Here's what the locals think:
(I particularly like "you'll get a BANG out of Baltimore". Now
that is worth $500,000!
Do you think the new slogan is worth $500,000?
3% Yes
97% No No. I've seen other states' commercials, and ours looks and sounds cheesy. It makes us look kind of goofy, and the slogan kind of leads to innuendo.
- Adiena B. / Baltimore, MD
No. I'm not even sure that the slogan isn't a tongue twister. Why not something simple like, "Baltimore:Live"? It is simple and doesn't have any sexual undertones like the new slogan can give the impression of.
- Ashley E. / Baltimore, MD
No. I can't believe they wasted that amount of money for a slogan that doesn't sing! The people of Baltimore should have been asked to submit their ideas. I know they could have come up with something everyone would understand, for alot less money. What a waste. I saw the comerical on the news and that alone would make me not want to come to Baltimore. What a waste of money.
- Bill V. / Jarrettsville, MD
No. Get in on it.. Get in on what? Drugs?, Murder?, STD's?, one of the worst school systems in the county? .... Good thing it's an election year! Time to sent em packing...
- Brian S. / Baltimore, MD
No. What a joke. I've written better captions for my bulletin boards at school.
- Damian S. / Baltimore, MD
No. Get it on , wait thats not it. Get it on it, no thats not it. But what does it mean? The same as is? Get in on it, getting lost and being told to find your way out, you got here , so!! How about "The Monumental City" ? That is free, since the city was once called that years ago. Oh well it's only money. Lets see school system, fire department, police, pot holes and on and on and on. What would $500,000 do for any or all of these agencies? The city should "get in on it", being smarter in how it operates and manages its day to day functions.
- Dan D. / Catonsville, MD
No. How about "you'll get a BANG out of Baltimore"
- Dick F. / Gwynn oak, MD
No. "Get it on" would make better sense than "Get in on it."
- Donna D. / Columbia, MD
No. it's not for the people of baltimore anyway. if it was the slogan would read. (come get high and die in baltimore)
- Elizabeth S. / Baltimore, MD
No. Instead of Get In On It, maybe the slogan should be Our Mayor spent half a million dollars and all I got was a stupid slogan!
- Greg W. / Port tobacco, MD
No. I'd give it 50 bucks, since in many ways it suggests the baltimore block scene. That line is typically expected from a Ron Jeremy 1980's porn flick, which is quite fine in it's own domain, but not as a city slogan. Ever, forever and ever, sinking to yet another new low. Swell. The city that bleeds or harm city is a better slogan.
- Jim R. / Timonium, MD
No. Unless I was a part of the Hip-Hop community crap, I would not even consider Baltimore due to this slogan and the advertising I have seen so far. This type of advertising will alienate most white folks from visiting....Sorry ad agency, and the people in the city that authorized and spent the $500,000.
- John B. / Westminster, MD
No. Councilwoman Spector is right. Get in on what? Drug dealing? Murder for hire? Carjacking? These seem to be the growing businesses in Baltimore these days.
- John G. / Street, MD
No. This is just another waste of taxpayer money. I would like to know why the money was spent out of state? Are you trying to tell me that there is no one in the state of Md who could of come up with a slogan. "Get in on it" and get rid of O"Malley. Dumb slogan - waste of $500,000 dollars
- John W. / Glenburnie, MD
No. Are you kidding me? get in on what - the high crime, poor educational system, police corruption, or abandoned buildings? this city needs to "get in on" reality. stop spending precious $$$ on non-sensical slogans. as a resident, i don't "believe" the city is "charming" and there appears to be little "reading" going on. try investing more in poor residents than luring rich visitors.
- Kim H. / Baltimore, MD
No. No. What are they trying to say? Get in on it Be a murderer or Be murdered. We loved to come down to the inner harbor on Saturday night but now I am scared to to that any more.
- Lee C. / Reisterstown, MD
No. Baltimore City students could have enter the slogan contest and win a prize. I am sure their slogan would be better than "Get in on it". Get in on what? Crazy
- Marie K. / Columbia, MD
- Mark O. / Annapolis, MA
No. We are NONE of the past slogans. Baltimore is a violent city that tourists shouldn't even bother coming to visit. The Inner Harbor is not worth the gas money and I'm looking forward to moving to a community where houses are affordable in neighborhoods where I'm not afraid to get killed for looking at someone the wrong way!
- Sheri G. / Baltimore, MD
No. "Get in on it?" What, the rampant crime and government mismanagement? Is the ad firm providing donations (kickbacks) to Marty O'Moron's campaign? This is a bigger waste of money than those inane BELIEVE bumper stickers.
- Thomas K. / Hampstead, MD
My note: There were no 'Yes' comments.