)
thanks, I finally got cnn to work...was having issues. But I missed all the fun.
Katie Couric is FUNNY! She mentioned about Palin's use of soccer moms, darn right, etc...ROFLOL.
so what's the verdict? Did Biden skull drag the "cunt"?
I think that it was great that Biden brought up the maverick bullshit.
i thnk you just lost
How did Ifill let her dance around so many questions and rant aimlessly, not even attempting to answer others without once saying "answer the question"?
Biden was so good!
Tina Fey did so good tonite.
Originally posted by manimtired:
i thnk you just lost
So what position is Dirk Nowitzki going to have on the McCain/Palin team?
I like Tina Fey's Sarah Palin better than Sarah Palin's Sarah Palin.
Originally posted by Samantha:
I like Tina Fey's Sarah Palin better than Sarah Palin's Sarah Palin.
Me too.
i think both candidates did well, but given how low the bar was set for palin i might have to give a slight edge to her. the CNN instant poll gives a 51%-36% edge to biden.
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
How did Ifill let her dance around so many questions and rant aimlessly, not even attempting to answer others without once saying "answer the question"?
because of her book, i feel her hands were tied - in both directions. i suspect she was keenly aware of the eggshells she was walking on.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
Tina Fey did so good tonite.
runner-up for POTW.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
10:01 - did biden just say "bosniaks"?!? (instead of bosnians)... i could be wrong here, but sure sounded funny.
Bosniak is actually a correct term -- it describes Bosnian Muslims (as opposed to Bosnian Serbs or Croats).
indeed, i stand corrected (or maybe "updated" is better... i did say i could be wrong).
so, who "won"? who helped their party the most? i don't share CNN's poll's rosy outlook on biden's performance. he did fine, but i wouldn't give him anything near a victory.
i think biden won by being able to go after mccain and defending obama against palin's fact stretching... i think they both helped their parties, but biden will probably sway some undecided voters... and does palin really think america is going to want her to pull a cheney if she were vp?
Biden came across very well, and in a sense I suppose he won.
I was glad to see Biden go strongly after Palin's ridiculous "maverick" talk. There needs to be a lot more of that.
The downside is that Palin's ratings were falling precipitously over the last few days, as she was ever more widely regarded as a joke. She held her own in the debate, so unfortunately I think some people will reevaluate their reevaluation of her.
The aw-shucks manner she displayed is offensive to anyone of intelligence, but it will go over well with those who are not bright enough to recognize that leading a country requires some depth and intelligence. It worked well for Reagan after all.
Biden did great. Very impressed. He talked specifics and his answers were seasoned, reasoned and logical. He came across as a nice and caring man.
Obviously, with Obama up 6 points in the national polls they told him "DONT FUCK IT UP PLAY IT COOL!" and thats what he did...There is no "Did Edwards just bring up Cheney's lesbian daughter" moment here...
my mini-conspiracy theory: the whole palin-effing-up-interviews thing was a set-up. she only had one debate to impress TV viewers, so she deliberately presented herself as incompetent beforehand in order to lower expectations for the debate. she did just fine, as one would otherwise expect, and her performance was notable only because people were expecting her to eff up. to that extent, she succeeded.
its not that she f-ed up the other interviews - the problem is couric asked the same question repeatedly so she would answer it which we know she couldnt (wouldnt). i mean really, maverick, does it matter what i say, maverick - yup yup Charlie.
the difference here was she never answered a damn question with an answer that went with the said question. if she actually had to answer a question that was asked - it would have been more of the same.
so naturally she did fine. she played to her core audience of being cute and pretty and acting like most of us are idiot americans (to which a good chunk of us are hence another 4 years of W). a friend who has been working far too much saw her speak for the first time tonight. he was beyond horrified.
it was definitely an active high energy affair. both were sharp and effective. Palin was able to display great ring generalship, seizing the initiative, and got away with laying out talking points in lieu of answering a lot of questions. She seemed to be able to steer any question to how Alaska is ready to help us down here craving that energy and hungering for that oil if those people in Washington would let them cut taxes and create jobs, or something. Biden did a good job counterpunching. I think he scored a late knockdown when he addressed the idea that McCain isn't a Maverick on anything important to the American people. I thought that gets to the heart of Palin's tactics - she paints a pretty, positive picture and says stuff like John McCain is a maverick . . . but is there meaningful truth behind the words? is there evidence? evidence that they would distinguish themselves from the Bush years despite being ideologically aligned with Bush? i did not hear it from her . . . just pretty pictures.
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
a friend who has been working far too much saw her speak for the first time tonight. he was beyond horrified.
I had never heard her speak before either and I was pretty horrified. Did she really endearingly refer to the average american as "Joe 6 pack".
Originally posted by Itouchmyself:
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
a friend who has been working far too much saw her speak for the first time tonight. he was beyond horrified.
I had never heard her speak before either and I was pretty horrified. Did she really endearingly refer to the average american as "Joe 6 pack". [/b]
Maybe she was referring to people with 6 Pack Abs.
There was something creepy about her talking about how nuclear weapons would be bad for that part of the world that was wiped out (I forget the exact quote) and then about American Grandparents telling their Grandkids about what Freedom was like. Where did that come from? She also used the "they hate us because of our freedom" line. It was lowest common demonator fearmongering all pretty with a bow.
i think you meant "with lipstick" :p
Originally posted by Itouchmyself:
Originally posted by xneverwherex:
a friend who has been working far too much saw her speak for the first time tonight. he was beyond horrified.
I had never heard her speak before either and I was pretty horrified. Did she really endearingly refer to the average american as "Joe 6 pack". [/b]
You're darn-tootin right she did!
