Author Topic: The Fray, when do you suggest getting there?  (Read 2420 times)


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The Fray, when do you suggest getting there?
« on: January 02, 2009, 04:04:09 am »
Ok, if you can't tell my the name, I love the fray.  I was supposed to go see them in 2006 but had a concert competition in NYC.  That is the only time they had been near my home town.  My fiance for my birthday bought me tickets for this show.  I'm getting right out of work at 7 in the morning on the 16th and we are driving 7 hours down to DC to come see this show.  I have been dying to see them in concert.  I was wondering, based on their past shows, how early would you arrive so you could be in the front or as close to the front as possible.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

 ;D Halee ;D


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Re: The Fray, when do you suggest getting there?
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2009, 12:28:52 pm »
Unfortunately we never know how these things go.  If you are staying in the vicinity of the club maybe you could stop by and do some recon to see if people are lining up.  Sometimes shows people will show up at 10 AM and sometimes not until 6:00 PM and we just never know how these things are going to play out.