Author Topic: Favorite Movie Quotes  (Read 7984 times)

Firebutt McGee

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Re: Favorite Movie Quotes
« Reply #45 on: July 18, 2008, 01:40:00 pm »
God, there are so many more that come to mind:
 (From Truck Turner)
 Dorinda: Those two bitches that left - they had better learn to sell pussy in Iceland because if I ever see them again I'm gonna cut their fuckin' throats! We are family... and that's what we're gonna stay. Now I got important business out there today. And when I call you, I want you to come out there and shake your asses proper! You hear? Hah? Now get out there and make it look good! And Raquel, take that fuckin' jacket off! Move it!
 (from Boogie Nights)
 Amber Waves: [screams] Oh, I don't want to do this any more. Honey, I can't. Let's just? Let's have fun now! Let's just go and go and go, because it's over. There's just too many things, too many things, too many things. Too many things.
 Rollergirl: Okay.
 Amber Waves: Let's go walk.
 Rollergirl: I don't want to leave this room.
 Amber Waves: [laughs] Me, either! I love you, honey!
 Rollergirl: I love you, Mom
 (from Magnolia)
 Young Pharmacy Kid: Strong, strong stuff here. What exactly you have wrong, you need all this stuff?
 Linda Partridge: Motherfucker...
 Young Pharmacy Kid: What are you talking about?
 Linda Partridge: Who the fuck are you, who the fuck do you think you are? I come in here, you don't know me, you don't know who I am, what my life is, you have the balls, the indecency to ask me a question about my life?
 Old Pharmacist: Please, lady, why don't you calm down - ?
 Linda Partridge: Fuck you, too. Don't call me "lady". I come in here, I give these things to you, you check, you make your phone calls, look suspicious, ask questions. I'm sick. I have sickness all around me and you fucking ask me about my life? "What's wrong?" Have you seen death in your bed? In your house? Where's your fucking decency? And then I'm asked fucking questions. What's... wrong? You suck my dick. That's what's wrong. And you, you fucking call me "lady"? Shame on you. Shame on you. Shame on both of you.
 (from Gummo)
 Midget: I can't shoot ball like Michael Jordan can... but that's alright, though, you know? I'm also gay.