Anyone frequent Video Vault in Alexandria?
I hadn't been in years, since they moved from the old row house on Washington to an office building basement one block over on Columbus.
An amazing place, stuffed to the gills with all the latest indie, foreign, cult and oddball stuff.
They certainly had a lot of stuff you can't find on Netflix or easily elsewhere... very offbeat stuff from small labels, the "Cult" room. But I can't help but think the Netflix/Ebay/Tivo culture is really cutting into their margins. It's really easy to get the foreign/indie/Criterion stuff now via Netflix, and the oddball stuff on Ebay, when in the past they were pretty much it.
Made me wistful for the days when a place like this was REALLY unique - a destination/archive that held stuff you really might not find/see elsewhere.
Anyway, the folks at Video Vault are doing a great job and I recommend you pay them a visit...