Author Topic: The Next Great American Band  (Read 4537 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #15 on: October 27, 2007, 04:54:00 pm »
Well next weeks challenge of doing Elton John/Bernie Turbin songs, as they haven't been as widely covered as Dylan and the song not as flexible in terms of cross genre re-interpretation.   I expect more ham-fisted versions from Dot Dot Dot, Rocket, the kiddie metal group and The Latch.
 Any prediction on who will get the boot?  I'm guess the big band at least they were pretty weak, the second is a tough call.  Probably bluegrass or Tres Bein.  Unfortunately the really medicore acts will hang on long then they should.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #16 on: November 03, 2007, 10:12:00 am »
Cliff Wagner killed this round, by far the best act of the night, the Clark Brothers next, Sixwire good but not soul stirring.  
 The Muggs seriously dropped the ball
 Comments remain the same on the other acts... Am so glad the Hatch are out, but the big band was particularly cringeworthy.


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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #17 on: November 03, 2007, 10:47:00 am »
Saw the end - Denver and the Mile High Orchestra?  Click.


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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #18 on: November 03, 2007, 12:00:00 pm »
I agree The Muggs were pretty bad.  In fact, most of the bands are pretty annoying.  I was glad to see The Hatch go, however, if Dot Dot Dot stays around any longer I may have to stop watching completely.  I was surprised that these were the best 12 bands they could come up with.  C'mon FOX, I expected so much more....

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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #19 on: November 03, 2007, 12:08:00 pm »
yeah Dot Dot Dot while less annoying still sucked, they fact that they got their name from another band which broke up speaks volume...
 i find myself agreeing with most of the comments from Dicko... that girl group and Franklin Bridge have really gotten annoying and predictable.
 Sixwire will probably win it, but while talented musicians, just don't stir my soul like Cliff Wagner or the Muggs.  And Tres Bein need a lots more experience
 I'm sure the show's producers had a specific list of the type of band they thought were marketable to the masses.. So all girl band, check, vaguely Fallout Boy band, check, etc...  Just be glad that insipid alt rock band that was given the second chance to audition didn't make it through, talk about the lowest common denominator by the numbers  group... there are fans still pissing and moaning they were "robbed"     :eek:


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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #20 on: November 03, 2007, 01:24:00 pm »
Just be glad that insipid alt rock band that was given the second chance to audition didn't make it through, talk about the lowest common denominator by the numbers group... there are fans still pissing and moaning they were "robbed"  
 Are you referring to NORTHMONT?  God, did they suck.  I like how the lead singer dude was getting all pissed at his bandmates.  I was hoping they would make it through, just so I could see all the RNR cliche moves. Northmont, even the name cracks me up.

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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #21 on: November 03, 2007, 03:59:00 pm »
yup Northmont... clearly there was some maneuvering behind the scenes regarding them, the producers must have been trying to get a Chris Daugherty type repeat.  
 Don't get me wrong, the show would have been really dull with 12 of the same type of bands, but the back story, bands image, and providing a couple bands for the judges to scoff during the initial tryouts seemed more important than actual talent.  There is gonna be some level of fix put in, i.e. The Clark Brothers have apparently some ties to Carrie Underwood.
 Regardless, next weeks show is going to be dull than dirt as they are doing Billy Joel songs..  :roll:   Expect most of the bands, particularily those metal kiddies and Franklin Bridge to slaughter those... and if Denver and co will provide another where's that off button moment.


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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #22 on: November 03, 2007, 04:23:00 pm »
i missed a lot of the show. it annoys me that these groups cant take constructive criticism. the judgeâ??s comments on franklin, muggs, & the girl group were spot on.
 i dont listen to bluegrass, but i like that group


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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #23 on: November 05, 2007, 08:40:00 am »
My prediction was that Dot Dot Dot, the girl group, The Hatch and The Likes of you were on the chopping block.
 However, I thought Dot Dot Dot and the girl group would get the ax since The Likes of You can play and The Hatch have the pretty boy singer.  
 I thought the dude from The Hatch comments about the voting showed he was a poor loser. He said something to the effect that the voting was not representive of america but representive of 200 people in Nebraska.  
 I think Tres Bien are pretty awesome as are The clark Bros.  I don't quite understand the hate of the big band. Franklin Bridge is really good  but they are definitely over doing it. I also thought The Light of Doom or whatever were bad ass, particularly with the cover.  I think Sixwire will win.
 Oh, and my comcast guide said that they bands would play the music of David Bowie. Now that would have been entertainment.

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Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2007, 11:54:00 am »
didn't see last weeks show due to a scheduling conflict on the DVR... any really high or low points ?  know that The Muggs and Rocket got the boot and that my interest is quickly fading in the show

Re: The Next Great American Band
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2007, 12:28:00 pm »
Generic Bar Band and Hole were justifiably booted. Both lacked a lead singer. And the Generic Bar Band lead singer definitely needed new glasses and a new hairstyle.
 The Keith Partridge judge says the same thing over and over again. Same with the Paula Abdul judge.
 Sucks that they limited the bamds to a Billy Joel cover with no originals.
 OK Go got the best Billy Joel song )it pains me to use "Best" and Billy Joel" in the same sentence, and wee underwhelming on Movin Out.
 Living Color toned down the overarranging, and weere improved but still sucked.
 Fall Out Boy toned down the theatrics and were improved but still sucked.
 Bob Perilla and his Jug Band were about as good as bluegrass at Madames Organ on a Wed night, but lack the high lonesome singing voice to really make them good.
 The Clock Brothers continued to appeal to people who think that John Mayer is a great bluesman.
 Rascal Flatts continued to appeal to the same crowd who play the Eagles while driving through the burbs in their big monster trucks (aka my in-laws).
 Denvuh and the Moile Hoi Awchestra seem like they should be playing in the Jerry Lewis Telethon.
 I thought Iron Maiden Jr waas the big winner of the night. Their performance was actually quite good. Not that I'd pay money to see them or buy their records, but they were definitely as on as thier shirts were. They even got a rise out of Dicko.