I haven't -heard- of probably 70-80% of the music on this board, I go, download it, don't like it, delete it, and go back to listening to stuff I do listen to.
With that said, there are bands that are in the same Genre as FOB, that were doing it years before them (and have since broken up), and never got the acclaim. That's the stuff people that like FOB should be listening to, not the fed MTV pap they pass off as music.
I'm also fairly sure that I'm fair in saying I have some intensely eclectic tastes, like most of you.
Despite mine.. you know, differing wildly, I still enjoy the banter of the board. And I've picked up a couple bands I have since downloaded some more stuff from, and even bought a CD. Just think of it as expanding your mind without the illegality of drugs. Yum. (or with, depending on your preference.)