Author Topic: Social Distortion October 28th??  (Read 4202 times)


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #30 on: October 27, 2005, 11:24:00 am »
Originally posted by thatguy:
   i put a bug in a couple of ears about prison bound, so hopefully it will make an appearance tonight.
good job thatguy!!!!
  you ask and you receive.  Social D was fantastic last night at a packed Sonar. and they played Prison Bound!!! wooohooo.
 the crowd was pretty insane, we were about 2 people from the stage and it was pushing/shoving/mosh pit/crowdsurfing central, but well worth it...i am very tired.  
  i have nothing to say about the Dead 60s or Bullets and Octance cause SD was so killer i cant remember a damn thing about the other two bands!!!!


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #31 on: October 27, 2005, 11:25:00 am »
oh and for me.. show of the year!!


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #32 on: October 27, 2005, 12:18:00 pm »
Man, I should have been there....


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #33 on: October 27, 2005, 01:21:00 pm »
i was very happy that they added prison bound and the creeps.  that slowed down honky tonk intro to prison bound makes an already great song so much better.  still no when she begins, but they were playing other songs from that album this time that i hadn't heard in a while, so it's all good.
 i had a great spot back by foh away from the heat of the crowd.  i'm too old to be banged around up front and getting roof sweat dripped all over me if i'm not getting paid to be there.  i could watch sd play every night and never get tired of it.  i'm seriously considering a trip to the west coast to catch some of the end of the tour.  
 rumor mill time:  the band was planning on cancelling today so that they could do the atlanta shows following.  the make up dates for philly, state college, norfolk, and anything else that gets cancelled will most likely be rescheduled for the spring.  since they will have to come back to the east coast anyway, they are planning on doing another run of the whole coast.  most likely back at the club.  hopefully more than one night.


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #34 on: October 27, 2005, 01:24:00 pm »
Originally posted by thatguy:
  since they will have to come back to the east coast anyway, they are planning on doing another run of the whole coast.  most likely back at the club.  hopefully more than one night.
Man, if they make that April, I'm moving the reception to the 9:30 and asking Ness to dedicate Ball and Chain to my little lady.  And then ducking.


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #35 on: October 27, 2005, 02:37:00 pm »
I had tickets to Philly, so that is great news. Damn, I hope that they DO come back again. They seem to always pack them in, so why WOULDN'T they keep touring? They must make some bucks that way, plus I always try to convert new folks to their music!


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Re: Social Distortion October 28th??
« Reply #36 on: November 11, 2005, 03:01:00 pm »
Great scene this morning as the wife was bringing me my 800 mg of Ibuprofen and a banana that I forgot to take with me before leaving for work.  I'm sitting in her 4-door Camry, in my suit, listening to Social D and she hands me the pain killers and says "You're so not a punk anymore."  Classic.
 Great Social D show last night.  First time seeing them in SF (usually I catch them over the holiday in OC or LA but this time they played SF in Nov instead of December) and the pit was surprsingly active for what is normally known as an extremely polite concert crowd (SF that is).
 They played a ton of stuff from the new album which was good to hear.  "Nickels and Dimes" was one of the more active pit songs.  More importantly was "When She Begins" and "Sick Boy" back to back.  That pretty much assured me Ibuprofen for the next 2 weeks as my back went out.  Gotta give that shit up at some point.  He also added a Hank Williams cover, which is always nice of Ness.  He claimed to play a song they had never played before about being stranded in Bakersfield, but I think the net will expose Ness' lies.  The tribute of "Don't Drag me Down" motherfucker to the cocksucker President Bush was a nice touch.  
 I thought the piano/organ was unecessary for the most part, but I'd give a pretty penny for Ness' Orange County emblamized Les Paul.  Mark my words, I'll have one of those some day.
 It was good to see Ness let Jonny 2Bags have a bigger role.  I was growing a bit tired of the Dennis tributes and always felt a little badly for 2bags when Ness did that.  It's clear Ness realizes that 2bags can play a lot better then Dannell ever did as evidenced by the number of solos he let 2bags have.    
 I thought the Dead 60's were all right - you could really feel there music - literally.  Especially the bass.  I'd see them again.  The other opener was a band from Orange County called The Johns - never heard fo them and didn't make it in time to see them.  Shows how out of touch I am with the OC these days.