Glen Beck?
http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/01/beck.future/index.html (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/01/beck.future/index.html)
Originally posted by Mobius:
There was something creepy about her talking about how nuclear weapons would be bad for that part of the world that was wiped out (I forget the exact quote) and then about American Grandparents telling their Grandkids about what Freedom was like. Where did that come from?
Originally posted by Mobius:
There was something creepy about her talking about how nuclear weapons would be bad for that part of the world that was wiped out (I forget the exact quote) and then about American Grandparents telling their Grandkids about what Freedom was like. Where did that come from? She also used the "they hate us because of our freedom" line. It was lowest common demonator fearmongering all pretty with a bow. [/b]
No shit...do people in this country really feel as though their freedoms are threatened by foreign foes?
Funny, seeing as the only thing that has really been threatening our freedoms is the Bush administration and its assault on civil liberties
There were times when Palin talked like a mom might talk to her children telling them a story, with widening eyes and voice of excitement. And to her supporters -- adult children -- that was probably the right tone.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
There were times when Palin talked like a mom might talk to her children telling them a story, with widening eyes and voice of excitement. And to her supporters -- adult children -- that was probably the right tone.
Agreed. The people who she was directing all that patronizing to probably liked it although it made most people who are grounded in reality sick to their stomachs.
so the wife and i played Palin bingo, cause she doesnt drink on weeknights. I won on one of the cards, 2 ways. and when i drew a line through them, it was an upside down cross....just saying.
this debate was better than the McCain/Obama one. I think Biden did great, i think he made better points than Palin and definitely sounded more sure of his answers and his record. Palin sounded repetitive (and if you can sound repetitive when Biden is in nthe room, thats doing something) and while she didnt screw up, she didnt say much noteworthy.
One last note, is that I dont see how her being a condescending smarmy bitch who makes left handed compliments and winks at the camera all the time will really win her any points in the grand scheme of things.
Biden seems more like your crazy uncle who bought you and your friends beer before you were old enough.
I thought Biden was great and (were it not for a few other problems in the past) probably would've made for an excellent President. The way he answered questions made it obvious that he has a thorough understanding of the issues. Palin looked like she was just regurgitating facts on a final exam in college.
My only wish is that he could've realized about halfway through that she wasn't going to fall apart up there and really start in on the attacks. When she talked about the "white flag of surrender" was a perfect opportunity for him.
My biggest "oh snap" moment was when he called out Cheney.
can someone post the picture of the morbidly obese dude in the "palin is a cunt" tshirt. it feels appropriate at this time.
id call it a draw
The problem is, too many people who watched this thing didn't listen to it. They saw the cute "hockey mom gee wilickers!" VP candidate and decided they liked her because she's cute! she winks! she just wants to git'er done! So much of what she said was utter nonsense, but people will always prefer folksy declarations over hard facts and policies. Which is why Bush got elected and then re-elected.
I still think Obama will win but it drives me batty to think that people will think she's got substance simply - and only - because she can shamelessly talk with confidence but without any connection to truth or reality. One minute she'd talk about getting government off our backs, and then immediately talk about how we need government intervention to stop those greedy wall street villains. I mean, it's staggering that people would see her as a credible national leader, but they do because she's pretty and she speaks with a twinkle in her eye. That's it.
Originally posted by manimtired:
can someone post the picture of the morbidly obese dude in the "palin is a cunt" tshirt. it feels appropriate at this time.
He doesn't look morbidly obese. (http://www.zimbio.com/member/msbeatnik/articles/2541690/Sarah+Palin+Is+a+Cunt)
Originally posted by nkotb:
http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/adg/836109998.html (http://losangeles.craigslist.org/sfv/adg/836109998.html)
No anal? That's barely worth it :(
"Drill, Baby, Drill"
Originally posted by Shemp:
Originally posted by manimtired:
can someone post the picture of the morbidly obese dude in the "palin is a cunt" tshirt. it feels appropriate at this time.
He doesn't look morbidly obese. (http://www.zimbio.com/member/msbeatnik/articles/2541690/Sarah+Palin+Is+a+Cunt) [/b]
not the philly hardcore dude/hipster...the fat black dude. lol.
Originally posted by Relaxer:
The problem is, too many people who watched this thing didn't listen to it. They saw the cute "hockey mom gee wilickers!" VP candidate and decided they liked her because she's cute! she winks! she just wants to git'er done! So much of what she said was utter nonsense, but people will always prefer folksy declarations over hard facts and policies. Which is why Bush got elected and then re-elected.
I still think Obama will win but it drives me batty to think that people will think she's got substance simply - and only - because she can shamelessly talk with confidence but without any connection to truth or reality. One minute she'd talk about getting government off our backs, and then immediately talk about how we need government intervention to stop those greedy wall street villains. I mean, it's staggering that people would see her as a credible national leader, but they do because she's pretty and she speaks with a twinkle in her eye. That's it.
hope/change/yes we can
i cant believe she name dropped Joe Liebermann.
Originally posted by manimtired:
hope/change/yes we can [/b]
hes not a maverick anymore...he IS george w. bush. that maverick stuff is so 2006.
try 2000
You are a paragon of thoughtfulness and consistency. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter and volunteer for your militia.
and you are whiney. really whiney.
He lost his last shred of maverick cred when he figuratively (and maybe literally?) sucked Jerry Falwell's dick in an attempt to gain the support of Falwell's minions.
the political "debate" of last night was really oreilly (gasp!) vs barney frank. ouch.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU)
no, it was Biden vs. Tina Fey.
Originally posted by manimtired:
the political "debate" of last night was really oreilly (gasp!) vs barney frank. ouch.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU)
hahahahahahah...the tina fey joke. it keeps getting better!!!
