Author Topic: camera obscura/georgie james roll call  (Read 4422 times)

Vas Deferens

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #15 on: July 10, 2006, 12:52:00 am »
Maybe they should fire the sound guy? There's definitely something wrong with the BC's acoustics. My ears hurt not so much from the loud sound, but from the mix.  
Originally posted by BookerT:
   lately i've been getting frustrated w/people complaining about the sound at the black cat, i mean, it's a rock show, deal with it, jesus christ. but maybe they have a point. it didn't ruin the performance, but it sounded a bit thin. and the random blasts of feedback during camera obscura's set weren't too enjoyable, and you could see tracyanne was miffed early on.


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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2006, 12:56:00 am »
Originally posted by lily1:
 for someone that is really drunk right now, you type amazingly well!   :D  
there was a lot more backspacing in that post than most, i'll admit. can't well post gibberish on an esteemed board like this, presentation counts! but typing drunk for me is like driving drunk -- it just sort of brings me back to the pack, i'm still more in control than most.
 (note to betty, grace and all other young board members: IGNORE THE ABOVE!!!! IT'S THAT KIND OF THINKING THAT WILL GET YOU IN BIG TROUBLE SOME DAY!!!)

Herr Professor Doktor Doom

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #17 on: July 10, 2006, 01:11:00 am »
Jesus Christ, I forgot all about this show.  Can't you people SMS me or something when there's a show I want to see on, so I won't miss it?  Thanx.

Darth Ed

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #18 on: July 10, 2006, 01:40:00 am »
Overall show rating: very good (but not great or even excellent)
 I was unimpressed with Georgie James at first, but I warmed to them as the set went on. Yeah, I liked them. I'm not sure they have a particularly distinctive sound yet, but I guess they have potential. The girl had great rockstar hair. Anyway, I was not impressed enough to purchase their CD of demos, but I would not be averse to checking them out again in the future.
 Camera Obscura, especially Tracyanne, the lead singer, looked tired (even ignoring her black eye). I would have liked to have seen a little more smiling, intensity, heart, interest, enjoyment, anything from Tracyanne. Maybe she just has a nonchalant performance style, but she just didn't look like she was enjoying performing at all and could hardly wait for the set to be over. But they played very well. No complaints there. Set list was excellent. I enjoyed it quite a bit actually. I think they could do better though. I'd like to see them again at some point. FYI, Camera Obscura sold out of their latest CD before I even got to the merch table (the girl in front of me got the last one), and their other CDs were going fast as well, I think. I did pick up Underachievers and the Lloyd EP though.
 The sound mix was poor tonight, and that didn't help. Georgie James' lyrics were barely understandable at times. I did better with Camera Obscura's lyrics (better mics helped), but they were hampered by feedback issues throughout their set, which I suppose is not entirely surprising given the many live mics they had on stage.
 I'm starting to miss the Black Cat's old JBL speakers. The treble response of JBL is harsher, but it was also clearer. Their new(ish) speakers just sound muddier, but I'm sure you could blame the sound engineer for that just as well. The Black Cat sound quality is kind of random. Some concerts it's OK, good even, and some concerts it's bad. Tonight's wasn't the worst I've heard, but it wasn't good either. I think sometimes it depends on the microphones and amps that the bands bring. But I also suspect the Black Cat employs 2-3 house sound engineers, and it all depends on which one is working on any given night as to how good the show sounds. That's my current theory....

Tom Servo

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #19 on: July 10, 2006, 09:40:00 am »
Thanks for the reviews everyone.  I was planning oh going to this but couldn't get myself moving.  I'll catch them next time.

you be betty

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #20 on: July 10, 2006, 11:07:00 am »
Originally posted by BookerT:
Originally posted by lily1:
 for someone that is really drunk right now, you type amazingly well!    :D  
there was a lot more backspacing in that post than most, i'll admit. can't well post gibberish on an esteemed board like this, presentation counts! but typing drunk for me is like driving drunk -- it just sort of brings me back to the pack, i'm still more in control than most.
 (note to betty, grace and all other young board members: IGNORE THE ABOVE!!!! IT'S THAT KIND OF THINKING THAT WILL GET YOU IN BIG TROUBLE SOME DAY!!!) [/b]
You talk like GOB when you are wasted.

you be betty

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #21 on: July 10, 2006, 11:09:00 am »
and I wouldn't ever drive drunk, that's just shouldn't either...

Vas Deferens

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #22 on: July 10, 2006, 11:15:00 am »
She's singing these lyrics and you're expecting her to smile??!!
 "Still you see there are tears in my eyes
 With love for him I despise
 Darling you will always be around
 Whether my moodâ??s up or if itâ??s down
 In dreams I try to take you far away
 But you never stay
 No you never stay
 No you never stay"
Originally posted by Darth Ed:
 Camera Obscura, especially Tracyanne, the lead singer, looked tired (even ignoring her black eye). I would have liked to have seen a little more smiling, intensity, heart, interest, enjoyment, anything from Tracyanne.

