The Bicycle Thieves were really good; Cartel was great! They played to a packed house. The turnout for both these bands was nice to see in a town that doesn't always support local bands. Cartel's stepped up show schedule and rehearsals are really showing. Even a couple jaded musicians standing near me, friends of the "Thieves", were blown away by them. Their sound is really beautiful and sure to get a copy of their CD...Don't forget this Sunday night at Iota...Cartel is positively worth a trip to the 'burbs...awww, come on, it's on the Metro.
The crowd in the backstage last night was really unique for the BC: Not alot of yacking, friendly, polite...and only a few smokers. Thank God, cause there seems to be NO ventilation in that room; and it was about 150 degrees...a co-ed sauna with no towel service.