930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: kosmo vinyl on August 21, 2003, 11:14:00 am

Title: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 21, 2003, 11:14:00 am
So who is else is "up" for the ye olde fat bastards of punk.  Kosmette and I will be there seeing as I'm aging and widening as fast as them.  Darn shame the bondage pants no longer fit...
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on August 21, 2003, 11:15:00 am
We will be nude beaching it with people even fatter and older than the Sex pistols audience.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: jadetree on August 21, 2003, 11:15:00 am
I will be there
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 11:26:00 am
Well if there is going to be a wet blanket there, of course I will go.
 http://calstaging.bemidjistate.edu/en3160F01/lkgustafson/howto.html (http://calstaging.bemidjistate.edu/en3160F01/lkgustafson/howto.html)
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 11:26:00 am
I'll be there also.  Bought four tickets, and I can't remember for whom, and no one is stepping up to the plate!  This is definitely a show folks were intrigued by when first announced, but over time the excitement has lost steam.  What the hell, I'm going to have fun (or my best approximation on a Sunday night).
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Guiny on August 21, 2003, 11:29:00 am
I will be there, and luckily the people who i bought the other five tickets will be there also.   :D
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 11:34:00 am
So how did we get a wet blanket from the King of Rock, anyway?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 11:39:00 am
Originally posted by bags:
  So how did we get a wet blanket from the King of Rock, anyway?
what Elvis got to do with it?
   <img src="http://www.gacares.org/Elvis%20Blanket%20v2.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 11:40:00 am
My bad, Bob Pollard is *my* King of Rock (that's why I don't add the " n Roll," for some reason I think that distinguishes it).
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 11:44:00 am
Kink of Rock,
 I am sure wet blanket will be delighted.....
   <img src="http://www.teistores.com/images/Gourmet/Rock%20Candy%20Stick%20Assortment.jpg" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 11:46:00 am
The closer it gets to the show, the more tempted I am to go for the laugh. My fear of them killing the great memories I have of the original punk era has me on the fence though...so I'll probably pass...I am thinking of taking Kathleen to the Furs show though.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 11:48:00 am
if sid can still pogo, so can you, Mankie....  <img src="http://www.mun.ca/science/inquisitor/features/bonezone/images/pogoing.gif" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on August 21, 2003, 11:51:00 am
the furs show already happened
 Thursday, August 21, 2003; Page C09
 Psychedelic Furs
 Back in the dark ages of the mid-1980s, plenty of punks dismissed the Psychedelic Furs as just another synthesizer-addled band of pretentious new-wave sissies. It didn't help that the Furs -- whose first two albums are, in hindsight, inspired pastiches of David Bowie, Roxy Music and punk -- became known for MTV treacle like "Love My Way," "Heaven" and the song that inspired a Molly Ringwald flick, "Pretty in Pink." But even pop treacle tends to sound better over time, and when Richard Butler and company brought the catalogue of songs that make up their dubious legacy to the 9:30 club on Tuesday, I know of at least one aging punk who had, if not a great time, at least a good one.
 The band played all of the tunes you're likely to run across on a "Super Smashes of the '80s" compilation, but they also included earlier songs -- the marvelously dissonant "Dumb Waiters" and the protest-rocker "President Gas," which Butler, an amiable fellow whose glasses tended to slide down his nose, punctuated with frequent stiff-armed salutes.
 The band experienced sound problems, especially during the encore "Sister Europe," but the audience didn't seem to mind, enthusiastically pressing toward the stage to grab Butler's hand and singing along with infectiously vapid (and virtually interchangeable) tunes like "Heartbeat" and "Heartbreak Beat." If Tuesday's show wasn't likely to change anybody's impression of the Psychedelic Furs as a talented band undone by its commercial ambitions, it also drove home the horrifying truth that, no matter how '80s-phobic you think you are, you will move to "Heartbreak Beat."
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 11:59:00 am
For some reason I thought it was this coming Tuesday..oh well, no biggie.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: G.Love on August 21, 2003, 12:06:00 pm
I saw the furs 2 years ago at the 9:30 show and they put on a terrific show.
 R. Butler had great stage presence and was very entertaining.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 12:11:00 pm
Originally posted by G.Love:
  I saw the furs 2 years ago at the 9:30 show and they put on a terrific show.
 R. Butler had great stage presence and was very entertaining.
I saw that show too, and I agree, it was great..I also saw them at Nation with Echo and the Bunnymen about a year later...Furs struggled on that one and had major sound problems on top of it all.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Guiny on August 21, 2003, 12:38:00 pm
I was at the show on Tuesday and i agree it was a great show......Along with George Clinton last night.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 12:46:00 pm
I saw both of those DC shows as well.  The Furs put on a great show; I spaced that they were this week as well (actually, I thought they were *last* week and I'd already missed them).  What are you gonna do?
 What surprised me at Nation was that I prefered the Furs to Echo.  I didn't think that was possible, because I like old Echo songs much more.  But, it may also have had to do with the amount of red bull and vodkas I'd had by the time Echo hit the stage.  Hell, a gay male friend of mine made out with a woman during Echo -- that was one strange night!
