Originally posted by bearman:
Do any of you happen to know of any good sites that I can download, say, stuff from Shellac?
are we talking legal or not-so-legal here? there are plenty of P2OP options, not that i are anyone associated with this board condones such tactics. legally, you're looking at spending a lot of money to get digital versions of all that vinyl. i'd do a quick search of
emusic to see what they have for you, that's a cheaper way forward.
i did a quick hunt around for shellac, and they stuff is neither on emusic nor itunes... i'm guessing that albini might not want his stuff sold in a downloadable format?
in terms of commercial services, i haven't heard of anyone converting vinyl to MP3s for cash. plenty of services that will do that for your CD collection (much easier to automate).
EDIT: some services listed