Originally posted by manimtired:
and you are whiney. really whiney.
oooh, bringin out the big guns so early in the morning??
Did O'Reilly yell and scream while Frank was trying to answer his questions, shut Frank's mic off or call him "pal!" at any point?
Originally posted by manimtired:
the political "debate" of last night was really oreilly (gasp!) vs barney frank. ouch.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrfPMa3lONU)
Your thoughts on this?
Republicans Against Maverick McCain:
http://republicansagainstmaverickmccain.com/our_mission.php (http://republicansagainstmaverickmccain.com/our_mission.php)
We will vote in the November 4, 2008 election for all Republican candidates except for the Office of the President, which will be left blank or filled in with a write-in candidate as determined by each voter.
Originally posted by manimtired:
hahahahahahah...the tina fey joke. it keeps getting better!!!
wow..google's a great tool.
http://democrats-against-obama.org/ (http://democrats-against-obama.org/)
and oreilly made frank look like a fool while frank lisped about how nothing was his fault.
Made by bitter Hillary supporters. Duh.
Originally posted by manimtired:
wow..google's a great tool.
http://democrats-against-obama.org/ (http://democrats-against-obama.org/)
and oreilly made frank look like a fool while frank lisped about how nothing was his fault.
Watching now...Ahh yes...the yelling and screaming as Frank tries to talk. Same as every other O'Reilly interview I've heard.
"You're a coward!" Really? How professional.
Don't get me wrong; I don't think Frank is very qualified to chair any committee but treat your guests in a civilized manner, you fucking overpaid worthless hack.
Biden is going to make a great VP.. (fingers crossed)
overpaid? he has the highest rated show on cable news.
was it as professional as frank calling him "stupid" and "dumb"...
frank got called out hard and he couldnt lisp his way out of it like he normally does.
Originally posted by Mobius:
That said, her schtick feels like nails on a chalkboard to me and I'm pretty sure that feeling will only be accentuated tonight.
I didn't think Ifill was a very smooth communicator. She seemed to trip over words/questions - sorta annoying.
Did anyone else hear Palin say "O'Biden" and later, "The Talibani"?
I did get the nails on chalkboard feeling when I realized her communication style reminds me of a PBS telethon or Home Shopping Network spokesperson.
Biden did fine. But, darn right I'm all about the facts type of gal, yah, you betcha.;P
Talabani was actually accurate. He's the current Kurdish president of Iraq.
larry flynt is going to do a sarah palin (look alike) porn. he's casting through craigslist right now.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
but given how low the bar was set for palin i might have to give a slight edge to her.
This view frustrates me. She "won" the debate because she didn't gaff, fall over, or start giggling? :roll:
so i missed the debate since i was at practice, but i dvr'd to watch tonight .. in the meantime.
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3091/2909496470_d751e8a3dc.jpg?v=0" alt=" - " />
hope -> change -> mccain is bush-> thats not the "insert name of racist pastor/weather underground member" i knew"->yes we can.
other than lame attempts at snarkiness, manimtired has said NOTHING substantial - minions take after the leaders. c'mon buddy, i know you can do better.
Originally posted by Greer Zoller:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
but given how low the bar was set for palin i might have to give a slight edge to her.
This view frustrates me. She "won" the debate because she didn't gaff, fall over, or start giggling? :roll: [/b]
to be clear, she gets my "most exceeded expectations" award. by putting in an ok performance, people are saying "huh, not bad". biden putting in a strong performance = met expectations. relatively, palin did better. absolutely, biden did.
i thought my post was directly related to the one above it. again..context sweetcell.
Associations with Gambling industry lobbiests and Charles Keating outweighs the NeoCon BULLSHIT about Obama's associations with a fiery preacher and the former weather underground member.
isn't interesting that McCain has figured in two major banking and financial crises and scandals during his "maverick" years.
I see what you're saying, but couldn't you have mocked up a nice graphic for it? I mean, you're joke was completely linear. At least Miss P's chart has some thought and complexity. :D
Originally posted by manimtired:
i thought my post was directly related to the one above it. again..context sweetcell.
how is it BULLSHIT?
and i realize my flow chart was not nearly on par with the other one :(
i also like the use of "fiery" and "former"...LOL
moment of the debate, when Biden started on his "Look, the maverick -- let's talk about the maverick" speech.
after it was over i was inclined to stand up and say, Joe "Iceman" Biden just shot down the Maverick.
subsequently, my new nickname for Fey..i mean, Palin, is Goose.
this would also mean youre a huge dork.
what about the "palin had her hair down for the first time in months, just for the debate . . . thereby perhaps hiding an earpiece"? wasn't it proven that bush had one last time?
oh god.....
Palin's former witch doctor preacher makes Wright look like MLK.
Doubt she had an earpiece. She definitely didn't sound like she did. Someone feeding her lines would have at least tried to get her to answer the questions.
Dirk is my favorite Maverick.
Originally posted by very sonick:
moment of the debate, when Biden started on his "Look, the maverick -- let's talk about the maverick" speech.
after it was over i was inclined to stand up and say, Joe "Iceman" Biden just shot down the Maverick.
subsequently, my new nickname for Fey..i mean, Palin, is Goose.
Originally posted by walkonby:
what about the "palin had her hair down for the first time in months, just for the debate . . . thereby perhaps hiding an earpiece"? wasn't it proven that bush had one last time?
whoever says that must be blind (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/10/02/sot.vp.debate.pt2.cnn). plenty of other criticisms to be made, ear-piece ain't one of them.
My favorite moments:
- when Palin admitted that she'd "only been at this 5 weeks". If I were on the Dem campaign, I would put that in every ad from now on.
