Author Topic: Get Yer La-La's Out!  (Read 4109 times)

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Get Yer La-La's Out!
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2006, 09:55:00 am »
The future is bright for La La as more it brings in more traders in the short term.  Down the road I'm looking forward to being able to trade with friends, there is talk of a buy option as well as being matched with a local store where a wanted title maybe in stock. Don't think the "Premium Service"  will be anything I want to be fully committed to be a part of. So far the Postal Service has been it's relatively reliable self, but there are problems which could spoiled the service for some. Like the scare Volebeats I sent that went missing in transit...
 Still very satisfied, although I'm not sure they were quite ready for a public beta as there are still bugs in the system, the database is problematic, etc.
 Now that they have let more users in trading for me has gotten much easier the requests come more frequently. They have also capped at 15 the most CDs a person can have shipped out at any given time which has slowed down some of the "power" traders. In fact being maxed out at 15 for me is great as I don't have to continually watch for new  requests all the time.
 So far the not getting artwork, the problems with requesting and getting a specific versions of a particular CD, haven't been a issue for me.  Have gotten half of a couple two sets and probably wont see the other half anytime so, but it's not a real showstopper for, as I will be getting both cds in "the Best of The Beta Band" set.
 I just got what would have been my 100th CD via La La, out of those shipments
 1 never arrived
 1 arrived unplayable as it skipped
 2 arrived wrong being blantant promos
 Have gotten artwork almost 70% of the time.  
 So far I've already traded back five CDs and have other under consideration for reswap.  At least half of these CDs shipped are definite keepers.

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Get Yer La-La's Out!
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2006, 10:43:00 am »
and whats most interesting about the Feedback forums on La La of late, is the whole "I don't like the current business model, please change it to suit my needs" requests currently flowing in...


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Re: Get Yer La-La's Out!
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2006, 03:02:00 pm »
Originally posted by ledooh:
  I'm a satisfied lala user myself, with some minor gripes but generally satisfied. What's your opinion on how it'll change when it goes public?
According to Wired.
 I'm interested in the independent record store angle.


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Re: Get Yer La-La's Out!
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2006, 06:01:00 pm »
Kosmo, may I be the first to say, GEEZ! You have 178 trades! You must have stuff coming and going constantly! Does your mailman hate you?

kosmo vinyl

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Re: Get Yer La-La's Out!
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2006, 06:28:00 pm »
Originally posted by ledooh:
  Kosmo, may I be the first to say, GEEZ! You have 178 trades! You must have stuff coming and going constantly! Does your mailman hate you?
what is there another kosmo i don't know about?  as i'm up to 232 trades  :D   hmmm seeing as only one cd has gone missing, not too much hate...