Either listen to my music and provide feedback or don't comment in this thread at all again.
uh, or what? you're going to stalk him online? you'll make fun of his candlesticks? you'll flood his PM box?
just trying to help here: julian is an online persona, he's a character, you can't take anything he says seriously. he's (one of our) borats or brunos. when he gets into a shtick, it's not about the person or thing he's talking about - it's about acting out the part. it's not you, it's him, so taking anything he says too seriously is missing the point.
And because of your comment and lack of respect for what I was presenting, my thread now has a back and forth argument between you and other people on the boards.
welcome to 930.com/forums!
seriously, this kinda shit is going to happen. this ain't your sandbox, so you can't call the rules. breath in, exhale, and let it go...
And watch your tongue about GODISHEUS. The frontman of that band grinds on the music like no other.
i'm sure he's a kick-ass musician, but he's also big on self-hype. and again, jules was playing a part: godsisheus crashed on this board with ego a-blazin', hyping his shit like it was bigger than jesus. no one thinks that his approach is better than yours... thus jules is being facetious, obviously your approach is more appreciated.
You had a choice when you clicked on this thread to make your little sarcastic snide remarks.
as someone who has a life outside this board, you might not realize that this isn't a choice for julian.