Originally posted by econo:
Has this been studied?
OK, so I punched up JSTOR (available to us college types) and entered the following criteria:
All of these words: survival crazy laughter
At least one of these words: festival party humor
These Discipline(s) and/or Journal(s): Anthropology Philosophy Psychology Sociology
39 articles, including:
Laughing Matters: Comic Tradition in India
Wit and Politics: An Essay on Laughter and Power
The Jokes of an Irishman in a Multiethnic Urban Environment
The Production of Emotion and Social Control: Taunting, Anger, and the Rukka in the Faeroe Islands
Joint Action on the Wild Side of Manhattan: The Power of the Cultural Center on an Educational Alternative
Control Over Policy by Attendants in a Mental Hospital
Numskull Clans and Tales: Their Structure and Function in Asymmetrical Joking Relationships
A Classification for Shaggy Dog Stories
and so on....