Author Topic: Mosh Pits: They're A Gas!  (Read 3207 times)


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    • Air Atlantic Underground
Re: Mosh Pits: They're A Gas!
« Reply #15 on: February 14, 2013, 01:44:24 am »
As one who always avoids a mosh pit whenever possible, I absolutely agree with the guy who wrote this article. In fact, to survive in that thing, one must be able to understand and move like birds during a group murmuration flight or you'll just end up colliding with them in a bad way. They also remind me of iron filings when a magnet is passed over them. Seems some sort of magnetic attraction or movement may be involved though not necessarily of the metalic sort.

iron filings-> magnet ->

LOLOL.... that is exactly what I was thinking of. They need to update that thing to a punk rock version.

I was also thinking of this toy race car thing my cousins had when we were all kids. Use to love that thing! Basically, it was a molded platform with grooved roads and molded environmental features with a vibration device underneath. These little cars would be placed in the gooves of the road. The vibrations would make them move along the paths. Then we'd race them to who would get to the end first.