Author Topic: 9:30 Fan Club  (Read 17408 times)


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #45 on: June 18, 2003, 11:26:00 am »
One thing I liked about being a regular at a club in LA was that through their fan club mailing list I began to receive random CD's from record companies with either a sample of songs from their label (like epitath) or a CD from one of their new bands (like an advance copy of Mike Ness's first solo album).
 Before everybody freaks out about their address being shared, there would have to rules and policies, but it was pretty cool to hear new music out of the blue like that.  And all the fans would sit around and chat after shows about which songs they liked and didn't like (this was before the on-line bulletin board phenomenom).


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #46 on: June 18, 2003, 11:28:00 am »
Originally posted by mankie:
Originally posted by Rhett Miller:
  I dunno, a nightclub fan club sounds even more gay than an artist fan club.
how about a gay nightclub fan club Rhett? [/b]
What about a gay fan club for nightclubs?  Perhaps to make it less gay, we could not call it a "fan club".

kosmo vinyl

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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #47 on: June 18, 2003, 11:43:00 am »
vansmack's idea of members getting swag from record companies or anyone else trying to reach our demographic, is something that crossed my mind.  samplers, prerelease cd are always appreciated by moi.  hell i'm sure the soft drink companies would love to get thier grubby mitts on 9:30 club's loyal order.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #48 on: June 18, 2003, 02:51:00 pm »
 Originally posted by Venerable Bede:
 sorry. . that's my drinking and grilling out night.
 ...and there we have an idea for the fan club thingie...a barbie and boozefest with some live music in the parking lot of the club once a summer for the regulars.
 Just thought I'd copy & paste a post I made on another thread that's more relative to this topic.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #49 on: June 18, 2003, 03:55:00 pm »
Originally posted by da'niceguys:
  if they were going to be a fan club, i would imagine that a t-shirt would be involved maybe a quarterly newsletter, a drink coupon, maybe a parking spot for the lot, a 930 sticker, and possibly access to vip areas only on nights that its not filled with band friends, label reps, radio people etc... possible options for this could be by email the day of the show and having to be the first to respond. Although it is rare when there are empty spots up in vip , even if it looks empty I'm sure more passes were given out. ANd last but not least a chance to meet the band in a meet and greet setting, if one has already been scheduled by whatever radio station..
 with all this being said , a lot of this is overrated or just not entirely possible...the vip area , would hardly ever come up except for much smaller shows, and the meet and greets aren't that great and involve co-ordinating with radio stations, which from my expereince aren't always the best organized.
 hope some of those ideas might help, although i nicked most of them from other posts
Although meeting rock stars is cool, a parking space garunteed, a shirt or two, and maybe a small discount on drinks or concerts would be groovy.  You wouldn't have to coordinate with bands, and you wouldn't have to maintain any special areas or things like that.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #50 on: June 18, 2003, 06:21:00 pm »
Reserved parking sounds good but I don't think that's very feasible. It's just too small to promise all members a space whenever they show up. Sure, many wouldn't even need the space but think about the nights that all the spaces are gone, especially for sold out shows. At least now, they can have a pretty good idea with the pre-ordered spaces and then 1st come 1st served from there on.
 Discounted spaces would be a working possibility though.
 I like Vansmack's idea about working with the record companies and other merchants. Besides, look at all the free advertising we've done already for bands and such just on this board! For certain markets, we are some of the real consumers that are often missing from whatever marketing formulas they use. Maybe if HFS would have listened to many of the 9:30 Club patrons more often they might not be in the trouble they are in now. Not all the music listening and buying public are 14 year old boys! Thank God, or we would have no 9:30 Club.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #51 on: June 19, 2003, 11:32:00 am »
A couple of ideas.
 I imagine as a club you have all sorts of memorabilia that builds up, posters, cd samplers, stuff bands leave behind etc...  Why not have a day every few months where you lay all this stuff out in the club, members of this "VIP" club could come to the club during a certain time period, maybe before a show, show their card, and choose two items (or any other number you choose)to keep.  All music fans dig the rare find from a favorite band and this sort of reward would be right in line with your goals.
 Alternatively, the CD sampler idea is a good one, but rather than mail them out, thus the address sharing problem, have them at the door and if you show your "VIP" card to ThatGuy he'll give you one.  You could announce in advance when they are available and so people would know to ask when they come to a show.
 I also like an idea of cheap drinks with the "VIP" card.  Say, all VIP members get $1 Bud Bottles at the downstairs bars, or some similar type promotion.  All those who don't drink Bud may disagree, but then again they are probably communists anyways.
 Just my 7 cents.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #52 on: June 19, 2003, 12:49:00 pm »
Originally posted by TheNomad:
  A couple of ideas.
 I imagine as a club you have all sorts of memorabilia that builds up, posters, cd samplers, stuff bands leave behind etc...  Why not have a day every few months where you lay all this stuff out in the club, members of this "VIP" club could come to the club during a certain time period, maybe before a show, show their card, and choose two items (or any other number you choose)to keep.  All music fans dig the rare find from a favorite band and this sort of reward would be right in line with your goals.
 Alternatively, the CD sampler idea is a good one, but rather than mail them out, thus the address sharing problem, have them at the door and if you show your "VIP" card to ThatGuy he'll give you one.  You could announce in advance when they are available and so people would know to ask when they come to a show.
 I also like an idea of cheap drinks with the "VIP" card.  Say, all VIP members get $1 Bud Bottles at the downstairs bars, or some similar type promotion.  All those who don't drink Bud may disagree, but then again they are probably communists anyways.
 Just my 7 cents.
I'm salivating at the thought of a rock star yard sale in the club.  The club could ask for a few extra posters, pay for a couple of cds of each band comming through, and then figure out some sort of resonable way of distributing it.  That would make the club less impersonal, and wouldn't require something difficult like meet'n'greet sessions.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #53 on: June 19, 2003, 07:44:00 pm »
i like the ideas of the free tshirts, discounted drinks/food and free cds. not a lot of hassle.
 now, if we get 930 tshirts, will the staph sign them for us?  :D


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #54 on: June 19, 2003, 07:46:00 pm »
how about the volume thing actually working on a regular basis instead of one of us having to email everyone the passcodes because no one got the info over email or mail since volume seems to always have some random selective distribution eventhough you signed up for it 4 times.
Originally posted by kosmo:
    the volume presale is nice step.  just wish it would involve a break in the service charges.  like it was in the case of the supergrass show.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #55 on: June 19, 2003, 07:49:00 pm »
i also want to emphasize how much i loved the charity event you did last winter. that was a fantastic idea.


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Re: 9:30 Fan Club
« Reply #56 on: June 19, 2003, 11:15:00 pm »
Originally posted by lily1:
  i also want to emphasize how much i loved the charity event you did last winter. that was a fantastic idea.
that was one of the best ideas ever. too bad i didn't win, i was kind of pissed. but it went to a good cause! yay!