Author Topic: Tidal Wave Mania  (Read 1145 times)

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Tidal Wave Mania
« on: January 03, 2005, 12:30:00 pm »
Some even are conjecturing that this horrific Tsunami and earthquake may be some kind of experiment.
  "My stars! It really is something to see the glorious purity of God's Biblical wrath unfold on a 62-inch Plasma wide screen in HDTV from the comfort of your own Christian living room.
 President Bush has been slow in responding for aid in this tragedy, and rightly so. "The UN has been making sniping remarks about our cloistered President not making a public statement earlier about this so-called tragedy, but I think his advisers wisely chose to keep him away from microphones when he would have to wrangle with the word, 'Phuket.'"  
 Further, there were simply not enough Americans affected to warrant our President's attention. Unlike Florida, no aid relief to Thailand would translate into votes. Besides, President Bush is a True Christianâ?˘ and although he will admit this is a great tragedy, he knows that the greater tragedy is that 99% of those who perished were unsaved, and according to the Bible, they are being tortured in eternal hell fire right now.   "I bet they are missing all that cool water that killed them right about now," said Mr. Bush in Crawford.

  THANK GOD 4 Sue Nammy Mammy!
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