Author Topic: Bonde Do Role Roll Call  (Read 1489 times)


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Bonde Do Role Roll Call
« on: May 12, 2008, 07:19:00 pm »
I know its way up in Baltimore, and a Monday night, but who is going? This Taxlo is sure to please.


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Re: Bonde Do Role Roll Call
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2008, 02:01:00 pm »
As for last nights show, I went and watched the awesome and awe inspiring bande, Bonde Do Role.  For those of you unfamiliar with their work, go get their cd now.  it is one of my favorite cds of the last five years.  But anyway, the show was opened b the band the Death Set.  They are an Austrailian band that now lives in Baltimore.  Their set was pure insanity.  The singer only shrieks.  He also literally hangs off the rafters, and spent most of  the set singing from the crowd and crowd surfing.  In between their songs they would have a dj spinning Baltimore style club music.  They also had about 6 people on stage with them taking pics with pro looking cameras.  The crowd loved it, and was doing a sort of mosh pit dance thing.  The music, however, sucked.  It was kind of like hardcore techno beats with punk guitar on top.  Sounds like an interesting mix, until you combine it with the shrieking singer.  Then it gets grating.
 Bonde, on the other hand, was pure bliss.  They played a solid hour of their cd, plus a few tracks I hadnt heard.  they had a guy on the dj equipment, and three mcs.  The mcs were one guy and two girls.  the DJ also MCs.  So, they would have a total of four mcs at times rappping in the Portugese style of theirs (oh yeah, they are from Brazil and sing in Portugese only, but with English stage banter) and all of them were very into it.  They looked like they were having a blast.  Water guns emerged amnd soaked the stage and crowd.  Also, some silly string emerged and got the crowd.  They would dance very provocitive during the set, and even got one of the girl mcs into her underwear for a song.  The guy mc, Pedro, told the crowd to strip so one of the female mcs would.  Needless to say, almost the whole Bmore crowd had their shirts off soon after.  They finished their set with an encore that had half the crowd on the tiny stage with the band, dancing.  
 It turns out, this is a new Bonde Do Role. The femal mc off of their cd With Lasers, Marina, had quit the band.  And was replaced by the two girls.  I found this out while I was meeting the band post set and geting them to sign a poster.  The DJ scratched out the face of Marina and told me she wasnt in the band.  The two females also scribbled on Marinas face.  I asked one of she hated Marina, and she told me she didnt even know her, she just isnt in this band.  The band was very nice, and I even got a hug from one of the girls and a kiss from the other.  All in all it was a very fun night of Baille Funk, and I cant wait to see them again.

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Re: Bonde Do Role Roll Call
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2008, 02:11:00 pm »
i would have gone if it happened on a friday or saturday.  i'm getting old.


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Re: Bonde Do Role Roll Call
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2008, 04:11:00 pm »
Nobody wanted to celebrate my 21st in Baltimore.
 Im so effing bummed, Bonde rules.  :(