- when Biden gave everyone a civics lesson by reaffirming that the Vice President is, in fact, part of the executive branch. And that the current VP is a nightmare.
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by walkonby:
what about the "palin had her hair down for the first time in months, just for the debate . . . thereby perhaps hiding an earpiece"? wasn't it proven that bush had one last time?
whoever says that must be blind (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/10/02/sot.vp.debate.pt2.cnn). plenty of other criticisms to be made, ear-piece ain't one of them. [/b]
http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/ (http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/)
Details Of The Sarah Palin Spoof Adult Video
Posted by: Susannah Breslin | Filed in: Sex
8:15PM, Thursday October 02nd 2008
Word leaked earlier that Larry Flynt's Hustler Video is making an X-rated movie inspired by Republican Vice President nominee Sarah Palin. The title of the pornographic homage to the governor of Alaska is "Nailin' Paylin." Contrary to earlier reports, the movie is in pre-production. One Jerry T. is set to direct, and porn star Lisa Ann will be taking on the role of Palin--er, "Paylin." According to HUSTLER, "Nailin' Paylin" is a "naughty adventure to the wild side of that sexy Alaska governor," featuring "girl-on-girl lovin'," "nailing the Russians, who come knocking on her back-door," and a younger Palin getting seduced by her creationist college professor who "will explain a 'big bang' theory even she can't deny!" Also included: a three-way hardcore sex scene starring porn stars as Palin/Paylin, Hillary Clinton, and Condoleezza Rice. Of course, no political porn satire would be complete without a salute to Fox News--a Bill O'Reilly stand-in will announce the movie's multiple sex scandals as they unfold. "Nailin' Paylin" will be released just in time for the November elections, natch.
Originally posted by walkonby:
larry flynt is going to do a sarah palin (look alike) porn. he's casting through craigslist right now.
If the Palin's had stuck to back door lovin', neither mom nor daughter would have been premaritally pregnant.
Who would you guys rather sleep with, Palin or Hillary?
Originally posted by walkonby:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by walkonby:
what about the "palin had her hair down for the first time in months, just for the debate . . . thereby perhaps hiding an earpiece"? wasn't it proven that bush had one last time?
whoever says that must be blind (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/10/02/sot.vp.debate.pt2.cnn). plenty of other criticisms to be made, ear-piece ain't one of them. [/b]
http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/ (http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/) [/b]
are you being serious?
I don't think its the kind of "back door lovin'" you're thinking about...the original Craigs List ad specified that there was no anal required.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
If the Palin's had stuck to back door lovin', neither mom nor daughter would have been premaritally pregnant.
Who would you guys rather sleep with, Palin or Hillary?
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
Who would you guys rather sleep with, Palin or Hillary?
that's not a serious question, is it? not even close. palin is relatively attractive, clinton is a beast. no contest. but in terms of which one i'd want as an elected official, landslide goes the opposite way. maybe that makes me a whore, but i have no problems having sex with someone whose ideas i don't respect (or if it's going to be a one-nighter, someone i don't respect at all). having the opportunity to actually do so, however, has been rather elusive so this is all theoretical :p
None of the above.
The thought of having sex with someone who's voice sounds like that of the mom from that show Bobby's world isn't exactly appealing.
Maybe if she were gagged?
neither. pussy tastes like lysol i heard.
Maybe that'll be in Flynt's movie?
Originally posted by azaghal1981:
Maybe if she were gagged?
Originally posted by manimtired:
how is it BULLSHIT?
Sorry the correct term is HORSESHIT...
Because it's typical NeoCon soundbite polictics, with a healthy dose of fear mongering... let's not talk about the issues at hand but hammer away at single soundbite from a preacher and carry about past associations...
Ok, then for you, you get a choice of Joe Biden or John McCain.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
neither. pussy tastes like lysol i heard.
And a question for the straight guys...
Would you go gay for Barack Obama?
yes attending a church for 20 years is horseshit
I'd hit it with Joe Biden's son.
Originally posted by Charlie Nakatestes,Japanese Golfer:
Ok, then for you, you get a choice of Joe Biden or John McCain.
Originally posted by wanderlust j. marshmallow:
neither. pussy tastes like lysol i heard.
Originally posted by manimtired:
yes attending a church for 20 years is horseshit
oh, yer livin in the past there, 'tired
if you dont think this is going to come back over the course of this month youz b crazy.
I'll pose two questions about the debate and the subsequent analysis:
1) If Sarah Palin were a man, would her performance be judged as favorably?
2) If Barack Obama had used African American colloquialisms in any speech the way that Sarah Palin used small town colloquialisms, how would people have reacted?
didnt obama already "get dat dirt off his sholda" at a speech?
http://www.zazzle.com/id_rather_be_nailin_palin_than_ridin_biden_shirt-235960965807199451 (http://www.zazzle.com/id_rather_be_nailin_palin_than_ridin_biden_shirt-235960965807199451)
Originally posted by callat703:
I'll pose two questions about the debate and the subsequent analysis:
1) If Sarah Palin were a man, would her performance be judged as favorably?
2) If Barack Obama had used African American colloquialisms in any speech the way that Sarah Palin used small town colloquialisms, how would people have reacted?
1) i don't see her gender having a role in her post-debate evaluation. quayle proved, in a slightly different way, that men can appear feeble-minded or ditzy too. i believe that her performance last night was judged favorably because it was so much better than her past TV appearances. the fact that she's a woman didn't figure in my evaluation, i don't know what it means for others tho.
2) over-all, i think people would react negatively and it would definitely be to obama's detriment. it might attracted african americans, who are largely already backing him; and alientated some non-blacks. i believe that more people can relate to "oh sure you betcha" than to ebonics. small-towness is nowhere comparable to racial issues.