Vas Deferens

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #23 on: July 10, 2006, 11:19:00 am »
Btw, I thought C.O. were grrreat  :)
 Georgie James...just not my cup of tea.


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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2006, 03:24:00 am »
how often do you see the black cat in an "official dc" gossip column?
 The Reliable Source
 By Amy Argetsinger and Roxanne Roberts
 Tuesday, July 11, 2006; Page C03
 You assume it's easy being a VIP, right? Crowds parting, doors opening wherever you go? Well, usually -- but not in the Washington area last weekend.
 Tony Hawk got bounced out of the Black Cat nightclub Sunday night -- or rather, bounced by association. The gangly skateboarding legend, in town with his traveling Boom Boom Huckjam boarding/BMX/motocross spectacle, dropped in on the Camera Obscura show with friends. One of the guys wasn't carrying an ID and got his hands marked with the black-ink X's the club uses for underage patrons. When management caught Hawk's friend drinking -- how he got the alcohol is unknown -- the pal was kicked out. Hawk "basically ended up leaving abruptly because his friend left," said club owner Dante Ferrando.
 (What was Hawk, who skates to hard-driving rock, doing at a concert of twee Scottish popsters? Maybe he got the wrong band: Camera Obscura shares a name with an unrelated San Diego punk band that was fronted by a former pro skateboarder.)


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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #25 on: July 21, 2006, 07:08:00 pm »
Great American Music Hall - July 20
 OK, so I finally got to see Camera Obscura with Georgie James out here.
 Georgie James is completely different then Q and not U, but I don't think that mattered to anybody out here besides me.  I even hollared a Q and not U reference and only the band got it, so they were well received in SF.  I think change is hard for some bands, and DC will be extra hard for them to win over.  Most comments on this board about them were spot on - they are a 70's sounding pop band and either that's your cup of tea or it's not.  I think they're pretty good at what they do, although I prefer them when Laura is singing, and that seemed to be the consensus of the group.  Nobody in my group thought well enough of them to buy the demo, but each thought that we would consider the full album in due time.  Not a bad opener all in all.
 Now Camera Obscura are a whole different story.  They were brilliant.  But you have to go in knowing that they're not going to rock.  That's not what they do.  I feel Tracyanne was probably a little more peppy with the SF crowd then what I read here about the DC crowd (purely a guess as I was not in DC).  A quick shout out to Lulu for teaching me Scottish so I understood Tracyanne.  I was translating for most of the group around me.  They played a lot of stuff off of the new album and the favorites "80's Fan," "teenager," and "Suspended from Class" although in a different order from the set list at the Black Cat.  At one point, they even skipped a song and before they played their last song before the encore, somebody in the crowd pointed it out and they played it before leaving.  Of course, being in SF we were treated to "San Francisco Song" which was extremely well received.  It's a brilliant live song.  Oddly, they weren't selling the CD single that has that track on it.  Others not familiar with CO liked them, but also wished that Tracyanne was a little more into her singing.  Anyhow, they were everything I had hoped.
 The venue is gorgeous (for those that haven't been, it's an old theater built after the quake and has balconies and lovely architechture all over the place) which fit nicely with the CO motif.  They also offer a dinner ticket for the balcony, and although I'm opposed to the notion, this would have been the type of show to do something like that.  They also have $3.50 PBR drafts.  Rock on.  
 And for those that are interested, a California story.  So when CO started playing, two girls next to me started talking louder to each other in order to hear each other.  Me, not really enjoying the yapping and having been out of CA for a while forgetting how polite I'm supposed to be, leaned over to the ladies and as smart ass as I could, told them "hey, the band started playing!" pointing towards the stage.  Perplexed, they looked at me and asked "what?".  I explained "that was me being polite for shut the f#$% up, I didn't pay to hear you yap, I paid to hear them play."  Not surprisingly, they were really quiet the rest of the show.  No doubt if I had done that in DC it would have evolved into two law students argiung with me that they had every right to talk about whatever they wanted to in a public place.  There is something to be said for not being polite in a polite enviornment - they had no idea how to deal with it, but were too afraid to keep talking.  I probably should have just asked for a refund, but I really wanted to see CO.

Vas Deferens

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Re: camera obscura/georgie james roll call
« Reply #26 on: July 21, 2006, 09:45:00 pm »
There's nothing like the Great American Music Hall...*sigh* Glad you enjoyed the venue. Billy Bragg is playing there in October days before the Strictly Bluegrass festival   :)  
Originally posted by vansmack:
  Great American Music Hall - July 20
 The venue is gorgeous (for those that haven't been, it's an old theater built after the quake and has balconies and lovely architechture all over the place) which fit nicely with the CO motif.  They also offer a dinner ticket for the balcony, and although I'm opposed to the notion, this would have been the type of show to do something like that.  They also have $3.50 PBR drafts.  Rock on.  