Author Topic: Bands For Benefit/ 2004  (Read 1050 times)


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Bands For Benefit/ 2004
« on: January 24, 2004, 03:47:00 pm »
The show for next summer is officially set for SATURDAY, AUGUST 7TH, FROM 4PM TO 9PM, at the Westminster, MD City Park (11 Longwell Avenue). This summers show will be a benefit for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
 This show is very important. Apparently the community surrounding the park has been complaining about all of the events, including ours, held at that location....Even the annual fall fest. So the show this summer may have a huge impact on whether we stay, or find a new location in 2005. This is a really sick world we live in. Trying to eliminate events, like a charity rock concert, is completely insane. We'll need everyone's help to get the biggest turnout yet.
 On a better note, we finally got a t-shirt sponsor this year. Carroll Gymnastics will be supplying our t-shirts for the 2004 show, which will be a huge help. We are still searching for additional sponsors. If you know any businesses that would be interested, please have them contact us. All sponsors will be included in our advertising (t-shirts, flyers, posters, newspaper, T.V., radio, website, etc..etc..
 Also, we will be accepting demos and press kits over the next few months, but the line-up probably will not take shape until May. Any bands interested, please send demos to:
 Bands For Benefit
 c/o Mike Catania
 8117 Hampton Valley Raod
 Emmitsburg, MD 21727
 Visit for updates.
 Past Bands: Hidden In Plain View, Supergiant, Monty's Fan Club, Houston Calls, Turning Blue, Dinkus 9, The Pennyroyals, Knuckle Sandwich, No Soap Radio, Royal Noise Brigade, Finks Constant, New Direction, Face First, Folly, Subsist, Aberdien, Forgotten Youth.