Originally posted by manimtired:
Originally posted by walkonby:
Originally posted by sweetcell:
Originally posted by walkonby:
what about the "palin had her hair down for the first time in months, just for the debate . . . thereby perhaps hiding an earpiece"? wasn't it proven that bush had one last time?
whoever says that must be blind (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/politics/2008/10/02/sot.vp.debate.pt2.cnn). plenty of other criticisms to be made, ear-piece ain't one of them. [/b]
http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/ (http://www.gsmspyearpiece.com/) [/b]
are you being serious? [/b]
<img src="http://images.salon.com/news/feature/2004/10/29/bulge/story.jpg" alt=" - " />
why . . . nobody would dare commit such an act.
ya too bad that was never proven
Originally posted by manimtired:
ya too bad that was never proven
just like every statement you've ever tried to make on this board!
I've always been partial to the "Ford Maverick" myself.....
<img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/9/94/Maverick_movie.jpg/200px-Maverick_movie.jpg" alt=" - " />
Anybody know a place where I can place a big fat bet that Sarah Palin goes to work for Fox News after McCain/Palin lose and she's defeated in her reelection bid in Alaska?
Originally posted by very sonick:
Originally posted by manimtired:
ya too bad that was never proven
just like every statement you've ever tried to make on this board! [/b][/QUOTE
u got me. zing.
and somebody made the comment today, that it seems that when palin was strutting her "look at me and have sympathy" baby around, like at the convention, it seems to always be drugged up. you are going to tell me that a baby, especially one with down syndrome (who are ten times more than likely to be a cutey, squirmy worm) around all that noise for that long, is just going to sit there motionless as if dead?
ok..palin used an ear piece and she's drugging up her baby with down syndrome for sympathy.
seems right.
Originally posted by callat703:
Anybody know a place where I can place a big fat bet that Sarah Palin goes to work for Fox News after McCain/Palin lose and she's defeated in her reelection bid in Alaska?
Why would she lose her reelection bid in Alaska?
Originally posted by manimtired:
ok..palin used an ear piece and she's drugging up her baby with down syndrome for sympathy.
seems right.
now that's a lifetime movie of the week if i ever heard one.
Originally posted by Mobius:
Originally posted by callat703:
Anybody know a place where I can place a big fat bet that Sarah Palin goes to work for Fox News after McCain/Palin lose and she's defeated in her reelection bid in Alaska?
Why would she lose her reelection bid in Alaska? [/b]
Her poll numbers in Alaska are already sinking like a stone. She was at 80+ when McCain chose her, and now she's sitting in the 60s. The more people learn about her, the less they like her.
http://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/story/542179.html (http://www.adn.com/sarah-palin/story/542179.html)
I think you'll see her confronted with a strong challenger in her next bid for governor who will use her vice presidential campaign against her.
Originally posted by callat703:
Her poll numbers in Alaska are already sinking like a stone. She was at 80+ when McCain chose her, and now she's sitting in the 60s. The more people learn about her, the less they like her.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan by a longshot, but to think that a Republican governor with an approval rating in the mid-60's in a state that's reliably red and has brought the only notable (non-scandal) national attention ever by a politician in her state is in serious jeopardy of losing in a re-election bid is asinine. Some of you people would lick your own ass if Obama told you it was candy, I swear.
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by callat703:
Her poll numbers in Alaska are already sinking like a stone. She was at 80+ when McCain chose her, and now she's sitting in the 60s. The more people learn about her, the less they like her.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan by a longshot, but to think that a Republican governor with an approval rating in the mid-60's in a state that's reliably red and has brought the only notable (non-scandal) national attention ever by a politician in her state is in serious jeopardy of losing in a re-election bid is asinine. Some of you people would lick your own ass if Obama told you it was candy, I swear. [/b]
We'll see. A 14 point drop in five weeks is dramatic, and she'll have to weather two more years in office before she's up for reelection again.
Governors in Alaska can only serve two consecutive terms, and only two Alaskan governors have been reelected in their history - so it would seem like Alaskans tend not to reelect their governors, opting for change instead. Do some research before you mud sling.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_of_Alaska (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Governor_of_Alaska)
But having an ass made out of candy would be SWEET!
UPDATE: also worth noting - Alaska has had 5 terms of GOP governors, 7 terms of Democratic governors, and 1 governor was a member of the Alaskan Independence Party. Reliably red, huh?
if my ass were candy and could be licked, how many licks would it take . . .
Oh, and I didn't even mention that pesky ethics investigation that she's refusing to cooperate with...
Originally posted by callat703:
Oh, and I didn't even mention that pesky ethics investigation that she's refusing to cooperate with...
she must have thought the word was ethnic, and thought they were suggesting her daughter was knocked up by one of "those colored people." she and diddy know they don't have black people in that frozen wastleland, so is refusing to entertain the thought.
I couldn't lick my own ass no matter who told me it was made out of what!
<img src="http://www.solarnavigator.net/films_movies_actors/actors_films_images/top_gun_maverick_tom_cruise_suited.jpg" alt=" - " />
Originally posted by Tom Servo:
- when Biden gave everyone a civics lesson by reaffirming that the Vice President is, in fact, part of the executive branch. And that the current VP is a nightmare.
not necessarily true. . .
from instapundit:
"And, yes, the VP's legislative duties are in Article I. But that cuts precisely against the point that Biden was trying to make. Here's what Biden said: "Vice President Cheney has been the most dangerous vice president we've had probably in American history. The idea he doesn't realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States, that's the Executive Branch. He works in the Executive Branch. He should understand that. Everyone should understand that. . . . The only authority the vice president has from the legislative standpoint is the vote, only when there is a tie vote. He has no authority relative to the Congress. The idea he's part of the Legislative Branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive and look where it has gotten us. It has been very dangerous." This is wong on multiple levels at once. Article I -- which deals with the legislative, not the Executive branch, says: "The Vice President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no Vote, unless they be equally divided." The Vice President presides over the Senate by right, whenever he/she wants to, regardless of whether there's a tie vote.
