Black Cat again.
And yes, it was well worth the $10. Those tight vocal harmonies just keep getting tighter. They played just about all of the album with the exception of a song or two, most of the EP, a couple covers and a brand new song. It was also the longest of the three sets they played there this year, clocking in at about 85 minutes.
The crowd was worthless, however. The opener was this very talented acoustic fingerpicker/fiddle player/blues singer who got completely drowned out by a room of classless morons who displayed some of the most horrible disrespect by a concert crowd I've ever been witness to.
This has been an ongoing trend at the BC as of late, though. If you're an opener and are not playing electric, chances are you won't be heard.
Damon and Naomi opening for Boris and Marla Hanson opening for Jens Lekman are two other somewhat recent examples off the top of my head. Neither came close to the disgusting display of last night's crowd, though.