Doris Henson was definitely better then The Crimea. The Crimea rocked out on a couple songs, but, for the most part, they bored me to tears. It didn't help that I couldn't understand a word their lead singer said or sang, thanks to his thick London(?) accent. Doris Henson had some good songs and some good energy, but I hated that song they ended their set with. Could've done without the trombone, too. Not that I'm against brass instruments in my rock music, but it didn't add anything in this case.
As for Billy Corgan, he definitely did not suck, but I've seen better post-Pumpkins Corgan shows. (I rather liked the Zwan stuff actually, especially performed live.) But I respect him a lot as an artist. He's one of the best frontman lead guitarists in the business, and he's a damn good songwriter. As for the new material that he performed last night, I would say there were only 5 or 6 strong songs and only a few of those really showed off Corgan's guitar playing skills, but at least he's out there trying to do something new rather than regurgitating the same songs with different lyrics like some artists. I guess sometimes you have to take a step back in order to take two steps forward though. Anyway, not the best concert I've seen this year by any means, but I certainly enjoyed it. I got a real thrill out of finally seeing Corgan perform at the 9:30 Club. (I wasn't living around here when the Pumpkins were touring and Zwan never played at the 9:30 Club unfortunately.)
Other comments:
- <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">Best light show at the 9:30 Club ever.</font></li>
- <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">I desperately wanted more of Corgan's vocals in the sound mix. I could barely hear Corgan through the first 3 or 4 songs. After that, it seemed to improve, but not enough.</font></li>
- <font size="2" face="Arial, Veranda">Corgan's heartfelt speech at the end of the show and his "Hail Mary" rendition. Wow.</font></li>
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