930 Forums

=> GENERAL DISCUSSION => Topic started by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 02:41:00 am

Title: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 02:41:00 am
I am bad because I lurk and never post until it self serves me.  I hate myself that way.
 Anway, how's things?  My band made the paper today.  Stuff about a show on Saturday and a tour announcement and so on and so forth.  Thanks for reading and I will attempt to be more dilligent and proactively community-like in the future.  I am selfish by nature though so I can't really promise anything.
 But I'll try.
  Some of the news that's margianlly fit to print  (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A19494-2003Aug20.html)
  the Pharmacy Prophets (http://www.pharmacyprophets.com)
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Joymonster on August 22, 2003, 08:25:00 am
Damn, that Maggie Kim girl is hot! Her website is pretty good: she even has a few pictures of herself in see-thru tops  :eek:  
 Er..umm...oh yeah, good article about your band Clayton. I wish you much success with your music career.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Bags on August 22, 2003, 08:46:00 am
Well, it's obvious from your member number that you've been around a long time.  So you don't post much, probably makes you one of the healthier folks on here.
 Good luck with the band.  I may check you out sometime!
 Do you know any other bands that might be playing the Alternative House Abused and Homeless Children's Refuge benefit on Sept. 25?  [I would not take it as gospel that anyone you mention will play, but rumors are always good to stir some excitement!]
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 09:38:00 am
Originally posted by Clayton Snead:
  I  post until it self serves me.
   I am selfish by nature though so I can't really promise anything.
Then you are definately amongst friends on this board...
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: G.Love on August 22, 2003, 09:40:00 am
me love Maggie long time!!!
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 09:40:00 am
;)  hew yew dewn!
  <img src="http://media.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/images/I19465-2003Aug20L" alt=" - " />
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: paige on August 22, 2003, 09:40:00 am
Is your band played on XM Unsigned? I have a feeling I've seen your cd on Billy's wall before. Or maybe it's another band with Pharmacy in the name...
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: redsock on August 22, 2003, 09:55:00 am
Being selfish is what this board is all about. See, watch this...
 Exit Clov headlining at Velvet Lounge on Monday night...Only 5 bucks on an otherwise empty music night here in DC!
 See...its all about what have you done for me lately. I heard you guys were going to England with John A. and his Rotoscope crew...Exit Clov (my girlfriend's band) is opening for them at one of their last Rhhodeside gigs next Friday. You should come out. We're both curious to see you guys sometime...maybe we'll come catch a show.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 10:52:00 am
Howdy - thanks for all the kinds words.
 We do get played on XM Unsigned.  That was a super cool moment the first time I ever heard it.
 As it stands rotoscope is hitting the UK with us on Oct. 18th.  All is dependent on visas and grumpy customs officers but so far things look good.  What's your girlfriends band called?
 Maggie Kim is definitely beautiful, she's a real cool person and I'm excited about the show tomorrow.  Should be a godo time.
 **Shameless plug - tomorrow night at Rhodeside in Arlington.  www.pharmacyprophets.com (http://www.pharmacyprophets.com) for details***
 Other bands for the Alternative House gig -
 Quitter UK - (Todd Watts from Emmett Swimming and Chuck and Scott from SmartBomb.)
 Shane Hines
 Mike Holden
 Nice to meet you in a bulletin boardy kind of way.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 11:23:00 am
I put in a plug for Lamont and Worrystones a while ago, but the hipsters/scenesters on this board obviously didn't think it was important enough to be seen there.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: redsock on August 22, 2003, 11:38:00 am
Originally posted by mankie:
  I put in a plug for Lamont and Worrystones a while ago, but the hipsters/scenesters on this board obviously didn't think it was important enough to be seen there.
I have a friend in Lamont, and I'm while i'm not sure I went to that show, I have seen my fair share. But then again, I'm not a scenester or a hipster.
 It's funny how the Arlington music scenesters haven't really crept onto this board. Whatever you have to say about all of their music, they are all over the place, and it is quite a community.
 Oh, and Clayton, my girlfriends band is Exit Clov.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 11:41:00 am
Originally posted by redsock:
Originally posted by mankie:
  I put in a plug for Lamont and Worrystones a while ago, but the hipsters/scenesters on this board obviously didn't think it was important enough to be seen there.
I have a friend in Lamont, and I'm while i'm not sure I went to that show, I have seen my fair share. But then again, I'm not a scenester or a hipster.
 It's funny how the Arlington music scenesters haven't really crept onto this board. Whatever you have to say about all of their music, they are all over the place, and it is quite a community.
 Oh, and Clay, my girlfriends band is Exit Clov. [/b]
I used to work with two of Lamont members so have been to support them at more than a few shows.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 12:09:00 pm
I used to play in a band, (Luka Brazzi) with James from Lamont.  Good kid that James.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: redsock on August 22, 2003, 12:12:00 pm
Originally posted by Clayton Snead:
  I used to play in a band, (Luka Brazzi) with James from Lamont.  Good kid that James.
James is actually the guy i know...his girlfriend is a good friend of mine. That's the weird thing about you Arlington scenesters, its so incestial, everyone's played with everyone...and it's all like 2 degrees of Mike Holden. Gives me the willies....
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 12:16:00 pm
I worked with Dave (guitar) and Todd (drums) so I also know Dave's Brother (base) although not very well....and of course Lamonts #1 fan...their dad, who's at every gig bopping away on the dance floor like it's 1999!  :D
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 12:30:00 pm
We're all about the willies.  And the incest.  And worshipping Mike Holden.  
 It's like Waco without Jesus and automatic weapons.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: ggw on August 22, 2003, 12:32:00 pm
I got high with Kenny Haddaway once.
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 12:38:00 pm
Mom, is that you?
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Clayton Snead on August 22, 2003, 03:59:00 pm
One more time, hope to see y'all tomorrow.
 saturday the 23rd:  Tweezer, the Pharmacy Prophets and Maggie Kim.  Five bucks.  
 1836 Wilson Blvd, Arlington VA
 Noise starts at 9:00
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: Bags on August 22, 2003, 04:35:00 pm
Originally posted by mankie:
  I put in a plug for Lamont and Worrystones a while ago, but the hipsters/scenesters on this board obviously didn't think it was important enough to be seen there.
uptight dude, I never saw that plug.  Plus, you don't know if I was at that show or not!
Title: Re: In the news today
Post by: mankie on August 22, 2003, 04:40:00 pm
Originally posted by bags:
Originally posted by mankie:
  I put in a plug for Lamont and Worrystones a while ago, but the hipsters/scenesters on this board obviously didn't think it was important enough to be seen there.
uptight dude, I never saw that plug.  Plus, you don't know if I was at that show or not!
    ;)  [/b]
Sorry, I meant the ones I've already met.