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 01:20:00 pm
Originally posted by bags:
  I saw both of those DC shows as well.  The Furs put on a great show; I spaced that they were this week as well (actually, I thought they were *last* week and I'd already missed them).  What are you gonna do?
 What surprised me at Nation was that I prefered the Furs to Echo.  I didn't think that was possible, because I like old Echo songs much more.  But, it may also have had to do with the amount of red bull and vodkas I'd had by the time Echo hit the stage.  Hell, a gay male friend of mine made out with a woman during Echo -- that was one strange night!
Didn't you think the Furs were really off compared to the 930 show? I still enjoyed it, don't get me wrong, but they had to quit and end the show halfway through "pretty in pink" because the sound was so bad...it was probably near the end anyway...Echo were much better that night I thought.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: ggw on August 21, 2003, 01:56:00 pm
I'll be at the Pistols show.
 Can I expect some goodies from Anton?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 02:02:00 pm
Originally posted by ggwâ?¢:
  I'll be at the Pistols show.
 Can I expect some goodies from Anton?
I expect so. I will bring one CD, jam-packed with MP3s.
 I enjoyed the professonals till my ipod batterey needed charging.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 02:40:00 pm
Mank, what can I tell you.  By the time Echo hit the stage, I was frickin' looped.  
 9:30 Club was definitely a better Furs show.  Still, I was surprised at how much I liked them when they shared the bill with Echo.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Guiny on August 21, 2003, 03:45:00 pm
I wish Echo would come back to the 9:30 Club. I saw part of their show there a couple of years ago i think it was and it wasnt that impressive. I like them so i just think they had a bad night. It didnt help them thought that The Tom Tom Club opened for them and i'm sorry but they just kicked @ss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to leave halfway thru the Echo set cause my friend had to leave. I'd like to see the whole thing if they come back.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 03:49:00 pm
Originally posted by Guiny:
  I wish Echo would come back to the 9:30 Club. I saw part of their show there a couple of years ago i think it was and it wasnt that impressive. I like them so i just think they had a bad night. It didnt help them thought that The Tom Tom Club opened for them and i'm sorry but they just kicked @ss!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had to leave halfway thru the Echo set cause my friend had to leave. I'd like to see the whole thing if they come back.
I've seen Echo three times. 930, HFS'tival (Before they went all Britney) and Nation. IMHO they've been absolutely brilliant everytime. I wish they'd come round again too.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 03:49:00 pm
Guiny, not this year.  Looks like their only U.S. date is that insanely wonderful KROQ invasion thing with all the 80s bands (and Fountains of Wayne, for some unknown reason).
 And before any shit about the 80s band, that lineup happens to have a number of the *good* british invasion 80s bands.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 03:50:00 pm
Originally posted by bags:
  that insanely wonderful KROQ invasion thing with all the 80s bands
LINK LINK LINK!!!! (please!)
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 03:53:00 pm
Can't believe you haven't seen this Mank.  And fyi, it's Sept 20, and it's the L.A. KROQ, not N.Y.
 http://www.kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html (http://www.kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html)
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 21, 2003, 04:00:00 pm
Yeah Mank! (http://www.930.com/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=004444)
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 04:00:00 pm
Originally posted by bags:
  Can't believe you haven't seen this Mank.  And fyi, it's Sept 20, and it's the L.A. KROQ, not N.Y.
  http://www.kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html (http://www.kroq.com/kroqnow/kroqnow.html)
Thanks, I found the link via google....I ignore posts about festivals and the like because the bulk of them are total crap.
 That one would be a good laugh, and there's enough mediocre bands there for beer/pee runs too! My summer splurge was for Man Utd tickets anyway, so I'm done.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 04:06:00 pm
This brings up a question......who will be the bands at a reunion tour in 20 years time??? NOBODY, because just about every band that comes out these days are 15minute jobbies....one exception, Metallica. Not a fan, but I do think they will be the "classic rock" of the future, the rest of them won't even make the 50cent section in the used cd place.
 So people, enjoy nostalga while you can.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:00:00 pm
Originally posted by mankie:
Mankie, you really are a misery aren't you? just because you dont like any modern bands, does not mean everyone feels the same.
 Hell if berlin and flock of seaguls can tour, two bands that were not all that succesful or well loved even in their heyday, then plenty of current bands will do fine on the revival circuit.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 05:04:00 pm
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
Mankie, you really are a misery aren't you? just because you dont like any modern bands, does not mean everyone feels the same.
 Hell if berlin and flock of seaguls can tour, two bands that were not all that succesful or well loved even in their heyday, then plenty of current bands will do fine on the revival circuit. [/b]
markie...I od'd on The Smiths in my day so the misery is visceral and therefore unreversible.
 Flock of Seagulls and Berlin are not the headliners so really riding on the backs of the other bands.
 Where's Level 42 in that line-up?   ;)  (sarcasm alert)
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:10:00 pm
Originally posted by mankie:
  Flock of Seagulls and Berlin are not the headliners so really riding on the backs of the other bands.
They did a tour together that came by 930 earlier this year.