What's more, Vice Presidents, until Spiro Agnew, got their offices and budgets from the Senate, not the Executive Branch. The legislative character of that office is traditional -- treating the VP as part of the Executive Branch, and a sort of junior co-President, is a recent and, to my mind, unwise innovation. That's discussed at more length in this (http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1029363) article from the Northwestern University Law Review."
now, there are two points to be made here- 1) whether or not cheney maliciously chose one branch over another at his convenience, which is not the point of this posting, but rather, 2) which branch the VP most appropriately belongs to, and that can be read as being part of the legislative branch. the constitution lays out three things for the VP and that's to be president of the senate, cast any tie-breaking votes in the senate and succeed the president should the president die in office, in other words, two legislative responsibilities. in this case, biden has his constitution wrong. again, i'm not arguing as to the merits of cheney as a VP, but as to biden's (mis)understanding of the role of the VP as layed out in the Constitution.
and no, i have no desire to get dragged back into a pissing contest on this stuff.
Well, after watching last nights love fest I have to ask myself the question "do I want to vote for the ticket with the inexperienced one as 'el pres or the ticket with the inexperienced one as veep?"
I would've liked a Biden/Clinton ticket personally, but I'm just a crazy cat
Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
and no, i have no desire to get dragged back into a pissing contest on this stuff.
oh so you want to just make your point and leave?
wait, that wasnt even your point.
That's interesting, the notion of an earpiece. I hadn't thought about it before but it totally makes sense (and is consistent with Republican lack of ethics in general).
Even with her earpiece, she showed very little depth beneath her talking points... and just as I was beginning to think there were enough stupid Americans out there that she might get away with it, polls do show that Biden was perceived by a majority as having "won."
The Dems should make it a national priority to defeat Miss Piggy as governor after this election so that it's harder for the GOP to field her (with a better earpiece and more coaching) in 2012.
so we have consensus on the earpiece? you guys are quite the detectives. good work.
I think we have consensus that you're a troll
b/c im not a democrat?
"you betcha" <wink, wink>
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
I think we have consensus that you're a troll
congress has the power to confirm treaties and approve presidential appointments, so i suppose we could argue they are part of the executive branch as well
more creepiness for obama.
http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153 (http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153)
Aw, I've joked about the Obama Youth Army, but now it's actually coming to fruition. It's amazing how charisma blinds people to a complete lack of character, ability, qualification, or policy.
Originally posted by manimtired:
more creepiness for obama.
http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153 (http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153)
Maybe Obama could inspire a few of those kids to put down the twinkies and hop on a treadmill...
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Aw, I've joked about the Obama Youth Army, but now it's actually coming to fruition. It's amazing how charisma blinds people to a complete lack of character, ability, qualification, or policy.
It's amazing how eight years of misrule, dishonesty, incompetence, economic mismanagement, pandering to ill-educated Christian fanatics, and ideological demagoguery cause people to really want to not give the political party responsible for that another shot.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
It's amazing how eight years of misrule, dishonesty, incompetence, economic mismanagement, pandering to ill-educated Christian fanatics, and ideological demagoguery cause people to really want to not give the political party responsible for that another shot.
It's amazing how supposedly intelligent people are dumb enough to believe that every Republican is a neoconservative and every Democrat is a gay-marrying, aborted fetus eating hyperliberal.
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
It's amazing how charisma blinds people to a complete lack of character, ability, qualification, or policy.
are you talking about Sarah Palin?
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
It's amazing how eight years of misrule, dishonesty, incompetence, economic mismanagement, pandering to ill-educated Christian fanatics, and ideological demagoguery cause people to really want to not give the political party responsible for that another shot.
It's amazing how supposedly intelligent people are dumb enough to believe that every Republican is a neoconservative and every Democrat is a gay-marrying, aborted fetus eating hyperliberal. [/b]
it's amazing how some people who consider themselves above it all are actually too dumb to consider both parties' stated platforms and policy records while in power.
Originally posted by manimtired:
more creepiness for obama.
http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153 (http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153)
Classic...what's that fists together shit though?
That reminds me about the time Tyrone comes home and tells his dad they had gym class today and in the shower he noticed he had the biggest dick in 7th grade. "Is that coz I'm black?" asks the young man..."No son, it's because you're 19"
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
It's amazing how eight years of misrule, dishonesty, incompetence, economic mismanagement, pandering to ill-educated Christian fanatics, and ideological demagoguery cause people to really want to not give the political party responsible for that another shot.
It's amazing how supposedly intelligent people are dumb enough to believe that every Republican is a neoconservative and every Democrat is a gay-marrying, aborted fetus eating hyperliberal. [/b]
don't matter...the reality is in a democratic system based around political parties you have to hold the incumbent party responsible..
its too bad for mccain but he's toast... you cant run on the banner of the party that ran the country into the ground- with your acquiescence- be it katrina, 9-11 (yes, they were in power they are responsible because it is the first job of government to keep its people safe... no excuses), and decimating the economy- and expect to be elected..
unless you live in either a sham democracy or the citizens are not citizens but idiots.
even people who dislike democrats or obama should be able to recognize this essential basic truth of democratic government...
They are going to use their empty-headed Barbie from now until the election to pile on heaps of negative and misleading accusations. Other than the slackjaws who like her "cuz she's just like me doggone it," it's hard to see who will buy it at this point... It's a move of desperation.
