Author Topic: Carbon/Silicion  (Read 1406 times)

kosmo vinyl

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« on: April 07, 2008, 10:18:00 am »
If ya didn't get out to see Carbon/Silicon last night then you  missed a fantastic straight up rock show by a band led by one of those legendary figures of rock.
 The bands material reminded me of The Clash circa "Given em enough rope" and "London Calling" occasionally spiked with a B.A.D. vibe.
 Mick Jones in a very jovial mood was clearly enjoying himself on stage, singing lead vocals and ripping off the occasional guitar solo, all propelled by a solid rhythm section.
 These guys aren't to be missed next time they come through town...
 Realizing that I'm very late to this party, but quite enjoyed Matt Pond PA as well...

Bombay Chutney

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Re: Carbon/Silicion
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 10:54:00 am »
Originally posted by kosmo:
  The bands material reminded me of The Clash circa "Given em enough rope" and "London Calling" occasionally spiked with a B.A.D. vibe.
I had considered going to this one, until I heard a track on the radio the other day.  All it did was remind me of how much I hate B.A.D.    That was enough for me.


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Re: Carbon/Silicion
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 01:14:00 pm »
They rocked out. They seemed liked they were have a great time playing music together. Very happy that I did not miss it, unlike several of my friends.


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Re: Carbon/Silicion
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2008, 12:17:00 am »
Yes I totally dug the C/S show as well, and the club was only about 2/3 full so getting up front and getting a great view of the band was a cinch.  Mick was as great as ever, certainly wth thinner hair on top but dapper in a suit and pulling off his patented guitar moves -- that marching swagger swinging his guitar from side to side. And his singing was fine - that reedy voice still cutting thru the racket, his new songs were catchy and rocking, and his attitude was gregarious and fun and witty. Just a class act.  Plus he threw us old Clash-heads a bone by sticking some refrains from "Police on my Back" into his encore tune -- the very fine "Why Do Men Fight", off the C/S album. It made all the old punks start moshing, which is a concurrently frightening and inspiring thing to witness. It was definitely good to see Mick back in action.  Hopefully we'll get to see him again.
 But not with Matt Pond PA, please. 'Fraid I did not like them much. Thank goodness for the Backbar.

Dr. Anton Phibes

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Re: Carbon/Silicion
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2008, 12:39:00 am »
Was sure looking forward to this one....haven't seen Mick Jones on stage since the Clash's "London Calling" tour...also a fan of Tony James....unfortunately I was called up on Wednesday to spend the weekend working in Philadelphia...the one saving grace was going to one of my fave seafood restaurants on Saturday night......Bookbinders....pretty much made the weekend....


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Re: Carbon/Silicion
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 12:24:00 pm »
I went for Matt Pond PA but stayed for most of Carbon/Silicon because I figured I wouldn't have many more chances to see Mick Jones perform.  I was very impressed and enjoyed both their songs and live performance a lot.  It seemed like they were having  a great time out there, which made it that much more enjoyable to watch.