Author Topic: oh those wacky Germans!  (Read 919 times)


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oh those wacky Germans!
« on: January 12, 2004, 04:20:00 pm »
 Hope he had saurkraut while he was eating the wiener!  :eek:

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Re: oh those wacky Germans!
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2004, 04:26:00 pm »
" [...]despite the extraordinary freakishness of the *crime,* I don??t find it disturbing in the least.  And I am sure I am not alone in this.  After all, the *victim* consented to his own slaughter and cannibalization, so naturally one doesn??t feel any sense of horror over the loss of life.  He didn??t care, why should I?  
 No, in the German cannibal case, we have two individuals from the fringe of society who found in each other the perfect mate they could not find in the larger world of *normal* people.  That their lives end in a bizarre, bloody ritual (Meiwes?? life as a free man has ended. . .whether he spends the rest of his days locked in a prison or a mental hospital, he can longer exercise his free will. . .and this, ultimately, is what death means) seems no more absurd than that of the man or woman who dies of old age after squandering his days toiling in a meaningless occupation, just to secure a bit of shopping and free time to watch a television.  
 Meiwes and Brandes refused to be herded into the Great Sheep Fold most sheeple meekly and obediently enter.  In this, they are closer to the Kingdom of God than the majority of *normal* people who are morbidly fascinated with their *crime.*  As the Lord Jesus Christ said of *normal* people:  
 ??I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.  So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of My mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.?  
 Lukewarm.  What better description of the mass of humanity comprising the Western World? ??I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing.?  This is the faith of the Western material man.  
 Meiwes and Brandes were anything but lukewarm.  Indeed, they fervently practiced a perverse religion which contained sordid echoes of Christianity. . .gazing at the corpse of his *bride,* Meiwes begins the liturgy:
 "I kissed him once, prayed for forgiveness and stabbed him, but I knew he had already gone. After I had done it, I felt hate, anger, happiness all at once. I couldn't regret it because this is what we both wanted. That is why I am not guilty of murder - I helped a man fulfill his biggest wish too. With every piece of flesh I ate, I remembered him. It was like taking communion."
 Meiwes is a *true* cannibal, a Priest of Baal, eating the flesh of a human sacrifice. . .an admittedly bizarre practice in a 21st century world lobotomized by *science* and technology. . .yet a practice that, in its own kooky way, seems far more human than the material worship so many engage in.  Meiwes and Brandes sought to escape the isolation of the technological man. . .the modern man sits in one cubicle, and sends an email to another man sitting in a cubicle 3 feet away. . .it doesn??t even occur to him that he could simply get up and speak directly to his co-worker. . .or eat him.  Meiwes?? and Brandes?? sacrament is the ultimate act of rebellion against the isolation imposed upon modern man by the god of technology.
 If there is anything disturbing about the German cannibal case, it is that Meiwes ate human flesh sacrificed to an unknown god.  They could see no further than the ritual of the sacrifice itself.  Meiwes was a blind guide leading the blind Brandes. . .and they both fell into the ditch.  
 There are growing numbers of *oddballs* rebelling against the soul-less consumption and isolation of the Western world??s material, technological society. . .cannibals, anarchists, primitivists, freedom fighters, wiccans, odinists, raelians, one nutter after another. . .in the end, the truly disturbing aspect of the German cannibal case is that the so-called *Christianity* practiced in the Western world is not seen as an alternative to the materialism and isolation of the technological society. Indeed, this *Christianity,* this *Judeo-Churchianity,* whatever you want to call this abomination of desolation, is seen as the faith behind the material, technological Western world. . .it is the anti-Christianity of President Bush. . .the anti-Christianity that proudly sacrifices thousands and thousands in the heathen lands to safeguard the material, technological *Judeo-Churchian* tradition of the Homeland.  
 If there are any true followers of the Lord Jesus Christ, they must, like the *oddballs,* reject the present world system. "

 May the source be with you.