Kinda deaf...and more than kinda drunk. On a Tuesday. Work in 6 hours. That being said, I had a fucking BLAST tonight. Sorry I missed those of you that may have been there.
Setlist? You got it:
Road Zombie
Reach For the Sky
Highway 101
Under My Thumb
Mommy's Little Monster
Lude Boy
Sick Boy
Far Behind
Ball & Chain
6 More Miles
Gotta Know the Rules
Sometimes I Do
That Blues Thang
Nickles & Dimes
Prison Bound
Ring of Fire
OK, Bearman is drunk and a year older. Night night. Will recount details in the morning. In the meantime, he loves you all (yes, even Rhett) and wishes you nothing but love, peace and sweet dreams. I should do this more often. Lily, I'm sure this is bringing back some memories. Fuck I'm loaded. Oh yeah, the Hangmen wished me a happy birthday. Didn't that fucking rock? What cool guys. The Heart Attacks were fun too. Sleepy time for Bearman. Arms of Morpheus wrapped around good.