Atack ads coming. I smell desperation.
"We're going to get a little tougher," a senior Republican operative said, indicating that a fresh batch of television ads is coming. "We've got to question this guy's associations. Very soon. There's no question that we have to change the subject here," said the operative, who was not authorized to discuss strategy and spoke on the condition of anonymity.
A senior campaign official called the ad "just the beginning" of commercials that will "strike the new tone" in the campaign's final days. The official said the "aggressive tone" will center on the question of "whether this guy is ready to be president."
Originally posted by hutch:
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
[qb] unless you live in either a sham democracy or the citizens are not citizens but idiots.
... [/b]
Which we do! (electoral college) and we are a nation of idiots because you all re-elected Dubya Bush,
Originally posted by Ever Circling Skeletal Family:
Originally posted by hutch:
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
[qb] unless you live in either a sham democracy or the citizens are not citizens but idiots.
... [/b]
Which we do! (electoral college) and we are a nation of idiots because you all re-elected Dubya Bush, [/b]
I would say that the nation is roughly 50% composed of idiots. That is why the last couple of elections have been so close.
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
congress has the power to confirm treaties and approve presidential appointments, so i suppose we could argue they are part of the executive branch as well
you could, but that would be a violation of the separation of powers and be unconstitutional.
right, thats my point. i cant see how that would be unconstitutional and having an office that is elected like an exective, titled like an executive and is tied so much to the chief executive be part of the legislative branch. i dont think you have to be a strict constructionist to see that it walks like an duck and quacks like a duck
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
right, thats my point. i cant see how that would be unconstitutional and having an office that is elected like an exective, titled like an executive and is tied so much to the chief executive be part of the legislative branch. i dont think you have to be a strict constructionist to see that it walks like an duck and quacks like a duck
because the duties of the vice president are written into the constitution as part of the legislative branch. let's just say that the constitution and the writers of the federalist papers did not hold a high opinion of the office of vice president. remember, the original holder of that office was for the person who came in second in the electoral college and was to be the "president of the senate". . .that's how you end up with thomas jefferson as john adams' vice president. vp's were not considered to part of a ticket, since the idea of political parties was one not held by the authors of the constitution. other than noting that the vp is to succeed the president should the president die in office, the DUTIES of the vp are listed in article 1, which deals with the legislature.
but whatever. . .my original point was to note that biden's interpretation of the constitution about the vp was not terribly accurate. . .the role and duties of the VP are in article 1. even the washington post got it (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/postpartisan/2008/10/the_vp_debate_odd_moments.html). biden is simply wrong on the constitutional role and underpinnings of the vp.
what we are really arguing about is the abuse of power by the vp to use the protections afforded legislative offices while making executive policies. . .which, as the wapo article notes, as does the law review article, is a potential violation of the separation of powers by delegating an executive power to a legislative official. which i don't necessarily disagree with you on.
but palin would look great on her own money. she could solve our financial crisis with her own "designer dollars." in various colours, too.
id argue that the electoral college is a system to elect executives, and the role of president of the senate is the chief executive of the senate. plus the rules for electing the vp are in article 2, not to mention again that article 2 does give the legislature powers as well.
but yeah, the article 1 part of bidens comments are wrong. i think he might have said the argument for the vp being part of legislature and then tried to refute it, but if so did not do a very good job
that wapo article uses the same source as you used before, by the way
and a fashion line. united colours of palintton.
Nick Cave puts on some good concerts.
Originally posted by econo:
Nick Cave puts on some good concerts.
but can he shoot large wild animals and look cute doing it?
No, but he can see New Zealand from Australia. It's right over there.
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
id argue that the electoral college is a system to elect executives, and the role of president of the senate is the chief executive of the senate. plus the rules for electing the vp are in article 2, not to mention again that article 2 does give the legislature powers as well.
but yeah, the article 1 part of bidens comments are wrong. i think he might have said the argument for the vp being part of legislature and then tried to refute it, but if so did not do a very good job
and that's a modern way of looking at it. . .the original intent and the historical role of the vp has been legislative in nature, with very little to do otherwise.
i'm sure you would expect this, but i'd read the role of the senate in article 2 as limiting the power of the president, not expanding the role of the legislature, since that, again, could intrude on the separation of powers. plus, in order to convince wavering colonies that the constitution wasn't setting up a would-be king, there is by necessity several limiting powers clauses in article 2.
as for the election text, you're right, it details the election of the president and the vp. but again, the vp is relegated to less-than-top billing and is there because the framers didn't want the vp to already be in the senate- in other words, the senate couldn't just declare one of their own to be vp and keep their senate seat at the same time; rather, some means needed to be devised to elect a president of the senate, and it was given to the vp. . .so, yes, while the electoral college governs the election of the president and vp, article 1 states the role and duties of the vp as president of the senate, whereas article 2 focuses almost solely on the duties of the president.
i think we're going to have to agree to disagree on which branch the vp is part of, but agree it cant be both
i see nothing in the constitution about being the official funeral attendant. we all know thats been the traditional function of the vp in modern times
Originally posted by god's shoeshine:
i think we're going to have to agree to disagree on which branch the vp is part of, but agree it cant be both
fair enough.
The last three posts to this blog are hysterical. Especially the Sarah Palin is a bitch post...
http://margaretandhelen.wordpress.com/2008/10/07/maverick-my-ass/#comments (http://margaretandhelen.wordpress.com/2008/10/07/maverick-my-ass/#comments)
<img src="http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3131/2888079046_7d20a773ca_o.jpg" alt=" - " />
Hasn't this youth movement been done before??
