What kind of music are you looking for? (I'm not a runner.) I guess something that picks up the pace but gives you a break at times. At least, that's probably what I'd go for. But I tend to prefer to exercise my mind rather than my body. Also, I often like music at times that isn't the standard choice of many others. Sometimes it doesn't wear me out so fast. Even when dancing, I often dance to different beats, rhythms, etc, within the songs that most people select. Or sometimes I do a strange kind of body math that doubles up the tempo or halves it or something like that. Odd, I know but I kind of dance like some musicians play instruments because I love to feel the music rather than follow some standard dance routine designed to fit all songs. And no, it's not a twirly hippy dance. :roll:
I'm going to take a stab at this.
Based on the reactions of a lot of people I know and trying to pick something that both rocks and yet can get kind of cerebral, I'm suggesting ....
Amusement Parks On Fire
It's self-titled.
It rocks yet has dimension and some body to it. Not just balls out and nothing else in those pants, if you get my drift.
Not necessarily my favorite album of the year but I do like it a lot. If I had to limit to my favorites, you probably wouldn't be all that impressed unless your taste is very close to mine. You know how that goes.
Several friends of mine have seen them live and they all say they put on one Hell of a show.
<img src="http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B0009I7NY4.01._SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg" alt=" - " />