 I can easily imagine seeing coldplay, radiohead and the dandy warhols in 20 years time at the 930. I expect it will be half full.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on August 21, 2003, 05:22:00 pm
of course it will be half full. the tickets will be going for $400 a pop.
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
  Flock of Seagulls and Berlin are not the headliners so really riding on the backs of the other bands.
They did a tour together that came by 930 earlier this year.
 I can easily imagine seeing coldplay, radiohead and the dandy warhols in 20 years time at the 930. I expect it will be half full. [/b]
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:24:00 pm
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  of course it will be half full. the tickets will be going for $400 a pop.
and a beer will be $100?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: SPARX on August 21, 2003, 05:25:00 pm
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
 [QB] of course it will be half full. the tickets will be going for $400 a pop.
                                                                                             Good one Rhett!!
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: kosmo vinyl on August 21, 2003, 05:25:00 pm
personally i have very little use for most of the bands currently reuniting and will probably do so in the future... the sex pistols, joe jackson band and blondie being notable exceptions. i would have gone to see joe and debbie had it not been for the expense of seeing them.  the damned don't quite qualify seeing as they have been reforming and reuniting their entire career.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 05:26:00 pm
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
and a beer will be $100? [/QB]
Boddies is about that now.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:28:00 pm
Originally posted by mankie:
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
and a beer will be $100? [/b]
Boddies is about that now. [/QB]
thankgod for the blackcat and its $3.50 PBR.......
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Charlie Nakatestes, Japanese Golfer on August 21, 2003, 05:32:00 pm
$3.50 for a PBR is ridiculous. PBR is the puke of all beers. Makes Budweiseer seem like a delicacy. Surely they have GOOD beer for 4-4.50?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: jadetree on August 21, 2003, 05:33:00 pm
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  $3.50 for a PBR is ridiculous. PBR is the puke of all beers. Makes Budweiseer seem like a delicacy. Surely they have GOOD beer for 4-4.50?
There is always a nice can of Schlitz at the Velvet Lounge for $2
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 05:34:00 pm
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  $3.50 for a PBR is ridiculous. PBR is the puke of all beers. Makes Budweiseer seem like a delicacy.  
It's all the same syphillis discharge, just different labeling.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:34:00 pm
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  $3.50 for a PBR is ridiculous. PBR is the puke of all beers. Makes Budweiseer seem like a delicacy. Surely they have GOOD beer for 4-4.50?
wel they have other beer, but cheap and in large quantity seems to have won on most recent visits. PBR is like the 7up of beers. Its pretty flavourless.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 05:36:00 pm
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
PBR is like the 7up of beers. Its pretty flavourless. [/b]
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:36:00 pm
Originally posted by mankie:
33 [/b][/QUOTE]
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: jadetree on August 21, 2003, 05:37:00 pm
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
33 [/b]
eh? [/b][/QUOTE]
 vietnamese beer
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: markie on August 21, 2003, 05:40:00 pm
Originally posted by jadetree:
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
33 [/b]
eh? [/b]
vietnamese beer [/b][/QUOTE]
 what about it?
 look a sticker.......
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Mobius on August 21, 2003, 06:01:00 pm
Is it naive of me to think that this show will be like the one that opens 24 Hour Party People (but much better venue) and everyone attending will be so inspired that they'll all form bands or get into the music industry and DC will become the music mecca of the world for next 10 years?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 06:11:00 pm
Originally posted by Mobius:
  Is it naive of me to think that this show will be like the one that opens 24 Hour Party People (but much better venue) and everyone attending will be so inspired that they'll all form bands or get into the music industry and DC will become the music mecca of the world for next 10 years?
HA!  Ha ha ha ha ha.  I love that.  First that any D.C. indie/punk crowd would ever get so enthused.  We are a tame, tame city, my friends.
 I think it's passed time for that, Mobius.  A Sex Pistols show, not sold out yet, on a *Sunday* - we'll be lucky to get some whistles along with the polite applause.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 06:32:00 pm
Originally posted by Anton Newcombe:
Originally posted by mankie:
33 [/b]
eh? [/b][/QUOTE]
 Made from the mountain spring water of PA's Laurel Highlands...brewed in Latrobe.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Bags on August 21, 2003, 06:37:00 pm
Originally posted by bags:
 [QB] Guiny, not this year.  Looks like their only U.S. date is that insanely wonderful KROQ invasion thing with all the 80s bands (and Fountains of Wayne, for some unknown reason).
PS, Mank, if Siouxsie were at this invasion thing as well. along with Echo and the Furs, I would go.  I would walk, even.  Would have to start soon, but I would.
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: mankie on August 21, 2003, 06:49:00 pm
Originally posted by Mobius:
  Is it naive of me to think that this show will be like the one that opens 24 Hour Party People (but much better venue)
HEY HEY HEY!!! What's so bad about The Factory?
Title: Re: Sex Pistols Viagra Call
Post by: Mobius on August 21, 2003, 07:00:00 pm
Nothing wrong with the club the showed joy division playing at, and of course the Hacienda was cool,  but the Pistols concert looked like it was taking place in some sterile crappy classroom  It seemed like everyone was sitting at desks or something.