930 Forums
=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: on September 30, 2004, 12:10:00 pm
Duncan Donuts recently changed the configuration of their coffee cup lids. They used to be rather flat, but now it looks more like a spout...or funnel.
I love the spout! It reminds one of suckling on a teat. A teat filled with pure, caffeinated goodness. Ah, if only I hadn't quit smoking; it would be oral-fixation heaven!
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
Duncan Donuts recently changed the configuration of their coffee cup lids. They used to be rather flat, but now it looks more like a spout...or funnel.
I love the spout! It reminds one of suckling on a teat. A teat filled with pure, caffeinated goodness. Ah, if only I hadn't quit smoking; it would be oral-fixation heaven!
i love Dunkin Donuts. its the greatest company on earth (except they need to quit making those latte thingies)
I read in the Post a number of years ago that over half of the Dunkin Donuts in the DC area are owned by Indians. My wife and I sometimes playfully call Indian people "fuckin gonut" people, following suit with the hippie bumper stickers that express that sentiment.
Thus, it figures that Mr. Chopra would like the place.
Me, I have to stay away from the place if I've any hope of maintaining my modelesque figure.
Those lids are brilliant, quite hard to spill on yourself, though I still manage...of course being a New Englander I'm a bit biased towards Dunkin Donuts.
They recently opened a new location at the Hess gas station at the corner of New Jersey and Rhode Island!!!!! Only a few short blocks from the club!
<img src="http://actionskydancers.com/galleries/images/if011.jpg" alt=" - " />
After participating in Little Steven's Battle of the Bands DC Battle and attending his big garage shindig in NY (both very heavily sponsored by DD)I'm in no need of a DD fix anytime soon.
There used to be one near Clarendon but it's gone. I don't even know where there is a DD anymmore. I used to quite enjoy thier coffee and chocolate frosteds though.
There's a DD in College Park on Rt 1 when you're heading to CDepot.
Originally posted by chaz:
After participating in Little Steven's Battle of the Bands DC Battle and attending his big garage shindig in NY (both very heavily sponsored by DD)I'm in no need of a DD fix anytime soon.
There used to be one near Clarendon but it's gone. I don't even know where there is a DD anymmore. I used to quite enjoy thier coffee and chocolate frosteds though.
Cretin Plaza
Georgia Ave. and Reedie Drive.
Originally posted by chaz:
I don't even know where there is a DD anymmore.
i think i'm the only person who gets donuts at dunkin donuts...maybe its because i hate coffee...
in addition to the locations mentioned by myself and others, my favorite is on Jefferson Davis highway near Crystal City; in the Target strip-mall lot.
https://www.dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/store/Results.aspx?&LOC=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646&CT=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646%3a5.73333333333333%3a4.3&DSN=MapPoint.NA&G AD2=&GAD3=20010%2c+District+of+Columbia%2c+United+States&IC=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646%3a32%3a20010%2c+District+of+Columbia%2c+United+States&recNum=15&radius=20 (https://www.dunkindonuts.com/aboutus/store/Results.aspx?&LOC=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646&CT=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646%3a5.73333333333333%3a4.3&DSN=MapPoint.NA&GAD2=&GAD3=20010%2c+District+of+Columbia%2c+United+States&IC=38.9304800048069%3a-77.0274925157646%3a32%3a20010%2c+District+of+Columbia%2c+United+States&recNum=15&radius=20)
Originally posted by flawd101:
i think i'm the only person who gets donuts at dunkin donuts...maybe its because i hate coffee...
perhaps, but i get a boston kreme now and then. donuts are fatty and non filling generally.
those sandwiches kick ass.
living in Boston will have you addicted to DD in no time!
Originally posted by econo:
Cretin Plaza
The following is now playing in my head..."1-2-3-4
Cretins wanna hop some more...4-5-6-7...All good cretins go to heaven"
Originally posted by Dupek Chopra:
Duncan Donuts
wait, are we all talking about the same thing?
I think so. I also think Dupek was that kid on the playground who ate caterpillars on a dare.
I noticed a lot of dunkin donuts when i was in chicago last spring..like one on every street corner...their bagels and coffee are delish
When i took drivers ed in highschool, my instructor had me drive him to a dunkin donuts in arlington..i think it was on rt 29
there's also on in Vienna on rt 123
I like Dunkin Donuts TOO much, though I've not been to one in a while.
My favorites are the Boston Creme donuts and any donut covered in sugar (with or without jelly inside).
I can't/don't drink coffee (allergy to coffee beans) and haven't had any of their other offerings.
But I would pick Dunkin Donuts over Krispy Kreme any day.
DJ Medusa.
Originally posted by Medusa:
I can't/don't drink coffee (allergy to coffee beans) and haven't had any of their other offerings.
:eek: What is this language you speak...allergy to coffee?!?
Originally posted by Random Citizen:
:eek: What is this language you speak...allergy to coffee?!?
Yes, I cannot have anything with coffee - that includes the beverage, coffee yogurt, coffee ice cream, mocha, etc. - I get very, very ill.
I can't have caffeine either - so coffee would be out, anyway. No soda for me either.
Life's a bitch, and then you die.
DJ Medusa.
give up coffee
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(75 500 000 results)
Originally posted by MaLo:
there's also on in Vienna on rt 123
Yeah...they took over the Vienna Donuts right? There's a couple in Fairfax, one in Herndon (next to a bar, but they are closed early!)
Munchkins are cool.