<img src="http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/images/fascismblog/2005/11/24/hitler_youth.jpg" alt=" - " />
Like Obama, this bloke didn't like jews either evidently...
uh ok
Yes, Ever Circling Skeletal Family, Obama is black and therefore must not like Jews. :roll:
i have a funny feeling it is ever circling who hates (fill in the blank).
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by manimtired:
more creepiness for obama.
http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153 (http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153)
Maybe Obama could inspire a few of those kids to put down the twinkies and hop on a treadmill... [/b]
Wow - It's funny how all the most annoying people on the board support a Palin presidency. Scary.
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Yes, Ever Circling Skeletal Family, Obama is black and therefore must not like Jews. :roll:
I knew one of you would take the bait....chumps!
This is just too easy these days.
http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/barack_obama_and_israel.html (http://www.americanthinker.com/2008/01/barack_obama_and_israel.html)
american thinker? cmon
Shoeshine - you should know me well enough by now to realize that the ONLY time I post serious comments are on the footie thread....the others are just to get a bite from some yo-yo board'ie, and it works every single time.
Originally posted by RustyOrgan:
Originally posted by chaz:
Originally posted by manimtired:
more creepiness for obama.
http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153 (http://www.breitbart.tv/?p=188153)
Maybe Obama could inspire a few of those kids to put down the twinkies and hop on a treadmill... [/b]
Wow - It's funny how all the most annoying people on the board support a Palin presidency. Scary. [/b]
No surprise, I guess, that their annoyingness is not confined to the board. :D
Originally posted by Ever Circling Skeletal Family:
Shoeshine - you should know me well enough by now to realize that the ONLY time I post serious comments are on the footie thread....the others are just to get a bite from some yo-yo board'ie, and it works every single time.
oh i know...but it doesnt quite ring when your source make fox news look reputable. thanks for reminding me about something...
Originally posted by Ever Circling Skeletal Family:
Shoeshine - you should know me well enough by now to realize that the ONLY time I post serious comments are on the footie thread....the others are just to get a bite from some yo-yo board'ie, and it works every single time.
So in other words, you are trolling, and thus not worth responding to? Good to know...
Originally posted by They call me Doctor Doom.:
Originally posted by Ever Circling Skeletal Family:
Shoeshine - you should know me well enough by now to realize that the ONLY time I post serious comments are on the footie thread....the others are just to get a bite from some yo-yo board'ie, and it works every single time.
So in other words, you are trolling, and thus not worth responding to? Good to know... [/b]
Yeah!!! Someone finally gets it, but many can't help themselves.
Originally posted by Julian, certified WEBLEBRITY:
Originally posted by callat703:
Her poll numbers in Alaska are already sinking like a stone. She was at 80+ when McCain chose her, and now she's sitting in the 60s. The more people learn about her, the less they like her.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan by a longshot, but to think that a Republican governor with an approval rating in the mid-60's in a state that's reliably red and has brought the only notable (non-scandal) national attention ever by a politician in her state is in serious jeopardy of losing in a re-election bid is asinine. Some of you people would lick your own ass if Obama told you it was candy, I swear. [/b]
Hey, anybody remember this comment?
Palin hit 80% approval in Alaska on the strength of a tripling in the price of oil. She raised taxes on the oil companies and paid the cash to the population. And who doesn't like free money?
Now the price of oil has tumbled below $65 - and the government of Alaska faces some painful decisions ahead. Palin's tax policy, which extracted extra benefits for the population as the price of oil rose, implies extra cutbacks as the price declines. Better to get out while the getting is good. Whoever governs Alaska in 2008-2010 will be luck to have an approval rating in the 40s.
Just sayin...
Originally posted by callat703:
Her poll numbers in Alaska are already sinking like a stone. She was at 80+ when McCain chose her, and now she's sitting in the 60s. The more people learn about her, the less they like her.
I'm no Sarah Palin fan by a longshot, but to think that a Republican governor with an approval rating in the mid-60's in a state that's reliably red and has brought the only notable (non-scandal) national attention ever by a politician in her state is in serious jeopardy of losing in a re-election bid is asinine. Some of you people would lick your own ass if Obama told you it was candy, I swear.
....just can't resist a jab at Julian about this one anymore.
The latest Palin poll numbers are out. Oh, it looks like those halcyon days of the 89% approval ratings are a thing of the past. Now we can say that more Alaskans disapprove of the ex-almost-one-term-governor than approve of her.
And the Approval Index (Very Positive minus Very Negative) is now -1.2
Question 1
Would you say you feel positive or negative about Sarah Palin? And is that very (positive or negative) or somewhat (positive or negative)?
Very positive 120/400 30.0%
Somewhat positive 67/400 16.8%
Total positive (very+somewhat) 187/400 46.8%
Somewhat negative 65/400 16.2%
Very negative 125/400 31.2%
Total negative (very+somewhat) 190/400 47.5%
Don?t Know the person 5/400 1.2%
No Opinion 18/400 4.5%
Refused 0/400 0%
solid bump
he said crazier things in the nhl threads
Anybody know a place where I can place a big fat bet that Sarah Palin goes to work for Fox News after McCain/Palin lose and she's defeated in her reelection bid in Alaska?
Just sayin: http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/01/11/palin.fox/index.html
Anybody know a place where I can place a big fat bet that Sarah Palin goes to work for Fox News after McCain/Palin lose and she's defeated in her reelection bid in Alaska?
Just sayin: http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/01/11/palin.fox/index.html
I guess she could be like a Smiling Ahole #4 on Fox and Friends . . .or a Weather Lady . . .
I guess she could be like a Smiling Ahole #4 on Fox and Friends . . .or a Weather Lady . . .
sound about right - she has a history of over-reaching.